Leaks from the last thread, posted in order.
Full chapter is going to be dropped at 3:30pm UTC, and don't you forget it user!
Leaks from the last thread, posted in order.
Full chapter is going to be dropped at 3:30pm UTC, and don't you forget it user!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck, I wish Phos would stay broken and buried for the rest of the manga
Even sensei is afraid
And some moron has to ruin it. Of course
Or startled.
Yeah Adamant is a dumb robot.
[/spoiler]I STILL LOVE PHOS!!![/spoiler]
love for phos can't be hidden
I have a question: where does El Fos (Absurdamente Ràpido) rank in power?
>!Akemi never posts anything different
>expect people to constantly say different things to him
>!Akemi has been trying to force the idea this means "bot" for multiple years
>!Akemi will never answer anything at all said to him
>he thinks this actually makes him look smart
Hahaha, I fucking love how obvious it is who you are, !Akemi.
Not only are you, as always, consumed by how people can see through your samefagging, you REFUSE to address how the real issue is how you act and how badly you behave.
Tell me, even if you were more than one person, how does that excuse you ruining threads?
You're not fooling anyone !Akemi. You're the only one who thinks ACK is actually real so quit pretending to be someone else.
Don't you have a Madoka thread to ruin, !Akemi?
OP, you forgot about these two pages that were posted, although in low quality
And two. Ame a cute.
When did all of this fucking Akemi and ACK shitposting start infesting basically every fucking thread on Yea Forums? Its starting to piss me off.
Bumping his shit thread AGAIN and he put so much effort into it that he went out of his way to post twice in the same minute. Trying to make it look like more than one person wants his shit thread alive.
Sure is funny how these !Akemi threads with so many posters always die even though they have so many posters in them. OH WAIT. There actually aren't a lot of people in these threads. It's just !Akemi spam changing his IP. Guess that settles it once and for all. !Akemi is not many people. It's one person who's obsessed with trying to "troll".
You are the one with autism, !Akemi. Look at how you LITERALLY REFUSE to actually address anything at all that anyone says to you, and how you are obsessively consumed with your own threads and keeping them alive.
Fuck off.
This is a thread for discussing the manga series named houseki no kuni, user. If you want to discuss meta, go to . If you want to learn more about the board's shitposters, lurk more before posting. In any case, don't bring up that unrelated stuff here.
Also, nuGoshe (and probably nuMorga) is now just a little younger than Phos used to be when we met him.
Are we getting quality posters this month?
What do you think will happen next? I was hoping we would get Phos/Sensei comfy times but I'm not sure anymore.
Fuck if I know, I need the translations first.
I can't see any phos comfy anytime soon, unless sensei fills the missing cracks with a new red gem and she finally ascends.
maybe on the moon though, padded cells are pretty comfy desu
Moonies dissapear and cringeworm goes full mental
Compilanon doesn't namefag, and there were already quality posters last thread.
The last chapter in a volume has never been comfy, user. Cliffhangers are what makes the customer buy the next volume after all.
Still, it looks like Phos is forcing Sensei's prayer to stay on by absorbing the power of the hojunotama and that the moon arc properly ended because of the timeskip, so I'd say we're witnessing the start of a new arc, at least for Fossu.
>Yellow is starting to think she's a lunarian
This is Yellow Diamond's character introduction. Does this strike you as a well-adjusted gembutt?
God, how can somebody be that disgusting.
We're way past the point of anything comfy ever happening at this point. It's full suffering from here on out.
W-why are you taking yourself for me, user
I summon striborg
I'm sort of hoping that Sensei repairs Phos with the only strong material that's just lying around, the fragments of himself that he has been throwing into the sea all these years
I am so tired of Craig x Aechmea. I love Ichikawa. I don't care for her particular fetish.
I for one don't dislike the brushed back look + ahoge. It makes her forehead more visible and I think the next page is a good example of how it gives her a generally less childish look, even if your picture kinda proves me wrong. It sure is another step further from Ghost's original hairdo though
Surely it's all uphill from here on, right? There's no way this can get any worse.
Phos will succeed sure, and he'll be happy, but now its time for everyone else to suffer.
And 3921 for now. No wonder she`s forgetting things.
Remember when deafgirlfags used to say the same thing? Good times.
I sure do love me some cairnmea.
Truly an woman. Actualy, both amethyst and Cairn look more adult. And it's not a bad thing for me.
Really hope we get info on why he doesnt pray next time.
5 minutes left?
Hey, I'm going to be dropping the full chapter shortly, there were some issues with the images that the other guys dropped that I didn't like so I am dropping the whole thing. I'm going to start dropping them in a couple minutes.
Holy shit, thank you user.
Here we go.
>that outfit
There will be a short delay between the next three.
holy shit yellow
>Everyone thought Yellow had some nefarious resolve
>She was just killing herself
oh ok thanks ms ichikawa see you in july
Oh shit here it comes.
Euclase is cute here
So i guess it's a plot point that Cairngorm has a new name now
Damn, it takes me forever to download them. Ok, here we go.
>Dia's outfit
Jeez I get there's a point where cuteness from ribbons and frilly, puffy dresses eventually decreases
Get a grip, Yellow
Oh god something very bad happened to P. Diddy after all
>diamond shattering from a 5 meter drop
The trauma conga line truly never ends
Ok, we got it, 3 pages wasted on this crap.
the trauma KONGO?
What is she doing?
>literally wasted a panel just to have him restored the next one because out of ideas
>taking a break
good riddance
Here it comes.
So I guess that Karen is worried for Yellow and not for that one friend 6 feet under.
>my at every new chapter
Shaking the snow off Adamant.
Amazing chinkanon, otsukaresama
Yellow only has good toughness, not excellent toughness like Bortz, Jade and Padparadscha.
Fuck everyone but Sensei. I'm so mad.
>not this
Every chapter I ask myself how am I supposed to care about anyone but Phos.
Last 4.
Yellow's like: "Fuck I'm awake again, return me to the void!"
>Alex has been 220 years on the moon
I wonder what the hell happened to him
That Amethyst
>220 years
thank you
Did Phos will himself back to life out of sheer rage? We have always see gems regain consciousness after a full shattering when they're reassembled in full and not a minute before.
>be technological wonder
>raise cute gem harem
>pretend to be broken just so your neighbours keep checking up on you
he's really living the dream
>sensei is betraying the earth gems
Phos should get a grip
Imagine having to do the bird box challenge for 220 years
That's all for now, I'll see you at the September (July) issue.
No. Let him be angry for once.
Here Sensei said that it took 220 years for the Earth gems to forget about Phos.
Sensei is only kind person. Earth gems are confirmed to be crap now. I truly believed that Shinsha will be one who restore Phos. Fucking Brutus.
blessings upon both chinkanon and the sources
That made me laugh quite a bit. Good job user.
Fuck shinsha tbqh, she's truly an incel gem
Big thanks, CHinkanon.
And that's a good thing. Shippers BTFO
The other earth gems will be killed instantly, but Shinsha will get a very rough rock tribbing which would shatter her from the pelvis up. Phos has to get rid of that sexual frustration that's built up over a half-millenia.
I guess that Sensei wasn't able to get all of the boxes, probably Cinnabars at least
Thank you
Anons! This last image is not a bad thing. It's actually Phos and sensei being able to finish the prayer together!
Guess what also need two people to pray/meditate? Tantric practices.
But don't see this in a sexual way. Its mind and compassion working together to reach enlightenment (Sensei being compassion and Phos being the mind, or possibly even the other way around, but you get the idea.)
I just want a bit of justice for baby Phossu, am I asking for too much? No one cares about them even though he is the reason everyone is happy right now.
Buddhism is fucking weird but thanks for the explanation
I want Phos to cut off the heads of Earth gems and put them in a exhibition like in the Statue artbook.
fuck off autist, just look at sensei's expression
Does it work if Phos is that angry?
thats an intelligent, awake look in th last panel. Contrast it with his robot sensei style he had previously.
Ignoring the obvious O NO YELLOW WHAT IS YOU DOING,
does this haircut symbolise that during the timeskip, Ame has come to adjust fully to being independent and now has balance without her twin needing be present?
Like before, the two had complementary hairdos that balanced out together, but alone were tilted
This new hairdo is balanced by itself (yet still with a cleft down the middle, sasuga ichikawa), signifying that Ame no longer relies on Ame (or the other senior gems)
I think it's a stretch no pun intended to see it that way since what Phos seems to be merging with isn't sensei, but Jizo's cintamani
Yes, 84 seems fully independent now.
>they’ve been fucking for 200 yrs
get cucked cinnaphos fags
It's really obvious but I liked the way it was shown without the need to say anything. Back then she used to assume the twin position by default even without 33, pic related
>all the slugs are probably dead AGAIN
Is there any Cinnaphos fag besides Pemprika anymore?
Again, the light that wasn't there in the last page or was fading away returned when Phos intervened, so whatever Phos is doing is causing the process to continue.
Now that is interesting, because Phos as a mineral is also known to be a type of wish granting stone/mineral.
>200 years
>Phos x Sensei is back on the menu and now a viable pair
Truly we're in the Endgame™ now
He died, it's said here
people who can’t accept when their ships are dead will never prosper
>Shinsha's fingers are leaking mercury
Yes, truly.
Wait what another timeskip again?
Not complaining if so, it actually makes everything more interesting and probably depressing, but still.
I don't even have the energy to even be mad or depressed anymore, I'm just exhausted like Phos. I hope things get better soon.
Is it just me or is Phos almost acting like a surrogate for the audience right now in this chapter. With the time between the gap for the audience feeling so long, represented by the time skip, and Phos talking about how she is exhausted, just like the audience is from everything that has happened so far. It feels like a pretty clear meta-narrative to me, I think Ichikawa probably did it on purpose as well.
No fucking way
I can't believe sensei told Phos that he is an infinity gem and they need to find the other five members.
Haha you silly nigger we're here to have fun, not listen to you floss your shit taste in front of everyone.
Yes and only then will they snap the lunarians away.
Well, yeah, I'm almost begging for a conclusion, even in only temporary
>only character Phos was able to do any good for is dead
>only character left who supported Phos is dead
Phos's rage is totally justified and I hope she goes full nihilist now.
careful with that edge, incel
why in the fuck is Phos being restored in the bizarre position
Where is NuGoshe in all this anyway? Seems Ichikawa completely forgot about them, what was even the point of bringing them along to the moon.
Nah, I don't think Phos can really destroy Sensei and Sensei will just put him back together again if something happens. Then Phos will fuck off into the sea to be with people that probably won't bury her underground then forget about it.
>why in the fuck is Phos being restored in the bizarre position
It's how she woke up. If you mean to say she looks oddly risque, that's just because its Phos's natural beauty showing through.
>why in the fuck is Phos being restored in the bizarre position
Phos regained consciousness before Sensei finished putting him back together.
Wouldn't be really funny if the prayer works and the day after Karen wakes up and their pedo husband is gone.
This is most likely what is going to happen if the prayer works. It's the permanent change in the status quo that no one will be able to ignore. The question is whether or not everyone else will accept it is a different question.
>tfw it took sensei 200 years to find the boxes
you guys are evil if you get mad at him
That would be great. Let chaos reign upon them for everything they put Phos through.
More like he had to wait 200 years for the gems to forget to check on Phos daily so that they wouldn't notice that he stole them.
The prayer is something both Phos and Aechmea want. Considering everything Phos does ends badly and considering Aechmea is probably lying about everything, I'd bet that Sensei praying won't just result in the moonies disappearing. It'll be something catastrophic for the gems and/or the planet in general.
Well the moon gems might not accept that but that was the plan from the start. I guess there has to be always a reason to hate Phos.
It took him a while to acquire the Phos boxes because the gems wanted to give him a sense of pride and accomplishment
but really, would he only be able to search during winter hibernation, or would the other gems just not notice him sneaking out at night during summer?
Phos is the real villain.
The moonpeople are no longer attacking so every gem is living in peace, Phos pushing Kongou to pray is just going to push the moonpeople to start attacking again.
He could only realistically do it in the winter because that's the only time when Shinsha doesn't do night patrol.
More like it took 200 years for the gems to relax and go to hibernate all together. It's sad to think putting back Phos was Sensei's priority and he waited 200 years until he finally had a chance to do it by himself.
He just fucking woke up after 200 years, he doesn't know that.
He probably waited until the gems forgot about Phos and then searched for the boxes during winter or when the others weren't noticing.
>mfw I had to manually open your post to see what filter you had been caught by
Truly the lowest common insult. As mediocre as "have sex" or "tranny".
To insult someone on the Reddit tourist board,Yea Forums ,you need to up your game.
Gimme your best insult, go on I double dog dare you pork chop.
So is adamant not in charge anymore? Whyd he have to put phos back together on the down low?
Euclase and Jade have been in charge since the moon gems left.
They all decided to be equals. adamant had to wait because the gems would be upset at him
Moon people's goal is still to die though. Even though I think they would like to know beforehand when.
Because he told them he'd respect their decision, but they have apparently forgotten about Phos and Sensei knows that Phos is right even if Phos can't do anything right
Because the Gems went all Lord of the Flies on Sensei and wanted to rule themselves.
Wait. Speaking of Lord of the Flies,what if Sensei is the one they are going to destroy. It was never Jade or Euclase, but SENSEI.
He's playing secret Hitler and all of his facist buddies were killed while Euc got all 5 liberals to steamroll every vote.
Phossu is his hail Mary at this point.
Why didn't Euc and Sensei talk about this? They both want Phos restored. Maybe if they both agreed upon it, the other gems would have been receptive to reviving Phos too. Then Sensei wouldn't have had to do it in secret over hundreds of years.
>knows that Phos is right even if Phos can't do anything right
Heartily keked with how spot-on this is.
Euc wouldn't do it without talking to the others first and they wouldn't want it to happen.
By doing so he would have put Euc in danger, I think he knows that the other gems can't or won't do anything to him (I hope).
Because Sensei has always been shown to be unable to talk about shit and Jade doesn't want to restore Phos, Euc and Jade talked and Euc let Jade steamroll her.
>The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.
Shinsha deserves painful death for everything she's done.
Amethyst and Cairn are looking so damn fine! Wow
The thing is Adamant is the strongest gem, I don't know if they would be physically able to destroy him.
>The arrow struck Antarc in an arcing blow from cheek to knee; the gem exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.
Craig x Aechmea or Euc x Adamant?
Phos x suffering
>ichikawa invented explosions and rocks
How much can sensei repair? Most of Phos' alloys seem to be missing
Padparadacha can’t actually be dead, right? They’ve been built up as being so important, Ichikawa wouldn’t just write them off like that would she?
He's gonna get some of that red from Paddy, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's left looking broken and jagged.
They probably still have his remains. If Phos manages to get back to the moon, then he will probably integrate a part of him into himself in order to always have Pads with him.
no more
phos, just rest for ever...
>If Phos manages to get back to the moon
The lunarians should notice that something is going on if they look. I don't know if Phos really wants to go back to the moon, though.
Here are the pages.
Is it me or Phos arms are shaped like vajras here.
I have some bad news for you Mr. Borg
I've lost my daughter padparasha and I need your expert help in returning her to me please and thankyou
Good catch, they definitely are. I was thinking about this just earlier today.
>symbolize both the properties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force)
>We got a call from the Hotel
>It seems like Yellow-san jumped off a balcony...
>He seemed so well yesterday
>That's weird
>It looks like he escaped from his hospital room
>Have you told the princess?
>Sorry for the wait
>It's fine
>What are these clothes?
>It looks like he took the sheets from his room and put them on
>Where's Dia?
>On her way
>Are you alright?
>Ah, you mean me / That sure is nostalgic!
>I almost forgot that was me
>I thought I'd take a walk to the gardens...
>Is that so
>Still, what a blunder
>I couldn't fly for some reason / My body feels so heavy today
Well it depends on what happens next chapter. If Phos just falls to the floor and gets repaired again, he'll look fine probably.
just a coincidence
Is any visual symbolism ever coincidence in this manga?
Pad will appear and speak again. In Phos' mind/dreamscape.
>I couldn't fly for some reason
What the fuck?
>>Ah, you mean me
>Yellow... / Could you explain yourself better?
>Ah, right
>I'm Yellow Diamond...
>He thinks he's a Lunarian
>When he does, he turns cheerful but
>As soon as he's reminded he's a gem, he broods / The symptoms are getting worse by the day, without any recovery in sight
>He's gone insane / Maybe he was in recovery for too long?
>That... / Might be the cause
>But the disfigurement from the past isn't stopping
>That's harsh
>At the time the gem recovery program didn't exist, so we couldn't do anything, but...
>If I was to judge this in retrospective...
>We messed up at the beginning?
>There's that too
What the fuck is going on
>the princess
Probably Yellow belived it was a lunarian... that or he developed a mental disorder.
>Yellow has dementia
Oh...this hit a lot closer to home than I was expecting.
>I couldn't fly for some reason / just wanted to take a walk to the gardens
Oh man it's all coming back to me. Dementia gets pretty hard on people.
Striborg they are trying to brainwash him or they are trying to at least Psychologically come up with a way for him to forget and disassociate his bad memories. They are trying to fix his broken mind.
>gem recovery program
>gem recovery
Oh fuck that might not be the real yellow.
It could be a false gem made by gem recovery.
>all the recovered gems are insane when they first get put back together
Oh, great
I think the gems are attempting to induce disassociative personality disorder in order for Yellow to forget his bad memories.
>I think it's more likely that he wasn't able to handle
>220 years of introspection...
>You think Padparascha is the main cause?
>I think it's certain / His own luck when the worst happened only made his feelings of self-loathing and guilt even worse
>There's also how we adapted to Lunarian society after that / Being the only one still unaffected by the change in environment may have worsened his feelings of abandonment...
>Poor Onii-sama
>Isn't there a way to actually turn him into a Lunarian instead?
>Haven't you ever thought of becoming a Lunarian, princess?
>Of course I have
>I've thought the same too / A gem's body limits you in a lot of ways when doing research, and moving around is inconvenient. There's a lot of cons
>If Lunarians' origins are in the souls of humans
>Then maybe we should be looking for a way of separating our souls from our bodies?
>But it won't be any help if our memories don't follow us
>A way of losing our bodies without losing our memories...
>Maybe I should try something with my inclusions
>Hey now
Why am I being reminded of Kazumi Magica
Calm down bros, most likely they just tried to cure her depression through "gem recovery", using lunarian psychology skills, but failed, because psychology is shit.
God I'm so tired of these 2
>You think Padparascha is the main cause?
>I think it's certain / His own luck when the worst happened only made his feelings of self-loathing and guilt even worse
This being left vague gives me the faintest hope that his fate isn't sealed yet, even if deep down I know that it's over
Shinsha needs to hang for this
> worst happened
> worst happened
> worst happened
> worst happened
Holy fucking shit.
>the worst
Also I can't fucking believe Rutile can scratch mercury off a gem but the moonies weren't able to do shit with all their fancy technology. Fuck this development.
I find disgusting how now everyone calls Karen princess.
>That's some unpleasant talk
>I don't want my students to turn themselves into guinea pigs
>But Sensei
>We don't even know where to start
>We had a good start on how your memories work, in the gem restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
>But we have more knowledge now, compared to back then / Do you want to try your hand at it in my stead?
>I'll try
>You need permission first
>And convincing that guy might be harder than turning into a Lunarian
>Please, princess
>Leave it to me / I'll use all of my wit to persuade him
>Should I help you with a good begging pose to use?
>Every time you start some research, you always throw yourself into experiments before any safety measures are in place
>I swear I won't!
>You will. And then you'll do something irreversible
>I'm saying I won't!
>I can't help wanting to become a Lunarian!
>Your passion is one of your charms, but
>This time, my answer is no
>Meanie! / Stick in the mud! / It's your turn!
user, you have to understand, Pads was already a fragile existence, the fact that he got covered in mercury probably did him in. And remember, he already wanted to die.
Holy shit, was he manipulating him this whole time.
What. The. Fuck.
This is literally the only way we're going to get Loliparasha. Think about it.
>outer layer gets Mercury
>inner layer is salvaged
>loses lots of memories and mass
Ichikawa is gonna pull through Bros.
>deep, full mercury bath is the same as accidentally rolling in mercury for a few seconds as Phos did
>I got flustered
>You win
>I noticed, you know
>You lost on purpose to keep the number of wins and losses completely balanced
>Good job noticing
>What's more important
>Isn't winning or losing today, but keeping everything in control
>It's not time yet
>I want permission!
>Oh well
>I can't refuse your determination, and those begging eyes / But you can only do some basic research
>But you becoming a Lunarian is a completely separate matter / Alright?
>I guess it can't be helped!
> restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
What the fuck why did they stop it? Due to memory problem?
He stopped wanting to die when Phos saved him, he only wanted to die because he thought staying awake forever was impossible and Rutile was wasting her time trying to keep him awake.
If Padpa is legit dead I may actually drop this manga, they were sitting up and talking the last time we saw them. They’ve been being hyped up since early in the story and to die off-screen with nothing more than a mention of their name in conversation is just bad writing
>in the gem restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
Uh oh.
>next chapter in July
>then September
Probably because they didn't want to continue without Phos' permission on what to do with the slugs.
>We had a good start on how your memories work, in the gem restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
Is Pads really dead bros?
He is only dead in his current form. Phos will be able to speak to a form of pads, so he will always live on within Phos, just like Lapis.
Same, user. Pads is one of the few gems I still cared about and killing him off offscreen after all this hype is pure nonsense.
But they already said they'd wait for the slugs to die and then harvest their shells...
>they stopped the gem restoration even thought they could easily get all the pieces from the slugs in the meantime
What bullshit is this, Ichikawa? If this isn't a bait and switch it's a prime example of the cons of coming up with the plot as you go and making retarded plot twists for drama
The others have no reason to care about the slugs, they probably stopped because what came out wasn't exactly functional
Poor Yellow
Not even death can ease his suffering
>But if I become a Lunarian
>Then I can go with you!
>I'm so tired of this
>Cold, hard body
>I'm not
>Good Morning, Adamant
>Good morning, Euclase
>Good weather today, huh
>Will you pray today?
>I'm sorry
>How many times have I asked you, counting this one?
>That's right
>No Lunarians will come today either
>I'm done asking
>This year I will hibernate as well / I really want to sleep
>How about you Adamant?
>I will be awake
>There is no need for a winter guard
>(Euc! Look at my list!)
>Is that so? / Good luck then
*When he gets integrated into Phos
>Should I help you with a good begging pose to use?
Nice to know Dia's still the real slut in the plot
>the gem restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
Phos is gonna be nuclear
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Phos slaughters all the gems herself. both moon and earth.
>Sorry for taking so long
>It took 220 years for everyone to forget you
>I beg you / Could you pray just once more?
>Not for anyone's sake
>But for me
>Have mercy
>Can't go on anymore
Ichikawa isn't coming up with it as she goes. She has stated in multiple interviews that she knows how the story ends and what it will take to get there.
The end again.
Thread theme: youtube.com
This chapter ending fills me with hope and determination.
She knows the ending but she's gone on record saying that how it gets there could shift depending on her own personal experiences.
They are shitting on Phos on every level. Right now I don't care about anyone but Phossu and maybe Paddy (and let me tell you, if he really died off camera I'll actually start to doubt Ichikawa writing skills).
Yes, she said that she has a clear ending in sight and of course she writes from there, but as for the rest she also said there's a lot she just comes up as the story progresses. It's like the next line, user.
Based theme and based Striborg, thanks for the translations.
>having hope after all of this
I wish I was as strong as you Striborg
Thanks for the translations
It's possible they just couldn't make it work. Barbata already said the gems wouldn't have their memories, but maybe restored gems were basically vegetables or not functional in some way.
thanks for your work man
Again, Pads "dying"(or not waking up) works, because it just restores the status quo.
Good lord I hope every one of these assholes gets nuked
>there's a red dia in vegetable state
>They are shitting on Phos on every level.
But Sensei proved he was Phos' ally all along, Euclase kept up her trust in Phos' even after presumably forgetting him, and Sensei prayed for him, of all things.
This is it.
This is what we've been waiting for.
Though this makes me wonder:
If what it took to make Sensei pray was asking him to pray FOR HIM, does that mean the problem is with the Lunarians?
This isn't a new theory by any means, but doesn't this reinforce that this isn't Sensei's fault that the Lunarians can't pass on, but it's because they simply aren't "ready" to reach enlightenment?
>Phos gets informed about the timeskip
He reacts as expected then
Could you please translate whatever is being said on the side here ? The usual tiny bit of what will happen next
>Phos has exhaused all of his actions, his worries, his wishes. There's nothing left anymore but to charge head-on!
>pads is down and out
>Sensei is being forced to pray by Phos
>Chapter has a long section about the moon gems thinking about becoming lunarians or making their souls leave their bodies
Pads turns into a lunarian due to being essentially comatose and wanting to leave his trapped existence anyway, so is the first target of a prayer?
Sensei and Euc have proven themselves to be considerate enough about Phos, so that counts for something.
Phos revenge arc when?
Literally the canon version of Phos with guns saying
>Sensei I don't feel so good...
I meant the moon gems not sensei, sorry. They stopped working on something that was really important to Phos and they completely forgot about them. If your friend was on "enemy" territory wouldn't you want to rescue them? They care about everyone but Phos and that is shitty.
Thank you for the translations.
>This chapter ending fills me with hope and determination.
This. Sensei and Phos actually trying something gave me new life.
Damn bros...
how many chapters do you all bet we have left?
u mad?
Padparadscha was the only one left who genuinely cared about Phos and he's dead. Truly this is the worst timeline.
I did not expect to get a boner but here we are
The fact that phos is suffering so much while the moongems are living their carefree lives drives me up aganist the fucking wall
me, its literally the best ship
It better end in 108 for top kino.
Please tell me they are working on a s2 for the anime
Doesn't it say that the next chapter is in July (so no chapter next month), with volume 10 being out in August? There's only a single month hiatus.
One of those months is probably working on the volume 10 release
No S2 as far as we know
fuck shinsha and fuck shinsha apologists
studio orange stated in an interview that they wanted to work on other endeavors, so no
Shinsha is just that type of emo character you want to fuck for being such a hot mess.
Yup, fuck up.
It's a bit ironic that Shinshafags only wanted her to be accepted by the other gems and get over her isolation issues, but when that happened everyone started to loathe her
More like they had other works listed sooner but a s2 could definitely still come and fans should express their support for it
thank you striborg
>Ame is fucking crazy
We predicted the Uchuu Kaizoku route for him but the Maddosaientisto end could work too
Fixing the gems was the way they "payed" Phos to work for them. If Phos is out of the situation they have no reason to continue the recovery of the gem.
Killing a universally beloved character just as they wake up will do that.
There's so much suffering it just feels normal and plain by now.
How much do you bet that when the gems wake up, Adamantine will have ceased to exist and Phospholite has become a Bodhisavata?
I really can't see Aleki chilling with a blindfold for 220 fucking years doing nothing when she was completely obsessed with Chrysoberyl. I can see Dia forgetting about Bortz given enough separation time, but Aleki not really.
What's up with the Danish filename?
Jesus Yellow. Get it together.
assuming Phos doesn't die here, AdaLaPhos when?
>the last treasure was kongo all along
>The name of Phos isn't uttered ONCE this chapter
Turns out the real Houseki no Kuni were the friends we made along the way
Everyone hates Shinsha because he covered the one character everyone likes in death soup
So Yellow is a literal boomer meme.
The last treasure is the friend we made along the way.
It's just vocal Phosfags who think that everyone who doesn't suck Phos' dick is terrible, and they did that before Shinsha killed Pads.
Great minds think alike, lol
>What's up with the Danish filename?
I accidentally forgot to name the image in english
We haven't seen Alex, Benito, or NuGoshe. Where are they all?
you just know
Based Red Beryl with the changing hairstyles and the lists for irrelevant clothing stuff even in year whatever +324
Love how Ichikawa plays the time aspect of Sensei in this. He is used to waiting periods of time that would seem alien even to the gems, he knows exactly how much it takes for them to forget something. You can tell similar shit has happened before and he is used to it all. For him this is all a quite eventful monday between a million of average days.
So why did the moonies stop the captured gems recovery? Because Phos failed? Dickheads.
We just don't know yet. Something might have been fatally wrong with the project or they could have just been dicks that stopped their work. It's hard to say.
It might be because of the memory loss.
I bet Cairngorm told them to stop because he's an asshole.
>Not for anyone's sake
>But for me
>Have mercy
>Can't go on anymore
Fuck the feels god damn,
I think its crazy phos wanted suicide in no unclear terms
”Pray/destroy me. Now.”
How the fuck did it turn out this way our main character is completely forgotten. I feel like the amount of compassion for phos got so low in these last few arcs that it almost felt creepy. It feels like she exists in another dimension of empathy, so to speak. Was it like this from the very beginning? I am not imagining this, am I?
I think it's a case of the gems slowly getting what they wanted all this time (ironically) which leads to them ignoring Phos's turmoil. Doesn't help that no one well and truly understood what Phos went through with Antarc besides maybe Sensei.
Craig is not an asshole, really. He’s trying really hard to be but he’s one of the smarter gems
They hated phos. Dia chapter with aculeatus confirms this.
They only liked phos when he got skilled but they never cared for HIM
The change in Sensei expressions here is interesting, it's almost like he goes back to robot mode after Phos asks him to pray again.
Most of the others never really understood her or what the point of her actions were.
They only care when someone is useful, Shitsha is the prime example.
They are all sociopaths
probably yes
What really drives me crazy is the fact that they seem capable of feeling empathy (for Yellow and Paddy for example) just not for Phos.
so they stopped the gem recovery because the gems memories, right?
Diamonds are brittle
Kill him Phossu!
Phos there is what I imagine Red Dia was like when she was on rape mode.
>Phos passes on after helping sensei pray
>Kongou stands there and tries to understand what the fuck he just did
>Kongou decides enough is enough and goes to the moon to get his kids back
>By the time he gets there the moon gems are moonies
>he eradicates them all for corrupting his kids
>spends the rest of eternity on the moon trying to put the lost gems back together speck by speck
>he never finishes, shuts dkwn completely
>earth gems forget about him
>the end a la ichikawa
I already knew this would happen.
Don't give Ichikawa strange ideas, please...
i want to die, thanks again Ichikawa
You do realise that Phos himself asked them to ditch him, right?
Seek medical help, !Akemi.
Please, for the love of god, get help.
It is not normal to spam 100 straight posts in a thread all by yourself.
End your life already. No one wants you here.
>xddd lol RAILDEX PEDSONA LOL XDDD i epic troll make look liek more than one person lolol!!!
I don't even care anymore, just wrap it up
don't take the bait, post gems
I just don't get it. Do you actually think just going "durrr ur mad durrr ur mad!!!!" for thousands of posts actually makes you an "epic troll" or something?
And no, there is no irony, !Akemi. Telling off shitposters like you is the standard. No one is trying to harass you, everyone wants you either gone, or posting normally.
I love Antarc!
user no! Necrophilia is mostly illegal!
Probably shouldn't have Shinsha handling exposed gem fragments with the whole mercury thing, anyway.
And bathing in Antarc?
F U C K S H I N S H A.
Why can't you guys have good threads?
They seem to have a deep empathy for their pairs, but barely care about anyone else. Lake nobody really cared about Antarc but Phos. Ghost willingly sacrificed herself for Phos. Karen was deeply worried about her, before bimbofication.
Phos/Antarc is cute but it makes me sad Antarc seemed to care only about Sensei and not Phos.
Antarc wanted to impress daddy but he truly cared about phos, his only friend.
repostan oc, trying to keep quality high
How can benito even compare
I hope Rutile is fine now...
Yeah, she's dying the moment she learns Pad is dead, probably after killing that SHINSHA CUNT.
>trying to keep quality high
>posting jpegs
Shiggy diggy doo where are you?
The fuck is wrong with this retard?
Potentially hazardous to your health and dangerously lewd
Shinsha definitely cared though.
In this chapter we saw both Karen and Amethyst worry and care for Yellow but it seems like they never took the time to think about Phos, literally dying under ground (at least for what we know, but I wouldn't be surprised).
Based schizsha poster
Report this clown
And masturbating into a bathtub filled with Antarc while Phos looks?
When did we get our own resident sperg?
Finally, the thread we need and deserve.
Thank you akemi poster.
It's actually hilarious how obsessed and consumed !Akemi is. Literally his whole fucking life revolves around "ack". No, really, he literally can't do anything else. He talks to himself for hours and hours on end about "ack" while never saying anything true.
Like, you out right intentionally say things that are wrong because you think you're "triggering" people and literally nothing ANYONE says to you will convince you that you're not an "epic troll". That is straight up cognitive dissonance.
Even when no one is even replying to him he still doesn't stop. Again, this is literally his whole life. He can't be reasoned with, he can't hold discussion, literally all he can do is try to personally attack people over Yea Forums in order to cope with his shit life.
The funny part is he too scared to try and hold real discussion or address what's said to him because he knows he constantly gets totally blown the fuck out.
Look at how he was straight up told to address how bad his behavior is, but all he could do is cry about how he's called a samefag.
>even when no one is replying to him !Akemi still spends hours and hours talking to himself
The best part is how fast the board is moving right now, so he can't even look away from it for more than a couple miniutes or his shit thread will die.
Keep on over working yourself to death, !Akemi. Enjoy your one reply. You're going to spam at least 200 posts in reply to this single one. You're easily the most retarded "troll" ever.
Nice down vote. Sure is funny how you take zero issue with all the spamming !Akemi does and how he (you) literally admits he's trying to ruin threads.
Is this a bot?
What do you guys think the new volume cover will be? Will Shinsha finally be free from his flap position?
Do you think !Akemi will ever realize that him refusing to address anything said to him always gives away who he is and that he's shitposting in purpose?
Probably. He has a set type of posts he makes, even if you ask him if he is a bot.
The point is that Shinsha has fallen for the temptation of the group friendship. He wasn't a good person to begin with though, but he has definitely gotten worse.
Does it make a difference?
I think Cinnabar will still be on there, but I have no idea what the cover will be like overall.
Phos, nuGoshe and nuMorga.
Phos and Shinsha for the last one, probably.
I want Accelspammer back, this one stopped being funny after the first post
Probably not. Shinsha didn't have that much of a role this volume compared to volume 9 with the night raid.
I hope he'll be in a shallow grave where he belongs
Well, it doesn`t mean they are completely indifferent, they would help fellow gem in trouble, like when Phos lost her legs and couldn`t stand up, or when they pulled her out from shell. But deeply care - not really. Same as people actually.
If I lived in a world of 29 people in total, for hundreds of years, I would care quite a bit. Just as much as I care for my siblings.
I mean in terms of oc and whatnot
shits done on a phone
okay, now these posts, these posts were made by the same person.
anyway, post gemdicks
Ignore, jannies eventually delete his posts, as usual.
im so tired bros
Here you go.
don't make me post it.
Does Ichikawa lead a normal home life? Does she have a partner or kids? Does she visit a shrine on the regular and offer players? Or does she spend all day in her greenhouse of incestuous plants fantasizing about fracturing rocks?
surprise surprise !Akemi is actually gay!
You know what the sad part is. How the mods are clearly allowing !Akemi to ruin these threads. Like, I can't even fathom what they are thinking and why they let this happen
!Akemi, why are you so latched on to these threads? What make you so obsessed. I don't get why Houseki threads made you lose your mind like this.
It's not inappropriate laughing. Your life is literally one massive joke. It's funny that you're trying so hard to damage control.
post it
>!Akemi spamming hundreds of short meaningless shitposts again because he's mad he can't being the "epic troll" he wants to be
Do your job fucking jannies
I want to look EXACTLY like Dia!
>220 years passed
Now I understand why Ichikawa put this ridiculously long pause in the panels
Also Euc's hair switched again.
She probably lives with her younger brother, or her dad at very least.
Scruffy is dead and has been for a long time
I bet she has a a collection of minerals she smashes
This is how you cope with HxH being on hiatus? Sad.
i hate it
How does it feel knowing Ichikawa will never draw her characters like this for fun?
>Shitsha was only accepted back into the community do to her war power
>Lunarians stopped attacking
>Shitsha loses her status and is likely a hermit again
How happy would that make this thread?
now this one, this one i like and appreciate. thanks user
A whole lot.
How do they cope with that though? Like, they'd be having breakfast when suddenly
>Ichikawa? You ok? desu
>Nah Dadbro I'm fine, my cereal bowl just realized that it is immortal and will eventually be buried underground with nothing but its own thoughts once civilisation falls desu
>...ok. Be sure to clean up... after... the bowl... desu
>Oh, and Dadbro? Can we- desu
>Who do you want to be when you're older, Phos?
>I'd like to be like Padparadscha
>ends up asleep for most of his life and eventually dead for good
Wish granted!
Newfags please fuck off
Despite how fans may dislike it, malegems just look more like their designs.
She kind of does that sometimes for the volume promos.
That doesn't count and you know it.
I would only be more happy if he visited the grinder
Doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever.
Yes I know it. But it's something ;_;
Sasuga boku is based though.
Now where have I seen this pose before?
> Phos and Hemi think about.jpg
Doesn`t she admire Aleki?
That's not enough, she needs to be collectively bullied by everyone.
it's extremely obvious who you are, !Akemi. Because you are the only person obsessed with thinking you make other people mad.
Do you really not get that people can think for themselves and see what you're doing? People do not just take posts at face value. No one else is as retarded as you are.
>!Akemi claims he "trolls" "ack" because "he" is "schizo" and thinks everyone is !Akemi
>!Akemi turns around and goes full schizo himself thinking everyone is "ack", a person that never existed in the first place
I've taken the last few threads off, can someone explain to me what in the name of holy christ is going on with these retards?
Hey, !Akemi. Rememeber when Gridman was still airing and the threads had too many people in them for you to samefag "effectively"? Remember when threads would go for dozens of hours without a SINGLE shipping cancer post from you? Yeah, everyone remembers those threads. And that's why it's obvious only you do this.
Let's pose a hypothetical here.
Who would "the trolls" or "the people in it for the lols" want to side with?
The cringy crying loser from tumblr who freaks out over being outed and caught samefagging when he tries to fake "shipping wars"?
Or would they rather side with the people who shit on the cringy loser who cries about having no friends and always catches the retard who tries to samefag?
Unironically, it's just the usual.
why would you want to look like a rock user, that's not healthy!
This is the most surreal kind of shitposting I've seen in a while. HxH threads are bad, but this is so bizarre it's like a weird dream. I swear the threads werent this bad in February.
Yea Forums's resident schizo at it again, basically
Just add "!akemi" in wordfilter ans forget about it.
wtf dude?
...ok..sometimes me too can not understand HOW phos is still the protagonist... but...maybe iget too affectioned after seen the anime...
is the authors fault :(
poor phos just to want help cinnabar,,,and end up beeign a traitor. Nobody loves Phos and he/she still fighting trough.
i like story with mindfuck mistery(like attack on titan for istance) but the moon people turns out to be...well they are assholes! and all theyr society is just ridiculuos
I wish I had more but quality gems with dicks is rare
>no Benito
Anyway, is anyone worried about this whole soul talk about gems detaching their consciousness from their bodies? It sounds like a huge development.
If you're pretending to be retarded, fuck off.
If you're not, fuck off and then learn to type.
kinda agree with that.
She's been an asshole from the start
I wonder if it's even possible for gems since everything related to their memories is in their inclusions, isn't it?
She literally didn't do anything wrong, fuck off Phostard
Know what would bring these threads back to life? Beardman.
i'm not him, but yes, i am
>gems detaching their consciousness from their bodies
Sounds like something Sensei might be able to do, if that talk about splitting the human body into its components is anything to go by. What would they turn into, proto lunarians? It's interesting that Aechmea is advocating waiting rather than trying new things out when he sounded desperate for the lunarians to disappear.
>What's more important
>Isn't winning or losing today, but keeping everything in control
>It's not time yet
Sounds like he still has something up his sleeve and the situation is where he wants it to be.
this picture...i hate it
and its SO representative, and that why i hate it
I don't think he's that popular.
>in the gem restoration system we stopped 220 years ago
They stopped as soon as Phos left? Wow that's shitty.
If Benito didn`t at least try to rescue Phos, as he promised, it will be despoilment as well.
> worried about this whole soul talk about gems detaching their consciousness
Not really, they couldn`t even solve memory problem in 220 years, it should take them a while to accomplish something like this, if it`s even possible.
And contrary to what this thread leads you to believe but neither is HnK.
Yup, I'm pretty worried. They would probably have to mess with their inclusion and I don't think it's a good idea. Also I can understand Karen but now even Amethyst wants to become a lunarian? Don't they care if sensei prays them away?
It definitely shouldn't be possible infering from what we know about the slugs, how they disappear from the earth completely after death because they're really just flesh and nothing more.
I think that talk could end up in Karen discovering something about how lunarians work or accidentally incorporate something human. After all, the human particle is still a big unfired Chekov's gun.
How would disembodied gems even work? Unless it's something like becoming meguca where their body gets controlled as a zombie
>literally SOUL GEM
holy shit we cracked it
Madoka ending confirmed
It's popular enough on Yea Forums to get leaks, quick transations, threads that get to bump limit, and has good enough sales that it's not going to get canned, so I'd say it's in a fine place.
Of course Hokuto no Ken is popular, user.
A spammer with nowhere to go just wants somewhere to dump hot shit somewhere for attention or reactions. The same steaming pile of hot shit is repeatedly posted year after year until somebody responds so just filter the repetitive buzzwords and phrases and don't respond or refer to it.
Gems probably don't have souls and if the theory about inclusions dying and then reincarnating is true (Morga and Goshe) then turning into lunarians seems quite impossible.
Why does this passage in particular get reposted?
I read Lord of the Flies ages ago, and while I remember the broad themes (and their obvious relevance) I don't remember this specific part. Wasn't the one kid's glasses breaking the primary metaphor for "shit's fucked"?
Is it possible that even the lunarians have forgotten about being prayed away? Maybe now that they have gems with them the previous monotony is no longer a problem. The gems seem to have celebrity status and minus Yellow have integrated well (on the surface at least). Hopefully we get to see how the other moon gems have adjusted over the time skip
With all the speculation that was going around about Karen being used in a fucked up human particle experiment it's a relief that none of that happened. Maybe that's what her research will lead her towards in an attempt to "become" a lunarian.
Piggy's glasses were symbolic of advancement/innovation but the conch was a symbol of order/law.
I can't believe Pads fucking dead guys in b4 Ichikami gave Pad an even worse fate of being an immovable statue unable to speak because his mouth fused shut after the mercury cooled down and now is too fragile to repair
Ah I almost forgot he probably inherited Shinsha's habit of no sleeping so now he gets to just live out his suffering
I wouldn't say having a thread like this hit bump limit is an achievement. It's just 90% shitposters and people reacting to pages like those cancerous idiots on youtube.
I know they don't, I just found the "soul gem" joke irresistible.
Also the inclusions dying and reincarnating makes little to no sense. Since Red Diamond's times, some gems had more than one "incarnation" like the Goshes, others didn't. And by going by Cairo's and Sensei's words, that kind of "replacement" can eventually happen, it's just very rare that it happens immediately after. I think we're not supposed to think much of it and it's just there as symbolism so Phos stays the 28/29th gem/hotoke even after new ones are born.
>Is it possible that even the lunarians have forgotten about being prayed away?
I very much doubt it, the gems might forget Phos but the lunarians have been in this conflict far longer than any of the gems have around. The gems are probably a welcome distraction, but I think it's certain that they're continuing to think of ways to get Sensei to work. Aechmea's probably waiting for Phos to turn up again.
90% is an exaggeration, you can't expect a thread with hundreds of posts in it to not have some facetious or shit posts. I prefer it to series where a new chapter gets dumped and there might be 80 posts total, even if a higher proportion of it is worthwhile.
Even if now they have gems with them only 220 years have passed, nothing in comparison to eternity, they will get bored of this coexistence as well.
Aechmea always was the driving force behind the collective struggle of the moon people, even if we've seen single individuals like Quieta yearn for nirvana too. I'm a bit surprised that he actually stayed quiet for 220 years without attempting shit when he previously seemed in a hurry.
And yeah, the novelty of the gems definitely added something to the moonies' life so that they've been satisfied for a little longer.
>STILL no new technology
Unless they did some sick experiment on those two that led to their death (I know I'm reaching, lol) anyway the soul gem theory is not that bad, I can sort of see it happen.
Aechmea before getting gempussy
Aechmea after getting gempussy
>eh nibbana can wait
Quit downplaying it; a quick glace at this thread shows that it's just people screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH/how much they love/hate a certain character, and dumping images that have been posted since threads immemorial.
I didn't know this fucker was here too fml. He destroyed all of the Gridman threads single-handed. I hoped he disappeared.
After 220 years of marriage, he's still not tired of the gempussy.
Reading yesterday's thread: did no one bring up this anime-accurate chart?
It's still our go-to as far as gem proportions go, with alloyPhos on heels being 147 cm.
No better or worse than most threads on Yea Forums that aren't just pure screeching, got it.
Now that's a great idea
They also may have had to lock up Alex
He really is our lad. Depressed and suicidal until he gets his waifu.
>hoping we'd get rid of the guy who single-handedly had /ghost/ shut down for months
Not until all yuriniggers are publicly executed on sight as they should, unfortunately.
>Doesn`t she admire Aleki?
It's a reference to this page in chapter 41.
Bringing up how short the gems might be uncomfortably reminds people how childish they really are
>If Lunarians' origins are in the souls of humans
>Then maybe we should be looking for a way of separating our souls from our bodies?
OK, I didn't remember correctly then. Adorable conversation.
Gems are cute when they don't act like complete sociopaths.
oc gets posted regularly and its generally good
i've already posted oc, you might as well too user
>being uncomfortable at the idea of sexualizing fictional children
How new?
they're not children, but not adults either.
Sensei however has an eerily similar role and look to the plant-tender uncle in her short story, who was in fact a pedophile.
tumblr freaked out about it at one point. Thing is that it might serve the story so it should be fine even for normal people as long as they've a minimum of critical thinking.
So cairngorm x aechmea just exists because the author has a fetish for characters who look like adults boning characters much smaller than them/childlike?
>earth gems are happy
>moon gems are happy
>phos is suffering and was left in a box for two centuries
Day of the grinder fucking when?
Uh? Who's that?
Phos is going to go psycho and kill all the gems.
Eh, when Phos goes psycho the only thing she wants to kill is herself.
Not exactly true, Phos has wanted to smash Sensei many times. Maybe now she'll actually manage it.
Finally a relatable MC.
Best robot.
I worry about Rutile's state of mind now. What did she do all this time? Just be a delinquent NEET?
> Melon has melons in his fingernails
holy shit
That's just how watermelon tourmaline works. His hair, his fingernails and eyes all have that pattern.
Just remember that shitsha is responsible for this.
this stuff only started a few days ago.
More like six years ago but okay
>worst girl kills best boy
What's surreal is how two centuries have passed and earth gems still don't know shit about what happened on the moon, what really happened during the night raid, the stuff about humans, or even if the other gems are fine
inb4 Rutile wants to kill Shinsha to make Fossu experience the same shit as her.
The anime models don't necessarily correspond to their actual heights in universe though. I wish Ichikawa would just tell us.
inb4 everyone but Euclase, Sensei and Red Beryl is dead
The anime models were made according to Ichikawa's instructions and are conveniently fixed.
There's no reason to believe they're not manga canon.
I meant in these threads specifically. We've had other shitposters before though, notoriously the 2dfag.
I would be fine with that and Shinsha is not to Phos what Pad was (rip) to Rutile.
The anime artbook already gives Phos as 160cm though.
It seems a bit more reliable than some rough calculations made from a screenshot.
We know that in the manga Cairngorm is the smallest gem because Red Beryl flat out says it in one of the shorts, but apart from that it's really hard to tell how tall the gems are.
shorter than adults (generally), while sensei is fuck huge.
if we go by lunarians being generally human sized then we get a good sense of scale.
Going by the character introduction pages at the start of the volume the gem heights go something like
>Phos (w/ alloy and heels)>Pads>Phos (Alloy and no heels)>Antarc (With heels)>Rutile>Most other gems>>Cairngorm
i'm excited for another season since that means we'll be getting more banger tracks like this one
So, padsparascha is dead or what?
There's a thread up in the catalog with individual translated pages. Feel free to use that.
Shinsha brutally murdered poor Pads.
I feel very bad for Phosu.
The "worst" happened to them but they're not explicitly declared dead. I have a feeling if Pads did just straight up die off screen Ichikawa would just come out and say it for the extra gut punch, so we'll see what's up eventually.
>You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone. Only you're not. You see, in all our searching, the only thing we found to make the loneliness bearable, is each other.
I feel like screaming.