The Great Debate

Who are the Hunterchads of romcoms?

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Yuragi is better than both of them.

>obnoxious fans of an overrated manga who spam their shit all over the board
Gotoubun, oviously.

Both are shit. The best romcom will forever be Kanojo, Okarishimasu.

Bokuben better in terms of comedy

Bokuben has a shortstack, a tanned tomboy and a sexy sensei.

5toubun has 5 big titted autists.

Bokuben wins

>Who are the Hunterchads of romcoms?
Isn't it still 'Hunterchads'?


Miku, you fucking degenerate.
Now get off my board before I kill you.

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Have fun losing, chartlets

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>Who are the Hunterchads of romcoms?
Do you mean the most obnoxious fanbase?

Is that a title anyone wants?

I think your conclusion is sightly off:

bokuben: 1 stacked autist
5toubun: 5 stacked autists

Clearly 5toubun is superior.

Fuminochads are the winners in bokuben threads

>Hunterchads of romcoms

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Hmm, let's see. GoToubun has
>mystery introduced with clear variables from the very beginning
>intricate weaving of foreshadowing, plot, and parallels as clues
>every arc shakes up the characters and relationships: Scrambled Eggs, Nino, etc.
>characters change for the better and for worse, subverting your expectations: Nino, Miku's confession, Ichika, Fuutarou's denseness
>every chapter adds some new variable/develops preexisting ones
>time feels like it passes and is reaching a climax
>90% fluff
>every girl but Fumino has 0% of winning
>no sense of time passing
>random mystery introduced at last minute with no foreshadowing or clues since then

>t. ADHD can't into foreshadowing
pic related

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Why Bokuben instead of Kaguya? Kaguya is literally the biggest romcom after 5toubun, and it's also not haremshit. Are people fooled by the fact that it's not Shounen Jump?

But that's because 5toubun has a plot and bokuben don't.

Probably at this point people believe romcoms are supposed to be harems.

Is this a council thread?

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The only romcom fan base that actively shitposted all over the place was that one KOfag. I don't know where he ended up but he's the only one who deserves the title.

nobody cares about KO
it's so shit even their fans think it's complete shit.

Haven't had one in a while Urukabro

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Before the goddess arc.

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At least the speculation on Yea Forums over who's a goddess was fun.

>intricate weaving of foreshadowing, plot, and parallels as clues
>subverting your expectations
6/10 made me reply

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>not subverting expectations
>He expected Nino to confess first and become deredere
>He expected Ichika to betray everyone
>He expected Fuutarou to know Miku liked him AND
>He expected Miku to fuck with Fuutarou knowing that

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I was about to dump a truckload of Nino in this thread until I read this post so we might as well turn it into the Council of Romcoms thread.

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Hm, Hunterkeks? I can't hear them, maybe they should speak just a little bit louder so I can hear them from their mother's basement.

>I am retarded and expected wrong things, Negi is sure a masterful writer!
Actual brainlet post

Is Toubun even a romcom? There's barely any comedy in it, it feels more like a drama soap opera. Has it ever actually made anyone laugh?

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You meant kaguya sama?

The quintuplets are cute and funny.

I'm still astounded how massively popular 5toubun is. Why didn't Bokuben become as successful as 5toubun despite having a much more diverse girls personality wise?

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That's true, the threads were fun. Even that shitty time travel arc had good threads.

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Not enough charts, see

I sure as fuck don't

This picture gives me too much feels than it should have. 5 years later they grew up and one of them is Fuutarou's girlfriend yet they seemed to just brush those conflicting times off and have matured a lot in return.

And I'm 28 yet I slack off all the time and probably not getting enough exposure about real life

>Has it ever actually made anyone laugh?
Itsuki obese is the running gag.

>Why didn't Bokuben become as successful as 5toubun
boring shit repeated every week

Bokuben is like focusing on every girl on every fucking chapter without any point. I do even stop reading it. Bokubenfags are just jerking of Sensei btw

I literally hated the tan girl, shes annoying
af and she gets more chapter than the development of the main girl

Bokuben sells more than 5toubun.

In terms of sales, it's:
5toubun > Kaguya >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bokuben > other shit

>5toubun selling more than Kaguya

In your dreams

funny joke

I'm not dreaming anything, it will catch up to Kaguya eventually. In terms of total sales, Kaguya will stay ahead for a while, but when looking at single volume sales, there's absolutely no way 5toubun won't eventually overtake it.

People love sensei chapters because most of them have some semblance of progression. Same with Rizu wanting to become Nariyuki's confident lately.

5toubun reads like Korean dorama. That shit sells like hotcakes among asians in general.

Dorohedoro is the only acceptable romcom.

If you really want to complain about a girl being more developed than the mains, Sensei would be your target

5toubun is already outselling Kaguya. The most recent 5toubun volume got 256k sales in the first week.

>WSJ: 1.2 million
>WSM: 500k
Bokuben sells more.

Oh, I see, you're just retarded. Should've known.

Who is the blackcloverchads of romcom?


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>Ninofag being delusional
GoTouben experience
>Urakafag being delusional
Bokuben experience

>muh charts
>muh intricate plot
>muh subversion
Damn, Toubunfans really are the Hunterchads of romcom.


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IT. we watch garbage anime just to torture ourselves

>muh popularity

Oh SHIT. Who has more charts?


>MC is flawed, relatable, and realistic
Can't read the whole shit when I can't just stop laughing how ridiculous this is

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Poor grammar is the sign of the flip faggot. Uruka a best keep seething.

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Yet her kusomanga selling less than a manga about literal prostitute. Pathetic

>Romcom manga thread- chapter 272
>filled with people talking about how much they hate it and all the characters in it
Is there anything more quintessentially Yea Forums than this?

>MC is relatable and realistic
>a compelling story on how an everyman can still get a cute gf
>character descriptions and development are masterfully done
>compelling antogonist
>people complain because they can't stand an mc that isn't instantly likable (meanwhile, punpun exists)

The Quintessential Qunituplets

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MumblexMumblefags are rickandmortyfags of Yea Forums.