Is Bloody Stream the best Jojo Op?
Is Bloody Stream the best Jojo Op?
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Bloody Stream is easily 2nd though
by far the most reddit fanbase on Yea Forums
all the threads consist of stupid shit like this
It's the second worst. The worst is fighting gold.
muda muda muda xD
so kino and based
>not Sono Chi no Sadame
I unironically like chase the most
I like it for the double meaning in the lyrics.
I like part 2 the most so yes, Bloody Stream best OP.
Yes but they all good
Close, I'd say it's number 3 after great days and sadame
Very close second.
based and hairpilled
Yes, Bloody Stream is the best.
It's bombastic and smooth, but also has the bes imaginery of the 4 great OPs we got from that 3d studio.
While the songs are still good, the openings are not close as being as good as Part 1-3
They could have done so much more with this song. The only thing I really love about the visuals is Narancia's floating in the smoke, that's cool as shit.
nothing in this fucking show has gone even CLOSE to the greatness that is Sono Chi no Sadame.
just like the anime itself.
>They could have done so much more with this song
There is actually a lot of stuff going on though - foreshadowing with the dripping blood and the separation of characters in the end, abacchio's background as a cop and him being the first one to die, mista's prison time, trish being bound by a blood relation, fugo's leaving, and the whole chains of fate that bind the characters being turned into vines and broken by giorno thing. Don't know what's going on with buccellati and narancia though.
I know that but visually it's boring. The second VA OP is way better IMO
holy shit this reeks of newfag, jojo aside
stop gatekeeping a board culture you clearly know jack shit about.
this was posted on this board a minute ago.
JoJo is reddit in anime form.
Letting your opinion on anime change based on what other newfags tell you is Reddit. You are Reddit in human form.
i was reading JoJo before you were born, faggot.
the anime ruined it forever, it's a trash adaptation and people are gulping it up because of the "le epic memes xd"
spotted the newfag
>Letting things be "ruined forever" because people you don't like also like it
why not just ignore them faggot? This thread didn't even show any signs of Reddit until you showed up, just people discussing the OPs.
You either stopped liking a timeless manga just because it becomes popular, or you're a lair. You are Reddit in human form.
That's not reddit, though. Reddit doesn't approve of spampost any more than here.
I hate reddit as much as the rest of Yea Forums, but if you're just hating it for the meme and have no idea what the website's really like, you can fuck off with that mob mentality. bullshit. Think for yourself.
Also letting a fanbase ruin something for you is retarded. Say what you will about JoJo, but any sort of connection between its content and reddit's content in general is non-extant; if you want a reddit manga, read A Silent Voice. You don't have to like the series, but to imply that it has no merit as a whole and to try to tie it to other random things you don't like is just "why do you like what I don't like?" tier garbage.
You must lurk two years before posting.
>i was reading JoJo before you were born
Not the guy you're replying to, but why would you feel a need to lie like this?
Unless you're Japanese, it's incredibly unlikely to be true.
>Punished polnareff soon
>tfw I'll never see a happy polnareff or any polnareff after part 5
they were all excellent except for golden wind's second OP
they really dropped the ball on that one
STAND PROUD or fuck off.
>best part
>best characters
>best opening
I like end of the world
listen to it like 3 more times with subtitles, it grows on you
He's definitely a liar, but hasn't Jojo been translated into some European languages like Italian and French for some time?
Ah, I guess that is possible; I forgot it was bigger in Europe.
Yes and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
No other jojo op gets you psyched like bloody stream
Golden Wind is the best audio for me but I think its a tie for best visuals
Damn I miss Jojo 3D openings. Some people don't like CGI, but David Productions ones were really good. Hopefully Part 7 will have one since, it will likely be mostly CGI Horses.
3D Jojo openings should be designated for each part.
That would be Sono Chi no Sadame.
>best part
how to spot secondaries
It's the best opening visually, but I like Stand Proud because I have terrible taste and like bland rock.
Best visually
> bloody stream
>best song
Traitors requirem
>best opening in terms of hype and overall quality
Sono chi no kioku
> best weird and crazy opening that personifies the Jojo spirit
Crazy noisy bizarre town
>Lamest opening that took 0 risks
Fighting gold (even chase was better)
> best workout song
tie between Chase and Stand proud
Everything else is pretty good too
literally the worst jojo op (chase is a close second, but only because of the song itself)
Based and johnathanpilled.
No, it's one of the worst.
Chase: *exists*
I don't understand why people care about visuals in OPs. It's not like you aren't browsing Yea Forums during the OP anyways.
Imagine being so new you think this is anything unusual.
Little easter eggs for the people who read the manga, the visual might change each episode sometimes just for the visual spectacle.
>chase being better than FG and BS
It must be hard being this retarded.
A better question is whether there are ANY bad Jojo OPs?
I'd say CNBT electronic version, but that's about it.
Nothing beats pic related