Alright fags, get it in here.
Chapter 23
Chainsaw Man
Other urls found in this thread:
oh boy I can't wait to see my favorite character, Makima, and her completely intact skull!
Inb4 collab.
10/10 chapter
japs seething at based early western releases
>Aki's face.
He already knows.
>aimed at devil-less guy first
Kobeni is so alive its not even funny
Right side are already into it, they will be fine.
This manga is the shit.
I'm sorry but Iq 134 here is so surviving this one. The know somethings up. And their fiend will probably save the left.
Chainsawman looks too much like exhibitionist avenger guy
>wife has now a healer role
Welp, at least please save Himeno, she is based as well.
Please Himeno don't die.
Based 134 IQ man.
Why are you retards posting images during a dump?
Himeno is dead as shit.
looks like something from a capcom game.
I can't believe Denji is fucking dead.
>Shall we leave?
Because I hate you.
don't post pictures mid dump you dolt
Hey look, a Starbucks.
Old Man was kind of an asshole.
>SBUX logo in a manga
Every time I see it I buy 1000 more in stock options. Dolls Kara made made me 10,000.
Lurk more
that top panel is great
this edge guy is basically reworked design of that that priest and mask guys from fire punch
Rip Fox
What are the chances he actually got the axe and is just killing everyone out of spite
I've been around long enough that I don't give a shit about your reading experience, which is inherently lacking already since your preferred medium is an image board.
Thank you.
Sword Man
I want to abuse Power.
How about you stop spamming the same shit every thread you sperg?
>not a devil
>not a person
What the fuck is it? An artificial cyborg wizard? Is this gonna be a Fire Punch prequel after all?
More likely this is just Fujimoto being Fujimoto
Shit man, I already want the next chapter so fucking bad.
>sword devil
>devil powerlevel based on how scary a thing is
Ooooh boy.
mis muertos, so manga rush rush again?! aw crap.
Aki a handsome.
someone quickly yank the pull cord on his heart for him, we can't have the best MC in Jump die yet.
Also pls not himeko.
This could also be a fire punch sequel for all we know
>I've been around long enough that I don't give a shit about your reading experience
If you still act like a faggot then you still need to lurk more
>which is inherently lacking already since your preferred medium is an image board.
Let me guess, you have never watched anything with other people, right?
He is just like Denji, some kind of devil/human hybrid.
Ow the edge
Sword Man vs Swordman
Clown devil, Public speaking devil and Death Devil are the final bosses.
I can't believe it's fucking shadman
You would think the design would be a hint
Feels like someone endgame-wise just showed up.
Sword Devil or something? HOT DAMN
Sswhing swingh you've been edged by the edge devil
roll for initiative
explain your joke
Coolest design so far, in my opinion..
Wouldn't the fox be less surprised? I guess they haven't actually met Denji, though.
So this is the power of the gun devil
Soooo.... rip Kon? Or are the summons unkillable in summoned form? Time to find out.
>nooo my love alliance
> Thanks for the Popularity! Vol 1 and 2 have Extra Reprints!
Retard: He said thanks to the fans! This manga is in its final arc!
>gets more powerful the more fear of the thing its based off it is
shadman is way scarier than chainsaw man so denji is kill.
First page in the manga that made me really hype
>the mafia fuckers from the first chapter are actually relevant
Nice, I thought we'd never hear about them again.
I mean, to me it least, it looks like shadman's avatar
The core probably isn't in the head.
Not shademan, shadman, he's the shindol of western porn comics, or at least he wishes he was.
Is a chainsaw scarier than this?
So who wants to guess what the sword is? l'm throwing it out there and say it's the Souls Devil
The earth is gone dude.
reminds me of
The Fox likely doesn't know Denji exists to begin with, let alone knowing anything about his Chainsaw Man form.
How powerful is the fear devil?
Perhaps. Chainsaws are more common in the modern world than swords.
holy fuck
How powerful is the women devil? Or the social situations devil? Or the "does my life even matter" devil?
fucking power
Seeing how the Sword Devil works for the Gun Devil who wants the Chainsaw Man dead, it must mean that the Sword Devil is likely no threat to the Gun Devil unlike MC, so I fully expect him to get raped next chapter.
Top tier devils: intimacy devil, success devil, failure devil, rape devil, black person devil
It definitely does
Eternity devil jobbed so it's up in the air how conceptual stuff works.
>That nothing personnel teleport
It's strange that the devils are now somehow more organized than ever shown before.
Nothingness devil > death devil
Denji isn't the threat to the Gun Devil, Pochita is, or at least was. Which makes me wonder if we'll see Pochita take over the body since Denji is most likely out of commission for a while.
She's not behind him though
>fearing eternity
literally no one but the most autistic of austists.
Hold up, wasn't her name Himeno?
>exact same design as chainsawman
If the gun devil isn't a dude with M16s for arms and an M60 coming out of his face I'm gonna be pissed.
where is the succubus devil
Everything is gone in Fire Punch, bro.
Probably a hybrid like Denji.
power has been in the story since chapter 4 my dude
Rejected her so hard he forgot her name.
You want something like this?
This was not neccesary
I mean, at the end of the day the thing I'm most terrified about is other humans, since they're the people who use weapons to fuck people up. Or nuclear weapons. It be really crazy to think if something like nuclear escalation happened with tensions going through the roof that everyone starts fearing a nuclear apocalypse to the point that a devil manifests. I suppose at that level you could a general "war devil".
Would that even make sense? Apparently all (most? some?) devils want the Chainsaw's heart for some reason we'll find out later. The eternity devil knew that Denji was the chainsaw without seeing his ripcord or transformation.
That probably only works if the gun devil is actually a human/devil.
based denji is fucking rektd kek
So the Yakuza dude made a similar contract Denji made with the sword devil who teamed up with gundevil? So its not the fact that Denji is a hybrid which makes it want him dead then. Is the gun devil also a hybrid?
Not him, but unironically yes.
>The weakest devil
>just a derpy slut with good design
can't wait
I'm him and unironically yes.
I don't think people are afraid of having their dick sucked.
Nucleardevil could probably wipe out the earth, climatedevil is pretty powerful as well
Shot through the heart
And Denji's to blame
His first kiss
Was too lame
Oh yes
>claims she'll steal your soul in exchange for sleeping with her
>so weak she can't
>you keep convincing her to try again and she fails every time
>every time you're done she curls up in a ball and pouts about how she's too weak to even steal a soul
>fall asleep cuddling her and telling her she can try again tomorrow
Ah yes, the Man of Shad
I think nuclear devil is weaker than you think. I don't fear a nuclear holocaust because its abstract and theres a .00000001% chance we get a cool Mad Max world where I'm a warlord.
>literally no one but the most autistic of austists
Eternal life being scary seems like a common theme in anime/manga.
>first major fight of the manga is most likely going to be a mirror fight between two similiar hybrids
Eternity devil and this dude are just after Denji's heart basically because the gun devil asked for it. Devils who are not associated with it probably don't know shit about it.
>W-What the hell are these readings?
>S-She's smart!
>Eternal life being scary seems like a common theme in anime/manga.
Yeah and it's retarded. We a had a good thread about that a few days ago.
Writers use it because it seems so pottery but irl nobody actually fears that and almost everyone secretly wants it.
Chainsaws are probably more destructive than swords, but swords don't need fuel, and are probably faster.
It's going to be fire. I hope Kobeni and the boss makes it tho.
Where's the "fade into mediocrity" devil. Cause that's the thing that gets me the most. The idea that'll live the rest of my life never really ever doing anything of significance, just sort of existing until I expire. Basically what happened to punpun. It'd be a hard devil to track down since I imagine it's power would be to kill you and then have everyone forget who you are, effectively erasing your existence. You'd be nothing but a statistical error in the notebook that someone just needs to edit to keep the numbers straight.
The Eternity Devil wanted Denji's heart on behalf of the Gun Devil because him and Pochita have some beef. Obviously there's a lot of stuff up in the air, but Gun Devil seems to have been actively looking for Pochita and has a pretty wide network of people and devils who serve him. He most likely learned about Denji's deal shortly after his battle with the Bat Devil.
Meanwhile, Fox Devil just stays at Kyoto to chill and help humans. I doubt he knows much about the bigger picture.
Power is a miracle of the universe.
I hope Fujimoto won't kill her because she is by far one of the most entertaining characters.
I reckon death devil would be the strongest. I've never met anyone who hasn't been anxious about the fact that they will die
So he's the same type as Denji
Also RIP Demon Fox, one of the few devils who helped humanity
Nothingness devil bro, that's the distilled form behind fear of death.
Reminder that Pochita had gunshot wounds in the flashback.
Reminder that Eternity Devil states he was stronger.
Can anyone defeat Power Blanco?
Or like this.
>power is the MVP of the group again
Because of course.
What the fuck is that and why am I not reading it
We don't know if the fox's truly dead. It's bonded with several devils hunters, and its mode of attack basically relies on having its gigantic head pops up in the battle. I doubt it's the first time it got his head sliced in two.
Eternity devil had one of the gun devil's fragments so they were likely already working together
The possibly gay devil, who's essentially just an extremely attractive man, but not in a gay way, right? Like no homo, but I can tell that he's attractive but that doesn't make me gay or anything.
>Everything is gone in Fire Punch, bro.
Tree roots arent
Plot Twist. The Gun Devil wants Denjis heart, not Pochitas because Denji has a chronic heart disease and the Gun Devil want some of that action. He's finding ways to kill himself now that he's become too strong for his own good and is totally out of control. He's actually a pacifist.
I wonder how erectile dysfunction devil would even work. Or not work I suppose
There's hundred of people with such a disease that would be more fucking easy to get.
I think the "trying to die" thing works. It'd be cool if the gun devil is a softie but can be used by just about anyone to kill scores of people.
Himeno said Kobeni is more than capable and she's been teasing at having a pretty good power multiple times now, even keeping it a secret. She's definitely alive.
>Astolfo devil
Nice try, but no.
>the Gun Devil sends his regards
This could sell like 400k a volume and Fujimoto still has a good chance to kill everyone off out of spite.
I wonder if people actually exploit this? Like, you could imagine a cult that worships the devils as deities and thus has as their mission the sole goal of creating, enhancing, and propogating various kinds of fears in order to create new devils and strengthen existing ones, or at least the ones that they consider "gods". Or maybe a government stokes fear about a specific nation, manifesting a devil that either attacks the nation, or causes more fear in the public thus justifying their policies.
So what's the end game to scale Denji to a powerlevel even close to the gun devil? If public perception for fear of the object is what boosts the power of a devil, isn't basically the only way to get Denji up there to start shilling fear over chainsaws worldwide? Have Denji work unofficially in the public sector so he can be vilified by the media?
But they'd have to keep a secret so the gun devil doesn't just show nuking populations to stay stronger, which means the private devil hunters would likely go after Denji thinking he's an actual threat.
Also - what are the chances of Fuji actually adding SUPER power level devils, especially ones that might already exist? IE death/fire/pestilence devil. How could he even write something like that in without making the devil at least neutral to humans?
I really hope he doesn't cop out and make it so that the power of a devil is based on the fear his opponent feels, meaning his opponents eventually fear death by a thousand cuts from chainsaws, making him stronger the longer the battle goes on, a la the Hulk in a way
That's a good point.
I raelly hope he does not die and join the team when the arc is done. That design is to good to waste as a one off.
Pretty sure devil power is based solely on fear of the thing the devil represents. Don't think genuflection of any kind makes them any stronger.
Maybe the real gun devil was the friendship we formed along the way?
I really like how Fujimoto just doesn't fuck around and throws everything build to this point right into the grinder with no fucks given, like he is actually about to get the axe, even though manga sells really well.
Gotta be his appeal point.
What the fuck is a shad?
And why would it be strong if a devils power is based on fear then shad should be weak because no one knows what it is.
Kobeni made a contract with the women devil
For once, the option is actually
>What the fuck is a shad?
>he doesn't know.
I don't mean the cult directly makes them stronger through worship, rather they commit acts that increase that specific fear. Take the gun devil for instance, to stoke fears they may try going mass killing sprees in order to strengthen the devil, possibly their twisted version of "worship" since their deeds help their god.
That's the thing. Fujimoto realizes all the axed manga played it too fucking safe, so the only option is to go balls to the wall from the start.
Jokes on them. Denji doesn't have a brain to begin with!
I wonder if devils can be gender specific or if that would only make them 50% as powerful
>Male gaze devil
What if this manga ends with the Ice Devil, then turns into the events of Fire Punch?
We'd need to take a sci-fi turn and make devils actually be nanobots first.
>Yes, it was I. My machinations laid undetected for years...
Just this act alone, killing Devil hunters with a gun. it will increase Gun devil's strength even further.
Fujimoto probably puke a little when Shueisha had the cheek to group him with Ne0 & Higuma, and then calling themselves dark heroes
I could see that. In fact for the world Fuji built I'd say he'd be negligent to not bring something like that up (he kinda has in the sense the gun devil is having normal humans do his dirty work). See
They're going to start filming chainsaw horror films midway through the manga.
Doing a Yokotaro, eh? Jumping from Dragon BS to Robot BS
Thanks for the dump
power is too smart for bullets
No one is fearing nuclear weapons in the modern world, but apparently this story is set during the Cold War so Nuke Devil is a possibility
>it gets popular
>Fujimoto starts blasting off the rails with no survivors
I love it
>its okay to be white devil
how much people will it kill?
Here's the Gun Devil's Final form
Shouldn't there be a lot more people dead in China and India? Those are some of the most densely populated areas on the planet.
>perfect gun devilman design has already been done
Too bad.
its probably based on the amount of guns or amount of people fearing guns
Utterly powerpilled.
How is she so smart, strong, and cool, powerbros?
Frankly with the power the gun devil has the only logical explanation for what form he has is most likely a flying, sentient GAU-8.
Am I the only one who thinks the gun devil being strongest, doesn't compute?
I mean people are afraid of people with guns, not of existence of guns, I mean you don't shit your pants if you see a picture of gun, or if you see a gun in a museum?
I'd be more afraid of the van loli devil
> Himeko spends her life being wary of devils only to be killed by a guy with a gun.
Bruh, use the Clover app at least.
What about the Isekai Truck-kun Devil?
That's the same for chainsaw, which is why its powerful only when the Denji catalyzes it, and is otherwise a harmless doge.
My man.
Plot twist, the Gun Devil wants Denjis heart but in the shipping sense.
>I mean people are afraid of people with guns, not of existence of guns
Do you honestly think it works like that?
>Japanese truck devil
Not even Fuji would be dumb enough to make a devil that powerful.
Gun devil can't kill everyone because dead people can't fear
Here's how eveyone is surviving.
> Denji
Pull the String
> Himeno
Dr. Power
> Kobeni
Unknown Devil
Shooter is super old, and her aim is way off.
> IQ134 and his Buddy
My man is playing chess while everyone is playing checkers
>Lesbian chick and megane
Fiend to the rescue.
well makima said that guns were initially used to combat devil's, so maybe devil's were scared of guns. there was also a terror attack in America that lead to the gun devil's appearance.
so i am not the only one that thought it
It's actually pretty strange that he attacks for such a small window of time and then vanishes. You'd think the gun devil might just generically kill whoever but I wonder to what extent these were calculated moves. I sometimes wonder what would happen if a devil became self hating. Like they cursed their own existence but couldn't kill itself. I imagine if fear could create devils then what does "love" do to them? I say that because people find genuine security in guns and I wonder if that ever affects the gun devil. Like, he's a walking contradiction, representing an object feared by tons of people but also coveted by just as many.
Arai's probably dead since the only lady was aiming at his head. Kobeni's too popular to kill off this soon
Yeah but Denji isn't even close to gun devil strength, all I want to say is that I could see Death devil or some shit like that being way more powerful than gun devil.
they said the gun devil moves so fast that pieces of him always fall off. he probably attacks by just running through a populated area, at least theat what I think since we saw Aki's house explode
When does this manga take place?
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre released in 1974
Bros... this doesn't look good...
What a chad.
somewhere between 1947 – 1991 but there cold war may have taken place at a different period. also In a world with devil's feeding off of fear I don't think horror movies would be allowed at all, unless devil's only recently began appearing
>inb4 fear is a form of sustainable energy and te devils are just trying to help us break free of fossil fuels
Except Denji's rise to power would be manufactured. Movies, maybe some fake reports to drum up public fear.
Gun devil can just roll out of bed and wipe a country off the map in an hour if it wanted to. It doesn't have to kill everybody, just enough to stay significantly stronger than the Chainsaw.
>it's all orchestrated by the climate change devil, who is actually a good guy
what is this, monsters Inc?
>inb4 Disney buys Jump
I'm just surprised when they mentioned all this gun stuff there wasn't a single person who said something like "guns aren't the problem, fear of guns is the problem, we need to get people used to guns so that they no longer fear guns, therefore everyone needs a gun!" or some shit like that. Hamfisted and idiotic? Of course, but someone would say some shit like that.
Power on top, right where she belongs!
What if the gun devil is dead, someone else is pulling the strings pretending to be him, and the pieces of his body are actually pieces of his corpse? I mean the gun devil attacked the entire plant over the course of like a minute, how does the power of 'gun' even allow that?
>In a world with devil's feeding off of fear I don't think horror movies would be allowed at all, unless devil's only recently began appearing
This is actually a really good point. How much media is banned in CSM's world? You'd think basically every form of consumable media would be heavily censored to avoid making devils too strong.
This pic makes me wanna see an Infamous/Prototype style game for this
Inb4 Denji gets the leading role in Evil Dead as propaganda against the devils
Who's this artist?
I assume that Gun Devil had a fight with Chainsaw that resulted in the mayhem around the entire world Devilman style.
I could see this being the case, i.e. like jinchurikis in Naruto, on their own the devil/tailed beast isn't that powerful, but with a good host who can guide their power they become immensely powerful, maybe the gun devil has a really good host.
What about Chapter 1's splashpage of Denji going full chainsaw?
The Devil Gun is actually a weapon made by someone that gone just wild because it used souls of devils.
When is the job devil?
Spinning the fact that the Gun Devil wants Denji's Heart. Why would the most powerful Devil in the world not just grab it himself if he wanted it? Does that mean the Gun Devil is afraid of the Chainsaw Devil? How powerful is the Chainsaw then?
Basically, the Eternity Devil gave us the answer. Just create a self feeding loop. The more goons of the Gun Devil Denji takes out, the easier it's to spin until "The Chainsaw Devil is stronger than the Gun Devil" are entirely tied together. Use your opponents advantage against them
When's the next time you go to work?
Yea but how the fuck would a goddamn chainsaw teleport around continents?
This is all probably part of what Makima knows about Denji, which is why she is so interested in him after his fusion with chainsaw.
it seems devil contracts are the subject of an arm's race. I guess seeing the destruction a single devil can guess made countries more willing to ditch guns in favour of scary devils
>the reason the Gun Devil's acting up is because Denji turned himself into a perpetual motion devil and the Gun Devil got freaked out
Haha, is this Fujimoto's ruse?
Get off my back, mom.
>devil contracts
You know, that actually makes me wonder, if you guys could make a contract with one devil, what would it be?
What a fucking chapter, hope while Denji's healing he has another Pochita dream
>if you guys could make a contract with one devil, what would it be?
Needle Devil
Go out and get some sun, you're as pale as death.
I mean, they do have the smartest Devil on the planet working with them so of course the plan is going to be galaxy brain
Money devil.
>everything is just really contrived plan to stop Power from getting the Nobel Prize and ruling the world
Oh shit I got quads, or as they say in spanish, dubs y dubs. In any case I'd want the fear of falling devil since I think that'd give me the power to fly.
>a fucking healer.
lego devil
Is there a time devil?
Who's scared of money? inb4 communists.
This fucking Devil...
I'm assuming that stronger the devil the bigger the cost. himeno had to pay a one time cost of her eye, whilst Aki pays in flesh each time he summons fox. maybe Car devil
So I guess the less people that have a contract with a devil the more powerful a person becomes.
Your power is to make legos appear under everyone who's barefoot
Yea but if the gun devil is powerful enough to just teleport around the earth and nuke cities, why does it consider Denji a threat in the slightest? There's literally no reason it shouldn't be able to just assblast the building he's in and call it a day. That and if all devils (it's all right, not just chainsaw?) can drink blood to heal themselves, then there's no reason the sword devil can't do exactly the same thing Denji is doing holy shit I hope we get a chapter of no talking that's just chainsaw and sword eviscerating each other but continually healing from all the bloodletting they're doing.
I'm not buying the gun devil's power as we know it currently - too many holes to why it moves in shadows when it has allegedly nigh unstoppable power.
Porque no los dos - there's no reason someone can't give Denji a glock.
Possible but we don't know enough about contracts to say that. Would be logical though. Great power great cost etc.
Maybe an aging devil? Tons of people are afraid of getting old, so maybe a power that accelerates time? Probably not a time stop or time reversal power though.
If there's people scared of tomatoes for a devil to exist then there should be a few for money at least.
>"What about Denji?"
>"Nah, fuck him."
Please stop. I came here to escape.
>Famine Devil
>Pestilence Devil
>War Devil
>Death Devil
The four devils of the Apocalypse
the cbt will not be forgiven
Lack thereof can be a fear. Make it more an idea about the strife of obtaining wealth, either as a motivator of greed or to even have enough to live off of (hell, Denji had this fear in chapter 1).
Boom, strong devil.
I don't know how Fuji plans to make any devils that strong and have them be anything but neutral to humans. How would you kill something as powerful as death devil?
NTR Devil, Plague devil, Homework devil, Boss' hot wife devil
Devil devil.
Think about it.
Holy fucking badass design & page.
kinda reminds me of dedan from off
>How would you kill something as powerful as death devil?
Weaken it with religion
More than that.
>Final essay due in a week, devil causes you to procrastinate until the last minute
>Terminal patient diagnosed as having a couple of years left to live. Oops. It metastasized and you've only got a few months.
Yeah, maybe a poverty devil could work, one that is self sustaining by taking from others and amassing such wealth for itself.
wait are there only one of each devil. if someone killed the Tomato devil and then a few years later a billion people died from tomato poisoning would it stay dead or come back strong?
What does that one look like? The golden Shinigami from Death Note?
I assume devils can reincarnate if killed, with some restrictions?
>mfw Makima was the Axe Devilman all along.
You know, there's something else that's interesting about what you just said. Could someone use such powers for healing? Like, "the body needs X amount of time to heal from a wound, just accelerate shit so it heals in a few seconds" type thing.
i'd imagine they find a way to come back, wouldnt be that much of a problem as they are if they never did
a bearish engulfing candlestick
Either a dragon for obvious reasons, or this
I kind of like the idea that the imagery would be inspired by mythology.
I really hope this can last long enough in WSJ to wrap up the story as intended.
It's really great, but goes hard against the typical shonen structure, so i don't think if that's actually what makes nips interested in it or if they will drop it, if there is no Denji power-up/tournament arc.
Yeah, but a devil wouldn't be interested in healing unless it served its own ends. If we assume devils feed on fear, what fear would be gained from saving a life?
Extremely boring chapter.
Remittance. You kill someone and that source of fear is goneq
Get on my level
Denji is dead.
>Denji powerup
Do want chain tendrils and metal skin
I meant the devil would do that to itself to prolong it's own life. It may also be one of those "live stock" mentalities. It keeps you alive so that you can continue to be afraid of it. Dead people can't be afraid of aging. Hell, maybe the "healing ability" that accelerates the time needed to recover takes up your life force, so you start aging more rapidly.
meido power
why did i even for a single istant hoped that Fujimoto wouldn't go full-Fujimoto route?
Himeno kind of reminded me of Director but I'm still surprised that he killed her off so soon
Not the first fucking time innit tho
A devilman.
reprint is prohibited
delete this
RIP to the Makima = Fox Devil theory, it was fun for the week it lasted
Love this shit.
I'm too devilish
>Wants to use sword AGAIN.
Aki needs a therapist, he is too suicidal.
What if the Grim Reaper is actually Time catching up to you?
He at least knows vomit doesn't have a good flavor
I want chainsaw wings and tail
Man why Power couldn't be Noi huge, such a shame
>l'homme de shad
Virgin axe vs chad chainsaw
It's too late, the ride has already started. No stopping it now.
i would actually love him not getting a single power up the entire manga.
just like the fight against that hotel demon, he won because he started drinking his blood to keep going.
i wouldnt even care if every single side char at the end will sacrifice himself so Denji can fight the gun devil for a year, win and then realize he's back at chapter 1 again, with no friends whatsoever.
would fit this manga more then GEAR SECANDOOOO ultra-Denji just one-shotting Gun Devil with the power of friendship
Got a fire punch q but dont want to make a new thread. Did Agni make children with Nenetto, or did she just ignore Luna/interpret her wish very liberally and otoutozone him?
his gramps killed 5 women didn't he
I don't like how power doesn't have huge tits. That shit still fucks with me. Like, how could it be padding?
>What if the Grim Reaper is actually Time catching up to you?
If that's the case then he's pretty weak. You simply have to outrun death. I guess that's why he comes for old and fat people, they can't run that fast.
source on pic? this is amazing
Ok, tell me what's good about the chapter?
>"Here lies Himeno. She never scored"
don't think so, I think she treated him like a son.
I see what you're saying, Fujimoto definitely doesn't seem the type to go that route, and Denji fighting on pure will/instinct/stubborness/stupidity and eking out a win fits him more
>You simply have to outrun death.
Aki, stay right up next to him, please!
What will Aki lose for using the sword? My guess is the face since Himeno liked that.
Dorohedoro girls > CSM girls
his other eye
It has already been said his life gets shorten
Noi is perfection
I would a 3-way with Noi and Nikaidou
Yeah I feel Arai is gonna die as well, kinda sad since he seemed like a bro in the puke chapter.
>Denjis actions in chapter 1 actually had consequences
>Aki draws his sword
>more devil-human hybrids
>Fox devil getting sliced to guts
at least that's why I like it
Electricity devil
>Not a single speech bubble as the team gets the guns drawn on them
>it all happens at once as some guy is walking his dog
Yeah i'm thinking it's KINO. One thing I love about Fujimoto's works is that he tries to make it like a movie.
Great, now she's puking blood too
I actually enjoyed that, thanks for the post user.
I know shadman is a shit artist but how new are you people?
Would ypu love Power even if she was black?
Yeah, it really actually opened my eyes when I read it. I can't run from Death, so I'll just keep on and wait until we can finally shake hands.
I thought it was agreed that Denji is handsome, but he talks like a fucking sewer.
Plus we got some cool pages.
not sure if you're baiting but what said
there is so much shit going on this chapter, probably more than in any chapter before.
Not dead since shes the fox
Not dead since real body is in Kyoto (Makima)
Not dead since her contract is still a secret
>Tall guy whose name nobody knows
>Eyepatch bitch
Not dead, Denji bowl doesnt have enough competition if she dies plus shes only bleeding
>doesn't even know anyone's names
based retard
I would agree, but "LE KINO" makes me cringe and should go back to whatever board you came from
Considering the bitch in Fire Punch was like the biggest movie buff on the planet it's no surprise.
I think we can all agree your post is pretty retarded.
Do you, by chance, even read the manga?
What does denji's look have to do with Foxwoman Himeno? or Devilman fox.
>I like all the main characters so far
>mfw Fujimoto being Fujimoto is going to kill all of them by the end or before that
her name is kobeni
>i like star wars
>biggest movie buff on the planet
come on, dude.
Names of secondary male characters or shitty mc bowl losers arent important
Considering the number of people in firepunch that had ever seen a movie could probably be counted on one hand, it's a technically true statement
Not this guy is edgy.
That reminds me of one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, "one for the angels". Here's a link if you have half an hour to spare
If you just want the cliff notes
The user is probably talking about Togata.
uncanny valley
that was ice witch
and when you have nothing but movies you'll like everything
yeah, you're right. makes sense in-universe.
but that always bothered me in FP:
Fujimoto could have chosen any movie/franchise he liked, but he went with THE most mainstream/normalfag one in existence.
that was ice witch, Togata watched tons of movies like vanilla sky, little dancer and Scot pilgrim
fucking hell mate
It actually makes it way better knowing that we live in the timeline when more star wars continues to be made. WE know what a shit show it becomes but she doesn't, it lends itself to a lot of great dramatic irony.
You think of her as Kobeni, I call her a hole in the head
Eww at u
I want on Fujimoto's wild ride.
"Western entertainment conglomerate ruins all other forms of media" devil when?
just how retarded are you
mouse devil
Good but he forgot the FUCKING MOLE
Aki's expressions are always great
Wasp/Hornet devil
I would be fucking invincible
Reminder she's going to survive the longest and narrate the ending.
>and the denji fucked the devil to death, children
>Why would papa denji cheat on mama?
Spider devil
You crossboarding imbecile.
How any decent person supposed to know what literally who avatar would look like?
You think this has anything to do with how old or new are you?
Christ you are dumb piece of shit.
Darkness Devil.
I have excellent night vision and it makes me laugh to see my friends jump at shadows. Also so I can dress like a clown while using its power, just to piss off the Chuunis
In every conceivable sense of the word
Thats a messer you shitlord
Aww yeez
Implying that Aki's handsome and Denji isn't
Denji's reckoner
yeah, but Himeno doesn't love denji
That would be STDevil
It's true
Names arent important
Wasn't that implying that Arai isn't since he had a contract with the fox devil and not Denji.
Fucking Aki what a beta.
Do you think the location messes with the power of a devil, I can see the katana devil being powerful in Japan, but I doubt it would be anything spacial in USA or some other country.
Also do you think the Gun devil is American?
Poor, pagan child.
Again, what does Denji have to do in anything of what user said.
They’re both hot
Fucking dropped, fuck this shit.
>katana man
She couldn't even die with dignity.
is that mango good?
Damn, that's actually cool as fuck.
We Katanaman vs the Katana man. Glorious nippon wins either way.
She’s not fucking dead yet. Power is going to heal her.
People are calling him katana devil, but isn't he actually the knife/machette devil?
Dude's smalltime
Time for based Aki to shine.
user, stop speedreading. Gun Devil appeared in US first, yes.
>Power is going to heal her.
Oh no, Himeno is fucking dead.
>not a human
>not a devil
Macheteman like Denji
he could just be blade devil and encompass them all.
she kept Aki alive for 3 days whilst denji was busy grinding the endless devil and he was fine afterwords. I think her healing is pretty decent since she can stop bleeding
Shadman is pretty fucking infamous even outside Yea Forums
Both those are already gone right?
Stop shit talking Shad, hes fucking amazing
Semen devil. I want to ejaculate like those guys in hentai.
Badass, I like the design
How fast was she here? Any powerlevel fag care to make the math?
See you next week.
pretty much, now I'd group Chainsaw man with Jujutsu kaisen and kimetsu no yaiba.
>but irl nobody actually fears that and almost everyone secretly wants it
not really
Sorry chainsawbros, this was too much, gonna have to watch Bocchi to cool off.
Jokes on you im working on my engineering Bsc
>listen to this while reading
>Have you seen this guy
>Is this a motherfucking G-Gundam Reference?
(Someone make a meme with Domon)
>falling for the stem meme
Who is Shadman?
>med student
>get into conversation with some other student
>he says he has to study 24/7 but is managing perfect grades
>was quite impressed, asked him what he studies
>tells me "electrical engineering"
>wonder if he was being serious about his degree being hard
>turns out he was
>instantly lose respect for him
I'm actually curious. Do you guys actually think your degree is difficult or are you at the stage where you realize anyone could do it?
check'em devil
It is not him, tho.
Someone should edit this so it replaces the blades with
just a western smut artist.
I'm not baiting. The plot points mentioned are valid, but the fast pace has made the reading quite insubstantial for me. Sorry.
It even has the protruding chin.
>med student talking shit about EE
Go probe yourself homo, med is literal easy mode compared to engineering. At worst your patient dies and you get scotch free, here you lose millions.
You won't even start with six figures lmao @ engineer virgins.
How does the pacing being fast equate it to it being “boring”?
>devils of things people fear are stronger
How strong is the nigger devil?
That's fine. Some people appreciate more dialogues and some enjoys how pages are presented without words. I'm more of the latter type. I love Fujimoto's movie like approach to manga.
Eternal life in a prison is pretty scary user.
Its not like you are in your room with a Pc and Internet: you are sealed for eternity, with hunger and shit. You cant die.
The prison would fall apart eventually.
defeated by the Lovecraft devil.
>Denji isn't the threat to the Gun Devil, Pochita is, or at least was.
Where is the fucking Balding at young age Devil?
And you will be alone forever with nothing around, or floating into fucking space.
>public speaking devil
>losing respect for someone just because they have to study a lot
Hey user, have you realized that you’re an asshole yet?
Thing will be like eternal boredom, being gentle.
Like Hugo in Magi.
Heend becoming some kind of God and eternity fucks him in the head.
>talking to girls devil
>virginity devil
>dying alone devil
My hair grows like a bunch of weeds. I shave myself bald and in under a week I have a head of hair again, very short like a buzzcutt, but its there.
Lmaoing at you fucking hairlets
He wants Denji's heart. Pochita became Denji's heart. He never actually says to kill Denji, but to take his heart. I think it's pretty obvious Pochita isn't completely out of the picture story-wise yet.
Baldness has nothing to do with how fast your hair grows retard.
There's a Twilight Zone episode like that.
>letting out a loud fart in public devil
Tayrone-kun, if you stopped stealing, you wouldn't be afraid of prison all the time.
Well, it does. Cause it grows back unlike yours
Being bald is not bad...if you have a good head. Not all the people can be Bruce Willys.
Some people have deformed heads or looks like a old baby.
Communism devil
We get it, you have 134 IQ.
Not necessary a prison.
Imagine being inmortal now:
in around 10 years you must move out or people will suspect. Being unnoticed is hard now with cameras and phones everywhere. At some point someone will localize you and you will be famous, ending in a lab for science porpuoses. Or just being tortured for a long time by some psycho.
>premature ejaculation devil
>unwanted pregnancy devil
trap devil
Wtf with you guys, thats not a katana is a fucking machete
Public speaking devil.
>diying alone devil
Nenetto moved on with her life, made a family, had children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and died. But in the meantime she took the time to teach Agni he was San Fucking kek.
If you look closely, they are three different kind of blades.
>AIDS devil
The nuclear devil. I'd ask for unlimited power
Shut up, Himeno.
>your daddys belt when you were a kid devil
>being bullied in Internet devil
That's our next Nobel Prize! How you dare to ask for her IQ?
Aki dying devil
I can pull the bald look off I think, but first time I did it I accidentally shaved my eyebrows trying to trim them (once you accidentally sheer off half of one, you can't leave the rest there)
So I looked like uncle fester, it was close to Halloween but my hair grew back way to fast to pull it off as a costume, so, it was just a fucking waste
>dropping the soap in prison devil
"bullet with x effect, doesn't kill", obviusly, you really think everyone gonna fucking die?
Damn, i dont see the diference
I agree, I just recently noticed how this manga has basically no narration bubbles. I'm fine with them but it's a nice change of pace.
>killers using guns wasnt a coincidence at all
>the gun devil is behind all this
i called this bros. you guys owe me some (you)s
>implying there are women like that
Why lie?
Don't spend it all at once
>Not dead since shes the fox
>Not dead since real body is in Kyoto (Makima)
How did this make any sense to you
The chernobyl incident wasn't until 1986
But the soviet union is still around
and no notable mention of the nuclear devil despite it being "relevant" and looming over everyone's heads, in a sense.
Are we going to see the rise of a new and unstoppable villain?
>flexing about grad on chinese comic enthusiast forums
you're certified idiot
||Is CSM the most interesting series in Jump right now?||
Neither are foxes real bodies baka. Makima is a possessed human or a corpse akin to Power whilst head is hardly foxes "core"
Its not a flex, its a statement that Im not an idiot. Idiot couldnt do an engineering grad
Plane Devil. I get to fly and plenty of people are afraid of flying
This and Act Age
>Neither are foxes real bodies baka. Makima is a possessed human or a corpse akin to Power whilst head is hardly foxes "core"
That's a very strong headcanon you got there
>Makima is a possessed human or a corpse akin to Power whilst head is hardly foxes "core"
wtf are you talking about?
The fact that he doesn't do it more is suspect
Yer right. Both seems to be popular in nipland just because they're a little different from the norm.
>KISAMA, are you a human or devil?
>Several dozens chapters later, Makima and the Fox talk to each other about which course of action to take next
>people somehow still argue they're the same person anyway
>le cringe
Go back to whatever board you came from.
yeah except this isn't trash
"the climate change devil"
reminder that back in the 80s, people called it global cooling.
This image really looks like Denji's stabbing himself in the back.
why are you obsessed with race
>Idiot couldnt do an engineering grad
Joke's on you I mastered in engineering
Trust no one, not even yourself
Forgive me master. I have to go all out, just this once.
Jokes on you, I wont have to pay mine
see ya on viz
Monday Devil
Joke's still on you, I haven't paid a cent for my studies and I got to spend a year abroad for free even though I'm still an idiot
someone make a new thread
probably has a sheath stuck in his chest that he pulls a handle out of
He unsheathes.
There's another thread up, though it's pretty garbage. Migrate there if you want, Imma just sleep.
Last one for this bitch
we will get our new thread next week
yeah we talked this chapter to death.
The sword drawback is that Aki has to cuddle with the Fox devil, thatd why one eyed cow doesnt want him to use it
>Straight outta discord
Don't think I didn't notice
Fox devil looks comfy to cuddle.
Oh, someone finally cared to notice and point it out.
She hasn't revealed her ghost hand's full power set yet, so she'll be fine.
>that look of pure, genuine terror
Fucks me up a bit desu
Is this manga even adaptable without it being shit visually? The main character gets his head sliced open and looks like he's dying every time he transforms.