What happens now?
Overlord Anime/Light Novel
overlord is overrated desu
it's better than a lot of isekai out there.
I watched the main 4 isekai
>youjo senki
and overlord was my least favorite of them. I never felt any tension or reason to care for any of the characters. Ainz and his gang are all so over powered that they have literally nothing to fear. An anime where the MC just goes to someone obviously inferior to him, uses a few magic spells and wins the battle is boring as hell.
>b-but one punch man is like that and you like that anime!
yeah but one punch man knows how to build tension in different ways than "how is the MC going to win?" On top of that, it doesn't take itself as seriously.
>implying aqua isn't a virgin
More shitty CG
Aqua stop samefagging
The anime is disappointing, it could have been A LOT better, but it didn't have the budget (that shitty CGI); unlike konosuba, overlord didn't benefit from the QUALITY.
The LN is pretty good, but the author tends to focus on unnecessary details instead of moving the story forward and developing the characters.
It feels like half the amazing things that Ainz does/happen to him are miracles or coincidences; although I'm starting to think the author is going to pull an "Ainz did everything subconsciously!"
Konosuba is just plain entertaining and funny, both the anime and LN.
He just cut overlord AGAIN from 17 volumes to 16.
Lord Touch me save us!
And he already said he counts the extra volume as 14 so only two left to wrap everything up.
overlord is dead like arche
To hell with your bad currency!
this. i still read the novel mostly because fun things are fun.
which is not saying a lot considering what is in the market
konosuba>loli hitler>bakarina and similar>sasuga ainz-sama>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything else
>I never felt any tension or reason to care for any of the characters.
It is also most boring of all isekai shows today, especially 2-3 seasons.
I almost dropped this shit when they spent two fucking episodes on a bunch of random lizardfags talking to each other. This had zero impact on the story in general because it was obvious from the very beginning that they only exist to be BTFOd by protagonist's OP sidekicks in less than a minute, which is exactly what happens.
Fucking hell, this must be the worst writing I've seen in at least a decade, on par with cold-steel-sonic fanfics.
And don't even bother reading the books, they are even worse. At least Madhouse tried to make it more enjoyable by condensing and cutting the boring crap to a minimum. The fact that result is still this bad only proves that books consist of 99% filler
Solution should have been a guardian.
Learn to read. Of course the anime adaptation is shit.
Didn't he say it was going to be 20 at some point? Is he fucking with us? The number keeps getting smaller and smaller. 20 would have made the most sense with the pace that he goes, but 15 (not including the extra which he considers to be vol 14) is far too little to wrap up the story. How is he burned out so quickly on this shit? It'd be better if he just took a hiatus if he wants a break from Overlord.
>author basically admits that he doesn't give a fuck about his creation and only continues to work on it for money
>overniggers still pretend that their franchise is worth anything
Fucking hilarious and at the same time kinda sad.
>author is obviously joking in a sarcastic and doomfull manner
>this makes the writing shit somehow
cope harder
Can't wait till Maruyama reveals that the next volume will be the last. I can already imagine how the plot would go. It'd be just the same shit as all the other volumes until the end when Platinum Dragon Lord just flies over Ainz and insta-kills him.
Does anybody know anything about the rumors which basically went as "I never thought Overlord would be popular and americans were 2spooky4me when I attended a con"?
> is obviously joking
>cope harder
The “big 4” isekai are actually Konosuba, Slime, Re:Zero, and In Another World with my Smartphone if we’re going purely off the popularity of their anime in an official Japanese poll. Overlord and Youjo Senki barely even register.
>americans were 2spooky4me when I attended a con
What? I've never heard of this, please explain.
I need to confirm with those who attended that 2018 convention but several of them said he was very uncomfortable during the whole event not knowing his story was no longer niche
>reading comprehension
Konosuba threads are more to your level.
Konosuba > Overlord
>Greentext with a meaningless follow up
I guess I win huh.
>Greentext with a meaningless follow up
I guess I win huh.
>if we’re going purely off the popularity of their anime in an official Japanese poll. Overlord and Youjo Senki barely even register.
>he doesn't know
Overlord anime sold the best, YS sold well too and has a movie.
Smile's manga is more popular than the anime.
>implying that Overlord's tensions are about "how is the MC going to win?"
Fucking imbecile i swear. From the 1st episode it was already established that he was a god in that world. Nobody is gonna challenged him in a direct battle. The whole point of the story is about how he is going to unite the world and govern it.
Based author putting overlordfags out of their misery.
>And don't even bother reading the books, they are even worse.
Brainlet please go. You must be over 12yo to be allowed to join this board.
Lmao no, you pretentious imbecile
It is plain as day that it is just nothing more than a power fantasy to jack off the OC skeleton donut steel.
Unite the world and govern it when the MC have no idea about politics and economy and actually kills the people in charge? hahaha
>To Be Fair, You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Overlord
At this point I would like to pose a question, are overshits literally the worst fanbase on Yea Forums?
>no MC shounen struggle to get strong, therefore it's a power fantasy
What fresh trash is this?
That's why Overlord is top tier comedy.
Its a salaryman who finds himself with power and influence, and having no idea what to do with it and makes it up as he goes along trying to keep up the charade as a infallible godlike being, while all his NPCs who worship him naturally assume his bullshit is all part of his master plan.
Pretty much.
The funniest thing about Overlord is how the fanbase vehemently calls any who thinks low of their show as brainlets. When literally everyone outside of their hugbox thinks of Overlord as just another dumb SAO parody.
You gotta aplaud Tanyafags as the best fanbase though.
Their LN is well reseached and the fanbase are just as intelligent and knows how to stay far far away from the generic isekaitards
>That's why Overlord is top tier comedy.
No, it is a cute gimmick that nevertheless becomes stale very quickly.
That is why it is a nice addition to isekai quartet, it being a little comedy show with lots of such gimmicks and interactions between them, but it is not nearly enough to make a good show of its own.
>And don't even bother reading the books, they are even worse.
Not sure if this user is baiting, or has extremely shit taste.
>Unite the world and govern it when the MC have no idea about politics and economy and actually kills the people in charge? hahaha
That's the point of the comedy you retard. It's the contradiction that makes you laugh. In OPM Saitama is the strongest person around but still has a shitty life. In Overlord an average salaryman with elementary education who knows nothing about politics makes a better ruler than all nobles and royalties.
Tanyafag here.
Can confirm, am much intelligent
He’s just going to do a reboot of the main series with this instead
>In Overlord an average salaryman with elementary education who knows nothing about politics makes a better ruler than all nobles and royalties
It's just a guy ruining the world because he can. There is no ultimate goal here but just the author writing whatever it is that sells
Overlord has aged like dogshit though, and it’s sequels were awful.
There is one, it's called the Utopia Project. But obviously no way you can know it because you are an illiterate brainlet that never reads.
It's funny that Maruyama enjoyed writing that generic isekai shit more than the main series. If he decides to continue writing after Overlord is over he'll probably just end up pumping out factory tier isekai for the rest of his career.
They are the jojofags of isekai
Oh, please, wise one
Impart me the wisdom that your god almighty has written in order for a true utopian community to be made manifest when all attempts in the real world has failed miserably.
Please, impart me the wisdom that your author who knows nothing more than bad stories and imbalanced game mechanics have written
Every show here in Isekai Quartet major in LN sales, of which Overlord is more popular. You've listed slime, based on sales it majors in manga as well as BD sales, in terms of franchise sales slime beats every show in Isekai Quartet.
Pretty much this. I like Overlord but it's just retarded to pretend like it's some kind of masterpiece. Maruyama doesn't know jack shit about how to write a political story. It's only as good as it is because The editor has been keeping Maruyama's autism in check (as much as he can).
It's probably one of the better video game isekais, but that isn't saying much since they're all pretty much shit.
Maruyama is at least good at pretending to know what he's talking about and making an interesting story with that fake knowledge.
Though Youjo Senki is far better and probably the only actually good isekai. Plus its author actually knows what he's talking about.
Yeah, I've never seen Tanyafags stirring up shit or claiming something that is blatantly wrong about their franchise.
When I watched Youjo Senki my main problem with it was that it was too cramped, Tanya's character is interesting enough for us to want to explore it more. Her orphanage years, her time in training camp and war academy, the path she had to take to transform into a proper military officer (because it would be foolish to assume that a random salary man can become a great soldier\officer just because he had to endure Japanese corporate machine)
All of this is not present in the show, and it should have been there.
But the fact that people would want to know these things is a testament to creator's writing skills in an of itself.
At the same time, Overlord's entire story could be condensed into a book with hundred pages, or 2 episodes of an anime show, with nothing of value being lost in the process, and its fandom is acting like it is a new Bible or something.
Even Konosubafags are better, because they are not polluted by /tg/ level of power-faggotry and are actually having fun in their thread.
I don't know anything about Re:Zero's fandom though, maybe they are even worse than overfags, although I'm not sure this is even possible
Granted Maruyama isn't just burned out, my theory is he's going to start a new novel based on the same universe following a different main character. Another 3 volumes will be enough to establish Ainz's place in the world and set everything up for the next story which follows a hero character taking place directly or a few years after Overlord's plotline.
“Generic” as far as the premise is, the established setting/world-building really made the short even more enjoyable to read.
Plus the dynamic of skelebro and his loli vampire companion was very cute.
He's right you know. The main appeal of Overlord is the humor that comes from Ainz fucking up, making a bullshit excuse, then having it somehow miraculously work out for him in the most absurd way. At it's base, Overlord is about the NW reacting to the sudden existence of an overwhelming evil. You get a pretty good dark fantasy story when told from the perspective of the NW inhabitants. But Overlord takes it a step further, by showing the perspective of these evil beings set on world domination. But this is where the comedy comes in. Suzuki Satoru is just a regular dude trapped in a liches body, forced to act in a way that will appease his evil minions who treat him like a literal god. He's simply playing the role he feels is most appropriate given his circumstances. Which is where most of the comedy in this series revolves around. Animeonly fags will never understand this until they're fully caught up with the LNs. The anime adaptation fucked up one of Overlord's main appeals, which is the comedy.
Real world has no magic and an unlimited, tireless work force to be the backbone of an utopia, unlike in fantasy you retard.
If he does that then it would have to take place at least 100 years after the events of the current story. Players/Guilds only get summoned to the New World once every 100 years. Plus it would be more interesting to see the results of Ainz's actions which would only show after a either decades or centuries.
He installs puppets like every superpower state has ever done, only retards think politics and economy are an intelligent field of study.
Don't bother, he already outed himself as a idiot that didn't read passed vol 3.
>not polluted by /tg/ level of power-faggotry
>user either never saw a Konosuba thread where deranged Aquafags suck themselves up or is blatant falseflagger.
If you think that a tireless workforce and magic is all that's needed to create a perfect world, then you are truly far far faaaaaaaar too innocent about the history of its many attempts
Congratulations, prideful one
You are currently standing at the peak of Mt Stupid in Dunning Krugger effect.
One you realize how difficult it is to lead a nation, call me and I would laugh at you.
Before you ask, yes, I am a manager.
And you will never lead anything of value since everything is decided by birth and connections.
It doesn't matter how smart you are.
Why do overlord threads attract so many shitposters?
>Before you ask, yes, I am a McDonalds manager
whoa, he big brain
He can write about a native hero in the NW who has his entire family and his childhood friend gotten taken into the farm, his entire party and companions get massacred by demons and thus swears to take revenge against the one responsible for them all, by whatever mean necessary.
The only things that make the idea of an utopia fail IRL are the limited resources in our world and the corrupt nature of humans. Eliminate those two factors and you will get one easily.
>native hero
The max level for the natives so far has been around 50 (I think one of the godkins was around 60?). It wouldn't go to well.
>overwhelming evil
Dude, just no.
Skeletonman (I'm not going to call him a lich because he lacks one of the essential properties of lichedom) and most his team are lawful-neutral at best.
All they are doing is protecting their shit and helping people around them, really.
If the story was focused on that demon dude and his farm then sure, we could have gotten some edginess-value out of it, but it's not.
Even Tanya looks more evil when she orders her subordinates to exterminate the evacuating civilians of an enemy's city to prevent them from joining in with their military. And she is not even trying to be edgy at that moment, just pragmatic.
Perhaps overwhelmingly powerful beings set on world domination would be more appropriate a description. Regardless, that is the whole basis around what Overlord is all about. From the perspective of the NW inhabitants, Nazarick's existence appears entirely evil on the surface level. Of course, we as readers know that Nazarick under Ainz's control is lawful-neutral at best. It leads to some interesting, and often humorous interactions between these two groups.
>Plus the dynamic of skelebro and his loli vampire companion was very cute.
Desu, while protecting Nazarick and taking care of his friends's kids is nice and all, they're more of a shackle to him really.
If he dies, he dies.
When one is protagonist, the world will be bent to his favor. Did you ever wonder why a handicapped mortal like Guts could survive while being marked by literal demons? Why didn't 50 apostles gangbang him at once? Why didn't they try to poison his food and water? It's called plot armor.
Stand proud, user.
You have stated the very first crusty layer in the philosophy of what makes a man.
Now, tell me, how do you get rid of "it" easily?
Are you going to enfore the removal of free will and independent thought and actually try to redefine language like in 1984?
Would you prefer a drugged out world where everyone is just completely resigned to the idea of pleasures and cheap entertainment for everyone to flood themselves with every night like in Brave New World?
How about creating a religion based on your cult of personality like North Korea?
Repeat after me
Free Will is the enemy of Utopia
>From the perspective of the NW inhabitants, Nazarick's existence appears entirely evil on the surface level.
Nope. Only Ainz's enemies think like that. Other people he helped adore and worship him.
Yeah, and Ainz has no concern about them. Mind I remind you that he sent the zombified trolls at them?
Brain and Climb think he's evil despite seeing his interactions with Gazef. Then again Brain is a retard that tried to have Gazef revived despite Ainz telling him directly that resurrection magic of the 5th tier wouldn't work.
Reminder that Solution is best girl.
>people he helped adore and worship him
Well gee I wonder why? Literally only Carne village does this though.
Education is the key user. You just need to make every man believe in the utopia and willing to depend it at all cost, starting with putting the interest of the society above their own, then it will be all good.
So true communism is utopia? based.
Yeah, utopiafags are genuine brainlets and likely underage.
Though in the LN Ainz is basically doing exactly as you said and has already made it so that anyone who commits any crime is killed on the spot by a death knight and talking ill of the state is also illegal in the Sorcerous Kingdom.
Selflessness is litterally the entire philosophy of Communism. Look how that turned out
Shoo, shoo!
Carne Village, the Dwarves, and all the people Neia brainwashed.
He just helped them to steel themselves so that they can deal with future enemies easier.
They are homos and he killed the dude they love. They don't think with reasons.
The anime isn't the only thing. Wait until the 4th season to see entire nations worship him.
>They are homos and he killed the dude they love. They don't think with reasons.
Ainz was broing it up with Gazef before the duel and respected all of his final wishes. I don't see how anyone with half a brain would think that Ainz is bad in that situation. Brain and Climb are both brainlets who couldn't even fulfill any of Gazef's final wishes.
They didn't have magic that can ensure the implement of a specific philosophy into the population's psyche without fail.
Attacked and ruined by capitalists? I love communism now.
>So true communism is utopia?
It literally is.
I'd rather have free will than utopia though. And most of humanity shares this sentiment. This is why you will always find revolts against such attempts at utopias.
A utopia can be created if we had slaves that would never rebel, said Thomas More
A utopia can be created if we, the people, all just worked together, said Karl Marx
A utopia can be created if we had robots/magic/better education, says user
Here's a block of reality for you to smash your head into, boy:
People are assholes and always will be
If your system can be exploited for selfish benefit, it will be exploited for selfish benefit
Who leads these revolts? the greedy leaders and elites of other nations, most people want to be in the utopia.
The bottom of the societal ladder, dumbfuck.
Every """utopia""" has an assigned slave class.
Re:Zero’s fanbase can best be described as schizophrenic. There isn’t any coherent unity among the fanbase, people generally end up liking the series for completely different reasons.
>Who leads these revolts?
People who live in the oppressive utopia. Many of the leaders are most definitely led by greed, but that is simply human nature. Every person desires autonomy, a utopia provides no such thing.
Though the utopia plan has definitely been "working" in Overlord. I use quotations because the majority of the non-humans only follow out of fear, people are killed on the spot for wrong think, and many people are out of work thanks to the skelington workforce.
A utopia can definitely "work" hypothetically in a world with unlimited resources and labor, though it would be at the cost of the people's autonomy.
>Carne Village
Yes, they are grateful to Ainz for saving them when nobody else would.
They view the Sorcerer Kingdom as a trading partner, and are grateful to Ainz for saving their nation.
>Neia's Cult
They don't have complete control of the Holy Kingdom yet. But Ainz does indeed have a growing following amongst their inhabitants.
I am all caught up with the LNs. But so far the only ones who come close to worshiping Ainz would Neia's cult. But that hardly qualifies as an entire nation yet. Carne village is extremely grateful for everything Ainz has done, but not quite to the point of worship. Same goes for all the other nations Nazarick has allied with. No worship, just cautiously forming an alliance with the benefits of trade. They are all still independent nations with the aid of the Sorcerer Kingdom.
>dictatorship = utopia
Hello brainwashed slave, now tell us about how the ussr and china were communists and were so bad and mean with no outside forces manipulating them.
True communism has no leader or currency.
>most his team are lawful-neutral
due to the actual karma system Yggdrasil had, literally almost all of Nazarick NPCs are classified in the negative evil levels, with the occasional neutral like Cocytus and Sebas being like the only NPC with a high good rating.
That'd be anarchy and in which case a utopia would be impossible even in a world with infinite resources.
Unity is brought about by leaders. Groups do not exist without someone in their ranks takes the lead. This is what forms a government.
Without a government to manage the utopia it would fail, no matter how prosperous it is.
Are you a underage, user? These are all things that someone past middle school age should know.
This thread has the most retarded argument on Yea Forums right now.
Which only proves the fact that authors every attempt at creating a comprehensive system is a failure.
Pretty much every Overlord thread then.
You serious?
>That'd be anarchy
If you have degeneracy and bad people, Utopia needs good people to work.
It won't fall to anarchy since everyone supports each other like family.
>If you have degeneracy and bad people
>It won't fall to anarchy since everyone supports each other like family
This has to be bait, right? I'll reply anyways.
There will always be degenerates in society. And they aren't even the only reason why such a system wouldn't work. There will always be disagreements among people. Humans aren't a hivemind. Without leadership, there would be no groups.
Not particularly. If it wasn't for Ainz holding them back all the time. They would have already laid siege to all the surrounding nations.
If you're talking about the user spouting on about a utopia, then I'd have to agree with you.
This much should be obvious to anyone who isn't an anime-only. They literally showed this in the bonus volume in the epilogue.
> They would have already laid siege to all the surrounding nations.
And the story would have been somewhat interesting.
edgy underage detected
>war is edgy
>fast paced storytelling is edgy
ok retard
>They literally showed this in the bonus volume in the epilogue
Precisely why I brought it up. Ainz is the only thing holding it back. Although it would be interesting to see how Sebas, Cocytus, Nigredo, Pestonya, and anyone else I'm forgetting would react in that alternate universe. Would they betray Nazarick for real? Would they side with the NW? Infighting would be interesting to read about.
not only you got busted as an anime only fag, but also as an underage edgy kid
fuck off
>who leads these revolts?
Historically? 1st there's usually some impetus for the 3rd Estate "commons" to rally against the "aristocracy", no matter what kind of government there is there will be a hierarchy. Then, if the commons manage not to fall for reactionary plots to break them, they seize power and immediately begin infighting, where radicals Jacobins and moderates Girondins start trying to implement their competing visions, then the radicals start whipping the lowest rungs of society sans-culottes into a frenzy in order to use them as a political sledgehammer, sometimes literally smashing their way into the Tuileries Palace the place of government in order to legislate at gunpoint. Then this tyranny of the sans-culotte masses gets uneasy, and some madman pic related takes power and starts putting everyone that doesn't march in lockstep with them to the National Razor death. Sound familiar?
Unfortunately, might invariably makes right, principles count for very little to peasants with guns, especially when that peasant's ideology consists "free bread and universal manhood suffrage" and saying aloud that maaaaybe this isn't a sustainable plan for running a nation-state gets you Robespierre'd killed.
The problem with utopian ideology, is that every participant's idea of a utopia is different.
>it can't work, give up and commit sins
Sorry your kind isn't in the full communist country anyways.
People who actually help each other will make it up.
He's right.
If your only point was rampant slaughter, then you're an edgy trash
War is about conquering in ways that makes sense in terms of strategical, political, and even cultural aspect.
Says a lot about Overlord fanbase, really.
>slow paced story telling is bad
>if I don't get immediate gratification, then it's bad
Literal brainlet middle school tier opinions.
>b-but it would unironically be better if it actually was an edgy power fantasy
Stopped reading there.
not only you are an assravaged retard, but you also failed to come up with a good answer.
You can stay because I want to bitch-slap you some more.
>People are assholes and always will be
That's the point of magic, it can fundamentally change men's nature and create selfless, incorruptible leaders without any mundane need.
>I have no argument so I'll reply to something he never said instead! That way he can't possibly beat me!
Isn't it a school night for you, or is it summer break already?
Nothing to worry about. Isn't like I wanted more world building and stuff.
based and revolutionpilled
>brainwashing good!
Do brainlets actually think this?
You need to go to sleep now or mommy will be mad
I don't need an answer, you didn't propose a question, you just said
>l like edgy hurr
You need some special talen to embarrass yourself in an anonymous board
The who revolt against a literal utopia are either greedy ruling classes that had their power taken away or brainwashed idiots who misunderstand it and thus act against their own interest. You get rid of the former and make the latter understand the beauty and necessity of the utopia.
Yeah so greed prevents a good state from existing, that just strengthens communisms stance.
Why are you ignoring that communism needs good people and not bad people? good luck with your niggers since you don't think utopia is possible.
>brainwashed idiots
don't talk so poorly of yourself.
how much do you know about the French Revolution?
Nigga this would have saved the franchise from being a retarded power fantasy because instead of a constant sloppy wank of a story all the weak and pointless characters\nations would have been taken out of the way and the story would've had at least some entertainment value
>Many of the leaders are most definitely led by greed, but that is simply human nature.
Who said about letting humans rule the utopia?
>it would be at the cost of the people's autonomy
Which is a worthless concept some dudes just came up with to justify their destructive way of life.
Oh, here comes another brainlet preaching his stupidity
Brainwashing is completely unconstitutional and would raise concerns on the people you rule. They would never feel safe knowing that if ever they did something that the government dislikes, they would be captured and get lobotomized into a "better citizen"
Have you ever tried stoppuing for a while and ask yourself: Who is going to be in charge? How can we be sure his judgement is pure and uncoruptable? How can we be sure that his victims deserve to lose their personality?
Overlord really destroys your brain cells, huh
You forgot the lizards.
>There will always be degenerates in society
Then remove them from it.
>There will always be disagreements among people
Then create unity among them.
>Humans aren't a hivemind
They can be turned into one.
What you just described is a power fantasy, retard.
The current story isn't exactly power fantasy unless your the utopia fag in this thread since he has the same level of intellect as Ainz. Ainz shouldn't be a self insert character or someone to relate perfectly with yet in this thread we seem to have retards who are on the same level as a fictional elementary school graduate.
You are a complete idiot if you think that there exists people who would be fine with getting ruled over by people whom they do not share the same biological structure, let alone ideologies
News fucking flash. Societies are divided based on culture and societal concerns and just because you are more powerful does not give you the wisdom to understand them all and handle their concerns
Dead empire that was broke lost against napoleon that was funded by the jews.
Deport the ones who don't want to be ruled then.
Greed had nothing, well, little, to do with the failure of the 1st Republic, it failed because there were decent men on all sides who had wildly different ideas about society and how it should be structured, and how many or few changes to the old system should be implemented. I was ragging on Robespierre earlier, but I don't think he was killing for the sake of killing or just doing it for expediency, he was probably doing it because he really thought (correctly, in some cases) those people were reactionary enemies of the Republic and if they were allowed to walk free or worse, jailed with other dissidents, they would organize a counter-revolution and undo all of the "good work" the Revolution had brought on.
Nor, I think, was greed Napoleon's driving force. He wanted France to be strong, and as a military officer the road he saw for strength was one of conquest. During the Consulship and the early Empire Napoleon supported independence movements all over Europe, notably forming republics in Italian territories seized from the Hapsburgs and supporting through backchannels movements for Polish independence from Prussia and Russia.
Good states can exist alongside greed, greed is probably the most powerful motive force on the planet besides sexual desire, the state just has to strike a balance between mechanisms to suppress greed's threat to the people and the nature desire by those in power to turn those mechanisms on the people themselves during times of instability or crisis.
>War is about conquering in ways that makes sense in terms of strategical, political, and even cultural aspect.
Literally what Ainz is doing.
>muh romans
>muh napoleon
>muh jews
These are very intriguing arguments indeed. How is it that you came to be so enlightened, Sir Bigbrain? Was it the community college or /leftypol/?
How to lose 90% of your population and be left with nothing but the drug addicts and criminals
It's not even brainwashing. You just remove all destructive thoughts from people's mind and teach them constructive thoughts.
>utopia fag has the same level of intellect as Ainz
That's his point, user. The user he was responding to was saying Overlord would be better if Nazarick just went to war with every country around them.
>What you just described is a power fantasy, retard.
No, you are the ultra retard here.
What I am describing is a way to get away from it with just one fucking page of text.
"There were some weak kingdoms\tribes\other shits and we fucked them up" That is it. The end of power fantasy, because now we can proceed to real conflicts and challenges.
This is how it should have been done for the story to be acceptable and interesting.
Instead, this one sentence
>"There were some weak kingdoms\tribes\other shits and we fucked them up"
Is being stretched into Thirteen. Fucking. Volumes. of nothing but this unending power wank.
Got it or do I have to rephrase it again?
Momon is there for a reason dummy.
Who gets to define what "constructive" and "destructive" thoughts are?
If I hide some extra food for winter, are you going to shoot me for stealing the People's grain?
How do we make a Utopia?
This thread
roll faggots
>brainwashing good!
Why are you repeating yourself, user? I'm starting to get worried. Were you brainwashed yourself?
Literally just one user.
There's something charming about seeing a bunch of weebs preaching about how you can achieve a utopia
I can easily count like 5 different posting styles from Overlordfags.
Only the 2 or three posters makes strong points.
Where is this from? Gib staff-chan
>They would never feel safe knowing that if ever they did something that the government dislikes, they would be captured and get lobotomized into a "better citizen"
In an utopia, the entire population received mandatory education since birth, so no one will do anything harmful to the society.
>Who is going to be in charge?
An all knowing, omnipotent god emperor/AI in a fantasy/sci-fi setting, basically someone who isn't human by nature so that he won't have any of human's flaws.
So you would prefer him to actively fight and conquer instead of strategically manipulate people to join him? That would definitely shorten the story, but it would make it into even more of a power fantasy.
Which one are you saying is right, user? I hope it's not the utopiafag. I wouldn't want my opinion of DBSpics to get any lower, especially when I've finally found someone that's dumber than them.
>You are a complete idiot if you think that there exists people who would be fine with getting ruled over by people whom they do not share the same biological structure, let alone ideologies
Do you live in woods? Or caves? All devoted religious people are perfectly fine with being ruled by a God they can't even see or hear. It's because they were taught like that since birth. Education is the solution.
user, please stop repeating yourself with the brainwashing point. Refer back to this and stop doing it. You're making yourself look dumb
Silence already, kid.
It's completely impossible to create selfless humans because it is in our biological structure to concern ourselves with ourselves unless altruism benefits us in the long run.
The biggest, most expensive universities in the world and beyond, would never be able to change that.
If you changed that using magic or what not, then congratioulations, you have created a new species that would immediately collapse into a spiral of self-destruction because they just lost the fundamental structure of nature.
And now, nature has to reset for the 6th time. Well done
>limited resources
"limited" is redundant, because it's akin to "breathable air that contains an oxygen".
Resources are always limited.
Having said that, we can become efficient enough to give people decent housing, medicine, food and entertainment for free without fucking up our environment.
It's a difficult technical problem, but it's manageable.
>and the corrupt nature of humans
That's the tricky part. I see only two ways to fix it: mind control or the systemic genocide of the wrong-thinkers.
What's wrong with being a McDonalds manager exactly?
Lizards were forcefully subjugated. I doubt any of them would worship Nazarick if they weren't forced to do so.
>The user he was responding to was saying Overlord would be better if Nazarick just went to war with every country around them.
Except it's wrong. His suggestion is Nazarick becoming a rogue state that declares war on all fronts without even justification and turns the entire world against them. It's retardation.
There is no need to "strategically manipulate" ants.
You crush them, not because it is edgy but because it is the easiest and most time-efficient way of dealing with them.
Although, I wouldn't be even mad if protagonist's "strategic manipulations" gave him any decent results, but in the end he still has to do everything by using force. All his fucking around with the kingdom did nothing, and he had to exterminate their army on a battlefield (In the most boring way possible, with just one spell)
>That would definitely shorten the story, but it would make it into even more of a power fantasy.
For fucks sake.
>real conflicts and challenges.
Like what? Stronger enemies? Just to be subdued by Ainz's brute force in the end, albeit with flashy shonen battles? It's the very definition of a power wank. Using mind games and strategies is better in every way.
After giving them enough food to survive and other resources the novels seem to imply it's genuine.
But it's from the guardians prospective so who knows.
>There is no need to "strategically manipulate" ants.
Not him, but if you suspect that there are ant lovers out there who happen to be your equals, there is.
The first require for an utopia is a post-scarcity society.
>"You crush them"
>"not edgy"
Sounds like a middle schooler's edgy power fantasy to me.
>For fucks sake
Seems like you're getting a bit upset about not having your power fantasy. If you really want a power fantasy that bad just read Tales of Demons and Gods.
>flaunt power and achieve victory of the NW
>meet a stronger enemy
>struggle for awhile before achieving victory once again
>rinse and repeat
He's just a Shouninfag who doesn't realize this would make Overlord even more of a power fantasy than it already is.
Don't bother.
>meet a stronger enemy
He hasn't met a stronger enemy yet in the main timeline. If Maruyama ever has the Dragon Lords confront Ainz though then we will have a good struggle (fight wise since that's all you shounenfags care about). Based off what we know from the bonus novel, Brightness Dragon Lord, Deep Dark Dragon Lord, and Platinum Dragon Lord should all be stronger than Ainz.
>It's completely impossible to create selfless humans because it is in our biological structure to concern ourselves with ourselves unless altruism benefits us in the long run.
Even without magic, we will be able to do that in about 40-50 years with our technology.
>If you changed that using magic or what not, then congratioulations, you have created a new species that would immediately collapse into a spiral of self-destruction because they just lost the fundamental structure of nature.
So ants and bees would have been extincted long ago using your logic?
Won't you worship someone who saves your entire race from the verge of destruction?
I still remember that some user thought that Ainz and company could defeat a k2 civilization
how silly
user, you seriously should stop advocating for brainwashing. What if your parents walk in and realize you're still awake? Brainwashing won't save you from getting a whooping from them.
>All his fucking around with the kingdom did nothing, and he had to exterminate their army on a battlefield (In the most boring way possible, with just one spell)
After destroying their conventional army, he gave the people food, prosperity and security to win their heart and mind, preventing future guerrilla rebellions, like every fucking empire who does it the right way.
If we are going by this logic then the only reasonable thing for skeletonman to do is to hunker down in his hole and never go out at all.
Because, guess what? There could be ant haters that are his equals or even skeleton haters that are his superiors.
But since he decided to go out and do something, might as well do it properly..
Stronger enemies would validate the usage of every method possible, funny thing that the only one you can think about is "flashy shonen battles"
>Sounds like a middle schooler's edgy power fantasy to me.
So you agree that when protagonists kills two hundred thousands of soldiers with one spell like they are just ants, it is 100% middle schooler's edgy power fantasy?
Thanks for that.
>Tales of Demons and Gods.
Literally Overlord.
First off, consider that bee populations have been dropping like a rock for years.
Second of all, bees still exist in the wild, and keeping them in an apiary is hardly necessitating a fundamental change to their natural order. They're building the same hives as always, just in a box rather than in a tree.
>Even without magic, we will be able to do that in about 40-50 years with our technology.
Fear of people like you getting the reigns of society is why I own firearms.
I dared user to bring that theme up and I still regret the entire debacle.
Well my whole point is that they don't all worship Nazarick after being subjugated. The alliances seem to be somewhat mutual if the terms were discussed under relatively peaceful conditions. The Sorcerer Kingdom mostly provides aid and protection, while respecting each nation's individuality. Of course, nations that have been forcefully subjugated, such as the Lizardmen and the Quagoa, are directly under the control of Nazarick. Even these nations that were conquered through military means, still have spokesmen to speak out on behalf of the treatment of their people.
thank to that thread I ended up watching all the vids of isac arthur, I just hope hes right about the transhumanism and life extension stuff because I want to be able to enjoy all of that cool shit
>After destroying their conventional army, he gave the people food, prosperity and security
Okay, I kekked here.
Try to think a bit before you post.
All of these soldiers from "conventional army" had families. That's millions of people filled with sorrow and hatred.
Do you really think they would be appeased by you giving them food?
In any reasonable universe skeletonman would have to put down rebellions till the rest of his days.
>If we are going by this logic then the only reasonable thing for skeletonman to do is to hunker down in his hole and never go out at all.
So you never left your house before? Because I am pretty sure there are many nigger haters out there stronger than you. Or you went with a gun to shoot everyone just to make sure?
nobody wants to read the uninteresting vn
>we will be able to do that in about 40-50 years with our technology
So it's mind control, then. I will unironically try to kill you or the people like you. I'm not good at it, but I will try really hard.
The result would be an army of bio-drones led by an actual(and probably incredibly corrupt) human being or an AI(unlikely).
>the only reasonable thing for skeletonman to do is to hunker down
Is it? Is it, really? You're doing only the part of the analysis. You're assuming that hunkering down is safe. It isn't.
You only have limited resources and, most importantly, the severe lack of information. At some point, someone will gather enough resources to topple your castle.
One must manage the risk. Blind rush and curling on the ground are seldom good strategies to do so efficiently.
>If we are going by this logic
I am not going by this logic.
The absolute state of br/a/inlet right now.
I know, hopefully it doesn't take hundreds of years but a few decades instead.
>Is it? Is it, really?
>You're doing only the part of the analysis. You're assuming that hunkering down is safe
It is safer than anything else. Holing up and doing passive observations for decades.
>At some point, someone will gather enough resources to topple your castle.
They will not even know its here.
>One must manage the risk. Blind rush and curling on the ground are seldom good strategies to do so efficiently.
Then why the fuck has our dear strategic genius announced the presence of his guild in this world the first thing in the morning? Why is he constantly demonstrating his power for all the world to see? And why isn't anyone punishing him for it?
>That's millions of people filled with sorrow and hatred.
>Do you really think they would be appeased by you giving them food?
Literally yes. The widows and her starving kids will forget about her dead husband the moment the conquering force gives them free breads.
just search for k2 civilization on the archive, the OP's pic was this one iirc
>And why isn't anyone punishing him for it?
Have you seriously not read the LN? Platinum Dragon Lord has been keeping watch on Ainz and is planning something. As long as Maruyama doesn't end the series before their confrontation, Platinum Dragon Lord should provide for quite the consequence seeing as how he is stronger than Ainz
We are wrong user, OP was retarded enough to say K3 instead of K2
I just started reading the vampire princess volume.
I was told it was a side story. Yet it starts with Suzuki Satoru experiencing the end of YGGDRASIL again in a different way. Is this more of an alternative version than a story taking place at the side of the main plot?
Yeah, I remember how Muricans were praised in Vietnam when they tried to reconcile with the populace after killing their relatives and friends.
And then Soviets did the same thing in Afghanistan and everything ended well there.
Oh wait.
Alternate Universe side story, yes.
It's an alternate universe for Evileye fags since she's probably going to get killed in the main timeline.
Funny you mention that, Vietnam is one of America's closest partners in the region now with trade and military ties.
Turns out when the Chinese invade and demonstrate what "war atrocity" actually means, the Americans don't seem that bad anymore.
>It is safer than anything else. Holing up and doing passive observations for decades.
Yeah, while consuming most of your limited resources without any way to replenish them. And the agents you send out to do those observation can always be caught by your enemies, destroying your entire plan.
>They will not even know its here.
They will, eventually adventurers will find your home.
>Then why the fuck has our dear strategic genius announced the presence of his guild in this world the first thing in the morning? Why is he constantly demonstrating his power for all the world to see?
He did it all after acquiring a general knowledge about the world, not immediately you retard. It's the end of season 3.
Do not underestimate this Ainz person 10k plan.
oh shits thats even more retarded, that first post, though
>Probably not.
poor user
>I remember how Muricans were praised in Vietnam
It was unironically the case and is still true now.
>And then Soviets did the same thing in Afghanistan and everything ended well there.
The Soviets didn't even try to win the Afghans over, it's different.
>huge tomb in the middle of the woods
>"They will not even know its here!"
If those peasant families are going to hate someone, it should be the nobles who started the whole unwinnable war and forced Ainz to kill their loved ones.
Oh yeah name a worse one?
>It is safer than anything else.
For the short- and the medium-term, yes.
What about the long-term? Ainz is ageless.
>They will not even know its here.
Are we talking about magical observation?
I wasn't that efficient(Ainz tried it, remember?) and it can be detected by the high-level entities, exactly the people one shouldn't alert.
>strategic genius
You said it. Suzuki isn't that smart. Also, selfish reasons. He wants his comrades back.
>And why isn't anyone punishing him for it?
Punishing for what, exactly? Killing a few hundred thousand human soldiers during the war?
>In any reasonable universe skeletonman would have to put down rebellions till the rest of his days.
No exactly. Rebellions are seldom happening in the most brutal autocracies. Demi and Albedo will drown any open rebellion in blood and Ainz don't even need to buy the loyalty of an army, like it was when an army was ordered to kill the revered monks in Burma who were standing up against the regime(btw, dictatorship won, monks were killed).
Partisan activities will fail because SKoAoG officials can just mass mind-read all the suspects.
there is historical precedent to suggest that is not the way the human psyche functions. I swear I'm not a ouiaboo but again, after Napoleon III bumbled his way into Prussian captivity (during a war that he, and therefore, France under his stewardship, started) the people of France declared a "Government of National Defense" and decided that they would continue the war with Prussia even with Moltke at the gates of Paris.
People will always target an active threat over a passive one, Napoleon III and the NW nobles might have been the originators of the conflict, but Ainz and the Prussian's are like, right there, fucking shit up right now, and it's hard to do something about internal plots and connivance when there's somebody bombarding your house.
Ask the above-mentioned Government of National Defense, see how it worked for them.
And finally we have come a full fucking circle to get back to my initial point.
The point is, both Murica and USSR understood that they would never be able to rule Vietnam\Afghanistan peacefully after what they have done, hence the need for other methods of influencing the aforementioned regions
>Yeah, while consuming most of your limited resources without any way to replenish them.
Consuming what resources exactly? They have limitless water and I am pretty sure they can grow shit inside of their tomb for that very limited amount of people who has to eat there, not even talking about all the magical spells and items that can give people subsistence.
>And the agents you send out to do those observation can always be caught by your enemies, destroying your entire plan.
Passive observations requires no agents, they have spells and items to see the world around them.
>They will, eventually adventurers will find your home.
Maybe there would be a group of adventurers or two in a decade, they are not the problem since you killing them will not raise an eyebrow. Adventurers die all the time.
>He did it all after acquiring a general knowledge about the world, not immediately you retard.
Dumb bitch, he started to throw out the name of his guild at the very beginning of the first season, as well as associating it powerful magic.
The retardation of this decision reached its peak at the end of third season. But it started immediately.
Have you seen the show? They covered it up with spells and hills.
>What about the long-term? Ainz is ageless.
Then he would be able to acquire a proper amount of information to work with, not "this here is a village, I should go save it" but the actual information about how the world works and who are the major players.
>I wasn't that efficient(Ainz tried it, remember?)
And it worked perfectly well, what are you talking about?
>and it can be detected by the high-level entities, exactly the people one shouldn't alert.
There are counter spells for detection.
>You said it. Suzuki isn't that smart. Also, selfish reasons. He wants his comrades back.
Then don't talk to me about strategic manipulations, he is just a retard doing retarded things for thirteen books.
>Punishing for what, exactly? Killing a few hundred thousand human soldiers during the war?
This was a response for the dude who brought up "ant lovers" who would want to deal with the skeletonman for his atrocities as the reason for why our protagonist decided not to conquer things efficiently an rapidly.
>Demi and Albedo will drown any open rebellion in blood
Again we are going back to my initial point. There is nothing manipulative or strategic about protagonist's decisions they are fucking stupid and in the end it will be the same as if he would have conquered everything by force in just one book.
Also "drowning open rebellion in blood" will only ensure that the next one will not be as open, and at the same time it will involve much more people because you are adding all the affected families to the number of rebels.
In other words, you might as well genocide the whole nation and turn them into zombies.
Overlord is the worst kind of power fantasy Isekai:
>PDL is 130+lvl, he's just paranoid and lazy
>NW levels = Ygg levels
>Ainz SPLATs 130k+ people, but he isn't evil
>GB is CZ ripping your dick off
>1500 Nazarick Raiders were weak with too much NPC mercs
>Kyouhukou is strongest because Aura and Albedo are afraid of him
>BS can't beat Pleiades
>Sebas is a manslut: falling for first whore he saves
>Chagama saw Peroronchino fap while wearing her clothes
>Workers dindu, Ainz is just a cunt
>EE bug spray %HP damage
>Gazef is stronger than Go Gin
>30 100lvl Golems guard 8GK base
>DDDL 150+lvl and is still training
>Fluder only ages when he casts magic
>Lizards are best volume, user is just jelly of steamy lizard sex
>Gazef can't beat DK even with his gear
>BR wrecked Entoma, Entoma is weak
>Leinas was struck by a [death curse], so monster must be ded
>Peroronchino is leading winged tribes
>Overlord=shounen, Climb=MC
>Elf king is a Player
>Gear does not matter: unarmed Chair is just as strong as armed
>There is nothing wrong with male Valkyries and male Succubi
>Ainz brainwashed CZ to love him more than her own creator
>Scrub with Divine Tier sword can't hurt Ainz
>Demiurge commands NPC in case of enemy attack, so he is commander-type NPC
>Aura and Shalltear failed Ainz by not accepting Quagoa surrender
>All living things are machines
>Ainz grieves SoD deaths every day
>Cocytus is not a pervert
>Climb can get stronger by defeating monsters
>Gazef can't beat Fluder
>"Book of The Dead" Fluder has is just an occult fluff
>Kobolds are canine
>Clementine is < 30 lvl
>Enri's Redcaps under buffRemedios, Gustav and Prince are all doppels
>Vol12 intermission was canon
>Niea bow makes her stronger
>NPC can rebel
>Renner is barely IQ160
>Any WCI counters World Savior completely
>World savior expires in five minutes
>lvl20 clad in Divine easily defeats lvl40 in Legacy gear
>And finally we have come a full fucking circle to get back to my initial point.
The point being that it isn't enough of a power fantasy for you? There's other stuff out there for you self insert into, user.
>Have you seen the show?
Have you read the novels? Powerful beings can still sense it.
>Maruyama is a little girl
>Strongest entity is Player with stat-draining WCI
>Polar bearShalltear8GK=Demon Gods
>Fluder was in 13 Heroes
>13 Heroes fought 8GK
>Demiurge goes behind Ainz back with keikakus he thinks Ainz foresaw with 10000years sasugas
>Pleiades total lvl 327 and BS total lvl ~450, but BS can't beat Pleiades
>[Low Tier Damage Nullification]=noob+Divine tier Sword can't hurt Ainz
>CD is Akemi' rape-child
>GuardiansBDL/SCDL is the strongest DL because other DL fear him
>Blue Rose went to Republic to consult with PDL on a matter of SKAOG
>Nigredo and Pestonya should have been executed for treason
>Ulbert cucked Touch Me
>Gazef died to show Ainz' abilities to Climb and Brain
>Mare betrayed Ainz and MCed Shalltear
>PW Ainz is 75lvl warrior
>WN is canon and generally better
>Chagama caught Peroronchino masturbating while wearing her clothes
>6GG left the ST with full sets of divine gear
>8GK needed to 8v1 last 6GG to defeat him
>Maruyama is a little girl
>Dragon loli is actually a dragon milf, it's not her form
>IRL human can defeat a tiger barehanded
>Rubedo is not the strongest one in Nazarick
>Floor guardians are raid bosses
>Ainz is creating a Socialist Utopia that poses no threat to humanity
>power fantasy
Its like I am talking to a bot, really.
Do I have to repeat myself for fifth time for you to understand the point of that message?
It literally says
>What I am describing is a way to get away from it with just one fucking page of text.
> Yea Forums - Utopian Politics and French History
Is this the most autistic thread on Yea Forums right now?
>>Gazef died to show Ainz' abilities to Climb and Brain
This is true though, now Climb knows to have time-stop countermeasures when he eventually faces Ainz in the final battle of the novels.
>And it worked perfectly well, what are you talking about?
He managed to see that some soldiers are burning the village after the hours and hours of staring at the screen.
Without any context.
>Then don't talk to me about strategic manipulations, he is just a retard doing retarded things for thirteen books
People are usually not 100% rational or irrational. Ainz delegates and he builds the resource base for the Nazarick.
Also, revealing the Nazarick was mostly Demi's idea, after he mistook his master's worlds for an order to invade and conquer the whole world.
Ainz was happy to remain in the shadows, remember? He just didn't manage to find a flaw in Demi's plan, so he rolled with that.
>This was a response for the dude who brought up "ant lovers" who would want to deal with the skeletonman for his atrocities as the reason for why our protagonist decided not to conquer things efficiently an rapidly.
That was me and I fail to see the connection. What atrocities?
Soldiers dying on the battlefield is normal. The whole point of this operation was to legitimize Nazarick and the SKoAoG.
All the shady shit that is performed by the Nazarick is still concealed.
Nazarick is clean in the public eye right now, and plausible deniability is the whole point of doing things the subtle way instead of going guns blazing.
It just struck me, how would anyone in the NW go about learning timestop countermeasures when the only person who uses time-stop is Ainz, and he only uses it woth his delayed instant death skills? Would anyone be able to escape and tell others of his powers so they could research it, or even figure out what killed them before Ainz finishes with them?
Oh, so what you describing is a power fantasy where all the MC's problems are solved in one page, thus leaving the rest of the series with a lack of purpose? Clearly I was in the wrong to oppose such a wonderful idea!
I can already see how it would go, something like this:
"Ainz wuz the strongest most bestest skellyman evur and he defeated all the super mean people with ease. Ainz used his suiper duper magic on the Slane Theocracy in Carne, then he did it to the lizard people, then he conquered the lizard people, then he went to da kingdome and beat them up and solved all the corruption, then he went to the empire and showed how strong and cool he was in the arena and the emperor immediately made Ainz into the new emporer, then he went to the dwarves and beat them and the dragons, then he beat the evil slane Theocracy, then he beat all da dragons in the world! And he brought peace and happiness. and he lived forever and didn't need death knights because he would personully stop ALL the crime!"
Truly such a page would be far too high iq for me.
How do you defend the atrocity that was the genocide of the Quoagoa? Their slaughter was indefensible
Ainz is the antagonist of Overlords. Not really the person you should be rooting for while reading Overlord from a moralfag's point of view.
>quoagoa attempt to genocide the dwarves
>Ainz stops them and offers them mercy
>they refuse and attack anyways
>kill all the ones who fought and let the children live
Oy vey! I can't believe he would do this to the poor, innocent quoagoa
shouldn't have went poking at the dorfs. you don't shoo vermin, you exterminate it.
What Quoagoa?
>Ainz is the antagonist of Overlord
clearly you weren't paying attention in your middle school English class. He isn't the antagonist, he is the protagonist. You can say that he is evil, but that doesn't change who the protagonist is.
Something like that ring the demi-human had in Volume 12.
>Ainz casts [Time Stop]
>Huehue I'm such a good PvPer
>Ainz casts [Delay Magic True Death]
>Time Resumes
>[True Death] resisted
>Ainz freaks out and flees
Could these quoagoa provide high quality Rune Weapons™ for the SK like the dorfs could?
The protagonist is obviously Climb, everything preceding vol. 5 was just backstory.
On a more serious note, it's hard to prove without the mind reading. Ordinary Quagoa don't know much, most of the high-ranks were smashed by the Chair, and Ainz/Demi can provide the puppet government the anti-mind-scrying talismans.
>MC is too strong to care about anything
>Book comes out about a completely different MC who is far weaker than the original MC who is now the Villian
>but i don't care about random lizards
The lizardmen were the protagonists of that novel Ainz was not, the whole point of that arc was to tell retards like you that you are supposed to empathize with the victims because their struggle is what makes the story interesting.
>He managed to see that some soldiers are burning the village after the hours and hours of staring at the screen.
Good start. Imagine what could have been achieved in a couple of decades.
>People are usually not 100% rational or irrational. Ainz delegates and he builds the resource base for the Nazarick.
By fucking around as an adventurer instead of doing something productive. Like, for example, just appearing in the court room of the kingdom somewhere in first season and brainwashing all the important people into following him, giving him all the resources of the kingdom without even the need to reveal himself to the public.
And this is not even some infallible master plan, just a quick idea that would have been hundred times better than what he did and achieved.
>Also, revealing the Nazarick was mostly Demi's idea, after he mistook his master's worlds for an order to invade and conquer the whole world.
>Ainz was happy to remain in the shadows, remember? He just didn't manage to find a flaw in Demi's plan, so he rolled with that.
Goddamn this whole thing illustrates perfectly the shitty writing.
He had a good objection, revealing themselves could mean death, he had it since the very fucking beginning of the story, and at the same time he himself already revealed his name and power almost instantly.
Why the fuck do I even bother to criticize this piece of garbage story.
>That was me and I fail to see the connection. What atrocities?
This is a very strange way of looking at things. Soldier is a person, your countryman and a human being. One soldier being killed in action is a tragedy, unless you are a psychopath.
>Soldiers dying on the battlefield is normal. The whole point of this operation was to legitimize Nazarick and the SKoAoG.
So using your "ant lover" analogy, you think that a human lover will not be angered by a horrible monster personally killing hundreds of thousands of human soldiers with just one spell?
And despite all that it still sold unreasonably well.
Enough with your low-iq interventions.
I refuse to believe that someone can be this stupid, re-read everything and tell me what I mean.
>the whole point of that arc was to tell retards like you that you are supposed to empathize with the victims because their struggle is what makes the story interesting
Ultra retard, this is not how storytelling works.
You cant just say "durrr you are supposed to be interested in these characters"
You have to make them interesting.
>One soldier being killed in action is a tragedy,
A tragedy is not necessarily an atrocity.
Dropping the nukes on Japan was a tragedy but not an atrocity it was a necessity to end the war.
Killing soldiers especially in a quick painless way has never been considered an atrocity.
>You have to make them interesting.
Well he did make them interesting.
>catches breath
The anime was great you dumb Aquachad
>Good start. Imagine what could have been achieved in a couple of decades.
Not much. The efficiency is atrociously low. One needs high heels on the ground for effective information gathering.
>By fucking around as an adventurer instead of doing something productive
He is not good at anything except battle tactics, and he tries to improve himself and the guardians in this regard(it was shown in evil tree special).
Other than that, the best thing that an incompetent ruler with brilliant subordinates who knows that he is incompetent can do is to delegate everything to them, and he does exactly that.
>He had a good objection
Ainz is a pussy who can't say "no" to the subordinate without the solid foundation. It's one of his massive flaws.
>One soldier being killed in action is a tragedy
Yes, but that's just how things work on the battlefield. They try to kill you, and you try to kill them.
>you think that a human lover will not be angered by a horrible monster personally killing hundreds of thousands of human soldiers with just one spell?
He will, but at this point, one can talk it out. Pretty easily, in fact.
> I was dragged into this fight by the contract, and I value my word
> I dislike bloodshed, so I used the most shock and awe spell to demonstrate my might and to deter any future attempts once and for all
> Now I'm building a utopia so all the races can live in peace, take a look at it
But my burger-loving friend,
>Dropping the nukes on Japan
Is considered universally as an atrocity and its necessity is highly questioned by everyone.
>Killing soldiers especially in a quick painless way has never been considered an atrocity.
Only in the very modern history, and only because various parties are trying really hard to remove any traces of humanity from the process of waging war by turning soldiers into robot-like drones.
And its not working out very well, with all the PTSD-ridden veterans committing murder-suicides years after the war has ended.
Not really.
They are just a bunch of generic fantasy tribesmen, you could have easily swapped them with, for example, tribal orcs from Warcraft and nothing would have changed. They lack anything that would make them stand out and therefore be interesting to us.
Especially in the show. Also switching your story to some unnecessary side characters without exploring the main cast is not a very good move. Because instead of "rooting for lizards" or "rooting for the protagonist" there is no real reason to root for anyone, which is not helped by the fact that even if you root for lizards - it is obvious that hey will get fucked.
>They lack anything that would make them stand out
I dissagre their sociatal structure, the characters, and to some degree their place in the world makes them interesting.
>Also switching your story to some unnecessary side characters
They are not unnecessary they are essential just like most of the other characters outside of nazarick.
>without exploring the main cast
Cocytus literally gets explored in that same novel, the Lizardmen are essential for his character development.
>there is no real reason to root for anyone
Yes you root for the lizardmen because you don't want them to end up annihilated, because they struggle so successfully against an overwhelming force.
>it is obvious that hey will get fucked.
It is not, at least in the novels i don't remember how it was done in the anime.
>Not much. The efficiency is atrociously low. One needs high heels on the ground for effective information gathering.
That is your assumption, but in the story magic works fine and various parties were able to use it with a decent amount of success. Even Ainz, while not having any previous experience with such magic.
>He is not good at anything except battle tactics
You mean PvP tactics
>Other than that, the best thing that an incompetent ruler with brilliant subordinates who knows that he is incompetent can do is to delegate everything to them, and he does exactly that.
And that would be a good story, if instead of killing ogres in the forest and fighting muh evil necromancers at the graveyard we followed his "brilliant subordinates" and their exploits. This could have been interesting to see. Interesting enough to make it the main focus instead of you classic high fantasy RPG adventure.
>He will, but at this point, one can talk it out. Pretty easily, in fact.
>I dislike bloodshed, so I used the most shock and awe spell to demonstrate my might and to deter any future attempts once and for all
That sounds like something a cartoon villain would say to a hero before getting obliterated.
>I dissagre their sociatal structure
A tribal society?
>the characters
Tribesmen with one adventurer as a bonus?
>and to some degree their place in the world makes them interesting.
What was their place in the world exactly?
>They are not unnecessary they are essential just like most of the other characters outside of nazarick.
What the fuck is your definition of an essential character? So if author just took a random girl from one of the villages\towns and (for some reason) gave her a lengthy backstory of living in this settlement with her parents and doing shit, would she be essential by your standards?
Because so far there is only one character outside of Nazarick that can be considered essential for the story - PDL.
>That sounds like something a cartoon villain would say to a hero before getting obliterated.
It worked for the nukes.
Murica just wanted a live target to test it on.
>Cocytus literally gets explored in that same novel, the Lizardmen are essential for his character development.
Yeah, on the level of "I don't want to kill them all because they are honest warriors and I am an honest warrior"
That's fine, but instead of a book this could all have been done in one page of Ainz ordering him to fuck lizardmen up and him voicing this objection.
>Yes you root for the lizardmen because you don't want them to end up annihilated, because they struggle so successfully against an overwhelming force.
If we had no previous knowledge about the power of Nazarick - sure. This arc could only make sense if it was a prequel to the whole series. But since we know better at the very beginning of it - the whole "war" looks like one skeletonman playing with toy soldiers in a sandpit.
>It is not, at least in the novels i don't remember how it was done in the anime.
They were told that they are going to get fucked up at the very start of their arc.
I mean after that.
> nukes are the deterrent to achieve the peace
Overlord is Japanese LOTR. Prove me wrong: you can't.
All I wanna know is if that black and white haired bitch get boned by big daddy
based as fuck
Yeah that's why murica goes on a lengthy bloody crusades and internationally bullies anyone new who tries to get a piece of that peace for themselves.
Mare will be new king of the elves and CD husband.
Aquafag's mimicry.
Not the point. I say that if it's a good enough excuse for one superpower, it's a good excuse for another too.
Your silly aquafag is no match for male valkyries and human fingerweapons.
>muh aquafag conspiracy
You're worse than /pol/ and their Jews, you know that?
worldbuilding ruined overlord
aqua is Yea Forums's jew
Aqua is dumb, not fit to be one.
She is the personification of America and her tard wrangler is the personification of Israel, we should ignore the aquafag and direct to our attention to the mastermind behind the spam.
Jews aren't super smart they just trick you into believing that they are.
the bonejew!
You're...you're right.
Ye Gods, have we been so blind, this whole time?
Ainz is the bad guy, you are supposed to be cheering for everybody else you illiterate user.
ainz dindu nuffin rong he a gud boi
>not cheering for the bad guy
based and palpatinepilled.
Fuck you and fuck Lukas, I voted jaja!
Overlord isn't that good it's just a story about a funee skeleton man and his funee cast of adoring OCs based entirely around videogame logic, tailor-made to appeal to people who like MMOs. I cannot comprehend why its fans compare it to Tolkien and shit.
>dnd sheets
Stopped reading there
shut up, you are not japanese so you do not know how impact is overlord
Patience, young one.
His 100-year plan is still in effect, the gears are rotating and the pawns are being exchanged.
which is why a system like capitalism that encourages selfish exploitation is a huge no no for humankind
False flag.
spookyboogie vs ainz
I guess you can't win against autism
>after Napoleon III bumbled his way into Prussian captivity (during a war that he, and therefore, France under his stewardship, started) the people of France declared a "Government of National Defense" and decided that they would continue the war with Prussia even with Moltke at the gates of Paris.
It was because they were still an independent nation and therefore had the option of resisting. Once Ainz conquers the whole kingdom and resistance mean fates worse than death, people will shift their hatred to someone else, like the nobles.
It's just human's survival instinct to subconsciously choose the option with the higher survival rate.
>Consuming what resources exactly?
Their time. While they play turtle in their hole. People outside become stronger over time by training and fighting strong opponents.
>Passive observations requires no agents, they have spells and items to see the world around them.
Yeah, so that guys with anti-scrying spells can detect them.
>Maybe there would be a group of adventurers or two in a decade, they are not the problem since you killing them will not raise an eyebrow. Adventurers die all the time.
Only work on stupid newbie. Watch season 1, Shalltear tried that and it turned out that experienced parties kept a guy from afar so he could go back to the guild to report if his party's disappeared.
>Dumb bitch, he started to throw out the name of his guild at the very beginning of the first season, as well as associating it powerful magic.
It's a bait to lure out players. He even put a literal bait in the forest in case real players come to attack.
Oh-oh! Is this the
>Gazef died like a retard
discussion again!?
>He even put a literal bait in the forest in case real players come to attack.
i did, its shit
No you didnt
oh wow I sure didnt want to find out about zuranon or clems fate for years
No. Reading's for nerds.
What would you do if you were a dragon lord?
Why do you keep arguing if you're a secondary? Do you argue with /sci/ fags about quantum physics when you can't even do calculus?
Does Ainz have a phylactery? Not including one-use revive items.
>A tribal society?
Several tribes.
>Tribesmen with one adventurer as a bonus?
All of the chiefs, besides if at all there are two adventurers assuming you want to throw in travelers as adventurers.
>What was their place in the world exactly?
Being forced into an environment that is inherently more than hostile with a progressive lack of food.
>What the fuck is your definition of an essential character?
An essential character doesn't have to necessarily be someone that impacts an enormous aspect of the story, a character is essential as long as any kind of impact is made on either the world or the main cast.
Without the Lizardmen and in the same turn without the chiefs Cocytus wouldn't have had his character development and without his development cocytus would be a different character later on in the story.
> gave her a lengthy backstory
A backstory doesn't necessarily make a character essential, but it can, the relevant part is how that character affects other characters and the world.
>That's fine, but instead of a book this could all have been done in one page of Ainz ordering him to fuck lizardmen up and him voicing this objection.
You can quite literally say that about anything, why elaborate on events if you can just summarize them.
Besides it wasn't about that he didn't want to kill them because they are brave warriors, it was that despite failing his task he doesn't just blindly obey ainz which is an enormous step forward for a character who is part of the sasuga ainz parade.
>They were told that they are going to get fucked up at the very start of their arc.
And what happened? They survived and gained a position under Nazarick. This works specifically because the reader would assume that they would be killed off, that's another thing that makes Cocytus development both a surprise and interesting.
>Oh hey King-sama sorry but i will now doom your country and your soldiers to inevitable doom because i value my pride over those i am supposed to defend hurr durr.
>your country
Was doomed before, Ainz already has >Renner*Veggies+Famine=puppet state
plans for it since 3 volumes before.
>your soldiers
Gazef requested a duel, this implies after it conclusion neither his immediate companions (Brain & Climb) nor the rest of Kingdom Army would be harmed. Luffy did the same when challenging Aokiji to a duel to save his crew. How are you retarded not to understand it?
>i value my pride over those i am supposed to defend
He unironically achieved best result for those he supposed to defend.
It this where we spend 300 messages before you admit
>I did
means until volume 4?
What BDL does.
Anime only? Youjo senki, Re:Zero, shield hero, no game no life.
At least put massive gap between shit:zero and other 3.
It was so fucking boring, literally everything cool happens off screen
>What happens now?
Wrestling romcom about Yggdrasil #1 Wrestler Player.
Didn't Konosuba author already have a story about isekai wrestler furry?
Good fucking luck.
Not with [Holy Ward] ready he's not.
i asked a friend of mine for translation:
>Sorry to everyone who is good money. As they say, the bad money drives out the good money. Anyways, finishing in 16 volumes would be difficult, so everything in moderation, right?
Who the fuck told Maru to finish in 16 volumes?
>Was doomed before
It wasn't if they allied with him they could have gotten a vastly superior deal out of this whole thing.
>this implies after it conclusion
It only implies that Ainz will let them flee, this is utterly worthless because now they have no one anymore to defend them to any reasonable degree Gazef was the only warrior capable of getting a good deal out of Ainz.
>Ainz already has >Renner
Of course you are right, but neither the King nor Gazef nor anyone else from their camp knew about it so that does not change the fact that to Gazefs knowledge he has doomed the country.
>He unironically achieved best result for those he supposed to defend.
Allying with Ainz would have had a superior result as far as Gazef knows.
Opinion discarded.
>Of course you are right, but neither the King nor Gazef nor anyone else from their camp knew about it so that does not change the fact that to Gazefs knowledge he has doomed the country.
>Ainz wouldn't agree because there are prior arrangements in motion
You are retarded.
Ainz would agree because nothing he has going on requires the destruction of the country what the fuck are you even going on about?
The whole point of Renner is to gain control of it and not to destroy it pointlessly.
>Gazef defects to SKAOG + Ainz takes no action in Re-Estize immediately because prior plans are in motion = DESTROYED BY CIVIL WAR
>Gazef defects to SKAOG + Ainz takes necessary actions to prevent Re-Estize destruction = LETS KILL ALL THE NOBLES!
>Any scenario where King Ranpossa dies = PAWN GAZEF LOST ANYWAY
Yeah no matter how many times you faggots start this - you always lose.
Isn't he saying the conclusion to Vol.16 is difficult?
Also, I have no idea what he's trying to say. Is he saying his bad fans are driving off his good ones?
Or is he saying the bad money is the mobage and the good money is the LN and he's sorry for wanting the bad money?
>apologizing for mobage
Nasu could learn from that man.
The King doesn't have to die he only has to follow Ainz.
And killing all hostile nobles doesn't require the death of the king as long as he follows Ainz.
So like I said
Pure retardation: neither Gazef nor King would ever willingly agree to these conditions.
He could, but he would never.
does Gazef come back to life? he was the only good character
he is worm food already
No, never. Enjoy Climb.
>buhu my pride demands the destruction of my country
so where was i wrong? it is utterly irrelevant if they would agree the fact is they wouldn't which is why they act dumb their actions imply the destruction of their country to themselves without hope.
Climb is a shit and will never be a real man like Gazef
>so where was i wrong?
Here This is what a proposition that would maximize damage control in Re-Estize would look like.
Does this seem acceptable to any sane person? The only answer is no, it does not, it looks absolutely fucking bonkers.
I swear to god you retards are never going to understand that characters have no inverse knowledge, readers do.
something something
That image would never come to pass because especially the loyal nobles would work with Ainz, the only reason for all of the nobles to die is if the King is retarded enough to oppose Ainz.
>have no inverse knowledge
No shit, that's my point, Gazef doesn't know what will happen because of Renner but he knows that if Ainz attacks everyone will die, but instead of even trying to save the country he just gets them the chance to flee wich is utterly pointless.
You seem to be the one who doesn't understand things, Gazef believes Ainz to be honorable and reasonable, so to assume that your dumb pic would happen is utterly retarded.
Besides, it is pretty obvious that the nobles may be assholes but they are not retarded as to oppose someone who can easily destroy their domains.
And Gazef would never be pegged by Renner, what now?
please tell me this isn't cannon
Read the LNs and find out yourself.
>enemy who just decimated your armies, killed bunch of your 1st and 2nd sons, annexed hugeass important city from the crown
>especially the loyal nobles would work with Ainz
I don't have a punchline.
>so to assume that your dumb pic would happen is utterly retarded.
It's what need to happen to stop shit-flinging civil war festival that would follow Gazef defection.
I read the LN up until the after the lizard fucking and I'd rather just wait for more anime. The novels are slow as hell.
>slow reading brainlets
Opinion discarded.
>yeah we will plunge our country into a pointless civil war that we can not possibly win no matter how hard we try
Yeah because that's how people with any kind of education and sense of duty to their citizenry act.
There would never be a civil war because civil wars don't start when the opponent is strong enough to annihilate armies with a single attack, a civil war could only start if there was someone giving them a hope that they could win.
What's wrong with waiting for the anime? I like the voice acting and cool fights that the books don't do justice, maybe you guys should stop hating the anime just for a couple shitty cgi scenes.
This really isn't that bad minus the fact that there aren't more soldiers but still it's pretty cool.
> civil wars don't start when the opponent is strong enough to annihilate armies with a single attack
Russian commie revolution and civil war happened after defeat in WWI BEFORE Germany surrendered.
It skips ton of shit and as a result tons of dumb secondaries come here with their partial opinions and retarded questions and demand entry in canon discussion or spoonfeeding.
Fuck i didn't know we had irl wizards who can summon giant abominations.
Welp i guess you are right there would be a civil war because humans have no sense for self preservation.
But dude this is an anime/manga board so being a secondary here is perfectly normal, don't be such a nerd that you can't allow for any discussion that doesn't fit your autism filled idea of how these threads should be. If I want to discuss the anime and ask about a few spoilers then there is nothing wrong and if shit from the books is farther ahead than the anime then I please ask you to use spoiler tags. These threads used to be so much more fun when you technicalfags weren't such egotistical asshats.
You also apparently didn't know that said monster stopped after annexing just one city, for whatever reason, leaving rest of the country to their devices.
>people with any kind of education and sense of duty to their citizenry act.
Who? Are you an animeonly? Did no not read veggies party chapter?
Cream of the crop died on the field, nobles are far more dumb and ambitious than they were before Katze Massacre, on average.
I really can't imagine that's enough time to wrap up this series. 3 more?
My guesses after thinking this over for 30 seconds is that either:
Ainz kills everyone because of something stupid.
Ainz somehow fucks everything up and this series does a 180 and goes from a comfy fun book series to a despair meme where all the fan favorites gets murdered one after the other.
The second is a dumb Jap trope that would actually make me seeth after investing so much time into this.
>don't be such a nerd
No, I will tell you to fuck off and read the source material every time you do or ask something dumb that was already answered in the canon.
Get on the level.
>These threads used to be so much more fun when you technicalfags weren't such egotistical asshats.
Stop lying they were always like that. You must've mixed Yea Forums with reddit.
How about you lower the bar and actually have fun with this rather than be a pretentious asshole?
Yes, threads were fun when the anime was airing
Look, I found a souvenir
we all kinds of crazy up in this bitch
>mind controlling everyone
So literally the thing he said.
>threads were fun when the anime was airing
Nothing wrong with male valkyries.
>lower the bar
Fuck no what am I an animeonly pleb?
This sounds like a second best deal to Gazef and Ranpossa after murdering any and all nobles.
You're going to have a heart condition when you grow up
Beats catering to the lowest common denominator.
>You also apparently didn't know
What i know is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is what the characters know.
And they can't know that Ainz will just stop at that one city.
>Did no not read veggies party chapter?
Admittedly i'm at volume 8 right now so i don't know what chapter you refer to but i don't remember any noble being so dumb as to fight in knowledge of such a superior enemy not even that idiot that attacked carne would have done so since you don't have to be a genius to understand that someone is infinitely stronger than you.
>And they can't know that Ainz will just stop at that one city.
They fucking do in like a week after the annexation.
>i don't remember any noble being so dumb
Then keep reading. A biggest portion of competent nobles died on Katze.
That was me and yes I do believe nazarick has the potential to beat a k3 civilization.
highest tier of magic >> highest tier of science
Wci blocks any energy they can harness or changes the very logic of science.
No one answered my magic advantage either.
w40k gets kileld by ainz walking since no one in that verse has death resistance.
>highest tier of magic >> highest tier of science
This isn't DnD.
>Wci blocks any energy they can harness
No retard who told you that?
WCI doesn't exempt you from conventional and energy weapons unless it's very specific defensive WCI.
>w40k gets kileld by ainz walking since no one in that verse has death resistance.
Necrons and demons most likely do.
Did Ainz send some official statement that he will now leave them alone?
But even if, i don't see the relevance to my original point, just because he stopped at one city doesn't mean they'll go and try to start up a civil war.
>Then keep reading. A biggest portion of competent nobles died on Katze.
I certainly will, and i never doubted that most of the competent nobles died.
>Using MTL for anything
I bet you are the same idiot who thought that there some kind of villain in vacation waiting to defeat Nazarick
What kind of official statement you want from a dude who could've soloed your country but stopped after just 1 city?
>just because he stopped at one city doesn't mean they'll go and try to start up a civil war.
They would if Gazef would defect, he and king get enough shit as is and there's no civil war post vol9 purely because Gazef did his duty and nobles kinda pity the King.
Also because Brain now has Razor Edge, Climb is Mithril and both work for Renner.
Wait why did PDL go on vacation again?
Not the same user you replied to but I think VS battles shouldn't be discussed until Maruyama confirms that WCI block all foreign magic. If you've read the side-story then you should know for the first time ever he was hit by magic outside of Yggdrasil that would even one shot him
>Some guy says that he will pirate the volume that was a limited edition anyways
>Maru gets mad and says that he will write less volumes
What's going on with the author? I havent read since volume 7 since others things got in the way. Is he cancelling it?
He went to visit the ECDL.
Death ray focused from a dyson swarm around a star isn't magical by any means and neither are anti-matter bombs or strange-matter projectiles.
Why the fuck would even bring up World Protection when sure enough he can be fucked up if you hit him hard enough, citation I believe was
>if those blows aren't on the level when they leave craters in the ground or can break castle walls - they can't hurt me
Well K3 can do much better than that.
Climb hit his level cap, you can't break that barrier. He is forever gold. With the ring he gets up to level 20 and with [Limit Breaker] he gets a level and gets up to mithril.
He's sick and tired of wriging same shit for years and also is afraid of bloated fan expectations. Kinda like JRR Martin: both expanded their setting too much, so much that they don't believe it's possible to graciously complete the series without disappointing the fans.
Stop agreeing with me?
Also in a setting with so much possibilities - nothing is set. Renner is getting him Race Change item anyway.
Maybe he should have focused more on Ainz then spending entire volumes on side characters..
>if those blows aren't on the level when they leave craters in the ground or can break castle walls - they can't hurt me
Volume and chapter?
>Death ray focused from a dyson swarm around a star isn't magical by any means and neither are anti-matter bombs or strange-matter projectiles.
I told you i'm not the same user, is this technology or influencing matter? If it's the latter then it's supernatural = magic
Also anti-matter is still a theory
>This isn't DnD.
It is, overlord is dnd3.5 but improved.
>WCI doesn't exempt you from conventional and energy weapons unless it's very specific defensive WCI.
It stopped wish and wild magic, it can stop anything and you just have to use the right wci.
>Necrons and demons most likely do.
Necrons are living armor so they get killed, demons too.
>What kind of official statement you want
I don't want any statment i am telling you that only a complete retard would assume that he will stop at one city just because he is not instantly taking over the whole country.
How does him defecting lead to the civil war, i honestly don't see it, at that point the King assuming he is reasonable and Gazef would have the backing of Ainz.
To start a civil war then would certainly lead to their deaths so why would they, i can't imagine that they are that retarded.
>nobles kinda pity the King.
Yeah the king who lost a city, a war and the strongest man in the country.
Why would they not start a civil war? because of pity? I'm quite certain it's because of Renner and her actions.
I mean as i mentioned i haven't read those volumes yet so correct me if i am completely wrong, but i can't imagine pity being a real reason for the nobles to hold back after so many failures.
And i don't see how the defection would change anything of relevance so that a civil war would erupt.
>Well K3 can do much better than that.
Why should they? they are still bound by their logic.
Magic changes the very essence of what they are working with.
Focusing on just one theme or character exhausts it faster.
>Volume and chapter?
>If it's the latter then it's supernatural = magic
>influencing matter must be magic
Are you fucking retarded?
>Also anti-matter is still a theory
Oh, you ARE retarded: they already make it in minute quantities in particle accelerators, specifically anti-hydrogen.
>it can stop anything
It doesn't stop damage even from regular spells.
>you just have to use the right wci
Asspulls aren't an argument.
>Necrons are living armor so they get killed
>soulless machines
>demons too
>manifestation of a soul soup
Can't kill warp = can't kill demons. Ainz is small fry in WH40k.
>i honestly don't see it
No shit.
Pure DAKKA still works.
>It doesn't stop damage even from regular spells.
Stop effects then.
>Asspulls aren't an argument.
Goes for you too.
>literally called living armor
>Can't kill warp
Wci Avarice and Generosity sucks the dimensions dry.
>Stop effects then.
From other WCI not from ALL damage sources, unless it's very specific WCI.
>Goes for you too.
It does but stop saying WCI blocks EVERYTHING when it clearly does not even when talking to regular magic.
>literally called living armor
They don't have souls K'Tan ate them.
>Wci Avarice and Generosity sucks the dimensions dry.
Interesting idea but warp isn't really souls or EXP. Not to mention it would just regenerate because you didn't eliminate it's source: entire fucking galaxy of degenerates.
Wild Magic = World Magic
Just like the DLs translated the Guild Weapons as Guilty Weapons.
>Ainz wears WCI on him at all times
>takes damage from shitty 7th tier [Holy Smite]
>from ALL damage sources
>what is dragonlord's soul destroying attack
if we're assuming magic ability is one-to-one with warp sorcery/psykana, he'd still probably be too much for anything short of a Librarian or high-tier Silent Sister. Certainly nowhere close to the heavy hitters but I think "small fry" is a little on the low end, small fry to me makes me think of Guardsmen, Lesser Daemons, Cultists, etc. He'd probably be up for Greater Daemonhood, Lord of Change sounds about right for Ainz. Plus his situation seems like the kind of thing Tzeentch would find entertaining/make big keikaku of.
You guys are worse than the dbz crowd, just make an mmo already and screw off to /vg/
Wild Magic.
Ainz can still be damage molested or hit by tiered magic to effect.
>Guardsmen, Lesser Daemons, Cultists
Who? Speak in divisions or fleets.
>already called master of conspiracy
>and god of magic
You've seen nothing newfag, lurk more.
>influencing matter must be magic
Check reply retard. I said is it technology or influencing matter (Without it)
That was a question by the way.
>Oh, you ARE retarded: they already make it in minute quantities in particle accelerators, specifically anti-hydrogen.
Jesus, I bet you buy the whole holohoax jizz. Publishing findings while closing off prying eyes =/= proof
Their consciousness are in the armor so their connection should be cut off.
Didn't that user say it blocks exotic damage? Also nice bait, you pissed the part where Shalltear damaged him
>not an argument
The post.
There's no soul to they're not alive = basically undead or golems = [Instant Death] immunity just like regular undead.
That user also insists that railgun to the face is exotic and would be blocked by WCI.
It depends on how hot it is? I mean Overlord level 100 characters aren't really that durable but their items are. For example, Shalltear was hit by a mega nuke the centre of which would be hotter than the sun and she survived but was pretty burnt black but her items, despite being relic class and below and not being specialised to resist fire damage, they were actually not even scratched.
Wci can be used not just the passive defenses,.
The wci that blocked nazarick from entering a place can be used or one that's similar.
There's no telling if the energy beam will work if that happens.
I still don't see any fictional languages
>Does this seem acceptable to any sane person?Not him, and it actually does, but I see your point.
They are technically all using fictional languages. Someone just used a WCI to auto translate everything, that's why Momon couldn't read the guild requests but could understand everyone.
Kind of like a biker hitting a wall in full protection euipment at 100kph.
He'd look great and gear would be mostly undamaged, just very dead inside.
>uses WCI as an example
>when countless ways to counter physical damage exist with regular magic
You even missed using best arguments: technological civilization is powerless against magical warfire purely because only magic can beat magic.
You're absolutely fucking bonkers then.
languages are a huge part in lotr. No way you can say this is japanese lotr with auto translate hand waivey shit
Just a sensible decision to quench the possible civil war and to bring the peace to this starved kingdom.
It translated shit according to context you understand. Oblivious pleb would never understand an auto-translated song because he's far too removed from context and culture. There's value in learning languages still, aside from writing.
>to a justicefag
>Having said that, we can become efficient enough to give people decent housing, medicine, food and entertainment for free without fucking up our environment.
lmao no we can't
>only magic can beat magic
Except ainz's defense got compromised by basic things outside the Yggdrasil magic system.
Capitalist pig detected.
He was only wrong on entertainment though.
>basic things outside the Yggdrasil magic system.
We can. Some things are effectively free in first-world countries, like water.
Yes, it costs money, but it's hardly a problem for ordinary day-to-day consumption.
Focus on tech, introduce UBI(I prefer that to just outright killing or brainwashing useless people), and make the economy deflationary.
After some time only the extreme luxury(by today's standards, people will still whine and complain) wouldn't be affordable for the non-working individual.
If you throw a rock that isn't affected by the Yggdrasil system then it bypasses ainz's passives, nullifications and resistances.
He can still recover and has his stats but he has to manually defend against even the smallest attacks then.
Google energy requirements pyramid, entertainment and art are like at the very top and are first to go in case of resource scarcity. Healthcare is pretty up there too, but basic one can be provided quite cheaply nowadays.
>[Low-Tier Damage Nullification]
Read the novels.
>If you throw a rock that isn't affected by the Yggdrasil system then it bypasses ainz's passives, nullifications and resistances.
This is retarded incarnate. If someone throws a rock without magic and just pure physical, it will count as a projectile damage. Also Shalltear did actually throw rocks in volume 3.
Almost everything in that world is under the magic system including the rocks, shit tier runes completely bypasses ainz.
>Almost everything in that world is under the magic system including the rocks, shit tier runes completely bypasses ainz.
Not really no. Natural stuff bypasses Ainz nullification, in the side-story an avalanche fell on them and they got buried.
>Google energy requirements pyramid
I will, but an entertainment looks like the cheapest of the bunch to me. We just need to get Matrix-like VR, then it effectively gives us anything for the price of electricity.
It can even substitute housing and food to some degree.
Because it's magic outside of Yggdrasil system.
Rocks aren't magic.
Ainz has anti-projectile passive and low-tier damage nullification passive that cancels all damage from weakly enchanted objects.
You can't even hurt ainz without magical weapon.
>Natural stuff bypasses Ainz nullification
Bullshit. Buried != taking damage.
>We just need to get Matrix-like VR
Nigger it's cheaper to colonize Mars what do you mean by JUST?
Citation where the rocks are outside of the magic system please.
>Without hesitation, he dragged the edge of that magnificent blade across his face in a forceful slice.
>It did not leave so much as a scratch.
>“Weakly enchanted objects like this cannot harm this body of mine.
This is why. Faggot even speedwatched the anime and now says plain rock can damage Ainz.
>“Weakly enchanted objects like this cannot harm this body of mine.
>“My apologies,It would seem my subordinate used a combination of the Missile Parry and Counter Arrow skills to return your projectile to your man.
>I believe you have some sort of magic which defends against ranged attacks on your persons.
>That would mean an attack that is stronger than the defense will break through it, no?
>It’s hardly worth panicking about.”
>After his explanation, Ainz paid no attention to Ainz, and turned to Albedo:
>“Although, Albedo, you should know that ranged weapons like that will not be able to harm me. There was no need to—”
If you're trying to make the list - your retarded shitposting cannot even compete to human fingerweapons.
>Bullshit. Buried != taking damage.
His nullification not only blocks damage but it also makes him immovable. Guu is physically superior to Ainz but because of Ainz nullification it didn't even move him. Also quote:
>While cold damage did not harm either of them, the bludgeoning damage from the avalanche was still effective. Of course, they had expected something like that and cast defensive spells on themselves, but it had still left a deep impression.
Jesus, who could have thought that rocks could kill Ainz. If you read volume 3, then you should know Shalltear picked up some rocks and threw them, to think she didn't even need to cast spells but use the environment.
>Shalltear looked between the two Vampire Brides. They got the message and hurriedly passed her a rock which was suitable for throwing.
>As she heard the sound of a bell from the distance, Shalltear grabbed a rock which was slightly larger than her hand.
>Her delicate hand moved with shocking speed. In the next moment, Shalltear observed the results in the distance and happily pronounced:
>“Then… that would make two strikes, hm?”
>Applause rang out once more.
>what do you mean by JUST?
It's a high cost/high yield project which can be implemented in steps, and each step will get us tangible results.
I've used Gear VR to watch a movie in a park recently. It's not perfect, but it fucking works. Now.
Creating a base on the Moon or creating an energy positive thermonuclear reactor doesn't get any benefits before the late stages.
How are you going to power your matrix shit considering you plan to drop even nextgen computers R&D for it?
>Also "drowning open rebellion in blood" will only ensure that the next one will not be as open
Just kill all of their families and relatives to make sure that won't happen.
What if the rock had a badass enchantment? ;^)
Remember before Isekai Quartet when these threads used to be fun instead of full of bait? Anime onlyfags where one thing, but now it's somehow gotten even worse.
It's just magic weapon then.
It's likely 8GK had timestop.
Just like computers are powered right now, why?
Maybe less coal burninginsert black man joke here and more thorium reactors.
>Falseflaggers at it again
Overlord threads were always like that or even worse, lurk more newfag.
>Just like computers are powered right now, why?
They're too fucking weak to power your shit and we're short on energy supply if we attempt to build Matrix on 30nm microtransistor base.
>thorium reactors.
NO! No space program, no reactors, you said we focus on matrix and matrix only.
They were always full of bait.
There is a person with the title [Time Turbulence] in Slaine, this is either Maru screwing with us or it might actually be time related, my point is that Zesshi may have time stop countermeasures. Also equipment can give you countermeasures as Ainz stated in the side-story. Of-course not all equipment.
Does this valkyrie has a dick? I'm asking because there would be nothing wrong with it.
Fall Damage
>just appearing in the court room of the kingdom somewhere in first season and brainwashing all the important people into following him, giving him all the resources of the kingdom without even the need to reveal himself to the public.
Yeah, just do that without gathering any information beforehand. Obviously the possibility that the kingdom is controlled by a party of level 100 players is zero.
Arthur Conan Doyle only wrote Sherlock Holmes for money and yet most stories were pretty good. Just because you do it for money doesn't mean you can't put in some effort into it.
>one fag shitposting vs the entire thread being bad
>Is considered universally as an atrocity and its necessity is highly questioned by everyone.
>by everyone.
Europoor cucks won't be around much longer. Their opinion doesn't count.
Overlord threads always went to shit couple of weeks after last content drop.
Most of those are logical, nazarickbabies can't handle anything threatening them.
Rocks are a legit threat, I wouldn't be surprised if there 's a rock throwing skill.
You misinterpreted me or I wasn't clear enough. I advocate for the gradual improvement of VR tech.
As it grows, it will be able to fulfil more entertainment purposes. Eventually, we will get to the point of Matrix-like VR.
Each step will be expensive, but most of it will be sponsored by companies like Nvidia.
One big leap forward is a suboptimal idea which can easily backfire.
That's why there wasn't threads on the catalog most of the time except for that one fag trying to force a general.
I remember because the same shit happened to Goblin Slayer once the anime came out
still a rock tho
>companies like Nvidia
Most of it will come from the military looking for better and better training simulators, they say flying in an F35 training module is 99% of the real thing. Governments are sitting on and using tech faaaar ahead of what you can buy off-the-shelf.
>Gazef requested a duel, this implies after it conclusion neither his immediate companions (Brain & Climb) nor the rest of Kingdom Army would be harmed. Luffy did the same when challenging Aokiji to a duel to save his crew. How are you retarded not to understand it?
Aokiji was alone at that time. Ainz was there with his army of powerful monsters. What would have happened if Gazef had managed to wound or even kill him? His army would have massacred the king, all soldiers and the entire kingdom for revenge. It's the dumbest plan one could think of.
>F35 training module
It's fucking expensive for obvious reasons. It's a big specialized chunk of hardware.
And if you have the latest OC processor in your PC, it's probably the best that humanity can muster right now, bar none.
>Missile Parry and Counter Arrow skills
This would counter archer builds too much, it's for low level iron age arrows only.
Leave ainz to me.
how long was she confined after you convert isekai years to japanese years?
is pandora's actor stronger than shalltear?
Leave that staff to me Ainz-sama.
>especially the loyal nobles would work with Ainz
Sure, if the king they swear fealty to orders them to do so as the only way to preserve their country.
there is no one in the NW that could damage ainz as much as PA could
When it comes to moral and mental damage, then yes, nobody can compete.
That doesn't count.
>humie modes
>not staff-chan in all her natural glory
This is drawn by Evileye, isn't it?
>You can't even hurt ainz without magical weapon.
Please show me Ainz getting hit with a relativistic projectile, and it having no effect. If you can't do that, you're just bullshitting.
Ygg is a bullshit broken game, right? I think there are some extremely strong self-buffs for some classes.
I wonder if doppel can chain them to achieve truly bullshit utterly broken combination which is never meant to be.
The kinetic energy of a good sized avalanche typically ranges between 104-105 megajoules and ainz had no damage whatsoever.
A very nice one indeed.
That proves absolutely nothing beyond he can take a few megajoules. K3 hits him with hundreds of zettajoules extremely casually.
Fucking fa/tg/ay warpspawn abominations leaking into these threads from the tears in space time.
Is it magic? No? Then it does nothing.
Fork your useless eyes:
>“Weakly enchanted objects like this cannot harm this body of mine.
Added to the booru. overbooru.world
>Is it magic?
Not him, but I have no idea.
>Is it magic? No? Then it does nothing.
May Allah forgive me but I believe this
>“Weakly enchanted objects like this cannot harm this body of mine.
Read motherfucker, read.
Then you're retarded: magic doesn't exist IRL.
>“Weakly enchanted objects like this cannot harm this body of mine.
That does not mean what you think it means.
Also even if it did, it proves nothing.
Nazarick is Jerusalem
Kingdom is Iraq
Empire is Iran
Holy kingdom is Egypt but with Spaniard culture
Slain Theocracy is Saudi Arabia
Katie plain is Kuwait
>That does not mean what you think it means.
I'll take author word vs yours.
Mind sharing the sultan aynz.jpg?
>Then you're retarded: magic doesn't exist IRL.
How do you know that?
What are the rules, really?
Where our delicious chocolate ubermensch and amazoness?
Your job to prove that it does.
maybe NW africa will have choco elves and brown semen demons.
>Nazarick is
But first, you need to state what is the nature of magic, exactly. What is my winning condition?
You're still wrong.
Canon says that I am. YOU can consider me wrong all you want, I don't care.
>you need to state what is the nature of magic
It can enchant items enough to go through Ainz immunities.
I only had the screencap but I know this is the artist:
>katie plain
Then I really can't prove it. I don't have a spare Ainz lying around.
And I have no idea how to distinguish enchanted item form non-enchanted.
Do you?
>What is my winning condition?
Nigger you learn magic IRL.
IS this the one?
>Canon says that I am.
No it doesn't.
Black magic
White magic
Shaman magic (meditation with DMT to reach spirits and demons)
You denying provided facts also does not constitute my defeat.
Kek you sure proved me.
>Nigger you learn magic IRL.
How do I know that it's magic?
>Nazarick is Jerusalem
You mean Nazareth
You'll get a call.
I gave your IRL magic now your turn.
What you posted is not proof.
>gave me
I don't see any proofs.
It is.
>more fanfics
Those aren't proofs, they have about as much credibility as DnD codex working IRL.
Anyone with half a brain could tell that the statement only meant that the enchantment was too weak to get passed Ainz's magic resistance. Beyond that the attack was only a couple of swords hitting him, which obviously isn't going to do anything, he's tough.
There has already been quotes posted where Ainz states how powerful a physical blow would need to be to harm him, with no mention of magic at all, so your whole shick falls apart.
>real books with actual accounts of them happening
This is why the world is shit and we're stuck without progress.
It's a Capcom Valkyrie. She has a legend, a Valkyrie Legend!
That was also my post. Difference is that it's not specified what would be hitting Ainz. You could hammer him with a moon and it would do 0 dmg as long as you didn't tape enchanted mace to it or something.
Yeah bible is a book too, so?
>half a brain
That's like 15-16 Levels at most, user.
Reminded me of
The flood happened and so did everything else, you believe in the holocaust don't you?
>so did everything else
>1 thing happened
>everything else must've happened too
Show me actual proofed demonstration.
>You could hammer him with a moon and it would do 0 dmg as long as you didn't tape enchanted mace to it or something.
You have still yet to provide any real evidence of this. The difference being that it obviously doesn't say what you're claiming it does.
It does say "weakly enchanted shit can't hurt him" do you think not enchanted stuff can? Are you a retard?
Show me proofed demonstration that the holocaust happened first.
Not him, but a level 60 person can bypass Ainz's immunity. Is that person enchanted? No. The right question to ask: does a moon's strike power exceed that of a weakly enchanted shit?
You're the one saying magic exists IRL, it's up for you to provide proof.
It's illegal to try and argue that in my country.
Is it illegal to prove magic exists in yours?
>Is it illegal to prove magic exists in yours?
You'd be surprised what isn't allowed to be researched or questioned.
By the way, I already started a discussion about why Ainz, a level 100 player, couldn't hurt himself with a knife, even if he bypasses. The most logical answer I heard was that his immunity wasn't level based but more like damage threshold based. Basically, hit Ainz with an attack weaker than that of a typical Level 60 Player? His immunity completely negates it. Hit him with an attack equal to or exceeding it? Ainz's passive skill immunity doesn't work and now it's time for his other defences to kick in and determine how much damage he is going to take.
Who would stop you from researching magic though? Psych ward?
>even if he bypasses
*even if he should pass the immunity barrier
>not secretly researching the occultist tradition
Tabula is weeping.
gonna roll
It's just like UFO research: buried in bullshit so it's nigh impossible to oblivious person to find anything meaningful.
Reminder that Climb will kill Ainz in the final volume using World Savior.
I was away from these threads for several months and they are still full of good ol' shitposting. Killing Ainz is good and dandy but what Climb should do is to consume Demiurges soul and shit out its remains while scribbling Ancient Egyptian profanities on the wall.
It goes both ways, prove it doesn't exist since I have more evidence than you do.
That and you suddenly disappearing.
Black magic is the easiest but you have to give up your entire good morality and commit evil deeds.
>It goes both ways, prove it doesn't exist
It really doesn't: your claim = your burden of proof.
>more evidence
Fanfics? They're not evidence.
>That and you suddenly disappearing.
>final scene
>NW top fighters buy time for Climb to get close to Ainz
>Climb swings World Savior
blocked by WCI
Yes, this is the obvious way of thinking about it. I can't believe it took this long to get here.
Too bad then because you claimed it first, now prove magic doesn't exist
You're asking a lot of probing questions, senpai.
>Ainz can't even kill himself
He said my argument cannot be discounted because he doesn't know if magic exists IRL or not.
I politely ask that faggot to prove it then.
But he can, he just needs to use his speciality or better weapons.
Oh no not the probing
*can be discounted
>Hold on let me get a better shotgun
Why is she covered in feces?
I just want to be cute lich and research magic in peace why won't those oldbones murderhobos leave my kin alone?
World Savior is literally just a club that gets stronger the longer you have it. You can't block a Chad ooga booga with a club using something as petty as a WCI. WCIs only block the affects of other WCIs. They don't block weapons (unless it's a defensive WCI).
That /x/ faggot she ate was full of shit.
>Russian commie revolution
That one happened only because the previous revolutionary Government sucked too hard.