Characters who legitimately were autistic

Characters who legitimately were autistic

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All he knew was the military life and survival tactics. He had no personality and didn't know how to act like a normal person in society, but if you placed him in a combat scenario or in the wild then he'd be a god.

What episode was this, I dont remember this scene at all

So he was good as a specific task at a much better ability than his peers but shot at everything else. Sounds like autism to me

Epiaode 1.

This guy and Juicy Yuuji would get along well.

>Ninja-like reflexes
Choose one.

They have many uses.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Princess Principal - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.11_[2017.08.27_17.01.26].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>implying the two are mutually exclusive

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dororo - 19 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_00.37_[2019.05.20_23.45.39].jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

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Don't condoms have lube in it? Can you safely use it for drink?

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>Characters who legitimately were autistic
once upon a time we called this character trope "raised by wolves". it's funny because you take someone from a weird environment (mujaheddin -> 3rd world soldier of fortune -> high paid mercenary) and put him in a normal "world" environment. He's not autistic, he's just culturally and emotionally stunted.

now this? this is a pure autist.

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Did they usually come with lube back in 2003?

so autistic they gave her a movie

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Shirou "suicidal sword autist" Emiya.

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I remember rage dropping this as a teenager because the heroine getting her first kiss stolen by a NTRchad villain

Disgusting, delete this

Its the second panel Reee in japanese?

who says this to a girl

Shirou's clearly not a child, but here's also clearly not a man, I don't know what to call his type of autism


>That Q U A L I T Y
This shit looks worse than fucking Arthur, a kids show that airs on PBS for fucks sake.

It's posts like these that keep me coming back



His death was so fucking satisfying