Next chapter when?
Assassin's Pride
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He became a castrato so quickly.
He what?
Chapter one he's all like "nigga, i might need to pop this loli soon", then by 3 he's "loli is love, loli is life, i will die for loli"
He's character lost all its uniqueness and edge and became oniisama-esque too quick and without enough reason.
Flat chest =/= loli
She's underage, no hips, no chest. She's a textbook lolita on the border of teenagedom. She's got practically the same build as ilya but has a smaller head.
She’s not a loli. She’s just petite
Nah she's a loli, just not a moeblob. She undeveloped and underage, thats a loli.
Calling her a loli is like calling Megumin a loli. They’re both petite.
I'm pretty sure everybody calls Megumin a loli even in-series. Just think about what doujins use for a tag on sadpanda.
>She's not a child officer she's just petite
>officers are bandwagoners
Hopefully when volume 4 comes out on the 19th next month
He still says that he's going to kill her if she doesn't live up to impossibly high standards in that last chapter
>says her potential is bottomless
>in the same chapter that he establishes there are certain unbreakable limits for human beings that can't be surpassed unless you're a lycanthrope
lol she's doomed.
Serious question, no sarcasm.
What's so good about this manga?
He's trying, he's trying.
Is he anorexic or some shit?
Just japanese.
According to volume 10 blurb, kill order has been made official. It's for Elise Angel
MC way too henpecked to do that now
Cute grill
>You are the strongest assassin
>This is your life now
I wouldn't say that. He did just kill off pink girl's servants, her mother, her father, and most of her relatives, and was going to off her brother and cousin too
>l-look I'm s-still edgy... r-right???
No way he can do anything that would male ojousama cry.
Anyone read the LN?
I really hope the anime doesn't flop and the ln gets licensed. I'd really buy it.
>volume 10
Does the finale of the series seem in sight?
>you are strongest assassin
>beccome butler for preteens
was it worth it?
The contract was worth the price
Shoujo battle harem
>EMT Squared
This girl is unironically the best in the history of battle academy genre so he's 100% right to abandon everything for her.
Renai Boukun, so we're doomed to mediocrity at best.
This series is not a harem. Only main girl and teacher are interested in MC and for teacher it comes in like vol 5-6.
It absolutely is shojo though.
Faggot go read the LN spoilers. It's not a harem it's a shojo romance with great setting and nice action.
There are two girls after MC so it's a triangle not a harem. While Melida has teacher and lesbo after her.
A soul pledged to the darkness
This thing has a really nice setting I hope anime won't be a low budget shitfest.
>Kuma Miko studio
Except it is faggot
Why are investors and production committee always love the idea of making their own studio instead of hiring some big ones and deal with it?
Do they finally got out of their lost decade for real this time?
>Kino Miko studio
Committees always look to get the most $ from otaku with spending the least. This is normal.
>That hair
So does everyone know what he is now or something?
No even his guild has no idea and would murder him if the knew.
>two girls after the MC
That's not how it works.
So apparently the dark knight mom is a man eater and her daughter doesn't even know her dad.
Are you legit retarded? Love triangle is like the most common shit ever.
could be worst, they are not Bones, but they are not that trash
The novels just reached the ending of the anime.
You don't know much about shoujo do you?
Love triangles with two girls and a boy is not a shoujo staple. Having a cute romance story doen't make it shoujo. Having ikemen added to the mix doesn't make it shoujo either.
Yeah with two guys (most likely a beta nice guy and a wild untamed asshole) and one girl.
Shojo having a rival girl is completely normal. This is shojo because of the way their relationship works. Super handsome cool dude appears to solve poor girls problems. She's an aristocrat but is bullied. She's trying to impress her father.
Nah maybe, he's just a more shounen Sebastian. Scary when he needs to be but utterly bland the rest of the time.
In those translated chapters he's not really bland.
Where is the manga published? If it's po published in a shounen magazine or publisher, then it's shounen, doesn't matter how many girly elements the series has. Otherwise you would call shit like Nisekoi or 5toubun shoujo too
Except the rival girl in shoujo gets Btfo pretty early/is irrelevant most of the time or else the fans riot.
Girls read shoujo to fantasize about guys lusting for them, not to compete with another bitch for NotOniisama's dick.
>Where is the manga published?
Not sure if this is a rhetorical question, but it's in Ultra Jump and marketed as seinen.
Is this series any good?
its typical magical battle school but the MC is is cool heroine is lovely and everyone else is not an insufferable cunt ... kinda
Pretty fun so far, helped that it's monogamous instead of harem so you don't have too many side bitches taking time away from cute main girl.
If it's going to look like that I'd rather pick JC Staff.
>I'd rather pick JC Staff.
so it can look like OPM S2???? How About.. no
why do MC's always have the same lanklet build
its magical based setting, dont need to be BUFF to be stronk
its cause girls over there prefer slim, tall and "elegant" guys with a bit of muscle
they dont exactly like hulk type of guys, and those guys are somehow always written as gay/freddy mercury type
just look at k/jpop, or just whatever shoujo you find. it cater to their taste, ofc
It's okay. Girls are great and world is interesting.
Have you ever seen professional special forces dudes? They look like that.
No you would not.
So if I don't care about girls there isn't much there for me right?
well, theres not-MOBA combat and shits too, but yeah
Looks good.
Dunno, MC wasn't bad either but I'm also fond of "person with dark past doing shady things to protect the innocence of their master" thing too so take it as you will. It could have been done better though.
Picked up
I'm really a fan of that too. Might give it a shot then.
Really, are there anymore of this. Its quite a popular trope too, but aside from sukasuka and that one about lolis with super powers and guns, i cant find anything else
Zashiki Warashi had a bit of it. One of the 3 sets of MCs involves a police detective and his loli stalker and another set involves said lolis supernatural spy older sister who only works for an organization because the young girl who got stuck in charge after her parents died is cute. Plus the ending with the "main" MC I don't spoil. Also Illness Magic User. No manga for it though and it already ended after 9 volumes that are all translated.
>not caring about girls
What are you, gay?
No, just jaded.
Both look interesting. Thanks user
On a side note, there’s the “loli protecting the jaded dude too”
Momo the blood taker and in/spectre are both quite fun
Momo started great, but it kinda lost focus in recent chapters.
Edgy boy gets a semi loli daughter, the mango/novel.
It's pretty ok.
He fell in love.
Would Yea Forums let their daughter go out in public wearing that dress?
>Letting your daughter go out in public
Hold on, let me go get my pipe
His guild knows. Everyone in that guild knows. It's how his boss met him when he was 10.
He's also not the only monster in the guild
well it makes sense. Its a shadow organization, why should they waste an effective and loyal asset
Is this from when kingdom got rushed by monsters?
No, it's from when spillover from the ongoing mainland lycanthrope war got to Flandor and burned down the town he was in after mom died
Invasion is when he's 14. It's D-Day, except Flandor is the Germans, and the Allies are a mixture of the aliens from X-Com Terror Beneath.
I'm sure anime won't get to any of it anyways.
I love how those uniforms make their tits look like eyes.
>why are they looking at me like that
>short hair
All girl schools being super gay is the best anime trope.
What happened to MC's mom, did she get raped by the monster things, fall in love with one or what?
>NTR'd by a lesbian
Picked up.
Shoujo love triangles (ffm) pre-Hana Yori Dango were written more bigamous than shounen love triangles are now. Increase in manga as pure escapism in the last two decades has really pushed down standards
Before you had stuff like Angel Sanctuary, Tokyo Crazy Paradise, I Love Her, where the live rival is almost if not more important than the heroine.
Anyways didn’t have a point I just like shoujo, I think I’m gonna go make a thread
Why did his boss think mummy-kun was a match for him in the first chapter than lol
>muh retconning stupid sexy vampirism
Will lesbo make it to anime?
>All those tiny, budding breasts
Is that what heaven is like? I hope it is
I love this "Rapist but its cool because she's a cute girl" archetype. I wish there were protagonists like this but even in yuri manga they're never the leads.
>ywn exist in a time where this was the socially acceptable marrying age
Well, here's hoping for a VR revolution.
So black hair is the magic knight and pink girl is a dragon knight?
>dragon knight
>not a dragon dragoon
Black > blonde > blue > pink
Das it mane
Stat wise he is pretty close to the human boy.
Whoa, Bandages-kun gets a cutie.
>tfw you are trying to train your cute but dumb mistress into being a person that won't get lynched by society for muh eugenics or you assassinated by her grandpa, except she isn't wearing the proper attire for training and is being a naughty mistress
Rude. She's not dumb.
Why are middle-schoolers such sluts?
Why are the males so incapable of giving them what they want?
They don't know what they want, too young.
Good 15 year old girl, head on straight and responsible just not nearly enough training for the insanity that's going to surround everything
Because they’re in the middle of developing sexuality
They know they have to claim a good mate before other middle schoolers take them.
Stop posting haremshit with beta fags.
Dat ass on blue though
You think she’s into anal?
I'll do what I want, you can't stop me.
Best girl spotted
>as a kid you made a deal after everyone you ever cared about died and is gone from your life
>you train for 4 years under the harshest regime imaginable
>your first mission is being on loan to actual red dressed cannon fodder who are up against a numberless horde of humanoid sea monsters and zombie pirates, plus with cannons on their ships blasting the fuck out of the beach, with a giant rainstorm everywhere
>Suicide rowboats head out to try and board and sink the gunships
>it's all a giant clusterfuck of terrible proportions that goes on for hours and hours where you're the only survivor of your section, the human army is fucking decimated to pieces,
>only the terrible weather blowing the enemy transports out to sea again and the Dragon Knight family dogpilling the enemy admiral saves the nation from becoming lobster city
He's had a wild adventure of a life.
>too chuuni for a super chuuni assassins guild
Bully-chan is super cute.
To be honest it's a miracle their nation still exists.
Lots of propaganda and newspaper control can keep society together
But one more invasion and all three of the Dukes outright say that it's game over. Even Melida's dad
I hope anime fanservice delivers.
Good I want the monsters to win and take the girls as wives.
>Russian translations are farther ahead than English
>Raws nowhere
>LN translation never
Literally how?
Why isn't the manga translated anymore?
Chinese translations are up to like ch22.
I really wish there was more stuff about them venturing to the dark country beyond the ocean.
Volume 9 has quite a bit of convo between pic related and the Werewolf cardinal, Mad Gold. Lots of info about what's going on and what's across the ocean.
The country where the vampires are is called Lux Vanilla, hidden at "the very ends of the world" in the middle of a canyon maze. Rumors of the isolationist city is that it's made entirely out of moon rocks and white materials, it literally glows in the dark.
Mad Gold paid up a fortune and enlisted a lot of witch doctor voodoo help to make it there, and came back with materials for creating perpetual motion engine, although he can't access memory of what actually happened in the city, or even what the place looks like
So eventually it'll be time to see it.
If the situation is so dire, shouldn't they make things like the mana implementation procedure more common and have some more kids since they are guaranteed to be powerful?
>make lots of propaganda about how things are just fine
>follow up by "hey kids, wanna be cannon fodder too? Hope you don't mind moving into the houses of extinct families, it's totally auspicious"
30% chances of losing your humanity and being crippled isn't a good bet.
In order for things to really change, structure of Flandor has to get revolutionized.
Interesting. They haven't really delved into civilian life much yet in the manga.
Those school battle uniforms are so good.
I see her pantsu
Are the revealing garter dresses really necessary though?
Yes. Very.
It's a leotard.
Drill a cute!
Somehow I never noticed how flat drills was, I just defaulted to her having tits.
Flat + drills is a top-tier combination
Such a cheerful bunch. Melida is so lucky to have them.
Can't wait for djs of them being cumdumps for sensei to release the stress of fending off preteen snatch daily.
Reminder that author is dead.
Volume 4 internal monologue
>I want to become recognized by everyone as a knight of the House of Angel, for my departed mother's honor. This means I will be top of the top of the nobles
>But I want to marry sensei. Except that won't happen if he's not a noble whose name and influence is known all across the public, daddy and auntie and uncle and all the rest of the nobility won't accept.
>so, how do I get both at the same time, I want it
>I wish I had asked mother how it was, she had a trying time being accepted and this was even as the daughter of the largest arms manufacturer in Flandor
Now I've lost it
I know I can kill
The mango artist draws the little girls so cutely.
>anime adaptation in the works
Mite b cool
should i pick this up?
Only if you can read Japanese.