Is anime actually unpolitical or are we missing subtle and not so political messages in anime because of our lack of...

Is anime actually unpolitical or are we missing subtle and not so political messages in anime because of our lack of knowledge regarding Japanese political culture?

Hayao Miyazak, despite for his interest for military history, is actual a pacifist and despites reactionary conservaties like Abe.

Mamoru Oshii was an active in the student protests of the 70s and is clearly left leaning.

Shaft actually got rid of most political jokes and messages in Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wasn’t Shaft a Patriotic company?

Joshiraku had also them.

I dunno man. Some people just want to make anime for the sake of many things not political. Profit, satisfying needs, banking on a trend or god forbid, passion and love.

Everything is political.

overly politicized media seems to be an american thing

GATE was pretty political.

Japan has laws forbidding non-neutral politics in television/anime. America used to as well until Reagan ended that.

>laws forbidding free speech
What the fuck?

>free speech
idk man

>free speech
Only Amerifats believe this meme

But Most of The Shaft anime are Extremely right leaning. With some Rising sun symbols and more.

But Makoto’s Daisho outfit in Milion lives seems Politic as hell.

Creators carry their context in the stories they create, every show not based on a committee probably carries some of the ideological views of the original creator.

This reminds me of how there was backlash against a military costume gacha for Osomatsu-san. This was because the creator of the original manga, Osomatsu-kun was notably anti-war. You can see the strong anti-war sentiment in Osamu Tezuka's work too, which is carried over as recently as the currently Dororo.


It's definitely political but nipshit is completely irrelevant to us unless it directly fucks with the production of anime.
That being said japan makes damn good social commentary on foreign politics since they have no stakes in it.

And Monogatari series were extremely right-leaning nationalist media. It had some Rising sun symbols.

Try harder

So d’u agree?

Youjo Senki is supposed to be anti-militarist, a la starship troopers. Carlo Zen is a socialist

The political messaging in Idolmaster is that idols can have anal sex too.

I remember a Gonzo shows with climate change and class struggle.

Most creators are really naive (and full of passion at the same time), so you have to take their political opinions with huge grain of salt.

Of course anime and (especially) manga can and often do have political themes, but they tend to be handled in a more subtle fashion than American television. Compare a Miyazaki film with a timeless message to something like South Park, which was/is obsessed with being topical. I'd cite Kino no Tabi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Serial Experiments Lain, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, and Sora no Woto as good examples of anime with political themes.

Shaft was quite Politic because it had some rising sun symbol(Koreans and Changs hate it) in anime.

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Brainlets think SnK is a WW2 analogy

There is nothing wrong with Rising Sun, it's still used now.

My mother hates instant ramen but whenever I eat it it's not a political statement

The flag in Hidamari Sketch is a parody of the Rising Sun flag. Remember that "Hidamari" translates to "sunshine"

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How would she React to this Cheese Takkalbi,the Supreme and trendy Korean spicy chicken gratin which is too popular in Japan but Anime never mentions it.

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How would Chise Think of Korean Sea laver,Cheese Hatdog(Korean corndog) and Cheese Takkalbi?

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There's no such thing as apolitical art. Even when you try to make your work as neutral as possible, your worldview is going to seep into it. If you think something is apolitical, it's probably just that you're no good at viewing things critically. If you think you're non-ideological, it just means that you don't have a coherent ideology, because ideology is our assumptions about the world.

You're a leftist.
I know this because that's the left's mantra. Acting like every personal decision is political gives the left an easy "in" to control other people's lives under the pretense of activism.
Neck yourself, you authoritarian commie faggot.

I dunno man. Is GochiUsa left or right leaning? Is Yuru Camp projecting a liberal or conservative message?

what the fuck is political about beyblade?

that's such a liberal reading of the words "political" and "ideological" that it basically renders the words useless.
Which is probably your intent, because you want your side's propaganda to unchecked.

>f you think you're non-ideological, it just means that you don't have a coherent ideology, because ideology is our assumptions about the world.
t. ideologically possessed nutcase.

Okay, this is epic.

>Is Yuru Camp projecting a liberal or conservative message?

I don't really mind as long as it doesn't become like the propaganda machine called western media.

GochiUsa features assumptions about how society should function, such as wages and commodity exchange, which are baked into its premise. You might think 'but that's just how the world works today', but that's the point, art that doesn't criticize the status quo is art that normalized and reinforces the status quo. And if you're happy with that, that's fine.

I haven't fucking watched it, but there's probably something about competition being good or something in it.

Nah, you neck yourself you unintrospective shithead.

Life in the countryside is right wing.
The left is cosmopolitan to the core.
Roots, love of nature, and heritage are seen as "reactionary," and the left will shield itself from these things with asphalt and "diversity" (and diversity inevitably leads to an easily controllable faceless corporate monoculture when all these clashing identity groups begin merging together).

You're retarded. That's not a statement on how your or that user's political beliefs, by the way. You're just retarded.

Wasn’t beyblade a Korean animation?(Topblade in Korean ver)

>art that doesn't criticize the status quo is art that normalized and reinforces the status quo
can you kill yourself?

No, you kill yourself you liberal.

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but I thought you were the liberal

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I'm a leftist, not a fucking liberal.

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No it 100% is. If you had been unfortunate enough to have followed leftist being retards over the last couple of years you would've known that
>Everything is political
Is a slogan they use as a excuse to insert their bullshit into every subject.

There's nothing wrong with recognising that different things can be different levels of political/ideological, while acknowledging that everything is political/ideological to some extent.

You're a big boy, you can handle the complexity. I'm sure of it.

that's even worse

Ah, typical left condescension when they are pusing something stupid. Are you going to call me sweetie next?

Greatest political statement of our time.

Given how stupid you seem to be, I'll take that as a compliment.

Miyazaki is too senile to realize the cultural dominance of the sterile feminist worldview that he supports is one of the main factors driving young men into "misogynistic" escapist media full of servile, infantile women.

Feminism hasn't helped anybody except the capitalist ruling class, who doubled their supply of cheap labor in a few decades thanks after tricking women into entering the workforce.

It created a world where men are expected to keep pulling more weight than women, without the rewards men used to get for this imbalance. Obviously men will drop out of society if society offers them a shit deal.

nice dubs desu

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>I'm a leftist
massive cringe

Called it:

Your earlier post is replying to an entirely different person you cardboard-brained waste of oxygen.

The rising sun is too general of a symbol to be proof of a political stance, samefag


This is the totalitarian thought process that leads to things like the Nazis proclaiming all jazz to be "degenerate art" or China actively seeking to destroy its own artistic heritage during the Cultural Revolution. Genuinely scary stuff.

It's not that everything is inherently political. It's that everything can be politicized by fools with an agenda.

Ok, now call me sweetie and we can call it a day.

>feminism is totally the reason I don't get laid

>Is anime actually unpolitical or are we missing subtle and not so political messages

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Sometimes when you look for something that's not there you project your beliefs on subject matters.

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Sunrise is right-leaning and kind of fascist even. Everything they do is basically propaganda.

Harem anime is conservative because it portrays women as an emotional object men can own for their pleasure.

It's not that anime is neutral. Anime portrays stuff that's accepted by the ruling ideology in Japan. And Japan is a right-leaning country.

But Japanese Cannot live without Korean cultures despite they are xenophobic because they lack fine modern tech and culture.

>Harem anime is conservative
No, it's wish fulfillment. The authors are in no way endorsing this as a good thing in real life.
>Sunrise is right-leaning and kind of fascist even.
Proofs? I've watched plenty of Sunrise and never got that out of it. (btw, a racist character in a story doesn't imply the author is racist.)

Anime is actually part of a subculture within the Japanese culture.

But Gundam was quite left-leaned in OYW...

>Zeon (stand-in for nazis) are the bad guys in Gundam
>Sunrise is fascist

True. It's not necessary feminism, but the state of the woman in general, that is the reason why you prefer getting laid by fictional characters with integrity instead. At least they can have hypothetical value, are cute, and seeing them happy fills your heart with joy. Which is also clearly "misogynist." Especially if you then expect for them to return the favour in some way.

Take Code Geass for example.

Or Valvrave.

Are Zeons alien or human?

Try writing this post again after you learn English and get a little less stupid.

And that’s why No protagonist can wear a bikini in the moe anime? Because Right wing seems to hate bikini.

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That's not totalitarian at all, you can have different readings of the same work. Those countries you mention tried to make their reading the only correct one as an excuse to suppress everything that could not be used as propaganda for their regimes, see socialist realism for a soviet example. The fact you can make those readings is irrelevant, it is the power to censor that's dangerous.
That's pretty much what Galbraith said.

You are not the sunshine of a personality either.

Western Christian rightists do. Japanese sexist conservatives don't.


>anyone who disagrees with me just isn't slaying enough puss
here's that magical selective progressivism of the white, first world left at work. turns women into sex objects and reduces men to vehicles of sexual conquest when it's convenient to the conversation, then turns around and believes in "equality" when it's convenient.

literally none of their political issues are relevant to us
when's the last time anyone on here talked about something like zainichi japs at all


Buut it is quite contradictory that they never put Protagonist on bikini... But does Pink head on right’s swimsuit count as a bikini?

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third position is the only valid political stance.

Incels are funny, aren't they?

Feminism is socialist. Liberal feminism is way too stupid.

feminism is liberal.

And This book is dominating Japan.(82年生まれのキム・ジヨン,Kim Ji young born in 1982)this book is so popular between Japanese Highschool girls.

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right, which is why no multi billion corporation has ever endorsed feminism.
this is why political discussion is pointless, 99% of the people you run into were programmed by reddit and Harry Potter.

capitalism and marxism are just two sides of the same Jewish coin.

This was some conservative flick.

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It really isn't. When you write a story you are literally crafting a world and its workings. You cannot do this without in some way projecting your internal model of how you think a world does, could or should work. The only difference between ideologues and normal people is that ideologues have some sort of (at least partially) explicitely defined structure to at least some of their assumptions, whereas you are likely not consciously aware of the web of assumptions that is your internal predictive model of the world.

Politics do not exist in a vacuum, it's an arbitrarily delimited semantic category one's worldmodel can be expressed in. Your politics are a consequence of how you reason about the world.

It's not. Feminism is not utilitarism, which would be the most liberal approaching to feminism. Feminism is not only about how productive can you be, it's a whole approach. Liberal feminism is content with equal pay while making a blind eye on things like how much time does a woman spend at work, cultural factors and how history determines a person.

Of course. They endorse an ideology that helps to further increase profit. They want women to be equally productive, making them feel empowered with their 60 hours/week job.

The thing is, feminism actually criticize this because it's a hollow approach. Just like liberal feminism.

>that WWII/post war segment

That was the typical conservative "we were actually the victims" spin.

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Anno is full political.

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only american care about politic because they are brainwashed

>free speech

I'm shaking.

>Code Geass
excuse me, are you retarded?

You are wrong. No mainstream TV series have the balls to bring in politics into the topics their characters would talk about. And political dramas like House of Cards would take out any discussion about ideologies. Japan is not alone, and it's because the ruling ideology will not let media to question the establishment.

Based and redpilled.

this thread is proof why anime and japanese media in general is better without political ideas forcibly shoved in the viewers face.

i understand americans are under the illusion that they have to defend freedom of speech, but that's a lot of hypocrisy coming from the nation that is putting julian assange in jail for exercising his 1st amendment.

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You're not talking about feminism, you're talking about your own ultra duper special brand of feminism.

Because it is to compensate their inferiority to Korea and China. Japs lack fine modern tech and fine culture which Korea and China have. Maybe characters here and Some writers of this anime are the K-pop fans and likes Cheese Takkalbi and Cheese Hatdog.
Japs are Xenophobic but cannot live without Korean culture like K-pop and Korean food. What a contradictory Mongrels.

There arent politics because anime is hyper commercialized. However political anime does exist albeit political tones in manga are way more common

But Why doesn’t Japanese government Persecute Korean culture like Persecuting Catholics in Edo period?

It's the latter, most political context goes over our heads. For example, Mawaru Penguindrum is a heavily political work chuck full of social critique that goes completely over the head of almost all Western viewers, since it deals with the 1995 gas attacks in Tokyo and the fallout in that generation through modern society.

>delimited semantic category
here's why you people always lose.
regular people fight for their families and land.
regular people won't fight for your abstract deconstructive jewish theories.
I'm sure you like position yourself as a "champion of the proletariat" but you actually couldn't be anymore out of touch with the working class.

Is this gook also the ESL bikini shitposter?

He's not following you around. Don't be so paranoid.

Don’t accuse me as such Retarded Misogynist.

I’m A Paladin of SDA and I have nothing to do with such Misogynistic fag.

Is that Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?

Anime only seems apolitical to you because you are looking it through Western lenses. While you are not going to find the topic you consider political in America, there are plenty of anime with political themes in the context of Japan.

What the fuck is wrong with this thread. I want subhumans out of my country (not dead, I'm not a monster) and even I understand that even 'apolitical' fiction pushes some ideology (even if unobtrusively and unconsciously).
This is not a strictly leftist view. Even if they use it as part of their rhetoric in your country, that makes it no less true.

That's the problem with you. Society is slightly more complex than a lightbulb. Just because you can perceive an issue with the output of an extremely complex system doesn't mean you understand its cause or what would constitute a solution for it without breaking a billion other things.

I don't see why anybody would even think this is a leftist view considering it was basically /pol/'s whole raison d'etre for a long time.

The Japanese left is so weird. It has so much to do with gender, and has so little to do with class or race or anything else we usually associate the left with in the West. It's basically male masochism.

When people say Oshii's stuff feels political, they mean the way he portrays male desire as something grotesque. Stuff like Perfect Blue goes a little beyond "lampooning of otaku culture" and feels like you're watching some guy's self-flagellation session.

He purposefully phased the character Noa out of the second Patlabor movie, because she's a cute girl, and that's something he hates in media. Nevermind the fact the existence of a cute girl isn't inherently sexual in any way. It says more about his issues than the issues of otakus, desu.

it all comes across like some closeted gay Republican ranting about how much he hates gays. self-righteousness is a bad look.

Hitoribochhi is about the importance of having allies.

Just because you don't understand a big word doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. Or read strawmen into me.

Paraphrasing: what is and what isn't "politics" is arbitrary. Your political views are just a projection of your internal state of mind. You can't have apolitical fiction because fiction reflects such a state of mind, and implies politics - even if those are poltics of apathy.

>He purposefully phased the character Noa out of the second Patlabor movie, because she's a cute girl, and that's something he hates in media. Nevermind the fact the existence of a cute girl isn't inherently sexual in any way. It says more about his issues than the issues of otakus, desu.

>how can someone get a movie so wrong?

you're trying your hardest to be interesting and it's not good enough.

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People are calling it leftist because they are used to leftist in the west infiltrating and spreading their cancer throughout media. (video games being the most recent example.) I don't care about political elements as long as it doesn't turn into japs version of that.

>Star Wars has a black man

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>He purposefully phased the character Noa out of the second Patlabor movie
Isn't that the one where Goto runs around scheming against a bunch of glowniggers/military guys and all the patlabor pilots only show up for the final battle? The one where the generals of the JSDF get tired of just sitting on their ass with nothing to do and decide to have a war for fun?

Because "Everything is political" and "The personal is political" are mantras exclusively used by people looking for a sly way to subvert western civilization by applying marxist critical theory to all aspects of life. Nowadays that is mostly media as it has rebranded away from class struggle and more into personal identity and how it is expressed through media.

>Stuff like Perfect Blue goes a little beyond "lampooning of otaku culture" and feels like you're watching some guy's self-flagellation session.
I always got the impression of Kon being an alarmist trying to talk down on those he saw as inferiors rather than a self flagellating individual.

>Danny wasn't the feminist hero we needed

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Sigsawa is ancap

Humans don't deserve politics. But humans are so stupid it would be impossible for them to even think about living without politics.
Humans should extinguish

When will the ancaps come and save us from this madness?

Great job showing what you really are. Don't you have smug twitter posts to make?

But why does Moe anime never put Protagonist on bikini at all? It is quite contradictory to put a bikini only on superior supporting characters. Inconsistent sub human scums.

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people who watch pedo cartoons shouldn't be allowed to vote, or their votes should count less than those of serious, working individuals

But No protagonist of Moe anime can wear a bikini at all and wears an ugly one pieced swimsuit instead. No one faps over the one pieced swimsuit.

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>Guys, we need to stop the white genocide!

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>Implying people alienated enough to watch loli shows care about voting

>is a far right nazi white nationalist
>watches anime

why are they always like this, they cry out about degeneracy while being a degenerate

>is a far left commie oikophobe
>watches anime

Why are they always like this, they cry out about what's problematic while being problematic.

Concrete Revolutio was a retelling of Shouwa sociopolitical events, but no one on Yea Forums understood it because there are fuck all english resources about half the stuff it covers.

Nuke this thread already.

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In the 21st century West, telling a woman to do something useful with her life, and become a professor or good housewife instead of a useless prostitute slut whore, is "misogynist." At least it's what I read on websites such as Reddit. How deep is the brainwash? And is there any logic behind it? Or has the term "misogynist" lost all of its meaning and is today merely being used by any shit lobby to push random agendas?

The real genocide is the genocide against female sewage workers. Their numbers have been reduced to 2% of the overall sewage workers, not accounting for peoples of non-binary genders.

>I don't like politics in anime

>Only accept female characters when they are devote and hungry for MC's dick.

Kumeta is a far right shitposter IRL, shaft subsisting on aesthetics used in SZS isn't necessarily political though

And this is the war speech of Okamura Yasuji before Going to purge the herds of Fucking ugly reds. But is it possible to talk abut anus in the war speech?
岡村 康次 昭和12年

中国の男穴めどにようぶつを差し込むと、あ!これが正常だね!!! すごく受ける!

中国の男穴めどには宝物が眠っている 私のようぶつでそれを取り出さqなければならない!!
Which hole does “中国の男穴めど” imply?
And what does ようぶつ mean?

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Not even pretending to discuss anime.

But Koreans and Changs hate it. So does SEA.

>kumeta a right wing shitposter

No way!

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Shut it, feminist. You have nothing valuable to say.

>black guy and female character in leading roles
>forced diversity!

>meanwhile having a full white male cast is not a political statement at all!

I understood it user. It was genius.

>Concrete Revolutio

Is the show worth a watch?

From the inferiority that Japs are so uncivilized that lack fine modern tech and culture and considers womyn as a Property. Japan is the primitive and uncivilized third world shithole.

All the results for that lead to Yea Forums.

>meanwhile having a full white male cast is not a political statement at all!


/pol/ "arguments and logic always break apart after thinking about them for half a minute.

starship troopers is literally about how awesome a nationalistic Prussian-style military autocracy is, what the fuck are you smoking?

nice digits though, holy shit.

Until capitalism is deestablished and value returns to labor and violence by itself, being ancap is just a fancy way to say you're a fucking bootlicker who only cares about laws that affect your personal property and none of the actual actions of the state

go make me a sandwich before you make me sit through an angry feminist rant.

Yes but it has some mediocre episodes and can be hard to watch if you don't catch either side of what an episode is about

It isn't. This is a typically western-centric way of thinking. We have majority white casts because we live in majority white countries. Bollywood has majority poo casts because it's a majority poo country. Japan has majority Jap casts because it's a majority Jap country, and so on.

Actually think about these things before you freak out, you reactionary commie shit.

>America is actually 80% white male!

>none of the actions of the state

Isn't that what the "an" part of "ancap" means? Disestablishing the state? How is an ancap going to lick boots when the entire premise of ancap is to do away with the boots altogether?

I dunno anything about anything, but I read a blog a long time ago how most of the doujin community is actually surprisingly left-wing politically (at least by Japanese standards). So you have lots of pacifists and LGBT-rights supporters mixed in any otaku crowd.
Ever since reading that I kept noticing little signs of it, like how just on this May 1st there were a bunch of artists I follow posting semi-ironic doodles of Marx and stuff.

Please remove your rot from the world, commie.
Capitalism is beautiful, humane and just and no amount of your public temper tantrums will change that from being the truth.

actually that's not true. america is the only nation where a lot of roles in hollywood are taken by jews, both on-screen and off-screen.

Capitalism is just as much a system made by and for Jews as communism is. They're two sides of the same (((coin))).

can you go have your period somewhere else?

Japanese left are just homos wanting to suck each other while dressed in wig.

Western left are deranged animals who support uncontroled immigration into their countries while they wear wigs and want to cut off their genitalia.

Anime is not a mainstream thing.

So you will see people acting outside of the status quo. Just look how gay anime is, when gay isn't even close of being accepted in the actual Japanese society.

>america is the only nation where a lot of roles in hollywood

cool story bro, but the thread is about whether anime is political.

Don't mind me guys just testing something

look at her she's so fucking sexy I wanna cum in rika aaaaa

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And K-pop is Mainstream in Japan. Japs are too uncivilized to make a fine media.

Shut the fuck up when im screaming at left leaning parasites on internet

you know what i mean. india has bollywood and china has a city with multiple studios dedicated to making movies.

>not related


The left adopting this as a mantra doesn't mean they are the only ones aware of it.

>look at her she's so fucking sexy I wanna cum in rika aaaaa

You fucking degenerate, Rika is for loving only.

Yeah, and politics in anime would kill that. Of course I hate it.

Yes, for loving with dick. She's sexy and there's nothing you can do to change that.

Anyone has seen that Chinese Marx thing?

Statistically, if you are born in the united states, you are most likely to be born white, and have a roughly even chance of being born male as female. Whites make up 61% of the population, a majority by far compared to other races, blacks hispanics and asians making up 18%, 12%, and 6% respectively. The gender demographics I'm a little fuzzy on but IIRC we have a roughly even ratio so of that 61% white population, roughly half of them will be men.

Now, I don't know about you, but I've seen very little media where ALL of the characters are white males. White? Maybe, that's less of a stretch, but I can't for the life of me think of one single piece of media that has no females in it. No females in primary roles maybe, especially with things like historical or war movies where the cast of characters are based on actual people who were men.

There, I suppose, lies the crux of the issue. The issue isn't depicting minorities or women, it's historical revisionism that puts them in places where they weren't.

why can't you faggot just come up and say "I don't like seeing brown people in movies"

Browns aren't people

everyone chill out and look at my waifu dance

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I dont like seeing brown people at all

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It's funny how the thread went downhill after /pol/ discovered the thread.

What anime is this

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>The personal is political, also termed The private is political, is a political argument used as a rallying slogan of student movement and second-wave feminism from the late 1960s.

>The phrase was popularized by the publication of a 1969 essay by feminist Carol Hanisch under the title "The Personal is Political" in 1970

I wonder what type of political statement this poster is trying to make here.

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Holy shit this thread is pathetic fuck of to /pol/ this is even worse than shonen threads

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Yeah and Gundam fanbase and sunrise have been jerking of to zeon for fucking decades, especially in the works that Tominio is not involved in

And can anyone tell us why No protagonist of moe anime can wear a bikini at all in the swimsuit episode and protagonist’s swimsuit is only limited to ugly one pieced swimsuit? while bikini in moe anime is only for superior supporting characters.It shows Jap barbarians’ inconsistency.

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she's obviously trying to do a swastika pose

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how does
>revisionism bad
equate to
>minorities bad

seriously, I want to understand.

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He's making an antipolitical statement, which is a form of political statement.

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except intelligence has nothing to do with biology, retard fascist.

You too, newfriend.

It's only that way if you choose to see it that way.

i appreciate what you're doing here but you're going to get this thread pruned. then we can't laugh at these mentally ill commie fags, is that REALLY what you want?

based and red pill

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man, I'm pretty fashy myself, but the comics where he's just regurgitating chan memes are so bad.
>LE 40% xD
>LE 13% xD

>40% is a chan meme
Check the statistacs bro.

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>I'm pretty fashy myself

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Gintama has a far right agenda. All problems in the series are caused by foreigners arriving.

If Nippon is so based and redpilled why does /pol/ have to post American propaganda comics instead of Nipponese propaganda manga?

that comic didn't say anything about intelligence.
>detective on a homicide case is interrogating some suspects, and muses to himself, "the woman was clearly killed with an axe of some sort..."
>one suspect suddenly stands up and screams "IT WAS A KNIFE! I don't even have an axe."
very suspicious

by that logic, real life is far-right propaganda too.

Because only American left is so retarded. Japanese left are the American right and Japanese right is the nazi germany of japan.

Nature in of itself is fascist

Have you honestly never heard of The Bell Curve
this comic is referencing or are you being disingenuous?

I wouldnt say that nature has any political leaning. Survival of the fittest isnt fascist rethoric. I would say just be best of yourself would be more appropiate in this case.

>Boring, overproduced, and safe.

>With this being the second of the pair of singles released so far, I didn't have any high expectations after the garbage that was All Out Life. Somehow, this is even worse.

>While AOL at least tried to emulate their earlier sound, Unsainted shows just why this band is so hated; the drums are absolutely boring ever since the loss of Chris Fehn (or Clown), and the riffs are exactly what you would expect: generic jumpdafuckup bullshit that sounds like something I would hear from Korn.

>The bass is non-existent as well, but that's to be expected from this band at this point. Mixing on this song is atrocious.

>What used to be one of the best parts of the band, Corey Taylor's pissed off and powerful sound is entirely gone; instead he sounds like your stereotypical alternative metal jackass you hear on the radio with whiny nasally clean vocals and half-assed growls/screams that are just boring to listen to.

>This is easily one of the worst songs I've heard this year, and I certainly am not looking forward to another new album from this band.

whoa...EPIC takedown of that past-their-prime nu metal band, you're on your way to rym superstardom

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Social Darwinism is at the ideological core of fascism, but you shouldn't confuse it for actual Darwinism. Most people don't understand how natural selection works or what "survival of the fittest" even means. Nature is full of cooperation and even altruism precisely because being the "lone wolf" is often a losing strategy.
Social Darwinists twist that misunderstanding to give their evil worldview the veneer of scientific foundations.

Reminds me of a certain nation

real answer is that most translators are either left leaning or apoltical so they don't care about translating random japeanse webcomic spouting alex jones tier talking points. if there are any, cause even though /pol/tards keep saying the left can't meme, there have only been like two consistent right wing comics. this guy probably wakes up at night dreading the redpanels guy starting his comic again

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K-On is overtly marxist

Shouldn't you be dilating right now?

Is the brain not biological?

Orwell was a socialist

Can you cite instances of altruism in nature? I suspect it may happen but I like to see some evidence.

When a parent cares for their child.

>Is anime actually unpolitical
obviously not? everything is political.

Well I guess that's an obvious one. What about altruism to outside members of the family/pack?

Who the fuck wants to at look or live with shitskins. Left leaning parasites need to fuck off to Africa or Brazil.

Europe is for fucking white people not for niggers or arabs

America is for white people not for niggers or mexicans

Just stop inviting them here and send them back

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I think Arabs are better than Japs because they have a Belief and Honor.

Most of the examples seem to be altruism for the members of the same tribe, which is not unexpected as even humans will mostly just tend to members of their tribe. Nevertheless, that was informative.

Learn to read. Feminists adopting cultural warfare strategies does not have anything to do with the fact that any work of fiction is bound to make certain assumptions that lead to certain political implications when considered.

I'm not saying you should go out of your way to make everything a political statement, just that whatever you say can be interpreted politically. This is simply true. Your assumption that I am a leftist is wrong btw.

But fascism is about utter altruistic devotion to the group, user.

What's the political message behind Shingeki no Kyojin?

That's often how it presents itself to the weaker members of the dominant in-group. In practice it builds a dog-eat-dog society.

Some anime is political but everything is ideological. There's a difference between ideology and politics but the retards on Yea Forums don't understand. I wish you faggots would read a book without drawings of little girls in it for once.

This. Hitler's endgame was literally feudalism.

it's the other way around you fucking retard
everything is political, but not everything is ideological, e.g. liberal politics explicitly present themselves as non-ideological

that the mentally handicapped are scary as fuck

You have no idea what you're talking about.

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Why should the whites own America? Shouldn't Americans own America?

I don't get it.

>not even Stonetoss spam is enough to take the thread down
How does Yea Forums do it?

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have sex

I think he is trying to do a girl version of this? Why is he holding the boy balloon?

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If America wasn't for niggers then why did they import so many of them?

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politics is the dynamic of power in a society
ideology is a meta-narrative about that dynamic
everything is political because everything involves power and coercion on some level
not everything is ideological because not everything attempts to contextualize the politics involved in it

no seriously can you break down the comic for us? whats the point of posting them if you aren't going to try and redpill us

It's just trying to mock girls who sleep around by implying that no decent man would marry them after they're done sleeping around and trying to settle down later on in life.

>Girl in bad with random chad like she does every weekend
>Respectable looking man represents men that want a serious relationship and children but not with a used up whore like her.

>Is anime actually unpolitical
They are trying to turn people into pedophiles

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>just that whatever you say can be interpreted politically
Exactly. This necessitates someone doing the political interpretation.
What I'm saying is that people who have invited that sort of political interpretation are doing so largely as a way of subverting what they clownishly see as cis/white/het patriarchy of the West. In doing so they are choking the life out of human relations, as can be seen demonstrated in this fucking thread.

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What's the most libertarian anime?

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Some kind of loli slavery hentai.

haruhi, its a show about a selfish cunt


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probably some mecha, those usually place property over people

The niggers built everything too. If we want to kick them out we should probably tear down and rebuild everything put up before the 1870s

>keeping your own shit is selfish
>controlling other people's lives is not selfish

Picking cotton is "building everything"?

grow up

have sex

If you have lots of "your own shit" while others don't, then yes, it's selfish.
And in a libertarian world, there would still be lots of people who'd be controlling other people's lives, directly or indirectly. Only they'd be doing it through the "legitimate" channels libertarians approve of.

Remember: Libertarians don't care about human liberty. They only care about protecting their own property and privilege.

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grow up

I really don't care. Fuck off to /pol/

that is what goes through my mind when I see a libertarian irl

In Japan, the communist movement was active until 1970.
Before and after this generation, the left and right wings are separated.
However, Japanese do not like to incorporate political messages into animation.
It is because there are strange people who talk politically.

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Politics is the work of the devil.

/pol/ is so cringe

I don't think so.







>sore wa dou kana?

see Derp.

Oh now I see why raged.

cringe posting is so cringe

My problem was that people start making political statements before the show has even hinted about it. Just watch anime and start talking politics if the show actually takes a deep dive into the subject. Otherwise the people saying "Everything is political" can fuck right off.

If this show has a swimsuit episode too,has Jashin worn a bikini here?





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This user knows what's up.

>You cannot do this without in some way projecting your internal model of how you think a world does, could or should work

I can create a fictional world however I like. Does that necessarily mean I think the world does, could or should work that way?
If you think that's the case you're clearly lacking imagination.

>art that doesn't criticize the status quo is art that normalized and reinforces the status quo

You're the kind of person who watches a documentary and thinks you're somehow saying that lions should eat zebras. The is-ought fallacy.

Reality just is. The only way "everything is political" can be true is if you force that assumption a posteriori, but that wouldn't change the nature of the work at hand. Or as puts it: only if you want to see it that way. See also Art that criticizes the status quo for the sake of criticizing the status quo is boring and distracts from the things that make life worth living.
Art that is fun and comfy is art that cares about the things that really matter, although different kinds might also apply.

Therefore supporting the kind of art that you argue for makes you an enemy of fun and life itself.

Sometimes entertainment is just entertainment user.

That's why Yui is right and you're wrong.

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