Mangadex when?
Houseki no Kuni
Other urls found in this thread:
Haven't seen any posts from PAS yet, so it might take a while.
Fuck Shinsha
we had a thread like this yesterday
there's no leaks, so fuck off with this shit
go join a discord if you're desperate
The full Japanese chapter w/ translations was posted though.
chapter 79?
that's great, i've been waiting for too long to find out what yellow's fucking problem is
This is a way longer timeskip than I was expecting.
thanks for linking the thread
very interesting read
it's strange how amethyst has changed...
i wonder what phos is like now
220 years... there's likely plenty of dust gems walking around already
i wonder what earth is like
Finish reading the chapter. All of those things are covered, and all of them are different degrees of awful except for Ame's new style. Euc and Sensei are the best Earth rocks.
>there's likely plenty of dust gems walking around already
What if the SEA ARC comes about because this destroys lunarian society, causing the moon rocks and the Earth gems into a mexican standoff with Phos who tries to retreat into the ocean to collect himself?
>We had a good start on how your memories work, in the gem restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
I don't get why people are despairing at Phos's actions.
We have had definite proof that Sensei was on Phos' side all this time, that Euclase believed in the plan, and that Phos had the power to fix Sensei all allong.
We still don't know what praying for Phos meant, but given that he's the MC it means we'll soon get to see what being prayed for actually means.
It's a revolutionary step, it means the answers we've been looking for are inches away, and everyone seems to be busy repeating the same "Bohoo poor Phos nothing ever goes right" song as if we were contractually obligated to do so on every chapter, regardless of what actually happens in it.
We've also discovered definite proof that literally nobody cares about Phos except Sensei and (the probably dead) Pads, that Phos is near the breaking point and only keeps going because of will and we still have no guarantee things will be getting any better next chapter.
Just because things have a chance of improving now doesn't mean the shit Phos is going through isn't horrific, especially with how he looked in the last panel.
That's not the angle people are going for though.
The majority of posts were just a generic "Woe is phos", same as we've seen in every thread for the past years.
The turns in the plot and the sparks of hope we've seen have been completely ignored, in favor of the customary "Oh no everything is going to shiiiiit" warcry.
There's not even any speculah going on, which is weird.
I mean, I'm pretty excited. Phos Is doing what exactly what everyone was afraid of him doing back when they smashed him. The only way this could be better would be if we got more of the context on what everyone's doing now. Both Lunarian and Earth societies have had so much changed that it's hard to imagine exactly what the consequences are for everyone.
On that note, do you think Euc willingly gave Adamant his Phos pieces, or was Adamant working alone the whole time?
what do the last slides mean?
she's trying to get him to pray to end her but he still can't, right?
something about elements and having to reach seven to compile a human
also the moon pretty much stopped caring at all about the earthlings and their pasts?
Unironically amazing chapter
I’m pretty sure Phos is still trying to get Sensei to pray away the moonies rather than pray him away, he isn’t quite at the “desperately suicidal” phase yet and is still trying to achieve his original goal.
i genuinely expected phos to come out a blank slate but instead he's just very fucking destructive, towards him self but still
adamant works alone, that's why he stayed awake despite no lunarian assaults, he collected the pieces with his impeccable memory
he said "not for anyone's sake" and "but for me" though
he wants adamant to pray for the lunarians for phos?
also we only need one more ingredient to complete phos: the human
will we achieve that and why did robot sensei break down in the first place?
i hope we get answers soon
gems still seem to be doing the same
moongems have adapted and now will forsake their bodies
i feel as though this manga will end with the lunarians leaving, the moongems staying behind unable to return to earth because of disassociation with the gems there
i feel as though they're going to be punished
meanwhile earth gems will live out their lives in simplicity as has always been
is sensei genuinely scared?
That makes sense, I guess I'd just really like to have at least one Earth gem on his side for this.
>The rock formerly known as Phos
>he wants adamant to pray for the lunarians for phos?
Yeah, Phos's goal is still the same despite how desperate he is. He doesn't know that aside from the reconstruction being stopped things have improved for everyone else.
why the fuck did they stop the reconstruction?
did they just end up with dead husks? or was it about allocation of resources that in the absence of phos nobody deemed worthy to be granted to the project
What's the name of this chapter?
“Two hundred and twenty years”
Might just be waiting for the slugs to finish what they're doing. I hope they are, at least.
it doesn't seem like anyone cares at all though
like back in the day they wouldn't go a second without mentioning this or that lost gem but ever since they arrived on the moon they didn't mention anyone except for when they first saw the dust
and they could've atleast partially delayed the project or constructed bits and pieces but as it stands they just fucking stopped the project entirely
Moon gems we've seen this chapter:
No words needed
Likely has never lost a partner, the only partner and twin gem still alive and kicking on Earth, so no problemo
Still away from Bort, dressed in frills and flowers, so no problemo
Coping with PTSD and mental stress by literally thinking of herself as a Lunarian
la puta transsexual
would likely kill newborn gems out of homosexual curiosity - super wants to be a lunarian
literally fucking abandoned her sister and everyone else - wants to be lunarian
she SHOULD care but nope she doesn't either - likes fua fua, likely wants to be lunarian
cares so much she's mentally ruined - wants to be lunarian
nobody cares enough to have the gems restored except phossu
Forgot that moongems are now fine gemladies. Compared to the other gems, they look all grown up.
growing up leads to death eventually
the earth gems are like children
the buddha that kongo is based off is that of dead children
ergo eventually sensei will keep his little paradise going
but what of the adult/dead gems?
>Sensei is actually Peter Pan
> la puta transsexual
Imagine if Karen is actually just playing prince`s wife for infiltration purposes, and secretly working for gems, but couldn`t tell it to Phos because of surveillance and her eye?
Wholdn`t it automatically make him the best gem?
Reminder that Carin x Achema isn't pedophillia
220 years you fuck heads
Yeah now it's just grooming
that's retarded, karen is just a massive buttslut, that's all there is to it
watching the promised neverland right now
pretty good my dudes, reminds me of ditf
Going by Phos and Zircon at three-hundred that’s still basically a teenager.
No longer Pedophilia, just Ephebophilia.
Thats a fucking sick panel
cairn was alive in ghost the whole time so she's ghost' age+her own
How much suffering this chapter on a scale of 1 to 10?
papa ded
alek probably ded
everione foget poz
poz want to dai
sensei is /our guy/
so 1 /10
I'm scared too
Why? Why Ichikawa did this to phosu?
fuck shinsha
kill cairngorm
This is definitely a step forward for Phos, and I don't think it can get much worse. I just hope we have a comfy winter healing afterwards.
> and I don't think it can get much worse
You are a kind child.
S2 when?
Might be announced next week actually.
What makes you say that?
This is true, ironically the last chapter being called "progress" and ending in failure for Phos has led to Phos being alone with Sensei and free of interference from the lunarians or other gems, although it took 220 years of being buried underground. Still, we have no idea what the fuck praying will do to Phos, but since this chapter is in winter and spring tends to symbolize Phos being remade/reborn in some fashion or another, we're probably going to see NextPhos™ fairly soon.
I keep asking myself the same question everyday. Did it not make Studio Orange any money?
They are working on furriporn right now. Orange is a small studio, they can`t afford two projects at the time. Probably S2 will be next, but not before 2020, fall.
Phos isn't there so why should they continue. The other moon gems actually like the moon, so they don't need to be "payed" to help them like with Phos who actually just wanted to go home.
They likely had a backlog of projects to work on even before they finished Houseki. We'll probably never know if they made money on it seeing as the production apparently took a long time, but it seems to have been effective as advertisement for the studio if nothing else. If they do well with Beastars then they'll have two good, interesting series they have more material to continue with, although Beastars seems like it would be harder than Houseki to adapt just from the variety of body shapes they'll have to make and animate in 3D.
I feel bad for Yellow.
At this point it's hard to feel bad for any other gem except for Phos.
Unless the manga is ending very soon, Sensei praying might be disastrous. Look at how him just starting to pray disintegrated the cage and fucked up Phos.
Unless this turns Phos into an ice floe or something crazy like that, I think Phos will get out of this situation stronger than before.
>Unless this turns Phos into an ice floe
>Phos is turned into an ice floe
>Strongest inclusions were just a red herring
>He actually has the strongest soul
>Takes over all the floes with his soul
>It turns to winter
>The whole sea (99% of the planet) freezes over
>"'ve truly become...the Houseki No Kuni™..."
Making her stronger doesn`t help at all, it only increases suffering.
does that matter if Sensei dies or all the earth gems die or some other terrible thing
Maybe he can make some fake Antarcs out of the ice that way. How sad.
Phos is constantly moving towards eliminating the source of her suffering, even if she's going to have to get rid of all the lunarians by herself. The strength is more of a means to an end than the end goal itself
Sensei might, but I don't think what Phos has been saying to Sensei to get him to pray would be enough if praying had a chance of killing the gems as well, at least if he knew about it.
It might have some unintended effect on gems on the moon, however.
I just want to see Paddy again...
>"Phos/Rutile? Who's that?"
Well, I guess, we should starting preparations for a long hibernation until July/September. That will be harsh.
Enjoy it while you can, no chapter next month
And then no chapter in August
Wait what? I thought it was no chapter only next month. Is it typical for this manga to skip months this many times in a year? Man this shit isn't even worth it, I should just drop it until it's finished in however many years.
Last year it was only once, due to earthquake, and I don`t remember if it happened before. So for HnK yes, it`s unusual.
Fuck christ no please everything but short hair paddy.
chrysoberyl needs more fanart
phos asks for prayers from sensei, in the hope that adamant will literally pray him from existance.
He has never been this devastated and suicidal ever before.
scientist ame makes my peepee hard
Where's Benito!?
I don't know about that August hiatus but the magazine only said next month.
It's just not fair. I want to go home.
Bald Pads?
paddy daddy is integrated into lunarian society though?
marry phos?
Yellow's a good boy who didn't do anything wrong. Sensei'd better hurry up with separating his soul from his body. Both Senseis.
she looks like my gf
What if phos sends gold into sensei's mouth and takes over?
Phos will have finally overcome every problem that was established at the start of the series, and with continued use of the gold will actually be even more powerful than Adamant. The series would have to wind down at that point.
wtf is an inclusion anyway? are they like nanomachines?
Phos is rushing. Aggression and impatience are not the way to Nirvana. Such approach will not solve her problems, nor will release her from suffering.
you wish it'd be this complex
he looks like my bf
She looks like me
she looks like you
come on, really? When will the Phos suffering stop? at this point is like watching a puppy beaten with a baseball bat over and over again
everything is Phos' fault though, he could just choose to stop caring and be himself
So are all the lunarians just going to get gone'd next chapter?
lads, I got a bad feeling about this.
Shinsha's days are numbered.
where is the translation?
How do I get what you have?
I don't think Phos is doing this out of anger. This is probably leading more to tantric practices and if Phos' intention is to become one, then that will bring about enlightenment, because Phos has something that Sensei distinctly lacks which is preventing him from finishing his duties.
I'm pretty sure Phos isn't after Nirvana. Pretty sure none of the Earth gems or moon rocks really are, except for Craig.
Craig isn't after nirvana, Craig is after dick.
This unironically looks better than the retarded corndog hair
Yeah they do
inb4 Sensei prays and shit goes 3rd impact
>described in the manga as sweet and gentle
>drawanon makes her smug
gems can't be gentle, even melon is a psycho
It's less about them being psycho and more that they mostly have the ethical capacity of children, and when someone like Phos comes around they can't really deal with it. Except NewGoshe, but he's the gem equivalent of being a 6 year old anyway
I wonder how Areki is doing. He DID say his number one goal was to keep his hatred of the moonies fresh and eternal, so I can't imagine he'd have integrated the way the others have. Did he have the surgery? Is he locked away in a box like Yellow or dead from medical malpractice like Padparadscha?
Alex-chan's behaviour hasn't really made sense to me from the moment he got on the moon. I'm surprised that he'd even go along with the idea of attacking the Earth gems at all.
Sensei still loved Phos the whole time. That's at least one happy thing in the manga.
Maybe his gemprostate got milked so much that he turned full moonie?
But will Sensei still love Phos after this?
I don’t get why people are assuming Phos is directly suicidal and is just trying to get sensei to pray him into nonexistence. His goal is still to help everyone, and as far as he knows he needs sensei to pray away the moonies so that the gems will be restored. He probably isn’t even aware that sensei’s prayer can work on anyone but moonies.
Him saying “for my sake” means “if you won’t pray away the moonies for anyone else, do it for me”. He’s no more asking sensei to pray him away then pic related was him asking sensei to pray the Gems and Slugs into nonexistence. Remember that from Phos’s point of view this scene was effectively two minutes ago.
Phos and sensei being partners WHEN
Bringing all the gems back is fucking stupid if they won't have their memories. Better to let the slugs live in peace.
I don’t know about you but I’d sure as hell rather get amnesia than die.
I think he's assuming the only options are slug genocide or gem resurection.
$20 says Euclase knew Kongo is gonna restore Phos
>His goal is to try and help everyone
He was just told that 220 years had passed. That the only reason he's back together is because of Sensei. The moon gems and Lunarians didn't come for him, the Earth gems forgot him.
Consider the fact that the entirety of his existence had become focused on "helping others" since his encounter with Cinnabar and realize that nobody extends the same feelings to him.
It makes sense that Phos would reach the point where they just don't wanna care anymore
Agreed. There's no real point to bringing them back if they will essentially be new, different people. Might as well just wait for gems to be born the natural way.
Considering the project was terminated prematurely, I wonder if that means there was an even greater flaw than them not having memories.
Why was Euc asking Sensei to pray anyway?
>Why was Euc asking Sensei to pray anyway?
Because he knew what Phos was trying to do since the first night raid
>Why was Euc asking Sensei to pray anyway?
He knew Phos was right, even though he can't do anything right, as another user put it.
I have that feeling too. I wouldn't be surprised if Euc walked in, in the next chapter.
>Euclase was the bro Phos needed all along
With the gems talking about wanting to become Lunarians or removing their souls from their bodies, what if Sensei praying ends up poofing the essence of the gems and slugs too? I really think something unintended will happen, it can't be as simple as the moonies going away and nothing else.
>Euc indirectly reminding Sensei to fix Phos eighty thousand times
I'd bet money on that two-tone colored ass.
I'd put down coins for that blueberry rockbutt.
>Euc asked sensei to pray 80322 times
>Euclase has asked sensei to pray every day since phos was destroyed
That's pretty fast.
Moon amethyst is hot!!!
> this entire chapter
> 220 year timeskip
excuse me what the FUCK
i'm honestly a bit lost, i must be too much of a brainlet for monthly releases
i have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore
220 years is like 1 week for gems
i miss genki phos
too pure for this world
What's confusing for you? The shot of Yellow from last chapter was revealed here to be a timeskip of 220 years.
At the start of the series, phos is 1 and a half weeks old.
i told you it's the monthly releases, by the time a new chapter is out the last one is already out of my head
and this whole "moon arc" in general is a bit of clusterfuck, not that can i even remember it that well
like what are they even doing up there?
dusted gem revival has stopped
whatever the fuck aechmea and caingorm are up to
most of the gems seem to have clinical depression now
phos is practically nonexistant
so far the story as i remember it is just "get adamant to pray" except he just fucking doesn't, how long is this going to go on for
Mangadex out boyos. Separate thread?
I'll make a seperate thread and dump in a minute
What I do is read the previous chapter as a refresher each time before I read the latest. Works pretty well for me, so you might want to give it a try.
They're on the moon to get away from the rest of the gems on Earth. Dia wanted to escape an inferiority complex with Bort, Moon Amethyst was worried about an eventual separation from Earth Amethyst and thought it would be better to make a clean break, Yellow and Alex were hoping for some closure, Phos forced Craig to join the away team, Goshe is an idiot, and Phos wanted to bring an end to the conflict between Lunarians and Earthicans. Moon Amethyst was last seen trying to become an expert on Moon tech, Dia wanted to feel pretty, and Craig's into that moon dick since his inhibitions were surgically removed. Aechmea is just waiting around for Phos to start moving again or something, which happened.
The only gem definitely in critical condition right now is Yellow. Phos is stressed, but is also an immortal monster, so it's fine.
Dusted gem revival is on hold for reasons that haven't been made clear yet.
Phos was smashed in the previous chapter, it was kind of a big deal.
Seems like that'll be done next chapter, and then we'll have Phos V5.0.
>he forgot Benito
oh fuck
>this chapter
>the new Gakkou Gurashi spoilers
today is not fun at all
So Euclase stayed awake for 220 winters just to stop sensei from rebuilding Phos?
that's brutal
I hope not. Asking each day for Sensei to pray, I really hope that Euc would be at least a Phos-sympathiser.
Who the fuck is Akemi and how is it related to this thread
Hey look, two more posts by you, !Akemi. And really, I can't believe you actually think what you're doing will fool anyone. Do you really not see how your posts make zero sense in context?
> the resident schizo replied to one of my posts
i didn't ask for this i'm going to bed
peace anons and good luck
>Not the same user
Confirmed being the same user.
Even though you're not an "user", you're !Akemi. The only person who tries to lie over the internet like this.
Sleep tight user.
No, !Akemi. Only you are called !Akemi.
Only you, The person who tries to pretend everyone is called !Akemi. And the person who tries to pretend only one person tells you off for ruining threads.
Report and ignore.
My posts make perfect sense to anyone with a brain, which I assume is not your case, !Akemi. Also, replying to your own post while quoting mine won't make anyone believe you.
>one guy
Oh look, it's you, !Akemi. And as usual, you are trying to pretend only one person tells you off.
seriously??? where's this stated?!?!?!
I don't see how this panel will be translated to CG if theres ever a S2
Why do you always repost images you get off reddit? It's like you're actually doing it on purpose. Probably because you are, !Akemi.
You think Amethyst ever thinks about the other Amethyst? Is there an invisible camera following Earth's Amethyst around, documenting her life for the moon's Amethyst? Are they using their special twin powers to pass messages back and forth?
Phos is around 300 at the start of the series, which translates to that if we're going by that other user's napkin math.
You should see some fancy demoscene stuff. I'm really excited for the CG magic.
Why do you care so much about trying to fake flame wars, !Akemi.
There are not "crack shippers" there is just a crack shipper, and it's you. And no one is pretending to be "ack". Because "ack" does not exist.
Oh look, it's you bumping your shit thread again, !Akemi.
You always post the same small handful of images, so you really stand out.
maybe you should stop being a nigger and read the fucking thread
season 2 is impossible because ghost was never properly introduced
even so, it would likely match the spirit of the manga's suffering
phew, i thought i speedwatched/read for a second there
You are the only insane shitposter here, !Akemi. And as always, you are replying to your own post.
>announcing a report
gain, you can't actually think people fall for this, !Akemi. Do you think people are not capable of thinking for themselves? The only way what you're doing works is if people take your word as fact, which no one will do if they can think for themselves.
I've been drawing the amethyst pictues myself, other than the one
posted ??
Your emotional response highly dependent on the context of the situation.
Let's put this into an example you can understand.
Why don't you watch the same anime over and over endlessly? Because you'd be bored doing it, right? The context here is "repeated exposure", and the emotion changing is "enjoyment".
Leaving aside how you never made anyone mad in the first place. You've been doing the same exact fucking thing for six years. Do you really think people aren't used to your garbage by now?
Now THIS is what I call a timeskip!
>story will literally get into the thousands in terms of progression by the time it completes, with the long term solution being another meteor coming out of space and annihilating what's left of earth and stranding moonies on their rock floating in space forever
>still refusing to type !Akemi
Yeah, it's obviously you, !Akemi.
Just to humor you, though, because it's only a single link.
>Season 2 is impossible because ghost was never introduced
Her introduction doesn't really change if its done after phos tells cinnabar to help him even then you can do her introduction as a sort of retrospective if a second season ever gets done
Fuck, I thought this autistic sperg was confined to Madoka threads.
Why are you trying so, so, so fucking hard, !Akemi.
Just a get a life already.
And the irony is that you shitpost on /u/ all the time trying to be "anti yuri" there as well.
You work fast on the fanart, thank you. Have a cute rock.
Three more posts by you, !Akemi.
No one else in the world acts like you.
hmmm doritos
Nothing you do triggers anyone, !Akemi.
The fact you try so fucking hard makes you a joke, not a troll.
who's this akemi guy and why can't you just forgive him?
You are no one's, !Akemi. How do you not get that people using your name doesn't mean they're obsessed with you. It's to shit on you because you're too stupid to actually hide who you are on anonymous site.
And it's always so obvious who you are because of things like
>gets told baiting does not mean "just replied"
>makes another post trying to pretend baiting means "just replied"
NO ONE else in the world thinks like you.
Because of this mod.
He's out right said he hates Yea Forums. So what he does is protect shitposters and ban people who tell them off. He wants to ruin threads on purpose. And sadly, !Akemi is his perfect tool. He's fucking obsessed, has no life, and is fucking insane.
Don't you just love how Troid LITERALLY REFUSES to actually delete !Akemi's posts while he's ban evading? Troid's clearly in the thread, he's deleting posts, but he's not banning !Akemi.
!Akemi is blatantly ban evading.
He's literally insane, obsessive to an extreme degree.
You literally can't reason with him because he doesn't function in reality. All he can do is block out reality to try and cope with how shit his life is. He can't accept he's not an "epic troll" because this is all he has in his life.
So can we actually talk about gem butts or is this thread for angry sperging only?
So what kind of personality earth amethyst developed? i kind of picture him holding a grudge against her sister like rutile did against phos
What the fuck is going on?
Thanks user
Gembutt quest part 6.5 when hnnnnng
Compared to Rutile, I'd imagine Earth Amethyst being pretty chill about it. Both of them were thinking of going to the moon, even if they had different reasons, so I don't think there'll be any hard feelings between them. That said, I'm honestly surprised that Moon Amethyst hasn't been shown contacting Earth Amethyst at all. Can you imagine the family reunion? I can't.
Holy hell, saved, thank you!
Cute rock
Literally what the fuck are you talking about you mentally ill faggot? Not every single post in this thread is made by your tripfag boogeyman, some people just want to actually talk about the fucking manga holy shit.
>HnK anime was one of the prettiest I've ever seen
>also created this community of spergos
Double-edged sword
>Euclase is the one who has taken up Phos' call for Sensei to pray
We thought she'd be evil but then she turned out to be a good girl.
>yellow lost her marbles because of pad, not phos
>literally no one cares about phos
Why does phos try so much for a group of narcissistic sociopaths?
Except for Sensei, and look what's happening to him for it.
>Sensei prays everyone away
>next chapter has no text, just him looking at the plains in silence
>spooky phos ghost screeching at him
Her pictures have been moved from the 'bad girls' folder to the 'good girls' folder.
who was in the wrong here?
I really want to know how has benito changed, maybe he became a rockstar
last chapter felt like a nightmare, this chapter feels like waking up and realizing it was real
>sensei memorized where all the gems buried the phos-bits and dug them all up before it got too snowy to put phos back together
> ack found the houseki threads and decided to stay for some fucking reason
I mean, Lapis and Phos do kind of look a bit like Homura and Sayaka, I guess.
what else he has to lose?
Sean Melori Henry.
>220 years only to forget about phos
Fuck earth gems. So much.
His Doritos
>2 Houski threads
Fuck Anyways season 2 when?
after 220 anime productions they're contractually obligated to do
Isn't this like one of those X-ray vision mode where you see a schoolgirl underneath her clothes? Because that's kinda lewd.
>"Will you pray then?"
>They've both been keeping track of how many times Euclase has asked.
>"Someone must be on duty for winter"
>"Really? Then please see to it."
Was this all code for "You can go repair Phos now"?
If it is, Euclase is a broski.
It's still up in the air whether Euc is a bro or if is right.
Ouch. That's an ugly way of looking at it.
Then again, the Lunarians haven't attacked in 220 years but Euclase hasn't forgotten about them, so that would make sense too, in a warped way.
Euc is too based for the earth
Benito is now bonito
>Euc already wrote down every probability of how HnK ends and she's just waiting to see how right he is
One can see Euclase being this based literally miles away since chapter 1, some just chose to keep being in denial
He'll be scarred, that's for sure.
Or it can literally be inserted as a short flashback
Jesus christ, what a chapter. Exactly what I wanted to read first thing in the morning.
they had no reason to
lunarians were pretty much all about phos so if lunarians are gone there's no reason to remember phos either
>Just read the new chapter
> many years?
Phos is doing well
We already know that Euc was againt boxing Phos to begin with, why would he try to prevent Phos from being rebuilt?
the chapter is up on mangadex btw