litteraly flawless
litteraly flawless
Into the trash.
Literally me.
> multimillionaire
Literally the first thing you said is a major flaw. She's comes from a long line of bloodsucking parasites. Her parents will probably assassinate you and make her marry a MP.
Bunny > Neko
>successful and nationwide recognized young actress and model
>one of the best students in her class despite being always busy with work
>strong, independent and extremely professional
>doesn't like to stand out despite being famous
>rich, already has multiple properties at 17 (without being born into a wealthy family)
>cares about her boyfriend's health more than anything else
>is completely ok with losing role opportunities for him
>wants to take care and become a mother figure to his little sister
>has a forceful personality that never comes across as arrogant
>always kind to others
>doesn't care about what people other than her boyfriend think about her
>will always do anything to protect him, her half-sister and her friends
>wants a traditional, step-by-step relationship with her boyfriend
>loves to tease him but doesn't give in so easily to his perversions
>not a degenerate whore who is willing to have sex before marriage
>conservative, in both looks and behavior
How can Redditguya even compete?
She is mentally ill.
Is that really the case in the manga? I just assumed that mangafags have different nicknames for the personas that she assumes.
>is that real
How do you know that she's conservative?
Yes. Kaguyafags would say it's just her various "egos/superego/id" but it functions as the same thing. A super cunt version of Kaguya appears and takes over so she can absolutely win and force the President to fall in love with her much to his detriment.
It basically acts to create artificial drama. They are already in love with one another and yet here we have some dumb sit out of nowhere that complicates things.
That body ain't birthing a baseball team, nevermid breastfeeding them.
She's actually got 0 yen, just has her parents black card.
>he's not a multimillionaire like everyone else on Yea Forums since 2017
Shoulda bought btc back when you were in primary school kiddo.
So she’s waifubait
I unironically ALMOST did that. I read about bitcoin before 2013 online and I was a kid at the time so I asked my dad to buy it for me because I thought that having electronic money was cool and he told me to fuck off.
>Generic as fuck character design.
Every fucking time
Based and bunnypilled.
Is anime supposed to make me feel bad about my real life? All these cute successful girls and I can't even get the loser girls to like me
Mined about 600 when I was working at the public library my senior summer in HS. They left their power on overnight so I zombie scripted all the public commuters together to perpetually churn out the good stuff.
>not a degenerate whore who is willing to have sex before marriage
Literal supposition. Also a detriment, if you're not a fucking sperg.
She can though, those hips are perfect for childbearing
Women who have sex before marriage are more likely to be unhappy and end in divorce
that's because women that wait until marriage are psycho and self-deluded, generally, on a curve.
its like everyone's throwing 100 dollar bills at you since you turn 12 and you say "NOPE, I'm waiting for the right 100 dollar bill!"
And correlation doesn't equal causation user, this is grade school shit. Women who have sex before marriage are disproportionately skewed to younger populations, which have had a higher divorce rate than their elders into the late 19th century. Fucking before marriage may be related to total divorce count, but it isn't guaranteed to be. And younger populations in recent years have displayed more signs of depression too, for that matter.
BIG yikes
>source? my putrid ass
was gonna say this
>correlation doesn't equal causation user
I'd like to see if the results if they surveyed women 70-80 years old.
Someone that doesn't have sex before marriage is certainly not the type to ever admit their marriage is unstable in the first place.
I don’t think he meant in the political sense
That is a terrible analogy, brainlet.
Trust funds kids are parasites. Kaguya should get the guillotine with the rest of the 0.01%
terrible post
How much are you worth now?
>She's actually got 0 yen
She literally walks around with a few hundred thousand yen in her wallet (boardgame chapter).
>conservative, in both looks
>dress like a playboy slut
This isn't the breastfeeding general. We don't have udder fetish in here.
maki we know you're upset about getting cucked but you shouldn't lie on the internet
t. roastie whore
Personae aren't split personalities, dumbass. Everyone has multiple personae: one for work and coworkers, one for friends and places to relax, one for family members etc.
Excellent post.
Hold up
literally flawless
>t. "I love used goods roastie"
fat bitch
Commies burn in hell
>implying I don't want a deluded psycho waifu that would kill herself for me
She's not going to stay cute once her metabolism starts to slow down
Needs a 2 eye colours and horns eh?
Hell doesn't exist, user.
>a massive bitch
>Calls those negative traits.
>Posts Remilia.
Touhou fags are the worst.
only for the person she loves
only for the person she loves
>a massive bitch
only for the person she loves
what's wrong, user?
>reddit vs reddit
kawaii koto
Tomoe > Rio > shit > Bunnyslut
>Someone that doesn't have sex before marriage is certainly not the type to ever admit their marriage is unstable in the first place.
Based on what?
No meter of judgement.
You see battered women in a 50s stepford wife type of arrangement that would probably say their marriage is "stable", doesn't mean they're not victims of abuse.
This goes for men too.
The more partners you have, the more you start comparing your new ones to the old, and you become unable to 'settle' when anything in your partner is inferior to something an ex might have done better, even if your new flame is better overall.
The only reason divorce is initiated overwhelmingly more by women is because for them it's largely consequence-free and grants them a bunch of advantages, you'd see men divorcing just as much if it was an all-around inconsequential thing to do.
>You see battered women in a 50s stepford wife type of arrangement that would probably say their marriage is "stable", doesn't mean they're not victims of abuse.
That virtually never happens though. You're just projecting your own insecurities onto people far happier and more satisfied with life than you.
I genuinely don't understand what you meant with this post.
I was just offering an example of someone who might answer they're stable even when they're not, in your mind a battered wife is happy?
That was just an experiment.