Can we please put a ban on Dragon Ball Super Generals on Yea Forums?

There's no new content currently coming out and none of the posters within the threads actually discuss said content anyway (DB Heroes episodes, new manga chapters, etc). There's virtually no reason for the threads to exist aside from being a containment thread, the majority of the posts are from a group of what is most likely 10 people regurgitating the same Jiren/Broly posts ad nauseum with a handful of other characters occasionally thrown into the mix.

pic unrelated

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Who fucking cares, just filter some shit. It’s on topic.

Absolutely wrong.
Unironically these threads have the best of the meta discussions. Everything here has to be concise and solid otherwise you are gonna get a "nice headcanon" or a "not an argument"
Posters here constantly seek for a challenge in order to practice and hone their arguing skills. As a consequence the series has been discussed thoroughly and much more in depth than any other series so far.
If you take the time to venture to other threads, you will find all sorts of low quality posting such as: Avatarfagging, roleplaying, waifugarbage, incel topics and such. But here you can get as intellectual as you want, your arguments and points will be met with others of equal or even higher forcefulness.
The irony of these posts is the most sophisticated aswell. Take, for example, the dogposter. As autistic, lonely and crushingly bored as he may be, you cannot deny his lexicon and linguistic capabilities. Even the worst of these threads is admirable in certain ways.
Or for example the Toyofags. Merely be using hard evidence and clever taunting tactics to induce rage and autistic fits on their opponents (ex: holy shit Im smart at this), they have managed to debunk an entire medium of the series (anime) as non canon. Truly an admirable feat.
All of this success, obviously, is sure to breed jealously and envy. And as a result, we get pathetic attempts at "invasions" from lower tier shonens and 2 digit IQ posters, albeit ineffective as it can be.

>It’s on topic.
Good one.

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This thread was moved to

>There's no new content currently coming out
The manga is still running

Which they don't discuss, they're all animeonly trash.

Would say take this is the DB threads, but the last time that happened the poster got banned
So take it to the IRC.
The Shounenshit threads are a legitimate problem at this point

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/qa/ is the anime board
Yea Forums is the petty rulecuck board

They should have banned it earlier, now I'm afraid that if they pop the bubble the cancer will splash on the rest of Yea Forums

Don't click on the thread then?...

They already popped the bubble by removing their containment thread and letting them have multiple threads

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False. We were talking about Moro and we still are.

DB had it's own board?

They tried banning them a little over a year ago but it just made them spam harder.

It had a general retard.
Some dipshit made generals against the rules and people acted like it was a good thing, when all it meant was that instead of certain posters being contained to their generals, they are free roam and just make multiple threads.
Removing generals doesn't remove the posters. Nobody from /dbs/ went to /vg/'s /dbg/, in fact, I'd argue it made the thread quality worse, since their own tard wranglers just disappeared while the shit posters got worse (18fag, Vegetafag, these retards who think the spic memes are still funny)
Go find the thread was posted in

Hunterchads > DBSpics

Why do Shounen make Yea Forums seethe so much?

Because it attracts Yea Forumsermin like you

I love DBS and it's one of the only anime these days still worth discussing. Even Heroes.

forced shit like Promare, HxH or Jojo is boring and nothinghappens.

Literally only attracts crossboarding newfags.
These are the same people who complain about weebshit in other boards and mass flood boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums when something as asinine as a TV show ending or a character for a fighting game is announced.
Also make the objectively lowest quality posts.
And stop samefagging with 188591636, that's not a new IP, this is the low quality shitposting I'm talking about.

>install 4chanx
banning certain anime shows from the ANIME board is inherently a bad idea.

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>doing their job
They would rather coddle the spics in their containment latrine than deal with them crying all over the board after the ban.

This but with every general here. Especially shounen ones