What excuse do you need to rewatch End of Evangelion? Do you need an occasion for it or do you just fire it up any ol' time you feel like it?
What excuse do you need to rewatch End of Evangelion...
EVA is trash.
Seconds before that poor lawnmower gets tanged.
I watch it every other month
i watch it on new years eve.
I do a yearly rewatch of everything
eva and time it so I watch EoE on New year's eve
how is every frame of this movie wallpaper worthy?
I remember you from another thread user. I also watch EOE every year on New Year's Eve.
Evangelion is dogshit
Fuck the otaku vermin who obsess over it
your mom was drinking a lot when you were in her belly and it shows shit taste retard
You should be ashamed of liking garbage like Evangelion
Eva threads ladies and gentlemen!
OP here. I'm honestly not a fan of evangelion, but I feel like watching EoE again just for kicks I guess, there are finer points about it I can appreciate, even if I don't like the franchise as a whole. Just wanted to know what others' viewing habits for the move are.
>not a fan
>spends enough time watching a 26 episode series, plus a movie, and even puts in the effort to make a thread about
Which is it?
I've watched it twice. There are many small things I can appreciate about it, but over all in the big picture sense of things the story failed to form emotional connections with me, with one big exception. I could pontificate about all the things I don't like about it, but that's not really the purpose of this thread.
Everything above is why i love eva threads its like fucking Normandy beach in these you fuckers are always in constant waifu war and it is always enjoyable to see you fuckers seething
also rei is best girl
Is Evangelion a fucking cult?
This whole thread is an example of the justification that annho has to troll weebs
Quality banter, fellas.
Also look at how your digits are just one numbers place difference.
t. ironic weeb
once a year