Okay so he was jesus right

Okay so he was jesus right
And he was leading gods army to stop satan?
Theres tons of subliminal scenes in the show that point to this and other literal scenes but I cant find anything online that mentions this. Only click bait shit that talks about how ryo is a tranny even though hes the depiction of the christian satan.

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>ryo is a tranny
More like a hermaphrodite. Some religious texts say that Satan have both male and female characteristics so they gave him boobs.

and a dick
but hes an angel not a human so its a dumb thing to say

>Okay so he was jesus right
no. holy fuck americans are dumb.
he was devilman. god is an asshole in this series. satan isn't "bad", he's just misunderstanding humanity while also in a impossible situation.

>seen with 3 crosses on a hill
>cries for humanity
>ryo literally reads a passage from the bible talking about how gods and satans army will have a final showdown on earth
wow what a crazy farfetched idea

I am not Jesus I'm Devilman

allright, spoiler time, god is an alien and not actually god. eat a dick


Spoiler for real life or anime?

>implying that isn't just empty symbolism irrelevant to the larger plot especially when compared to the relay scene

god doesn't exist in real life. watch the rest of the series.

Nah nigga, just like irl God is paternal in this series. He tries to teach Satan empathy and love. But Satan only learns these too late (“what is this feeling” or whatever he said). So God reset the world to try again at the very end.

In the manga Akira guesses that the Bible passage about God's army is talking about an army of devilmen. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have anything to do with God or Jesus, though you could draw some parallels I guess, considering he dies and soon after God comes down to clean up the mess.

>Okay so he was jesus right
He was Amon.

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>He tries to teach Satan empathy and love.
nope, that's akira. god can't tolerate satan's existence at all because, as an alien invader, he craves control, and will reset the timeline as many times as it takes to eliminate all devilmen.

I read the manga but I don’t remember any alium shit.

your fan theory is retarded

>god can't tolerate satan's existence at all
That depends on if were talking Old Testament vengeful god or New Testament forgiving god

>he hasnt read the manga
>he doesnt know about the moons
it's in the manga

this isnt the manga

we're talking about bastardized japanese take on god. you know, the one that high schoolers kill.

it ties into the manga. the moons at the end indicate the manga timelime

think less grays more lovecraft.

Go read the fucking Bible. Jesus is not the one who fights against the devil and its army, that's Michael archangel, who's the strongest angel or at least the one who leads God's troupes. The symbolism is not perfect and doesn't align with the Bible literally, unless for a few specific points that are clearly stated, and Akira being Jesus is certainly not one of them

>OP: iS tHiS a jEsUs?

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Go away reddifuck shu shu

>Go read the fucking Bible
yeah i dropped it at the part where a dude sells his daughter for 100 foreskins and the buyer pays double for no reason

Miki was the Jesus.

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>Go read the fucking Bible
Or just watch Supernatural

the bible is shittier than my immortal, jesus is the biggest mary sue in history. shit writing, plotholes galore. western dogshit.

apparently its good enough for japs to base an entire cartoon off of

I want to fuck the Jesus.

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Was it too subtle?

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and what happened with that? oh right, american moms cried foul and said it was evil, like they did with pokemon, and d&d. why are you defending this shit?

right, jesus was actually a demon

No. God's army was a mutual enemy. He was trying to lead a new breed of devils + humans.

finally, someone who gets it

>And Saul said, Thus shall ye say to David, The king desireth not any dowry, but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the king's enemies. But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines.

Is there an angel stronger than Michael archangel?

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yeah but the part after that. reminds me of something out of rick and morty.
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the bible
ah. it makes sense now. the bible is just condensed autism.

Just letting you guys know that I'm not convinced that I'm wrong. All I see are a bunch of cringe lord fedoras crying about a japanese cartoon telling a religous story and rationalizing it anyway they can

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>He fights the baddies and they mention the Bible, he must be Jesus
The absolute state of OP

you're overthinking it because you're religious. it's like how some muslims think dio was chosen by Allah because he gained the power to stop time after reading the quran

except im not
the show is very literal with it
the theorys that claim otherwise are picking up on smaller subliminal less credible things


>kimochi warui
what did he mean by this?

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He's obviously Gabriel.

God this show was garbage. dropped after the 2nd episode

Don't forget yu gi oh

the start of the second episode is literally the best part of the entire series besides miko

>Implying that the first episode was not a visual masterpiece

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Ok akira

This thread is proof Crybaby was a mistake

Everyone was sperging over crybaby but it was a 6/10 for me

>the bible is just condensed autism.
pretty much

Devilman's lore is actually more Gnostic than directly Christian. The manga even references Jesus as someone who followed a path closer to true enlightenment than anything to do with the "God" that's known in-universe.

t. snowflake

Devilman God's just a hivemind of a million angels, we only get Satan's side about why he thinks he was kicked out, but actually see instead of just hearing from Satan some of why God may have eradicated the demons after the angels scouting Earth got eaten and Satan was clearly grooming demons to make a weapon to go at God again. It's incidental to God if Satan survives and learns anything by repeating the timeline because God's not doing that, that's all Psychojenny.