Boomer here. You people disgust me. If you were my son I would whip you to death if you found a little girl attractive if you yourself were an adult already
250+ replies guaranteed with just two words. Just wait and see. Why is this place so obsessed with her?
>japanese shadman
kill yourself
esper enhanced ballsack emptying creampies
she makes my benis the big benis
new chapter when?
Because look at her
Saitama must be a faggot, right?
Best girl of her respective series.
Outdated and boring. Find a new bait.
Kill yourself you cancerous Yea Forumsermin
but she's not a little girl bait-kun
So close now until the the dragon class monsters beat the shit out of her, cant wait to see this in the manga.
also love her
Out of proportion. I hate artist that exaggerate the curves. They're already curvy and canonical curviness is the hottest.
Wakey wakey Tatsumakifags, it's almost time.
fucking based
tatsumaki getting beat up is just more excuse for doujins, nobody cares about her powers, only her body.
how old?
I want to dump a steamy load of sperm-laden cum into the deepest reaches of her undeveloped little womb.
In short, I want to impregnate that little girl.
Once a loli has reached the age of 12, it's only natural to begin creampieing her several times a day with the intention of triggering pregnancy. The sooner she gives birth to a healthy young daughter, the sooner you can begin the process anew. A normal, healthy little girl is naturally inclined towards the activities of sex, and giving birth.
And tight young girls with trim, tidy frames are the best for sexual pleasure.
Imagine driving the spear of your lust all the way to the back of Tatsumaki's pussy, in and out, over and over again until your passion erupts. Imagine reveling in this process several times a day, for years.
And after each of these sessions; cradling her childish, perspiring, trembling form into the curvature of your body. Because a child's base temperature is higher than an average woman's, she is essentially a furnace of love.
>being whipped by daddy while imagining he's tatsumaki
oh my
fucking got me
I feel like she would be a funny one
she's also cute in a non sexy way
and sexy too in another way
The only tatsumaki I give a shit about
Too bad you don't have one, that's why you're here
absolutely based
you can see her pussy here, i dunno if that's sfw...
based and underrated
Infinately based and red bandana pilled
How new are you?
>Boomer here.
Yes, just keep pretending than Yea Forums was not full of lolicon in the past.
Imagine being a childless old man and roleplaying as a father figure on Yea Forums. Jesus christ
thats a drawing of a fictional character boomer-san.
She's wearing flesh colored spats, so it's OK.
cringe fetish
I can't get over that Bryan Cranston voiced fei long
I can see her coochie!!
She's in her 20's, she's short and has a petite build but is some times also drawn with a thicc ass and at varying height.
Some times she's loli level, some times she's just average short.
I dunno where this "she's a loli" thing came from but it's been super annoying since season 1.
I for one blame Saitama because every time she's shown in his perspective or some one who doesn't like her she's drawn as a tiny cartoon and called a child. To which she rages over because she is in fact, not a child.
Do you think Tatsumaki likes anal?
great design , shit character that's only good for rape
You're a shit character and not even good for rape.
Based goldenbro
only of the lewd variety
I mean, you're 100% right, but you put way more effort into this than it was worth.
Her and her sister are top tier characters (or at least designs) from a top tier popular manga.
What did you expect
No, he's doing the right thing.
Fuck off.
>Boomer here
t.15 year old
She's 28
>a houseki no kuni thread died for this trash
wow just wow
She is a rip off.
have sex