Navigation 56: Living Dolls
Daily Aria Chapter
Just a short one today. Only Akari would see an old man playing with dolls and not be terrified.
Catchphrase Counter:
Ara ara: 130
Hahi: 101
Dekkai: 83
Momiko: 39
Kinshi: 35
Suwa: 17
Akari always attracts the weirdos.
Thank you
She really likes to put herself in risky situations.
Thank you, OP.
She has such a nice life she can't understand danger.
Thanks OP.
Yeah, I couldn't stop imagining it just being some guy from /jp/.
Yeah, that guy would definitely be ostracised and gossiped about in real life, may even get the police called on him by a few helicopter mothers just for sitting in the park. People should be more like Akari.
On Aqua, crime only exists in fiction.
Thanks OP. What an eerie chapter to kick things off with. I'd keep my distance from such a peculiar fellow and his dolls...
Trivia-wise, the cover is showing Akari happily frolicing in the Piazza San Marco during Acqua Alta, though strangely the building on the left looks like the colonnade of the Palazzo Ducale rather than the Procuratie Vecchie I'd expect to see. Then the title page sees our favourite cats hanging out on a rooftop somewhere in the Castello sestiere, given that behind Cait Sidhe is the tall, hulking mass of San Giovanni e Paolo.
In fact, I think the viewpoint in the picture with the cats is taken from the Hotel Danieli (aka Himeya Company) - there's a walkway on the top floor connecting the main building to another on the waterfront - and if you look out of the window to the north up the Calle de le Rasse, you can see the exact same view. Unfortunately I can't provide any good pictures as I'm a filthy phoneposter, but if you fiddle about with the angles on Google Maps' satellite view hopefully you can see what I mean.
Not creeping out Akira-sama with my strange knowledge and guesswork about the city!
We know the production crew went to the hotel for reference pictures for the anime. Doesn't seem like a big leap that they would share them with the author.
Has Amano been to Venice? I'd hope so.