
Did you see anything you want at today's events?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Did you see anything you want

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cant wait for the enviable delays

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Just Anne. There was some neat stuff though.

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to whoever posted that techies nendo in the other thread:

>Delayed out of a big purchase, breaking it into manageable chunks
Enviable delays indeed.

where's the previous threads? i missed out

In the archive.
You can't be that retarded.

Post your instant PO "buyfags"

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I got to see my Seibah so I'm happy

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Me, Sylphy 2. If there's koto kits later, maybe those as well.

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Asuka. They fucking made an Asuka nendo after I broke down and bought the race queen one because I figured it was all I was ever going to get.

I'm both happy and angry.

It's kinda refreshing to see all the robotgirls fag last thread, looking forward to it

Hey, look at that.
Everything in one place.

Attached: DSC_8746.jpg (800x1200, 180K)

Neat! I completely missed the announcement for these earlier

Attached: D7YDw2CWkAAmkxI.jpg (800x800, 90K)

that pikachu is up for preorders


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that doesn't have EVERYTHING though

Not quite everything.

Thankfully, Belfast and the Eva nendos are probably the only newly announced things I'll get. Sheryl and the Cowboy Bebop figures were pretty cool to see though.

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What event was it?

Also did Ueno-san get anything?

21,780 wew

Going to get the best Asuka figure.

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>no katsuragi nendo

What a surprise

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>no boogiepop figma prototype
At least we got the eva nendos.

According to the guy on the MegaHobby stream, it looks like they're going to put a support pole on Jannu as well. Good move.

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>Hinata nendo
I fucking hate buying nendoroids but I need to get this. I hope it doesn't turn out retarded.

so many figmas =\
hopefully its clear

WonFes is coming soon where the fuck does the year go

>Scale for VC4
Huh i should start playing it

I hate that tagline so fucking much. I wish they wouldn't slap it on every piece of Yurucamp apparel.

Attached: GOODS-00304347_02.jpg (500x500, 60K)

2 scale figures in that entire bunch

Is that Ammy or her son? The Nendo artsyle is confusing

I'm happy.

Attached: 1558751158833.png (533x800, 329K)

Easy buy.

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Can't you read?


02 lovers are faggots

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I saw more shit i wanted than last wonfes

>and a bunnysuit figure

Attached: 1558498073132.jpg (728x516, 73K)

Beautiful, I've waited so long for this, she'll look perfect in the shrine

Attached: 1558131741043.jpg (1920x1080, 335K)

>naofumi figma
Unfortunate, he would have been much better as a figuarts, hopefully he comes with some good effects

These are my wives

>have great character design
>figures are all naked, in generic school uniform, or in bunny suit

And the plug suit. What else would you want? Seems like great variety.

The plug suit one is awful. I want one in her actual in-show costume.

I'm more interested in the abusive price I know is coming.

wow holy fuck, was not expecting a full fucking thanatos scale.

Yeah, I want one where she wears her coat and hat. Still like the bunny though.

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

You should, but they still haven't announced the scale I need.

Thank goodness that casual Jannu is only a Figma.

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>casual Jannu
>doesn't have sleeveless
What is the fucking point.

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Those shorts and stockings are all the point I really need, but she is unarguably better without the coat.

>po'd 2 bootlegs out of curiosity

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Hotpants are my only weakness.
If i got a gf i will make her wear hotpant for the rest of her life

A good butt.

where's the guide!?
I need to know how to buy from yahoo acution.

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>life sized
great for the furries


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Where's the best place to buy Japanese manga?
Is it sill cdjapan?

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> Figma Hyakki

At least the doll joints would actually work with him.

I buy with my brain, not my dick

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> Didn't incorporate her headband/horns more interestingly into the design

God bunny figures are boring.

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You wouldn't be buying at all if that was true.

Those wings could have been done better, need to be lighter/more transparent at points.


>Supporting slave labor
You are part of the reason I hate the chinks.

What makes it so hard to mold both legs together with the body? The thigh straps are always close to ruining bikini figures.

just got this Rem figure.
Pretty good quality considering I paid $15 for it.
also, Rem best girl.

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dude thats SO good !!!!!

You shouldn't insult your "best girl" by buying low quality merchandise of her.

If the legs had some kind of skeleton inside, it wouldn't be a problem. A solid PVC piece would bend or break over time with the weight of the wings.

its just easier to do 3 simple piece than one hard piece

Yes, indeed.

Attached: D7ZWHlFUcAAHVAx.jpg (2048x1537, 497K)

KOS-MOS still not painted

I'm looking forward to putting my hands at her in 2022!

See you in 2023.

best husbandomon.

>enviable delays
Based ESL


Why not?

Will this be a 1/1 scale, since she's a fairy?

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The Miku slutterfly one was literally called "1:1"

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Enjoy your shit taste
>great character design

I'm so happy

For me, it's Prof. Oak.

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What the hell is Bulbasaur's problem?

Its the other way around

>>great character design
Yes. Nishigori knows what makes a good character.

Mediocre at best its just another pink haired slut used to waifubait

It's trying to make the fucking Dreamworks face.

Attached: IMG_20190210_093433.jpg (847x1200, 150K)

Who the fuck thought this is a good idea?

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50% of the budget went to the mouth

Are Detof a waste of money or actually good?

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ofc, just like figures and stupid anime merch.

Binding has been releasing/announcing quite a few low quailty scales lately, why would anyone pay 28k for that?, at least some like pic related were worth that price.

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I wonder, with or without pig?

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Depend on if she fuck the pig or not yes?

>at least some like pic related were worth that price.
yeah nah

will be cool with my Arsene.
Apollo when?

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Why are you all using Amiami and not something else? Are they cheaper?


anybody ever bought ebooks on cdjapan?

Takao figure had the beach ball, and Atago had the umbrella.
If they follow the pattern, I think they will keep the pig too.
I love how this design fits perfectly Alter's craftmanship. Their idol figures full of frills always look great, and this design is full of details just like the idols outfit.

I still want a Belfast in maid outfiit though. Hopefully some other decent company makes one.

because HS banned me

How many dakis are too many?

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>Alter && Megahouse collaboration

So I guess this will look pretty good but also will cost 25k.

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number of dakis of your waifu +1

more like 30k


Alpha & Omega isn't really that expensive.

>Not having a harem
As long as you can provide for all of them, there's nothing wrong.

I dunno if this looks good or bad.

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>Emilia and Belfast

No I don't like China lane or fate.

The hell is wrong with MFC?

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I almost never browse these threads but why you people are always buying disproportionate ballon tits of a character some are even from a children's cartoons?, I rarely see more "normal" figures or non-fanservice ones.

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Which Rikka are you getting?

Kotobukiya looks better

>no waifu
>13 dakis
What do I win?

She has magnificent giant knockers and the cloth stretching between her cleavage is articulated excellently. I love when statues give characters an extra cup size or two. I wish all characters were more busty by default, and I love the db gals line for giving so many of them huge doughy breasts.

this one looks like a prize fig

That is a sexy Thanatos.

have same problem on chrome, works on other browsers tho

The Seal of The True Alpha

Just the Anne and Naga Nendos.

I swear I saw a promo for a Nona Figma a few weeks back. Or was that just a fake?

I didn't realize the first time this AI is also made by Stronger. They did a great job on the other ones.

Attached: AI figure.jpg (1920x1080, 864K)

She also has a cute butt.

Attached: AI butt.png (1147x1080, 839K)

not gonna release like that, it's alter

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Yet another event where nothing caught my eye. The only thing already on my radar was the panzermommies who look lackluster painted so they're dropped from my wishlist. Really need Wonfes to pull through for me.

This'll probably be the first Kotobukiya figure I buy

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I want Belfast to crush my head with her thighs

Don't even know who this is but it looks fantastic. Day 1 po if the paint is solid.

kek, sure thing. The final product will look BETTER than the base model prototype.

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god I wish I was that slime

I think it looks bad for three reasons:
1. Her tits are way too big. When Toriyama designs a female character he takes their bust into account so smaller bust characters will have a pattern that extends their entire torso and larger bust characters have a pattern around their bust, ending no lower than mid torso and as high as he pleases. 21's pattern flips right below her collar bone and again at her hips which when you make the tits that big it just looks unaesthetic as if there should be another pattern switch at her boobs. This would work better for her majin form because that design takes bigger tits into account.

2. I hate the pose, this Android 21 was never sassy. In the story mode she feigned innocence, went full sadist and then was repentant. Her Majin form was crazy as hell, but had a couple sassy poses so I guess that's what they're going for? For 21 she would work best with an "Oops you can see my panties or tits 'but that's only because I'm flaunting them'" or full on sadist (which would be great because I have a 16 figure and getting beat was all he did in the story mode)

3. They made her tits bigger, so they also made her thighs thicker and hips wider to compensate (which is great because otherwise she'd be full Raita and you should never go full Raita). Downside is that she doesn't look like 21, she looks like someone cosplaying 21. Which is fine but it's not what I want out of a 21 figure.

That's my thoughts but it doesn't really matter because my wallet will be outvoted by everyone else going "Plz Gib Big Tiddie 21 GF" I kid there are things to like about the figure and if you don't share my design sense that's fine because I own some pretty terrible figures

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just compare the first prototypes with the most recent one


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can't wait for the prize

It works like that with Russian IPs now, fixes itself when I'm using a proxy.

>Le Triomphant
But why? Give me Monarch, Enterprise, Tirpitz or Mikasa, fucking Alter.

So proud of your ability to count champ.

The kneeling promo picture our all the girls in their DLC outfits would be nice.

Attached: VC4 DLC.png (1200x675, 1001K)

Insta preorder

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fuck you, we don't need more shitty bikini figures.

So, still selling almost all my figs, buyfag just isn't for me anymore.

I'm in EU but i can ship them worldwide easily. I can make them cheaper if you buy at least two of them.

For prices and stuff, or if you're interested in any of them just mail me on MFC: Musso92

Attached: 'Collection (Page 1 of 1) I Musso92 I MyFigureCollection_net'.png (568x174, 125K)

why is it so hard to stop buyfagging? left once selling everything but came back with double the scales.

I need more scrolls.
These walls have been blank for far too long.

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Same with me

>making that bitch Minerva run around in the snow in a bikini isn't cathartic
Anything Leena would be great though.

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Looks like this sculpt has been tidied up since the last exhibit.

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>buyfag just isn't for me anymore

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>making that bitch Minerva run around in the snow in a bikini isn't cathartic
Vertex will probably ruin any bikini fig.

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the heart wants what the heart wants user

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lmao wouldn't want anyone seeing and buying the real deal now would we.

Can someone add this to the guide? I hate Solaris as everyone else but this article seems reasonable well made.

I guess you'll need this information when buying from Solaris. Very helpful of them to post it on their own site.

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Guide? We have a guide?

The info looked fine to me at a glance, I don't see why not.

Solaris doesn't sell bootlegs but Nippon Yasan did, ofc that doesn't mean Solaris isn't a questionable store.

Cast on looks good too

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I don't like her face.

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Kinda funny that everyone keep yelling at each other to read the guide but no one seem to know it even exist

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Where is Noa

>Can someone add this to the guide?
Yes, you can.

Why is the Heaven’s Feel part 2 blu ray getting a simultaneous release?

Is she nopan? My friend is curious.

no idea

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I don't think her face is the problem

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Pretty sure she is castoffable, her prototype showed frilled pantsu

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I felt my wallet get lighter the moment I saw this

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wtf is that waist


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That scene was pure kino, i got goosebumps when i saw it

>new castoff figure arrives
>take off pantsu
>black paint transfer on leg
>try to wipe off with a wet rag
>it just spreads and looks 1000x worse now


buy another one

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this one is on a new level, i usually dont mind it too much


I just wish they didn't CG the shit out of Nyx, but it did have its moments

muv luv?

Should have gone with an eraser since the very beginning, retard.

Phew I'm glad shes cast off and not interchangeable chests. Wasn't sure based off the existing pictures.

>Phew I'm glad shes cast off and not interchangeable chests
Why? interchangeable parts usually work better than castoffs

That's not proof of it being castoff though, it still might be two separate chest pieces

It does most of the time. People nitpick for the sake of it even if most orders come out great.

Everything we buy here is a waste of money user

Maybe the price?

Its a limited + exclusive figure, they are already expensive to begin with.

So that's how your balls look like when she steps on them?

>Everything we buy here is a waste of money user
That's not true! I buy figures to stop me from kill myself!
It's not useless

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Nice to see these back on AmiAmi.

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Can’t wait for preorders

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So why wish for more cost?

Keep buying figures, user!

separate pieces dont make those figures more expensive, specially not if its only a chest piece.

I need more gays on my shelf.

Attached: D7VZxIYV4AAmmLW.jpg (680x511, 62K)

A chest part wont make the figure more expensive when dealing with exclusives. Its simpler figures that are comparatively more expensive if anything

>dont/wont make those figures more expensive
You people are delusional.

>buyfag just isn't for me anymore
How did you reach this conclusion?

My figures make me happy everytime I see them. Whether it just glancing at their smiles or when its dusting day I feel a warmth in my belly.

>Persona 2
Never, user

>franxx shitter
>posting images literally from reddit
Like pottery.

Attached: file.png (575x186, 33K)

And seems like you have never bought a native figure before. An extra piece wont make one of their figures more expensive than what it already is.

Nice, she's my fav Nekopara.

Not really, just look at their prices. If anything simpler figures come with a higher premium.

So why don't you hang yourself there? :D

why are you so upset at google image search

Go back there.

Makes more seams (possibly). What I like about regular cast off is if you don't like the way it looks cast on, you just take the part off and you have a nice naked body thats mostly one piece.

Misato when?

People unironically crosspost from reddit in here, that's how shitty these threads are now

You are aware that figure has plenty of seam lines already right? Making it a separate piece wont add more, she has gloves to remove her arms, a seam line under her breasts and a couple more on her waist.

If anything the pictures prove they are actually different chests parts, look at how the corset wraps around her breasts on the castoffed one while the clothed part the sideboob and armpit are visible

At that point making a separate piece is plain better

>the absolute state of /buyfag/

Castoff clothes create more seams tho.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Kill yourself.

>kids crying about the boogeyman again
Not like these threads can carry the hobby anymore.

Females over sexualizing gays is nothing to kill themselves over user.

This turned out surprisingly okay. Although I'd prefer canon outfits, there is not a single good figure in a regular outfit.

>le reddit boogeyman

Wedding CC again

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Franxxfags are already some of the worst faggots all 20 of them

>schizo stalker is so obsessed with Franxx he actually stalks people


1/1 Lala is trump approved

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Fucking TOM, took long enough

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I will enjoy my shit taste user!

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Box is pretty big, already low on space

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Attached: 1558716782661.jpg (2014x3407, 1.3M)

>objective proof exists
Great job.

>notice filename is not a standard pattern
>click one (1) button
Great job.

Attached: file.png (45x20, 763)

And here she is. Gotta say she looks better in person than just pictures.

Attached: 20190525_132145.jpg (750x1000, 154K)

Nice box.


>that's how shitty this board is now
FTFY. I mean just look at that r/anime poll thread that took like 4 hours to get deleted and had unironic posters keeping it bumped.

Gotta get a decent camera to take some pictures with

will be nice match with these two

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Those fucking hips. I can't wait for TOM to ship mine sometime in the next several months, whenever they feel like it. If she weren't an exclusive, I wouldn't put up with this service.

You could just use a proxy service or get her from BiJ/NY you know

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Coco is a big neko.

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>Darling in the shitstainfags are from reddit
Wish those idiots would just stay there

I caved in and ended up buying it

So what's the deal here with Manda:
>Regarding the Product Description
Box resealed (quality check by manufacturer, item unused) Contents are unused
Why the fuck would the manufacturer need to make something, package it then cut it all open to look at it?
It seems more likely some otaku regrets their purchase after hotglue and just does a better job putting all the plastic and foam back on than your average used figure.
Anyone got stories for these resealed? Should I buy a blacklight?

I never buy used for the fear of someone already hotglueing it

source pic?

You can just ignore that. It says that even for shit that's listed as opened. If it says unopened for condition then you can trust that it's actually unopened.

So it was listed as opened but it also still has all of the inner protective plastic wrapping which I don't usually see with used figures these days.

>Did you see anything you want at today's events?
This, VC4 scale and Hinata nendo.

Looks like a cast off from this pic

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Madoka strong

Attached: magia record.jpg (1477x983, 452K)

Go forward there.

then what's the point?

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I have one for a head/backrest and then I have a high quality legit one of my waifu which I cuddle at night

>When you want better service

Which one is better? They both look good to me

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Nice meme.

>slutty red riding hood
I'm down for it.

Maybe I turned asexual, because I feel nothing about this, and any other original nude figures shown yesterday. They are just so boring and has 0 appeal. (at least for me)

as long as they're of your waifu, there is no limit

This isn't even the first lewd RR we've gotten, is it? Just sex my childhood up, Japan.

neither I, looks trashy af.


Not seeing the big issue with NY preorders, they ship your shit 24 hours after its released and that's it. No need for special customer service or whatever.

i feel disgust when i see oversized fat tits. we need more flat chests of justice.

Woo the twins finally came!

Attached: 20190525_154255s.jpg (1210x908, 372K)

They ship your shit within 24 hours sometimes and pad them with little more than hope pretty much all the time. Then there are the times they take weeks to send your order, cancel your preorder, demand payments well in advance of when they should be due, and god forbid for any reason you do need cutlstomer service. TOM is slow as shit, but at least that's advertised on the tin.

Why not both?

Attached: 1558716741130.jpg (1696x3388, 1024K)

it's because she's supposed to be "little" red riding hood

Absolutely loving the figs, so detailed and look great together

Attached: 20190525_155602s.jpg (1210x908, 300K)

Bet you paid full price newfag

Ive never had a single preorder being shipped later than 2 days after release, only the retards who got in their sales recently got those delivery times which were actually pointed while ordering.

I have no issues with payments either, I always prepay in advance be BiJ, NY or proxy.

that's amazing. this is why i never gave up on anime.

Attached: 1558770452376.gif (1367x1080, 1.04M)

Never give up on chinese cartoons

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Consider yourself fortunate, then. There have been numerous reports of them doing the things I mentioned outside of their shipping and sales fiascos.

Rin turned out really well.
Get mad

Attached: 20190525_155740s.jpg (1210x908, 227K)

While imagining about that newearl, I also get the vapors thinking about a fig with Stella's milky white thighs.

Attached: character-image-stella.png (1024x1024, 574K)

>Rin turned out really well

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Those shorts really exceeded my expectations

Attached: 20190525_155706s.jpg (1210x908, 235K)

>I dunno if this looks good or bad.
the thighs are nice. the breasts might have been exaggerated too much.

I wish she was riding me

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Anyone could've told you that. The only people who still care about that godawful series are ironic weebs.

There's that one faggot who keeps reposting the same images over and over in these threads as well.

Same for this. Generic, non appealing, bland character.

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Time to wait for preorders to be open!

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It's not right that this is as sexual as it is.

Yeh it was a pleasant surprise. I didn't think the figure would be this lewd.

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Made for hotglue

someone post the comparison photos

What are they smoking at Megahluse, those boobs are overkill. If they had them to begin with it would be understandable but she’s far from this size and even more importantly they’re not that balloon shape. At least make them look more natural. And that face looks way too unexpressive, feels like it was botched.

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They don't care because they know people are buying them anyway. Just look at all the people buying mediocre One Piece fanservice figures.

MegaHouse's entire supply of fucks for 2019 was spent on making Kaworu good, so everything else they put out this year is going to be low effort.

nice one

Attached: file.png (61x86, 8K)

Yes I did notice the smudge (although the box was sealed). I'll try to rub it off later, shouldn't be too bad.

They seem slightly larger than her other form. While originally they're slightly smaller in her normal form.

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I'll rub you off later.

does she come with the black eyes as well?


Attached: 1544020842143.jpg (533x800, 88K)

thanks! she comes out next month too.

anyone of you anons ever brought from Figure Haven? There's not much about them in the guide and their site seems like it seldomly updates with new figures and they have the same couple figures that have been sitting there since 2013

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It's Alter, so probably going to look incredible.
Think this will be the one to break 30k?

tony Rin is so cute

>pad them with little more than hope pretty much all the time
Every time. None of my packages from them ever came damaged, though.

>take weeks to send your order
Never had that happen.

>cancel your preorder
Had this happen once. They also won't refund your money if you paid more than X months ago. You'll gt a voucher instead.

>demand payments well in advance
Never had this happen, but I basically always pay when placing the order.

>god forbid for any reason you do need cutlstomer service
Used their ticket system two or three times, didn't have any problems with it.

Now that these 3 and this got painted, can we finally get some nice bunnies too?

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>Flat chested elf

Attached: resentment.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

>sign says Megahouse

user-kun, do you need me to clean your glasses for you?

What's with the opening in her skirt....

It was in the Alter section of the Dengeki website, my bad

Instant access

what the fuck

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How committed is your buyfagging to your waifu?

Depends on which one are we talking about.

So committed that I am ordering custom stuff due to lack of merch.

Which one?

Only two scales of her, there are probably 4 worth getting.

Have her scale and daki (cutest daki). Still need to buy her other scale and nendo

my bad, I have three scales of her, there are probably 5 or 6 worth getting.

I bought all the dakis of my waifu done by Nakajima Yuka.

Do tattoos count as buyfagging?

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What's a waifu?

please respond


I have a few figs of her, and a plushie.

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game when

baby don't hurt me

At the time there wasn't that many Rem figures I wanted so I got some Ram figures.

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All the horses are dead user, so does the game.

Both birthday sets, figures, figma, nendo, various mix merch, all 3 official dakis and all the doujin ones. Thinking about getting a duplicate of one of her official dakis, then a bootleg to sleep with because I'm garbage at keeping them nice.

i'd like to buy her old dakis but they came out 10 years ago

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Actually yes, you're more committed than that dumb Saber Alter fag.


Most recent thing I bought was this daki

Attached: Ruri_showerdaki.jpg (954x888, 301K)

Stop stalking me.

I had to go through the auctions mate, I snagged 2 of them a little under the normal price because no one else was bidding on them. I checked the seller to make sure and they were legit.

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Mi negro!

She’s been around for a long time, so has TONS of merchandise. I don’t go hog wild and buy everything, but I do have a fair amount of items including some scales and a Nendo.

Ha ha ha, it was just a guess. The birthday sets reminded me of LL, then I remembered someone here had maki for a waifu. And that also matches with everything else you listed.


I've yet to miss an official figure and I have about 2/3 of all known GKs of her as well. I buy other merch too, but only stuff that has original art, instead of the same default art copied over and over.

Those 2 are me.

What jobs do you buyfags have to support your hobby?

Happy to see you shrine grow, user

I'm planning to make a shrine with all my merch the next time I move.

I work in a print shop, making t shirts. 40 hours a week at pretty good pay. Busy season nets me some killer overtime.

Good to know
There hasn't been much released lately but I'm still buying pins and keychains
Hoping I can snag some good shit from the AA at sacanime

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I can't believe she was at the expo!!!
Maybe she will be painted at WonFest???

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Don't count on it.

>try to sell my broken peg umi sonada fig
>not a single view
Fucking a love live haunts me, this isn't even the figure I was supposed to get

Time to let go

Wait I'm retarded

Maybe because you can't even write her name properly.

I don't even care about idol shit enough to type it out correctly

You'd get more views if you at least spelt her name properly.

>Fucking a love live haunts me
Did you finish inside, user?

made me double check, it's right on the listing

I would buy any good figures of her if there were any. So far ive only been able to get some keychains as well as a teacup.

Best girl.

You got a Nendo to go into it, right?

I have like 16 figures of her split between scales, nendos and various prize figures.

I don't think so, but yeah, opinions

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I love tony sluts

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she has like 3 official figs and a couple of custom ones that were made by doujinshi selling groups in japan. i have the best official figurine and lost hope on ever getting the custom ones where she dresses like a witch.

Attached: MakieWaifu4Laifu.png (1024x888, 967K)

That one in the back has really cute breasts.

Why you get a tattoo of shit

Because it's not enough to see her face on my phone and other places, I want to see her face no matter where I'm at, I never want to go a minute without seeing her face
It's one of the only things that keep me going is knowing I can always see zero tsu's smile

Bought her guitar. Put EMGs like her's, but might switch to Nazgul/Sentients purely cause that's what the updated one uses

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Is that a nipple?

Good luck being welcomed in Japan.


>release price 6500-7500 jpy
>now this
Why? There are any other figure skyrocketing that hard?

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If you're a not Japanese with tattoo in Japan, no one but the Senior folks give a shit.

Reminds me of Amazons weird prices when there's one of something left so the price goes up really high even if it's not rare.

What an awful character to have permanently etched into your body. Just some forgettable fucking meme bitch that no one will care about two years down the road.

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I guess it's just some sort of mini hype to make it more valuable since not many things came out of the series.

As you get older your skin will lose elasticity, allowing it to sag. Any excess fat you may have will exacerbate this. Getting a tattoo, particularly of your waifu, is a commitment to staying in shape until the day you die, lest you allow wrinkles, rolls, and flab spoil what you loved in days past.

tl;dr, Godspeed and don't fuck it up, crazy bastards.

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Thats Goretakus work yeah?

That is fucking autism and that still isnt a good reason to get a piece of shit tattooed on you

>It's one of the only things that keep me going is knowing I can always see zero tsu's smile
what a fucking cuck

its a local artist who was recommended to me by friends

True weeb respect

If you aren't as dedicated as him why are you even here? Are you those ironic weebs I've been hearing about.

>if you don't ruin your body with tattoos you're an ironic weeb

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>you're not running your body in other ways

>getting a tattoo of 02
>I'm the ironic weeb
Contradicted yourself

>Get an anime tattoo
>Call other ironic weebs
Lmao the irony

my husbando

>you have 2 dicks in your asshole so why would you complain about the 3rd

I bought Mashu with my heart

H-hello sir, I'm here for the job interview.

>tattoos mattering for job interviews in 2019
as long as you dont have swastikas all over your face employers dont give 2 shits

Are you referring to Mcdonalds?

it sounds like youve never had a job

Just saw a lady at working at a car dealership with couple of tattoos on her legs, wearing a skirt. People usually won't care as long as you're otherwise well groomed and have good references. Weeb shit might be a bit weird but if it's not above collarbones it's probably fine to most employers.


Hell yes! Totally called that Urd was going to be purple. Kinda wish Sculd was more red or maroon though.


Pretty sure she's cancelled. Not sure why since I recall Utena binning a bit at maybe one site, she otherwise sold pretty good.

Attached: probably cancelled thx UC.jpg (1200x1200, 125K)

What scale?
Who is making them?
When do they go up?

Check MFC
Check MFC
Between now and never

Can't fucking wait to get her in.

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Very adorable outfit but the more I look at it the more I'm glad I didn't preorder, the expression wasn't a good choice at all.

>What scale?
>Who is making them?
Binding but sold on Native's store and slightly overpriced on other stores.
>When do they go up?
Wait for announcement but expect it no earlier than August 2020.

I've slept with the same plush of my anime wife since 2009. I have seventeen duplicates of her, having purchased every instance I could find of her on yahoo auction japan, many lined up upon the perimeter shelves atop the ceiling of my room, plus her dakimakura.

Every piece of merchandise from her show I have purchased, both official and fan-created doujin works. I have over 200 non hentai doujinshi over 100 pornographic doujinshi, genga drawn in the creation of the show, cels from the show, every figure, and more miscelleanious items than I care to count including a wallet, clear files, acrylic stands, keychains, hanging trading figures, several iterations of blind box sets, art books, incredibly limited and expensive (200 USD each) zippo lighters that I had to ship overseas illegally, manga, over 50 cds many of which are character drama cds, iover fifty ndividually created art pieces from various artists on yahoo auctions, the tea set including the pot, the darjeeling tea bags in their original designer tin case, the cup, and the gold plated spoon, every official and even chinese bootleg color variant statue from each character both from the older run and the more recent set, the puppets, the pullip dolls, the wearable accessories including a bracelet, ring, earrings, the music box, cases for ipods and phones, pogs (seriously), shotglasses, the full set of banpresto lotto items including two copies of the pearlescent super limited duo copies of which there's only 50, an incredibly limited illustration featuring official art superimposed of each cover of the manga fused into one giant art (50 made), several other framed illustrations in addition to this, the timepieces including traditional voiced ringing clocks that speak in lines from the characters of the show, two traditional regular tile clocks, over 30 garage kits, and a hand painted oil painting of my wife that I sit upon the side of the bed and can stare into as I fall asleep every night.

I waited too long and I'm gonna have to aftermarket this

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Post proof

Why has she binned so hard?

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>mocking a fellow buyf/a/ggot with that level of dedication
FAGGOTS ALL OF YOU, making fun of him just because his waifu is from reddit in the franxx.

I also have a sealed set of her cookies that were baked when she and her show became the focus of a themed anime bar in japan (seaside tears) for a few weeks, the coasters and button promotional items that were given away as well. There's an hourglass, standing crystal displays with changing led stands, candles, a ceramic display of her sleeping (very hard to ship without breaking and expensive), and a smaller set of stuffed plushes.

Sometimes I post a shelf with what I have on full display, but I have no idea where the photos of the rest of my collection are, if they even exist.

looks fine to me.

>but I have no idea where the photos of the rest of my collection are, if they even exist.
Then just take some more?

im more worried about how the fabric is after 10 years and also if it has cum stains

>defending shit
He belongs back in reddit

Make sure they are listed as new instead of used, look at the pictures they have since many of the over bought them while trying to scalp people but it backfired on them.
Worst case scenario you can just get some Chinese bootlegs that have the print, they are cheaper than official ones and you can buy them in bulks just in case one becomes useless you can replace them.

Shit girl

Eat the cookies user

I don't think eating rancid stuff is good for that user.

no way, they're sealed in a tight plastic cylinder that allows me to see the design. They're several years old now and likely stale.

Part of me wanted to place them on a plate and immortalize them beneath a tight layer of glass so I could see the design on every single cookie (it's one different character per cookie) but I have no idea how to do that plus I might accidentally ruin them opening it.

Could coat them in epoxy. Or eat them.

Who is your waifu?

They can preserve wedding cakes for years, you could try taking them to a place like that. Or could've at least. They're probably stuck together now.

I'd like to think that the design runs through the entire cookie and isn't just a thin layer of color plastered on top. Since I can't be sure (and since I have no room to display a hypothetical plate of cookies), I'll just keep them sealed in the original container for now. They're very space-efficient in that small tube

I've posted this picture before, it's only a very small sample of my whole collection.

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I respect you user.

Having a tattoo of your waifu is exactly as bad an idea as tattoos of your significant others, because you'll regret it at the very latest when/if you get tired of her.

It's actually worst because it seems more like a spur of the moment rather than his actual waifu, yeah he might love her now but let's see him still collecting stuff in 9 years.

Not really convinced by these two. I will stick with her acrylic figure for now and hope that
ends up looking as good as the artwork.

Attached: IMG_2674.jpg (3264x2448, 1.54M)

You can always go for the figma, might be joint shit but at least you can pose her however you want and she has rather nice legs for a figma.

Figmas are way too small to do her delicious fat thighs any justice.

Then just wait for something better, her character was liked a lot so she might get some nice batches of merch just like mai waifu.

I have so few scales of her because I'm apprehensive of making a full-on shrine, so I end up having more Sonico figures, which makes me feel bad. I spring for all the jointshit though, which is odd because I have no problem having Nendo, CuPoche, and Parfom in the same dress but don't like the idea of having a bunch of scales in the same costume. I'll probably just buy everything I can when I have more space

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>implying that's even his waifu

What kind of jobs do you guys have that you can afford this stuff?

How many figures do you own?

Why is my wife on your arm?

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Anyone know a good place to buy figures from old shows?

I make $13.50/hour and I own like twenty or so figures. Enough that I can't imagine the exact number. Probably higher, and I have shit for preorder all year except September. More or less loved anime too fast, I guess, but everything's within budget

Yes, you can buy them from one of the sites in the guide

i own about 200
im a neet

Attached: YSC.jpg (1500x1730, 493K)

I pump gas.
I think its over 160 figures now.

I'm $50000 salaried but only window shop on these threads.

Time were harder back then.

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>he doesn't waifu the Vaterland

Attached: garbage.png (352x468, 180K)

retail job.
18 figures.

retail slave

Currently 75 figures. Medical Technologist although third world shithole salary

Eh, I was criticizing you for having a salaryman waifu but my waifu was a Roman emperor so whatever

Still waiting for my GSC EMS. It's already left Japan. Could get it in a few days.

>more Futaba
>figma again

disliked and unsubscribed

In an office? Yes. They tend to want those covered. Have you ever had a job? (nice projection)

Two jobs, one at $20 USD hourly(hoping for raise soon). I guess 30 figs?, but that's after almost ten years collecting. I like niche things like keychains, mugs, acrylic figures.

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> Crymaria figure.

nice, I hope they make a Minerva and Leena figure.

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I used to think my life had no meaning, but now I know. I was here to live until Bandai loosened its grip so that I could be alive in this timeline.

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What's a missed car payment or two, really?

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adult Raph.

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Amico really could have just used an envelope for this.

I've never really had a waifu.
Rory probably comes closest.

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you better not.

where are her tits...

pretty disappointing

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>Trying to screwing in a wood plank for figures
>Mess up
>Uneven, bend and look weird the moment i put something heavy on
Should have buy and let people install it for me/10

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W-Will you put those tattoo on your womb user?

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Put her on your dashboard like the virgin Mary in a cab. Unironically, cheap as dirt figures that are nice to normal, non-autistic/discerning humans, seen in sub-optimal conditions, are great indeed. Don't think of it as an unacceptable display piece in your home that's meant to look like a museum piece. They are bad at that. What they are good at is being a really kickass alternative to every other lame thing you'd have decorating places you'd never put something expensive. In short, you can afford risks and therefore increase the presence of your wife in the world at large and generally see more of her.

That one is really nice for $15 and also leads to my second point. If you have any modelling or artsy skills at all, you can risk fuckin' around with it and it's no big loss. I'd try taking a really sharp X-acto blade and shaving down that burr on her forearm, then use a Magic Eraser scouring pad to see if you can smooth it out. Report back to us as to how this goes. For science.

I have considered buying some cheapo figs and doing some paint work on them myself. I am a modeller (mainly /tg/ miniatures and such). I have seen a lot of animu figures that could benefit immeasurably from small tweaks, like just adding a little of a certain red color to the deepest recesses in pink hair for instance. But, paint usually won't stick to shit like these figures are made of. Anyone ever tried it? Pic tangentally related.

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Sand and prime and it'll stick
t.plamo nerd

>He didn't drill a pilot hole

where's does /buyfag/ buy their display cases?
is 30 bucks for a 5.5" x 5" x 13" too much?

Attached: 31uTgycYvDL.jpg (270x500, 13K)

>Go to Japan
>Actually find a Fuuri Watanuki: Yukata Ver by pure chance after looking on and off for 4 years.
>Her Takoyaki has nothing to keep in place on her hand
>I carefully close the door to my case
>The Takoyaki falls off and the stick in it breaks off.

Attached: 1556662865770.jpg (463x463, 23K)

They'll probably go on one or both of the Dvas.

Wouldn't put heart pupils on Yukari and face her towards some tanks?

I suck at putting together shit too user, i have no clue why i just become retarded

No, but I would put heart pupils on Yukari and make her bend over in front of them.

not even once.

Why user, if you read any of these threads you will notice we have a big issue with that last bit. Characters are in some bullshit costume, usually bunny or beachwear, more often than not. We really really want the god damned canon costume designs but it's pretty rare to get them. Even huge characters from a decade ago are sorely lacking in them sometimes, like Rin. When I started throwing my cash down the drain that is figure buying, Rin had been around for that long so I assumed there'd be 10,000 good Rins in her usual costume. It's a red turtleneck, a skirt and thigh high zr. This is not rocket science. BUT NO. There is a tiny handful of decent ones and in my personal opinion, only 2 really worthwhile. Otherwise, it's race queens and her in a slutty Emiya costume etc.. I like some of those fine but give me the fuckin' character design I fell in love with several times before branching out into other versions.

Case in point, 02 is popular with a wide audience so from a sales standpoint alone, you'd think there'd be some good ones with her in her regular military uniform, with the hat, coat etc.. Too much to ask. I think the Nendo is it. And she's not anywhere near a dire case in this respect.

I miss Haruhi figures. They did every kind of thing imaginable including new lines, with her in her school costume. They also did the bunny she appeared as infamously in the show. Then they branched out into 100 bikinis and whatever. Point is, there was ICONIC Haruhi from every maker, pronto.

Today, we'd get 3 bunnies, including a red and white one, some other random cat suit, a race queen, and a Figma and a Nendo of her in her regular design, then a nice scale in 2 years.

Anons, what character do you wish for any or more of in their design sheet costume? Which ones have been especially egregious in this regard? I wish I was more into Fate or idolshit. Those seem to always deliver at least a few of a character in their iconic, standard canon costume.

Attached: stop posting anytime.gif (500x281, 196K)

>Hobbysearch is down for maintenance
I hope the last bastion of usable web design in this fucking hobby isn't fagging shit up.

It's just trash.

Are guitar's really that expensive?
That's half a year's worth of rent.

It's been a strange journey for me. I didn't really have one, but as true married couples know, sometimes she just finds you. Mine is Ram and she found me through unlikely means. I had some acquaintances who get random merc from anime cons and iirc lootcrate or whatever. They gave me a picture frame and a keychain of her because they didn't know the character and know I love pink haired girls. Well, tldr this blog post, I ended up collecting more of her and boom, before I knew it, we were engaged and now I am seriously considering crossing the event horizon and getting a daki. And no, I am not all about Ram because I am contrarian regarding her sister. I just like droll, saucy onis, pink hair, and mild abuse from a condescending girl who's kind deep down. Also sharp eyes.

What's this question supposed to mean? Because I hope it doesn't mean what you seem to be >implying.

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I don't have a waifu but I could probably put together a small nico shrine.

Attached: bully.jpg (3264x1836, 1.6M)

That was tried at my house but someone lost sight of her objective. Please post more teacup Nendos anons.

Attached: Mugumeme-burn-in-the-ashes-of-my-madness.png (700x749, 814K)

>I've never really had a waifu.
For me it was like when normalfags are friends for years and find out they like each other. I liked Fate/Extra for ages, and realized around Last Encore last year that I love my umu emperor. I celebrated by spending a bunch of money on figures and keychains and shit

>moments before

Attached: Mugumin's Magic Trick.jpg (700x2722, 848K)

>moments before that

Attached: Mugsmeme-1-scene edit.jpg (801x833, 436K)

>I wish I was more into Fate or idolshit
Kinda contrasts with what you just said about Rin. I agree though. I love Nero but I don't like most figures of her in her canon costume and I don't like having so many swimsuit/yukata/gymclothes figures that outnumber the canon dress. Kinda bothersome. Hell, I personally kinda "dropped" Rin as a waifu or whatever BECAUSE there was so little good merch. I only have the Nendo and a fucking prize fig of the Extra Rin from Last Encore, as well as Nendos I ordered of Ishtar and Ereshkigal, if they count.

One of my favorite figures is Haruhi as a bunnygirl btw

good for you user, it took me 24 years to find someone i truly love, i spent so much of my life crushing on girls but i never knew what true love felt like

I have the same ikea desk, very nice

I should have specified that I meant "without refinishing the whole thing". For an example, say I have something like that Rem in question and I want to add deeper blue shading to her hair. You're saying you can lightly sand the hair down so there is some tooth and then repaint all the blue, right? That's good info but I question how smooth the finish would be after sanding, and I don't want to repaint the whole thing, just touch it up or for lack of a better word, do some upgrading. Basically I was hoping they could be messed with outside of making them into essentially garage kits entirely repainted.

I have a nice enough Rem figure in front of me (cheap prize but good for the price). Her black maid costume is a dark grey as black usually is. It would look killer if some actual jet black was added into the deepest shadows. What kind of paint would be good to mess with? I am almost considering some black oil paint. You'd never be able to touch it, but it would stay in place and dry more or less if it doesn't bead up. Would you suggest maybe trying to sand all the grey or just priming over it with brush-on primer (some kind of Tamiya maybe)? I have no experience with it similar to the stuff most anime grills are made from?

Now I want to go take more embarrassingly autistic and dumb mug photos. I have Yunyun and the other Konosubi handy, Fight Club Mako and Ryuko from KLK, Ram, and a Nero Cupoche. Suggestions? inb4 neckmyself and bullying.

I wasn't looking for Rin it was just an observation. I thought she'd be a solid benchmark, as she is a household name (amongst anime fans) and a B-lister if not an A-lister.

One of the true blessings of 2D, user. She's still as young and perfect as she was all those years ago.

Attached: yunyunbully_not_iphone_filename.png (800x790, 873K)

Pretty sure that basic IKEA glass case is the most common one in these threads.

Speaking of which did Nero get any new stuff?

As in yesterda-new? I don't think so. Jannu and Saber Alter did.

Nero please. I don't have enough cups and things around my house to use my own Nero cupoche

OK, next thread then, sousha!

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(pic related, it's what neither of us will be doing anyway let's be real)

You faggots are going to make me pull out my god damn collection aren't you.