What does Yea Forums think of Inuyasha?
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wasn't around when it was aired
is it any good?
best isekai
>wasn't around when it was aired
It was a magical time, it was one of the first huge mainstream anime internet communities. Filled with discussion, memes, shipping wars and all that, but I can't help but feel things were less cancerous back then.
>is it any good?
Read/watch it and find out.
So was it a shonen or a shojo?
Both. It has both shoujo and shounen elements but imo it's intended people who want good romance but also an action-adventure story.
Good initial concept. Great drama and horror/supernatural elements.
....then it dragged on way too long. Takahashi drama only works in short bursts. Comedy series can essentially run forever as long as jokes stay fresh, but drama that gets drawn out grows tiresome.
TV series could have shaved off 30+ episodes and been fine. Manga could have cut a few volumes. Overall, I was satisfied with the conclusion/epilogue, however I kind of wished Kagome and Inu Yasha skipped back and forth a bit more between past and present, and not just stuck Kagome in the past.
Also, might have been more interesting for Inu Yasha to sacrifice his daemonhood to get rid of the Shikon Jewel and end up full human to be with Kagome.
Remember watching it when it was being aired on adult swim, pretty damn good from what I remembered. Recently been watching it again, still pretty good.
Kagome a shit
Stinky wolf girl
>Get new power to defeat naraku
>Get to naraku
>Naraku's barrier is too stronk!
>Naraku escapes
>We need to find new power to defeat naraku
That's the full fucking show.
I've got a soft spot for it. It's the reason I'm as into anime as I am. There are some problems and it's a bit formulaic but it's got enough substance for me to have watched the whole show all the way through 3 or 4 times. I skipped a lot of the filler on the rewatches though.
>TV series could have shaved off 30+ episodes and been fine.
The overall amount of episodes is fine to adapt the whole series, but the pacing was whack since most episodes in the latter half of the first series were filler due to having reached the manga while the second series blitzed through 21 volumes in 26 episodes skipping almost the entirety of the manga's second-to-last arc. I think the manga has a good enough pacing, things build up slowly but it's never really going in circles.
Threadly reminder.
I only saw some episodes incidentally that didn't grab me, but every fat girl desperate for an identity as a quirky anime liker was in love with it.
Read the manga for sesshoumaru and didn't count the filler chapters I skipped, 200 or so? Kagome was meh, sometimes a bitch but most of the time very bland. Inuyasha was forgettable. A very generic adventure/isekai story basically.
Kagura's death scene in the anime was great.
Great but it drags at the end. Hoping her new “not inuyasha” manga doesn’t do the same but I’m not holding my breath. Great start though.
My first real anime that I had a connection with, basically it started the downward spiral of social alienation. I would be a different man if I never caught this by accident, no regrats though.
Can you imagine if they gave this the FMAB/HxH treatment, that would be fucking excellent.
This is a man of taste and culture
Watching all episodes from beginning to end is a pain in the ass because of all the fillers, there should be a list of episodes to be skipped to make it faster.
But most fillers are actually comfy, especially when watched alone.
Comfy as fuck, but gets insanely repetitive after a while. I’d recommend though, 6/10
It is because this man’s arguments are so correct that they warrant no discussion.
>Miroku could Wind Tunnel this problem
>poison thing conveniently flies nearby
Its repetitive as fuck, almost every episode follows the same formula
My alltime favourite anime!
used to be overrated, now it's so hated that it's kinda underrated. the "filler" episodes tend to be better than the main plot episodes. just think of it as being half episodic.
I prefer the manga, but I haven't finished it.
The anime will always be a nostalgic favorite. There are some high points but like others have said lots of filler.
Howver I think the soundtrack is fucking amazing and really pulls you into the setting. Something I really miss reading the manga.
some of the BGM is almost Nobuo Uematsu-ish.
Inuyasha is probably the closest anime has come to capturing the feeling of a comfy, albeit overly long JRPG, for better or worse. the formulaic plot just plays into that.
It's good.
the first inuyasha ED makes me feel a certain way that nothing else quite does
There are so many Inuyasha EDs that do that for me. I don't even remember seriously watching the show.
it's a great little piece of art in itself.
the feeling of urban/industrial displacement (the empty ferris wheel, Kagome alone in the train surrounded by faceless people) juxtaposed with all that feudal Japanese imagery (that proto-isekai promise of a world that has something more fulfilling in it)...
the symbolism of the flowers (Kikyo breaking the spider lillies, which are associated with death).
top tier ED
It's far from a perfect story, but I love it anyway. I was somewhere between 12 and 14 when it first started airing on Adult Swim. Back then, I used to wait for my parents & brother to fall asleep and then sneak back downstairs to watch late-night television by myself until 2-4 AM. In particular, I ended up watching a lot of Adult Swim, back when they were airing Futurama, Space Ghost C2C, Harvey Birdman - all that good old shit. I happened to catch the first episode of Inuyasha, and it was the first anime I'd ever watched. Opened up a whole new branch of interest for me, and it wasn't long before I was learning about other shows that hadn't been localized and pirating them to watch with subs. Because of the nostalgia it gives me for that part of my childhood (and the lifelong interest in the broader world of anime that it fostered), I'm willing to overlook the pacing issues, the formulaic episodes, and everything else - I still love Inuyasha. I actually convinced my anime-loving wife to watch the original dub with me recently (she'd never seen it before), and now she loves it too, in all its cornball glory. We watch a few episodes together over ice cream every night after I get home from work.
I watched a few episodes a long time ago. I liked it but I heard the story turns to shit later. Is it still worth it?
if you can approach it with a "it's about the journey, not the destination" mindset, yeah
Best girl hands down.
>pic unreleated
rin best grill you cant prove me wrong
>ps2 game allowed (You) to cuck the monk
fantastic atmosphere/music
Id love an Inuyasha-styled game
You're very simple-minded, that's okay.
>We watch a few episodes together over ice cream every night after I get home from work.
Aww, that is really cute user.
too bad it was a terrible game
who do you play in the game?
Beginning and middle are good but it really starts to overstay its welcome after a while. It's worth reading or watching for sure, but later parts of the anime in particular really drag on.
It’s the best girl anime for guys
thats not how you spell princess tutu
Great for like 50 episodes, then nothing happens for 100 episodes, then Final is so fast-paced it feels like you're watching a show at 2x speed.
BD remaster soon!
My #1 guilty pleasure series
Manga is better.
Is it SD on Bluray or an actual rerender in 1080p?
R63 InuyashaAyame>Sango>Kagura>Kagome>Kikyo>everyone else
I remember when I was a little kid and Adult Swim would show it. . . at 4:30 or 5 in the fucking morning. I only ever saw when I was getting ready for a fishing or hunting trip, but when I did see it, I thought it wasn't that bad. Certainly better than Captain Planet or any of the other shit that was on at that hour
all the broken east asian sluts loved this show
sit boy!
Why didn't she take the dog collar off of him after the first few arcs? He was clearly trustworthy at that point and leaving it on him was simply demeaning.
Because Kagome is shit and Inuyasha would end up with Kikyo if she didn't have a hold on him.
it's okay
Patrician taste.
Inuyasha doesnt deserve Kikyo. No man in the show does.
First anime I ever actually got into. Good concept, good ideas, mediocre execution.
It was written by a man who openly admitted he had no idea where he wanted the story to go and was just pushing out new volumes until he got bored, and it showed. The will-they-or-won't-they dynamic of the main deuteragonist gradually went from charming and romantic to exhausting to slog through, the comedy became more played out, the characters and plot didn't develop nearly enough to justify the 12 year long run, and you could easily skip twenty or so volumes of the manga and not even notice it, because the story is just that damn drawn out.
That being said, it was still a neat concept. A series based exclusively on Japanese mythology, one that's noticeably more serious and plot driven than Urusei Yatsura or Ranma, and one with an inter-species romance as the crux of the story despite being billed as a straight shonen series. It was a huge gamble and it paid off in a huge way. I'd cite InuYasha, along with Cowboy Bebop and Akira, as a major factor in the surge of western interest in anime and manga in the late 90s and early 00s.
>demands he fuck her in the "piledrive" position on their wedding night
>repeatedly shouts "sit" until her pelvis is shattered
>It was written by a man