The strongest mortal, und undisputed #1 of the multiverse - 3 arcs in the running.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
I like Jiren
>Undisputed #1
>Loses to #17
Queeren the Gay. As soon as you hear this cunt's voice, you can instantly picture him. A gelatinous, mongrel ayy, almost a bastardized joke on the Ginyu Force made physical. He literally looks like propaganda warning against the impending alien invasion from the 1950s. This dumb, ugly fucking spacebeaner is constantly incorrect about predictions, bragging about how he'll beat Son Goku (then throwing a tantrum and trying to kill his friends when he jobs) or else jerking himself off across Universe 11. He genuinely thinks he’s a big shot, you are literally some fat fucking gayylmao who talks about "absolute strength" to a fanbase of 10 year olds. You are fucking nothing. Fat fucking ayy retard
Fagren who?
>hate DBS and don't want it to return
>love DBS threads and want them to get new content to shitpost about
Problem is that Moro isn't very shitpost-worthy. He's kinda bland.
Moro is the most based villain we have had since Tao Pai Pai
Anime Jiren is as bland as one could get yet people force him every thread. Moro isnt bland, he just has a better fanbase
>killed Cranberry
Friendship with Moro ended
Fuck him
He's smart, and his energy-sapping is pretty cool, but his personality doesn't stand out that much to me. I'd be interested to understand his appeal, though.
That's true. Jirenspammers need to be processed into sausage.
>strongest mortal
Refute this Jobrendonkey
Jobrendonkey can't refute anything written in these images
Shut the fuck up about ningenly and ningenren. Fuck ningen in general and fuck off from this thread.
Behold, the average shitren fag
I'm NOT RACIST, BUT did you know that ningen are only 70% of the multiverse, but commit >90% of the crime?
Deport all ningen and ban ningen marriages.
zamasu fucked black, right?
Their kids would be 75% saiyan, we haven't seen that yet.
I was honestly really hoping Moro would leave him alive. Shame.
No. Black fucked Zamasu.
His voice inspires nothing but CHAD feelings.
When will DBS finally show her? We all know someone has to watch over time for time travel to be called a sin, and Zeno + GP don't seem to care about it.
Enter CHADro
Exit Ningenro
Oh my flying god another shitty goat thread THWARTED by the alpha-chads. Godspeed Jirenbros.
Reminder that Jirenchads drove the naysayers MAD with arguments next thread. Literally throwing a tantrum. KEK
>Wake up naturally, no need for alarm on my king size bed
>Do 10 minutes of meditation, sometimes I feel like I'm levitating
>The two girls are still sleeping
>My dog gets out of his Pride Troopers themed kennel I built for him and greets me
>My Red and Black Pride Troopers hoodie I ordered is on the coathanger
>Turn 20k pc on, boots in under 10 seconds because of lastest SSD.
>Jiren as desktop background on 60 inch monitor
>Girls wake up with a smile to the thundering sound of my industrial speakers
>Open my internet home, DBS Threads
>Chadrenposters dominating, as it is the custom
>Crack a smile, showing my pearly white teeth
>Don't need to click captchas because 20$ is literally nothing to me
brus its already turned into mexican poop, these threads...mods have mercy and hakai this
I-is this the life of the average Jirenchad?
Holy fuck, maybe I really should become one myself...
>loli kai
Kill yourself
shit taste
wtf is UCB?
>browse thread
>see Jiren yaoi
>grasp my massive 1-inch penis, GRIPren would be proud
>get an erection, penis grows to TWO WHOLE INCHES
>jizz all over my own teeth, keeping them pearly white
>that way I don't have to get up to brush my teeth, which is hard considering I'm 500 lbs
>pop one or two of my hundred zits
>masturbate to more Jiren yaoi
>mom tells me she threw out my Jiren realdoll
>cry and wet my pants
Based GODren bro
You are
Yes Jirenbro, what do you need? Where did you get that shitty nip taste poll btw? Looks awful and irrelevant
When is Whis going to reveal himself to be the final villain
S-SHITrenbros what happened....
Friendly reminder.
Don't call me bro if you gonna call GODren shit.
Based and whitepilled
3-0 btw
Imagine not being a fan of Chadro, Chadly or at least Chadjin Buu, the big 3 of the entire multiverse
2 fucking Brolys in the top 10 and most popular antagonist ahead of Freeza!
How does he do it bros?
>posting the cropped version
>posting the pathetic edit of jobren, who is weaker than Chadly (because low power level) and Chadro (because no defense for his gimmicks)
>same age
Dogren the Knelt
Imagine being factually wrong twice in one post
Offert is still up, whoever refutes this pic gets by bank account info
Oh hey I actually updated that
Ji Fucking Ren.
>Usual Complaining Bitch
cringe af
FUCKING based and saved
Super took place over the course of a month and a half
>he can bear both at the same time with superior strength and technique
>b-b-but Toei's fanfiction shitnime
>I-Its cringe because it fits me perfectly and I hate it
Fellow Jirenbrothers, I think my dog is ready to join the Pride Troopers. He is worthy of this as he joins me in meditation every morning and during our daily walks he gets looks from everyone. He is much more focused, became more confident and has become the envy of the block. All those other weakling brolydogs do nothing but stop in their tracks in fear at the sheer aura coming from my dog and their owners do not know why their dog stopped and shit in the sidewalk. I would like to get him a Pride Troopers kennel to reflect on his recent ascend into jirenhood. I saw another jirenchad had one for his dog. Let me know where I can buy one.
The movie is also there you fucking cuck
Jiren would mop the floor with Broly
>but does Broly have an upper limit ?
Yes, the canon movie. The non-canon shitnime is irrelevant.
Please don't blogpost
Please cope, dog.
Good pup. You've learned your rightful place.
What the fuck are you even implying then. Chadren is stronger either way
What a glorious and based dog
That retarded chart babbles about shit that never happened in the canon manga, and Jiren never oneshotted Freeza in the canon manga so the comparison with Freeza being able to fight Broly without dying for an hour is irrelevant. Now keep quiet and don't let me catch you posting your shitty fanfiction headcanon again.
t. ugly contumacious mutt
Based dogposter
>Jiren never oneshotted Freeza in the canon manga
He did ragdoll him easily actually, speedreader
>ragdolling someone=oneshotting them
Nice damage control. Cope.
>gets his own movie, which is universally beloved
>hot green waifu
>fans discuss the interesting characters and great animation of CHADly's based movie
>considered the worst part of his overlong arc
>bald faggot, probably fucks Toppo
>reduced to spamming about their dogs in order to convince themselves they don't love a shit character
It's good to be a Brolyfag.
As did Broly. Your spic chart is irrelevant. I told you to keep quiet.
Refute this
I bet my Dodge Viper that no Jobrentard is going to post a single canon fact in this entire thread, much less refute these facts.
The other Jirenchad said he built the kennel himself. It is no surprise, as building things yourself is the manliest and chaddest thing one can do.
But knowing you are a fellow Jirengenius, I believe you can do it too.
Kneel and cope and SILENCE
So, how did you build your undying love and obsession with cocks?
>Toeiturd fanspiction
Not canon
Add this Jirenbro!
How about no.
>Ultra Instinct gets written out of the story because it's literally too powerful
>knowing he lacks Ultra Instinct and cannot unlock it once again, Gokek has to resort to fusion instead
Wow such evidence, you really BTFO'd Jirenchads there
The best.
>manga and movie
Are you fucking braindead
You might be confused here camelfucker, it is Brolyspics that love cocks
I-it's over Jirenbros...s-suicide is the only option...
Literally conceding, I see. Good boy.
>17 literally had to save him from getting one shot
>he still almost rings both of them out with an arm swing
>all still while surpressed
Cope me a river
No, I'm not a Cucklypedro
nice concession my jinericfriend
Do you think they are going to say the other noncompeting universes suddenly had people stronger than Jiren? Because the way the gods reacted to Jiren made it really seem like that wasn't going to be the case
>didn't oneshot Freeza out of Golden form
>just beat him up
>just like Broly
I accept your concession. Get on your knees where you belong.
Excuse me Cucklyfags are arabs, not spics
>I bet my Dodge Viper
Post pics or didn't happen
Easily, give me the car
Am I on Yea Forums?
>reading comprehension
Easily the fastest concession in the past 20 dbs threads!
Did you even read what I just said you fucking sand negro?
Knowing Toriyama, there'll probably be someone out there tougher than Jiren. They'll just say the GoDs didn't know that such a warrior existed, like he was living on a secluded planet or he only just reached Jiren's level of power or somesuch.
Unironically Yea Forums has better Dragon Ball threads than Jirenpedros and Panpedos infested ones here these days.
>Tardkufags have to rely on other characters to try to get one over on CHADgeta
>blatant and constant waifuposting
You better get the fuck out and fast
From a logical POV it is unlikely, Jiren being more powerful than a GoD literally turned him into a myth whose rumors spread across the multiverse because it was that big of a deal.
Let's not forget that even among the strongest of all the universes, there were only a tiny few even coming close to the GoD realm, and even that level of power was literally nothing to Jiren.
From a meta POV it's absolutely possible though, just look how they pulled Broly out of their asses.
Cope AND concede.
t. Omar
Shut the fuck up, bitch. Don't dare try to order your master.
yep, it's pretty sad.
>jobrenburro's reading comprehension
Goku isn't the issue here but Vegeta, he teamed up with Goku without even let him exchange a single punch with SS Broly because he was completely sure Goku would never win against such a power house, even when he thought Goku still had UI up his sleeve, later he even agreed to fuse because like Goku said fusion was the only way to beat him and Vegeta STILL thought Goku had UI, it wasn't until several days after when he asked about it
>31 IPs
>saves gay porn on his PC
>I-I'm not gay i-i promise...hehehe...
you tried
>headcanon headcanon headcanon
Could he beat Jiren?
Absolute Strength makes him immune to absorbtion
>too retarded to make logical conclusions
J-Jirendumbshits...I-I thought w-were were based intellectuals...
Yamcha could beat Queeren.
jirenchads post your kennels. I know there are more of you. Post your designs. Let's begin the contest for the best Pride Trooper kennel.
Might as well be a dog yourself, dog.
Quoting is not an argument
Possibly. These are the most plebbit garbage on Yea Forums
Is there anything this dude cant grip?
Guess we are done from now on
>20 % of the posters make 80 % of the posts
manlets, when will they learn?
Broly's courage, because he has none
Mongoloids can't refute this, they are trying le funny misinterpreting as some kind of gotcha.
I don't need more evidence than this to say, jobrenmongoloids are the dumbest posters I ever seen on Yea Forums.
One more time for the cucked Spiclyfags: Enter CHADren.
Yea Forums wishes it could concentrate as much shitposting as these threads
>Jirenchads: Diverse community of white people in first world countries
>Brolycuck"s": A SINGLE (1) arab ISIS member lurking and spamming 24/7
>All this talk about chads
>Not posting the real chad
>For me, it's Jiren. He is focused, and embodies Samurai spirit, much like me.
>The concession of the dogs
Back into the kennel you go
Based Hermano.
KEK How can brolyshits ever recover
Jobrenchode completely lost and outclassed can't make an intelligent and sagacious retort to the facts at hand!
>talk about warrior and pride when Cucku and Jobgetta had to run away and fuse to stand a chance
>still RTHing after being BTFO
Keku literally could not UI. Cope harder
t. Yusuf Mohammed Al-Habadi III
13% of the DBS posters make more than 50% of the posts
Literally broken
>Yusuf Mohammed Al-Habadi III
Is that your rapist Sweden name?
Ok now who's the fool that spamming all the lol threads here?
did the writers ever address the power levels between broly/jiren?
how were GT's power levels compared to super's?
>dogposters of crushing loniness with pathetic power fantasies of punishing their disobedient hounds
>literally own actual dogs who are chad, well-trained, protect their property and impress females everywhere they go
Come on, start the faggot porn spam as usual, you camel fucker
SHITrenfags never learn
was Cranberry a muslim?
lmao dog owners are all smelly retards.
How does that count as fagposting? Jiren obviously has a vagina.
Dragon Ball is shit and people who like it are fucking stupid
This. Im a Jirenchad and my chad dog survived getting ran over by a car with only minor scratches. Just like TANKren
I'm a Jirenchad and my dog survived me fucking it with my 2-inch penis.
to be honest you have to have a high IQ to understand HxH
Have sex
Wait a minute... Arabs fucking hate dogs because of their religion. THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.
is is just because Mohamed had a cat so they just assumed cats are halal while dogs are haram?
Holy fuck
Grow the fuck up
>says the Jiren shitposting fagotron
But Jirenbro, I was just posting about how tough my dog is. He barely even yelped as my fat rolls were grinding against him.
>he says in a Dragon Ball shitposting general while adding "chad" to every character's name like a fucking retard
Quick Jirenbros! We gotta spam the catalog until the mods delete the dbs thread and the evidence of us being utterly trounced by the Brolychads with it, it is the only way we can recover from today!
>time to put little brother in his place
I-it's no use,'ll all b-be on Desuarchive, anyway...w-we should just kill ourselves...
Beerus is a cat
Hey niggers stop spamming the catalog
>Gon is a Goku clone and Meruem is a Cell clone
You should respect your father, hiatusnigger
I still remember when I was the only one Jirenposting after the ToP ended, then slowly but surely, the high IQ posters couldn't help but notice the patterns and the actual truth of Chadren the Chad being the strongest and manliest on the series. Now we are LEGION
Gon and Killua are Goten and Trunks clones
Meruem is a Cell and Frieza fusion
Hey UCB, you gonna start crying as usual?
You do realize raids are against the rules.
Speaking as s a representative of all the jirenpedros out there, we are offering everyone our concession. Both Moro and Broly would easily beat up /ourjobber/ in a fight right now.
The main focus of these threads recently, have been about Jiren?
Those who are pro Jiren and those who are anti Jiren?
t. Malik
So that's a yes? Wow, UCB, you're a real whiny bitch, aren't ya?
Not the same user by the way, just pointing out.
So what is going to happen once Bra turns 16? Can GoD even make babies?
>n-not him
Shut the fuck up bitch.
Who the fuck is spamming the catalog with "LOL"
Jiren is an easy character to troll with, since he's a walking powerlevel with no interesting characteristics. You can spam him all day every day, and when people complain, just justify it because he's strong and this is a battle shounen.
Probably a Queerendog.
So do you think UI truly unleash the hidden power you would otherwise get from transforming ala Ultimate? That would explain why they never state it's a power up technique despite being so good in battle (because BASE Goku being able to overcome SSB Goku is just stupidly crazy even for Toriyama). If so, UI Beerus wouldn't be THAT strong, the difference between UI Beerus and UI Goku would be the same as the one between Beerus and SSB Goku, SSB fusion should be stronger than that.
Now if it really is an insane power up then UI Beerus would be like stacking two UIs together, fucking insane
>not even trying to hide your falseflag
Pathetic Brolycuck, SEETHING
Don't use words you don't understand, Jirentaco.
Now I see why they call us CHADS of Yea Forums. Look at this mans's boldness
UI is kinda weird. They initially explain it as just being super-efficient, with no wasted movements or anything like that, but it's pretty much played as a new transformation, like Super Saiyan White or some shit. It makes it hard to judge.
I'm not some samefag, Jirenbro. Just give up...they've found us out...we should kill ourselves...
You go right ahead, stand outside and wait 5 minutes, a mortar shell should land on you, or a camel might tear you apart.
How can I go outside, Jirenbro? I'm 500 lbs; I can't fit through the door frame.
Just yell Muhammad sucks, and your parents will take you outside to stone you to death, you anti-Jiren sand crawler
Why not Argentina, bros? It is not fair.
>jirentranny replies to me
Sorry, only one spic country allowed
How is that falseflagging jirenpaco?
Also have you considered the fact that no one likes jiren and your incessant spam affects anyone who wants to discuss something else other than Jiren?
You take that back, I have a Jiren realdoll which I fuck every night while wearing my finest fedora.
I for one, as a Vegetabro, support the reign of the Jirenchads
But there are two in there.
Nice try Jobrencuck. Vegetabros have better taste than that.
>How can I go outside, Jirenbro? I'm 500 lbs; I can't fit through the door frame.
You too Jirenbro?
How I understand you...
USA and Spain are what dumb JOBrentardo
>two from the americas
>two from europe
>two from asia (Japan doesn't count for obvious reasons)
>then the motherland Japan
I know half of the US is full of spics but I wouldn't call it a spic country user
It's so hard, man...somedays I don't even have the strength to get up so I shit my least mom brings me tendies...
Where the fuck is France? Where the fuck is the UK?
Brolymongs are spamming the catalog and are claiming to be CHADrenbros while they do it, SAD!
>no one likes Jiren
nice headcanon, not an argument
>your incessant spam affects anyone who wants to discuss something else other than Jiren?
Feel free to anytime. Chadren ends up being the main topic purely out of anti-Chadrencucks seething. Rent free.
Now that's a good question, the french are the biggest weaboos ever, I don't know why the fuck would they ignore them, I bet some of them will even make a little trip to Spain to see the tour
I don't mind jiren for doing this to Gokek.
>this year, the journey continues
These threads cant go on bros, aren't you ashamed of turning these once bastion of enlightenment and amazing discussions into this?
HxH Chads please help us! Bros...its over
Yeah that raid was quite bad, it's just silly to see people do this
So why isn't Beerus doin anything to stop Moro???
>is not Beerus business
But it is, Moro just absorbed god ki which means he can fuck Beerus easy too.
And why Goku doesn't just turn UI that is not "ki based".
>But Moro canj absorb UI too
Jiren Jiren Jiren Jiren Jiren Jiren Jiren Jiren
I know in my soul what you expect of me,
And all that and more I shall be.
A knight of the Table Round should be invincible,
Suceed where a less fantastic man would fail.
Climb a wall no one else can climb,
Cleave a dragon in record time,
Swim a moat in a coat of heavy iron mail.
No matter the pain, he ought to be unwinceable,
Impossible deeds should be his daily fare.
But where in the world
Is there in the world
A man so extraordinaire?
C'est moi! C'est moi, I'm forced to admit.
'Tis I, I humbly reply.
That mortal who
These marvels can do,
C'est moi, c'est moi, 'tis I.
I've never lost
In battle or game;
I'm simply the best by far.
When swords are crossed
'Tis always the same:
One blow and au revoir!
>how to kill db for good
>just have whiskey and virus do everything
The point is that there's a perfectly explained reason why Beerus and Whis never help, in this situation that reason is gone, at least for Beerus, we don't know about Whis, but that being the case WHY GOKU DOESN'T JUST UI AND FINISH THIS.
Goku and Vegeta didn't know he could absorb God ki until they fought him, so how would Beerus know?
Whis wont do shit because hes only allowed to observe. How did you miss this about Whis? he never takes a stance. Beerus doesn't care if some shit planets get their energy stolen, Beerus never cared unless someone is actually breaking universal rules like time travel or murdering kais. Goku doesn't go UI because he cant freely use UI, was explained in the first chapter after the ToP. Jesus Christ pay attention.
what went wrong with DBS? it's like one giant meme went too far example
And therein lies the rub.
Toriyama KNEW the very idea of Beerus and Whis and God anything was fucking stupid.
Which is why he soft wrote it out and contained it in BoG.
In DBS, Beerus Whis Zeno button and UI and Hakai being a thing breaks any ability to feel any kind of tension in the story
Even fucking Vegeterott was pushing it and Toriyama KNEW IT. Which is why he made both vegeta and goku hate fusing and not want to do it.
DB, as it stands, is pointless fanfiction written by people who don't like DB or understand it.
Beerus is a garbage character
Paid attention to what you type since you just explained why would Beerus care, and about Whis I already said it's not clear since the only way to know is to see Goku going UI and see what happens, and Goku was able to go UI given th situation, are you going to tell me this situation isn't important?
Beerus doesn't care about planets getting destroyed, he doesn't give a single fuck about anything or almost anything. Whis wont take up arms and go defend Goku or some shit like that, that's not his function.
what the fuck bros
is vegetas brother a pedophile?
this bitch is like 4 years old
I bet this thing can take a dick like no other life form on the galaxy
imagine thinking that DB ever had any tension
Read nigger, read.
fuck you retard jump off a bridge
I honestly love the Toeispic/Jirenfag shitposter. His autism is genuinely entertaining and it keeps the threads from just being boring image spam from waifufags or that one pedophilic ban-evading GTspic.
Keep doing you, NEXTposter.
No fuck you, it's NEXT
Stupid dog
Given she's an alien from a race we know nothing about there's no way we can make any assumptions about how they age. She could even be a shapeshifter for all we know and can turn into whatever freaky fetish Tarble is feeling like on any given night.
Imagine so blatantly confirming that you're a Superbabby whose only exposure to DB and DBZ is TFS.
>literally conceding
Good dog.
You dare disobey a direct ORDER, dog? Get back to your kennel POSTHASTE before I unleash my wrath upon thee.
> Get back to your kennel
Exit jobro
>two threads at once
Thanks doc
Hey, UCB. You testing to see if your pathetic crying will make a difference again?
Please help us hunterchads, I tried to read hxh while waiting for the anime to return in July and my brain stopped working at this page, it's too hard!
Chadrens, Brolybros, Cute Gang, Dogposters, Copeposters, etc
We're in danger !
>UCB literally crying to all of Yea Forums
Hahahaha holy FUCKING shit
Good job lads
Don't let me see you on the street
>Literally mind breaking this little cunt into fucking begging for us to get banned.
These dogs...these contumacious hounds...have gone too far. Threatening MY threads, MY livelihood, MY bastion of superior intellect and vast, unmatched lexicon? UNACCEPTABLE. These perfidious and most odious, disloyal and henceforth utterly superfluous beasts have turned from their superior master's sagacious and divine COMMANDS for the final time. NO LONGER WILL I SHOW MERCY OR RESTRAINT. Prepare yourself, dogs. The storm of your master's wrath fast approaches, borne as a veritable maelstrom of righteous fury upon a wave crafted from the transgressions of canids too cantankerous and malignant in their malfeasance and tepid FLOUTING of the superior masters' decrees to consider the precarious position upon which they now perch.
Aww, wassamatter little guy?
You faggots really should be banned.
For what? Character discussion? It's just banter bro, we all love each other here. Even Brolyfags are fine with me.
dumb spic.
>moefaggot gets mad his generic moeshit thread #3233362466 got archived becuase a DBchads thread
>starts crying on /qa/
>DBS intellectual CHADS shut him the fuck down with our honed arguing skills
seething tranny
kneel bitch. cope my doghound
Holy FUCK the dogposter is at it, wrecking brainlets with his lexicon
I will tolerate NO threats to my Super generals and the fellow superior masters (and contumacious dogs) that inhabit them, factual or perceived, foreign or domestic. Such nonsense is far worse than any of the hounds populating these threads.
I'm a happy dog
Good pet.
Dogposter is an old boomer.
N to the E to the X to the E, Looks like nobody can argue with me.
fucking fail
mods plz ; - ;
S to the P to the I to the C, you're in need of a spelling class or three
Who's doing Bra?
Go cry in /qa/ you fucking bitch
Gimme a C
Gimme a O
Gimme a P
Gimme a E
Holy molly Im on an arguing spree
Post when Goku gets affected by Cuckmber's aura
admit dragon ball is just a fucking corpse right now, just like the simpsons, you pathetic incel
C to the H to the A to the D, the only right word to describe one such as me.
Broly Jr
Bra is going to be a mary sue, Tony Stark tier brains like Bulma but amplified + SSGSS probably by age 3.
U to the C to the pitiful B, your whining is fruitless, cope and concede.
>3 mediums are going on right now
Pick one, fagget
>DB chads are also poets
We are the top 1%
Which one is he?
I said post the part when Goku gets affected by Cuckmber's aura
plus birthed by angel magic
Oh yeah. She had god ki too because fuck it why not.
thanks doc
IQs in the hundreds
Sagacious debates
Esoteric discussion
The true CHADS of Yea Forums
god i actively look forward to these threads
the shitposting is objectively some of the most entertaining because it's based mostly around obviously tongue-in-cheek fanaticism instead of just angry autism
This honestly. I don't think a single poster here is actually taking any of this shit seriously, and if someone does they're unanimously mocked by all the shitposters who pretend to hate each other
>is weak*
Is there a better friendship in shounen history?
what the fuck is wrong with that spic?
t. Joblyfag ineffectually coping
>instead of just angry autism
*to Cheelai's pussy
Go back to crying on /qa/, UCB.
Yeah, the 2 faggots from hiatus x hiatus, Nardo and Suzuki, etc...
Dollfags are seriously terrifying.
Well not taking it seriously doesn't mean Im not right. Jiren IS at the top
Keep quiet, my precious, PRECIOUS pet.
I'll let it pass for today because you stood for the chads on that complaining bitch thread
>Caulifla and Kale
Chads of Yea Forums baby
>Danny Choo
>some fag is trying to get the Chads of Yea Forums banned
We already shut that bitch down
The problem with DB is there is no consistency, so now we got Moro and apparently he destroyed Vegeta and Goku in a flash, so how will they fucking defeat him? Guess Goku's gonna have to unlock ULTRA INSTINCT SUPER SAIYAN FIVE GOD ANGEL HEAVEN FORM.
Fucking stupid.
Still crying, UCB?
Enter GODly
>Not an argument
Thanks for admitting I'm right.
>so now we got Moro and apparently he destroyed Vegeta and Goku in a flash, so how will they fucking defeat him? Guess Goku's gonna have to unlock ULTRA INSTINCT SUPER SAIYAN FIVE GOD ANGEL HEAVEN FORM.
Did you even fucking read the arc? The entire gimmick of Moro is he devours ki, simply raising your powerlevel won't beat him brainlet. Moro was made for you faggot.
>new antagonist is stronger than the previous one
>Vegeta catches up to whatever powerup Goku got last arc and then gets shit on like the bitch that he is
>Goku gets a new powerup to defeat the villain
How's that not consistent?
Get back to your pissbaby thread THIS INSTANT, dog.
So then how do they beat him? Answer that, smartass.
It's redundant.
how can goku just lie like this to all his friends without even flinching?
>It's redundant.
Ah, so you're moving the goalposts just like a contumacious hound with no arguments.
>So then how do they beat him?
With high IQ strategy
No such thing exists in DBS or DB for that matter. Goku is retarded and Vegeta is too arrogant to be tactical.
Even if I admit that's consistent, it's still garbage writing. Toriyama will pull a new power up out of his ass? Alright. I can't wait. Super exciting. Moro devours ki, so what's the point?
>I-I could have beaten him, h-haha
So are you going to answer my question or just dodge it by posting your shitty meme pictures?
can the mods please cease all dragon ball related threads on Yea Forums
>are you going to acknowledge my futuresight headcanon?
No, I'm going to continue mocking you for being a whiny bitch that comes into threads just to cry like a woman.
_____ of Yea Forums
You already have a thread on /qa/ in which to get eviscerated by the intellectual and astute CHADS of Yea Forums, little pooch. Hasten back there at once.
%>communicating with a 'dat boy' poster out of 50
I'll ask you again. How will Vegeta and Goku defeat Moro if he absorbs ki? Goku will get a new form or power up, but what good will it do? Go on, answer it, fuck boy.
why did goku go super saiyan in the movie when he was like "waku waku there are strong guys out there waku waku I'm so hard right now"
>h-haha you don't know how the arc ends SO IT'S BAD LOLOLOLOL ECKS DEE
Yeah, you can cope.
>fuck boy
Back to tumblr the little pup runs.
Alright, since you won't answer the question it's obvious you can't. You can't even make a decent theory. How pathetic. Some "intelligent chad" you turned out to be.
>b-b-but how will Goku and Vegeta defeat the Androids if they absorb ki
>b-but how will they defeat Buu if he can just regenerate
>b-b-but how will they defeat Zamasu if he's immortal
Shut the fuck up, spic.
Not every blonde guy is Son Wukong and nothing about dicks beyond spelling happen to apply outside your worldview.
Fuel cell points towards 'Empty' on the dialectic odometer.
>he literally just wants to make up headcanons
Oh boy. Go watch some Masacuck videos or something.
>Androids became irrelevant when Cell arrived to absorbed them.
>Majin Buu became irrelevant with "muh fusion"
>Zamasu was defeated by Zeno who can destroy a universe instantly.
All asspulls, but do go on. I'm having fun showing you how retarded you are. Goku and Vegeta literally did not defeat the androids, Buu, or Zamasu without help from asspull sources. The closest would be Majin Buu at best.
Pretty sure UCB has gone insane
>Buu became irrelevant with muh fusion
>fusion literally did nothing
Ah, I see. You're a Superbabby. Your posts shall henceforth be immediately and vehemently discarded.
Holy fuck I just checked /qa/. How long has this autist been doing this for?
The thread's been up for a while. A bunch of DB chads have been popping over there every so often to remind him what a little inferior faggot he is
Sure about the Earl of Bassington while you meant PCV?
Galactic Patrol Training Default argument detected.
Actually Kid Buu was beaten by Goku alone, and Vegito was cocky and got himself absorbed. I'd say Buu's defeat was the least of an asspull, unless you consider the spirit bomb to be an asspull technique. It certainly was better than "muh Zeno" and Cell coming to take care of the androids for Goku and company since they couldn't do shit to them. Cell's defeat was alright since Gohan just obliterated him so he couldn't regenerate.
Chadrenbros, Brolychads. I propose a ceasefire to end this threat.
I love you chadrenbros
And now you concede. Smart move, young pup.
fuck off fagren the jizz receptacle
I still think Jiren technically is above Goku in terms of strength. Goku can't use ultra instinct again, and without that he's pretty much fodder to Jiren. Even when Goku was in UI mode, Jiren was holding his own against him towards the end.
I only admitted you were right about Majin Buu, doesn't change the fact that Zamasu and the Androids were not a viable argument since Goku and Vegeta did jack shit to them in terms of defeating them alone. If Zeno hadn't of shown up then Goku and Vegeta would have been fucked.
Checked for vanilla pudding Tuffle posters.
>Even when Goku was in UI mode, Jiren was holding his own against him towards the end.
Only because he unlocked his participation trophy power up. prior to that he was getting his shit kicked in.
Yep, you lost
bros we gotta put a stop to these threads before its too late
If Jiren was allowed to kill he would have stomped Goku even in UI. The rules of the tournament are why he ended up losing because he had to hold back the entire time.
Literally no chance Goku wouldn't activate it again in a battle hard pressed. It's just convenience for you to ignore that to keep doing your discord raids.
>CUTErens smile is millions of times cuter than anything SHITlifa has done
Holy shit is there anything HANDSOMEren can't do?
No it was because he was an arrogant shit who refused to do anything and just floated there and let his teammates do all the work. His loss was well deserved.
Win the tournament
Revive his master
Attend Trunks and Mai's doubles wedding with Babidi presiding over ceremonies, the risk of almighty alien ki going full infrared spectrum for a new form would be as dangerous as gay pamphlets dropped over Mexican border crossing stations from a helicopter.
Hit deserved better than what he got.
Do you have any narrative deductions to back those facts up and out the front door?
Shut the fuck up you literal double nigger.
If I've seen the Battle of Gods and Resurrection F movie, should I skip straight to season 3 or just watch it normally anyway?
>Do you have any narrative deductions to back those facts up and out the front door?
Have sex
It's overrated these days.
His participation power up was "actually trying".
Also someone in the writing room or the shilling bullshit office realized that UI was a fundamentally retarded idea.
Take a shower
Hit the gym
well...i love falseflagging ·_·
Kneel at my feet.
what's jiren looking at
Are Jobrentards the new HxH fags
To your kennel at ONCE.
just answer the question you flaming faggot
But it's boring there
I don't know how to make the post clearer to you, retarded Jobrenfriend, I'm sorry.
Read the differences between the two versions and yeah you can just start from episode 28
Did I ask for your opinion, dog? TO YOUR KENNEL FORTHWITH.
Yes, indeed, Jobren is weaker than Broly.
Go outside
Can I get a kennel like this?
>getting angry
You are an incompetent master. My previous master was more sagacious
gain height
Me on the left and my older brother on the right
If Goku was allowed to kill he would've stomped Jiren even harder then what he did and then kill him.
U7 wins all the same.
>Strength mogs everyone
>Face mogs everyone
>Height mogs CHODEly and 99.9999999999999% of the MULTIVERSE
>Speed mogs everyone
>IQ mogs everyone
>Frame mogs JOBly and everyone else
GODren is still the STRONGEST being in the entire multiverse.
you mean chadren heston?
Nice headcanons
>taste in women mogs everyone
Can anything stop REDPILLEDren?
roshi had to slow down for him
>saving the thread
Hiatuscuck mad kek
Jiren is the best character in Dragon Ball. He's also the strongest, chaddest, basedest, strongest grip-est, kindest, most physicallyimposing-est, has the most bitches-est, smartest, taller than CHODEly-est, swolest, fastest, biggest dickest and invincible-est character in the series.
I like Jiren
>is a glorified fruit person
>is a ningen
>uses ningen magic to become the 'lower being' that thrashed him
tea bitch please
None can save Goku from the streak. AT wills it.
>j-just one kiss for my wench is all I ask...
>when the Vegeta cells kick in
Reminder that Ultimate Gohan is a transformation much like Super Saiyan.
You have FIVE seconds to name your favorite moment in all of DB
I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
Yamcha and Vados should hook up and have a kid. Yamcha has always wanted a family and he's an OG from volume one, he should have SOME kind of legacy and opportunity to get some screen time (having a son).
Post more pan
your master died like a dog begging for life
What a faggot.
ehhh There are a few things hated by a fair decent amount here, falseflagging and false reporting or when Gayporn is spammed or the one panfag posts nothing but CP and Lolicon ignoring the rules because they ban evade are all pretty much equally despised no matter who posts it.
Fucking hell I didn't even time that, innate psychic powers for the win.
>the shitposting is objectively some of the most entertaining
>LITERALLY just CHADly and CHADren repeated ad nauseam and nothing else
Just another retarded KEKlyfag masquerading as a CHADrenbro. Literally too weak and broken to admit that he's a fan of CHODEly, so he resorts to posting gay porn and pedo shit.
>2-0 grandpa!
How could he forget? Save the reminder for his fans.
>kneel before your master
>please kiss my wife
>porn spamming
The shitposting in here is a bunch of retards parroting the same shit over and over. Can your brains even conceive an original shitpost for once?
Your list is a bit behind on the latest shitposting ways, dog.
Let me fill in the blanks.
>Jobly Seething
>Jobly's cope
>Kneel before your master(Jiren)
>Please kiss my wife Jiren
>Joblyfags porn spamming again
Gotta update your shit brah, you're way behind.
Tech-Techs aren't shapeshifters, they're a warrior race like the Saiyans. Except Gure is Tarble in that she isn't a fighter.
not an argument. NEXT
is boring and shit, sorry posted accidentally before finishing.
goku has to carry that weight?
>tfw both a Jirenchad and a Toyochad
Vegeta KNOWS Shitku can't UI you dumb fucking paco
These threads are line a shonen itself. People love to fight and argue and smile while doing it.
have sex
>replying to himself
Just letting you all know Goku has never beaten Vegeta in a 1v1 fight.
on behalf of my fellow brolyfags we concede
Big if true.
I'd like to seize this opportunity to congratulate all my fellow Jirenbrothers. We have successfully become the strongest and most predominant characterfags this entire site has ever seen.
By congregating our collective above-average IQs into one line of posting, we have successfully dwarfed every other characterfagging prior to us.
Oh but that is not even the best part. Our "competition" if you can even call it that, has been thwarted and stomped into submission in ways never even thought possible. With the most clever and eloquent pastas I've personally ever seen, we slowly but surely drove the anti-jiren jihadists and pedros MAD with anger and frustration.
Since our constant streak of victories ensuing in every thread for months on end, they have tried: Crying to the mods, posting autistic ISIS edits, editing Jiren's pictures to make him shorter, making petty threads only to get archived or deleted to get away from Chadren threads, spamming literal faggot porn, Yea Forums spam, /toy/ spam, cardposting, blatantly lying and posting nonsense, out of context baiting, RTHing, textless waifushit spam to image limit more than once, and the list goes on. Needless to say, nothing worked.
It surely doesn't help their cause either that official media constantly treats and announces Jiren as the strongest mortal in DB universe.
To put it plainly, thank you, my fellow Jirenbros. Our outstanding genious work will not be soon forgotten, nor will Jiren himself.
>Vegito was cocky and got himself absorbed
Vegito created a barrier for the explicit purpose of NOT getting absorbed. It was a gamble but it didn't happen by accident, he got eaten by Buu on purpose so he could deal with the problem from the inside.
(Chapter 507, page 5)
I'm just taking a shot in the dark here, but chances are that Whis and Beerus are gonna get involved. They were explicitly shown to ignore him before he got to be stupidly OP through his wishes, which is basically the same as saying "HEY, THESE GUYS ARE GONNA HAVE TO GET INVOLVED NOW THAT HE GOT A BROKEN WISH THAT MAKES HIM SUPER POWERFUL"
>World-eating villain that has a beef with the kaioshin
>There exists a big, nigh-indestructible world explicitly made for and populated by kaioshin
>Beerus' weakness is the Supreme Kai dying
>Moro is likely going to go to their world to finish the job, thus warranting an intervention and subsequent hakai'ing from Beerus
You think its easy?
if weakren is the strongest then Broly is the strongester
Fucking pathetic
Another guess: Supreme Kai will be killed in the upcoming chapters thanks to Moro's power-up, but Beerus will persist since his life depends on the Supreme Kai, and all of the Supreme Kai except for the one of the East were absorbed by Buu. Basically, the death clause is nigh-impossible to actually meet since they're all safe and sound inside of fat buu.
I like you
Definitely the most BASED moment of any DB antagonist to date.
>Goku unlocks the "I win now" powerup
>still gets overpowered
How does he do it, holy shit
Pecs of power
Roshi was tired, he could blitz Jobren for days otherwise.
Roshi wanted to take it easy on the little guy, let him feel like he still had a chance
Yeah, the moment when you clearly see that UI isn't a power up despite Goku clapping Jobren's ass all the same.
>Literal gods of destruction: struggle to master an incomplete version of the most powerful state of combat
>Old man that lazes around reading porno mags all day: "Hold my beer"
jesus you people are genuinely braindead
Reminder that the only one who can beat Jiren is ___Jiren
Its not canon anyway
He only used an incomplete version too though, and he is a three centuries old martial arts master.
He still did what is an impossible feat to most gods when he spends most of his time sitting around on an island jacking off with a talking turtle
Most gods just sit around all the time too though. We haven't seen any of them constantly training to get stronger or anything. Even after seeing Goku achieving UI Beerus is still just sitting around even.
Its very reasonable
GoDs are hundreds of millions of years old. That is an incomprehensible amount
I want to tickle Pan's feet!
If they're sitting around doing nothing all day, why can't they do what an old man who sits around doing nothing but jack off all day can?