Spoilers for volume 11
Classroom of the Elite
Kei a shit
Arisu a best and new main heroine
I hope no one actually thought Class C would win this one.
KeiKiyo scene by Cinnamon
Kiyo invites Kei into his room after Kaneda won the lottery and chose to fight with class B. Kiyo thinks he needs more info since he is the leader so he had to know the profiles of his classmates to set up who does which event, who goes well with who, who dislikes who.
She says she came right from school since she was the main person today, but Kiyo feigned ignorance, pretending he did not know.
She asked why he said it was fine to not hide their relationship, and Kiyo says he plans on making it open bit by bit since it was easier for her to act openly rather than as a spy from now on. They talk about the leader role, why he took it, about how Yamauchi leaving had made their classmates suspicious etc.
He plans on asking Kei, Hirata and Kushida but for now only Kei is definitely helping him.
After he had asked Kei about his classmates, she tries to not get any roles during the exam and he says he isn’t the one deciding on that.
After some banter, she asks why they couldn’t talk on the phone, but he says it was easier to talk face to face about these things. She says will leave, seemingly expecting something. In the end, Kiyo brought up that he has another matter and takes out the present and gives it to her saying it’s for her birthday. She says that if he had one, he should have given it earlier.
Did MC bang this girl yet?
I stopped following this shit like 4 volumes ago.
He also says it is a combined present for white day and her birthday which she replies with: The truth comes out, you did this because it was a bother so better combine it.
She asks whether it’s empty.
After she opens it, she sees a heart-shaped necklace which she says is a too «heavy» gift, not something friednds give to each other. Kiyo realises that it wasn’t the best gift at all so he receiver a little shock since presents are meant to make the receiver happy.
He tells her that it costs 20k yen after she asked. He reveals that he didn’t know what to give girls so he just browsed on the net and found a shopping site selling presents to girls and since he felt white day and birthday combined should be a big gift, he decided on a pricy one.
She is looking at him as if drawing back and says that he may be smart but he’s an idiot for these kinds of things. Kei says girls wants to choose things that fit them for themselves, at least he didn’t ask for her finger size to buy a ring so that’s good. She gives him 10 out of 100. He asks if she wanted a box of cakes instead, 15 points.
He says if she doesn’t like it, he could leave it when she returned back to her room. She looks at the necklace and him before trying it on and looking at herself in the mirror in several angles saying it looks a bit childish but her style is good so everything kind of fits anyway. He doesn’t understand anything she says. She returns the necklace to the box and puts it into her bag and says that since it was his first present for a girl ever, she will take it for him. He thinks that’s fair, not that he had anyone else to give it to either.
Could have just autosaged it, those fuckers
Are they past the tsun gig and dating already?
News regarding the SS?
Seems like a new OTP has been formed
Any new spoilers
Those dorks should just fuck already.
>He plans on asking Kei, Hirata and Kushida but for now only Kei is definitely helping him.
I like how Horikta is supposed to be the main heroine but we are 11 volumes in and the MC still don't trust her, what the heck??
Do you guys think Ichinose lost to Ryuen because she was so distracted with trying to seduce 50%man?
>I like how Horikta is supposed to be the main heroine
Horikita hasn't been the main heroine since Volume 3.
20K Yen is like, 200$? That's pricy for a high school kid I guess.
It's even made of gold
Oh really? Kito went and bought for her gold nickles and she still act like a tsundere.
>t. Horikitafag
Horikita was never the main heroine you delusional secondary.
The only main girl and heroine since volume 5 is Kei, even the author said it.
Hello there incel, seems like you don't understand how a girl's mind works, read again what Kei said about the gifts.
She is so cute! Still can not accept she lost the bowl
Try again falseflagger.
Horikita is another protagonist at this point
>even the author said it.
the author never said it
All she said was the gift too "heavy" for friends, I assume she simply meant such gift was meant for a girlfriend and not a friend? Dunno what to think otherwise
Is Kei happy with her gift?
Interview, he even said that Karuizawa is based on his own wife.
Keep trying whorikita loser.
Stop fake news, falseflag. You're trying to destroy Keifags image
Ayanokouji fucked up on 3 different levels, he gave her a gift that is for a girlfriend and not a friend, he tried to be efficient by using 1 gift for 2 things and then the cherry on top is how he tried to get the gift back because of what Kei said without understanding that she just wanted something coming from him instead of a standard gift.
Basically ayanokouji is just a dumbfuck when it comes to grills and Karuizawa understood that but there is room for improvements. Also he confirmed in that part how he feels like she's the only one who can listen to him and do these things.
They have such a great chemistry but I think it's horrible that he stays with Kei after what he did
Is because he can only experience these new things with her, he doesn't trust anyone else and at this point he doesn't give a shit if the others know that he has a """"""""""""""relationship"""""""""""""""" with her.
I thought spoilers said she got NTRed
His common sense is really something else. He spent 20k points on that. A golden heart shape necklace is literally only what a boyfriend would buy. Imagine the questions Kei would get when her friends would see that necklace.
Post the interview
Imagine being this desperate samefag.
The first part of this post legit gave me a headache.
That's why as a man you NEVER, EVER try to understand girls, they're just a pain in the ass and live in a different realm.
>He spent 20k points on that
Wait, not yen? how much is 20k points in $$?
I obviously just read the summary here and not the book but
>Ayanokouji fucked up on 3 different levels
>he gave her a gift that is for a girlfriend and not a friend
I think she probably liked that (tho maybe panicked a little) but she woouldn't admit that sho she pointed it out as a bad thing to divert his attention
>he tried to be efficient by using 1 gift for 2 things
yep, lame
>and then the cherry on top is how he tried to get the gift back because of what Kei said without understanding that she just wanted something coming from him instead of a standard gift.
could be he's being autistic, could also be he's calling her bluff, e.g. "if you don't like it you can leave it"; but of course she actually likes it.
>Wait, not yen?
well, 20k points is also roughly 20k yen, IIRC
I mean 1 point is 1 yen, so yea he spent 20k yen on that gift.
200 trumps
Of course, she liked it. The boy she is in love gave her a pricy gift who should be meant for a girlfriend, not a friend. What she did is just a typical Kei behavior: using Kiyotaka social awkwardness as an excuse to hide her embarrassment.
Imagine being this dense, no wonder you can't even get a real girlfriend, you don't even understand a literal translation of the text.
Now she has to give him something.
Fuck tsundere shit Kei. Spoiler on Kushida SS when?
I fucking hate how the anime set Ichinose up in the last episode. Especially when she really is pure at heart. Or maybe we get some double whammy Dark Honami shit where she chases after Kiyotaka and uses all the class points to transfer.
Anime Honami > LN Honami
She would be a better character if that happend in the LN. And not her retarded past and I can tell my senpai my secret cause I admire him.
Never kushidafag, irrelevant shit goes into the trash.
Do we know what happened here?
might take a couple of weeks. it did for vol 10. or rather, it took a couple of weeks for all of them to be translated.
So Horikita HAS to be aware of Ayanokouji by now right? After the btfoing by Manabu and her SS. Bet she starts to loosen up now. Poor Sudou
Looks to me like the face of swallowing bitter blackmail
Be honest. You know Kinugasa never actually said it. I'm a Keifag myself and I know that.
Kinugasa never said it in any interview at all. Don't believe that guy. Now if you are talking about "author trying to imply" I can give you something.
The link above is the preview for the final episode (ep12) of the anime. What makes it special is that Kinugasa himself wrote the script for that preview. Another thing that makes that special is because a lot of viewers, were "fucking mad" at the directors for changing story stuff to suit a certain female character in expense of other character's stories.
Basically, it's a fuck you from Kinugasa to the anime.
Suduo doesn't have to be worried. Kei has the dibs on Kiyo.
Seems like Tsukishiro plans to implement a Culture Festival for the next year, tho it'll only be open to selected individuals like people connected to the political world.
Papa gonna visit school it seems.
I want to get into Classroom of the Elite but I hate reading. Is the manga actively being updated?
Lots of people saying that she lost, nothing actually happened in V11 lololo, she's irrelevant since v8 lololo, and this happens. So when are you guys actually going to respect that's something is actually happening? I mean, you guys did run out NipAnon and TLanon for this shit, just to be wrong every time.
I'm pretty sure when the banter between them in this scene gets translated it will even be more interesting.
Any news on a next season?
I can't be arsed reading books when the only appeal was hot girls
Just read the character wikis bro it's what all the cool kids like us do
Kei is worst girl
Those are just shitposters and falseflaggers. Anyone who says Kei is irrelevant. They are just delusional. She is quite clearly a huge favorite for the mc bowl
Yo is that preview actually legit from the author? What the fuck? Isn't that too damning?
Easy for you to say when they are the reason a lot of good people who have contributed before left because of the faggotry.
I have been here since the anime ended. I know how good the rooftop scene translation went. How Horikitafags got destroyed when V7.5 came out. And how everything went to shit with V9. Honestly it was tragic.
Yes it is legit. Also the hilarious thing is, this is before V7 and V7.5. It would actually be belivable if you say he was serious.
I've been on threads since the anime started. Although that's not much different from you anyway since we are only talking about the translations. And you're right. It was a fucking tragedy. I know Yea Forums is full of morons. But I didn't expect that supreme next level of moronic faggotry.
项目1 篮球(5v5) C班胜
A班:町田浩二 鸟羽茂 神室真澄 清水直树 鬼头隼
C班:牧田进 南节也 池宽治 本堂辽太郎 小野寺茅乃 (替补 须藤健)
项目2 打字(1v1) C班胜
项目3 英语考试 (8v8) A班胜
A班:里中聪 杉尾大 塚地しほり 谷原真绪 元土肥千佳子 福山忍 六角百恵 中島理子
C班:沖谷京介 南伯夫 軽井沢恵 佐藤麻耶 篠原さつき 井の頭心 園田千代 市橋瑠璃
项目4 数学考试 (7v7) A班胜
A班:的場信二 島崎いっけい 森重卓郎 司城大河 石田優介 山村美紀 西川亮子
C班:平田洋介 幸村輝彦 石倉賀代子 王美雨 東咲菜 櫛田桔梗 西村竜子
项目5 快速心算 (2v2) A班胜
A班:葛城康平 田宫江美
C班:高园寺六助 松下千秋
项目6 弓道 (2v2),具体名单没写。
项目7 西洋棋(1v1) A班胜
最后结果:4比3 A班胜
已知项目3 化学考试 D班胜
项目5 空手道 (3v3) D班胜
D班:铃木英俊 小田拓海 石崎大地
B班:墨田诚 渡边纪仁 米津春斗
项目6 柔道 (1V1)D班胜
项目7 未知。
5比2 D班获胜
Add to that on how Karuizawa actually got an ad on train stations with her at the center for V7. I believe no one else has gotten that kind of spotlight.
>you guys did run out NipAnon and TLanon for this shit
Are they ded or just anons now? Also I forgot the website/account the old translations were on. Bunnyrooroo or something?
>I mean, you guys did run out NipAnon and TLanon for this shit
Are they ded or just anons?
Ryuuen got the same treatment
Does anyone know the contents of each SS? Melonbook is Arisu POV before the test and the other is on the morning of the test, apparently. I wanted to know about Kei SS and Kushida SS.
>"Ichinose is the counsellor/advisor/staff officer-type, she's not that great of a leader."
So Ryuuen does not respect Ichinose as a leader?
Kei SS is about her PoV when Kiyopon handles the necklace.
Arisu SS is her PoV on the morning of her duel with Kiyopon
Kushida SS - she thought that Kiyo is a scary person, and in order to expel Horikita, she has to know more about him, and for that she has to show more her true side, she starts to think to no expel Kiyo.
Thx, user.
How was the atmosphere between kiyotaka and horikita in this volume?
Was there any development in mutual trust between them?
>a heart shaped necklace worth $200
>already thinking about rings
From 0 to 10, I guess it was at Niagara Falls
So who won the battle in this exam? Kiyopon or Arisu?
You just wait to read it from her POV in her SS
Is the necklace gold btw?
>at least he didn’t ask for her finger size to buy a ring so that’s good.
Meh Ichinose is really falling behind in our power ranking
Kei is such a whore
This is actually the first non-color illustration where Kei is actually wearing her blazer. In all the past volumes she always had it tied around he waist.
I miss this uniform
It is likely I guess. Kiyo may have plan it.
Nop. Ryuuen said she is not a good leader thus not a match for him
>Kushida SS - she thought that Kiyo is a scary person, and in order to expel Horikita, she has to know more about him, and for that she has to show more her true side, she starts to think to no expel Kiyo.
She said she thinks. It's more like getting another blackmail material against Kiyopon.
Don't know if anyone cares about volume 9 anymore but Graze is finally picking up pace. He's translated 3 parts today (though it's very short)
Meh Honami is not in Ryuuen/Arisu league. Can she defeat Horikita? I don't think so
Honami a loser. She'll lose to Kei aswell.
I don't think Kei will win tho
Kushida scene summary:
Kiyo calls for Kushida who isn’t helping not hindering Horikita for this exam and wants to ask a few questions. Kushida says she’s been invited to play with some girls from class B when Kiyo asks her about her plans for today. She also isn’t doing anything since her actions from v10 has made her position unstable in class. Kiyo thinks the true reason is Horikita. She says she really wants to help Horikita which Kiyo doubts when she asks if he doubts her.
She asks how she looks to him. For him she looks like a cute smiling classmate, but— he imagines the true feelings behind that mask:
«That bitch! I WILL kill her! I'll shame her in front of the whole class! I’ll never forgive that bitch! I’ll kill her! Kill! KillKillKill! I’ll beat her to death!!»
He couldn’t put that into words. Kushida says he’s thinking about something very rude to her right now. He says no way. He just exaggerated it. He clears his mind. He asks for her help with information. She says there are other people he can rely on. Kiyo thinks she is at the point of not having decided whether he is an ally or an enemy from her wariness.
He says there are nobody as good as her for information. She says she has her own circumstances now. Building up and image since school began until now. It was hard to build trust but easy to lose it. Kiyo asks how he can gain her support. She says he will have to give up this time as she wants a quiet time. He asks whether her not helping but not interfering extends to Horikita too.
She says yes, she finally knows how comfortable this school is so she will continue to act.
He says he understand and sorry for the trouble. She says she’s glad he relied on her. They separated. Kushida went to the mall without stopping once.
>the new Horikita
He notices her behavior and her choices more and more. He is always surprised by her
>Horikita was never the main heroine you delusional secondary.
>The only main girl and heroine since volume 5 is Kei, even the author said it.
Keifags are delusional levels 100.
You can says that Kei is more popular or she gets more screen time or she the love Interest but Keifags don't tells me this shit. Horikita is the main girl and nothing will change this fact.
>«That bitch! I WILL kill her! I'll shame her in front of the whole class! I’ll never forgive that bitch! I’ll kill her! Kill! KillKillKill! I’ll beat her to death!!»
Looks like Kushida wants to kill Horikita for shaming her in front of the class.
>she gets more screen time
You're wrong about that. Her screen time is not that long, you're just projecting that she has more screen time which it's only few.
tfw some shitposters that are still here don't realize they themselves are shitposters or were part of the shitposting problem back during v9. Ignorance must be so blissful I guess
Isn't that what 50%man was thinking?
>She also isn’t doing anything since her actions from v10 has made her position unstable in class.
Looks like her influence on her class is decreasing or weaken because of her actions last volume.
Yeah, seemed like it. He is guessing it, but will see her pov in her ss.
Is this the scene where she's smiling before she gone mad?
When will the first year end? Can I expect Kiyo to expel Kushida by then?
Is that user still translating these?
>before she gone mad?
This is Kiyo's imagination.
Nope. TL user disappeared
Can someone explain how this bastard intervened in the recent competition?
Well that's disappointing.
She will KEI is the only one. The savior.
Some user said that Kiyotaka and Arisu were playing chess by proxy using Horikita and Hashimoto. Tsukishiro cut down Kiyotaka's connection with Horikita so he couldn't give her any advice.
How was horikita's reaction after she losing this way?
Since this shithole of a thread filled with whorikita fags is turning into a dumpster fire I'm going to be kind and give you the summary of Sakayanagi.
>After the second chess match, Sakayanagi and Ayanokouji have a talk
>Sakayanagi tells him that she sees him as a childhood friend since both of them were in the white room
>She said that the reason to avoid a straight up confrontation with him was that she wanted to spend more time with him
>Finally after a while she takes Ayanokouji's hand to show him the feeling of 2 humans touching each other (this wasn't made in a romantic way because is connected to the epilogue of vol 11)
>Epilogue takes place 8 years in the past
>Ayanokouji was inside the white room since he was born
>Sakayanagi felt really bad about him
>Nobody loved Ayanokouji, not even his own parents
>This was all being told to Sakayanagi by her own father and when he finished the story about Ayanokouji she gave him a hug because of the sadness she felt
>This is the reason why she touched Ayanokouji's hand, to show him something new.
And again, this was all to show some of 50%'s past because sakayanagi's only childhood friend is him.
>childhood friend
Confirmed to lose the 50% bowl
Was there any connection between Ayanokouji and Manabu or Nagumo in this volume?
From Cinnamon:
>First scene with Manabu is when Kiyo meets Manabu and they talk a bit, Manabu says he will answer a few questions since this may be the last time they can do
>First question: Why did Manabu think Horikita hadn't improved when he hadn't seen her since there is a 2 year gap between them. Manabu was in this school and couldn't see Suzune.
>Second question: Is Tachibana your girlfriend?
>The answer for that first question I'll write a summary tomorrow as it's just that great, so great
Kiyopon had a conversation with Manabu. Cinnamon is doing the summary about this, but in short Manabu raised the flag for Horikita Route.
Every major heroine (except Airi) had flags with Kiyotaka in this volume
Can you give a link to cinnamon spoilers?
Thank you
I've read these but I asking for a link to the source of the spoilers about Manabu since it doesn't found in this thread...
Shiina is not a major heroine. The main heroines are Kei, Horikita, Kushida, Airi, Ichinose and Arisu.
>Manabu raised the flag for Horikita Route.
I must admit it would be a great pilot twist
Can I ask why people support this kei x kiyotaka ship again despite being abusive? Him changing his view on her now doesn't change the fact he treated her like absolute garbage before volume 7
I actually feel sad for Kei if anything
Keifags harassed TL user and drove him away.
You can always try whorikita fanboy.
Both translator anons grew tired of the constant shipping wars after volume 5 and especially the rooftop scene where Kei was established as the main girl, every single thread was turned into a shithole by the animeonlyfags who loves horikita, the cucks tha love ichinose and everyone else who were unable to deal with the asspain.
Imagine trying to provide real content in a place where half of the retards were shitposting because the author put one girl above everyone else leaving their favorite girls as losers.
Was the illustration with the mad Kushida his imaginative?
I agree with you, my friend. The thing is that Kiyokei is super cute, so people tend to ignore all the abuse she suffered in his hands. They also say that this is a shoujo cliche
>I was among the people who speculated that Arisu was Kiyotaka's childhood friend and she wanted to defeat him to help him
>Had to give up on this idea since Kiyotaka stated that he did not know her and the retarded "Muh true genius vs fake genius"
>Turned out that she indeed was his childhood friend and just wanted to help him
I'm baffled.
You're saying as if its an OTP, which was dispelled back in Volume 9. You guys are once again desperate to put her back into the spotlight
"No one will ever get her spotlight" or "she got this and no one has ever gotten it". She's just the furthest in the road cause she was developed early, I have little doubt that the others will receive this same treatment.
I don't think another girl will be so intimate with Kiyo anytime soon
>I don't think
Incredibly nearsighted. I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but you'll eat yours. I mean, you already have eaten them once already.
That's a damn shame to hear. I was thinking maybe Hiyori has a chance since she has ties to 50%man.
I'd rather Hiyori be Kiyopon's bookworm friend. They seem better and more comfortable that way.
But only Kei's was translated?
Horikita's is coming soon
Horikita is the new main heroine
>Arisu a best
Glad to see Arisu force is alive still.
>childhood friend
A bit confused here. Was it for Manabu himself, or was it for Ayanokouji in regards to raised flag for Horikita route? I could go for either, but respects if Kinugasa has the stones to go through with incest route.
For Ayanokouji
Manabu says he can not see Kiyotaka and Horikita together and Kiyotaka says the same. So Akane says they're actually raising a flag for Horikita Route
Kei a shit
they're not actual childhood friends
Arisu a BES-TO.
>The ranking of the current race for the MC Bowl is:
1. Honami
2. Arisu
3. Kei
4. Horikita
5. Kushida
6. Airi
this make me erect.
And then you woke up.
And then you woke up.
Class C turns into Class D again. Sigh
why she use a walking stick?
If I take it from her, will she die?
Wasn't it implied somewhere around 5-8 that Ayanokouji was tamed through fear of pain in his childhood? Or maybe I just read into that too much. Basically the passage was
>no one can inflict pain on you if you're at the top
Or something to that effect. Kiyotaka reformation when?
Is ONII-sama tsundere for Ayanokouji too?
Well Class C is D again. I wonder what's the reaction from Sae and the class.
>muh consent forms
if both people are happy who gives a shit. also forgiving abuse is a feminine demonstration of empathy and pretty attractive
Was the rest of the class familiar with the re-match between Ayanokuji and Sakayanagi?
You're a man of culture and a sick human being
I don't think so. The official battle was Horikita (kiyopon) vs Hashimoto (arisu) until Tsukishiro interference. Officially Class C lost and Class D destroyed Class B, so Class C became Class D again.
>You're saying as if its an OTP, which was dispelled back in Volume 9.
Here's what's funny about this. People were excited about Kei being propped up as main girl following v7 and v7.5 right? Sure sure. They went overboard sometimes, but not to the point of telling off volunteers who helped popularize the series here.
Now v9 comes and there seems to be competition right? Sure. But then you falseflaggers come in and suddenly went LOL FUCKING KEIFAGS LOOOOL. NIPANON?? LOL HOW DO FEEL LOLLLLLL?? TLANON YOU FUCKING KEIFAG LOOOL WHAT NOW YOU SHIT? WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL TRANSLATING LOOOOL.
All the time in every thread thereafter.
See the difference here?
Do you know how exactly Tsukishiro intervened? And What was his argument for intervention?
Clingy manipulative bitch. First uses Hirata, now trying to use 50%.
>Class C became Class D again.
Also they still haven't realized how capable Kiyopon is and they think that he's "just" good at running and chess.
>Officially, Class C (now D) was defeated.
That's kinda....
Well they are back to D again.
Hahahahaha holy shit man!
Thanks for the explanation ... But how he cut off the communication between them? Were they communicating by sending messages or the like?
Keep trying, Keifag.
Keifags are desperate cherrypickers
Well, where is it?
Regarding Sakayanagi and Ayanokoji
There's lots of teasing subtext particularly from Sakayanagi's end. In her SS she describes her feeling for Ayanokoji as something akin to a childhood sweetheart. She also says that she believes that she's fated to meet Ayanokoji so even if he never comes to this school she'll meet him eventually.
At the volume end they replay the chess match in the library and Ayanokoji wins. When walking back to the dorms Sakayanagi tells Ayanokoji that she hopes she can stay with him for a long time. She even holds Ayanokoji's hand. She also tells him (I'm translating the line from someone who read the volume), "I hope you can interact with and experience a lot of people's warmth. That is very important, I hope you can remember that warmth isn't a bad thing."
Keifags BTFO
>"I hope you can interact with and experience a lot of people's warmth. That is very important, I hope you can remember that warmth isn't a bad thing."
wow. thats actually very sweet. she gives me the feeling of bittersweetness and she makes me want her to not have a romantic relationship with ayano. shes perfect to be her life long best friend
I mean she's the only student that's actually aware he's a lab rat kid so she's got that edge over the others.
Not surprised since she's the only one who knows about his past right now. It would be stupid for them not to have this kind of interaction really.
>Keifags BTFO
For me the ship KeixAyanokouji was dead... Since
> Kei clearly said that Ayanokouji would be the most important person in her "3 years" of school.
>"3 years"
only her "3 years" that was big Bad sign. This obviously means that after her 3rd year school Ayanokouji is no longer the most important person for her.
>Kei should have said Ayanokouji will be the most important of all her life.
>Kushida will kill Ayanokouji. end
>Ayanokouji end up with another girl. end
>Ayanokouji solo. end.
But it i's still vague to me.
>This obviously means that after her 3rd year school Ayanokouji is no longer the most important person for her.
After or during? Since that's uncertain for now. We could only assume.
I can't believe Arisu won
That was only because Tsukishiro smashed the board just before she was about to lose
Now that I think about it, since Kinugasa can bring an out-of-favour Sakayanagi into spotlight regarding relationship(we thought Ichinose will get that at this volume irrelevant of KiyoxArisu battle), I feel like the madman can do anything with the other girls and would be foolish for us to predict anything anymore. Now I am not really sure whether next .5 volume gonna be Ichinose or Sakayanagi. (I thought 100% it would be Ichinose but this development happens).
And I think this is one of the skills that he developed as a veteran VN writer. Emerge an unpredictable route. (I'm not sure about this myself though)
Apparently this translation is a bit inaccurate, according to Cinnamon:
>In my three years of school life, he would become the most important and irreplaceable person, but at this very moment I wasn't aware of it.
And the correct one would be:
>During my three years of school life, he would become my most dearest/precious and irreplaceable person, but at this very moment I wasn't aware of it.
\How did he react?
He would became her most important person during those years. It is not a bad sing. It is actually a huge hint for her to end up with him. Especally with how the things are going now. Almost every girl is getting their flags raised, but she is clearly comfortably in the lead.
Maybe she's narrating from when they're graduating
The most delusional ranking ever.
What's the true rankings?
Can't really rank it honestly. Karuizawa is certainly number 1, but the rest are unrankable cause honestly there is not really things that would put them above the others. Maybe like Kushida last, Horikita second to last and then Sakura, Honami and Arisu depends on your preferance honestly.
Kouenji is the new protagonist
What a chad.
Mei is the new Main Heroine!
Maybe Kouenji is the true protagonist after all.
Did the author say anything in his afterword?
Kei is the main heroin.
1 - kei
2 - Homani or Arisu
3 - Horikita
will the anime ever go in or was it a promotion for the shitnovel?
Kei is not a drug
Someone post the link to the poll that almost the whole of Asia actually participated in.
3 years and not all her life so they will break up
Genius he would become not he was.
That's just assuming.
Maybe she's narrating from when they're graduating
Dude, you just repeat what he said or you said.
About Hoshinomiya's talk to Kiyopon.
Hoshinomiya dated the boy that Sae liked and made him betray his class bringing them back to class D since Hoshinomiya said that romance between students of different classes makes them betray their own class.
>Hoshinomiya dated the boy that Sae liked and made him betray his class bringing them back to class D
That's just your speculation based on what she said.
Yeah it's just a speculation and I never said it was confirm or ture.
You made it sound like it. Should've added an "in my opinion" or something.
Is Sae still salty or what? And who the fuck wouldn’t choose Sae? She has a 11/10 body.
What I wanted to know is her reaction after C become D again.
Just speculation of what she said, but it seemed like she experience it.
It's a miracle volume 2 got a proper full translation now.
Late reply, but is anyone aware that Alice and Kiyo have interacted at all? The only one so far that knows there is any relation between the two was that girl Alice blackmailed into being her assistant. But for the most part the "conflict" between the two was happening in the background.
So has anyone else become aware something was going on?
You mean Seven Seas release or fan tl?
Horikita also has a nice body, but that doesn't change the fact that she has a terrible personality.
No, and it's better this way. Class D already is going to put the blame on him for losing to Arisu. If they learn that she is his childhood friend then they will just call him a traitor and try to expel him.
Probably 7Seas. Graze had already dropped vol 2 since they were about to release it officially anyways
What if Arisu told him that just to create a weakness in Kiyopon? I mean, if she knows he is close with someone (and I mean really close, not at the level of the comfy club), then she can target it, right?
cinnamon translated kei SS:
Kei is like a broken faucet as usual
>Would a time come when I would wear this and go together with him somewhere? That would definitely be a very enjoyable day.
Nice foreshadowing. I'm looking forward to this.
volume 11 ending by cinnamon on discord:
«…There’s one thing I have to apologise for.»
«I told you about why I wanted to avoid a 1 vs 1 duel earlier, but that was a lie.»
It was to avoid me getting the spotlight, her consideration to say.
But she withdrew that statement.
«To tell you the truth, I wanted to be in the same space as you, even just for one more moment.» She said as she stretched her right hand towards me. I took it thinking it was a handshake, but she put her left hand over, enveloping mine.
«People learn about warmth when they touch each other. That’s very precious feeling. The warmth of human skin is by no means a bad thing. Please remember that.»
«What do you mean?»
«It's a late, message from me.»
While i didn’t understand it, she slowly released my hand and started walking.
«Well, let’s go back»
It seems like she wouldn’t explain it.
We watched the sunset as we took the way back.
«Oh by the way, have you heard? Yoshi-kun from class A—
A relationship where we were speaking of the old days, we had not.
Without any objectives or purpose, we just earnestly exchanged tales about our daily lives.
Until the very moment we reached the dorms.
>Then End of the LN.
Nice dreams
Holy shit... Arisu just climed higher in my ClassroomofTheElite waifu ranking.
She needs to be his romantic sweetheart
Kei will end up raping Kiyotaka
I'm gonna be mad if Ayanokoji dosen't go out with her in the end. Kei can jump off a cliff for all I care.
I want to hatefuck Kushida bros
Has my boy sudo scored yet?
Kei is too vanilla for me at this point
she's the most bdsm girl though
Does Arisu have friends, or she means she has a supportive dad. Like she blackmailed Kamuro and Hashimoto is an opportunist who would betray her if it was profitable.
Who beside Kei gave Kiyo a choco in valentine btw?
Kushida gave hers early, airi, ichinose gave hers late
Since when Kushida cares about Kiyo? Last time I checked, he hate this bitch
Not all valentines Choco are equal
She gave chocolate to all boys in the class.
What other SS does this volume have?
other than Kei there is 2 for Sakayanagi and 1 for Kushida, I think
there are... (having no editing function is really inconvenient)
Hello ! Please Give us more spoilers about the communication between ayanokouji and ichinose or horikita
I don't think those 3 were ever together at once on this volume
is there any scene in particular that you want to hear about?
I mean (ayanokouji & ichinose) or (ayanokouji & horikita)
one scene that nobody seems to have commented on is the one where Horikita cooked for Kiyotaka
She was just trying to force him to cooperate like she did in volume 1 though
Ichinose's Perfume
Wow .. I didn't hear anything like that .. More details please
Do you know the list of events that were picked for them to compete?
Apparently, she started using it to seduce Kiyotaka. Haruka and Airi also noticed it though the boys didn't care. Doesn't seem like she uses it everytime, she forgot to put it on when she met Kiyotaka on White Day
She called him to her room at 6pm to talk about the exam saying that the talk would only take 1 hour. When Kiyotaka got there she was preparing food and there were two plates on the table. Although the talk itself would only take 1 hour the dinner would take more. Horikita gave Kiyotaka a list with the tasks their class choose and also information on each student ability.
Also, it seems Sudou has yet to eat her homemade cooking, Horikita herself doesnt see why she would even do that since the one to give appreciation should be Sudou since she is doing the favor of teaching him.
Kiyotaka also choose Horikita to play the chess match since it seemed likely that it would come up. Horikita didn't know how to play chess so Kiyotaka taught her through the Internet.
I have two questions with regard to ayanokouji and horikita:
First, I heard that ayanokouji had trained Horikita on chess. Was this scene presented in detail or did they talk about it in brief?
Second, did Horikita aware of tsukishiro's intervention in the chess game between Ayanokouji and Sakayanagi?
Already answered the first one
As for the second question, the only ones who know about what Tsukishiro did is Kiyotaka and Sakayanagi. Kiyotaka didn't wanted to mention it to Sakayanagi but Tsukishiro spoiled it himself to make fun of how she couldn't win against him
Thanks a lot
Did Haruka have any scene with Kiyopon? If not, how about the Ayanokouji group?
Last question, was there any intervention of kiyotaka in the other competitions?
What's happening with AIri? all the main heroines were given some sort of spotlight, with the exception of Airi?
I wonder how Horikita is going to confront Ayanokouji in the next volume after this defeat. He told her he'd never lose against anyone in chess which made her feel unexpectedly reassured. Also how emotional she got during the chess match.
Will she feel betrayed by him? Lower her assessment of him? This is something to look forward to.
The Ayanokouji group had a scene with Ichinose which I detailed on animesuki after that they witnessed Ike asking Shinohara out on a date
Kiyotaka was the leader for the exam so he intervened in some of the matches. It was just simple things like answering a single question for the competitors or changing players on the basketball match. He tried keeping it low but Hoshinomiya seemed to view him as more competent student due to that though
Well, it was mostly due to the chess match. Sakagami will have noticed as much too.
Airi didn't really do much this volume. During the Ayanokouji Group she showed interest in romance matters alongside Haruka while the boys didn't care
true but he didn't comment much. Guess he just isn't important enough for the plot unlike Hoshinomiya
Valeu, amigo. Você é sempre de muita ajuda.
Thanks, GPMS
Since chess competition was 1 vs 1. Did the rest of the class witnessed this duel or was it just between Ayanokouji, Sakayanagi, Horikita and Hashimoto?
Ayano wondered how his classmates will react to him taking control when he next meets them so they probably at least know to some extent. Don't remember if they actually witnessed the match itself.
I'm not really sure, probably...? Kiyotaka said his class would probably blame him for taking the match from Horikita's hands and losing after all. If they witnessed it then I would guess they would be more surprised than anything
I'm most interested in the upcoming Culture Festival. His fathering coming is almost guaranteed, but I wonder about his mother. I get the feeling she'll turn out to be a politician.
Anyone know when Culture Festivals usually happen in japan? Somewhere at the beginning of the school year or towards the end?
no idea, I'm not Japanese after all. However based on my limited knowledge from Kaguya-sama they usually take place towards the end of the year
Anyone remember the name of the site with all youjitsu tls? Not the pastebin
From wiki
First his "loss" against Horikita Manabu and now his "loss" against Sakayanagi. Is our boy ever actually going to win publically when going 100%?
Is it even confirmed we are getting it? Since year 1 just ended and they just finished the final, I doubt the school even have a culture fest.
It's one of Tsukishiro's plans. He will open the school to the outside public.
Didn't know that. Thanks. Then, I guess it is what the other anons said about the date
May you give us a short summary of the other 6 competitions chosen and what occurred during them?
how long has moonland user been the deddest?
>Ike asking Shinohara out on a date
So what's the result?
>Basketball - 24 x 16 - Class C won
Sudou was not in the team at first. Kitou from class A is used to playing basketball. Kiyotaka switched Sudou in according to Horikita's strategy
>Typing ability - 90 x 83 - Class C won
Sotomura (professor) won this one as expected since he was the one who proposed this
>English Test - 443 x 651 - Class A won
Kiyotaka decided to give up on this match and chose a bunch of normal students so class C lost by a landslide
>Math Test - 631 x 655 - Class A won
Most of Class C smart people were chosen for this one but they lost anyways
>Fast Mental Arithmetics - 6 x 8 - Class A won
Kouenji didn't cooperate even though he knew the answers so Onodera had to compete on her own. Katsuragi wanted to go easy on them but Sakayanagi threatened to expel his classmates so he begrudgingly cooperated
>Archery - ? x ? - Class C won
Akito won this one. No further details
Was there any communication between horikita and kei?
>She was just trying to force him to cooperate like she did in volume 1 though
>Muhhh nothing between him and Horikita. Kek
>When Kiyotaka got there she was preparing food and there were two plates on the table
Thanks to Kei, I thinks Horikita wants to be nice with him but she does not know how to do it. Cute.
Shinohara was all tsundere but she didn't seem against it. Nothing was explicitly writing on this volume so I assume he succeeded
What about Mii-chan?
Kei didn't know about Kiyotaka's plan against class A so she was initially against Horikita's idea of making him the leader. ultimately though Horikita convinced her and the class this was the best decision
Was this Horikita's plan to get Ayanokouji more involved? What a bitch honestly, he just wants to hang out shooting the shit with his nakamas.
Thank you
you mean the scene with Kouenji? She was crying after Hirata pushed her away forcefully. Kouenji then picked her up and said that Hirata was being pathetic.
Guess he was just helping in his own way. After Hirata ran away he put her on the ground and she went to her own room, the end. no NTR
What about nagumo? I haven't heard anything about him from this volume !
The class was wary of Kiyotaka because he had the Protective Point so he went out of his way to be the leader. Horikita was surprised that he was being this proactive but that works on her favor so she aided him
Since they lost, what will happened then?
Busy ejaculating to Honami creepshots.
maybe on volume 11.5?
back to square one. gotta defeat class C (Ryuuen) again
Since Class C (now D) lost, what will be Sae's reaction after this, meaning returning to D again.
She is probably disappointed. She said before that she couldn't imagine Kiyotaka losing
What did the author say in the afterword?
complaining about the page limit and some random thoughts about SNS
Any new info beside the ones they you mentioned or show?
* Any new info beside the ones you mentioned or show?
besides what I said there is the whole situation on how Ryuuen became the leader. There is also a bit about White Day. The rest is not really important I think
Who is Keisuke? The one who tried to get Katsuragi on their side.
the smart guy from Ayanokouji Group
>>English Test - 443 x 651 - Class A won
>Kiyotaka decided to give up on this match and chose a bunch of normal students so class C lost by a landslide
Why did he give up on this? What's the reason?
Oh, I thought his name was Keisei or something.
So it was 3 win for C and 4 win for A.
his name is Keisei I got it wrong just checked
not enough smart students he chose to prioritize some other match
Not him and didn't read the volume, but I am just going to assume math would be easier to prep for than English, especially when they are in Japan.
It's just English.
It is true that Kushida's position in class C (D now) is not really good after 10? This give Kiyo a chance to expel her, but someone say it's just the first step or I'm saying it wrong.
Is there any event that are hinted at or guaranteed to occur in v11.5, spring break?
the damage from volume 10 doesn't seem to be that big. She is just laying low for now to be safe
The sempai's graduation I guess
Finally got the SS from a helpful Japanese.
What about Ryuen and Ichinose face off. What's the detail on that. The one with the color illustration.
Ichinose and her class were caught by surprise because of Ryuuen's revival. Class D achieved an overwhelming victory against class B because they chose martial arts as their matches. Also Ryuuen drugged some of Class B students with a laxative keeping them from showing up. Not to say anything of the mental pressure before the exam
>Also Ryuuen drugged some of Class B students with a laxative keeping them from showing up.
Wow that's savage.
What about Hirata's situation?
he is back up
Now that the LNs are such a success over there, what are the chances of a redeeming S2 in anime?
The LN has been pretty popular since mid-summer of 2017. The chance of s2 is pretty slim.
>drugging and fighting
I can see why Class D (now Class C again) won. This man played dirty, Ichinose with her kind demeanor never stood a chance. I was right, this is a major sign that she'll be corrupted but in the process, turn into a more effective pawn/leader.
Despite the LNs being popular, making S2 will be hard and uncertain after the fiasco on what they did. And the Japanese fans are not in a good mood yet.
Does anyone suspect that ichinose likes Ayanokouji?
Her class noticed her change of behavior.
I saw your latest post. He just put it on their mail box on the early morning of weekend or it was just Ichinose.
Kanzaki is hating the situation
It will likely be an interference of the unity of Class B if things goes on.
Ibuki fag here. Has Ibuku shown up recently?
he put a chocolate in the post box for each one of the girls (Kei, Ichinose, Haruka, Airi, Shiina and Kushida) but he was seen only by Ichinose
That's precisely what Kinugasa is planning. If Hoshimiya learns that Ichinose fell for Kiyotaka and decides that may become a threat to Class B she most likely will take action to demote Ichinose from her position as the class leader.
He gave two gifts to Kei then?
>she most likely will take action to demote Ichinose from her position as the class leader.
Why would she do that? That would only make Class B fall harder.
oh yeah, I forgot the necklace counted as White Day present as well...
So it was additional then.
He didn't mention the name of the girls he was giving it to so I just assumed
Has horikita win the bowl
Soon Horikita it's obvious the last game
I'm still at vol 9 I'm at Graze's pace, wait for me bros
Even Airi has more chances than her as of now.
Vol 9 is just a couple of paragraphs away from finishing
And that's a good thing, I wonder how much it will take for vol 10 I already read some spoilers from the thread without having a single idea of what happened in 10 oops
Arisu ss has been translated!
Horkita has more chances than Kei at least
More like Arisu.
Arisu seems so happy
Forget Airi even Ibuki is ahead of her.
I doubt that, Kei, Ichinose and Arisu have the best chances as of now, Horikita is completely in the dust currently.
The Sudoubowl
rate my wife
I miss Sudoposting
cheap whore/10
Cutest girl in the world
Jesus Christ those thighs
>M-da S-tarou
That explains it.
I wonder what's the endgame with Kouenji. Is he just gonna cruise all the way to graduation or well he get roped into participating for some reason or other.
Best girl too stronk.
Kouenji will probably be Ayanokouji's last opponent
What happened to Yamauchi?
He got the most minus votes in class C in volume 10's school event and got expelled.
>Also, it seems Sudou has yet to eat her homemade cooking, Horikita herself doesnt see why she would even do that since the one to give appreciation should be Sudou since she is doing the favor of teaching him.
Keifags does not realize that every time Ayanokouji talks about Sudo to Horikita it is misplaced jealousy. He wants to compare himself to him very subtly and
He wants to know his place in Her heart.
>When he says that Sudo never tastes Horikita's foods ,
He insinuates his win against him because he was the "first" "privilege" before his "rival" .
This is not the first time that he questions Horikita about her relationship with him. All the old Vol he was to curious about it.
Don't you have a 5toubun thread to shitpost in, chink?
Until you take away her cane
He was curious about Ike and Shinohara. Is he competing for Shinohara's heart
Horikita is Ayanokouji's last rival
gpms is grazeddd?