Shakugan no Shana

I'm about to start this show. It better be good.

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nobody cares

It isnt. Its a loveable show, but it isnt really good.
Animation quality sucks.
Back then Tsunderes werent spammed but by now they have lost any sense of originality, so despite being more original it will feel to you like watching something rehashed.
S2 is a borefest.
S3 is a meme show thats best suited for live watching with Yea Forums.


I love this show to bits, but that's only because it was where I started.

If I were to watch it again it'll ruin whatever I remember of it, so I'll leave it alone.

Holy shit I haven’t seen this meme in years

Nonsense, I rewatched it again right after season 3 finished and I loved it.
Might make more sense if you knew some lore from the LN though

Shana is crap except for the MC being based as fuck in season 3.
So if you do watch 1-2 and somehow stick through all of it, you at least will have that.

It's worth it for Darth Yuji.

I'm more or less the same but I only found S2 unwatchable and some bits of S1 being kinda bad. I never cared about most of the new S3 characters not getting much development so that didn't bother me.

Watch Shana-tan instead and walk away. You'll thank me later.

I enjoyed it, I dunno what these other dudes are on about. The only really bad arc was the first one, Friagne I think? Other than that it was pretty enjoyable. The animation gets better over time if that's turning you off.
S3 really pays off if you stick with it.
I might be biased though since Shana is my waifu.

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it is

It was worth it for punished yuji

Only good part is when the protagonist becomes the villain

The pay off is good but you may burn yourself out if you watch too much if it at once. Most of S2 is a low point. I watched it recently and took like 3 years to finish and I liked it.

Shana is a good tsundere

You have good taste, brother. My waifu since 2007.

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The middle of S2 was pretty shit and they cut a lot of the foreshadowing for S3 but it's still enjoyable. I will admit though that it may be because it was one of the series that started my love for chuuni shit like elaborate titles and incantations. Margery and Marchosias's spells never get old

Based and tsunderiepilled.
2011 here.

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It took 2 seasons of borefest for the MC to be likeable. I loved it as a kid who had only watched like five anime, but now I really had to force myself to finish it.

I want to touch her soft ______.

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It's a product of its time. I have a special place in my heart for it, but I couldn't recommend the time investment to new comers unless you really like the subgenre. Skip the filler cour in Season 2 at least.

[x] hair
I wonder if it gets warm when it turns red.

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what does it smell like?

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Shampoo and a faint hint of Yuji's mom's perfume.

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It's average at best, ML is boring as fuck in 2 season and became based is 3rd season. OP/ED are great tho.

Just anime staffs being shit, MC and hecate are like different characters in the lns

I wish I could read moon, the LNs never got translated as far as I know.

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S1 and S2 are mostly butchered, they tried to do S3 faithfully after that mess

It was weird but they got burning love Shana, Darth Yuuji and best snake right in s3

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LN>manga>>>>>>anime for Shana, It's a shame it's not translated

Is the mango tl'd at least?

I think so but it only adapted earlier volumes

I will forever be butthurt about notKakashi dying. He was only thinking about his waifu.