Occasional reminder that the strength of Homura's wish trumps any kind of power Madoka might obtain and the events are railroaded in order to grant.
Occasional reminder that the strength of Homura's wish trumps any kind of power Madoka might obtain and the events are...
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Occasional reminder that Homura is super cute and I want to cuddle her and stroke her hair.
She won't let you though.
Often occurring reminder that Homura did nothing wrong.
Homura's wish is weak, the plot just revolves around her.
funny way to spell MAMI TOMOE
She didn’t so stop even bringing it up! She didn’t no nothing wrong! She was just defending herself!
Will they ever fuck, Yea Forums? I wish Homu could stop cuntblocking herself and bang that delicious meguca ass
What an ugly meguca.
Fuck off Sayakek
She was just doing as was destined to happen. No wish is without consequences and must always turn back upon the user as to maintain the laws of the universe. She became Madoka's curse and the turning of her wish against her and is doomed per her own wish to be Madoka's guardian demon to prevent her from awakening.
The power is inconsequential, she is merely doing as she must.
>she is merely doing as she must
I do agree with this part, but from the point of view of "Madoka becoming the LoC doesn't qualify as Homura's wish being granted, therefore things must change from there".
imagine if someone were to be unironically mad at crackships haha
Now look what you did. Making Madoka sad. I hope you are proud of yourself.
In many timelines they did.
Yeah, I dunno about that.
Are there other explanations as to why Homura got that massive powerup at the end of Rebellion?
Didn't Sayaka admit Homura was hot?
I wonder if you'll ever just fuck off and end your life. You have literally no reason to be alive.
Homufag holocaust when
Go get cucked again, Yayafag
Like clockwork.
Why is it not "like clockwork" that you'll obsessively spam and shitpost every single thread because it's the only way you can cope with your awful life?
>the strength of Homura's wish trumps any kind of power Madoka might obtai
What actually happened was that the pink string roll which symbolized Godoka's powers was lost in Homura's soul gem and Homura found it. She didn't really trump or overpower Madoka, just had access to her power.
The climax of Rebellion was basically Homura forcing herself on Madoka.
Sandwich anyone?
be gone crackposter-kun!
No thanks. I'd rather you just get medication or a lobotomy.
have a sandwich
Seriously, do you not think it's a waste of your life to act this way? Look at how fucking insane you are.
Pamper the brat.
You are not "triggering" anyone. You reply to people shitting on you by passive aggressively trying to attack them with crack images. So you get shit on more for being so pathetic.
an imminent orgy, I see
Seriously, get fucking help. There is something wrong with your brain. It is not normal to destroy your own life with shitposting obsessions.
The more, the merrier. Right, guys?
I don't understand why you want to live like this and why you can't just act like a sane person.
Sandwich with different flavor
checking this right now
>the drunken orgy
Oh, a classic one
You are the one who posted it. There's no need for you to check anything.
You're just so fucking insane.