Why does Yea Forums love isekai so much?

Why does Yea Forums love isekai so much?

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What? You arent going to do your isekai general thread again? Afraid of another ban?

isekai is life

Why does Sill Plain have donkey ears?

I wish I could be transported to an alternate universe and be pampered by a big-tittied slut who craves my dick 24/7

>big-tittied slut

Opai piggu disgusting. Flat is best.

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I too wish I could be transported to an alternate universe, but then join/create my own loli harem.

You say that as if I give a shit about your garbage taste

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They are hopeless losers with or without dead end jobs like the faggots that were isekai'd.

>You are isekai'd into a world where the first person who proposes you marriage also encourages you to have a harem

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Rabbits are known to breed a lot.

It panders to me

Nice, so 1 supportive girl and 5 clingy bitches, like every other milktoast isekai out there.

>Yea Forums is one person
Fuck off OP.

If you could be Isekai'd why would you want to start your own harem when you could become the little girl?

Gettin' Isekai'd Is what we all wish for

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because isekai anime is made for adult virgins specifically


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I don’t see the problem normalfags


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Isekai is anime's final form. The escapism that anime does so well reaches its ultimate expression in isekai. That's why it's not just some trend that will disappear. We will only leave isekai behind by going deeper into escapism, probably through VR.

I want battle harems back though I liked them more

Real meat!

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You'll get battle harem isekai and you'll like it.

who said there was a problem

She should put on more clothes. She's giving me an erection.

Battle harems never left. They're called "battle harems in another world" now.

Cute and funny bunny cunny

because it's fun

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I want to fuck the slime

Nothing sucks your dick better than isekai. Like 10/10 shrine maiden who never seen a dick before yet sucks your dick like a vacuum kind of good

I liked the school academy setting better though

>They're called "battle harems in another world" now.
"I was a schmuck whose life was just fucked, but then I got trucked; now I'm in luck, since all these lusty lady warriors need to suck me for luck."
Frigging best seller, right there.

It's escapism. Total freedom from the modern world and the status quo in which autists don't belong.

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Some more literally than others. I wonder how long until we get to see some sucking in this one.

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Because instead of wageslaving for 50 hours a week so your boss can be rich, you can just sell a bunch of patents and become a wealthy adventurer.

>Japanese guy burned out by society
>dicked by government and economy
>writes isekai about being a freelanced laborer in an adventure guild

>Chinese guy burned out by society
>dicked by government and economy
>writes isekai about slaughtering people that are totally not stand ins for those things

based insect

Sounds like Evenicle. OVA when? even Sengoku Rance got an anime adaption ffs.


isekai is escapism taken further beyond. with normal fantasy you are seeing the story of someone more interesting than yourself. there is an implicit message that your life is boring because you are a boring person. with isekai the story is about someone literally you, but in a more exciting setting. it's telling you that it's not your fault that your life sucks, the world just didn't give you a chance.

Well it kinda didn’t with all these ugly 3dpd cretins everywhere I looked, maybe if everyone was as good looking, smart, and had as good genetics as me I would’ve had a chance.

How creatively bankrupt is Japan that a plagiarised setting and concept could be considered a genre?

About as creatively bankrupt as your western “artists” that shit out ugly disfigured repulsive cartoon characters as “character design”.