Yu-gi-oh! Vrains

New season just started and the hype is big for Ai's human form voice.

Attached: Ai bullying lightning.jpg (600x319, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Can somebody post that Aoi and Yusaku sex pic from the pruned thread please? Failed to save it in time

What the fuck happened to the other thread? Deleting OP's pic was enough.

Attached: D7LWg5LXkAAI429.png (500x358, 291K)

Just check the archive


Maybe they thought that it was a hentai/porn thread.

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I'm so fucking glad a recap episode and new OP could make VRAINS so much more popular.

The amount of Ai and Roboppy fanart I've been seeing is overwhelming

I don't know how to find it. Can you post it in this thread and then let it die?

the problem was that the thread was made by an aoifag

Who was the artist of that pic?

There's no artist. It's a meme published in ygorg

Can soulburner really win this? This feels like kaiba just waiting for a rematch

Attached: 1558675633105.jpg (896x1107, 159K)

Thank you! Now delete it just in case

Too good to be a meme but thanks anyway

It'll be the Yuya vs Reiji R2 of Vrains

Attached: Takeru's mad-on for Revolver.jpg (1280x874, 219K)

SB will win Konami will make sure of it

Attached: backtonumba1.jpg (600x450, 84K)

I'll be going on a week-long cruise tomorrow so I won't be able to post/discuss with you guys in these threads for that time.

Attached: rebeW_ijnihS.png (1280x720, 539K)

Fall overboard.

reposting Blue Angel gun pic

Attached: revolver btfo.png (1400x1000, 363K)

Is she going to come back?

Attached: thank you see you.png (1280x720, 955K)

Attached: DM ep 3.jpg (480x360, 19K)

We might as well say goodbye to the future bee force support.

Can’t wait for her to make a forced reference to the sandwich vs not a sandwich debate -_-

Attached: Jim Crocodile Cook.jpg (640x480, 176K)


>dub of a recap

Good ride and enjoy it user!
Don't wish dangerous things, user

Attached: Ash, Farmgirl, Witch, Wemko and Junon.jpg (2500x1695, 2.23M)

Wait? The new villain is Ai in a human form?



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I kind of understand Ai turning into a main antagonist, but why Robouppi too?

>worst mc
>worst rival
>worst main gil
>worst ace monster

It's a companion. Also Aoi needs someone to duel.

Robouppi has been Ai's lacky for like the whole show its just not much a fucking roomba can do.

>Aoi needs someone to duel.
It's not much of an achievement to beat somebody who was created for the sole purpose of sucking.

Ai can design good cards though. Just look at firewall dragon.

Will Yusaku cure his autism this arc?

I don’t think you can do that if he stays undefeated.


Attached: there's still hope.png (1280x720, 963K)

All characters in vrains were created for the sole purpose of sucking but Yusaku and Takeru

I'm really amazed how everyone seems to love Ai's human formjust as mich as I do. When I first saw the spoilers of the secret characters I was far more interested in the left one but when they were revealed it was Ai that did really break the fanbase. He's so fucking handsome, I can't wait to hear him speaking and dueling!

Attached: Ai clay.jpg (910x1024, 126K)

Losing to Ai and/or Aoi will cure it.
It's basic math:
Autism x Autism = Two somewhat less autistic people

How about Go?

While I want it to happen, I don't see them actually pulling through with a Yusaku vs Go final manly showdown

After seeing all the garbage hairstyles, including the Main characters, of course I was gonna end up shocked by this absolute unit and his maid looking fine as fuck.

Reminds me of something that happened in this really old JRPG I use to play, Okage.

wait, what happened to the other thread?

Dumbass used a very ecchi post

He has to Go back

This is pretty much a signal that Ai is going to die at the end of the arc

How else can Go get over it?

But similar pics have been used in previous threads, haven't they?

>worst mc
>worst rival
As a rival probably jack.
>worst main gil
>worst ace monster

>worse Gil
How dare you

And ya, jack was badly contextualized as a rival but seemed like he was going on an interesting character arc.

Than yoshida had him say the line and All hope was lost.

At least his soul was burning.

>worst rival
you mean DM where Kaiba just jobbed all the time?

People are just hoping he'll lead to Yusaku actually developing in a natural way.

Is anything truly natural with card games?

I want all avatarfags(you know who you are you little shitstain) do die a slow and agonizing death

I love you too user!

Attached: EGAO.jpg (600x600, 113K)

Should she wear a longer skirt?

Attached: skirt.png (1280x720, 793K)

Yo idk if anyone caught on to this yet but THE FUCKING COLLAR

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>Queen's always been the original Soltis
>the robot in the OP is her real form
>the AI takeover has been a thing since season one

When a girl want to have a boy look at her, maybe start hitting on her to eventually fuck her, she has to wear the less clothes possible. Skirt and jacker or dress with legs/thighs visible are the best ones.

>getting butthurt over avatarfags

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Just how long will I have to wait to see my boy get some love? FUCK.

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I noticed that too. Is she actually an android?

In the dubbed version she is wearing leggings, 4kids strikes again

Attached: eE73hDb2TKs0HKkdeTyW3rxm-wLxuoh5y697NNd5yb0 (1).jpg (1200x628, 99K)

>implying leggings arent even sexier

It's like with Ladybug, I feel more horny just by that shit

How does this work with blue maiden?

Here. VRAINS will end and we still wont have a source

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Blue Maiden is when she is not interested.

Blue Maiden is her signaling to Playmaker by dressing like him

Where's the insanity?

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That only works when the character has thicc thighs or there’s any fanservice at all.

You mean like this?

Attached: emma's thighs.png (1280x720, 445K)

Seriously, Ai's human form has made everyone hype for VRAINS to levels i would never dream possible. Right now VRAINS is as popular as DM and considers the best Spin-Off if Twitter is anything to go by

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I haven’t watched since episode 38. What’s the best way to catch up? Watch every episode? Do they have a bunch of recaps I could see instead?

God I want to fuck emma so badly

Too lewd

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Agreed. Is like a completely different show now

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>We are getting more altergeist possibly in the future due to the opening
I thought they were done with that jobber deck?

Believe in the best character of VRAINS

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You shall be missed

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What will the human forms of the other ignis look like?
>Aqua has a huge ass that gets stuck in the doorway and Earth has to help her get unstuck gag.

VRAINS Timeskip spoiler

Attached: D6oAxPQW4AAyXJn.png (350x525, 129K)

>Best spin off

What has Vrains done to be considered best spin off? This series has almost nothing going for it

Earth will literally just be possessing Go

I miss her original form

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So does flame and Akira and Ai

Attached: e30a8fd8c79eff18b82243c32212cccd.jpg (736x414, 56K)

Next time she'll be the one giving something to Yusaku

Attached: D3oyApAU0AEQesS.jpg (465x1000, 50K)

>Implying it won't be Yusaku and Revolver adopting a child
Forced romance that goes nowhere.

Attached: 374620.jpg (873x770, 143K)

Can you not read? They're saying that Human Ai has inflated Vrains popularity


Attached: 1497734492570.png (606x2048, 1.54M)

He's saying that Twitter thinks Vrains is the best.

>unzip pants

Try harder with your bait next time

Who could have guess to make VRAINS interesting the writers only needed to make Ai and his loli the villains?

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>all this posting
It reminds me when people posted all this Yuya and Yuzu lewd. Keep it going this time we win for sure

Because of Human Ai

People think Yusaku and Aoi will be the couple of the season when in reality is gonna be pic related

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I have a strong suspicion that Akira’s Gonna end up like Jack.

She will. It has been foreshadowed since the Akira duel she is his path to happiness

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Ai is the savior of VRAINS

Attached: AI VS PM.webm (852x480, 970K)

That wouldn't cut it. Revolver's even more obsessed with the future than Yusaku and has a strong attachment to his father.

No source yet?

Take a load of this faggot

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He'll stay irrelevant for the rest of the series. That's Karma for you Jinfags.

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I must confess 100+ episodes ago when he debuted I didn't realize Ai will go and become the single greatest Ygo character

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Beach episode when??

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Neos is useless user, it only looks cool

Don't you guys think Ai and Roboppys "human" designs look very Arc V-y ?

Attached: Have a drink for that.jpg (594x680, 107K)

I can't wait to see this blow up in their faces.

Attached: totally exciting and not boring autistic date.png (1280x720, 968K)

Well, in the first season some people speculated he was going to betray Yusaku, and well, they were right somehow

>Do they have a bunch of recaps I could see instead?
First episode of S3 (This week) is a recap with everything that happened in S2. Watch it and hop on

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Everyone knows this is how VRAINS will truly end

Attached: D7Ou4ROUYAAi-EB.jpg (900x1200, 134K)

>Keep it going this time we win for sure
We already won before (Two times). This would make it the third

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This was all part of Yoshida Keikaku

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I always thought he was good. From the get go, they immediately establish the partner as the aloof one instead of the MC, which is a contrast to all other partners in the past Yugioh. This also made the suffering in the end of Season 2 all more genuine.

Attached: Fault.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

It honestly has to be. Takeru thinking beating Revolver will settle anything is delusional, this guy needs a wake up call.

I could see Yusaku's son and Revolver's daughter.

Can’t wait for the soup episode

that's a man baby

God I would fuck Fem Yusaku so hard

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Attached: dfgh.jpg (768x1024, 536K)

This is the type of stuff I love to see
Oh boy
Gonna be realistic, that may not happen
Why can't we have more Aoi instead of Blue *insert name*
>check the yugioh doujin
>oujane Kaze did a new work
Holy shit BASED.
True that!
Never sadly. I will eventually try to color that

Attached: IM READY.jpg (1116x1023, 1.02M)

When the first key visual dropped and I saw Ai, I couldn't help but think "I'm going to hate this annoying little shit so much", but damm the dude is amazing.

It won't

Attached: 63408676_p0.jpg (2039x2894, 3.9M)

>Early S1 : I don't feel friendship
> Late S1 : we are NOT friends but I trust you baka
>Early S2 : I sorta appreciate these people... I guess we are kinda friends
>Late S2 : in the name of friendship I'll DESTROY Bohman

Where's his character arc heading next?
Beyond Zetsubo of course

Attached: Character development.jpg (679x862, 126K)

So when's his duel?

Attached: bury you.png (1280x738, 662K)

stop looking at her Yusaku, look at me
girls are temporary, dueling is forever

Attached: piggu.png (183x254, 63K)

What will his role even be? Is he still a SOL Bounty Hunter?

I felt that way with Naoki and I was correct. Good thing something like a VR MMO could fix this by having a same character but with a completely better looking character design. Frog and Pigeon also felt this way, too, but they end up being based.

Attached: frog and pigeon on avatars.jpg (1231x2060, 191K)

Have no ones noticed there hasn't been a single sign of incest in VRAINS so far? It adds up to the theory that Yoshida was kidnapped

Attached: 68377331_p0.jpg (1707x1190, 1.77M)

remember how villains used to lecture yusei about dancing?

Attached: 1485622128522.png (916x495, 569K)

Did you just forgot Aois whole character?

Attached: 401abea5f99892284eef43c7fe21f2d8.jpg (600x501, 87K)

You do realize Akira wants to fuck his sister, right?

I don’t really get that vibe from him. More big bro turned concerned father type.

Hmm no? Akira is work sexual

Based on the new opening it seems Yoshida was kidnapped or he is on vacation

Soulburner is Jounouchi, and Revolver is Kaiba, so no. SB will lose to him easily.

No, he quit a long time ago. SOL wants him to capture the Ignis for their research. He wants to destroy all AI. Revolver even tried to get him to join Hanoi, but BS didn't want any of that bs.

>Ai alone by himself has caused this much hype within the comunity.
I can't wait to see what we will react like when more ignis get human forms. This is way better than getting the weakest and most useless lost children, aka Jin Miyu and the wind kid.

Attached: Ai human.jpg (1024x540, 42K)

Alone? Are you just going to ignore the next big wave of autistshipping?

not when earth's the most likely to come back.


>I can't wait to see what we will react like when more ignis get human forms.
I doubt we'll see them or Punished Ai doesn't make sense. Anyway im ecited to see how Ai goes from clumsy to smug OP duelist

Attached: D7Map0mXsAEPtGW.jpg (1200x675, 101K)

I'm guessing BS will probably be dueling those SOL bots then.

I'm so hyped for seeing them in human forms, and everybody will go crazy when that happens. Look at how many threads we have got with just the new opening (and it was mostly a recap), everybody is excited. I don't think the LI kids would have achieved this level of excitement.

Well, they have to use their human form to avert attention away from them. Remember, Sol Technology is looking for this goofy looking AI, not a pretty boy that might have been made by an ugly human.

Attached: 64-644076_yu-gi-oh-vrains-yu-gi-oh-vrains.png (895x843, 157K)

>Implying next episode won't be AI being super silly while trying to act cool for Roboppy and keeping his regular voice

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Attached: the kuriboh problem.jpg (1239x2037, 232K)


Attached: Hyuk hyuk hyuk.gif (500x620, 524K)

>Yusaku summons Linkuriboh against Ai
>Linkuriboh gets sad
Can't wait for this to happen


Attached: BIGLOVE.jpg (3692x4000, 1.39M)

Im so glad human form of Ignis looks nothing like AI form
Most gijinkas are ugly because they look like the goofy AI

Calling > Gay Forward > With the Wind

Well, it would have been obvious for the hunters that are seeking Ai if he did that. At the very least, I don't think Playmaker has that problem, anymore.

>You realize Roboppy won
F for best ship

As a not plot twist AI looks like an older version of his "parent" Yusaku

Attached: download.jpg (264x191, 8K)

Do you have a link to the artist for this? Love this picture.

Do you still love him?

Attached: bohman.png (853x482, 277K)

>Takeru now calls Jin by his first name.

Attached: JIN CONFIRMED.jpg (1041x588, 73K)

Revolver, why are you in this compilation image?

He just knows shoichi well now.

Linkuriboh was always Ai's pet, it was never going to win.

>all these delusional revulvafags actually thinking revulva can beat chadburner
lmao keep dreaming, CHADBURNER is here to teach you a lesson

Who has the best pose?

Attached: OP 3 duelist.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Based Roboppy

Attached: Roboppy19.jpg (768x768, 105K)

>ruining this image with shitvulva

Revolver because I like how flashy those Xs are, and his dragons follow him off the screen. Also eye.

Attached: eye.jpg (1272x699, 65K)

>Shinkan for Inti
>Shinkan for Wiraqocha Rasca
>Shinkan for Quilla
What do you think Godwin's other two new cards will be? I'm guessing a Field Spell that can pop Inti/Quilla.

Attached: Godwin 3/5.png (1027x500, 1016K)

>best character of VRAINS

Attached: Face of Zaizen Aoi.png (402x412, 116K)

Attached: 1541033989581.png (1600x900, 1.6M)

>Miageta oozora ga aoku sumikitte yuku
>Tozashita mado wo hiraku koto wo kimeta

>drop one set card in the first turn

Attached: Go Onizuka's First Turn Play.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

Brave Max is unironically the best character in Vrains

Nani, what? Where?

Do you even need to ask?

Attached: DjCcQVGU4AAsgRC.jpg (660x1200, 117K)

He is easily the worst user. Your post doesn't even work as bait

No he said aoi and akira should stick to the light. Or something like that.

Inti and Quilla want an opponent to attack them, not be bland "pop me" cards. As for the remaining cards, I expect the cards to be divided between supporting Inti/Quilla and Earthbound Immortals, as Godwin was about wielding both powers. Something to force the opponent into attacking would do wonders, but the deck needs good draw power.
Now if only my boy Sergey would get his cards printed so I can have a real Earthbound deck and not an Incan pretender.

Attached: Go Onizukas Dueling.png (1051x294, 355K)


Attached: SoulburneREEE.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)


>Inti and Quilla want an opponent to attack them
They do, but that's slow (especially with MR4 and the new cards' Synchro-only restrictions) and doesn't offer them much protection. I think what they could get the most use out of would be something that offers Quick, simultaneous destruction.
>Chain to removal to protect Inti/Quilla
>Pop Supay/Oracle/Apocatequil and get their effect

>i won't make anyone sad anymore

Attached: sad maiden.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

>they immediately establish the partner as the aloof one instead of the MC

You mean the other way around, right?

Let her be the genocidal one.

Attached: 1558664691323.png (1280x720, 753K)

>I came here to kick ass and clean floors, and these floors look pretty clean.

Will Ai do Marik and/or Yuri faces?

Only as a goofball joke.

I hope, VRAINS has a surprising lack of those

>not a cute boy

why was Ai mourning Lightning?

he is literally the reason the others are dead


Its a dude

Everything wrong in this timeline is Lightnings fault yes
But he is still "family"

Attached: bd99f2f1c800289d2b6beebde245af48.jpg (639x845, 121K)

Because, asshole or not, Lightning was family. It's not his fault that he was born defective but literally everything else is

Maybe he knows something we don't know yet about lightning.

Attached: Lightning Loops.jpg (750x1169, 240K)

He was with lightning since his birth and lived in harmony with him for years, on top of that he was one of like 5 of his kind and now he gone alongside the rest of them.

>inb4 that's somehow Lightning's fault, too

>always relevant
>has a playful personality
>useful, even though when she is a jobber
>acts like the big sister to Aoi
>that entire subplot and background story with Blood Shepard
>Fine ass body
Can we agree that Ghost Girl is one of the best Yugigirl in the series?

Attached: emma.jpg (1263x711, 76K)

Beyond Aki she has no competitors to be the best Yugigal period

>Lightning fucking with Jin during the lost incident messed with Ryogami's data collection
>thus Lightning was made with incomplete and/or faulty data
I think you're onto something, especially considering Jin was literally the worst off after the LI. Although Yusaku's pretty autistic at least he can talk to people, and he didn't need to be thrown into a nursing home.

Lightning is the Dikeido of Yu-Gi-Oh

Attached: ONORE DIKEIDO.jpg (704x396, 20K)

She cool but I wish she had more flaws
No, losing duels isnt flaws

Where's the boom?

Attached: virus bomb.png (1280x720, 608K)

shhh the duel police are asleep

Attached: nee kikasete.jpg (1280x720, 483K)

that sweet wonderful quality of the episode was gorgeous, so much attention to details as he laughed and his monster blinking

Attached: yuseifudo.jpg (640x360, 19K)

Please correct me if I am mistaken, but how come Emma is so much better character than Aoi when Aoi is supposed to the main girl. I love Aoi, but I admit Emma has been written better and I feel she has got a better treatment too. What are the writers doing?

Having good taste

Aoi's not supposed to be a hacker.

Virus don't go boom.

Especially when they’ve been tensionless as fuck.

Someone at the writing staff is probably waifuing her.

Attached: Emma aka Ghost Girl.jpg (575x825, 653K)

Then why didn't make her a hacker or why didn't they make Emma the main girl? Don't know what the writers were thinking about when they decided to make Emma more useful than Aoi, unless they plan to give Aoi better writing this season.

Have to have some character diversity. She's like a princess or something, she shouldn't know about hacking stuff. Takeru and Go aren't hackers either.

Aoi is an E Celeb, which is quite fitting with the setting the show is at. This only prove how useless they are.

I think the cool older sister dynamic she had Emma and Aoi had was nice. Shame they did fuck all with it.

Yeah but Go doesn't outshine Yusaku. The thing is that Emma has proven to be more useful than Aoi and that overshadows Aoi who is supposed to be the main girl.

Not really true. Emma sort of stalls things and Aoi gets to be a hero sometimes.

>overshadows Aoi
She doesn't get to duel enough for that.

Could you fuck off please?

Maybe not in terms of duels, but in terms of usefulness yes. Imagine how much she would overshadow Aoi if she had more screentime

>Emma has proven to be more useful than Aoi
They're both pretty useless.
>Hey, let's chase after Playmaker like last season because, uh...
>I'll protect the Ignis and get a new outfit and nope I'm just here to give Aqua and Earth to Bohman
>Here's a virus bomb we need because reasons

>looks like loli/shota
>will have oneesan voice
Whoever made this casting was genius.

A lot of her usefulness seems to be as a means of conveyance for other characters.

How will Yoshida fuck over the women this season?

The real question is how he'll screw over every character that isn't yusaku or ai.

He won't make his OC soulburner get fucked over. He will make sure good things happen to him until the time is needed for him to go for the season. I bet Soulburner will beat Shitvulva somehow.

To be fair, Yusaku really has nothing to lose, now. Ai, for the most part, was the sole reason why he CAN'T lose. Yusaku lose, he lost Ai.

>I bet Soulburner will beat Shitvulva somehow.
It could end in a way no one's particularly happy. Like what Lightning did in that last duel.

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No more user...

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Not him.
Hey I just figured she’s there to tone down Akira like what Aoi and Ai are for Yusaku’s autism. Balance. Also cheeky fan service.

This whole anime feels very “convenient” I think the OC aspect of the cards is just a tier under the stupidity of DM yugioh

She is into, user..

Attached: Can (not) beat it.jpg (1280x1811, 305K)

And there goes another thread

Are you ready for more muscled out monsters.?

Attached: goukis.png (1280x738, 1.08M)

>No more Dinowrestlers

Can someone tell me why Ai is going to be evil now? Is it because of the opening? Openings and endings can always lie.

Attached: 68611565.jpg (666x800, 427K)

ai chose the path of sticking with humans at the cost of his ignis pals, and bohman told ai that he hopes ai doesn't regret that decision and clearly ai is having little regrets and probably will try to bring them back and im sure those robots will be useful for his plan

>Can someone tell me why Ai is going to be evil now?
The next episode will tell us. Most likely involving the Queen.

His savage spirit has been calmed. There's no need for them currently.

Not sure what endgame is yet, but he's debuting in his new form by taking violent revenge on SOL, and there's been a lot of foreshadowing for some kind of android uprising. He might end up going overboard in his attempts to revive the ignis and rebuild A.I. society and create an army that threatens humanity, then feeling obligated to defend his species. Still not sure how he and Yusaku could end up so strongly on opposite sides though

I would assume that his new form is to blend in with the mmo crowd so SOL doesn't detect him.

How come excode and shootingcode are at the bottom of this pile?

Attached: yusaku's cards.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

I bet Aoi is sucking on that hotdog she got right now

They are gonna get extended
Aoi X Yusaku is forced as fuck. Yusaku is probably gonna have revolver's child in the future most likely or something.

It must be nice to have the technology to buy virtual cards then get them in real life.

Attached: decode talker being made.jpg (1264x710, 84K)

He literally goes face to face with a SOL executive in person next episode

>Aoi X Yusaku is forced as fuck.
It's goddamn card game anime. What do you expect? Romantic chemistry isn't even good in shoujo.

What killed the hype, bros?

If Revolver (the so called rival of this series) shows even a small sign of struggling against Soulburner (the so called Joey of this series), then he has absolute no chance against chadmaker and should give up all hopes of trying to rematch him

Who is the "joey" of each series anyway?

and thinking about him

Attached: hotdog.jpg (1280x1280, 1.05M)

I don't know, Jack, the rival, literally almost love to his girlfriend and had to use FEELING to not lose that fight.


evil influence gives boost in power

Jack also lost to this guy

Attached: Andre.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Yoshida ran out of ideas so now he's going to copy Nasch's character arc for AI. This whole arc is probably going to be aping the Barian's arc like crazy.

Is that how duel writing works?

Wasn't there one of these with the Yus and Rus

there's still hype

Attached: bohman punch.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Attached: Battle of the Code Talkers.webm (853x480, 1.68M)

Is the shota with human AI Roboppy?

Did the last villain really have to be a clone?

what's so bad about being a clone of chadmaker? at least we know he will be competent

>It's literally Merlin and Artoria/Arthur

that was Bohman V2

I wonder if that's just Decode Talker in another skin like the Dark Magician Arkana had or it's actually a completely different Code Talker

Soulburner is Playmaker's clone and nobody bats an eye


The fatefag is trying to communicate something but I can't tell what with all the dicks in his mouth

Because he's not his final enemy.

Evil version of protagonist's deck is pretty kino honestly. He has that weird pegasus thing as his ace if you want something new

That probably windy. We still haven't seen Fire, Water, Light, and Earth.

That white mirage stallio looking thing?

Yeah, the opening set it up as a counterpart to Darkfluid, so I'm guessing it's a Link 5

Attached: CHAD CYBERSE.jpg (1280x1440, 450K)

Is that green monster a wyvern?

Nah, it's a pegasus. You can see the side view in the next ep preview.

Zexal is now my favorite YGO series. Holy shit everything about this episode was perfect.

Attached: [NACSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal II 096 (1280x720).mkv_snapshot_21.22_[2019.05.25_03.16.54].jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Bros.. I miss him so much..

Attached: BestBoy.webm (852x472, 2.57M)

haru old, boring, and busted
roboppy new hotness

rude and mean


Fuck off, LIkidsfag.

To be honest, Bohman almost completely killed my interest in this show. Human Ai managed to brought it back for now.

>not watching it when the season ends and avoiding the franchise in all media to avoid spoilers
S2 was great to me. Though I can see how people who had to wait a week to watch a new episode might have gotten tired.

I cant wait to shitpost on all you fags who believe Ai will save the show but nothing changes.
Also I hope they use the same voice for his human form as for his ignis form just for all the fucking SALT that would immediately cause.

Yeah that episode was a wild ride.
Absolutely made all the previous filler episodes worth it for getting us to that point.

the only people worth shitposting are irlfags, jinfags, miyufags, restoflostincidentchildrenfags, chesspiecefags

Evil HERO Sinister Necrom
Level 5 DARK Fiend Effect Monster
1600 ATK / 1800 DEF
-You can only use this card name's effect once per turn.
(1) You can banish this card from the GY; Special Summon 1 "Evil HERO" monster from your hand or Deck, except "Evil HERO Sinister Necrom".

Attached: Evil HERO Sinister Necrom.jpg (1050x740, 206K)

Wait what the fuck is going on here thats an actually good Evil Hero card.

>Also I hope they use the same voice for his human form as for his ignis form just for all the fucking SALT that would immediately cause.
You must be pretty dumb if you think that aspect of all things is some major salt inducing issue. But that's to be expected from some rando shitposter.

So, are the rest of evil heros also gonna be infected/posessed versions of old heros? I loved how the original designs looked like psychos and demons.

>Only 3 days since the episode aired.
It felt like a month, and we're still 4 days away from the next episode. I want it now!

Attached: 1558526181957.png (890x900, 221K)

>That final usage of Shingetsu's catchphrase
>No Yuma/Astral thing after the credits

Attached: screenshot0108.png (1280x720, 679K)

Attached: Vector.jpg (1280x720, 542K)

Here we go, guys. Tell me stuff to draw.
Rules: No genderbend, no yaoi/yuri

Attached: 20932152.jpg (544x544, 102K)

Soulburner and Revolver fighting over which hotdog condiments are best.

Your favorite male YGO character in a tuxedo

Draw Roboppy beating Playmaker in a duel

Attached: Roboppy07.jpg (1091x1150, 128K)

Requesting Aqua trying to put on pants that clearly don't fit her

Chaos Goddess on a stroll with Northwemko, both of her wolves on a leash, and Chaos Goddess is looking away to bestow power upon Earthbound Super Priest, who's dramatically on his knees.

Attached: 306_21.jpg (750x511, 85K)

This scene from Disappearance but with Yuya and user.
>I'll ask one last time. Answer clearly. Didn't you find watching Arc-V, and being dragged into Arc-V threads fun?

Attached: 1472678279634.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

A Dinowrestler but as an actual Dinowrestler.
e.g. Pankratops as a normal Triceratops

Attached: 811uWsT-+cL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 17K)

woops, mean't Dinowrestler as an actual Dinosaur

Wow thats early!
Northwemko in a maid outfit. But I may be late haha.

Attached: 1545556509025.png (544x544, 736K)

This but Revolver punching Soulburner

Attached: bruh.jpg (540x304, 46K)

Oops, posted wrong picture for context

Attached: 330_94.jpg (894x894, 144K)

Revolver getting burned by Soulburner

Draw crow petting full armor master and then regular armor master in the background with a sad look on his face in a nest if possible

How will he get his new avatar?

Attached: 1534968049441.jpg (1920x1080, 137K)

The new Ai and Roboppy human designs are really nice, would love to see them in your style. Maybe the two of them hanging at the hot dog truck with Yusaku?

Aoi sitting next to yusaku on the brench while asking him if he likes fortnite

Summon sorceress love please, she deserve love and fuck banlist and anyone who say otherwise

>Summon sorceress love
If it's Summon Sorceress, it'd have to be masturbation.

No sex or fap

Does she need a duel?

Attached: 1558523364256.png (1280x720, 552K)

A Gishki shitposting about the Gusto

Attached: Duel_Terminal_lore.png (721x430, 455K)

Do not bully Caam

The whole bohman mystery/memory twist was such wasted potential. Shit characters.

Bohman was alright. Didn't need the kusanagi duel though.

Bohman ate up a bunch of time he didn't need to.
>I'm the real [Playmaker's name which I never use]! Let's duel for two episodes!
>It's time for the final duel! A two episode fina- nope it's a tie and I'm not Revolver so we'll have to play again later.

They already established that major villains would take yusaku ten episodes to duel.

Not that user, but I think the number of eps/duels isn't the problem, it's what they do during those eps. Bowman's first two duels are rendered pointless because there's zero progress made on who he is as a character.
>1st duel: unknown guy with no memories
>2nd: "I'm you!" "That's false and here's why" "Welp back to square one."
Only at the third duel does he stop being a blank slate and have an identity, but by then it's too late for me to care for him as a character.

Also his personality feels too mild-mannered(?) for a villain. But that's a whole other issue entirely.

shark & sora are the new charcter ?

rip onizuka, you didnt even appear in flashback

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 05 [480p].mkv_snapshot_11.25_[2017.06.16_02.04.44].jpg (848x480, 51K)

Every LI children should duel at least once.

A mild-mannered villain can work, but he never really felt like a threat. There was no concrete plan, and even the "we're gonna lord over humanity" thing was just Lightning's idea. Maybe if they introduced the Neuron Link earlier.

But kawasumi ayako voices aqua not robopoppy

When I think about it, I wonder if she just lose in all of the dueling during her kidnapping.

nd: "I'm you!" "That's false and here's why" "Welp back to square one."
I think this is more of 5Ds wanking. Lot of stuff in season 2 was just that. Hell, even the monster that was meant to bring hope is literally a Link Shooting Star Dragon.

Attached: Firewall Dragon Darkfluid.webm (666x372, 2.96M)


Attached: Chadmaker (2).png (489x900, 342K)

He didn't really do anything. There were many times that they could of establish his character or make him care for Bohman, but they didn't. They rush it all in one episode and he got genocide by a pop star.

They look nothing alike and the only effect they share is that they both can attack multiple times.

He should have dueled Yusaku instead of Bohman in either PM vs Bohman 1 or 2.

May or may not be Vrains

Attached: Plane in the Vrains?.jpg (1237x762, 60K)

I bet all my shekels on it being Ai vs Queen next episode.

Be prepared to lose all your shekels because Kusanagi literally says cruise ship in the preview, and so did the summary spoilers.

Should've had a duel against BM with her brainwashed instead of yet another Bohman duel.

we already had that.

Attached: tree crash.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>no clue. Shark?
>didn't watch Arc-V yet

Yeah, I'm sure that would have had emotional weight.
>Oh no, Aoi has to duel Whatshername, that girl she completely forgot about!

It a tie between Johan and CHAZZ, to be honest. CHAZZ end up beating one of the many rivals, anyway.

It's edo if you listen to marketers. But it should be Sho probably,

Attached: 1543299491350.jpg (1280x461, 167K)

Its suffering that the card this badass isn't going to be real for years, if ever.

Attached: CommandroneDoubleSniper-OW-NC.png (380x328, 143K)

>didn't watch Arc-V yet
Crow, again


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I wonder if there'll be another synchro summon.

>for years
more like never

It's not fossils.

Bohman himself was meh, but the arc was worth watching for Lightning. He was a really well-characterized pathetic villain. Jesus they really dropped the ball on everything else though. Haru did nothing, the newly introduced characters (Lost Incident victims and other Ignis) barely got any development, Go regressed in character development so they could replace him with Soulcuck and shill Salamangreats, Takeru had the most boring and forced arc and relationship with Yusaku, etc. God I'm glad it's over, even if it was good for worldbuilding

>Go regressed in character development
No he didn't.

Attached: someday.png (1280x738, 835K)

To me most things in S2 felt forced, the introduction of Soulburner and how he beat everyone and you have to like it because buy Salamangreats, the 4 duels Bohman vs Yusaku, how the writers wanted to make Bohman look like a threat when he never was, making Lightning reponsible for literally everything bad that had happened, and the writers making Yusaku now having friends and fighting for them without any previous development.
To me S1 is still better than S2

Will vrains be the series with the most interesting back ground charcters?

Attached: girls.png (1280x720, 825K)

Will vrains be the series with the most interesting background characters?

Attached: girls.png (1280x720, 825K)

Still no.

Attached: screenshot0069.png (1280x720, 687K)

I'm including avatars in my assessment. I don't think Zexal can necessarily hold up in comparison.

Attached: V man.png (1280x720, 1005K)

Nah, the marketing is really inconsistent. Edo was in the rival pack, remember? And there were also the rival keychains where they used Shark instead of Kaito. Really it just feels like the marketers want there to be clearly defined roles like this in each series, but it's actually only true for 5D's.

The whole point of Go's arc in season one was him getting over that exact mentality. He was too focused on victory and fame and didn't know how to deal with loss, so when he almost crossed the threshold into edgy territory, the kids reassured him that he was still worthy of their adoration. None of the direction in those scenes suggested he didn't learn the lesson, so when he popped up next season with a fully revitalized hateboner, it was absolutely character regression.

I’ve always like to think of Leo as the Joey of 5D

Fuck crow.

No right after he fought genome he swore he would still beat playmaker. And during his duel with revolver he said he still dueled alone. He had by no means gotten over losing.

It was especially egregious in the last arc.
>Aoi has to kill Haru because Bohman needs to meditate for some reason
>Everybody except Revolver gets sent to a special stage to duel because... they need to beat all of them instead of just the ones that have Ignis?
>Lightning has Kusunagi duel Playmaker because they have to kill off everyone before the finale but really it was Kusunagi's plan so gosh darn it we gotta let Playmaker take a nap now
>Playmaker has to use all these summon methods (that everybody's been using this season for no explained reason) to get counters to give animations to a monster (that he didn't need to use to win)

Something similar can be said about Aoi's development, in S2 she learned to duel for those who support her and not for herself like she did in S1 but that progress was nothing because she lost to Soulburner who drew the perfect counter. I know there was no way she could have won because Soulburner couldn't lose Flame but an interruption would have been fine. I still don't get the point of Soulbuner beating Go and Aoi and crushing their buildup besides buying Salamangreats.

Attached: Bluegirl.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

It was introducing Aoi to bonds. Also they have to have Yuki Kaji so they can secure more funding for the anime .

Yeah, why was Bohman meditating? How did that make him stronger?
I didn't felt a thing in the PM vs Kusanagi, it was Kusanagi's plan all along, was I supposed to be moved or sad?
Iirc PM had a link he could have used to beat Bohman but he used Darkfluid instead.

>introducing Aoi to bonds
I'd buy that if it wasn't interrupting her bonding time with Ghost Girl.

That's the problem of a small cast and only 2 antagonists, secondary characters have to job for the sake of PM and Soulburner to shine. Just because his voice actor is famous or they need to sell Salamangreats it doesn't make those duels well written. Fame doesn't mean quality writing.

I didn't say it was great writing. You wanted reasons I gave them. You're not getting great writing with yugioh.

>How did that make him stronger?
Remember when he spammed skill that used BRAINS as processing power.
It was that.

The whole thing just makes the cast look retarded.
>Go repeats his Dark Onizuka shit but for real and also with a worse deck, then pitches most of the tactics that deck has in order to summon a monster he couldn't use in any other situation and has no sentimental value to him whatsoever
>Playmaker probably could have averted this if he had given Go a way to contact him so they could settle this without bringing in SOL and Ignis

SB crushing Go was to further make him go crazy.

Pretty good card. Meant to be used with Bane or Dark Gaia, unless we get more "generic" Evil Hero fusions. Then you can replenish your field and go for more summon spam.

A lot of the cards in this pack are actually good. Probably a byproduct of being released in the modern era instead of 2008-2014.

Bonds with an AI.

I don't know. The alternate is making Go a totally cuck and just accept that he is shit against Playmaker (see 5Ds Jack). It actually nice to have a character example of what happen if pisses them off too much. Keep in mind that the presses were annoying hell out of Go in regardless to the Hanoi Tower incident, despite helping Playmaker revealing Revolver's trump card.

>Yeah, why was Bohman meditating?
Because seeing this is more boring. Bohman is downloading VRAINS into his control.

Attached: D14_7_166_0004_600.jpg (600x338, 11K)

>summon spam
His only worthwhile targets are Infernal Gainer and Malicious Edge.

Kaito is the rival of ZEXAL. Shark is another villain.

I'm delusional and optimistic, I want to believe we can have quality writing in any yugioh series, besides I can't help but have quality standards regardless the series.

Kaito is "Jo" of "Yu-Jo" in ZEXAL.
Shark is the actual rival. His progression is even similar to Kaiba's.
>loses in the first episode
>gets his shit together and becomes a recurring rival person
>gets revealed to be a reincarnation of someone important from the past destined to be a part of current conflict
If Rio was Shark's main monster it would be even more apparent.

The rival was supposed to be Shark but Kaito ended up more popular so they used him.

Attached: 1471735407114.jpg (540x960, 66K)

Jonouchi was introduced earlier than Kaiba and was friends with Yugi by the end of the first chapter. Kaito isn't a friend in even the mildest sense until much later. Kaito is the one with the 3000 attack dragon.

>Source: my ass

Manjoume being grouped with 3000 attack Dragons users (and Reiji in place of second Jack) makes sense.

Attached: 1462325236376.jpg (426x600, 50K)

Source is just common sense. They set up Shark to be the rival, and then later introduced Kaito and the dude became popular so they gave him focus as the rival and Shark became the Joey. Like how is this hard? It was another Crow situation where the character and his deck was popular and being pushed, they just actually learned and did it a little better.

Attached: 1529147157471.png (953x714, 613K)

Shark is a mix of both Jounouchi and Kaiba.

>First real opponent
>Was previously a champion of a duel tournament before reputation went to the shitter
>Was possessed by some evil force and then freed by protagonist
>Starts to become nicer but faces demons of his past
>Had traumatic childhood with younger sibling
>Lost parents at early age
>Goes on a revenge quest
>Reincarnation of a king or prince
>Has a clear attribute preference: Shark is WATER, and Kaiba is LIGHT

>Both started out as delinquents who antagonized and bullied people
>Bullied the protagonist as well
>Was antagonized by a much bigger bully until the protagonist defended them
>Has an estranged younger sister who suffered from illness or injury
>Competed in a tournament solely to help out younger sister
>Was controlled by a more evil antagonist during a tournament

Kite has little in common with Jounouchi.

Shark doesn't use any 3000 attack monsters when he's introduced.

So out of all the Jounouchi's in the series, who's the best duelist?

Chazz in the anime even has a 3000 ATK ace in Ojama King when the Ojama field spell is present. I like Chazz a lot because he is an inversion of Kaiba instead of a straight clone. They knew they couldn't recreate the magic of Seto Kaiba so they tried something different and in my opinion it worked. Chazz is extremely endearing and unique.

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>his deck was popular
Show me where Photon ever topped anything.

Oh my God that's what makes them a rival? Not their motivations or relationship with the protagonist. Just whoever has a 3000 ATK dragon is THE RIVAL regardless of their place in the story?

Not that user, but a deck can be popular and not top. It probably flooded local scenes and had high sales on the secondary market, if they were actually that popular.

Crow if all you care about is win records. Of course Soulburner might beat him in that regard by the end of vrains.

Armed Dragon LVL10 is anime monster, you know
Though, yeah, Ojama King works too. It was even featured on card artwork.

Attached: DimensionExplosion-OW.png (416x416, 379K)

Doesn't have to be a dragon. But yeah kind of.

We meme about that is the closest Yusako has ever being to lose. Hell, that duel was 100% in Go's favour until the plot hit him

How many times will this one lose?

Attached: robot.png (1280x720, 552K)


4 times to keep up the tradition?

Once to Ai. Once to Akira, but technically not since it gets interrupted. Once to Akira & Aoi. Another time to Ai.

And Roboppy? She deserves to have fun too

Who do you all think will be the first to lose to Roboppy?

Attached: Roboppy16.jpg (1280x720, 394K)

Playmaker. Thus establishing Ai > Lightning, because Ai's creation could beat Playmaker while Lighting's barely managed to draw once.

she won't win anything she's just comic relief

Ghost Girl and Blood Shepherd, even the OP spoils it

Brave Max won a duel on-screen and he was a meme character

She's gonna have a 100% win rate without even cheating.

I think we always get short spoilers on the 26th. Here's hoping we learn who gets cornered if the duel is a two parter.

yeah, there were a lot of moments where they could have show those scenes between him and Bohman and establish a character for both and give them an actual arc instead of insert them as flashbacks the same episode he dies.

Despite not being in the intro, he's probably getting one more duel.

I still find it hilarious that in a single Haru became more fleshed out than Bohman. Would've been a decent twist for the "failed" younger brother to absorb the "successful" older brother and become the next-gen AI Lightning wanted to make.

I hope it's against PM

I hope PM pulls out Firewall just to OTK him.

I hope PM lets him win

There was a time I thought Haru was gonna be the final villain using Bohman as distraction. It would have make sense for him to learn from Bohman's mistakes and learn all about PM's deck.

I hope PM pulls out Firewall with Brave Max dodging the OTK with the help of his new customized AI helper, which he considers his partner

>thinking firewall can show up
>not even featured in the op
>banned for almost a year now

Attached: 1540187615978.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Super firewall is already in the OP.

Yfw Brave Max has had more duels than Jin, Miyu and Windy's partner

Attached: 073e006680cdace5d23c9cc3a174060a1531893132_fwide.jpg (640x360, 63K)

It's okay guys, these 3 can still get spotlight in S3. Windy also wasn't shown in previous opening yet he had plenty of screentime.

you know, S1 should have been way shorter than it was (like 26,or 39 episodes) same with S2, then s33 would have been longer and we wouldn't have all these characters doing nothing and being just there

Jin has had 3 duels.

You mean Lightning using a meat puppet?

Are you saying the mime from DM didn't get a duel?

I hope Queen wins

what are her cards?

Started marathoning Vrains recently, finally caught up. I can only imagine the negative reputation was a mix of arc-v fags shitposting, the lackluster monster designs and general hatred towards MR4, and from people having to make it through constant recaps in S1. I look forward to seeing how the last season goes.

Attached: The_people_in_front_of_the_5_Ignises_Graves.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Isn't that girly thing from the preview hers?

I know that much, but I'm not sure what they are.

Attached: queen.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>I can only imagine
Then you have a pretty crappy imagination.
>20 episodes spent on Playmaker dueling the boss of the season
>Little connection to the cards to the point where characters change decks just because
>General lack of character interaction
>Constantly using the underdeveloped setting as a narrative crutch

>20 episodes spent on Playmaker dueling the boss of the season
It's a very personal conflict.
>little connection to the cards to the point where characters change decks just because
They're simple reflections of their personality.
>general lack of character interaction
That's pretty normal with the card game.
>constantly using the underdeveloped setting as a narrative crutch
Why waste time explaining virtual bullshit when it can be whatever you want it to be?

>I'm not sure what they are
I do. They're not going to get printed.

>also has a collar

Blue Maiden has a collar.

Attached: The Blue Maiden.png (1280x720, 746K)

Watch Aqua, if she ever shows up again, look like the love child of Aoi and Miyu.

technically shes virtual too

You can retain a healthy character rivalry without throwing someone's entire personality out the window

>It's a very personal conflict.
That is absolute horseshit. Bohman was about as personal a villain as Darkness or Don Thousand. They didn't even have conflicting ideologies, just "I was made to do this" versus "you kidnapped my friend's brother and apparently are gonna take over the world or something".

That would be interesting, but Ai doesn't really resemble Ryoken much. Aqua would probably have pink hair and some other color (maybe blue).

Bohman developed himself by copying Yusaku. It's very personal.

Not even. Playmaker hardly even acknowledges Go as a person, let alone a rival.

Attached: need your help.png (1280x720, 627K)

>Hey, I know I completely abandoned you after that Tower of Hanoi thing and you went crazy, but I'm gonna try to talk myself out of this duel so you can do something for me. It's okay if I list you as a friend later, right?
Yusaku is a piece of shit.

He has to stick to his mission.

Attached: she doesn't need to know.png (1280x720, 666K)

>There's actual ppl who didn't think Go regressed

Go regressed fucking hard dude. And that was a shit example you posted. Because a few episodes later he becomes a bounty hunter.

That's the problem with the writers, they wants us to believe Yusaku now has friends and is into the kizuna stuff when he didn't even acknowledged Go as person as user said. Yusaku wouldn't have been so distant and cold if they were friends.

He didn't. He was never over playmaker beating him and playmaker being the center of attention. Just because Revolver was destroying everything didn't mean he was going to give up on his grudge for good. he even admitted that he wasn't really dueling for the orphans.

Attached: dueling alone.png (1280x738, 767K)

>hey this guys kinda an asshole at first
>sike. He did it for the children
>Sike again, willing to risk mind break over card games. Fuck the children
Truly a compelling character

It's hardly abandoning when he just stopped logging into Vrains and lived life normally. By that logic Aoi, Akira, and GG should also be mad but they're not because they aren't raging butthurt assholes.

He likely saw Go on TV at some point during those interviews where they kept bugging him about Playmaker.
All he had to do was send an email or message him on Vrains and say a few words thanking Go

There are so many ways they could have written the Go thing so that it showed Yusaku opening up to kizuna.
>Use tactics reminiscent of the ones Go used in their first match, Go acts like a total heel
>People watching cheer for Playmaker instead of Android Skeletor
>Playmaker uses Neo Storm Access, Go decides not to use Anti-Skill because he realizes he doesn't want to beat Playmaker this way
Or even something stupid like Revolver vs Soulburner.
>Leave Ai at home
>Let Go combo all over him
>Ask Go if it was all worth this completely hollow victory

You're getting it, aren't you, user?

Attached: Rainbow.jpg (4488x2454, 763K)

Go just wanted another duel after all the Tower of Hanoi shit was dealt with. Then Yusaku ghosts literally everyone, and the next time he pops up he's asking Go for help. That's definitely not how you treat a friend.

It's pretty much established in episode 1 he doesn't pay attention to trends, in fact I don't think he even owns a TV. Plus, Blue Angel probably got bugged just as much, and she turned out totally fine.

That's why they are good

Attached: ;).jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Sun/moon retrains that arent shit.

Different people need different things. Part of forming a bond with someone is being willing to help them with what they need from you, not just using them when it's convenient.

Keep in mind this is the pack that made fucking Destiny Board viable for casual play.

He didn't psyche anyone out. This is what happens when someone obsessed with winning continues to lose.

>help them with what they need
The thing here is, what help? A duel to boost his ego? He's not in any life threatening situation here.

After the tower, Go, Blue Angel and Akira would likely be bothered by the media about Playmaker. Yet only one turned out to be a crazed wacko. I think it's obvious that the onus is on Go here.

Will earth come back to be mad that Playmaker and Ai couldn't save aqua?

Attached: earth.png (1280x738, 1.14M)

Based retarded ESL poster

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It’s his fault for handicapping yourself with a garbage card

Go may be a butthurt dickwad, but if Yusaku wants to have a relationship where he can ask that butthurt dickwad for help, it's not unreasonable to throw a duel his way or even just talk to the guy.

Shitty dm trash meme poster.

Guess he didn't expect said butthurt dickwad to have several screws loose when every other former ally stayed perfectly sane without him.

So her link 4 is just death? Guess there probably isn't going to be a link 5.

Attached: 1558525722158.jpg (1280x720, 504K)

>link 4
Could be a Xyz monster because of the black color scheme.

So many excuses for schizophrenic writing.

I'm not denying that Go is a nut, but that doesn't change the fact that it only got that far because Yusaku treats people like they're conveniences. It's hard to take a kizuna speech seriously from a guy like that.

Has Yusaku ever tried to befriend anyone besides Revolver? It feels like all his friends reached out to him first.

It seems too purple for that. The other Xyz aren't that purple, though some fusions are. We might be past pushing other summoning methods though. So, I think a higher link would be the best guess.

The same guy who had no interest in interacting with Aoi once he had finished his research and got the information he was looking for. It seems both cards and people were just instruments for Yusaku but now he is all into kizuna, at least that's what the writers are trying to do. I expect him to be more open this season otherwise all he said last season wouldn't make sense.

nah it's pretty black to me

>but now he is all into kizuna
Except it's one episode into the season and we already got , despite the fact that everything she did as Blue Girl was because he was impossible to contact.

Those shoulder things and skirt like things encircling her are purple.

Yusaku is total shit.

>her link 4 is just death
Wow, I just got that.

go tell that to dragvirion then, not completely white but still a synchro

Attached: AltergeistDragvirion-DANE-EN-C-1E.png (477x695, 709K)

>it only got that far because Yusaku treats people like they're conveniences
While I don't agree with this, I definitely agree that the speech in the final duel felt shoehorned in. It's like he started channeling Yusei all of a sudden.

It's a dragon.

>the other xyz aren't that purple
really makes me think

Attached: FirewalleXceedDragon-DANE-EN-UR-1E.png (476x695, 694K)

and? you were talking about color schemes, don't move goalposts faggot

Nu-uh, it's a Spellcaster.

I still don't get what the writers want achieve by keeping his identity as secret from Aoi, especially with what they seem to hint in the opening. The longer they keep it as a secret the angrier I think a common person may react once getting to know the truth. What kind of shocking surprise do they want to show us? Is all part of the kizuna agenda?

The one dragon like monster in her archetype is a synchro. It has more to it than white.

always a potential problem with dark monsters.

It’s because he looks like he’s from Castlevani

you were talking about color schemes, don't move goalposts faggot

>it's a dragon so it has to be a synchro
lmao what kind of stupid fucking logic is this

It's not moving the goal posts besides it's predominantly white with the other color that stands out being blue.

>We might be past pushing other summoning methods though. So, I think a higher link would be the best guess.
I still think it's a Xyz but you make a good point. Either way I hope it's link/rank 4 for the death reference.

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I have never been more excited for a Vrains duel

It’s what happens when they want their MC to be Batman but also make him stay on the tried and true Shounen MC that talks about nakama and blah blah blah.

then why did you randomly start talking about dragons when it has nothing to do with anything

Well pendulums aren't around.

and what does that have to do with anything? stop shifting the subject

It's another factor in it being a synchro.

oh so why isn't battledrone synchro a dragon then? why isn't dinowrestler synchro a dragon then?

If you told me to guess what a dragon is most likely to be out of the summon methods and pendulum wasn't an option, I probably go with synchro.

Yusaku’s the worse protag in yugioh.

Now I'm curious. Is there a certain percent of type prevalence in different summon methods?

you got the logic wrong the fact it's an out of place dragon makes it fit synchros. not the other way around.

I think it's Judai.

Unless they are planning on revealing his identity to Aoi soon or Aoi knows already and she is playing along waiting for him to be ready (which sounds fair to me) I think it would end up kind of forced. How do you think she would feel when he tells her who he is in the last episode of the series?

outside of links it's fusion > synchro > xyz

Johan is not the Jonouchi of GX. That goes to Manjoume. Johan is to Judai what Bruno is to Yusei.

You mean for dragons?

Nah, Manjoume's the rival. The Jonouchi should probably be Shou, but 'officially' it's Edo because D Heroes are popular.

Playmaker losing to Blue Angel in a game of DDR.

Same with how it should be Shark in Zexal but 'officially' it is Kaito?

oh you meant types
>fusion (339 monsters)
>warriors have the most (83), followed by dragons (54)
>synchro (322 monsters)
>dragons have the most (81), followed by machine (51)
>xyz (393 monsters)
>warrios have the most (68), followed by dragons (51), then machines (50)
this is from ygopro so may include alt arts

I feel that's different. In Zexal there are really obvious parallels to DM. Kaito=Kaiba (with Haruto=Mokuba) and Shark=Jonouchi (with Rio=Shizuka). So I'd say Kaito is definitely the rival.

>fusion (339 monsters)
>warriors have the most (83)
Based HEROs!

What? No. Ryo is the rival and Manjoume is the 2nd rival.

Thing is, this rivalry seems really one-sided.

What? No.

Attached: jesus chazz.png (600x595, 485K)

But Manjoume is the one with the typical 3000atk monster right? Or am I misremembering?

You're right. To me, Kaito is more of a "designated" rival (just there for ygo tradition purposes) than an actual foil/equal to the protag, but that's just how it goes.

What in the world would make you think Manjoume is the rival? Ryo literally has Blue-Eyes but as robots

I knew synchros and dragons were very tied into each other. Just like cyberse and links.

No user, Ryo is the one with the 3000atk monster, being Cyber End Dragon. Of course, Manjoume gets Ojama King in Season 2 and Armed Dragon Lvl 10 in Season 4, but he’s still treated as the lesser of the three and played for jokes, like Joey.

Because of Chazz and his relationship to Jaden and his need to always beat Jaden. What makes you think its Zane? I remember them dueling once at the end of Season 1 and then Zane went on to have his own character arc that really had nothing to do with Jaden that much at all.

Attached: 36831354_p9.jpg (450x525, 143K)

Good to know, thanks for the info user. Also interesting that the most prevalent type takes after the respective series' protag ace monster.

Ryo is about as much a rival for Judai as Edo. Both are seasonal characters that aren't used much afterwards and certainly not as rivals to Judai.
Manjoume at least sticks with core cast. I mean, when it's not S3 shit with four Crows.

dragons still dominate as a whole

So he cant be the rival because hes a "joke character"?

I wish people here watched Gundam because I've had this debate about Char clones and what makes them unique but also clones.

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>No user, Ryo is the one with the 3000atk monster, being Cyber End Dragon
Cyber End has 4000 ATK and always had 4000.

If you mean deck most equivalent to Blue Eyes, then Ryo is your man.

>No user, Ryo is the one with the 3000atk monster, being Cyber End Dragon.
It's 4000 attack and not an actual dragon.
>he’s still treated as the lesser of the three and played for jokes, like Joey
Everything is a joke in GX. But if we follow actual canon Manjoume is one of the strongest duelists there.
Also, there were no comedic "losers" in later trios.
There's also manga, where he is undoubtedly given the role of a rival, so there's that.

I get that. It's just dragons are very prevalent among synchros.

When was the last time you guys watched GX? From the beginning Zane was always treated as Jaden’s superior, from being the top student at Duel Academy, to outplaying him in their first duel in the docks. All Jaden cared about was defeating him but with Chazz he saw their duels as simple fun. Literally the entire purpose of Zane choosing Jaden as his opponent for the Graduation Duel was because he wanted someone he acknowledged as his equal and to truly determine who was the top duelist. And like user said, his deck is literally Blue-Eyes but as robots.

Obviously after he graduated, his role of main rival went away. You could say Chazz kind of sort of took the role but not really. Or even Aster Phoenix. It’s up to your interpretation. But S1, Zane was definitely the main rival character.

>If you mean deck most equivalent to Blue Eyes
Kaiba never ran a pure Blue-Eyes deck. The thing even never existed before somewhat recent times.
If you mean "random dark monsters/XYZ unions/dragons" deck Manjoume's is closest to that.

>Also, there were no comedic "losers" in later trios

Crow is just the most awkwardly inserted character ever.

I don't know. I always saw Zane as the second rival because writers were worried people wouldn't respond to Chazz, and hey let's just copy Kaiba again but in the most superficial way possible so if Chazz sinks we can fall back on that. Jaden duels with Chazz are fun because Duels should be fun. Every duel is fun to S1 and S2 Jaden.

God, Zane is so boring. He is Kaiba but worse. I bet you the same people who like him also unirioncialy like Shadow the Hedgehog too.

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Let's just say GX was suffering from first spinoff syndrome and didn't know what to do yet. It doesn't have as concrete of a main rival and main close friend role as the others. It's probably also why Flame Wingman isn't the ace because they later decided all protag aces should have 2500 atk.

Will roboppi die first?

>Zane was always treated as Jaden’s superior, from being the top student at Duel Academy, to outplaying him in their first duel in the docks
Now compare it to Kaiba, Jack and Revolver. Rivalry with them worked because they matched in strength with main characters. Kaito is a bit special case, but he also isn't really an actual Yuma's rival as that's Shark.