
Ndalice a cute

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Frenda is for splitting in half with your cock.

That should be her fate in an isekai spinoff.

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Touma retard.

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We need more Mikoto road chase battles

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>"easy there, ladies. no sudden moves or I'm going to run like there's no tomorrow"

Why are they so mad?

He had the only piece of food and they want it.

if mugino doesn't get dubs she's going to melt takitsubo's cunt

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Why is there no Raildex female like Danchou?

Wow so original

It original because this time Alice die to the Red Queen

is Mugino is yandere for Hamazura?

Don't you mean the Queen of Hearts?

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You guys think living with Ollerus and Silvia is annoying?

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It's mostly living with Silvia that's the issue, Ollerus seems chill.

MisaMisa is unironically the best pairing in Raildex.

I'm glad Japan seems ot enjoy glasses Touma as much as I do

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Saten is a madwoman with no regard for her life or personal safety

He'd just break them. It would be most fukou da.

Cute regardless

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Although not his first foray into fiction related to the Toaru Majutsu no Index "universe",
with his short story,
Toaru Bushitsu no Fanatic, translated as A Certain Clubroom's Fanatic appearing in
>Pseudepigrapha Railgun
>Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare,
where the characters of Index are treated as fictional characters,
(this story shows that both stories occur in the same universe)

Toaru Bushitsu no Fanatic
A Certain Clubroom's Fanatic
which was written by (non Kamachi Kazuma)
>Fushimi Tsukasa
and illustrated by
>Ikeda Sakura

FULL RAWS: imgur.com/a/uyNp1Lu

English translation: (non js06)
Translated by
and edited by
>Rohan 123


It was first announced the Machi Asobi event on May 5, 2013, and the first story was published on Dengeki Bunko's page on the Nico Nico service.[1] The first story was published on June 14 with upcoming stories being published every Friday Pacific Standard Time.[2]
After Fushimi Tsukasa finished his half of the story, Kamachi Kazuma then started his half on September 5, 2013, titled Toaru Majutsu no Index Gaiden Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Ore no Mikoto ga Konna ni Abare Mawaru Wake Ga Nai translated as A Certain Magical Index Side Story A Certain Scientific Railgun "My Mikoto Can't Be This Berserk"

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mission impossible starring saten ruiko

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I always felt that Saten was a behind the scenes kinda girl, not this scale the walls with your sticky paws like Tom Cruise things Did she bring her bat?

She will find one by coincidence and bash the dragon's skull in

It's shit

Is next chapter really just 10 pages?

use your brain

Yeah, thought so.

Misaki a pile of shit

You're waifu a pile of shit.

>My Mikoto can't be this berserk
I want to read that.

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Small milkies.

why is she so fat?

When did we go 2 novels per year? The pain is palpable and painful

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When Kamachi started writing for a dozen different titles.

There was a Railgun SS so at least 3 this year and could be another SS of some kind with the Accelerator DVDs

For some reason, I really want to read this.

But we have 3 novels this year.
March, July and somewhere in fall probably.

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>thumb is covering up kyousuke

Seems like a funny chapter

I love that little goober queen



We will inform if later have new info
and upload in youtube

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Any predictions on when we'll get to hear this glorious soundtrack on youtube or obtain it? Daily reminder its been almost a month.

I feel every day that I go without this Index III OST, I lose a piece of myself.

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The special program "One Way of Science" broadcast on July 12, 2019!
New information on works is also on display!

A Certain Magical Index "Accelerator Feature"
AbemaTV original special program! Nobuhiko Okamoto, who plays the accelerator role, will introduce the highlights of the TV anime "One Way of Science" broadcast on July 12, 2019, and will also conduct science experiment projects related to "some science", as well as new works related to works. Information is also released for the first time!

Remember when she tried that in on MEMBER and jobbed to a fucking door?

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Guys, I had an idea

Raildex anime, except, Studio TRIGGER

rly disappointed in lack of new figs for index 3

You only get this so you better like it

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rather play 150 to get that misaka maid desu, or that index with a cat

You can get Misaka in the same pose they always do and pay ~150

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but I already have the one from last time

and yet you will pay 200 for it this time. So really your the reason they don't have to work to make new figs.

That figure sold out when it came out, but they probably made more.

I don't know if it is a limited thing or not. Since they have at least two more raildex series with one that focuses on Misaka I would think a company wanting to make more money would keep selling it during and after the airing of the series where Misaka is the star.

I'm broke : (

Why won't they stop marketing her with her summer uniform.

More iconic. 90% of her anime appearances has been with summer uniform.

She's been wearing the winter uniform for half of S2 and all of S3

redpill me on what Abraxas is.

When Touma gets fucked?

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>JC Staff will be making 4 shows next season.

The summer uniform hasn't been relevant for more than a decade, 2006 in the books and 2011 in the anime. I hate that they still keep pushing it. Literally everyone has to be in it. Move the fuck on already.

>half of S2
She had barely any episodes with it on. Like OT12 and a little of 13, that’s it.
And again, she barely had any screentime. And half of that very little screen time was in the Russian outfit

Season 1 has an entire arc around her in that outfit. You’re also forgetting all of Railgun 1 and 2. As I said, most of her overall screen time has been in summer uniform

Raildex anime has barely moved past summer. It literally just did with Season 3. Calm down

They were already working on it just by the fact that we got a preview so early

More original than the index novels at least.

Ebin comment

>end of S2

Will this FINALLY give us the accelerator x LO doujins which the fandoms demands for ages?

And again, Mikoto had all of what, 3 episodes in it? Compared to all of Railgun 1 and 2, all of Index 1, and the beginning of Index 2


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There’s plenty of LO x Accel doujins already. Scanlators are just fags and won’t scan anything outside of vanilla kamikoto

You think they'd move on with the current character designs with season 3 for promotion and merchandise instead of sticking with the fucking summer uniform again.

Really? Truly the worst timeline. Fuck!!

Nobody wants that

Are they asking him how Accel stopping the earth for 5 minutes doesn't work?

The original post doesn't apply to just Mikoto.
>Literally everyone has to be in it

Scanlators moved on, they won't scan anything that isn't the meme show of the season, popular shounenshit, mobageshit and Fateshit.


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Huotou will be voiced by Sayumi Watabe. Her only notable role was the lead girl from Koi wa Ameagari no You ni.
>Side note: If you put her name (禍斗) in google translate, it comes out as "Bane"

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She is a big girl.

Hishigata will be voiced by Ryota Osaka.

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Accel 10 cover

Attached: 2019-05-25 10_57_44-Abemaアニメ2 _ 【AbemaTV】国内最大のアニメチャンネル_登録不 (443x625, 375K)

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Kato: Sayumi Watabe
Hishigata Hirumi: Mano Ayumi
Hishigata Mikihiko: Ryouta Ousaka

>smug imouto

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She kinda looks like a fusion of Dolly and Worst.

Why is she called Kato? Is this another Estelle/Esther?

.It's Huotou

Based scanlators.

This was happening long before any of that. Even at the height of its popularity in the early 2010’s, scanlators just kept scanning kamikoto when there was all sorts of shit like Touma x Komoe x Awaki

It is the corpse that Esther reanimates with an artificial soul or whatever the magic explanation was

Touma's shit. Scan doujins that don't have him. Accel and Hamazura are much better.

I know who she is, I'm asking where that name came from.

>early 2010’s anime
Based Toumahating retard

>Touma x Komoe x Awaki
I think I have that one somewhere. I don't know how to scan though.

user my penis needs this

It is some mystic legend name with the soul or fire. I don't know if it is Chinese or something else.

I'll look for it.

God speed

I had always figured that anime appearances were vital to product fansmut, and while that probably is still true, I hadn't even considered that scnlators won't even touch stuff unless it was in the anime first as well.
The Komoe-Awaki relationship wasn't much of a thing in season 2.

Hoping for official character design of Scavenger soon for the anime

There are always the few odd doujin artists, usually just school circles, that make really obscure works for obscure or unloved characters just for fun rather than for money. I've seen a really short 10 page Silva and Ollerus doujin alongside some Precure doujins once.

Oh boy the timeless tradition of Raildex literal whos getting good voice actors

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Who is this?

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Why does this keep happening?

You can call 90% of the characters in this series literal whos. This is a non-issue.

Misaka Best

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Considering it's the meme villain of the red-headed step-spinoff, it's pretty applicable

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Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator OP - "Shadow is the Light" by The Sixth Lie.

Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator ED - "Parole" by Sajou no Hana!

What's the matter? It's not like they can't use these fucks for other characters again.

so is the mobile game actually fun/good?

If you can't play it with a mouse and a keyboard or a joystick it ain't good.

Some dead Disciplinary Action grunt.

I have it in Bluestacks and already got to where you can switch to English, so I can use a 360 pad or mouse/kb

I like it quite a bit although the OP is kinda boring

already better than index 3's ops and eds

you're delirious

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Only if the character is a super minor character, Hishigata is a main villain in Accel, they wouldn't reuse his seiyuu.

The Index 3 Ops were good, maybe can judge these when they are not stuttering

Feels like the accel anime is trying to market itself to edgy teenagers

OP1 was trash. But OP2 was decent.

It knows its target audience then.

The manga already does that, hell, he had the youngest age group voting for him in the LN popularity poll

OP2 was just as bad. The song sucked and the visuals were straight up misleading. As if the people who did the OP had no communication with the people doing the actual episodes.

really liked index 3 ed 1

Or they just didn't care, user, they just didn't care.

The fifth Scavenger

Index itself was written by an edgy teenager.

Index is a girl and a teenager.

that's what 100% of accelfags are


>The song sucked
It’s didnt
>and the visuals were straight up misleading.
So like most OPs? Fucking Railgun S has Kuroko helping Mikoto against Mugino for Christ sake.

I want to super fuck Saiai!

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Hard or gently?

The answer is always both.


>tfw actually thought Osaka would have made a good Thor

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Don’t mind me boys. I’m just sitting here in Las Vegas enjoying my family vacation while you’re all chained to your houses living every day life like it’s infinite. Hope you guys have fun here though. Well... at least as much fun as you can have when you’re not on vacation or whatever.

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That was my first thought too although part of me wonders if Thor is gonna be like a shounen MC where a woman voices him and makes him sound like a middle schooler

Delete this Mikoto isnt a dirty smoker, she has nice pink lungs like her vagina

And she would rather put the same thing in both.

Lies and slander

I still cant believe its real

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No one cares you mormon bitch

>In Las Vegas
In sorry, nobody deserves to suffer that hell

>Accel spinoff is shaping up to be better than Index 3 which people waited nearly a decade for
Either Raildexfags fucked with the timeline too hard with the memeing, or we were living in clown world the whole time.

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The same way you're chained to these threads, right?

It was never a good world after 2014

Well one was rushed by Kadokawa because they didn't really want to bother and the other had proper time to be produced

a list is expensive. So keep their employment brief.
The irony being that a number of rookies that got the significant roles in the Raildex franchise are a list now.

It’s actually really cool. We’re going to do a helicopter tour over the city at night.

>>Accel spinoff is shaping up to be better than Index 3 which people waited nearly a decade for
How come? All we have is a PV and the OP, the anime hasn't aired yet. And there are a few redflags like the director

Fuck off already

Shitposters fucked with our meme magick and warped it, its ok though since Raildex will still continue on

>And there are a few redflags like the director
Not really. That being said a sign of good production is quite literally the fact that all of this is decently paced.

This is it lads. Someone go be a hero and shoot down the helicopters over Vegas tonight

Hold on, let me grab my RPG

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>implying they would ever take shit seriously on Yea Forums

Nice, now the FBI will congratulate me as well

You do know you can get in trouble for bogus tips, right?

you're right, all the actual terrorists gather exclusively in /r9k/

I mean yea

I want Frenda to spit in my mouth.

Keikaku doori

Not really. At least a third of them should be fujoshi.

>Misaka smiling in a fight

She's a battle junky sure but her smile should either by more psychotic or a frown.

It's alright.
Doesn't sound as good as Memosepia, but I like it.

I want one with her infamous lip licking (tick?) that she does in the novels when fighting.

She does it in the Railgun anime against Mugino.

Like it or not, Accelerator is a popular character. Most of fans are lukewarm to the spinoff, but that doesn’t even matter since otaku and fujoshi have unwarranted brand loyalty to the franchises of their favorites.

Yes, we have to delay the Kimi fight until IT’s next reveal in the novels, but do we have to fill the time with this shit?

I'm not gonna complain about Saten chapters since the first chapter in this arc set up her and Uiharu for some bonding.
Sure the dragon is cool and all but at the core this is a Saten and Uiharu arc.

When? I need to see it.

Mikoto will beat Kimi by cutting her arm off so the dragon goes away, then Mikoto will beat her up

> at the core this is a Saten and Uiharu arc

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Deny it all you want but that's where the arc started, and that's where it will end.

She will never seriously harm anyone at this rate, the only three people she's ever used lethal force on is Accelerator and Touma and Salome.

>“You need to fill me on an awful lot,” said Anna Sprengel. “What happened in the outside world while I was bottled up? That trap was set up over a century ago, wasn’t it? Wasn’t Lilith supposed to die a lot sooner than this?”
Am I reading this correctly? Aiwass was the one who actually faked Lillith's death, and it wasn't actually a consequence of sparks? If so that makes a whole hell of a lot of sense considering it seemed like an asspull in NT19

Its AC, they can stitch her back together

Uiharu wasn’t even involved until the prison game was wrapped up. Any scenes between her and the other girls are going to be secondary, like the Dolly plot, at best.

I could swear I've read like a good 4-5 LO Accelerator doujins already

Wasnt she blond in the manga

He’s saying that there’s probably dozens and dozens of them that never get through


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nice job, loser

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Ah, I want to fuck Misaki.

Misaka pls. You need to be over 18 to post on this website.

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Casual Othinus is a miracle of the universe.

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that's not casual, that's a uniform

Othinus doesn't go to school, so its cosplay

Can someone explain to me how the summoning method in Blood sign works? I understand the rose, petal and what the Blood Sign function, but I'm totally oblivious about Range, cost and vowel sound
Let's see if I've understand it correctly
>range and cost are the most important thing
>from range comes sound, but it's also a sort of cooldown
>Cost and sounds are two of the

also about the fight:
>the more talented the vessel is, the more likely he will kill another Material
>you win if you can kill your opponent's material before hehas time to switch to another Summon

Top cute.

Attached: 1496573855071.jpg (630x894, 94K)

>White Monster and Dark Sword: Vessel transformed into a Material

>Q: …a Material. The summoners use them for a fight to the death.

>K: The Petals used to summon the Materials are each engraved with a letter of the alphabet and each of those belongs to a certain Sound Range.

>Q: aiueo are vowels and thus the Lowest Sound Range. As for the consonants, bcdfghj are Low, klmnpqr are Middle, and stvwxyz are High.

>K: There are of course rules governing the summoned Materials and they are based on the Petals’ rules.

>Q: Low wins against High, High wins against Middle, Middle wins against Low, and I win my brother’s heart.

>K: Weren’t we supposed to avoid making jokes during the explanation section!?

Shitinus a shit.

Oh no! Kuroko has teleported into your room and is pissing on the floor! What will you do?

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Fuck Mikoto in front of her. Or just in general.

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seething mikotofag

I sacrifice your blood to her so I won't have to suffer through another one of these posts.

Sounds like an emergency.
Probably say nothing.

Reminder that Kamikoto is true endgame

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Main thing I'm looking forward to (besides petting) in IF is the chance at new costumes for some characters if I'm being honest.

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It's been like 5 years for me and I still love this ship so much!

Occasional reality check that Mikoto will never end up with Touma and you should stop repeating that post almost every thread.

Even a piece of shit is better. But yes, these songs sound good.

They’re not though, ROAR especially was good




Shhh, we're not allowed to say anything good about S3. You're supposed to continue crying and crying about it until the end of time.

I prefer the first song in a lot of ways.
But the second OP's visuals were clearly beyond JC Staff tier.

The problem with both of them is the terrible singer, she always sounds like she's out of breath or something. Her voice is completely empty sounding.

It also had Touma vs ITEM or some shit

Most of it was animated by a freelancer who works with BONES often, go figure

Kick her the fuck outta my house, of course. The fuck is wrong with that trespassing bitch soiling my floor? She should consider herself lucky I don't put a bullet through her empty skull.

Eew, no. Othinus just sucks even more.

School Othinus is peak NTR design.

Still massively inferior to the good shit Nozomu Abe and Hironori Tanaka can produce.

Her bust size isn't big enough for the peak.

Delete this, you cant say anything good about Season 3.

I wouldn't use the word massively, it's a top 3 opening for the series as far as visuals go

This, ROAR was fucking hype

I agree, Othinus will likely join Touma's school in part 3 for a laugh (for the whole volume it exists for)

The visual quality was good indeed. But the song was trash and the storyboard was very uninspired and not very eventful.

Even one of the guys in charge said it was rushed and bad. Just let go of your egos and stop embarrassing yourselves for Christ's sake.

For male: netorare

Get better taste

You got a source for that my dude?

Nigger, you can say that the OP is good while not liking how the rest of the season was handled. You can even like certain scenes or characters without liking how the entire season was handled. For example, MH, Steph, and Bayloup were all great.

It really, REALLY doesnt need to be 100% black and white. Its ok to have fucking opinions.

They'll never outright admit it was bad but Miki and some WB guy did say the pacing was not good enough

You can go look it up in the archive my dude. Some time off from these threads will do you good while searching.

>Twisting words to suit your own argument
>There is no such thing as shades of grey, everything is either THE BEST or ABSOLUTE SHIT
Every time.

Miki said the pacing was fucked during an SAO stream of all things and vowed to make the next one better.

>some WB guy
Damn, Aleister Crowley himself said S3 was shit?

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>Speaking of twisting words to suit one's own argument
Every. Single. Time.

I'm sure pretty much everyone who said anything positive about the season in the last few months would agree that production was fucked and they rushed the shit out of it. Doesn't mean they can't think some things turned out fine despite all that.

>I liked X about Season 3
>STFU Index 3 was terrible kys
>I agree that Index 3 wasnt the best, but I liked this and this-
>no you MUST bitch about it at all times it was all bad 100% if you dont agree than youre a shill/just pretending/whatever else I can think of to discredit you!
Fuuuuuck off with this mentality

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His vow means jack shit until he delivers. Shit was fucking abysmal.

>Y-y-y-y-y-y-ou're just twisting my words! When I said "Stop embarrassing yourself, Miki said it was bad" I didn't mean it was shit!

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Massively, yes. Have you seen the sakuga Abe produced for Ufotable or the stuff he did for Index S1 and Index movie? Nothing in the ROAR OP could beat that.
And Hironori Tanaka is pretty much a legend, his works for bigger studios completely dwarfs anything in Roar. Heck even his works on Railgun are actually visually more impressive (more animation and better effects all around).

This. That doujin were Misaki cucks both Kanzaki and Mikoto made me literally diamonds. Why is the idea of cheating on Kanzaki in particular so hot, bros?

Is Accel confirmed 1 cour yet?
>his VA is the same height as him

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I think you might want to try reading the post again

Thos sort of mentality is literally what's killing these threads and you douchebags don't even notice it. Truly pathetic.

Yea I realized I misquoted and was trying to delete it

>daring to have a positive opinion about one aspect of a season is killing the threads!
>guise duh threads are dying because you arent fitting in with the group hivemind of everything being bad!
Fuck off

>what's killing these threads
Literally nothing is you melodramatic faggot

Shut up fags

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Don't even dare talk about hiveminds when this place is literally one.

You fucks are still doing this retard shit huh

>Immediately deflects

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But it fucking isnt. We cant even agree on which girls are in the top ten. The ony thing we agree on is MP being a fucking shitter.

It literally only has enough content for 1 cour, you don't really need a confirmation.

Oh shut the fuck up, its been the first time in months. I'm just saying that ROAR isnt nearly as fucking bad as people are trying to make it out to be. Half of the complaints against it are fucking stupid.

>his VA is the same height as him
Thats neat

I don't give a fuck that, I haven't been in these threads in literal months and I still see the same dickslap fight about season 3 shit

Name literally one thing that this community collectively agrees on. Go on, I’ll wait.

The defenses in favour of it are the ones that are fucking stupid.

That worked well for Railgun didn't it?

That OP is a faggot.

Then you have bad luck because this has been the first time in months that something like this has happened. Lately its just been MP samefagging and shilling Saten

Railgun S1 was trying to take advantage of the series' rising popularity. It's already established now so there's no need for 12 filler episodes when they could use that effort on Railgun S3.

And theres nothing stopping them from giving it filler episodes to take advantage of side toaru projects

Yea yea, give me a Raildex related one.

>The singer is bad!!
Subjective, I think she's fine
>The song is bad!!
Subjective, to me the song was fucking hype and got me excited about WW3. If the anime actually delivered, it would have been fucking amazing
>uhhhhhh the visuals are misleading!!
Again, atleast half of the OPs have that in Raildex. Fucking Railgun S has Kuroko helping Mikoto against Mugino for Christ sake.

They didn't need filler for Railgun S but we still got it. The real question is who will be Accelerator's Saten?

its probably the redhead girl in the PV

Obviously Estelle

It can never be 100% in anything. But peer pressure can get to most of you insecure fucks. Like Touma being a good MC. NT9 being one of/the best novels, NT4 and OT15 until reaently being good. Also Othinus the new Touma drone being better than all the previous ones when they're all shit. Ice boats/Daihasei being shit and nobody liking it and a whole bunch of other shit that will take all day to go through.
Now feel free to pretend like that's not the case and samefag a whole bunch of posts about how nobody actually thinks that. Cmon now. Make my day, monkey.

Give me more Scavengers

Since Accelerator is Summer and Railgun is fall it'd be odd for Accelerator to have 2 cours since it's 2nd cour would be at the same time as Railgun's first..... may as well move Railgun back if you're going to do that.

That the source material is better than the anime.

Not to mention its pretty tame compared to when it was airing

>This place is a hivemind
>Except it isn't really one

>Also Othinus the new Touma drone being better than all the previous ones when they're all shit.

Attached: 1280316811387.jpg (189x184, 8K)

Pure fucking bullshit along with excuses.

>NT4 and OT15 until reaently being good
>Until recently
There's literally like one, maybe two guys who shit on NT4. But no, nice try, popular opinion is not the same as a hivemind.

Ice boats and Daihaseisai are genuinely garbage volumes and are the worst books in the series bar none.

Season 3 made me physically sick

>Show about superpowered loli's gets another superpowered loli
I'm so proud of you boys. What a great fucking design too, just like all the other "not-Alice in Wonderland" inspired girls.

Attached: [Tips Pizza].jpg (490x628, 53K)

>New Touma drone
There were 2 introduced after her, she is hardly new.

To be fair, it's only been like 5 years. He still needs some more time to recover from his asspain.

>peer pressure
No, there really fucking isnt you sensative faggot. Like what you want, no one is forcing you to do anything. If a majority thinks something, it doesnt mean we secretly collaberated together target (You) and pressure (You) into something.
>Like Touma being a good MC
There are people here that dont like Touma, I've had civil discussion with them.
>NT9 being one of/the best novels
There are plenty that dont think that
>NT4 and OT15 until reaently being good
There are plenty that dont think that, again see the top.
>Also Othinus the new Touma drone being better than all the previous ones when they're all shit
There are plenty of Anti-Othinus fags

>Ice boats/Daihasei being shit and nobody liking it
This is actually the only one I could see being close to a "hivemind" in that everyone thinks this. I have never seen an arguement for it, but if you disagree feel free to present your argument.

Again, just because you have different opinions from the supposed majority, doesnt mean its a fucking hive mind.

>5 years
5 years is a long time to be asspained over a character

>Popular opinions means hive mind! Alot of people having a similar opinion is bad! You're oppressing me!
You fucking faggot, grow a pair. Fuck, people like arcs for different reasons alone. I might like an arc for the delivery or some plot twist, a magicfag might like it because it had cool magic stuff going on, a waifufag might like it because their waifu showed up. Get a fucking grip you pussy.

I think he's equating people showing up and saying "your opinion is shit" with peer pressure. You could probably construe that as being peer pressure, but I also can't think of a single fanbase on Yea Forums that doesn't tell you your opinion is shit if you don't agree with them

We've got people asspained about characters taking up illustrations, so this isn't too surprising. Some people are just too sensitive.

Saten is a slut
Worst is best Misaka
Uiharu is best Railgun
Misaka is better with Misaki than with the slut brigade
Objects are synonymous with war
A single bunch of grapes from an intellectual village cost 30,000 yen
Kyousuke is an idiot
The White Queen did nothing wrong

>Pure fucking bullshit along with excuses.
Excuse me? If you "havent been here for literal months", how exactly would you know? Are you just trying to shitpost? People havent argued about Season 3 too much these past months, feel free to prove otherwise.

>Worst is best Misaka
>Uiharu is best Railgun
Wrong on both, Dolly exists

I mean it's fucking Yea Forums. Everyone tells everyone their opinion is shit.

...You know, this is starting to become familiar to the conversation I had with a certain mobile faggot. She also claims to be a shit because people "didnt make her feel welcome"

>Misaka is better with Misaki than with the slut brigade
I think this is one thing literally everyone can agree on.

>A single bunch of grapes from an intellectual village cost 30,000 yen
What is this, Nunavut?

>Objects are synonymous with war
>A single bunch of grapes from an intellectual village cost 30,000 yen

Attached: 1485835096649.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

>Are you just trying to shitpost?
Obviously he is. He's probably also one of those fags that also claim that we totally need MP to stay relevant

>Season 3 was rushed
How? I know they weren't working on Season 3 every since Index II but what caused them to be rushed? Isn't Index one of JC Staff's few recognizable shows? Why would they intentionally shit out a terrible season of one of their biggest shows and then also cut corners when they get a chance to work on One Punch Man?

What's wrong with calling JC out on being hacks? It's not like the art guys had tough deadlines and that's it, literally everyone over there is fucking up.

Attached: 1497743788971.jpg (350x233, 11K)

>The White Queen did nothing wrong
get out of my board with this shit opinion you fucking apologist

>The White Queen did nothing wrong
No way fag.

Touma is the kind of normal highschool boy that you can find anywhere

>Why would they intentionally shit out a terrible season of one of their biggest shows
Because they know the fans will lap that shit up as proven in these threads

>Saten is a slut
>Worst is best Misaka
Wrong, 10032 is
>Uiharu is best Railgun
>Misaka is better with Misaki than with the slut brigade
>Objects are synonymous with war
>A single bunch of grapes from an intellectual village cost 30,000 yen
No comment
>Kyousuke is an idiot
>The White Queen did nothing wrong
Wrong, White Shit is a shit

NTR self-insert fags deserved what they got

>abysmal niconico ratings
Sounds like it didn't work out that way after all

Attached: 1495472648141.jpg (373x427, 47K)

You guys sure disproved his mindless drone statement

>I liked the OP
No matter how hard you try to twist this, this is what the argument was. You can like something like the OP while disliking how the anime was handled.

Yes, we did because as you can see, we all have different opinions on things.

Mate I main an elvaan RDM, I got MND for days

>Why was the season rushed
Read the archive newfag. It's been said many many many times.

We absolutely did, yea. He's so mad that he got shit on that he's resorted to making passive aggressive posts because he cant even properly respond to the myriad of points made against him.

Go out more. You will find out that theres more than two people in the world. Also go read the previous threads. You will see how wrong you really are about everything you are arguing about.

4-5k is pretty good these days though.

I never really thought OT15 was all that good, the majority of the volume was throwaway characters you'd never hear from again

It's decent but don't kid yourself, businesses are acutely aware of changes in sales of anything, and will likely make changes based on that, if they plan more


Shit man, you're telling me I've gotten good enough at filtering out shitposting in my mind I've managed to ignore months of shitposting about S3? I'm getting better.

I don't care enough about this shitty show to read a bunch of dead threads for fun, in fact nobody but the most desperate of people ever read archives. People like you need to stop making this suggestion like it's a serious thing, Your dumb ass is going to ask a dozen questions this week that can be answered by archives. don't pretend you'll even once look at it.

You said that you werent here for literal months. Are you fucking lying about that, or are you saying that you are some other person butting in? If so, dont try to One Guy me when you were being vague and butting in to a conversation, faggot

>Also go read the previous threads. You will see how wrong you really are about everything you are arguing about.
Nope, burden of proof is on you. You show me where people have been crying about Season 3 the past couple threads, right now. I'll wait, but I know you wont because there isnt any. Because I'm in literally every thread. The most arguing there has been lately has been over MP shilling Saten and trying to ineffectually make a war between Junkofags and Gunhafags

I love how you retarded monkeys are pretending that you've thought the season was bad from the start and were't giving it 9s and 10s as ratings witch each coming episodes. Really love the revisionism.

>Guise why wont you answer the same question thats been asked a trillion times over and over again???
Lurk more newfaggot

>deflecting to something else because you cant argue the point.
No, stay on the fucking subject. You are trying to say that you can not possibly like the OP because Season 3 was bad. I said I liked it, and you got mad. End of subject. Now go ahead and conviently ignore this or invoke One Guy

IndexIIIcucks are just still in denial that they've wasted all of their time and efforts defending the disaster of the show. And when someone mocks them for it like how they mocked the people who rightfully criticized the show when it was airing they can't help but act out.


>Your dumb ass is going to ask a dozen questions this week that can be answered by archives.
Nice projection faggot but no I wont.

basic google searches can point to threads in the archive, stop projecting your idiocy

Nothing wrong with it. It's just people getting super triggered that people are now finally shitting on something they've been defending since at least episode 2.

The OP was shit though, stop defending trash.

>It's just people getting super triggered
Nope. See You will not twist the argument into something it isnt

You can think something was rushed and still enjoy it mate. But then, why am I responding to a subhuman?

Attached: 1553976077931.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

what the fuck her tits are HUGE

That's your opinion. Now please state why you think it was worse than other Raildex OPs so that we can have a discussion about it, rather than trying to deflect to something else that has nothing to do with said argument.

Accel anime designs are probably the best looking Raildex anime designs yet
They should have used whoever the lead designer is from the start

>MP shows up
>suddenly some hostile faggot shows up when she leaves
Very interesting.
>hurr hurr paranoid

My point is none of you faggots have checked the archive for these threads, ever. If you learned something about the show outside Google it was probably because some dumbass asked a question in a thread and got a discussion going. Just say "Google it" and not something clinically retarded. Neither me or anyone else wants to waste their time reading hundreds of your dumbass old posts for one inane answer.

Dont bother, he ignored my points both times
He doesnt want a discussion, he just wants to be a hostile faggot and keeps changing the subject just to get more replies.

Unfortunately, they are set in their ways unless some weird shit happen like why they've gotten a new Sound Designer in Index III. Maybe for Astral Buddy?

Absolutely RENT FREE

I don't know if I'm in the minority of this but I really don't like them, the anatomy is better, but the faces look rough

>My point is none of you faggots have checked the archive for these threads, ever
Because I actually lurked before posting, like you're supposed to.

I agree, the faces look totally off. I doubt it'll carry over to anything though, and my hopes for anything related to Accelerator's manga are low as is, so I don't really worry over it much.

It looks cleaner to me in comparison. No random lines on characters's faces.

Forgot to post in first the list:
Enbi is the true best girl
The boys are always better than the girls
The MCs are all shit fathers
Hafuri a cute
Jack a cute
Boo Boo a cute
Beatrice a shit
Never trust a bunny girl
Mahaya's lolis are better than his tittymonsters
And once again the White Queen undeniably did absolutely nothing wrong

Attached: 8ee8803d45163a9343029755d2de37b5.png (412x1000, 339K)

>My point is none of you faggots have checked the archive for these threads, ever.
But I have. I usually tell people to do that because it is the obvious conclusion to win a "he said she said" argument. It usually stops people like MP dead in their tracks because they are making up bullshit and immediately make an excuse not to provide evidence.
>Neither me or anyone else wants to waste their time reading hundreds of your dumbass old posts for one inane answer.
Then maybe you should have "googled it" right from the start, faggot. I'm not your mother, I dont owe you fucking anything. If the majority of people dont want to answer you sumbass question thats been answered a billion times, then you can fucking deal with it. I dont care about your feelings and its not my problem that your late to the party. If you dont like that, I dont care, fuck off.

Attached: 1446111321095.jpg (500x500, 60K)

You guys need to be told to shut up and post cute Toumas AGAIN? Geez.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.49_[2018.12.07_14.22.49].png (1280x720, 1.26M)

It feels like they were trying to combine the Accel manga art with the anime art

Index/Railgun looks ugly with all the Naruto whiskers he has. It's sad we won't get to see him in Accel to see how a real character should look like.

The faces in Index look cheap and comical compared to this.

Attached: 6_face.png (854x933, 170K)

Stop self-inserting.

>And once again the White Queen undeniably did absolutely nothing wrong
The only false thing in that list.

>bawwwwwwww answer my newfag questions or else I'm going to cry like a baby about it!
Kek, kill yourself

>And once again the White Queen undeniably did absolutely nothing wrong
you were on a good track until you said this

Compare to this. Especially when Accel's pupils become smaller when he's mad, that's when he looks the dumbest.

Attached: ac1.jpg (1334x751, 155K)

>Mahaya's lolis are better than his tittymonsters
I'll enjoy myself once the 31st hits while you cry in your corner.

I prefer Railgun's over Index's, but that looks like a completely different character from a different series.

Attached: 1510345226543.png (375x413, 87K)

Attached: D7LfLGHU0AIsrXA.jpg (750x849, 103K)

How do you self-insert into a character you want to kiss?

Attached: 1332479868880.jpg (514x720, 47K)

Attached: 1556432200516.jpg (1598x1447, 623K)

Why would I cry?

Attached: Zashiki_v06_281.png (808x1200, 225K)

I want to insert into Touma

Attached: D47QrNnU4AEaoEl.jpg (906x1209, 206K)

Mahaya's H-tank is getting adapted by a good H studio, no lolis in sight.

Cheap or not, that face looks shit. Like, barely even human.

What's the name of it?

Who would you like to see getting an oily thigh massage?

No hags

>you will never shoot Touma

Attached: NT_Index_v06_383.png (1094x1600, 719K)

Now he really does look beautiful like what Touma described him.

Masterpiece the tank name, it is on sadpanda as 3piece .Surely you know Mahaya's hentai pseudonym.

>Good H-studio
Do those even exist?

Nigga thats ugly as fuck

Wew baby

Attached: 1493527071745.png (384x360, 128K)

Misuzu, Kanzaki, TouMom, Mina


Accelerator has always had a more beautiful than handsome aesthetic.

Attached: Index_v20_037.jpg (1158x1600, 352K)

Somewhat, anything that isn't Queen Bee, PoRO and Pink Pineapple on a bad day can be considered good.

Cool. Another non-post that we have seen countless times. Just what this thread needed.

Shota Touma is cute.

Hopefully Estelle, the masked scavenger girl is for jobbing to level 5s.

Any answer but Saiai (maybe Birdway) is wrong.

Attached: Thighs save lives.png (1920x1080, 3.38M)

Cool. Another complaining post that we have seen countless times. Just what this thread needed.

Don't know what you're smoking but he's actually got some intimidation to him now rather than looking like a saturday morning cartoon villain. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

>waaawaaaaahhhhhhh give me attention
Eat shit

>tfw Queen Bee keeps adapting doujins you like

Attached: 1542671620151.png (555x572, 484K)

Of course he looks intimidating, he looks like a damn alien.

Eh, I've been checking but it's been a while since I've actually managed to fap to any of those anime adaptations. Usually way too much talking and janky art.

Saiai obviously but your dick is malfunctioning if you don't think Mina is great for that

I thought Mary Jane's Oyasumi Sex was better than I expected it to be, it surprised me a bit since I only saw it because of shilling on imouto threads.
Then again, the episodes were only 15 minutes long, and I don't watch anywhere nearly animated porn to know what is the average for those.

I want my own

Attached: D597yA5UYAIdEso.jpg:large.jpg (1007x1345, 90K)

Both Index and Accel have done a horrible job with Accel's design to be honest.

Don't tell me you actually think Haimura's Accel looks good.

Is that your final answer?

Hey as long as the Accel anime doesn't have something as bad as IndexIII forgetting that Accel gets long hair after OT19's adaptation then it's all good.

It can't really, considering Accel's anime never skips forward (even though it really should)

Yes I do at least for the most part anyway and mostly the colored illustrations of him. Early OT Accel and crazy Accel I don't like so much so I'm not too keen on OT 19's cover but like OT 15's cover of him. But Accel's illustrations have gotten a lot better in NT and that crazy vibe that was there is OT is pretty much gone.

But what I actually meant when I said they do a horrible job is that they don't capture Accel right


Or maybe Frenda and Estelle, I don't know


I love this couple so much!

Blah blah blah. All I know is that it is Accelerator's destiny to lose his place and be humiliated by the TRUE NUMBER ONE who is Kakine.
Since you love it, it wont happen ever.

Attached: 1556000814166.png (439x515, 116K)

Nah Accel's destiny is to be extremely successful. Kakine's destiny is to be a failure.

>inb4 all the revealed Level 5s receive a non-speaking cameo in the anime's style as some guys from DA/Scavengers are surprised to be facing the TRUE NUMBER 1 Accelerator.

When is this Semen demon going to show up in NTR?

Attached: semen demon.png (1600x900, 1.56M)

>ROAR especially was good
>But the second OP's visuals were clearly beyond JC Staff tier

Attached: 1529836582693.gif (590x333, 124K)

>When is this Semen demon going to NTR up the show?

I'm no shotacon, but I can't like Shota Touma is the most pure thing ever.

Attached: 16649337_1848484008699832_4013168941910027250_n.jpg (720x504, 43K)




Index 3.

Miki should hire a vet for NT manga adaptation. Someone who could pump out 60-70 pages a month but has a soft style like most Isekai mangaka

Why would I want some random shmoe doing NT's manga rather than Chuuya? I'd rather not gamble on the NT manga possibly being ruined when they hire an Arata tier artist thanks.

Ebin response

>Someone who could pump out 60-70 pages a month
Impossible, even bi-annual manga barely make that mark.

I think he's comparing the numbers to around shonen jump numbers.

Just let Chuuya get there in a few years. Or not, fuck if I know. NT is ending within 2 volumes most likely so don't expect that much

Mashima could do it

Attached: becccy.jpg (817x1162, 251K)

>60-70 pages
For a monthly, impossible unless you get a motivated Murata on board.

>thick lolis everywhere
Not sure if Kamachi would bust a nut or have a nuclear meltdown

I mean, Mashima would bring much more spotlight to the bustier ladies of raildex so that could be a plus in a way?

Expecting a monthly mangaka to run the schedule of a weekly mangaka usually without at least 3 or 4 assistants is just asking for trouble.

His art is kind of shit though.

Don't you feel like chasing him with a knife?

absolutely garbage taste

I've read a couple of manga where the artists pump out 60 pages a month. like BECK

That's the secret to drawing fast, just make it all really simplistic

Chuuya is so fucking slow.

Monthly artists unless you're making something as big as SNK are likely just treating it as part time work.

There's this thing I like to call "patience". Most adults develop it by the time they grow up. Exercise it if you would, to receive a better product than whatever garbage Arata and artists like him will toss out at you, thanks.

90% of montly manga I read go at that exact same pace. I rather doubt any other artist you pick up and toss at the manga will go any faster, and you have no way to know if they'll be as good. Just wait nigger. You're not going to die in the next three years are you?

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>Volcano erupts on Bali
What did those delinquent Tokiwadai ladies do this time?

Attached: _107107728_hi054193921.jpg (660x660, 73K)


What does her pussy taste like?

Kuroko tried cooking

Who in the series can cook? Who can't?

Mugino best cook

Touma is perfect househusband material

Cooking isnt that hard, I'd assume most characters can, besides perhaps some of the younger boys such as Tsuchi or Aogami

Canonically Kuroko is a much better cook than Misaka

Attached: it's korboardko.jpg (913x1674, 680K)

Can cook:
>Kamijou Touma
>Misaka Mikoto
>Tsukuyomi Komoe
>Musujime Awaki
>Saten Ruiko
>Tsuchimikado Maika
>Mugino Shizuri

Rice cooker goddess:
>Yomikawa Aiho

Probably can't cook:

Please God no:
>Index Librorum Prohibitorum

Pretty sure his imouto makes an offhand comment that he's cooking dinner so I'd assume he at least knows the basics. Aogami is a wild card who probably became a master chef because he wanted to impress cute girls.

While you have a point that for a long time Othinus was probably just served, or able to magic up whatever, it's not as though Odin wasn't shown able to perform lower tasks like in his myths. He worked as a farmhand while in disguise, and performing magical rituals is not all that dissimilar from cooking in the first place (just look at cakes of light), so it wouldn't be weird for either to be true.

So many adults still can't cook

Dude she's like the size of a mouse.

Are you retarded?

They just made accel more of a fujo bait

Misaki took home ed to cook herself (and presumably Touma) some meals, so she def can cook to an extent. Also, baking cookies counts, so I can't believe you're leaving Aleister and Mugino out.

I just realized you did mention Mugino, so my bad. But how could you forget about Aleister's special cookies?

Rice cookers are actually really good for cooking, so Yomikawa is probably really good at cooking legit meals

>it's another night at Sargasso
>Othinus is too proud to admit she can't cook
>Thor can only punch things
>Mjolnir is watching shitty soap operas with Sigyn
>Kagun only knows how to make ramen noodles
>Marian keeps distracting him
Spinoff fucking when

Go away Yomikawa

othinus can only cook half the time

>Othinus can cook
>But the odds you'll die or get food poisoning from it is 50%

>either perfectly cracks the egg or breaks it
Sadly I know the feeling

Accel OP in better quality

Attached: smug clone.jpg (450x525, 62K)

ED too.

>when she sees your dick

Attached: x16.png (1111x1600, 138K)

Attached: 1510345035336.jpg (635x899, 73K)

>draw young misaki
>add eye patch
>call it othinus

I call it trash either way.

Othinus is bustier than this, though she does look like she could pass off as her daughter. Knowing how old Othinus is, it would hardly be a shock if quite a few characters were related to her honestly.

Attached: NT_Index_v11_000.jpg (4012x1600, 1.42M)

Frenda is the only one with a chance of that considering the regions they're from

Look at these eyepatch misakis, user.

What country is Misaki from?

>draw Ika
>add a nun habit
>call her Index
>draw Abigail
>add tentacles
>call her Qliphah 545
>draw Asuka
>make her an autist with big boobs
>call her Rakko
>draw Black Jack
>make him a JC
>call her Kuriba

>>draw Asuka
>>make her an autist with big boobs
>>call her Rakko
This is true

>considering the regions
I mean, Othinus is thousands of years old. Saying "some norse people might have gone to japan at some point in time" is hardly a stretch, especially once the world became more globalized.

Haimura did say his inspirations for her were Asuka and Junko from Danganronpa

You forgot to mention adding tits to Abigail.

Attached: 66320524_p0.jpg (738x1007, 399K)

Fair enough, my family started by some glorious Scandinavian vikings visiting the west


Attached: 1543194254214.jpg (499x280, 30K)

I'm going to kidnap kuroko

How are you going to kidnap a teleporter?

Smack her so she cant concentrate
Blindfold so she doesnt know where its safe to teleport
AIM Jammer


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Look at this jabroni, posting in the wrong board. Get a clue.

Attached: 1468874446588.png (350x400, 116K)

Seething Edrone.

>yfw MP is also an edrone

Attached: 1520195324421.png (548x544, 164K)

what the fuck does that even mean

>Shadow is the Light

Japan, but she's pretty much guaranteed to be some kind of hafu, since Kamachi thinks nearly all Europeans are blonde and he has Misaki herself and other characters repeat that she's a natural blonde.

Kakine is blonde too though, same with Hamazura

Hamazura likely just dyed it. It's a thug thing. Kakine is more of a brown

More demons when?

Lucifer will save the day

if Hamazura's was dyed the text would have said so, since it mentioned the nose ring he used to have

Why would you assume that? Having had a nose ring before leaves a noticeable mark. Your hair being dyed or naturally blonde is not.

because we're talking about his aesthetics as a thug and dying his hair would be mentioned alongside the nose ring


Why? You're describing a thug's appearance and you say he's blond. This is Japan. The assumption is going to be that it's dyed. You know, because pretty much everyone has brown or black hair. The nose ring is noticeable, the blond hair is noticeable. Whether it's dyed or natural is not. How many times will I have to repeat this to you before it penetrates your skull?

This. Mikoto also assumed Misaki's hair was dyed even though Tokiwadai would clearly be against something like that, and the latter had to clarify it's natural and she didn't dyed it due to her admiring westerners, so the question of blond/e Japanese not being naturals has already been brought up in-universe.

*didn't dye it

Ask Mikoto or Junko or Mitori or Dolly, but it's pretty much a given Misaki's live juices taste like honey.