It's NEAT to be a NEET.
It's NEAT to be a NEET
I did that the summer I came home from my freshman year of college, it was cool at first but got really fucking boring after doing it for a month straight.
>a month straight
pathetic, ive been a NEET since 2010
Nah it sucks
t. reformed NEET
fuck off norm
The doga kobo calling card
It was great, and you're a cancerous t. poster.
Could it be hints for some kind of treasure hunt?
human failure
I mean, it was fun. I wont deny that. But the feeling of uselessness and the lack of any accomplishment tainted my enjoyment of it and ate away at me.
I like working but fuck me if I'm ever doing it again, I can't even leave the house.
i've been a neet since 2002, I'm not even joking.
Do you live off of disability or your parents?
Knowing that the bad end was the only end and that I'd probably kill myself was strangely soothing. A perfect fit for my avoidant personality.
But something else happened, and I'm a productive member of society again. Now I have to worry what happens if I lose my job and run out of money. And I need to interact with people.
I compensated for lack of accomplishment by programming.
the latter, it's pretty horrible.
All these threads do is remind me I'm a hopeless loser going nowhere in life that gave up on his dreams how do these make you guys comfy
You're brainwashed by society and corporations
>being a neet is terrible
>stay home all day.
>always bored because its the same old shit day in day out
>poorfag because no job
>no friends because spend all day shitposting on a Mongolian moving pictures board.
>virgin because no girls want you
>stay home all day.
more than covers for the rest of that trivial bullshit you just mentioned
>Got job recently
>The money is nice
>But now I have literally no energy to enjoy anything
How do wagies do this? How do they not want to kill themselves?
>blog post
It's shit I'm severely depressed (why I became a neet in the first place). I lost interest in all my hobby's even gaming feels like a chore. some days I just lay in bed doing nothing but planning suicide and thinking about how I disappointed my family. Can't go out because of agoraphobia. Also therapy is a joke and doesn't help.
I'm a NEET these days but when I was a worker I felt fine desu
spent my days off and a few hours after work watching anime and playing vidya.
you might just not be used to it.
>How do they not want to kill themselves?
Alcohol and drugs.
> How do they not want to kill themselves?
They fall for memes. The smarter ones fall for women and children, while the dumb ones fall for consumerism and/or various addictions. The really dumb one fall for pic related.
wasted trips on a pussy, man up and change something
what happens when they die?
Not him but my plan for my family dying is suicide.
The work itself isn't the hard part.
The hard part is getting out of bed fucking six o' clock every single morning five times a week
No sane person could possibly think "oh boy it's six o' clock I better get ready to go to work"
Actually sane person would just continue sleeping and not give a fuck about this normalfags rat race
What's wrong with Americans?
t.brainlet don't reproduce not like you'll get chance anyway edgy fag
>tfw easy science degree and cozy low-effort life
One side of my family have been neet for at least 4 generations, always marrying rich folks and leeching
All atheist and contrarians too, sometimes I think I was destined to be here
what makes the NEET girls so appealing? Don't most people want a waifu who does all the work
looks like i struck a nerve, huh? people who drown in self-pity and refuse to take the smallest steps to change their situation, are subhumans in my eyes
Fuck he was right, you are edgy.
luckily nobody gives a shit what a "subhuman" like yourself thinks :)
You become comfortably numb. After working civil service for 2 years I no longer have any hope or joy, but I don't feel as suicidal as used to. Even if it doesn't bring me happiness I have a duty to help the cogs of the city turn.
I woke up at 5:30 everyday even when I was a NEET. Early mornings are comfy desu, dont knock it.
Friendly reminder that Yea Forums is a hikiNEET board
I always go full NEET for a year or 2 between jobs. People act like the gap in employment history is weird, but why would I work if I can afford to take a couple of years off?
It feels great spending months lifting, hiking and doing whatever I want all day.
Whom is her shirt referring to by 'Moot'
Other notable hikkineet boards:
>/ck/ for some reason
>good part of Yea Forums
not by choice:
regardless being able to sleep and wake on your own natural terms is a world of difference from living on an imposed schedule
if this weren't a fact of life in full time employment work might otherwise not even be so bad
Yea Forums has a lot of neets and isn't as dogshit as those boards still very bad tho
It could be worse, you could be born into a farm family.
>Get up at 4 or 5, maybe not sleep at all depending on the season
>Regular beatings and shaming for failure
>Threat of violence over everything
>Everyone knows your business because all country people do is work, drink and gossip
>You live Game of Thrones as the large familys of the area fight over expanding their holdings
NonNon Byori is a lie
Fuck NEETdom. Being a student is the best.
> extremely enjoyable if you like the subject matter
> As much free time as you want, since stuff that's truly mandatory is fairly rare
> You'll never get bored
> Social interactions are possible but not mandatory since there are no coworkers or bosses to pester you
> a plentiful supply of freshmen undergrads to lust over
> parents won't pester you about getting a jerb as much.
me, 23 years old
I wish I could be a NEET again.
On NEETbux but I hate being a NEET living with my parents.
I decided that the thing that brings me the most happiness is having people in my life and the only way to achieve that is to get a job and a gf and hopefully some friends. HVAC, though it pays well, sounds difficult so its my fallback if I do turn out to be too dumb to program.
i've spent most of my 20s being a NEET and i'll be 30 next year
what a terrible mess i've made of my life
programming is one of the most boring career paths out their I dropped out year one of uni mainly due to depression I wish you better luck
The worst part about being a NEET is not being able to smoke/drink because there is always some fucking family member in the house
Universities sound like the worst fucking places on the planet and formal education is pretty fucking boring.
Thanks. I'll do my best 777-kun.
my only regret being a NEET is giving up on all of my hopes of being an artist and dropping the few people I knew.
Still don't know why I did that second thing.
post you'rest favourite neet
College is great for getting laid. You're surrounded by hpt young girls who are finally away from mommy and daddy and want to experiment. I didn't realize how good it was until I left.
CS is a niche and whomever came up with the "learn how to code" meme deserves a beating. I started CS in high school and did fairly well and got accepted into uni for CS, but only to a satellite campus. The most of my profs and TAs taught in both the main and the satellite campus so my education wasn't inferior but I was stuck with a lengthy commute. I was a CSfag for 1.5 years in uni. I was getting by but I hated it. Seriously contemplated dropping out. I decided to switch out and now I'm doing a meme degree but I love it. I hope I manage to unfuck my grades and get into grad school.
they are It's highschool gossip level only nobody gives a shit about anyone else. most teachers don't have passion so you'll be paying big bucks just to google and find out everything yourself as you weren't taking classes at all.
He's unironically right though. Debt and the culture of debt is a cancer.
Don't buy shit you can't afford, retards.
one of us might not kill themselves and actually make it good luck user
I disagree. I see people here being dissatisfied with college all the time but I think it's great fun if you're in a programme you like. As far as the environment itself is concerned, you don't have to engage with people if you don't want to. The faculty (at least in my case) are generally friendly and very intelligent people.
> formal education is boring
Most of the time you're on your own. I guess that can be boring but personally I like the freedom.
>7 year NEET
My time is running out with everything becoming too expensive, I really need a job now but I can’t socialize and I forgot my accounting knowledge.
>want to be a neet
>but have angry indian parents who are impossible to cut ties with
>JUST move out lol
Debt is only a small part of it. Most of what he says is utter horseshit:
> 1
American forced cheerfulness borders on the psychotic.
> 2
Why should people accept terrible living conditions while singing praise to a legal document?
> 3
There absolutely is such a thing as a bad job. There are jobs that are mind-numingly boring and sometimes downright dangerous. People get sick and crippled from working in unsafe environments and inadequate protection. And again there's the American forced cheerfulness. The environment you exist in absolutely affects you. You can't just force yourself to be happy while doing something that makes people unhappy
> 4
Fair enough
> (5) debt
Debt is absolutely unavoidable. Shit's too expensive nowadays. Not everyone can get by with public transport, especially in America. People can't live in a fucking tent in winter or summer, and access to amenities like showers is necessary to even have a job. Not to mention that taking on debt and successfully repaying it is an absolute must because you need to build up credit in order to be able to take out loans.
> 6
What a stupid thing to say. People generally care about their own self-preservation. The amount of people who die because they did stupid shit is dwarved by the amount of people who die because of employer negligence in providing adequate protection.
> 7
Why is slaving away for the benefit of another celebrated in the land of the free?
> 8
See 7
> 9
I didn't know that you could write about being a regular at a library on a resume, or that people can learn effectively with absolutely no guidance
> 10, 11, 12
If only Americans were this zealous about Christian virtues they claim to uphold. We'd be living in paradise by now.
Great taste, Hiroe from Slow Start is a cute NEET too.
Does she count?
Just work part time and invest, go to /biz/.
>twitch member
nigga that is over a decade old
How can you even get employed with those kinds of gaps in work? Surely employers ask what you've been doing.
that's because the baby-faced faggot never grew up
so this is what Yea Forums is turning into...
yikes. the teens still at it
What did she mean by this? Could she possibly have a connection to the giraffe and the sorcery that allows one to plunder kirameki from others? Could she be a godhead?
>muh board weh
cope or cry more I don't care
Wrong thread
I like being a NEET but where did all of my motivation go?
Is there a correlation between my NEETdom and my motivation?
you should go back
You sound gay but more importantly you sound like a faggot, user, and as much as I can tolerate gays here, the only faggot that was allowed here left us with a downgraded Asian running the site.
That's sad.
I wouldn't mind being a NEET forever, but unfortunately my savings are dwindling and I have responsibilities.
It definitely causes problems with some potential employers. The way I've sometimes got around it is claiming I've done some casual/temp work and name some agencies that I have legitimately worked for, even if I've only worked for them once.
It helps that they usually only notice the most recent gap.
enjoy your b&
out :)
>shitty twitter memes
I thought we quarantined this shit to Yea Forums
>get job
>have to work under retarded asshats
>if you're too good at it, it just means more work
Literally how most rich people live.
I wish it was b8 my man I hate to be in your shoes :(
>twitter memes
t.normalfag keep reporting
>get job
>female coworkers wont leave you alone
WHERE THE FUCK do I get this job. I just want to lose my virginity and hang myself
I was a NEET when I left high school in '08 all the way through to 2017, or 2018 depending on how you look at it, when I started going to college and volunteering.
I still have never had a paid job at 28 years old and I've been on NEETbux since 2011.
You've been making the most normalfag posts I've seen in a long while user.
It's not even funny in a "lol I'm baiting them" kind of sense.
Learn English.
>if you're too good at it, it just means more work
This is the worst god damned part. So many times I've found myself taking on a work load that used to be covered by 2 - 4 other people, just because the higher ups noticed they could let people go and have me handle everything myself.
Which of course never results in a raise and just causes me to become burnt out and quit.
And damn near every employer does this, causing a cycle where they have to rehire more people, filter them down to the most motivated worker(s) who then get fed up with doing all the work and leave.
stupid newfag thinks jannies give a shit about replies when it isn't nudity
Kill some criminals before you hang yourself.
I graduated high school in 2009 and was in college until 2018. Chances are you enjoyed your time far more than I did.
That's an outdated notion. For our purposes, there are two forms of labour. Industry and exploits. The former involves doing things to produce or refine goods and services. The latter involves labour aimed at social goals. Spinning yarn or treating a patient are examples of the first while learning latin or engaging in court rituals are examples of the latter. In the past elites used to sneer at industrial labour and contented themselves with going to balls and reading Hagel or something fun like that. They wore idleness as a badge of honour. Nowadays the vast majority of elites are firmly in the first category and pride themselves on being industrial. If you meet a lawyer or some corporate executive and ask them what's up, they're pretty much guaranteed to respond with a variation of "oh so busy". Of course there are still many people who spend their days sipping cocktails by the pool but increasingly the elite is comprised of people who work ultra skilled jobs and get paid a tonne of money to work their ass off. If you're interested:
all that irony in one post
fuck off
im struggling to find work relevant to my degree. noone wants to hire me but when i get 20 bucks im gonna take my waifu on a date to olive garden.
Been a neet for the last month. Feels great. Will prob take the summer off before finding work again
user the kids of rich dudes spend their existence being hedonist to the max.
awww did your report button not work, keep trying user they might give me a 5 min suspension :D
>McDonald's frog in the current year
It's all connections faggot, they do nothing but leech off their inner circle and knock people out of business.
no faggot
you are trying way too hard newfriend
>le current year
So basically some teenage newfag got made fun of for posting an emote from his favorite place (twitch) and now hes basically ' pretending to be retarded now'
Maybe. I don't have much to show for it.
I'm actually enjoying being at college now.
hes gotta save face some how
No, he's clearly epically trolling hard, can't you see how mad everyone is?
>pretending to be retarded now
woah were not talking about your life here
Imagine feeling the need to save face on an anonymous website
That's why you exercise.
>i'm totally not mad I only keep reporting and replying to every post and every related post
have sex
you are trolling everyone so hard. You should totally post more twitch emotes haha
Neither do I. The jobs that I would get calls back for after undergrad paid about as much as I could have made driving trucks straight out of high school. The job that I have now (after grad school) I got through an internal refer and the job sucks dick.
When did Yea Forums become such normalfags? Being NEET is great.
Of course man I like this one as well pretty great isn't it? report button is the triangle next to numbers in the reply :)
forgot pic hahaha the emote cracks me up every time hahahah
>so assblasted forgot to post image
F5 my man I know it's hard for someone of your IQ range but I believe in you
I'm jealous of neets, wish I could be comfy at home all day every day.
>my man
>twitch emotes
>terrible attempt at trolling
Yeah of course these types exist. When I say elites I'm not just talking about multi-millionaires. If you earn, say, "only" $500,000 a year you're part of the elite as well.
Neither I nor the person giving the talk I linked to denies that. Connections are a big part of it as well. The talk is literally called "Success and Luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy". What I was hinting at (and what the talk is about) is that there's been a shift from a situation where what you've said was kind-of accurate to a situation where many people who are part of the socio-economic elite are forced to participate in the rat race and it's fucking them up as much as it's fucking us. It's a really interesting lecture and it's fairly short (~50 minutes I believe) and I highly recommend it.
:( I just want to share epic emotes with my animebros. Glad you learned that it's new "fag" not friend I'm proud my man
>" $500,000 a year
Less than a hollyjew peasant(actor) so not even close to elite.
leave cancerous faggot
>trying this hard
I linked to the wrong talk. Sorry. The correct one is this:
I'll leave, sorry for acknowledging your replies and engaging with them
>perfect blue
Hey, Yea Forums newfriend.
The socioeconomic elite is not a monolithic group where everyone's the same. Of course people who earn half a million aren't even close to those fuckers who bring in half a billion a year. An average income for an American household in 2017 was 61 thousand. If you alone make almost 10 times that amount then you can be considered part of the socioeconomic elite. You're at the bottom of said elite but nevertheless.
I said that I'll leave but you responded immediately nah I don't browse Yea Forums even I have standards
ps. you don't have to hate perfect blue just because it's popular. Sorry for wasting your time I'm a schizo
Have a good night teen. Make sure you lurk 2 years before posting. Kthxbai
wish i could be a neet again but i need to be able to afford the new good smile company figma saber of red mordred pendragon casual version coming soon
What changed?
land a work from home design / programming job and you can NEET for the rest of your life.
t. designer
neet since 2015, any tip senpais?
>If only Americans were this zealous about Christian virtues they claim to uphold. We'd be living in paradise by now
Well, all Christians really, but yeah.
I'm hoping to live like Paul once I'm through with schooling. Really only doing that for my mother.
This unironically belongs on /r9k/ no trolling intended. The derailment is unrecoverable.
If a mod is reading and would be so nice to move to the other board, so anons can keep talking about stuff there.
Fuck off. Blogging about NEETdom is quintissentially Yea Forums.
Are NEETbux a myth or did I just get the short end of the stick in life?
> His country doesn't have a decent welfare state
Yes, not being born in a civilised country is getting the short end of the stick.
Yea Forums shouldve trained you to he an excellent actor when it comes to being retarded
Now apply it in real life
Easy mode: say youre suicidal
>Easy mode: say youre suicidal
my old therapist told me I was depressed and quickly on the path to that but I never believed them.
Maybe I can use that to my advantage though
>threads need to be on-topic 100% of the time
But NEETdom is a requirement towards fully enjoying anime and manga.
There is nothing wrong wanting to be a NEET, because retirement is basically becoming a NEET. So, essentially everyone is working towards being one.
>I'm jealous of neets, wish I could be comfy at home all day every day.
is not that good, at the beginning is pretty nice but with the time it will slowly turn into a hell
Getting fat is hell, blasting pushups and doing more meditation and stretching is key to a comfortable neet life. Can't be comfortable if you're body is fucked.
my man
I would go NEET but I need a place to live
Get welfare or live at home like every other neet ever.
Or you could be a CHAD and live in a barrel in the middle of town and when people think you're homeless and ask if you want something, you can tell them to give you back your sunlight.
What's a quintessential hikiNEET show?
I'm planning on it I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything beforehand.
You can never be too careful.
t. neet for a year or two
next year makes it a decade
I'm past a decade by one year but it seems I was wrong about you.
Is this the normalfag thread?
Retirement only exists because people are unable to work in old age. If they could I'm sure they would remain productive. Not working for a long time is awful.
t. neet
if a neet theoretically offs themselves how much of a nuisance is it to everyone that has to deal with the body
Any of you know what this doujin is? It was from a Yea Forums thread and I have been trying to find it.
I work as a crime scene cleaner. Its really dirt cheap expense unless they used a shotgun, a high caliber weapon or the body's been left off for more than 3 days since the sticky stains are hard to clean.
I smoke with my mom.
now that sounds based but I think if I had a mother like that as well I wouldnt be in my situation
same. neet life but can smoke with my mom. basado.
You lack selfmotivation or discpline, that's typical. You have infinite free time, you have countless options so you choose to do nothing, either subconciously or to not get dissapointed you didnt reach your goal. Now you are on spiral going down, your body feels you are doing nothing and it unironically functions less.
You should start doing something, anything. Drawing, learning jap, whatever. Just continue towards your goal. Pick some sort of grading/value system so you know whether you do progress. Start from small steps, but continue doing it systematically.
thank you user thats actually very helpful
I didnt tell him to kill himself.
>blog thread
There is a legit thread dedicated to flat chested characters with big asses and your gonna recommend me to adult requests over a text description of a doujin?
doujins aren't Yea Forums (you don't even know what that word means
we aren't here to find stuff for you and spoonfeed you
fuck off
Just like in the good old days.
so ronery
use this. it's my favorite.
I've been a NEET since new year and it's already killing me. How do you not get bored? How do you find a sense of purpose? I've told myself that if I'm still a NEET by the end of the year I'm killing myself
I was a NEET for 7 years, now I've worked for 7 years. Being a NEET was better in almost every way. The only problems were money and my family. If you have money and don't mind your family hating you, there are zero drawbacks to being a NEET. Even now that I work my family just feels nothing to me. They used to have something to bitch about, but now they just ignore me.
How would your life have turned out differently if Misha was your girlfriend?
The longer you delay the job search the harder it will become.
You have a good job right Yea Forums?
>be NEET for two years
>write stories, draw a lot, learn languages, study 3D-modeling, exercise, and be healthier, happier, and more productive than ever before in my life
>only problem is lack of money and people treating me like a waste of oxygen
>go study a new profession
>master everything easily
>get hired straight out of school
>do 6-day weeks without energy left for anything but an hour of vidya before bed
>have to drop all hobbies
>spend free days drinking
>not one bit wealthier than before
Sure is fun, being a fucking normie!
I've been a NEET since 2012. I exercise and meditate in the morning, study languages and programming during the day, and consume literature/anime/video games in the evening.
Having a daily routine with a mix of hobbies where I can improve helps me fight the boredom. I've never felt a sense of purpose and struggle with suicidal thoughts every day though.
Are you implying working at McDonald's is more intellectually stimulating than having access to the Internet? I work in a factory, and let me tell you, I have more vivid memories of brushing my teeth than doing whatever the fuck I did all week at work. All day, all I'm thinking is
>those Jump spoilers sounded boring
>I wonder what Strawberry Fields Forever would do as a Stand
>what's this old guy shit, anyway?
>if I had a Stand I'd want it to have a range of 5000 feet so it could protect my cousins
>I need to reread the last 50 Hunter x Hunter chapters
>I wonder if I'd be a Conjurer
>I attached the Big 5 to the Nen hexagon and got it
>Hisoka's test sucks
>maybe I can find a better way to do it, but
>hey how much does IQ correlate with Openness?
>I can't use my phone right now, huh
>did I delete that pdf about international breast cup sizes?
>I never shared that with anyone, the threads always 404
>I wonder if I can use it to make a pro-ass argument for white people
>hey why do blacks have a different SD in IQ?
>I should read the Bell Curve after Flatland
>wait, did someone call my name?
And 8 hours later I get home and just want to sleep.
How do you pay for food, rent, etc?
Parents + NEET bucks. I only have to pay for food and rent since I can get everything else for free.
Living with my parents doesn't make me feel less suicidal though. I hope I can get my own NEET den soon.
What country gives NEET bucks?
I can't imagine leeching off the state and your parents to sustain your selfish, unproductive lifestyle. At least I am a self-sufficient NEET living of his own wage savings. The state wouldn't support me even if I wanted them to anyway.
Current year Sweden. I'll probably be homeless in a few years if I don't do something with my life soon though.
Yes, but I only make 1/5th and I'm 10 years older.
All those normalfaggots bitching about NEETs.
Natsu da.
>I've told myself that if I'm still a NEET by the end of the year I'm killing myself
we all do the same but never go through with it
fucking leeches
20k a year is not good job user.
Shoo shoo reddit nazi frog
>All those things
>That cheap
Why is the corporate media lying so much?
I just wish I had the motivation and ambition to pursue things that I actually enjoy, but I just don't feel like doing anything at all, it's getting to the point where it's affecting basic survival task as feeding myself.
It's part time.
Stop depending on random feelings to carry you through life. You are the commander of yourself. Don't think, act. Decide something and move your fat ass.
>normalfag thinks everyone is like him
try again user-chan
Rent and everything else that cheap? What the fuck year is this for? 1975? Fucking Boomers.
I don't know man, I just don't feel like it.
Holy cope.
I'm a NEET and finally am getting autism bucks In Trump's America where people like me have been declared a public enemy by the administration
I got a fuck load of mental problems to the point one of my diagnosis by my doctor is malaise and can't keep a job. I find ways to keep busy with my computer using Yea Forums or re watching stuff.
Should I break this cycle before it kills me? Yes. Will it happen, never unless i have someone babysit me every step of the way.
Everyone is the same. Some just choose different from the others.
>Everyone's the same
This is the height of arrogance.
I'll be leaving the NEET life with a part time job soon. It's been years. I'm actually relieved.
You should die you waste of space.
learn me on malaise
>I wonder what Strawberry Fields Forever would do as a Stand
Uses existential crisis as source of power for creation
>Everyone is the same.
I actually can't believe someone is this fucking retarded
Suffer from severe depression and autism, but then compartmentalize the depression so that you can function somewhat, but when you get tested the results should show you're at extreme risk for killing yourself.
I'm sure you are really making a difference now.
NEET since 2010. I live off autismbux. I do some volunteer work growing veggies though.
Accepting the fact that life is unfair; you could’ve been born into wealth but have 0 interests or possess one or more useful talents but be stuck in a war-torn country and possibly die before making it to your 20’s.
Just do what you’re good at, try interacting with others at least twice a week and remember that life could always be much, MUCH worse.
> tfw government stopped my old autism benefits (dla)
> tfw currently waiting for a reply after applying for new autism benefits (pip)
if i don't get them i'm killing myself anons
Teach me sensei
26 yo NEET here. Used to be really fucking depressed but lately i feel just fine. Getting some exercise really helps. Just running 30 minutes 3 times a week makes a huge difference.
I'm on autismbux. Governcucks are trying to goad me into working at least some hours to compensate for it though. Luckily it would be something like 15 hours max if they get their way. I get more money than i know what to spend it on,btw.
Take that, wagies!
Bless you lad
Got a McDonald's job coming up.
based, same for me
>play games
And look at hentai
this one hit a bit too close to home.
Was a NEET for about 3 years. It was not healthy and I'm happy that I live a different life now even if being a wageslave sucks.
Life has no purpose or goal.
Nothing you ever accomplish means anything.
so you might aswell do nothing, its all the same.
Even tho this is my honest opinion, I'm far from depressive or killing myself. I'm happily enjoying the time I got.
as an ex neet career guy, it's been over 3 years and I'm still waiting for "purpose" and "validation" and "contributing to society" to become better than sleeping whenever I want and playing online all day
I've never seen 4koma hentai. Isn't this Bocchi?
nice lies modern Yea Forums
If you think being a neet is good, you most likely have little to no meaningful hobbies, relationships or goals.The problem is that neets aren't self sufficient in the slightest. You can't suck off mommys tit forever.
So I can kill myself when that moment I can't comes.
What? One of the reasons I want to be a NEET is exactly because I have hobbies that I want to take my time enjoying.
Most neets I have met are miserable, suicidal, and depressing.
I'm not depressed but I'm hoping to kill myself soon.
So many kuso normalfags.
I'd be miserable and suicidal too if I had to meet you.
I wish I was a NEET so I could just garden all day, people like you don't understand other people have different wishes than to be materialistic normalfags
The only bad part of being a NEET is barely any money. I wish I could kill someone for some nice bucks since I have no idea how could I possibly find any job being autistic and never working a single day in my 31+ year life.
I refuse to flip burgers like a golem proxy slave. Only the top 1% get to have the "American Dream" Which is just a simple home and family.
If im going to be a permanent renter 9-5 slave for all of eternity, might as well not even bother and just say fuck it until my time living at home runs out.
Don't play a game you dont have any chance at winning in the first place
If you live in Sweden you should be able to pay the bills by leeching from the government, so no need to live in the streets. Far as I know your social security is quite similar compared to here Finland, and I have friends who live off neet bucks.
>I've been a NEET since new year and it's already killing me. How do you not get bored?
Do something? You got loads of free time to do whatever you want.
Do you constantly need someone else to tell you what to do to function?
>How do you find a sense of purpose?
Make one up for yourself.
>I've told myself that if I'm still a NEET by the end of the year I'm killing myself
Weak, you can't even fail at life right.
10+ year neet here.
>Do something? You got loads of free time to do whatever you want.
Nowadays I only want to fap, eat and sleep but I can't do it all day, unfortunately. Shit like gaymes, most anime, etc are more like a boring chore and not entertainment.
>Do you constantly need someone else to tell you what to do to function?
It's certainly seems to be much easier.
>Make one up for yourself.
Easy to say. You can't fulfill your biological purpose as a neet and nothing else will satisfy you in the long run.
What the fuck do you mean "how"? You have all this time on your hands to do whatever the fuck you want, try a bunch of hobbies, try out things you've never heard of. Or become a wagie so you have the excuse of "being too tired from work" and then dread the fact that you're a blank drone.
Misha was your gf?
Most hobbies require money which as a neet you don't have. How do you try things that you never heard of out?
16 year NEET here.
Your problem isn't being a NEET, it's being weak minded and failing at independent thought.
Apply yourself.
>tfw I live in third world country
>tfw my dad is very rich
>tfw live happily as a neet
>tfw graduated from top university in first world country
>tfw highly qualified for any corporate job that I want
>tfw I'll have to go job-hunting in about a month
>tfw commute time and traffic will be hell
>tfw my free time will be gone
>tfw can't learn japanese full-time anymore
>tfw have only learned 1000 kanji
I won't deny that, but so what? Just goes to show that being a neet doesn't suit everyone. In fact, that would be most people. I wish I could be a normalfag and not a lazy autistic piece of shit.
Maybe you can just get out of this website, you failed normalfag.
Wish I could, but I'm really here forever.
for the first time ever in history, you have the entire collective knowledge and wisdom and media and works of all of humanity, instantaneous communication with the entire planet at the tip of your finger for the cost equivalent of a few hours of human labor and you have the nerve to complain that you're bored
fuck off
don't hurt their ego like that bro, don't you know that they will resort to insulting you instead of doing something productive with their lives?
they are pitiable.
Then stop being a NEET.
Subarashii NEETO
I've fell for being neet is cool meme before so nowadays I have crippling depression and other health problems (that existed before which is how I got neetbux in the first place) that got complicated due to poor life style. I lack any marketable skills. I have complete lack of any social skills or work experience. I'm also afraid of change and breaking my routine even if it's a very shitty one. Not even sure if it's possible for me to get any job at all. Honestly suicide seems like the better option with every passing day.
>Honestly suicide seems like the better option with every passing day.
I just don't get it, sorry.
I can't see how death would be a better option than either the neet life or doing something, anything else with your life.
No one knows exactly what death is like.
For all you know it could be that you just get stuck in whatever state of despair and fear you are in to drive you to suicide (or possible regret you feel past the point of no return) for what feels like eternity as your brain shuts down, trapping you in that state for what feels like forever.
Please at least try to find something to do that actually gives you some sort of joy in your everyday life, death will always be waiting for you sooner or later anyway.
Just go to japan bro
>good with money
constant easy dopamine leads to boredom
I'm nowhere near $500,000 a year so it's hardly a cope. Here's a research paper that finds that the American government is far more responsive to people in the 90th percentile of income than those in the 50th and 10th:
Needless to say, $500,000 a year definitely fits into that 90th percentile.
You're not a neet, ur a larping faggot.
> admitting to being underage
>admitting to being illiterate
Wow that's some shitty reading comprehension user.
> seething underage fag
You should probably reread the post you replied to.
That's a bit embarrassing
It's being 4 years for me and not even once has that sense of dread, solitude or boredom has showed up in my mind.
I guess it depends on the personality of the person because I personally enjoy every second of it, and if some day I'm forced to start working the wageslave life I will always look back to these days with nostalgia.
Being a NEET only works in the long run if you're an alcoholic
That keeps things entertaining
It's a good way to due early too. It's slowly destroying your liver and brain.
Time for a drink.
the thought of drinking makes me nervous but the thought of it being a way to slowly die comforts me i dont know if that means i am a faggot or that i have issues
I fucking love being a NEET.
For the past four years I wake up feeling amazing not having responsibilities or stress. I start the day with a homemade breakfast and tall glass of pineapple juice. I then sit out in the sun and read some poetry (currently going through William Blake). After that I do a bit of shitposting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums and get some faps in on sadpanda. At this point it's usually lunch so I make myself a simple sandwich and again sit out on the patio and do a bit of bird watching while I eat. The remainder of the day is then spent doing some menial household chores and some late afternoon exercising. In the evening after dinner and maybe a casual stroll on the riverside, I descend to my home theater projector and power through a few episodes of anime in my backlog. When heading off to bed I feel completely satisfied that my time was spent well that day and sleep soundly as soon as my head touches the pillow.
NEETdom is freedom
this as long as you enjou yourself everything is fine.
I became a neet after dropping out of the first year of uni. The next year and half were amazing until my parents found out about my situation and I had to find a job. After 6 months they didn't renew my contract and I was a neet again,and a free one at that because my parents knew about it this time. Only found a job about a week ago, but the always come to me and I never search for them. Being a neet is just too nice, I wouldn't work if it wasn't for my boring parents.
You are little babby NEETs. I haven't gone outside in nine years. Just imagine how worthless *I* am.
Being out of work for a couple of years is nothing compared to the useless trash person I am.
Oh yeah I haven't bathed in a month.