Other urls found in this thread:
Because even degenerates have some standards
Beastars is objectively better though
Because mentally ill furryshits should stay at
I'm scared to find out what passed for standards in Yea Forums
This guy gets it.
Because unlike a lot of threads on Yea Forums, people who enjoy Beastars don't want the threads ruined by shitposting. If threads are only made when there's something to talk about, you never get annoying tripfags, identifiable retards, off-topic posting, or bait.
Save the threads for new chapter releases, niggy.
Wish you were first post
I hope Louis will be the main character now.
we all do
Yes, but I would also be satisfied by Louis and Legosi becoming a couple in the end.
the more generals Beastars has the more it'll attract monkeys like 188604632 and yiff in hell shitposters
Toubun thread is a shitposting central.
Legosi needs to marry a grey wolf and have a nice family. No gay shit.
Are we getting a fig
please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
stfu juno died of irrelevancy
How popular do you think this shit will get?
once the anime comes out? pretty popular. I'm guessing a bunch of popular youtubers will see it, see it is by the people who made Land of the Lustrous, then get pretty excited about it and promote the hell out of it. After everyone sees the first episode it will probably be hyped x1000000.
Reasonably popular.
About Houseki level. Maybe more so if the furry crowd gets attracted, which is going to be hell.
from what little i've seen actual furries hate Beastars
"From the same studio as LAND OF THE LUSTROUS, dark souls of zootopia"
Not enough - some of the themes Paru explores prove to be somewhat controversial, so most normies will think it's too bizarre and won't bother getting into it.
Legosi is not only a mutt, but also a race-traitor. Is he peak degenerate?
Don't care, just as long as furries don't really find out about it.
At least he isn't a homosexual.
>At least he isn't a homosexual
my nigga have we been reading the same series?
i fukt up
Its ok, just post more Louis x Legosi.
user do you not realize that a lot of furries have already found out about this manga? And do you not realize that probally some of the posters ITT are the ones you fear so much?
Highly, which is kind of a shame. I already worry
Yup. Only a matter of time before reddit thoroughly destroys this series. Maybe Paru should get edgier to keep the normalfags away?
When did 5toubun became a boogeyman on Yea Forums? What did it do?
Do we have anymore info on this? I would love to throw all of my money at a Legosi figurine.
I just want to feel the fluff
i hope sebun finds love. GOD, I LOVE CAKES!
Usually there is a certain downtime between threads of the same series, unless there is some serious happening in that specific topic.
But for some fucking reason, 5toubun threads seem to be literally spawning right after the previous one ended. Bizarre, seeing as it is mediocre at best and doesn't deserve the apparent attention it is getting.
Either that or mods are at it again.
Is Sebun the George to Legosi's Lenny?
ok seriously legosi is an actual autismo for letting this guy go
>lenny is autistic
>george is a hard worker that gets nothing but indifference from the world
>muh quality control
I love Shiira.
Shoot the wolf
I prefer haremshit over furryshit
i prefer gayshit
whenever people say it's furryshit, the people who read it will say some retarded shit about how it's good because the mc is autistic or something
like is that supposed to make it sound better?
Seems deserved to me, the premise stands out, is a harem, apparently the MC isn't a faggot, and the story's interesting enough to facilitate various kind of autism
It's also one of the most OC-generating fanbase with dozens of colorfags, drawfags and internal Yea Forums scanlation wars
I would say he was probably overconfident he could stop him from running and didn't anticipate the gun, but seriously...
He fucked up.
>implying Juno deserves the terrible fate of marrying an autistic mutt that is borderline dysfunctional
Juno deserves a grade A gray wolf.
>just as long as furries don't really find out about it.
user... I am a furry.
>I am a furry.
user its far too late to not attract the furries
i mean lets be honest, paru is probably a furry herself. she even has the fursuit and everything, which she literally wears EVERYWHERE and look at all this random half naked beastars pictures she draws all the time in her free time
>ywn yiff with Paru-chan
Why even continue?
>Pina using his horns as a clothes rack
Yes. You're not welcome here, reddit.
>Paru is actually one of the barafags at /trash/
Too bad, she's getting that small and fragile (but still good enough to suck) Red Deer dick
That tragic event was plain and simple rape. Juno was vulnerable and (((DER HIRSCH))) attacked her.
Based and herbipilled.
>Furries are gonna ruin this manga
>Paru is a hardcore furfag,fursuit and everything
Lmaoing at you antifurs
So who at Cherryton is secretly a hybrid? I'm already preparing myself for this twist.
>paru is probably a furry
No, dude let's be more honest and here just say that PARU WANTS TO LEGIT GET FUCKED IRL BY ACTUAL DOGS
Also wants to feed people her own body fluids, be strapped into a milking machine, consume human flesh, share a romantic kiss in a morgue, take part in an Eyes Wide Shut party, etc.
fuck off furry
>Furries are gonna ruin this manga
No, they're going to ruin these threads.
Toubun doesn't have tripfags, just some bunch of rage-fueled autistic anons who keeps making a fucking novel who the fuck is the bride.
Kind of amazing they haven't already. They latched onto Zootopia and the-show-that-must-not-be-named on day fucking 0.
Could it be that Beastars has enough furry repellant to remain pristine?
Legosi talking about his unborn child's inevitable suffering is the most heartwrenching thing I've read in a long time.
Why do you want to turn Beastars threads into generals? Have you learned nothing you dumb newfaggot? Generals are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to actual quality discussion.
To be fair, countless people have been fooled by him for the past 24 years. Including that one elephant ready to fight on his behalf while being killed by him.
Plus Yafya is a fucking monster who also kills people and I doubt Legosi wants to see his kind getting turned into fertilizer.
>Yafya is a fucking monster who also kills people
Only carniggers
And bloodmixers, and their foul spawn.
The love of his life is a carnivore though so he's like one of those closeted gay bashers.
toubun threads were the same untill the anime came out
>paru's posted about drawing legosi's butt
I'm worried. Paru is getting more and more degenerate every chapter.
Give up on her, user. She's too far gone. Nothing can stop her now.
Does this mean when the manga is over she will release official porn of all characters? Will we get Legosi's first time with Haru after marriage?
>knowing what consummation is
We'll get the filthiest smut that's possible with only kissing
He almost scored several times but autism got in the way. He is the anti beavis and butthead
He's just overthinking it. Worrying about the consequences. Being considerate of other people's feelings. Having these traits basically bans you from ever getting laid.
Because Paru puts redpilled topics usually avoided like the plague or criticized by """"people""""
The discrimination between carnivores and herbivores. Halfblood and racemixings getting the worst treatment, especially by cops and the secret forces. And it's still the tip of the iceberg, look up the rapes and sexual attempts.
The thing is, those things illustrate animal society the best and I personally read Beastars for it. It doesn't try to do any bullshit and just put the best picture it can if animals were to form a civilized society complete with its flaws. Having the MC being the best example of its worst kind just tops the cake. Plus his autism.
>it is mediocre at best
Animeonly brainlet detected
There is no doubt she has been drawing horny furry porn since middleschool, including Beastars characters. I wonder where she keeps all that stuff...
Also, nice numbers.
They're too sexually repressed in japan.
This. I came for the social commentary but stayed for Legosi's autism
What did she mean by this?
>That avatar
So she's one of those nazi furries then?
After Legosi's death Jack will shoot up the school.
Well ofc
>I'm gonna make the carnivore/herbivore world war look like a fucking joke!
My sides
>implying this is somehow a bad thing
beastars belongs on
>Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to school tomorrow.
What did she mean by this?