
>dies while trying to find her mom
>gets possessed by an oddity
>wanders around alone for 11 years as a ghost
>only a couple of people can see her
>goes to hell
does she have the saddest story in anime history?

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Nah, I think cat has a pretty sad story. The girl has as many forms as Kiss Shot/Shinobu though, so that's neat.

Don't forget
>develops stockholm syndrome to a perverted lolicon molester

nippon hell is like unbaptized newborn heaven.

wait, why would she go to hell? and is it confirmed she goes to hell or you're just spinning tales?

nah, i can think of plenty of characters off the top of my head who've had it worse

Children who die before their parents go to hell in Japanese mythos.

skipped the part where she becomes a god in the end

>goes to hell
Cool. I only watched Bakemonogatari but I thought she was annoying.

what kind of bullshit rule is that? do they not know how fucking reckless and carefree kids are? hell most of the media have their kids dying to trucks or cars

literally watch the show, there's an arc called Mayoi Hell

I will see it if the manga adapts that far. im tired of watching shaft monogatari

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why so cruel user

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She's only lonely because she's a good ghost.
The reason she acts so sullen in the beginning is because she doesn't want to lead people astray.
It's the uppermost layer of hell though, basically just a boring place.

Also spoiler
Araragi saves her from hell though, in one of the shows best scenes, so it's all good. The guy literally violates the cosmic laws just because.

Kinda fucks the emotional impact of the end of Onimonogatari though, but I suppose enough time had passed.
I remember that ep destroyed Yea Forums for like 2 whole weeks.

>>goes to hell

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Oshino has the saddest story bar none. Imagine you've done the nigh-impossible and stolen Kiss-shot's heart and then some fucking retard comes along and ruins the entire balance by saving her forcing you to now try to balance that then spending another half year attempting to balance more and more of his issues with the advice "Stop being a vampire" only for Araragi to ignore that advice and start deepthroating vampirism after having an existential crisis about it in Kizu.
Oshino honestly has the hardest job of anyone in the series. He has to try balance everything and ultimately is entirely relied upon to solve every issue Araragi comes across even when he's not there.

Kaiki had it rough too
>just wanna scam middle schoolers
>gotta fight a snake god so it doesn't kill your ex-gf and her boyfriend

Not even close.

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I always try to search for those threads in the archive, but my searching skills suck.

lmao why yotsuba is there

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She doesn't suffer and she doesn't deserves it, so she is in the right position.

I mean Death itself answers to Dracula in the Castlevania games so I'm sure Japan thinks Vampires are super OP.
Add to that the fact that he's cursed to roam forever.

>doesn't deserves
Yea Forums - Analphabets

she turns the table on him

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>Tall, strong, adult Snail having her way.
Is this from Zoku?

yup, very good movie btw

I there more content in the 6 episode version?

kek mewtwo

nope, its just the movie cut into parts

>gets molested anyway

>Griffith, Prushka, Subaru, Ange and Takeru
>that low
Each one of them suffered more than Oz, Alice, Abyss, CC and Gankutsuou combined.
That pic is absolutely retarded.

This is why you pick a different religion.

I feel liks they wasted hell.
It could've been a cool place to explore but instead it just became Araragi talking to hachikuji till they reach the bird guy and then Araragi just talking to the bird guy.

What a fucking waste.

Zoku Owari was trash. The only reason it 's seen as great is because the only people still watching Monogatari after 50 installments are the blind fanboys.

But the series has never bothered to explore the world, it's always about the bantz.

I hated her arc in Bakemonogatari, still she has a great evolution. I love Hachikuji now, she has some of the best arcs.
You are forgetting what happens in Second Season.

Come on, anons. The part where children have to build towers out of pebbles isn't hell, it's the border between this life and the afterlife. And they don't have to do it eternally anyway because the guardian deity of children saves them.

Japanese traditional belief, kids go to hell for dying young, I think before their parents. They are not tortured too bad, they just have to stack rocks for eternity.

it's kinda christian vision we do not believe anymore, about limbo

Math has a sad story as well if you're being honest

math is best girl. i'll make her story happy just watch me.

>kids go to hell for dying young
But they don't. They just can't cross the Sanzu.
Ojizou-sama says hi.

>But they don't. They just can't cross the Sanzu.
I was wrong about that, but they do stay on the shore of it stacking rocks. I didn't invest too much time in researching it though as it doesn't really matter.

Good luck, she didn't deserve any of that. I shall go back to agonizing over whether I like kiss shot or cat more

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>I remember that ep destroyed Yea Forums for like 2 whole weeks.

What the fuck?

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The world in monogatari is a desolate place. People basically don't exist unless they are interacting with Ararargi.

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Did she put him in the fucking Sharpshooter?

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