Don't you feel weird watching anime about school girls despite being 20+ years old
Don't you feel weird watching anime about school girls despite being 20+ years old
I've never watched cgdct shows until my mid 20s.
Now that you make me think about it, i guess it’s not surprising that i don’t have friends
I'm in my 30s, broseph. Cgdct is what keeps me going.
I am 30 and I only watch gochiusa
I'm mentally a cute school girl
It feels like breathing now.
i used to be, but after the 35 i realized i don't really care. I worked so much so i could watch cute and funny girls in peace.
No, I'm 28, it's almost the only thing I watch as far as anime goes.
Every other genre is just a waste of time.
as opposed to anime teenage boys shouting their heads off at people?
I'm 30 too
No, I'm 29 and I don't care.
I did when I was young but grew out of it
Wish I could look past it. I tend to cringe and get this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I think I'd rather be caught watching gay porn than a moeshow.
Am I supposed to watch anime about school boys or what?
I did at first, but now I'm used to it. Feeling insecure over your own pleasures is retarded
just binged Jashin chan last week
god I miss these kind of shows, last one I watched was milky holmes back when I was young
Just looked it up and can see it have gotten like 4 more seasons and 2 movies
what the fuck
No, it keeps me from getting depressed.
Sounds like a standard early teen comment. The age where everything has to be super hardcore. No more spongebob squarepants in this house.
Let me tell you right now, everything after the first season was shit because they kept messing with the formula instead of just making a direct continuation. They really aren't worth your time.
Oh look another shounen bab that thinks shows about little girls are actually made for little girls.
This. SoL is about the only genre that's consistently good these days.
Why can’t we ever have an SoL about adults?
I fucking hate teenagers
I worry what could replace it if they stop being as common as they are now. I assume I'll end up going through the state mecha fans have now of only talking about the past.
it happens sometimes
Fun things are fun.
okay thanks for telling me
Front and centre, as Yuno should be
Spongebob was pretty hardcore sometimes
So long as the show doesn't sexualize the characters I have no issue
I like my teenage lesbianism implied
>So long as the show doesn't sexualize the characters
That's pretty much every anime ever in at least some capacity. What is with these people that treat human sexuality like it's something to be ashamed of?
As an oldfag I have little interest in the sexual fantasies of Nip perverts
I don't want to see underage girls in different levels of undress, panty shots, or in phases of eroticism
Just give me likable characters and a lighthearted story
Hopefully it won't end
no because I don't watch it for perverted reasons and only find the adults in the show appealing anyways.
So there's nothing to feel odd about except the fact that the OVA wasn't very good for some reason
There are plenty of that.
Net-juu no Susume
>I love football but I hate it when they tackle each other.
I don't follow this metaphor
>I hate high scoring games, I prefer defensive battles
Are you a Stoke City fan?
Spending my life watching real people acting as fictional characters like everyone else wouldn't make me any more mature. In fact I'd probably be more inclined to treat them as a moral compass and more than simple entertainment like most of the world seems to do, unlike anime where there is a clear and obvious disconnect with reality.
>What is with these people that treat human sexuality like it's something to be ashamed of?
because there's a point where sexualizing something at every turn becomes tiring.
Spongebob is a mecha anime.
I feel weird because I'll never get the chance to be like them.
Get a load of this queer. Mr. Enlightened Asexual
>at every turn
I'm pretty sure it's quite rare for CGDCT shows to do that, unless you count having one episode involving a pool/beach/onsen as too much.
There's a reason I dropped off the cgdct train at 18
It's life experience, y'know? Brings back memories.
Even if you have the normalfag mindset, don't you think it beats watching capeshit?
I don't feel weird, but my dreams changed from work/daily life to my school days with me being proactive and friendly with people, in complete contrast to who I was in school.
Sometimes I even feel like what I dreamed of really happened, which is really fucking with my memory and injecting false memories.
Well jokes on you I am 20.
same, my nigga
I wouldn't compare it to capeshit but I'd compare it to sitcoms and reality t.v. Girls in SoL are always so well mannered and nice to their friends, even if there's drama they work it out. In American t.v. people are constantly yelling at each other and angry, it's no wonder why people have such dysfunctional relationships, they copy the way idiots act on t.v. because they think it's real. We all just need to have a sit down and talk about chocolate cornets.
>watched anime school girls in my teens
>early 20s and watch a 3D high school age girl
these Yea Forumsnons are staying on the nobler path
>Spongebob was pretty hardcore sometimes
its fucking gross now
False memories from anime is strange... but I too keep dreaming I'm stuck back in high school after picking up anime and I want it to stop. Dreaming I was sent back to college because I forgot a class was bad enough! Actually, dreaming about work is a fucking nightmare (I work a shitty stem job with constant bullshit) so I guess this is an improvement maybe.
God, I want to fuck Noa.
No because I feel young in spirit.
takes me back
most media is focused on young people anyways, unless you care about drama or drama in politics
Noa a cute
We all do.
No because I hate grow women.
I enjoy it very much since I can self-insert and relive my youth
No, I feel weird when watching anything else.
Not at all.
Same. I'm a 34yr old TOUGH GUY TRUCK DRIVER, but CGDCT purges the hardships of my days.
>Don't you feel weird watching anime about school girls despite being 20+ years old
A good wank usually takes care of that.
It's still damn embarrassing. Grown men cheering for little girls and avatarfagging as them is really sad.
Lolis and cute 2D school girls are manna from heaven to the broken and lost.
There's actually quite a few.
For instance: Servant x Service and Working!!
I'm not that fat.
What's wrong with her face? Yuno-chan daijoubu?!
I don't care, it's so staple it's a given there are cute school girls. And I'm so old I don't see Asuka Soryuu Langley as sex object anymore but an irritating teen, which makes me super sad.
I want to push Noa into an alley and tape her mouth shut before forcing my manhood inside her and inseminating her.
Then deciding her pussy is so good that once is not enough and bring her to a storage unit, tie her up and keep her as a pet
I watch it because it's cute. Will you not look at after your cute daughter, whenever you manage to get laid (if ever)? will you pretend she doesn't exist and cause her a mental trauma because you were an avoidant dad?
yeah, not wanting to fuck 14 year olds is pretty gay. euthanasia for you.
Same (unless Azumanga Daioh counts)
LOOK AT HER! Look how fucking cute she is. Don't you want to cuddle for hours and spoil the shit out of her? if you don't then something is seriously wrong with you. Yes I mad because OP is a fag.
New Game
Yes, but I don't care anymore.
Seeing happy girls makes me happy. I have no shame. I lose faith in humanity when ever I see other people, so I stay away from other when I do go out. CGDCT is my alcohol and it more often than not will make me cry for days never to come. I can still dream though.
I perv on school girls despite being 30+ years old.
it's their fault for wearing yoga pants that show off their puffy bits.
I'm pretty sure Working!!'s main protag was a highschool student and the only adults was the worthless manager, the two cooks and that bimbo. Watching Todoroki and Satou beat around each other's bush made me want to pull my own hair out.
That girl should not be watching the one on the left.
>gochiusa manga
This is how you know your kids have high IQ, when they a lot into gochiusa series.
dumb frogposter
>Lucky Beast plushie
Great taste all around
Same here, I wish I were a little girl with cute little girl friends and perfect friendships... I guess I'm just too attracted to innocence
No, not at alll.
I don't even feel weird watching anime FOR school girls.
No, but I feel weird reading about school girls despite being 20+ years old.
If there was more anime about 20+ year old dudes doing 20+ year old things, I would watch them. I just really like anime and Japanese culture. If there was anime about sweaty, filthy ugly bastards doing nothing but fish in overalls and talk ignorantly about politics and world events, I would watch the fuck out of that. Cute girls doing cute things is just what is available.
left has great taste
>it's another thread about Anonymous on denial
Just a reminder that ALL anime is made for either kids or teenagers.
I´m 34, shave my head clean, grow a thick beard, relative muscular upper body with thick neck and wide shoulders and when I'm alone I put this song and sing it along
No. It's heartwarming.
I watch some of the shows made for little girls too.
My life is already a SoL about adults.
Only rarely, and almost only when I'm sober.
When I started watching seasonal CGDCT anime at 19, not at all.
Now that I'm 26, it's starting to feel a little weird but I'm still a huge lolicon and it doesn't make me like CGDCT any less.
How far does this rabbit hole go bros? Do you guys watch generic SoL's too? Or just the good shit like K-On and Non Non Biyori?
I've been hooked on CGDCT and yuri for 5+ years
If you get too into cute girl shows, you will find that the rabbit hole runs very, very deep.
CGDCT is seinen.
I need something to do in between sets, and it's gonna be either cgdct sol, or /pol/, so you better not take this away from me.
I'm mentally stuck in highschool so i don't feel weird at all.
Does it not bother you that you can never breath a word of what keeps you going to anyone else without being at best disowned and at worst beaten, or arrested?
the trend seems to be that the older you get the more inclined you feel to watch cute little girl anime and you view MANLY and EDGY anime as something for youngsters
It feels normal since I'm mentally stuck in elementary school. I keep fantasizing and dreaming every night what it would be like if I had a girlfriend like Noa and all the dates we would go on without a care in the world. It would be perfect... I don't wanna think about real life. Maybe one day I will find my Noa.
I always thought little girls would find these shows boring.
There are no tackles in football.
You might like usagi drop
Capeshit doesn't do this to you:
At least shounen doesn't lead to physical disability.
Chicken and egg.
Getting old is mandatory, but stopping liking little girls is optional
You can have more than one interest you now?
I find these idol/magical girl shows boring.
But I fapped to her so much.
>giving a shit about what normalfags think
no? faggot
I would say it has more to do with complete despondency and fully embracing escapism. It just so happens that the longer you stay the kind of person who watches anime a lot, the more likely you are to fall into this category.
CGDCT is basically voluntarily jacking your brain into a dopamine dispenser, doing away with even the pretense of struggle. It's what comes when you can no longer even insert into power fantasies.
I am 50+ and like CGDCT shows. And I do not feel weird about it. CGDCT shows help take the edge off of a bad day.
The egg in this case is pretty clear, and so is the chicken.
weak boy -> loser -> depressed -> escapism -> moeshit -> wanting to be a little girl.
30 year old wageslave here. Would have become an hero a long time ago if it were not for my daily dose of comfy bliss.
No, seriously.
Do we know who this is? How do we report him to the authorities? There is no way he doesn't fuck this girl or at least touches her inappropriately.
Do you watch CGDCT shows with your children?
It’s probably consensual at least
if you let society at large decide what you can and can't enjoy you'll never be happy.
Doesn't matter. Even if she enjoys it, it's morally wrong and we can't allow it.
I just turned 30 and I can't wait for another decade of cgdct, I don't know how I could be so positive with everyone in my daily interactions without it.
>posts innocent pictures
>there's no way he doesn't fuck her!
How brainwashed are you? He probably has the pictures from some jap twitter.
It's a doll.
Let's be real. People who watch gochiusa are basically potential sex criminals. They should not be around kids.
This only makes my peepee harder.
>hurrr durr
Not everything is like you.
>Yea Forums
>non virgin
>a cute show about cute little girls attracts mentally ill faggots who believe themselves to be little girls
thank you for enlightening us, feel free to return to your HxH thread where you can interact with people of your caliber
What if this girl was your girlfriend?
This, it eases the burden that is life.
Lest we forget, the literal point of cute anime is that being a wagie in Japan is such suffering that many men need this type of show to keep from killing themselves
Is being a wagie better in murrika?
Americans go home to their wife and kids.
>50% divorce rate
Yes, and children who watch shows like Naruto drown themselves in sandboxes.
>caring what other people think of you
Only losers think this way.
it's the same thing as drinking or smoking
>having multiple jobs so they can afford paying drugs and child allowance
Doubt it.
Drinking while watching cgdct is the goat combination.
Yes. Japs work an insane amount of hours.
And here we have the seething yurofag, no discussion of nations is complete without one
Am I wrong though?
...thought so.
sometimes but I don't dwell on it, I'm old enough to not be spooked out of doing what I want to do.
Yes, pretty much. CGDCT is the most unpretentious form of entertainment.
GochiUsa is like a pedophile rapist video instruction manual, very disturbing show.
Yes you are you fucking idiot, little girls in gochiusa are no more similar to real life girls than the grown ones are
yes i do but shouganai na
Ever seen a real 3D little girl? They are annoying and disgusting.
They aren't real wtf
Agree desu
>They aren't real
Japan (and SK) have become notorious for working their salarymen literally to death.
there's also a significant cultural difference. including promoting based on seniority rather than merit so climbing the corporate ladder is based on who puts the most hours in.
Strange way to say cute and huggable.
no, statistics show that american'ts are actually more overworked than people in japan
The difference is that in japan being overworked to death is seen as a virtue while in america you are expected to hide the fact you live like a slave and put on a cheery "Everything's fine!" can-do spirit.
I mean most people I know (OL and IRL) are wageslaving like crazy. They either work 10-hour days in some soul-sucking spreadsheet mine (unpaid overtime) or are hopping between two or three parttime gigs with 2-3 hours being wasted on commute/deadtime every day.
But whenever you try pointing any of this out to people (e.g. the fact medieval peasants had more time off than american wageslaves) people just get so unreasonably defensive and hostile. Like not wanting to throw your life away on some meaningless corporate makework is being lazy.
I enjoy it
The only way I can out with schoolgirls and go on dates with them is through anime.
It really depends. The ones that are raised well are cute and lovable, but brats are horrible
>statistics show that american'ts are actually more overworked than people in japan
I wouldn't take those studies at face value, Japan has a lot of flawed statistics. a lot of the over time there is probably off the books and increasingly illegal.
This meme is getting old. I know people here in burgerland who work 70-80 hour work weeks. There are also companies, especially western ones, in Japan that don't over work their employees.
Not everything is black and white. Same thing with Japan's suicide rate not actually being that much higher than the US's.
blame trannies for boosting suicide rates
>Not everything is black and white.
This is too complex for /pol/.
>B-but muh american dream! B-bootstraps!
>I'll be a millionair one day! (after pay if college debt and hospital bills.)
outliers and subjective experiences don't define a population, reddit
god noa was sex
Imagine a world without wageslaving.
>Imagine a world without food.
that brat is different. I love that one
>I know people here in burgerland who work 70-80 hour work weeks
but it isn't a problem endemic to the US, spending time with the wife and kids is a part of the American dream or whatever. while overwork is a culturally ingrained into Eastern countries. saying that you know women in your workplace isn't a significant anecdote to the issue of the female workforce.
>Same thing with Japan's suicide rate not actually being that much higher than the US's.
a quick search says that's wrong. which I don't find surprising since apparently a lot of their murders get written off as suicides.
>xbox in Japan
Sign of a clear social degenerate.
>South Korea: 26.9 suicides per 100k
>Japan: 18.5 suicides per 100k
>United States: 15.3 suicides per 100k
Is this wrong?
Right, statistics do. But people are quick to believe statistics that put Japan in a bad light like their working hours, while accusing the rising birth rates, falling suicide rates and low crime rates as being made up.
If I could only have sex with one girl for the rest of my life, I would choose Noa!
I'm fucking 33 and watch it. Many people who started anime in their teens or twenties are still watching anime. user
We can shut the thread down now everyone
>Is this wrong?
the first results I saw had higher numbers but probably not.
>But people are quick to believe statistics that put Japan in a bad light like their working hours, while accusing the rising birth rates, falling suicide rates and low crime rates as being made up.
because Countries have a degree of control over the statistics that are published about them. you can't just take all numbers at face value because they're labeled as statistics. those suicide numbers are just taken from the country's own reporting. Japan's suspiciously high conviction rates are now known to be because of police manipulation. etc.
it should be common sense to be less suspicious of a third party's statistics over what that subject tells you themselves. unless there's some conspiracy to make Japan look bad in this regard, but as far as I know there isn't one.
ive seen 101 days and 16 hours worth of anime
12.16 days of that is CGDCT
i just love seeing cute girls, it's quite possibly the only thing that gives me the slightest feeling of happiness these days
I watch cgdct to pretend that I will have a cute daughter with nice friends and will get to hear about similar shenanigans once I'm in my 40s
Thank god I only turn 20 in next february
>I watch cgdct to pretend that I will have a cute daughter with nice friends
Yup. If anything it would be weirder to watch these CGDCT shows as a teenager.
occasionally yes. then i try watch something that's popular among "normies" and i don't feel weird anymore.
and that's a shame, fuck SoL anime
fuck you buddeh
The only reason why I'm so much into SoL shows is because I fell into depression and I was looking for something to cheer me up. Found Kill Me Baby and I didn't look back.
Someone please post that old screencap where some user talks about how roman (or was it greeks?) warriors of old would paint pleasing scenes in the inside of their shield. It helps them pass time while also provide a brief comfort in the middle of battles/training.
>people are born mentally ill faggots who believe themselves to be little girls
gotta love the subtlety of your propaganda.
More like heroin or late stage alcoholism, would say. It completely subsumes a person. Smoking can't do that.
nice kotatsu
If I'm being completely honest... I just wanna do it with Noa desu
But it's probably immoral to do it.
sex with Noa
me in the middle
As long people don't find out my secret and leftists don't ban anime it's OK.
My wife has no idea how to even use my "big and old" laptop with OpenSuse.
t. 36yo
I can't speak ill of this since when I was about 16 I taught my friend's nephew, about 2, how to do the middle finger and he hasn't stopped
I'm 31 now
>and leftists don't ban anime
>My wife
go back
It depends on your job, your employer and your coworkers. If you work with visa slaves, it's going to be a horrible time, guaranteed. Our stem industries are losing competent talent because no one wants to work in the environments anymore. Smart people would rather do finance or virtually anything else.
>implying we will ever willingly marry and procreate here.
Are you a rare boomer on Yea Forums?
Most oldfags from like 2005 are parents now.
I feel the same. I tend to watch anime after I jack off so sexualising characters tends to be a waste of time to me unless it helps the plot along in some way or is used for humour.
>Our stem industries are losing competent talent because no one wants to work in the environments anymore.
The working environment? They don't want to work with visa slaves? What does visa slave even mean? I assume they have some competence, but upset everyone because they're not the quality hires management thinks they are. I bet they're underpaid as well, and don't demand better payment, which pulls down the others wages.
Or are you just a /pol/ racist?
Are you some sort of nostalgia faggot, or are you just physically old? I'm older than 30, and I love the light fanservice anime tends to provide.
10 hr days aren't so bad as long as you're commute doesn't suck. Driving through 1.5-2 hrs of stop-and-go highway traffic will sure make you happy when you hear the ruling class telling you through npr that we need to shove more people into this country.
Anime is so we can forget about this shit for a while and pretend we aren't in absolute hell.
Funny how you yanks manage to work less hours than us and yet also have a shitty amount of vacation time. You're becoming the new japan.
A visa slave is a visa worker brought here to lower wages. They don't speak and english and most of them are incompetent. They are paid similar to citizens, but still keep wages down by reducing negotiating power of employees. Ironically, corporations are starting to realize they are losing money on these employees since projects get delayed all the time now. But they can't get rid of them so easily after bragging to shareholders that they "reduced" labor costs for decades.
I'm sure you have the sources to back up that claim.
Not in the slightest.
I literally watch Precure, so no.
That being said, I also don't really watch cgdct stuff that much. Not because it's embarrassing, but because it's boring.
That sounds great. Fuck.
Call me a prude
Can realte. Im Mexican and work 14 hours a day. Feels bad being in a 3rd world country.
No, but it's a lonely hobby, it's hard to know people to have a good talk.
Where did it all go wrong, Miyabros?
Makes me wonder how many other 30+ guys there are in the gym listening to anison. I always assume it's just me.
jesus fuck moe niggers are pathetic, imagine needing cartoon drawings of little girls to keep you going in life
>3DPD lovers in my thread
>3rd worlder
>is a frog poster
It all makes sense...
A hundred times this, I'm a 32 yo mountaineer corp coming back from Chad patrolling and working on my backlog and damn I just want to marry Megu-nee
You don't self insert to watch cgdct.
Is that really correct? I'm a wageslave here and it's pretty relaxed. You can even take a nap or eat doing shit, go back home early to play a football match with coworkers and stuff like that. I can't see it being worse than Japan in hours worked
Go back to whatever shithole you came from
I stopped enjoying a lot of anime, or really most things in life, around the time I turned 22.
I don't feel shame or embarassment over a lot of things anymore. It includes watching anime.
Normal nigger out
you're making fun of me for being a normalfaggot, meanwhile you're in your 30s and your reason for living are cartoons about cute girls doing mundane tasks
could you be less self aware?
>I stopped enjoying a lot of anime, or really most things in life, around the time I turned 22.
I keep seeing people claim these things when my hobbies didn't pick up until my 20s. Am I just the odd one out?
>says the nigger forgposting on Yea Forums
>enabling the frogposter
>your reason for living are cartoons about cute girls doing mundane tasks
Seems fine to me.
This thread is the strangest thing. Somehow everyone who watches cgdct is a lot older than I imagined.
>26, don't feel so bad now.
did you seriously not realize that CGDCT is the final stage of the weeb's lifecycle? it's where all the old men who've seen it all, given up and stopped giving a fuck end up.
>so fucking new doesn't even know one of Yea Forums earliest and biggest wish
I thought the final stage was self inserting as those fat, bald, middle-aged men from doujins.
They are intended for adults with the vast majority being from seinen magazines so we're the intended audience.
I find it stranger when there's shounen CGDCT and wondering how many boys actually care about YnS or Flying Witch.
I know you said you specifically like anime and japanese culture but you do know adult swim, western cartoons and like the odd show on cartoon network exist, right?
>Hey police, this person right here seems to have a good father-daughter relationship!
You're probably among the petit bourgeois
Pinochet's legacy
If you die a kissless virgin after failing to obtain lichhood you are given the choice to become the Little Girl in 2D form or an old fat faceless sex machine. Of course only people who haven't shitposted on Yea Forums are giving this choice.
>Japan is saving thousands who would otherwise fall into opiate addiction and alcoholism
Thank you, truly honorary.
is that your daughter?
Fine if you wanna still wanna be on this site when you're in your 40s, sharing the board with people born in 2010, RPing as little cartoon girls, then go ahead be my guest
How did they cast Bill so perfectly?
Why wouldn't you want that? Sounds pretty cool.
Although, I'm not sure if 4chins would exist then.
But she's reading Kin-Moz
I want to do more than cuddle
This. I'd also brush her hair.
Yeah, I'd cum on her tummy too.
Why the fuck would you tell people that you watch anime in the first place?
I try not to think about it.
i dont mind shows like non non biyori but shit that looks like it was made for pedophiles like wataten is where i stop. you niggas that want to fuck cartoon children are mentally ill.
After a while you don't mind at all.
Is it mentally to want to pet cartoon children?
Kokona has found herself a cute boy.
NNB has way more pedophile appeal than Wataten.
I was seduced, I swear! It's not fair! It was only just once, pls give wizard status.
Get out of here you alpha normalfag chad thundercock.
Mya-nee is a literal pedo though.
I'm 18 but nope.
A lot of those people who burnt out on their hobbies obsessively consumed them in their formative years (usually vidya, animu) because they had a lot of free time and nothing else to do. If you had other things you had to do leading up to your 20s like a non-meme college major or some shitty wageslave job you would naturally learn how to not burn yourself out when consuming content.
>you're a pedophile if you like watching moeshit.
Yea Forums 2019
90% of these people don't even remember /l/
The people who remember that ancient board are probably married with kids and left this place by now.
I've been watching anime since I was a 4 years old watching Speed Racer. I'm almost 30.
Fuck you, I don't.
>>The people who remember that ancient board are probably married with kids and left this place by now.
>are probably married with kids and left this place by now.
They've been norrmalfags all along.
one word, pedophiles.
You're here forever.
I've seen middle aged men post on this site. The originalfags are just outnumbered by babbies.
No you haven't, if I told you I was a WW2 veteran would you believe me?
I'd believe it if you posted an image for proof.
So if I took a picture of my grandad and made him hold a timestamp there's now a WW2 veteran posting on Yea Forums?
It's too easy to get angry replies and derail threads by calling people pedos, at least half of those posts are bait.
>you niggas that want to fuck cartoon children are mentally ill
At least I'm not a literal homosexual.
I'd believe that there are old people on Yea Forums.
I wonder how many anons have veteran grandads that aren't on some random asylum because America fuck yeah.
>but shit that looks like it was made for pedophiles like wataten is where i stop
There are probably more fatfags interested in Mya-nee than lolicons watching that.
>Makes me wonder how many other 30+ guys there are in the gym listening to anison. I always assume it's just me.
I listen to mogra rips while running.
I'm also 26. Can confirm that i increasingly gravitate towards cgdct anime the older i get.
They will when they hit puberty and become cock hungry whores.
>I find it stranger when there's shounen CGDCT and wondering how many boys actually care about YnS or Flying Witch.
Honestly demographics from manga magazines don't seem to make any sense aside from battle shounenshit.
Sounds like manga would be more your thing like a lot of Yea Forumsnons.
30 years old watching CGDCT is pretty common.
Same for shonens and isekai/chuuni. It's pretty fine if you're not delusional and understand what you watching.
I'm 28 yo. Can't stomach CGDCT but shonens/isekai/chuuni is still my cup of tea.
>mentally ill
I prefer the term autistic.
Would you date Noa even though you're 30? What would she do if she found out you like kids anime?
She would make fun of me until I was burning with shame and I would secretly enjoy it.
As long as she still puts out every night, she can shame me all she wants.
Little Girls are sexy and Japan know It.
You sound like some low IQ retard.
Fuck off.
Is this the average Yea Forumsnon?
yeah everyone I know that watched Wataten watched it for Mya-nee.
Same deal with Uzamaid and the muscle girl maid.
of course
To be disowned, one must first be owned.
He seems like a man of good taste.
japan has been watching cute school girls animes for like 30 years or more.
and they get to see said cute school girls on a DAILY BASIS. fucking US ain't got cute jp schoolys, just thot puddings
The ones that don't have lots of fanservice are basically the same as preschool shows so I'm not surprised.
I'm a Pinochetist but the kind that went from farmer mongrel to bourgeois through hard work the funny thing is that browsing Yea Forums made me a high effort student during college back in 2009 and ended up majoring at the UdC thanks to that
Is this guy still alive?
a lot of japanese "work" is off the clock, like nomikai parties with your boss and "optional" work trips . The need to stay until you boss leaves is endemic there even when the boss is just jacking it to porn trying to avoid his nagging wife at home so he goes to the izayaka and orders highballs until he stumbles home or passes out in the street
he posts on /g/
I'd hope so. One day we might need an image this wide again.
Posted a few months ago iirc. Shaved and cut his hair; he looks so weird now.
I remember seeing him post there around 2012-13, I avoid that board these days
its ok dude, boss said i'll be just like him if i work hard
The first 2 seasons, the specials and the movie are good
What's a pinochetist? What i could gather was sexist, homophobic, racist. Is that what you mean?
Does that guy draw?
I feel really weird about this when there's someone with me but when I'm watching by myself, I feel comfy as hell
There average user doesn´t have a dead wife and kids.
The only mistake of my General was letting your parents live
43 here.
Watched anime back in the 90's through bootleg tape trading, moved on to other things early 2000's. 10 years later, someone at work wouldn't shut the fuck up about Attack on Titan, watched some to see what was the deal, and for old times sake to find out what anime had changed since I used to be hardcore. Got sucked back in and am still working through a 10 year backlog. Fuck you.
And before I'm asked am I wizard, nope. My daughter loves K-On, and wife (not waifu) is a big Ranma fan.
I do that too.
Most of us here are 30+ anyway soo nope.
The Whatever Waves stuff is pretty good for the gym considering how high BPM it is. The Matrix stuff can go a bit too lounge or funk at times for the gym.
My brother.
I mostly use elemog for running.I'll check out Whatever waves.
He makes clothing for dolls.
Do you have the link to the mega?I lost it.
My family knows I watch CGDCT, if you aren't an autistic retard it's easy to explain.
Thanks man.
Matsumoto and Noa were the best characters of the show by far
Yeah like if a lolicon would reveal their powelevel,nobody know that i even watch anime.
Shitty meme, he was like 40 a few years ago.
What being mindbroken actually looks like. Doujinshi are lying to you.
Matsumoto was an annoying sperg.
keep masturbating to cartoon children user