I know very little on MHA, but why is this character pink, have weird eyes, a pink afro, and antennae?

I know very little on MHA, but why is this character pink, have weird eyes, a pink afro, and antennae?

Attached: Mina_Ashido_Full_Body_School_Uniform.png (250x555, 47K)

Its her superpower

Because S.E.X.

She'd be better if she wasn't a filthy mutant

Attached: WhiteMina.jpg (552x787, 67K)

She's a mutt

why didnt you remove the antennas/horns?

Her alien-like appearance is to emphasize her alien-like power, which is derived from the acidic blood of the Xenomorphs in the Alien franchise.


>White mina

This makes me vomit

>take away her best feature

Don't know. But I want to fuck her

Because like all shounenshitters, she's a subhuman

soul soulless

>Generic caucasoid female with Valley girl accent
Black Clover would be more your cup of piss

She shoots sticky glue at her enemies like a moth. Except there's no moth that does that. It's insect-like I guess. She's like the waifu form of wurmple.
>Mina used string shot!

Attached: 265Wurmple.png (769x769, 333K)

The only thing that decreases her attractiveness in the anime is the black eyes

Because she's a mutie, my boy

As purebred humans it is our responsibility, nay, our PURPOSE to BREED with these mutants in an attempt to slowly but surely remove them from the genepool. Now I know the mere thought of procreating with such a vile creature is repulsive, however it is a sacrifice we must be willing to make.

Take this mutt for example. With a little help she could eventually produce some human children. Like I said, I know the idea of her riding you like some sort of animal is disgusting, but it is our duty to protect what is human.

You must fuck the mutants, my boy
You must

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Based and bunnypilled

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>Low test
Fuck off.
That's hot, tho

She is a mutant.
They exist in the MHA universe.

she's a cutant

Where's Wanda when we need here

Attached: 1290250-nomoremutantscp.jpg (600x300, 34K)

Black sclera is top tier.

Attached: 64e5e29a9da54fdca907b18116f29088.jpg (1200x800, 1.17M)

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>insectoids are caucasoid now
what i miss

kirifagoo doesn't deserve to look in her direction

thanks, horrigan

What if she was brown and being pink was just a costume

Attached: gyaru_mina.png (490x588, 180K)

i like that she canonically has great thighs

What if she is also on top of you?

maybe you should read/watch MHA.

That looks not completely terrible.
