Today lads
Today lads
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I cant wait!!
5 hours left
is anyone streaming the live broadcast?
Yeah, the usual place.
>Muh multi page muda muda
Best kills are kept short and impactful
how does it feel to be made out of gay?
BASED. 7 page muda sucks just as much as Speedwagon. Only retarded JoJo fans like it.
4 hours left
>1 episode is about 60 pages
>1 episode is about 20 minutes (w/o OP and ED)
>7/60 pages are MUDA, or 11.6%
>11.6% of 20 minutes is 2m20s
Two full minutes of MUDA
it's gonna last 10 painfully long seconds and its gonna be made with CGI
Name one jojo fight that has a CGI beatdown
Do jojo-nips like the 7 page muda as much as western ones?
2 weeks
3 hours left
Imagine if this part isn't sakuga.
That kill was goddamn savage. Easily one of the best moments in jojolion.
>Speedwagon sucks
Fuck you, you piece of shit. I hope you choke on a fat cock.
DP has been jerking off bossu's dick real hard in this entire adaptation. Also that scene is a reveal for the biggest cliffhanger in part 5 that has been around since the start of the series.
It' will be the most sakuga part in the entire anime
>jerking off bossu's dick real hard
Haven't counted the chapters, but I really do they end up with that as the cliffhanger. Max Polpol stair kino.
My body is ready.
>Adjusts glasses
Give us links, user.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
cant wait lads
>being a contrarian hipster just for the sake of it
>we get to see Cioccolata going all out
>but he's going to die
I'm not sure what to feel guys, Cioccolata is such a good guy
>good guy
I rare that I ever feel repulsed by others, but Cioccolata is the worst piece of shit on the face of the earth.
Did that make anyone else burst out laughing? Never expected the boss of all people to say that
2 hours left
delete this
>"Doppio, I'm literally a guy named Satan and on the way to murder my daughter and her friends RIGHT NOW, and even I think that Chocolate is a complete shithead."
just be patient user, it'll get deleted in 4-5 weeks because Doppio would be dead by then and in 6 weeks we'll get Diavolo hair instead
I mean as evil as the boss is, at least he had a reason to kill all the people he kills. Cio just kills for fun
>Doppio would be dead by 4-5 weeks
HMMMMMM I think I just got a boner
Based trips.
Based Epitaph hairposter.
that kill was savage. but I enjoyed his suffering leading up to it more.
fuck, I dont think I ever enjoyed the death of a villain in jojo this much. fucking cunt.
Really felt for Hato there, poor girl
1 hour left
someone have the link for the livestream?
cee dee one thousand and thirteen
Guys, what if this ep ends in the cio getting shot by the bullet and 7 page muda is next week instead? It'll last the entire episode
it's friday...
People who like Speedwagon only like him because he is a le funny meme xD and not because he is an interesting character. He is just average, just like the 7 page muda.
They'll end this episode at "you sick fuck" and make another recap next week, except it will be half an hour entirely composed of muda muda. Screencap this niggers, I have epitaph
giornos voice actor implied it was today on twitter
> I am such a contrarian, look at me!!!
What did he mean by this?
Why the fuck do they always wear the same thing all the time? Remember how in 90s anime adaptations studios occasionally ignored the author and gave characters some neat new digs?
shut the fuck up, boomer
That would be pretty kino can't even lie
Are there raw scans for the first two Juju light novels (including the GGBA 2 one) anywhere? I can't find them.
I can see that being done to other anime but I don't think even DP is based enough to come up with new outfits that's the same tier of beauty as araki-brand outfits
Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency had costume changes.
Everyone in every part afterwards is just very anal about wearing the same thing. Especially Jotaro.
The VA cast at least has an excuse since this all takes place in half a week and they're on the run from assassins.
Prove me wrong zoomer. Going against the source material can improve the entire experience.
They even REMOVED a part from the manga where Trish actually did wear something different. This adaptation has little things like that that irk me.
Ironically, VA feels lazier than DiU's anime in some ways. Which is weird, because I always figured VA would get the Stardust Crusaders treatment.
Johnny changed his outfit a couple of times if I recall correctly
Pretty sure the beatdown is happening today when the anime’s twitter is retweeting Giorno’s VA saying “Today is!!!!”
30 minutes left
The things I like about GW are its animation quality, faithful accurate designs and the fact that it keeps the majority of things that happen in the fights and interactions, all of which DU failed to do.
My problems with are all the forced and often made up flashbacks that destroy the pacing of some of the best fights, as well as the clothing issue I mentioned earlier. It's lazy in its details but I guess I can call it one of the better adaptations by David.
They cut out some of the small moments too, though, like Bruno going "I would like to steal an airplane."
>make up teacherrape flashback for Fugo & hard deconfirm Purple Haze Feedback adaptation in the process
I’m still butthurt.
Yeah it doesn't surprise me, but it's better than DU in that regard since that anime straight up cut a third of every single arc out. PB actually had a third of its ENTIRE content cut out.
BT and SC thankfully were given a better treatment when it came to content preservation but even they missed some scenes like the GW one you mentioned.
nakamura confirms it
lol, get rekt purple hazefags.
It was obvious. The episode will end way later anyway, the Muda scene will be fairly early on or towards the middle.
Here's the stream link, shut the fuck up.
I've never cared about the beatdown tho I love the green day and oasis fight, but these guys seething at other people being hyped for something has been fucking hilarious.
When will the episode stream? In an hour or will it be in two hours?
>everyone is so excited for Muda that they forget about the part where Chocolate drags himself around as a torso while his spine is hanging out
10 minutes
10 minutes, user.
One of the most disgusting things I've seen in Jojo.
You're not ready for part 6
Don't click this picture.
it was kino
Glad I wasn't hung up on how long the muda would be. The wryyyyyy was kind of weak though. And I'm disappointed that they showed Polnareff right off the bat. I wish it would have stayed a mystery until the time when he was fully revealed in the manga rather than showing his incredibly obvious silhouette.
He was shown the same exact way in the manga. God I fucking hate you people you don't check the manga first before spouting shit.
Oh god I'm so hard right now
I know he was but I think it would be better if that was changed. Same with Doppio. I wanted Doppio introduced earlier (though that would be more difficult than just not showing Pol immediately). DP makes plenty of changes in the anime but sometimes follows it too closely.
I don't get how Hermes got memed.
She only got her arms cut off
Damn I loved that Killua. And now its so nostalgic im gonna die.
I've seen people say that the time speeding up may cause you to bleed out faster.
if anything it would clot faster
>The wryyyyyy was kind of weak though.
I liked it, but would' have been better as the last cry instead of MUDA!
It was cool, but could've been better
I don't think your blood is likely to clot with both of your arms chopped off.
It's fucking awesome
based David Pro
GE vs White album remains the best fight so far. Today's beatdown lacked in the sound department tbqhwyf
In the other thread someone posted a page from the Japanese manga and apparently Giorno's WRYYYYY is written as URYYYAAAA in katakana so I guess it's fine. I always assumed it was the same as Dio's which is really high pitched and more resembles how WRYYYYY is written.
How would Green Day work withing C-Moon's gravity? How would it work in space?
Based Hairposter.
> I got a boner
It felt pretty good.
>that machine gun sound during the wryy
It fucking sucked. What a massive letdown. How can such a cursed timeline exist? Was it made with powerpoint? Fuck you DP. Why did you do this? Also fuck everyone thinking and acting like it was good.
Sounds like a bad videogame
The page before it is way better. Just Josuke walking up to him without saying anything.
So, in what wasy is Oasis different from Spice Girl, other that being a suit?
It makes things liquid, not soft
Spice Girl lets things deform but Oasis actually turns things semi-liquid and Secco can swim around in it.
It's just discount Beach Boy desu
Please, people like to bring that up, but that's far from the grossest shit that goes down in SO.
Spice Girl is a punch ghost while Oasis is a suit. Spice Girl softens while Oasis melts to the point of being able to swim in the ground.
Like how Trish swam through a plane seat.
Making solid stuff liquid is not the same as making solid stuff really elastic. Liquid will fall apart into multiple pieces while elastic solids will stay whole.
oasis is more slutty
The seat deformed enough that she slid over it. What they say is kind of misleading because you can see that she doesn't go through the seat, it just sort of compresses because it's turned soft/rubbery.
All replies forgot tomention that Oasis additionally heavily boosts Secco's speed and power, and renders him almost invincible to some stand abilities (like how Bruno's Sticky Fingers couldn't ZIPpify him).
Now, I could be wrong, but when he accelerated time, the bodily functions of people remained the same, it was everything else that speed up.
That was by design, because Pucci wanted everyone to witness the end of time and be at peace.
So it wouldn't clot fast, but the act of spilling out of the body would happen a lot faster.
Purple haze feedback is painfully average fanfiction. I don't understand why people love it so much.
Where can I watch the new episode lads ?
it was long enough to be enjoyable but not enough to be a bore, it was great
No it's not about length, it's about animation, sound effects, and voice acting. All were sub-par
Oasis liquefies, Spice Girl rubberizes shit, the whole point of attack against BIG is that the things it attacked would just snap back at him, hurting it.
Why is Yea Forums so slow°
It struggles to carry your bodyweight. Get off Yea Forums and it will move faster.
Cus they're desperate for literally anything that would give more of a closing to VA than the manga, but not realising it needs a complete rewrite from the beginning in order to be salvageable.
At what point did he die?
jojo is utterly trash since Joseph's arc ended