>JOJO isn't ga-
JOJO isn't ga-
I wish that where me.
>people of the same sex touching each other nonsexually
>people of the same sex touching each other nonsexually
Yes, no grown man is allowed to touch my stomach like that
My classmate touches me like that.
Gio is 15
>no finger in pants
Based Euro user.
Naruto was way gayer than this and they still got married
What about the guys that were literally gay
Why? Are you afraid that you would like it?
You can project what you want, but know that most Italians are touchy-feely people. That kind of shit doesn't strike me as gay.
t. Italian
Spotted the faggot
That shit is gay and no straight men would embrace each other like that
t. Italian
>t. Italian
Nice try, frog
t. Italian
Solo se la tua mascolinità è fragile.
>proving the point
JoJo made me realize once more how absolutely straight I am. Not one gay thought ever, just wanted to see more Trish. Although I could live without any females in JoJo and just leave it at over the top borderline retarded action.
Because the gay in JoJo is a fucking meme and the flamboyant look is a peculiarity of part 5. Even if there are gay characters the story doesn't focus on their relationship, people should relax and stop projecting their own faggotry on manga and anime.
Italians, man. They love that shit. You ever offer to kiss an Italian man on the cheek? May as well give him five bucks.
Jojo has always had a playful view of male expression and sexuality. It puts sexy male bodies on display, men touch each other and stand close like lovers. You can read it however you want. Most secure straight guys don't think anything of it, while insecure closet cases get offended. And women and gays just love it.
Literally every single gay character that appears in JoJo dies in a horrible way, that makes me think Araki hates fags.
Almost every character in general dies in a horrible way though.
Especially dogs, yet Araki claims to love dogs.
>gay character
what? i don't think anyone sexuality is directly specified in the series
>jojo is ga--
Aside from the eyes, this is how the original panel in the manga was. Giorno had his hand in Mista's pants. David Production are cowards.
That's hot
Yeah yeah, the only reason I don't want to get fucked in the ass by a man is because of my fragile masculinity
Secure straight guys don't go around talking about how not-gay they are, and how gay or straight some actions may be perceived.
Sure, but it's not like I'm the one who made the thread. I just don't enjoy men touching me the way you do.
Jojo is for fag trannys
>JOJO isn't ga-
I'm sure your classmate also faps to you.
>Attempting to make Araki's artistic legacy conform to your binary societal preconceptions
It's neither gay nor not gay - it's JoJo.
Is araki a fag?
>JOJO isn't ga-
el oh el
It is gay as fuck Embrase the gayness user. Embrase it.
Is he gonna be able to aim straight?
was just about to say this
This is the most heterosexual cover I've ever seen
After leaving for so many thousands of years, you're bound to forget humanity's social conventions. Besides, they're changing every 100 years.
It's probably the most heterosexual cover of SBR, that's for sure
There's also the fact that most of the bands that gave name to a stand are pretty flamboyant. These times were gay as fuck, it's just that no one cared or realized, but I have yet to find a single Wham! song that isn't subtly or obviously gay. He took inspiration from bands and singers that used a very flamboyant imagery, it's not a surprise that his characters look gay.
god i wish that were me
There's a few examples, and because people like to meme they're overblown everywhere. Angelo, the guy that killed Josuke's father, had touched and killed little boys, and apparently we are suppossed to take that Araki tells us to hate him for being gay, instead of being a killer pedo. There's also a guy in SBR that dies in a flashback, being killed by a kid that he was about to abuse, and of course the bad thing about him was that he was gay, not that he was going to abuse a child. There's also Valentine's wife, who dies, like lots of other villains, but of course she dies because Araki hates gays.
there's a huge difference getting your stomach touched and getting your ass fucked
Don't forget Sorbet and Gelato who were heavily implied to be a gay couple and were both tortured to death.
Epic Araki.
>and were both tortured to death
Yeah, sure, and it was because they were gay
Sarazanmai is less gay than jojo