Characters who legitimately were autistic
Characters who legitimately were autistic
All he knew was the military life and survival tactics. He had no personality and didn't know how to act like a normal person in society, but if you placed him in a combat scenario or in the wild then he'd be a god.
What episode was this, I dont remember this scene at all
So he was good as a specific task at a much better ability than his peers but shot at everything else. Sounds like autism to me
Epiaode 1.
This guy and Juicy Yuuji would get along well.
>Ninja-like reflexes
Choose one.
They have many uses.
>implying the two are mutually exclusive
Don't condoms have lube in it? Can you safely use it for drink?
>Characters who legitimately were autistic
once upon a time we called this character trope "raised by wolves". it's funny because you take someone from a weird environment (mujaheddin -> 3rd world soldier of fortune -> high paid mercenary) and put him in a normal "world" environment. He's not autistic, he's just culturally and emotionally stunted.
now this? this is a pure autist.
Did they usually come with lube back in 2003?
so autistic they gave her a movie
Shirou "suicidal sword autist" Emiya.
I remember rage dropping this as a teenager because the heroine getting her first kiss stolen by a NTRchad villain
Disgusting, delete this
Its the second panel Reee in japanese?
who says this to a girl
Shirou's clearly not a child, but here's also clearly not a man, I don't know what to call his type of autism
>That Q U A L I T Y
This shit looks worse than fucking Arthur, a kids show that airs on PBS for fucks sake.
It's posts like these that keep me coming back
His death was so fucking satisfying