Well that was something

Well that was something.

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>time flop


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Quality thread.

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Speaking of time flops this one really flew under the radar. Its no masterpiece but it was a lot better than I thought it would be.


It was gay as fuq.

I bet you liked that.

I sure did.

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That's a strange way to spell "cult classic".

Although the revelation at the end makes the whole thing a lot weirder.

>someone saved it

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gimme more

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You're not even consistent with your own shitty forced meme.
Flip Flap was never financially successful.

It takes some effort to create "Worlds #1 Mom".

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The problem was that episode 2 was too good and nothing after was able to surpass it

>episode 3
>episode 6
>episode 7
Really the only mixed/bad episodes were in the finale

I thought episode 5 was brilliant. Really liked the way they kept switching up the format.

>flew under the radar
It really didn't. This show was super popular on Yea Forums when it was releasing and is one of the few seasonal shows that still get brought up occasionally.

>Fractal Flappers

I suppose its doing well for a show that came out in the seasonal era. Not many shows have staying power anymore.


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5 and the Iro one were easily 10/10 episodes.
Until the mecha episode I don't think it dropped below 9/10 for any episode. I wish they'd stuck with the original zombie idea for that episode instead of mecha.

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To literally fire Chekhov's Gun.

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My flips are flapping on their own!

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I think people would have liked Flip Flappers a lot more if there was no attempt whatsoever at forming an over-arching plot to the whole thing, and if they had just kept having really awesome different pure illusion episodes with only the shallowest of plots inside each episode. Basically everything in the main plot that wasn't that bit about Yayaka was pure garbage.

The BD sales actually increased when the plot was kicking in, if I remember correctly. Furthermore it's only on Yea Forums that you see people really hating the actual plot. Which is dumb, it's part of what makes FliFla FliFla. The themes were present at the beginning, Mimi showed up in the first episode, it culminated into Coconas developing and freeing herself of the clutches of the evil aspect of her mum. It's part of its identity. This never was CGDCT.


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Really feeling that writer change.

>give the third girl the best henshin
>only see it once

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This takes me back

The best moment of that stream.

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episode 9 was pure kino tho

Post more cocona fat ass

That ass is not fat!

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Overhyped trash, forced animation, Madoka clone.

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Best boy.

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Somebody post the other version of this. You know the one.

You're right. She's better with a more melancholy expression.

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Based user respecting the natural on-model beauty of the Cocona.

Most overrated show of 2019, right guys?


Could you stop trying so hard to fit in?

You fell for it. lol get rekt nerd

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>I was only pretending to be retarded!

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How/why did she job?

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I like it how trigger copies gainax, it's so adorable

Because yuri was too strong. Her grasp on Cocona was always psychological. The moment she wasn't able to control her anymore was when she lost.


it was the best thing

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How does she do it?

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I don't think you know what that means.

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Breed the bunnies!