While I am enjoying the current arc, part of me misses this filthy madwoman.
Boku no Hero Academia
The stupid part of you, evidently
I want to make babies with her.
I want to make babies with you.
I'm fucking bored. When will Hori go back to the main plot with Deku?
How many volumes will he milk the series for with this shit pacing?
fuck off Dekuck
Sure user, take me to town.
villain chapters are superior, sorry about your shit taste
>liking pointless filler
You drooling chimp
Her character design was one of the few to make it through from the one-shot. Go read that if you want more of her. She has about as much screentime as Jack.
follow Bakugo's advice, Dekuck
Best case scenario, Deku dies offscreen during this arc.
imagine the smell
I'm so excited I don't know what to expect from next chapter.
This is building up to be the best arc in the series.
I haven't been to Yea Forums for a good long while, how have people felt about where the manga's at right now? I personally think it's going great, that Twice panel at the end of 229 was cool as fuck
Imagine her taking a bath and the water is just black when she gets out. And she's still filthy because the majority of the motor oil, sweat, and other stuff is caked on her so hard that you'd need a chisel to get it off.
we're mostly loving it
MVA has the threads at their best in a long long time
it does unfortunately mean that the arc after this one will be complete shit, but oh well
Also forgot to ask: Any new ___fags or major shitposts? the gigantoposters must've gone fucking crazy when he was finally introduced properly
general consensus is good, personally the ending of toga-curious was a copout but i can overlook it
>villains are more interesting than MC
>the fucking spin-off with a literally useless wussy MC is more interesting than the main manga
What other mangas have this feel?
best arc since Kamino, arguably ever
every single panel reDestro is in is meme gold
Captain Celebrity better change that name to Icon or Legend or something when this is all over
I feel this a bit, natural quirk development over time was an already pre-established concept and I had a feeling that toga would be able to copy quirks eventually, but I hope that Hori keeps the 'ability that wasn't discovered til now' trope to a minimum
>he just changes his name to "Hero"
>villains are more interesting than MC
You mean the LoV?
They're unfun shit eaters and they bring nothing good to the manga.
As a matter of fact, the Mangaka's insistence on pushing them and trying to build them up is a main reason why the manga is going to shit.
>move aside, you fakes
>the twices bursting into life from his broken body
kino is well and truly back on the menu, boys
cope, Dekuck
their growth in the lastest chapters is something they were really in need of, though, along with the powerups
And the Liberation Army is cool too.
deku might be boring but he is still very cute
Can't say I'm a fan of the league of villains, but at least with their plot I feel like I can give even a shadow of a fuck, edgy as they may be, compared to the complete flatline that is the schoolkids plot.
I unironically ike Twice though, think whatever you want of me for it, but I'm actually rooting for him. It's honestly a shame he's already so deep with the other edgelord, so he's destined to have a terrible end.
i feel like he might be the only one to be rehabilitated if he doesnt die this arc
It's been a while since I read Killing Joke. What was the reference to it in the latest chapter?
>the Mangaka's insistence on pushing them and trying to build them up is a main reason why the manga is going to shit
Exactly this. The school life crap is also shit but so is the unnecessary focus on these one dimensional LoV members. Hori needs to hurry the hell up with the damn plot.
Just one bad day
for people who don't get the reference:
why do you care about the plot if you don't like anything in the manga? You sound like a retard
Twice is the most relate-able, least edgy, and the best character of the entire series.
that's because it's an example of a useless MC done right, along with great characters. Although the focus on making the asshole a sudden dindu nuffin lately has worsened it somewhat. Pic unrelated
Are you a braindead dumb cunt? There is the main plotline with AfO and OfA ghosts and legacy of All might, proheroes and Deku helping to save the world that is in desperate need of progression but Hori decides to waste time with bullshit that will not matter outside of their arcs.
Fuck you for thinking training arcs of literal who shitters like class B disguised as a pseudo tournament arc and LoV clowns is what this manga is all about.
No wonder you love eating the literal shit that Hori puts right in your mouth with your limited brain activity.
This has been the best arc since kamino
>me wanna watch big guy punch more things
no one cares retard
Hey faggots, which one of you had a link to the newest Vigs chapter. I know one of you does, you posted a panel a few threads back.
viz got them for free
>tfw this is genuinely giving Pro Heroes some competition for best arc
>Japs will probably hate it because of the societal stigma against ebin villain arcs in general
>sales will likely plummet but will recover if we get ebin sperg using the bang bang power to blow up all the bad guys and be a fucking stu once again
>viz scans out before fanlations
Vigilantes has no fans so that checks out
start learning Japanese
>lmao Deku is a loser
>Bakugo is best boy
>Le main manga is boring LoV is better
>H-have you guys head of HxH? I t-think it's better...
>Green man bad
When will retards leave this thread? Back during the Yakuza arc people actually liked this manga and it's characters, but has since gotten filled with faggots from other threads and tumblrfags. Begone from this threads.
everything is the plot you donkey
>o my 7 quirks was #1 in the ToC
>Toga killing Chitose was #9
Japs don't deserve WSJ
>Sky Egg is collapsing
>All Might fucking obliterates the supports and carries the fucking thing down himself in one jump
How much more of a badass can one man be?
It's an indicator, but not a direct measure.
You keep using that word
vigilantes doesn't get fanlations, it's too small and viz is doing it anyway
It was my understanding that she always copied quirks but never got the intuitive feel for how to activate them. Ochako's just activates on contact so she was able to use that one out of all the others.
>meaning shit?
The art and layouts in this arc have been REALLY good...
you need to build up your antagonists, no one would fear doomsday if he didnt beat the absolute shit out of everyone from cyborg superman to darkseid
Hasn't it always been like this? Viz translating cool fags releasing it out of Viz for the poor plebs who don't have Viz available in their countries
"All it takes is one bad day".
imagine the compress panels
Killing Bites reference.
Taz, please live.
She's also been watching Ochaco closely, so she knew how to activate AND release.
i want to fuck deku with a strap-on!
how did he get so hot?
>Captain Celebrity is taller than All-Might
Jesus, he really is a chad
Toga taught him how to use moisturizer
shiggy's skin care routine must be really effective if he was able to get rid of all of his crust, i want to know his secret
so is twice and fatgum related at all considering they look similar?
Twice needs to stop being so hot.
Shimura genes.
God DAMN. All he needs to do is tidy up his hair a little and he'd be a 10/10
Itās good. The structure is very predictable and the arc is just an excuse to flesh out the LoV and letting them get stronger, but the execution has been cool and the art has been great.
No one ever read BnHA for an original take on the shounen formula anyway, I just want it to be fun.
>not liking the messy hair
extreme plebian detected
How does Aizawa feel about having Mirio as his son in law?
When Hori realised he could capitalize max on fujobucks and faggots.
How would you feel?
I kinda want to see Shiggy with a beard
How does Deku feel about having both Ochaco and Toga as his wives?
When you fucking edited it
this is hotter desu
i prefer uncrusted shiggy
If he uses his quirk to make a thousand clones then I'll forgive hori for the past year of bullshit
shiggy and deku should fuck
He wishes he wasn't so loud to be honest
i want to give shiggy a bath and then cuddle with him
I think everybody wants to see Twice going World War Z, but I doubt Hori can really manage that much a workload. Believe me I'll love it if we get lavish spread pages of Twice armies, but more likely we'll get a long shot showing a black mass swarming the city streets and then individual panels of liberation army soldiers with glimpses of Twices running in the background.
> complaining that toga gets shit
> based complaining that 7quirks is shit
No, toga is fine, yes, 7quirks was crap.
I hope we get a bunch of good panels of clone vs. puppet fighting so I can clip them all out and spam lyrics from Sweating Bullets
My schizophrenic terrorist can't be this cute!
>All Might is 7'2
>Cap is just barely below his height while slouching
Holy shit.
based chads
don't open
he's actually 200cm (6'7")
megadeth is shit
you're shit
post it everytime that jiroufag makes his template post
holy shit lmao
Is that his mating dance?
Better than anything involving herokeks.
They could give Deku all the super powers in creative fiction and he would still be a boring pussy.
This smugy smugger is gonna get her neck snapped is she?
her husband Twice already saved her by sacrificing his arms
i hope not
>waah deku
even your fan art has to imagine Deku as someone cooler than he actually is
say what you want about the shipping shit but the motherfucker animates some good porn
neither bakugou or ochaco deserve love
Twice is going to die very soon, I just know it.
Is that what mirio does during his free time?
It's sad but it's basically confirmed at this point, Hori can't keep him alive, he's seriously OP, plus his character arc is practically over.
At least we get to see some cool ass shit before he goes
>Twice has his body broken, but his mind repaired
>Dies protecting his family
>Twice saves Shiggy from pointy nose man but gets disemboweled for his troubles
one tear
Very bittersweet. Can't wait for it to be ruined by Toga getting horny over Deku and Stain right after.
i want to jump on top of that deku and start kissing him!
Naw, the puppets were too weak and stupid and slow. As a result, they're about to get tsunamied by a one man army.
And their master, too.
ToC has been a meme since management changeover; it's used to push newer manga while every long-runner that isn't one piece hangs around the middle/middle-front of the magazine. It's why the ToC slapfight threads are even dumber than they used to be because it literally doesn't mean anything except to series that aren't past 20-25 chapters.
looks like green haired freckled Shindo
could All Might hold his own against CC?
Twice is the only good LoV member so this chapter was good, overall the arc bores me.
shindou was always hotter deku
>If he uses his quirk to make a thousand clones then I'll forgive hori for the past year of bullshit
he'd win, and easily
CC is strong, but he's not "demolish an entire street and destroy a tornado with the shockwaves from his punch alone" strong
but he's the top burger hero
prime all-might washes captain celebrity with medium difficulty in my opinion, need to see more from him though
no he's just a popular one, burger's very top dogs have yet to be revealed and will probably never be aside from some namedrops
he's not, he was just in the top 10 repeatedly
He's "A top hero" not 'The top hero"
Also All Might wins hands down. CC is strong, but it's his quirk that does the heavy lifting. He could never beat All Might in a brawl
Alright, I kek'd
We don't even know if he's in the top 10. "A top hero" could mean top 5, top 10, or even top 100.
Or maybe there are no rankings in America (because burgers aren't as obsessed with rankings as nips) and CC being a "top hero" is just common sense.
Sauce, pls
between godzilla and captain celebrity, usa's pretty tight
Finally, someone with correct taste. Villainfags are contrarian shitbirds.
Explain yourself
artist is jinu
I miss gurofriend
and kendoufag
What happened to this guy?
dead or in prison, I hope
he along with Kendoufag got sick of this fanbase and moved onto better threads and series.
>he's still going
Villains are the best part of the manga at the moment, now that All Might's, Deku's and Bakugou's arc are more or less resolved.
>Kendoufag is gone
The future of HeroAca will be defined next chapter. All of Hori's skills for drama will be put to the test and we should be able to see if he actually has potential as a writer or is just a hack that made it big just on sheer luck.
If Toga dies permanently, Hori will have finally demonstrated talent as a mangaka, and HeroAca will finally have one genuinely good arc, which should let it join the Tier 3 Shonen like Naruto and Bleach.
If the original Toga dies but Twice clones her, then Hori will be confirmed as a pussy bitch, and HeroAca will remain in the Tier 4 Shonen tier. The place for series that had potential but couldn't make it for some reason, like Toriko.
If Twice manages to save the original Toga and she just gets better after getting her neck snapped by several adult men, then Hori is a complete ball-less eunuch and a proven hack, and HeroAca deserves to be a Tier 5 Shonen. Sitting with trash that deserves to be forgotten like Fairy Tail.
I want to believe
You'be got writing standards of a teenage edgelord.
>characters acting out of character because I think it's cool is good writing
Sometimes I wonder what compels people to make posts like this
Yeah Hisoka is an excellent example of what Hori shouldn't do, he should have died instead of having that fake-out death
You just have no Standards.
>characters dying after they have their necks snapped is acting out of character
>The manga is going to shit because Hori is building up core characters
I swear, some of the shit you see in these threads
The next chapter could be the best or the worst chapter in shonen history and MHA's popularity won't be affected at all.
>people have to die for writing to be good
Why do so many people believe this?
>Twice just accepting that Toga is dead and moving on wouldn't be massively out of character
also her neck didn't actually get snapped, speedreader
>You just have no Standards.
Is it's gonna be worse than having stupid standards?
unf. her legs are almost as sexy as her ear jacks.
Because they're edgelords.
it's extra retarded because he's posting HxH alongside it. Literally no one relevant has ever died in HxH
I want those down my urethra.
I don't think people have to die for a story to be good, but killing characters is an effective way to establish stakes
considering almost any injury major or otherwise has been shrugged off and there's been a death maybe? there's no sense of stakes in this cut and dry good guys vs bad guys story
Consequences =/= stakes
Too much garbage plot armor
>just unlocked toga's full potential
>think they're going to kill her right after that
nah m8
however without meaningful consequences it's incredibly difficult to understand the stakes
So this is the level of intellect of Hori fanboys, you should just stop posting there's not an ounce of logic in your head.
who is that
All Might
Deku permanently disfiguring himself, The death of the Symbol of Peace, Mirio losing his quirk, Nighteye dying, Endeavor getting his shit absolutely kicked in and Giran having his hand cut into pieces wasn't enough?
god fucking damnit I knew this was gonna happen
the guy shaking hands with all might you nigger
Not that user, but death feels like a very cheap move in storytellng without a proper setup for it. Being maimed is just as good in this situation.
Not that user, but you're not proving him wrong, you're just being angry about it.
Captain Celebrity, an A-lister from America
>Toga just being dead is more interesting than Twice using bootleg necromancy and selfdenial to keep himself sane
But it's true you retard
Stakes are present in the moment, and are what COULD occur
Consequences are present after the moment, and are what occurs
It's Chris.
If Jirou is female, then why are her jacks male?
That's correct. Death is the only form of stakes.
Hisoka had a spiritual death and will die physically later in the arc. It is unfiltered kino that you just don't understand.
I am just being consistent and showing how I give Hori a chance. I don't want people to cry that I call Hori a hack for no reason.
It doesn't by default. But if a character who could have made a scene more impactful by dying and who had no logical reason to survive turns out ok, then it just destroys tension. See Best Jeanist. He should be dead.
Plenty of characters with more page time than Toga have died in HxH.
The issue is that she should be dead by all reason already. I could accept it if Twice manages to clone her and it played a big role in later arcs. But that would only lead to later arcs being better. This one would immediately lose all tension if this happens.
Hold the fucking phone
I was wondering this as well.
>The death of the Symbol of Peace
Is the only one of those that matters at all.
Deku's potentially life altering injuries have not mattered much, all might stepping down was a major event but its impact has hardly been shown, endeavor got a scar and won idunno man that one seems like it mattered in the capacity that it made him more sympathetic as a hero, a side character that hardly mattered before one character said he thought of them as family losing his fingers seems cheap, mirio losing his quirk is significant and nighteye dying is the one I'll give you
I'm not saying there are 0 consequences or stakes but over all they feel light or lesser felt in the main plot and it leaves me finding it difficult to actually feel like the majority of characters are ever in any danger outside of a background societal sense
>Plenty of characters with more page time than Toga have died in HxH.
if by "plenty of characters" you mean literally just Meruem and the Royal Guards, who are all not protagonists
that's not my problem, it's that even the consequences of most "maimings" seem like they don't matter much at all to the character or story after they happen
the one time I thought it was done well was when eri remarked on deku's scars
>How I give Hori a chance
You have essentially given one scenario that you agree with and have forgone all other possible scenarios
>No logical reason to survive
Toga still has an ongoing character arc, however Twice does not. I'd wager he'd die this arc over Toga
>Arc would lose all tension if Toga lives
She's on the verge of death, her somehow living doesn't lower the tension considering the LoV now have to somehow keep her alive in the middle of a battlefield
Twice copying her to revive her could make later arcs more interesting. If Hori writes those later arcs well. But that is too many ifs and it'd be pathetic if the LoV manages to wipe out the Liberation Army only losing Giran.
Deku's injuries literally ushered in an entirely new fighting style to accommodate for the changes and set him on the path to becoming his own Hero rather than an All Might clone
Well, it's also not my problem. I care less about character dying than about other characters thinking that they are dying. 'cause that's what exposes those character's personalities.
Giran is still alive and is more than capable of getting a cybernetic hand. He might even become a full member after he is rescued
The LoV will be millionaires after this arc is over so Giran will no longer be needed and his death could give Shiggy a second power-up so I expect him to die. Not having Re-Destro kill him would be a level of hackery beyond my imagination.
>Killing your bargaining chip
Captain Celebrity, from the Vigilantes comic, which is set in the same universe as BnHA but several years earlier.
It seems he didn't die.
Thank goodness.
you know what, you're right
deku's shift in mentality with regards to his quirk and all might is important, and my point was skewed by how freely i thougyt he seems to use his hands anyway, but that's just been flicks and the like for the most part
Same reason her mom has female jacks.
Re-Destro will have lost everything by the time Shiggy makes it to the upper floors. There shouldn't be any bargaining.
She got them from her father?
that's fair but character personalities isn't what I'm talking about, if a character gets way fucked up only to shrug it off with a couple scars shortly after I have a hard time believing characters are ever in genuine danger and thus don't particularly feel what's at stake
imagine if when Twice's arms got broken he actually did disappear
How'd you feel about the aftermath of dekus fight with muscular? Particularly his doctors telling him he will end up permanently crippled if he kept using them
what if they plugged their ears into eachother haha
>Twice and Toga both just fucking die and no one else in the League ever learns what happened to them
How come they never used these powers before when they were in desperate situations
The league of friends has so few members that losing one is a huge loss and it would impact in the development of the league as a cohesive unit, so I think Hori will dare, at best, to severe maim a few of them.
The heroes in training in the school, however, are too many and a few dying could reduce the cast when the rest decide to withdraw from school.
is it natural to want to fondle deku
Loud doing what?
What desperate situation has Twice ever really been in? He specifically stays out of big trouble cuz he was terrified he was a clone. The only thing stopping him from doing this was that mental block.
read the manga
It's perfectly fine. He was made to be bullied and humiliated.
How many children will they have?
If Toga drinks Tokoyami's blood, turns into him, and uses his quirk, what would happen? Dark Shadow seems to be a sentient, independent life form.
Would Toga's Dark Shadow also be sentient? If it is, would it have the same memories or be a blank slate? If Toga turned back to normal and then turned into Tokoyami again, would her Dark Shadow just go into stasis, or would it die and be replaced with a new one?
>Doujin of Jirou and her mom somewhere in public, secretly plugging their extremely sensitive earjacks together
Make it happen
Who said Jirou is female
When their HQ got raided when they were running from the heroes when they had to re-capture Bakugo when Toga was about to get exploded from the inside
she'd generate a cat Dark Shadow with an edgier version of her personality
what if i want to love him and take care of him
We see her in the female locker room and hot springs. So at the very least, she seems to think she's female.
I don't think so, it's obviously generated and taking cues from Toko, so at the very least they're mentally linked if not Shadow being a total subconscious extension of Toko's self.
I assume if Toga could replicate Toko's powers it'd just be generated from herself and disappear once she loses the ability.
Gross but alright. Deku appeals to degenerates like myself and vanillafags such as yourself. So waifu him up, go wild.
Toga x Twice is canon
Literally read the manga, the dude hasn't been sure he was the real thing since his doubles turned on him and he was scared of making more doubles of himself because they might kill him. But now that he knows hes the real one and wont die so easily he can go batshit with his quirk.
based, cute and canonpilled
delusional and schizopilled
I just want Jin to be happy
if toga loved him he'd be fucking dead
>into handholding shit with deku
>missionary position
How ironic and vomit inducing.
how about this
>on top of being cute and canon, it's also friends to lovers, the most kino tag
holy fucking based
He deserves a better lover than some girl who would suck his blood through a straw, don't you think?
it'd be like avatar
if twice loved toga he would have said so in this chapter, but nope, she's just a friend
Twice had a mental block. We were never shown Toga being in a situation where using somebody else's quirk would have gotten her out. On the other hand, she's been on the run for four years and the police haven't caught her, so maybe she's been escaping all this time by using quirks unexpectedly. Shiggy's power may have increased due to a month and a half of trying to take down Giga.
this, twice deserves a happy life
>she's just a friend
for now, imagine how they'll feel after she wakes up in his arms and realizes he saved her life
Yeah, that's pretty much what I expect a togafag to be into. Though if you're into loving dekus character and want the best for him then don't let me deter you.
And so do the other girls.
Like I said, i want him to be happy which means I don't care who he is shipped with as long as he is happy
i just think they're cute together
What happens between consenting adults...
Unironically based post. Twice has suffered enough, let the poor man smile for once
Seeing as how she's "fallen in love" with multiple people, she could also "fall in love" with Twice. He's probably be better off than the others on her list, seeing as he has clones to take the stabbings for him.
a twice without any blood is not a happy twice.
He loves her, and once she sees him bloody the feeling will be mutual between them. That's how shallow Toga is.
His broken arms?
Once she sees that beaten, bruised, bloody face, I'm sure she'll have a new obsession.
>i like you as a friend though
>a friend
he says that right after complaining that Dabi's fire is too cold and telling Deku that he's not supposed to kill him
Are you that scizo who self inserts as Toga then gets triggered whenever she's posted with other boys?
> Krumbs
dekuxmei animated when??
if that's just twice being twice, then twice telling toga that he loved her is also just twice being twice.
They do as much for me as deku x hatsume does, which is absolutely nothing.
Twice X Twice is canon .
personally it makes me feel extremely warm and happy
hori doesn't think so
This is a good point, you can't take anything Twice says to heart. Let's instead look at his actions from the last few chapters
He cried and cradled her body, and is now willing to fight and die knowing full well that she might not even be alive anymore
That's really good. Being in an ongoing series fandom like this it's always good to have an anchor to it.
will the LoV vs Deku and Co. be as destructive as AFO and All Might's fight at Kamino?
you can't trust twice's actions either, remember when he tried to take toga's jewelry off?
When will they go into the second year of school?
>remember when he tried to take toga's jewelry off?
he didn't, he told her it looked bad and then helped her put it on anyway
she already had the necklace on, look, he's undoing the clasp
There's only one cute and canon schizo, like it or not
i think both togadeku and izuchaco are cute and even when you call me names i still like your posts
Ok then you cool
This and BakuToga and let's add TwiceToga since that triggers the schizo to.
Probably after the LoV arc.
thanks, i like deku a lot and he'll always be super cute no matter who he ends up with
in the first panel that shows Toga with the necklace, the back of the chain is draped in front of her neck like she's sizing it up and hasn't put it on yet, then it cuts to Twice fiddling with it. He was helping her put it on
whatever, twice is still really creepy
cope, TogaTwice is cute and canon
Can't argue with that
>Twice is creepy because I don't like him
no he's old and the way he hits on toga is creepy and he probably smells like cigarettes, he's gross and he kinda reminds me of a really creepy guy who tried to flirt with me once
I want to give deku a swirly in a toilet.
i want to kiss deku without his consent
>that posting style
fuck off schizo
I want to fuck Deku's ass without his consent
I want to shove an electrified rod up Deku's ass, collect his cum in a jar, and sell it at a high price to a woman who wants her child to have a strong quirk.
I want to pour dirty water over his head while he's nosedeep in his studying.
imagine his tears as he begs you not to make him cum out of fear of One for All transferring.
You see, THIS is what we SHOULD be getting as doujins for this series. So many creative and degenerate ways to use all these different quirks, and instead we get more gay bakurape garbage
How about some extreme cosplay?
I'm trying to galaxy brain the villains' plan here
So they're trying to prove that the world doesn't need superheroes... by deliberately creating situations in which normal people would be driven to acts of heroism?
what if that guy was actually nice but you just think he was creepy because you have an irrational fear of older men
they're gun rights advocates staging a school shooting and then trying to stop it with CCW holders
kidnapping deku!
keeping him tied up in your closet!
taking him out only to use him for your pleasure!
dragging him to your bed so you can sleep with him!
forcefully marrying deku!
forcefully having a happy family with deku!
forcing deku to love you!
living a happy life with deku against his will!
I think this is the basic idea. They're legitimizing the ability of the average person with a quirk by taking down the most wanted villain group in the country
This speaks to me.
I don't think they have any issues with heroes, they just want the public to be able to use their quirks freely
the only thing that stops a bad guy with a quirk, is a good guy with a quirk
Equate quirks to guns
Shiggy wants to shoot everything
Destro wanted to arm the peoples and let them defend themselves
Overhaul wants to remove them entirely
blackmailing deku into holding your hand
Funny how schizos always rush to call people schizos.
>he doesn't know
desu Shiggy and Dabi are both like Twice in that they'd be ultra Chads if they didn't have all those unsightly scars. Hori does a good job of making scars actually detract from appearance, which for some bizarre reason is a problem a lot of artists have doing correctly.
Sort of, but they don't want to get rid of superheroes.
It's more like advocating for the right to bear arms. Like how the NRA aren't against cops, but they also want to be able to defend themselves if the cops are too slow to show up.
Toga was going to be framed as an example of how forcing people to repress their quirks is more dangerous than letting them use them, and the militia that was intended to stop her was going to be framed as heroes demonstrating what unlicensed good guys with quirks can do.
Gag. He deserves to be belittled and forced against his will.
bullying deku relentlessly and threatening to do worse if he doesn't hold your hand in public
This arc and the previous one about the pro heroes is phenomenal.
After getting overwhelmed with the kids having asspulls powers, it's good to see that the stakes are still there and that the villains are still able to stir some shit up.
everyone in this thread is special to me and i love you all even if we disagree on things sometimes
night togafag
nah they just want the right to shoot their arm cannons and lightning eyes in self-defense
love you lots
Meanwhile Hori is just playing with his new Kirishima doll
Stop enabling it, cunt
Is he going to tribute the figurine?
Kirishima would appreciate the protein.
>implying the NRA advocates for the right to bear arms
They just take money from retards and support every gun ban they can
imagine a horikoshi hotglue vid desu
>>watching him grit his teeth in shame as you begin to interlock your fingers with his, one by one[/ spoiler]
feeling his heart beat faster and faster as you lean in to kiss him
>Eleven (11) chapters without Deku in a row
>waah deku
How long were we dealing with pure, uninterrupted dekufuckery before now? Let us have some fun too, asshat.
Canāt wait until Twice and Toga marry each other
Too bad Twice is going to fucking die
Thatās what youāre secretly wishing, Decuck. But he is here to stay and make Toga happy and a mother.
Deal with it.
I like how you are trying to ruin these nice twice chapters we got with shipfaggotry.
Except Twice and Toga are canon.
I honestly mean I like it
Keep going. You are like Miriofag only for Twice.
>Decucks literally shit up every thread by shipping Deku with everyone
>When someone ships two characters without Deku they start crying
Literal faggots
I unironically think what you are doing is great.
Thanks buddy
Unironically overhaul is the best choice
The right to use your quirk. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>Kirishima is the type of guy to cum into his morning shakes for that extra dose of protein
headcanon accepted
The To Aru Verse with Index arguably being worse than all 3 spin-offs.
As far as the manga goes at least.
they are really cute annd feminine jacks
What can I do to get a son just like him?
looks like everyone is getting their back story expanded on as well as a power up as expected. most curious about Spinner. I like the Liberation Army more than the LoV, but it's clear they're all going to be dead by the end of this.
a "family" who view him as nothing more than a tool
Fuck off
10 at the very least
A lot of quirks have really bullshit ways to activate them, Ochako's quirk is just always on.
Pretty much
Like even if All For One worked for copied, she still wouldn't know about the "CLENCH YOUR ASS AND YELL SMASH" part of it
worked when* copied
When will mirio get his fucking quirk back
When the deus ex machina device learns to control her quirk and just fix everything in this manga.
>Kirishima stumbled over to Bakugou's side outside the dorms one evening, intent on asking him if he wanted to go spar
>when he realized that he had interrupted Bakugou in the middle of a quick piss in the bushes
>"Oh shit I'm sorry!" Kirishima blurted out in embarrassment at catching Bakugou in such a private moment
>Bakugou looked back, unaffected by Kirishima's intrusion
>"Sorry for what?" He looked down, aiming to make sure not to get any piss on himself, and then back up into Kiri's eyes.
>"Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks."
>Kirishima raised his eyebrows in surprise at Bakugou's words and gave a tentative smile
>Bakugou continued, not breaking eye contact, "Specially since they're such a good size and all" he nodded down at his package for emphasis
>Kirishima, took notice of how well endowed in fact Bakugou really was and replied with a smirk, "Yeah I see that, your Daddy gave you good advice."
>Bakugou stared at Kirishima and raised his chin suggestively, "It gets bigger when I pull on it..."
>Kirishima gave out an appreciative "hmmMMMMm..." at such manly, straightforward words
>Bakugou continued, "Sometimes, I rip the skin."
>Kirishima, now concerned for the well being of his best friend's dick responded,
>"Well MY Daddy taught me a few things too like, uh, how NOT to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth."
>Intrigued and aroused by this new information, Bakugou asked as he finished up and shook off, "Will you show me?"
>Kirishima, always happy to help a bro out in need, gave a cheerful grin
>"I'd be right happy to!"
>The duo exchanged an excited glance and a smile before walking off together
Is this supposed to be funny?
it's a reference
I know. Is it still supposed to be funny?
But that's protein from his own body, and it would be a net loss because his stomach acids would break some of the protein down.
Kirishima would just not jack off to conserve protein and have the other guys cum into his morning shakes to increase his protein intake.
>Kirishima would just not jack off
Then he wouldn't be able to concentrate at all around Bakugo
So it won't happen until the end?
I think it is
It is not. It was pretty bad.
>Kirishima would just not jack off to conserve protein and have the other guys cum into his morning shakes to increase his protein intake.
>mfw there's an honest to god, real fanfic out there where this exact scenario happens
well that's just like, your opinion man
That's because it was written by a fujoshit
Theyāre are all unfunny. I wish theyād just stop posting already.
And as we know, anything they write is complete trash.
It is the most prominent opinion here.
>two people samefagging is a prominent opinion in these threads
I samefagged entire opinions on these threads on my own
Two people is overkill
It is a bitter pill for you to swallow, isnāt it? That the gibberish you wrote is anything but funny.
>People didn't like my shitty fujo fanfic? It must be samefagging!
I don't know what to tell you if you're actually this insecure.
>two people
Go and stay go, fujoshit.
>two people samefagging
fuck off newfags
Yes. 2 people pretending to be 4 or more people.
Is that a difficult concept to grasp?
More like 2 fujos pretending to be 4 or more people.
You really are the minority here, and a hated one.
Seriously. I don't understand why it thinks fujofaggotry will ever be received well in these threads. It has to be really deluded and attention deprived to be posting that garbage here in spite of everyone else constantly shitting on it.
it least it got better material than spamming r63 shit and then screaming at everyone who tells it to stop
Everyone hating you hasn't stopped a single person from posting here ever.
Everyone hates Grapefag
Everyone hates Miriofag
Everyone hates the baiter
They all still post every day. Fujos aren't special in this regard.
this bitch probably stinks!
Does anyone know what she meant by this?
This ac has been pretty good so far and it just got REALLY good with Twice's development. This chapter especially was intense as fuck.
Mental illnesses are seriously really scary. It's essentially like living in a permanent nightmare, and it's clear to me that this is exactly what Twice was going through. It's hard to imagine if you're healthy, but people that have had bad trips on LSD can probably relate to some extent.
imagine a catfight between uraraka and jirou that ends with uraraka using her gravity powers to rip jirou's jacks off
This shit was fucking Kino. I love Twice's aesthetic when it gets serious about him.
It's like the manga suddenly becomes a gritty noir story instead of a superhero shounen
It might happen sooner. Eri builds up enough power, rewinds Mirio but goes too far. He gets his quirk back but now he appears to be the same age as her. Hilarity ensues.
It's not clear if that's going to happen before or after she's force to rewind AfO back to health and he and Deku have a city destroying fight to the death.
>no he's old
28. I believe.
His age has never even been hinted. Stop pushing your dumb >11 meme
Twice and Toga are so canon and I love it
I wonder how long Jin was homeless for.
>"When I say "fuck me," I mean FUCK ME, Midoriya! I don't give a fuck that we're in public and neither does my pussy! I've been pent up for too long! Now start unzipping, or I'll shove these jacks right up your ass!"
There is something poetic about the man that clones people also being the loneliest. Let alone how a broken arm got him into all of this, but a broken ar,m now also is what helped him recover his sense of self.
I canāt see Twice and Togaās children
Theyāre going to be so cute
Hug your Frogs please
I'm just glad Hori made it brain dead simple for people like me to finally understand WHY he wouldn't fight often and or make clones of himself if he is ACTUALLY scared of himself hurting himself.
It's become obvious hori has zero thought for any overall story and can only write chapter to chapter hence why every chapter either ends in
>guess I've got to use that
>person being one shot in background while other person delivers finishing line
I know shitposters are getting desperate, but this might be the worst post yet
fanfiction.net is that way dude -->
t. seething kamikek
sauce me
So far MLA has lost an upper echelon member and are in the process of losing tons of members while the LOV are getting power-ups. Why is the MLA so shit bros?
That's what extremism and religion does to your brain
Because they evidently think theyĀ“re dealing with psychopathic thugs.
>get fired for hurting some dumbass by accident
>Toga's parents as a whole
2 backstories, 2 victims of society more than anything
Is Japan really that horrible?
Toga's parents aren't even bad by Japanese standards.
lucky guy
Twice is not primarily a victim of society. He says himself that he was to blame for his situation more than anything else
here buddy archiveofourown.org
Twice is the retard who decided to become a criminal.
Deku is cancer
How was that not obvious from Twice's first flashback chapter in the Yakuza arc?
Why is that skinny longhaired boy threatening Midoriya
>How long were we dealing with pure, uninterrupted dekufuckery before now?
Deku hasnt done anything substantial since the Yakuza arc.
Give it up user, she's gone.
Really bad leadership.
Junior was able to build an impressive secret army, so he's got good organizational, promotional, and planning skills. But he is now sacrificing that army for what is basically a publicity stunt ("Citizens rise up and use their own quirks to defend their city from the LoV") based on bad information on and evaluation of the League. He should have done this much differently. But he didn't, he's not, and things are going really bad for his side because of that.
They don't have relevant character plot armor
So all the people who kept saying CC is stronger than All Might or close to his level.
Will you now admit you were wrong?
Now this is a froppy I want to hoppy
Fuuuuck... Dish looks great tho
because they based their plan on a psychological profile of the LoV, and are now finding out that that profile was wrong in ways they couldn't have possibly accounted for
life ain't that easy user
what's the point of saying this when literally the last chapter picked up a plot thread from 114 fucking chapters ago
>dont blame criminals
But even twice blames himself
Not merely psychological. Chitose said she'd been told Toga couldn't use the quirks of the people she duplicated, and so didn't realize the danger. Parka Guy seems to believe Dabi can't use his flames too long or too much; which would have to be the opinion of the LA in general, because otherwise sending swarms of troops at him would be imbecilic. They seem to be trying to overwhelm Shiggy, first with a double attack that didn't account for his speed, then with a mass attack that was defeated by chain decay. The LA's plans are based on faulty intelligence work and evaluation, and underestimating their emenies, and that's what's going to get them all killed.
the reason i droped mha (i was at ch214) is that after i got pisse off by ch213 i started to look more critically at the manga and ohh boi there are so many thing that you simply shouldn't think abaut in it
-1: ch213 turned deku into the fakeist mc af all time, he already had the quirk of all might,the strongest hero, but now he get's 6 more quirks that are also supercharged by one for all making tham way stronger than an average quirk
this makes basicly everthing the show stands for irrelevant, he could have easily became a batman type character with the tech we see in the mha manga but no, the lesen here is that you,random noone, can become a hero too... if you are the most lucky person in existance
the true underdogs are animal talky boi and sticky little buble fuck ffs
-2: All for one is quite possibly the most incompetent villain of all time, even if we ignore the fact that his motivations are stupid and look at him from just a fighters perspective he still sucks
he had years to learn how to use his quirk and how does this villain "master mind" fight against the guys that can't do shit other than punch? he goes in with his own physical attacks q-_-p
i can name mupltiple quirks that can 1shot all might: overhaul, erasure,brian washing and compress (a quirk one of his man has), some might say that victory wasn't his goal in that fight but that was deffinitly his goal in the fight 5 years before and i can name 4 quirks that we run into just in the manga so 100 years should have been more than enough to get 1
-3: the fucking quirk destoyer bullets are the most melodrama plot devices ever, they are less dangerous tha a normal bullet in every way possible but the viewer feels more danger from it than form a normal gun cause they feel that the mangaka might actually use it
in real life, no criminal would ever go for a super expensive bullet thathas less armor piercing capabilities and do less damage than average hand gun amo
The noise it makes gets me laughing every time
What the fuck
If I google this will I find a link to reddit or some other website you really shouldn't be on buddy?
Everytime I come back to these threads there's always some deal of lunacy that trumps the last one and I've been reading the manga since fucking 2015.
didn't bother reading the rest of your post, go back
>claims to have dropped it long ago but still reads threads about it.
>posts lengthy diatribe about how he feels the manga failed him.
Sorry, user, but you haven't dropped BnHA at all. It's still dominating your thoughts.
I want more Endeavor. Who gives a fuck about the League of Villains? Twice is the only interesting one and he's probably never getting any more significant attention again.
>Who gives a fuck about the League of Villains?
people who have taste and aren't fujos, fujo
sorry sir only nice thoughts are allowed here
Ok, I won't drop it because you did
Take it back, I fucking love this arc and the LOV
I kind of feel like after this arc is the perfect moment for a timeskip to mid second year.
>all of the sudden wonder what happened at the school festival
>second years have kouhai who admire them
>Eri spending time with recovery girl
>Deku learned to use the 5 other quirks
>Shiggy preparing to bust AfO out of jail
I don't dislike the manga but having everyone paraded around gets a little stale, it's starting to become like One Piece pretty quickly.
>I don't dislike the manga but having everyone paraded around gets a little stale, it's starting to become like One Piece pretty quickly.
What do you mean by this?
OP never really did something wrong, but every single little side character needs to have his own story explained with flashbacks and in excruciating detail.
I feel like even kids who read OP are sick of that. DBZ for all its flaws knew how to keep you interested beyond just sunk cost.
>some people hate deku but love bakugou
dont understand it, do you just love bullies?
But we have to see the big three graduate
fujos and power-levelspics aren't people
I think they just don't want to self insert as a victim, but the one who stands up for themselves. As we have seen before Bakugou became a little shit. He stood up to bullies of his own.
well too bad because this is the new one piece
I noticed that some authors can create asspulls and no one says anything. But series like BnHA get flamed to death. Why is Araki allowed to give someone a random convenient new ability with 0 explanation but another series can't do the same? Why do we make fun of one author but not the other?
because Jojo doesn't have a bunch of retards who have nothing better to do hatefollowing it
Because BnHA is too popular and mainstream, it's literally the current time Naruto.
It's a generally fun series with flawed writing and thus it gets hate for being hugely popular but not great.
JoJo doesn't take itself as serious. Its silly on all levels.
JoJo is also unique enough.
BnHA takes itself very serious and is as generic as shonen can get
the thread wasn't enough huh?
You need more (You)'s here as well. Well too bad.
People like winners
Is this a joke?
JoJo made shonen jump history by being the first series to kill its MC and has consistently subverted our expectations throughout the years. BnHA is just another generic piece of shit made to cash in on the Narutolike fad.
Are we getting a chapter next week lads?
t. brainlet
Bakugo is that guy who only gets handed pity wins and needs his classmates and teachers to praise every little thing he does to gloss over how insignificant his development and victories are. He's on his way to becoming an eternal loser like Endeavor because he's never going to catch up to Deku's 7 quirks.
I can get liking Bakugo in the beginning of the series because while he's a dick he had something to show for it. Now he's completely harmless and irrelevant and still hasn't beaten anything but students and fodder villains.
why would we not?
why wouldn't we? There's no break this week is there?
Jojo subverted my expectations so well I dropped it after the second episode.
No I'm not reading the manga.
Because its popular.
BnHA has like 1 asspull but get eating over everything it does whiles other series constantly pull stupid shit and nobody cares.
JoJo has been so extremely boring after part 2.
>Bakugo is that guy who only gets handed pity wins
This is a battle shonen
Bakugo won
people only care about winners in battle shonern
>BnHA has like 1 asspull
honestly, it annoys me more that people get worked up over the non-asspulls in later parts of the series while ignoring the fucking Shinso fight. That shit is the king of asspulls, neither Eri nor 7 quirks even gets close
Bakugo's victories are hollow and meaningless, it's been over a hundred chapters since he beat Deku and he has done jack shit other than fail an exam, babysit kindergarden kids, and beat students and a fodder villain. He's the true loser of the series, embarrassingly irrelevant and sidelined despite being the main rival.
>while ignoring the fucking Shinso fight. That shit is the king of asspulls
Thank you. I always hated how Deku answered him despite how he should know better
And then he gets the ghost to asspull him out of the state
To get brainwashed there had to be an asspull and to end it there had to be an asspull.
Shinso is fucking shit, I blame fujos for having shit taste and making him popular and Hori for pandering to that popularity and giving him his ""own"" training arc.
And yet he still is more popular than Deku or any other character.
Yes and? Shinso is popular, are you seriously trying to say that popular equals good?
popular definitely doesn't equal "true loser of the series"
the worst part is that Hori could have fixed the first asspull by just having Ojiro not tell him about Shinso's quirk and then explain it through a flashback, instead of turning Deku into a fucking retard for no reason
>Defeats Deku whiles Deku didnt even bother using dangerous %s
>Deku has defeated multiple murderous and overpowered villains
>but hurr durr he won the faggy emotional vent fight and walked way more battered than his opponent
Hating Deku is a meme
Look there is a reason Deku isn't popular and bakugo is crazy popular.
You spend the start of a story setting up things to pay off later.
The Shinsou match was fine because it introduced something that was expanded on years later.
Looks tasty as fuck desu
Deku is also popular with fujos don't kid yourself
If fujos really were that big of a fanbase Dabi would at least be top 10
>If fujos really were that big of a fanbase Dabi would at least be top 10
isn't he like 15 spots ahead of everyone else in the League?
Yes and I do attribute that to fujos.
But that is the point
dabi only gets fujos.
having Deku ignore his most prominent character trait just to have him get saved by a foreshadowing asspull was stupid as fuck. It would have been less retarded if happened
>If fujos really were that big of a fanbase Dabi would at least be top 10
>conveniently ignores hawks, worst jeanist ad shinso
What about them?
Hawks is popular not only with fujos. Jeanist is a popular voice actor in general and not just with fujos.
Shinsou isn't popular
Dabi is significantly less popular among fujos than Bakugo is, and even that small portion of them is enough to rocket him above characters that normal people like
>Dabi is significantly less popular among fujos than Bakugo is
Not really. He gets about the same bump of fujo popularity bakugo gets
He just doesn't have the underlying huge little boy fanbase that really makes all the difference.
Why isn't mirio more popular?
>Not really.
you're fucking delusional, the most popular ships in the series, period, are Bakugo's 2 fujo ships
This is the reason
>Hawks is popular not only with fujos
dont kid yourself
>Jeanist is a popular voice actor in general
Which is something only girls/fujos care about
He is strong-willed and that connect with people, plus he's not really a bad person or a bully anymore. Of course, he has his fault but those only make him more complex.
For the whole bullying issues, mistakes in your childhood don't define you, and even Hori himself said he went too far with Bakugo representation during the firsts chapters.
There is even a couple of chapter called "breaking Bakugo" and "BakugosĀ“s starting line" to show his reborn as a character.
>You got your quirk after 10 months of working out
>I was born with it
>that means you had it easier
Explain this logic.
I would buy that if Bakugo had ever apologized in any fashion
Like literally just the Sasuke "Yeah... sorry" would unironically be enough.
But instead Bakugo seems like a dick because he just seems like the same character and still stands by it and Deku seems like a cuck for never addressing it.
Yes let's ignore that AM's quirk is the best of all time
And he hadn't unlocked the others yet
>muh "explain this logic"
Back to school with you
>Yes let's ignore that AM's quirk is the best of all time
Even if true he still did more for it than Bakugo did for his quirk
In fact most people didn't do anything for their quirk. Bakugo was just born with. Even Todoroki where you could argue the quirk came with baggage was just born with it
Fundamentally Deku did infinitely more than anyone else.
>Even if true
Yes it's true that's why the pic is called hard truth
The point is that Deku barely worked in comparison to the others for a quirk that's literally the GOAT of all quirks
>The point is that Deku barely worked in comparison to the others for a quirk that's literally the
He worked at all for it.
That is more than Bakugo did. That is more than anyone but All Might did.
I am fine with you thinking its weak but the comparison is the part where you are just retarded. How did bakugo work for his quirk?
How old is twice?
I wish he was 28 so me and him could be a nice couple.
This doesn't explain why asspulls get overlooked in JoJo, retard.
So you two could 69, right?
Bakugou had to develop it from the ground up.
Deku has the way paved for him.
Hence from the pic
>you didn't grow
>you didn't improve
>you took a shortcut and gained nothing
>Bakugou had to develop it from the ground up.
He had to develop his body
That is something Deku also has to do
He has to improve his body to use the quirk like bakugo
The difference is bakugo was born with it and didn't have to do anything to have that quirk
>Deku has the way paved for him.
No it isnt since he can't use it automatically.
All Might before passing his powers is so damn powerful.
I can't get how much OP would have been AM in his prime (same for AfO)
And Deku will be even more powerful than that.
Shiggy won't be able to keep up
Deku only had to work on his body
Bakugou had to not only work on his body but on his quirk as well
There's no quirk wiki out there detailing how to develop his quirk
But there's tons of AM footage Deku has watched so he doesn't have to go through it
In that sense, Deku barely worked
>hating fujos
>when they're the ones keeping this manga alive with their merchandise money
ungrateful brats
>Deku only had to work on his body
He also has to learn to control OfA
>Bakugou had to not only work on his body but on his quirk as well
Same amount as they had one quirk
Deku now got 7 times the amount of work
>But there's tons of AM footage Deku has watched so he doesn't have to go through it
In that sense
Yeah i can watch MMA all day and I wouldn't be able to win a fight
That is not in any way how anything works.
> Deku barely worked
In relation to how much power he received maybe
In relation to bakugo no. He worked harder and more.
Yes. That's the jap fujos, the ones who keep quiet about their shipping and don't cram their ships down Hori's tweets nor random strangers on the internet. Western fujos like you and the ones in the thread can go fuck off and die in a ditch.
That's a cute deku
>stupid cash cows are the ones that make a series
Or the millions of other people who buy the fucking magazine and volumes?
Hail the prince of nonsense.
You're putting words in my mouth. Nobody said Deku didn't have to learn how to control OFA. It's that it's easier for him because the blueprint is mapped out and with the voices in his head training him, it's way easier than trial and error.
>Deku now got 7 times the amount of work
This is untrue. Otherwise Toga and people with quirks like hers have to be the shittiest quirk users in the planet with how many quirks they have to work on.
>That is not in any way how anything works.
That's how it works fag. If you worked out and tried hard to win amateur MMA fights you could do it.
>In relation to bakugo no. He worked harder and more.
Deku didn't have to invent moves on the fly or work on his arsenal because AM and 6 others before him already did.
>It's that it's easier for him because the blueprint is mapped out and with the voices in his head training him,
except he can't follow the All Might Bluebrint
Lets make this clearer. I don't think the message you are giving is wrong
I think Bakugo as the mouthpiece in that picture is beyond retarded
Not only did he less for his quirk he beforehand specifically had the view that if you don't have a quirk you shouldn't try
To have bakugo say this is beyond beyond retarded