cutest face in the whole manga
Other urls found in this thread:
That isn't Sensei
Finally Yotsuba, I was worried they were stuck on Mikuscans forever.
cute cuckquean
Uruka a shit.
She looks cozy
Honestly that whole attire feels comfy as fuck. But I wanted to create an anime thread. I guess we'll use the anime to fill this thread.
will the thread survive this time
well considering the OP pic probably not
The chapter gave us nothing whatsoever to talk about. Why bother with a thread?
Also Uruka a shit.
what's ikeda up to behind the scenes?
Episode airs in 5 hours. We'll fill it with that.
I love Rizu
Uruka a best. You can tell by the post/posters ratio this early that the faggot is already samefagging.
>another forced Uruka thread despite how ded the previous thread was
I sleep.
Rizu's phone call in the bath.
Imagine dying >200 posts in
I think even ashwhomi threads are more alive than that
For one there were two threads during the week that absorbed all the shitpost. Which is the only way a Bokuben thread is ever alive and I dare you to prove otherwise.
Thread dies at the time SEAmonkeys should be keeping it alive. That means no SEAmonkey is an Urukafag.
Fumino still top 10, Uruka, Rizu and Sensei nowhere to be seen.
What an otome!
Promoting studentXteacher relationships.
Put a braid on that puppet
Fumino doesnt have a braid though
But Sensei does and she's as much liked on Ribbit as she's here.
>Rizu is the least like on Plebbit
Do we need more proof that she's best girl?
>tsutsui's mom was a mangaka in the past
>nariyuki's dad was a teacher in the past
Hmmm, what did he mean by this
Fuminofags are literal redditors
Uruka a shit, Yotsuba a secod best
Uruka a best, Yotsuba a best
Fumino a shit, Miku a shit
Uruka was a mistake and so is this thread.
no u
Well, she is the cutest girl in the whole manga after all.
Last page of the manga leaked.
sawako finally won the rizubowl
Then what's the condom for?
Fumino > Uruka
Nino > Miku
Hibari > Chisaki
Mafuyu-sensei is the Nino of Bokuben
Rola Misaki is perfect for AV parody of Sensei
Absolute shit taste
She's more like Miku. Incapable of doing anything and needing to be hard carried. Also liked by Otaku losers.
shut yer trap, Miku a good girl. She can do anything if she tries. I like her the way she is and how she is into history
yeah, because the other girls are totally capable
>bokuben is so dead that they have to bring up a different manga
Kek. KOchads always win, baby.
At least all the other girls became better at what they did. She still fails at simple everyday tasks. Except Senpai really but what was her point anyway.
This trash will be axed and KinoKari will still be running with future live action adaptation. Such is the fate of the world
Chorizo manga is boring when it's obly about Chorizo and Kazuya.
What's your general opinion about the samefagging KusOfag?
oh lawd
becoming better at maths or literature doesn't make them any less useless. Mafuyu still has the most character development in the manga
Kusokari will end soon and nobody will remember it
But I was comparing her to Miku and their inability to do stuff, what's development have to do with that?
Should there be an anime thread?
she is extremely competent as a teacher though, she just couldn't handle hyper autists like Fumino and Rizu
Piano chan failed, Asumi is a ronin, not really competent.
rizulogic: you need condom for hand holding
Master Furuhashi looks weird here.
Nope. The reason Mafuyu is pretty much the Nino is due to the fact that she not only has the most character developments, but also has the best compatibility with Nariyuki to the point that those two better get married, otherwise it'll be criminal of a betrayal if she don't win. Not to mention, 22i has been invested quite a lot on Mafuyu for a reason, just like how Negi invested quite a lot on Nino
Based on what?
His ass
He's right tho
there isn't a teacher with a 100% success rate, she never personally tutored Asumi and she is a History teacher, which has little to no impact in Asumi's desired career path, unless Asumi asked her opinion on the matter (which I doubt she did) there is no way sensei would have known about it
Fumino and Rizu are turbo autists
she was a rookie when she tried to help Hino
Sweaty Uruka is too hot
Nariyuki Takemoto
Uruka Yuiga
Congratulations on your marriage.
No, because spoilers don't matter here unlike in KinoKari where the plot actually matters.
Isn't she actually the turbo autist?
Fumino and Rizu were reasonable when Nariyuki started to teach them, ir's sensei the one who is biased against people who follow their dream.
>it'll be criminal of a betrayal if she don't win
Calm your flip ass Senseifag. She won't so don't delude yourself further.
>Fumino and Rizu were reasonable
they make a few points of improvement before dropping down a ton
Rizu and Fumino kept scoring in the 20's or lower despite all their studying, it's easy to see why she would consider their dreams dumb at the time, but yeah, sensei is also an autist
This. Also she needs to start making friends before she thinks about getting in a relationship.
But I'm talking about her being clumsy and needing constant help.
>sweaty oppai tanned childhood tomboy that forgot her bra again
Pixiv has been dishing out quality lewds lately
>make a character the foil of the MC
>but instead of an antagonist make her a haremette
>give her the most interesting background
>also the only one with a link with his father, the most influential person in MCs life
>arguably the strongest sexual tension
>give them the best chemistry of the series, even the MC acknowledges to be the most comfortable in her place
>make her confront her own boss for him
>the MC going the extra mile for her when he didn't have to
>staying by his side when discussing his future with his mom
>she actually ends up being the most popular character, meaning that a sizeable fanbase wants it and a good portion would be ok with it
>won't win because teacher in "loljumpromcom"
nuke this whole planet
You know crying about it won't also make it real. Stop throwing this tantrums and accept your ending.
>won't win because teacher in "loljumpromcom"
She won't be his teacher anymore in just some months.
just give it 5 volumes, we've already won at the halfway point
Yes, Fumino is pathetic.
suck my dick you slutty teacher
Imagine believing this. You really never learn. If nobody were this delusional the ending to this series won't be as dramatic.
you know that not even Fumino is a sure fire ending, right? Tsutsui could still go for Rizu or the most probable open ending
I'm not saying she's going to win, but her being his teacher is not going to be the reason it won't happen anyway.
>>the MC going the extra mile for her when he didn't have to
The MC did that for every girl. Delusional senseifag.
Please user. Rizu is a pet, she's not even in Nariyuki's radar if not as a pet by his own word. Also her chapters focus on fanservice and the romantic moments are quite lackluster compared to Fumino's.
your insecurity is really shining through your words user
And as always Fuminofags have to outdo everyone else when it comes to being delusional.
The open end is the more likely.
>open ending
That would suck the most because delusional fags will claim their girl won.
You can't spoil a series with literally 0 plot progression.
>Rizu squirrel
So all squirrels have big breasts?
I think he means he has no obligation whatsoever to stick his nose into her business, while the other girls are his classmates/friends and it's also his job to help them out.
It's the ending we deserve
Well I guess stream starts in 4 minutes then see you later
>it's his job to help them with their problems with their parents
It's time nigger.
Every ending in order of how likely I think they are:
>Open Ending
>Literally anyone else
It's really sad seeing Rizufags clinging on to what little hope they still have.
>Uruka first.
Excuse me, what the fuck.
Considering Fumino made her dad look like some kind of monster and she would rather stay outside than going home with him during a typhoon, he had no choice there.
Uruka is out of the race.
At this point Fumino is a joke next to Rizu.
Excuse me, what the fuck?
left or right?
I’m ready to finally see officially animated shirtless Nariyuki.
First, Reiji is a bad father, don't try to make look like he was a misunderstood guy, second, Nariyuki could keep his mouth closed.
Rizu >>>> Flatmino
>Rizu is a pet
>post chapter where a simple image change completely shatters his perception of her
It's like you're another ruifag grasping at straws to avoid looking at reality and preserve your headcanon.
Cute naked Moeyuki.
That's not the point. From Nariyuki's POV, he had to save Fumino from her monster of a dad.
How can girls even compete?
No, from his viewpoint, a useless daughter was forced unto him because she made the hasty decision of leaving her house without any alternatives
Fumino is so beautiful and model-like, she should get scholarship for her beauty
The unbelievable thing was that he is a math teacher and Fumino was throwing a tantrum, he didn't disown her.
is phone sex that fun?
>implying non-Senseifags aren't as delusional
>implying Mafuyu is anti-social throughout her life
>telling her to make friends for a reality check like you know better
user, I...
This was fun.
Why is she covering her tits if she is alone in her bathroom?
While Mafuyu is the best character in the manga, I don't really care if she loses. As long as she has a good conclusion it's fine.
live nip thread
Is THAT chapter.
Fumino still made him look like a monster and Nariyuki assumed that, else he wouldn't have taken her away.
Ikeda has fucking green hair.
La Ikeda verde...
replying requires Japan IP?
the start of uruka downfall
fuck, I was expecting blonde
I hate it.
Just use 2ch
they have nipple edit
Damn she's such a little whore
Of course i prefer old mens cock over yours silly nariyuki
>never had friends because muh skate career, after that she still has no friends
Yeah she is anti-social, also you're projecting.
And the ship is dead. Everyone, go home
Here lies Uruka, she never scored.
Ikeda bros, hold me.
what amazes me is how Uruka is still around. Should have been shipped to Australia ages ago
where are you at senseibros
Hell yeah
so does the radioactive waste from Lynas, fuck you fake europe Aussise cuck
The chapter shown that he never cared if he was a bad father, he jumped in the heat of the moment.
>green hair
What the hell 22i?
I predicted it
What a cute couple
cute smug uruka
I'll never get this. Aren't nips competent in swimming?
Shit when she laughed it hurt. Like bad.
I was about to ask, which chapter is this Fumino supposed to be from.
Because of the previous things I stated.
The bra shop chapter
Are sensei's senseis the second biggest after Rizu or is Uruka bigger?
I'm awake.
>Fumino still made him look like a monster and Nariyuki assumed that
That's just you building up a fanfiction here.
>else he wouldn't have taken her away
I guess you didn't even bother reading the chapter.
I'm dumb and haven't actually been following the mango.
Either way, I personally hope sensei wins, but I think Fumino's the more likely, sadly.
Worst girls.
We don't have data about Sensei's cup. We can assume Uruka and Sensei are the same.
I told you that Nariyuki never thought he was a monster, he jumped in for her not because he believed she was in danger and Fumino was acting like a brat.
Oh, nice.
Cute sisters.
Cute honest sister and filthy bug. Nariyuki is for Takemoto-Senpai only.
One Job
>We were right about too much work for new hairstyles.
Remember when Fuminofags said Reiji's behaviour was bad and a big deal and Senseifags said it was normal and overhyped? It's the opposite now.
I want to fuck Reiji.
>sister-in-laws trying to get along
not shit fumino is the main heroine sensei is just a shit side character
>only senseifags have ever talked about Reiji outside of Fuminofags
university professor is not that rich
>fumino is a shit character
Saying that Fumino was acting like a kid is that specific moment doesn't mean Reiji isn't a bad father.
seething senseifag
Based sisters in law.
fuminofag in denial
>bad father
If anything, Fumino is a bad daughter.
Us senseifags are seething because we know a shit generic romantic interest is gonna beat an actually good character.
Based stepsisters you meant. And aunties to Nariyuki and Rizu's children.
Sensei is generic shit as well, all of them are.
sensei is the generic character here, typical sensei character who has no friends, had no boyfriend before and is useless like every other generic harmeshit
Nuh huh, Foomy is perfect and you're a hater for saying otherwise
Based Rizubro
Sensei's character i dumb and retarded, her conflict is just like Nariyuki's, pointless and badly written. At least Fumino's has some depth.
Do you know what would have make him a good father there? To give her the fucking umbrella or better, tell her to stop fucking arround and go back home.
Fumino can't really read minds less of people hiding from her.
Not Ikeda.
Fumino has literally the dumbest and most retarded conflict and character arc with the most badly written resolution, though. And her depth is as big as her chest size.
Kinda bummed there won't be a second season, but at least we get based dolphin OVA
>Dumb green hair
You see, Fumino's deeper scale of plot derives from her late mother. Something that actually has dramatic value rather than a dumb conflict about skating or being a teacher which resulted into othing because she went "can be both kek". So fucking retarded. While Fumino had a death transcendent moment with her mother which brought her to find the one she loves. How is any of Sensei's autismo topping that outside of the confirmation Bias of you Senseifags?
I fucking hate the anime.
Fuminofags are out of woodwork again
remember to ignore bait, boys
They asked Tsutsui. And he said green because he was running out of hair colors.
>At least Fumino's has some depth
Do people actually believe this nonsense or is it just cheap bait?
wew, looks like someone got lost in their way to reddit
I cannot believe how much Fuminofags are gonna push their retarded narrative after months and months and months of explaining everything to them. Dumbed down to the basics of how Fumino's arc was retarded, overextended bullshit that we had to chug for 5 weeks. Death gives depth to the story? What kind of 12 year old mentality is that? Oh the day when you faggots will finally depart this threads. I want you to be BTFO so goddamn much. What a sight to behold it will be, especially after all this baseless sperging.
He's obviously baiting. Just read his next post for comedy gold.
Uruka a best!
cheap bait
Fumino is a Frankenstein of a character, just a bunch of tropes stuck together trying to make it work
I wish to kill every hopefag from the past, present or future with my own hands.
Best girl never wins
I'm furious!
It's finally time for yotsuba to make it happen!
Isn't that sensei?
>she is an athlete where coordination matters but she is clumsy when she has to clean
>she can cook
>she is an adult but she gets drunk by smelling alcohol
>she is scared of scratches even when she practices a sport where wounds ar common
>she is afraid of cockroaches
>she drives bad
leave the character analysis to the senseifags, user. You're clearly trying too hard
Yotsuba is for rope-kun
What do those Mafuyus feel like
Is the director urukafag?
You're just describing some of her personality traits, most of which aren't even common tropes for a haremette.
He's a fuminofag
Those are cliches put together like user said and most of them are common, but you're right being bad at driving is uncommon.
>Yea Forums
>hating yotsuba
Truly a time for despair.
she doesn't drive bad though
It's fine as long he's not from that place.
So. Subs when?
The difference is that they are consistent with her character, unlike the whole blackmino/bluemino rewrite that shows how Fumino's character is just Tsutsui fucking around.
More like worst girl's face with the worst fanbase.
Subs are out now.
The blackmino/bluemino is a board joke, notice how not a single anime only fag has complained about it.
Director has good taste.
Imagine licking Uruka's sweaty toned stomach
good taste by ruining all her scenes? nice
The rewrite becomes apparent until later.
>she is an athlete where coordination matters but she is clumsy when she has to clean
being good at one physical thing doesn't make you good at everything hand/eyes/leg coordination related, Michael Jordan (best basketball player to ever live) tried to play baseball and he fucking sucked, besides she never had to clean as a teenager, her parents or some maid did it for her
>she can cook
I think you meant she can't here, well, she never had to cook and as a college student I doubt she cooked much, so it's understandable
>she is an adult but she gets drunk by smelling alcohol
that's Rizu, and Japanese women having low alcohol tolerance is actually real, they are fucking featherweights
>she is scared of scratches even when she practices a sport where wounds ar common
she isn't, she treated Yuiga's wounds
>she is afraid of cockroaches
plenty of grown women do
>she drives bad
she is not a bad driver, just a little reckless, but she is under control the whole time
>hair color = rewrite
That meme never gets old, I guess.
It's not a meme.
Fuck off. Senseifags and Urukafags are bros
That's a Fuminofag
You must be new here.
poor Mizuki
You are if you think it's just a meme.
because they cut the Blackmino stuff and went with Bluemino
One chapter or two that got skipped doesn't equate to that. Uruka hogged most early chapters, but even still Uruka has omitted chapters too.
Uruka a best
>muh bros
Insecure much, Urukafag?
Why do they waste so much time making an obvious loser so cute?
Christ, I need color doujins.
Not fooling anyone, foomfag
Imagine wasting time on some uncute loser.
To reinforce the "best girl never wins" notion.
animeonlies finally getting to the footshootening
It was always a meme among a couple of Fuminofags, newfriend. Haters twisting it in order to recently force "inconsistent" doesn't mean it wasn't originally a meme.
You're being sarcastic, right?
You too, Urukashitter.
Isn't that always the case?
Because you should enjoy the ride, instead of focusing on it's destination.
It was originally a meme based on something that happened in the manga. Manyuki was also rewritten into moeyuki but it being a meme doesn't mean he wasn't in fact rewritten, just like Fumino.
>le hater boogeyman
>chapter 3 of the manga
I'm just stating the common knowledge though
Exactly. You always love hiding behind Senseifags despite the fact Senseifags almost never need to hide behind Urukafags because they aren't insecure like you
you're the insecure one though, needing to force that everyone hates Uruka when in fact it's fuminofags what everyone else hates
See . It's very easy to detect newfags or tryhard haters. It's literally a meme where a few fans exaggerated chapters 1-2 and make jokes about wanting old Fumino back. In reality, there wasn't a rewrite. Fumino and Nariyuki merely got new traits that were added on top of their initial character from the first two chapters.
So apparently E10 will be Rizu focus? We're getting Asumi only in episode 11?
Some stitches.
I wish we never get her at all
Asumi would be in the epilogue from episode 13.
at least she is not only in the OVA
Nah, there was a rewrite. Their personalities changed completely.
People don't need to force hate onto Uruka when she already is the most hated girl long before you entered these threads. You weren't even around to defend Uruka back then, much less were there to redirect the hate to Fumino like you do now. Uruka was always hated by every fans that included Senseifags, but no, you just to pretend only Fuminofags hated her. Literally insecure.
>its just chapter 1 and 2
That's cool, but your fellow fuminofags in this thread would rather keep shitting on sensei. Uruka at worst is just ignored by most of them except you and your obsessive hate.
Yes. Characters don't suddenly get new traits out of nowhere and stick to them for the rest of the story in detriment of the old ones that get forgotten almost completely.
If you seriously believe that, then present a list of changes. Protip: added traits that are in harmony with Fumino's initial personality in the first two chapters =/= complete 180.
I dunno have you read JoJo
>muh boogeyman
>dat non-denial denial
Keep proving me right, Urukashitter.
Her expressions there say it all. If it were bluemino she would be making this expression instead.
>Whorezawa kana on top
not the least bit surprising.
sorry for not buying your narrative that doesn't have anything to do with this thread. Sorry that you came late to try to change it
Romance reasons is out of nowhere? You can't be serious, right? What is a a nice girl becomes tsundere or yandere, or an ice queen becomes a nice girl or angelic?
Using your logic, every girl was rewritten because they make scary faces for comical effect.
Those changes happen during or after the romantic development happens, not when it starts.
Not fooling anybody, insecure Urukashitter.
user please, Bluemino is defined by them at this point, it's part of her new personality. Blackmino would never make this kind of expression.
>I hate forceful guys
>I don't wanna go home because my dad is there
>I will now hold back my dad from going against my friend of less than 1 year because this is consistent with my character
Can I have whatever fuminofags are smoking?
Last one.
sure thing, keep believing senseifags hate Uruka when in reality they just hate you for hating their girl as well
>when it starts
That's just your headcanon. Fumino's notable development happened later on because she started to like Nariyuki.
Rizu > Sensei > Uruka > Fumino
Rizu and Asumi would never make that expression either if we compared their personalities at the time of their introduction and earlier appearances. Your argument is flawed.
I know right
But Fumino has literally no development. She isn't even aware of her feelings yet. The rewrite is the only change in her character.
Fumino the homewrecker
It's not a proper swim club without one green haired character.
Holy shit Blackmino what are you doing here ruining this user narrative.
Again, there's a difference between a one-off gag and a recurring personality trait.
Are you Tsutsui?
How do you know Fumino and Rizu are only friends for one year?
That was actually one of the few times Tsutsui remembered her old self.
>baaaaw i can't facts about Uruka was is most hated and how she was hated by Senseifags too
>but i want to rewrite history and hide behihnd Senseifags and imply only muh foomyfags hate Uruka
Cry harder.
they don't act closer than they have to, they're just acquaintances prior to nariyuki
no need to rewrite anything, you can see in this thread fuminofags hating on sensei, not on Uruka. Face it, everyone hates you
They are recurring gags that reflects traits that were developed later for all of them. Nitpicking is such a cop-out when you know you're grasping at straws.
Maybe, just maybe they are closer now that she is not afraid of him.
Not really, Asumi and Rizu stick to their teasing and autistic personalities respectively. Fumino's personality is reflected through those gags
Fumino is a dangerous homewrecker. She should stop that wingwoman thing immediately.
Literally not fooling anybody, desperate Urukafag who always hide behind Senseifags and fake broship. There's no xfag association to the post you reacted to, assuming it's not yours in the first place. But that wasn't what this argument is about.
It seems like you are not Tsutsui and you don't know how long have they been friends either.
But she acted like that when they were just acquaintances.
If this show didn't have such good doujins i would have fucking killed myself. I'm an anime only pleb atm and the anime seems to be focusing on making Uruka best girl. I fucking hate haremshit but i keep watching them.
nice try, but I wasn't the one calling the Uruka hater a senseifag. The point is about Fuminofags hating sensei in this thread and thus contradicting your narrative about everyone hating Uruka
>Uruka was always hated by every fans that included Senseifags
I'm sure you have to tell yourself that every night to to get some sleep. Doesn't make it true though.
>Not really
So you choose to trivialize gags/personality traits that contradict their respective initial characters, but make a big deal when Fumino does it and make it sound like none of her initial personality exists anymore. You didn't provide a list when asked and you're clearly reaching. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trolling.
Yes, and she only acted like that again because that was special circumstances.
of course, but that doesn't do anything about the main crux of the argument, that her 10 year long trauma was just unseated within less than a year
>Her trauma was really just that dumb and it was never a big thing
this means her arc was useless (which it is) and all the chapters hyping up her dad didn't matter (which they didn't)
>She changed more in a few months than she did over ten years
which is bad writing because there's nothing of that sort shown, just a couple of months earlier she was still scared to face and turn down some random guy but she suddenly gained the courage to hold back her dad which is presumably much more intense for her emotions
thanks for trying to nitpick, fuminobrains
Man, I almost forgot what a spineless faggot Nariyuki is. God I hate romcom MCs with passion
Her dad will do it
Is it finally THAT episode?
Good job on being an illiterate who couldn't read. Or is inserting your own narrative to move the goalposts a forte of yours? Your boogeyman is just shitposting, the more importantly you pretending to speak for everybody to hide behind Senseifags when you are just an insecure Urukafag is obvious and the point. Deflect harder.
as if
It's this memetic bait again.
at last animated Ikeda
The author himself makes a big deal about Fumino doing it. It's her (new, completely changed) personality. Just compare her current self to the first 20 chapters, they're like day and night.
Her trauma was that she doesn't want to stay close to her father, you are the only one who expected a rape attempt in a feels good romcom.
>>Her trauma was really just that dumb and it was never a big thing
>this means her arc was useless
I see you also hate sensei arc.
>if I can't defend it I'll just call it bait
Didn't they skip the
>Sensei in a tracksuit
reveal last episode?
>Uruka still doest have any expressions like these
Tsutsui hates boring and uninteresting Uruka who remains completely static.
>Her trauma was that she doesn't want to stay close to her father
Yet she did plenty of that in the first chapter of her arc without any allusion to her suddenly being fine with being close to her father
>deflects to sensei
typical fuminotard
They're all going to go to their college of choice and lose touch with each other. The ending will be a ten year timeskip where they're all happily married to other people. Study End.
as someone who also likes sensei, yes I can speak as a senseifag, unlike you who only like Fumino and probably senpai thus have no right to say senseifags hate Uruka. Speak for yourself as an obsessed Fuminofag, because even your other fellow Fuminofags don't follow your narrative and would rather shitpost Sensei as this thread shows
People have argued with you plenty of time. You don't care and act like it never happened the next day. Only thing certain now is that you're obviously baiting.
I just saw that expression yesterday.
Hey you were the one who said that if a trauma can be solved in a couple of months it means it's not a big deal.
If you can't defend it, stop pretending you ever did
Whats the literal point of all this shit if Uruka has a 0% chance of winning?
Uruka will win!
>backpedaled from we to it's just me
>still forcing boogeyman to justify his narrative shitposting
Nice try. Too bad for you Uruka won't stop being hated by everyone because of Urukafags like you.
I did, which means her trauma isn't a big deal, yet it stayed for with her for over 10 years. This is what you call inconsistency, by the way.
That isn't Nariyuki
you don't see other senseifags hating on Uruka, though. It's just Fuminofags, and yet some of them are too busy right now trying to debase sensei while ignoring Uruka. Too bad for you
Sorry I am not autistic like you. Feel free to revisit old threads where people took your bait and tried to debunk your ridiculous complaint.
ANNND Urika torpedoes herself
Get ready for more of this anime only fags, Urika can only torpedo herself. Its what she does, it's her purpose in the manga.
To reinforce that the osananajimi will never win, and if you like cute tomboys then you're also dumb.
At least, that's what I assume. That's the only explanation I can think of.
Nice to see that you can't defend it after all this time
I can't believe Mizuki is fucking dead!
Or maybe she met people those months who she can open and make her grow.
Bluemino sucks.
Bring back blackmino.
I guess, at least the anime made me remember why I dropped the manga years ago.
Somehow I managed to erase all this shit from my brain.
stop watching haremshit
But none of that growth was towards reconciliation with her father, so that point is moot
Not the same user but I don't see Asumifags, Rizufags, Sawakofags or Ikedafags saying that they hate Fuminofags and that user is claiming that everyone hate them.
What did we say about added traits again? I'm still waiting for you to present a list of changes to show her entire personality is completely different. You claimed the first 20 chapters, so it's up to you to show absolute contradictions that just happened rather than developing traits. I seriously doubt you will be able to do it, seeing as how early chapters since the 3rd has Fumino making odd to moe expressions, engaging in slapstick antics, and showing off some snarky attitude.
I'm surprised she was able to recover after the last time
Uruka is Tsutsui's favorite girl
Not if that development made her stand against her father for a friend.
Rizu (or Sensei) is going to win, right? RIGHT?
Uruka deserves everything she gets from now on. Harem MCs are always dense and she had a prime opportunity which she messed up.
This must be your first thread
probably Rizu, but it's still to early to tell
>harem mc actually has a moment of clarity and can see through the dense fog in his brain
>uruka reacts by completely shooting herself out of the race
Fuck everything.
Added traits shouldn't override old traits, which is what happened to Fumino. She basically went from being a Kosaki-lite to being a Chitoge-lite.
Not him either, but plenty of Senseifags do have Uruka. They just aren't vocal unless they have to be. Your argument is hardly different seeing as how you already decided to assume and act like Fuminofags are behind everything.
The thing is the two of them are speaking for everyone.
Are you serious? He's right.
All the other girls had those traits from the very beginning.
Yet before that her development didnt give her enough willpower to go home even when a friend was worried about her
And just before that she was too shy to even bring up the pta meeting to her dad, she just left the paper on the table
Not to mention that she was more embarrasssed/angry at her dad than protective of her friend but I guess she somehow developed all this time in behind the scenes ways?
There's certainly more hate for Fuminofags than hate for Uruka. Heck, Uruka chapter threads are usually dead unlike the never-ending hate against Fuminofags.
Fuminofags are behind the shitposting in this thread, that's not a secret. And yet, there's barely any Uruka hate.
Going by character development so far, it's one of those two.
He's not
Just like how the post you sperg at isn't showing Fuminofags hating Sensei. Oh wait. You stil arel not fooling anybody. You aren't going to make other fans not hate Uruka by pretending only your precious Foomy boogeyman can hate her. Try harder next time.
As you said she can't face her father when it's about herself.
Really user I don't see your point here.
don't mind if i do
Fuminofags were hating sensei in the beginning of the thread and Uruka wasn't even mentioned. Sorry, but your narrative won't stick
You're fine to believe that but don't speak for everyone, this place is not a hivemind.
Mafuyu is actually likable tho
>if you're not hating uruka with all your might 24/24, you're a failure of a human being
Imagine thinking that unironically.
'Everyone' is obviously hyperbole, but it's a fact that Fuminofags are the most hated here
Did Fumino stop trying to help Nariyuki? Did she stop being a nice girl completely, or snarky in general? No, but you act like that's the case. Also...
>slapstick antics
>anything like Kosaki
And still no list. I suppose we are done here until you support your burden of proof.
It's no use, the Fuminifaggot will keep denying anything, despite Fuminofags shitting this thread and the last 5. They will hide behind their convintion that they never shitpost and that it's all on Urukafags. They will argue that any Fuminohate that isn't Urukafag related is falseflag and that everyone loves Fumino. It's no use really.
Sensei is so much better than any quint.
>uruka reacts by completely shooting herself out of the race
not yet, at this point she only doesn't go for the premature win that in a harem manga cannot be anything good
she will absolutely kill of any chances later on though, but to her credit it's for something way more important then some stupid middle school crush
Obsessed Fuminofags failed to do their job in this thread.
This harem isn’t even a good sport. Only two girls out of five stand any chance. It should’ve been more balanced to make interesting.
Nah shes pretty much dead.
I mean now Yuiga has the idea that there is definitely somebody out there with whom Uruka is already in love with.
Thats already a death sentence.
Are you fucking retarded? Reread this thread and the spoiler thread or all the threads during this week. It's reeking of Fuminofags sperging on Sensei and her irrelevancy and the delusions of Senseifags. There is only one Senseifag that doesn't hate Fuminofags and that's the one cuck that likes Fumino 2nd best and gets shit on regardless by the Fuminochink, like what happened in the spoiler thread. Retard.
Is 22i actually colorblind? That would explain why all the side characters have terrible color patterns since the editor probably doesn't bother checking them.
We can never have nice things. If only Tsutsui had the guts to have a late heroine win and make something different for once in a decade.
>any negative post must come from Fuminofags even if there's no mention of Fumino
Meanwhile, Urukafags were hating on Fumino while praising Uruka best. Nope, you still can rewrite history and force your narrative to represent everybody, Urukashitter.
Don't forget to hate uruka.
She wasn't trying to help Nariyuki at the start, he was just her tutor. Her snarkiness only became her defining trait after the rewrite.
Her shy mannerisms, her clumsiness and her sleepy nature defined Blackmino. Such traits are nowhere to be found in Bluemino except counted exceptions.
Because if all she needed was a friend then are you telling me she's never had a friend for 10 years to deal with that kind of thing, that this can suddenly give her a 180 even though she's been friends with Rizu when chapter 5 guy was harassing her, that she's suddenly hesitant to meet her father even after her being kicked out of her house when she shouldnt care because she's supposedly already developed past that point
It just exacerbates the point that I'm trying to make, that her dad problems were built up to be bigger than they are when they're not. That they can be toppled over by a few short months is just not consistent.
Uruka worst girl isn't just a meme.
>completely static
Urukafags can't defend THIS.
as if that doesn't make him even more conscious of her
the next episode should have a glimpse of that
Yes, keep hating Uruka, more!
>le shoot herself in the foot xD
She literally did nothing wrong, and the episode just proves it.
Nariyuki went full retard just thinking she likes him.
Except you know, they were using Fumino as a measure stick to shit on sensei. This thread is completely against your narrative. I would just wait until the thread dies, pretend it never happened and force my narrative in the next one from the get-go if I were you.
Can't believe ending leaked.
That only gets addressed much later on sadly.
They don't read the manga to cheer on Fumino, just to hate Uruka. Can you imagine?
uruka arc is the final arc and also the winner arc so keep seething shitposter
They're lashing out now because next week there will be another chapter of Fumino accomplishing nothing, yet again proving her irrelevancy, and another BTFO will be served.
>Nariyuki went full retard just thinking she likes him.
He went full retard after she turned that idea down.
>and also the winner arc
I like Uruka and all but that's still too hard to believe when she's written to part with him.
Uruka the cutest
That was relief though.
She did the right thing.
Why is she going to Australia anyway? I'd understand if it was America but why go to Australia?
Relief because a girl as cute as Uruka doesn't like him?
>She did the right thing.
Here and later on as well, She knows what is and isn't important
Relief because he'd have to reject such a cute girl if she did like him, and he doesn't want to ruin their relationship either.
They learn to swim fast getting chased by sharks.
She needed Nariyuki, and she grew enough in those months to help a friend, but not enough to really face her father, that's why she was evading him and threw a tantrum in the school, in her arc Nariyuki just helped her to actually talk with him. So there's no inconsistence.
Last chapter was about nothing, this chapter is about nothing, nothing would change really.
Because she doesn't want to get shot.
And Australia is closer.
and saltwater crocodiles
She didn't do the right think because she is still lusting after him.
They are also mad because despite Mafuyu's latest chapter being "filler", it shows how much closer Nariyuki is to her than he is to Fumino.
hide behind her because he is afraid of a ghost, Yeah incredibly close
You can say the same about the kiss chapter.
Animefag here. Uruka makes my dick doki doki.
>things that didn't happen in here, but I'll pretend it did to warrant my bullshit narrative and muh boogeyman
Nice upvote there. Only thing this thread shows that's certain is you sperging and trying to pretend you speak for everyone. Keep making Uruka hated.
>sabotaging herself
>did the right thing
Read the thread, user. Or better yet, pretend this never happened so you can hop on your bullshit next time.
Last for Uruka a shit.
Uruka a best
Apply to yourself, Urukashitter.
Last for Fumino.
>not wanting to ruin stuff for the guy she likes
>not the right thing
Fumino a shit
You first, Fuminotard
a cute
But he can't read. Fuminochinks can't quite be into Yea Forums as much as the skelly.
I didn't feel the same about it. Maybe because for a chapter that dealt with their "kiss" nothing really came out of it.
Does 二日後 (literally 2 days later) really mean next day? Or subs are retarded again?
I felt the same as you for the ghost chapter, nothing came out of that "closer" moment.
Just a reminder that no matter the outcome, Mafuyu will always be best girl.
The kiss chapter was ridiculous. It literally reduced that to nothing. And remember how it was supposed to be the big point to bring up?
Because nothing had to come out of it. It was just to show once again how casually close they are. Fumino has a lot of moments that could lead to real development, like chapter 39 itself, but they are reduced into jokes in the end.
Wait wait wait you guys are telling me unironically that Uruka is going to even quit the harem for swimming in australia?
Pfff bwahaha.
Holy shit this is gold. I cant stop laughing.
It ended great.
It seems like you forgot that you count "at the start" as first 20 something chapters. So within that "start", she was giving girl advice to him, ergo she was helping him early on at the start. You don't deny she had snark, but you wish to claim it's now her only defining trait even though in reality she's only snarky one out of four times. Yeah, okay.
>shy mannerisms
She was hardly shy. Just where did you pull that from? She often gets embarrassed and acts over-the-top when her grades are concerned, or when it a boy-girl matter, and that remains consistent.
That's Uruka's thing. Fumino was never the clumsy type.
>sleepy nature
Aside from a page from the first chapter, just where do you see that being a defining trait of hers in the first 20 something chapter? It wasn't. But the fact you don't count exceptions says something, that is, you're grasping at straws.
Yeah seeing the damage control was great.
>ending a plot point in a natural way and being closer is a joke
>a misunderstanding moment where Mafuyu thought that if he can't help himself he should just wait is not a joke
I think I get it.
Urukafags will probably accept it and call it leaving with grace to make it sound like she didn't get BTFO.
Fumino is a joke.
Great for Fumino detractors because of another wasted opportunity to do something with Fumino.
>And remember how it was supposed to be the big point to bring up?
No, I don't. I remember Nariyuki wanting to take the secret to his grave and Fumino being shocked for a second and then forgetting about that.
Yeah, you seems nervous.
How did she get BTFO if she's the one who decided to do it?
>The kiss chapter was ridiculous.
How so?
Yes, yes she did.
Is this how you cope with the lack of development? Fumino raises a lot of winner flags but they are all wasted in the end. Mafuyu and Nariyuki's relationship has been slowly developed from being foes to close friends.
Sensei a shit.
Uruka has been chasing the D the hardest, you know. She also knows Nariyuki longer than the others.
It was supposed to launch a greater development and ended up in nothing whatsoever.
She originally agreed to be tutored because Nariyuki was tutoring two other girls.
>Is this how you cope with the lack of development? Fumino raises a lot of winner flags but they are all wasted in the end
And how do you know they are wasted?
I said that you can't change at the start of romantic development, and Fumino's personality got rewritten right around the time she started giving him romantic advice. Since then she hasn't changed at all. Her previous snark were her self-deprecating quips, something Tsutsui forgot along the way with the rest of Blackmino.
She gets shy when interacting with boys as Blackmino. She doesn't care about that once turned into Bluemino. She was the clumsy type who slept all the time, she doesn't do that as Bluemino.
Shhhh they're getting BTFO every week they gotta retaliate somehow. What's logic in front of endless seething and one word replies.
Does the tomboy win?
>Fumino a shit*
She's not a tomboy and no she doesn't win.
She has that chapter after her arc but you somehow know that it ended in nothing.
In what way? The kiss event was rather self-contained. It gets referenced from time to time to serve as a basis for future development.
I dunno, maybe make her realize her damn feelings once and for all.
Harem end
Last for Mafuyu, Uruka and Rizu top 3 best girls and Fumino, Asumi and Mizuki bottom 3 worst girls.
Too bad there's no development.
It's the only kiss where both parties recognize as a kiss.
You said. Keyword: you. Completely change is what you see and what you argue for and my argument refutes them all.
>got rewritten right around the time she started giving him romantic advice
Simply not true. Furthermore, you originally said she changed after 20 something chapters. She was already giving advice before that.
>self-deprecating quips
You can't be serious. That is one thing Fumino does often in humor. Are you sure you aren't just speedreading?
>gets shy when interacting with boys
Nariyuki is a boy, is he not? Shy doesn't act like a character whose defining character includes being shy. From leaning on him to sharing intimate and personal things about her, none of those are shy attributes.
>was the clumsy type who slept all the time
Post scans to prove this.
It's not even a kiss between the two. She only pressed her lips against a plastic costume.
Would you still say that IF Fumino wins?
And yet, he couldn't stop thinking and being flustered about it for a while.
It's not even a matter of if she wins. If she ever gets any development at all then I'll retract my statement.
>Fuminofags are desperately trying to make the kiss both Nariyuki and Fumino disregarded as irrelevant, relevant
>Last for Fumino, Rizu, and Asumi top 3 best girls and Sensei, Uruka, Mizuki bottom 3 worst girls*
Still doesn't make it a kiss.
Only haters say that.
>Fumino and Asumi
Objectively the two worst heroines.
Rizu > Sensei > Sawako > Uruka > Fumino > Senpai > Mizuki
last for maido Mizuki
Development is slow as hell in this manga, almost to the point of barely going anywhere. But that doesn't mean Fumino doesn't recall the kiss after it happened. It obviously serves as one of the few reasons that contributes to on-going development in the area of developing feelings for him.
Complete change is what everyone sees after they read the manga. We're talking about how she acts, not which traits were present all the time, because such traits can be present and still not define someone's personality. The issue here is the sudden change for no reason whatsoever. You say it's because of romantic develoment, but such change happens before the romance begins.
>That is one thing Fumino does often in humor
She only does very rarely now whilet was a defining trait at the start.
>Shy doesn't act like a character whose defining character includes being shy.
She did when talking to boys. After the rewrite she just slapticks her way with them, including her oh so frightening father.
>Post scans to prove this.
Literally the first page. This is the type of character Tsutsui wanted to sell at first.
You must be new to romcom. Indirect kiss is even less significant by comparison, but not in anime and manga culture.
Fumino has been stagnant for 80+ chapters, "I'm awake" has been shoved into irrelevance because she got back to square 1 after it
Oh hey, it's that chapter where certain fans started cancerous waifufags wars that we still suffer through today.
That "kiss" was even less important than an indirect kiss. It was nothing to make a fuss about and both Nariyuki and Fumino understood that in the end.
Fumino = Uruka > Sensei > ... > Rizu
Based Rizubro.
God I wish that were me.