smoking inside a closed vehicle with kids inside. Isn't this behavior punishable by law?
Smoking inside a closed vehicle with kids inside. Isn't this behavior punishable by law?
Smoking is good for the environment
Smoking isn't as stigmatized in Asian countries
Second-hand smoking is a meme
Depends where you are and who's kids they are.
There is not even smoke coming from that thing.
Smoking is unironically bad. Wish there was a law that let's you murder someone with your bare hands if they're smoking in public. Fucking trash of society.
Imagine being such a worthless pile of trash you need to literally poison yourself and other people in your area to feel better or cool. Be happy law protects you, you worthless nigger.
That looks like a IQOS like device
were is the father in all of this?
don't worry.
she's got a targard.
can't have guys in a cgdct anime
Smoking on a public area is punishable by law, this isn't.
Name one thing that doesn't cause cancer
there's no males in the world
It's a cigarette holder
t. Kate
I unironically agree.
LMAOing @ ur life senpai
Ok kid
Being as much of a pussy as OP should be punishable by law
>kids inhaling second hand smoke(which isn't even dangerous) is bad
>kids inhaling exhaust gasses is fine
I thought only /biz/ were proud junkies
>kids doesn't even drink ethanol, just absorb it through their rectum or pits (which isn't even dangerous) is bad
>complains about trash of society
>visits 4chins
A bit of a selfreflection, eh mate
thank you for helping devalue the term "junkie"
Based and redpilled
Also people who drink more than 7 standard drinks a week, they should be tortured to death
>comparing talking about anime on online imageboard to poisoning other people
>thinking Yea Forums is still some secret darknet of the internet
Reddit please.
>literally full of threads about "lol doing acid and coke what's the best shitcoin" "What drugs let u make better trades" and "What drugs u buyin once u made it??" threads
>can only enjoy anime after 3 bottles of wine (or anything really)
What are YOU gonna do about it, that my liver already hasn't done to me?
>comparing tobacco to acid and cocaine
Yea Forums really is nothing but children
>mind altering addictive shit is GOOD for you! Us mature people know this!
yikes buddy
Neck yourself you fucking pussy.
Because it's not even a cigarette
It's a Japanese thing people use to quit smoking, basically a pacifier
How do you enjoy an anime when you can't even remember the last episode?
Maybe because I don't remember current shows is how I can tell myself I enjoyed it
based and redpilled
You should quit
If only because it'll make you fat, and being fat sucks
Damn the episode was pretty great
My dick. You should try it ;)
user-san ecchi~~
Fucking based fuck smokers
I was exactly like that in my early teens
This, fuck cancer sticks, weed is good tho
if you smoke anything you're a fucking retard
I guess you proved his point yourself
>two older sisters perfect lungs
>I have slight asthma but pretend I don't. Workout 5 days/week
>imouto can't walk up a little hill for 5 min without needing inhaler
>both of us surrounded by smokers at a very young age
Fuck smokers.
japanese people come with lungcancer defence +5
>the only thing keeping you safe from me is the law
smokers are as much victims as proxy smokers are. can't blame only the retards that fell for the nicotine-jew, in a society that worships EZ and degenerate ways to trigger dopamine release in the brain. if you want to stop smoking, you don't go after the smokers, you hit the ones who make profit off of smokers.
I have no problem with tobacco as a product; if it could be replicated in VR, it might be interesting to try.
The problem is people that refuse to clean up after themselves.
>you hit the ones who make profit off of smokers
Yeah because we all know how it went well with alcohol.
It's like saying that it's not people's fault they are fat, but it's because there is so much food around. Nigga just put the fucking fork and cig down and stop blaming it on everything else. These are fucking adult human beings, not children that can use excuses like that. The jews aren't conspiring against you and are not bashing your head with hidden reptile radio waves to make you do things. You have the freedom of choice. You are responsible for what you do.
This but unironically. Smokers are fucking pathetic pieces of shit.
>global consumption laws
Hanging you by the balls ought to be legalized on a global scale.
Absolutely based. Non-smokers are whiny pussies like tumblrina feminists
>Yeah because we all know how it went well with alcohol.
we never tried murdering the alcohol capitalists, what are you talking about? when I said hitting them I meant hit them until they stop moving.
>It's like saying that it's not people's fault they are fat, but it's because there is so much food around (...).
totally different. food is a necessity. smoking isn't. i also didn't absolve them of their sins, hence why I used the word "only" when i talked about that, but you were too busy being a retard not paying attention
> The jews aren't conspiring against you and are not bashing your head with hidden reptile radio waves to make you do things.
ah yes, I love Israel too, my *wink-wink* white friend!
>You have the freedom of choice.
one's freedom is limited by many things, their own lack of own willpower for one
>You are responsible for what you do.
the only truth in your post, but this was a given
absolutely disgustingly manipulative post, well done!
US prohibition criminalized possession of alcohol, which only made it far more profitable for bootleggers, with the added bonus of popularizing drinks with high alcohol content.
The tobacco campaign is the only anti-substance campaign that has had a significant effect to date, and that was done through banning the advertisement of tobacco and decades of doctors going into schools to lecture kids. The only problem is that now the students are all vaping instead of smoking.
Yet i'm an upcoming SoundCloud music producer, jokes on you user, weed making you a lazy shit means you've always been a lazy shit
don't act like you wouldn't do the same.
What the hell are you even trying to say there? Of course you are gonna have breathing problems if you are born with asthma.
Mint taste
Based. They should be allowed to fight back though, it makes things more interesting that way.
This post triggered the smokers huh? I hope you die faggots
they're trying their hardest, user
FYI wanting to kill people for smoking does not make you Based or Redpilled, just makes you look an edgy MUH MORALS idiot on the internet.
Go back to Discord or Reddit.
>How to make your anime flop
There's nothing wrong with switching from smoking to vaping.
>nooooo don't say you want to kill people, you should respect everyone even if they ruin lives!!!
You're the moralfaggot here
It really makes you think about the mental age of people who visit this board.
>OP tricks ignorant anons into massive shit flinging contest
We only have asthma because of 2nd hand smoke dumbass. We weren't born with it.
Except he didn't say that at all. The only lives they're ruining are their own, just let 'em die on their own to lung cancer or some shit.
>tfw Singapore is slowly raising the minimum smoking age to 21
Unironically based.
I don't want to be a passive smoker, thank you very much.
People who grow fat, smoke, fuck around, destroy the planet with "muh coal", etc... cause problems. And sooner or later they will want YOU to pay for it. And they will consider it justified. Because today's democracy is pretty much based on anti-social people teaming up with other anti-social people in order to extort the money of people who aren't complete fucks. (One example: Feminists want free contraceptives, free abortions, and sexual liberation. This is anti-social and causes anti-social incels. Who will eventually team up with said anti-social feminists and give free shit to incels. Whereas neither the anti-social feminists, nor the incels, pay for any of this shit. Instead it's people who were social from the start.)
So go fuck yourself. Especially for calling people who aren't edgy "edgy."
>The only lives they're ruining are their own
what is secondhand smoke?
>I wish there was a law where you can murder people and get away with it
what's the color of your skin?
Smoking, drinking, drugs etc. are just third-grade escapism tools for those poor souls that haven't experienced the ultimate escapism tool that is otaku media.
For an individual, yes. For the student population, however, this means that new generations of students are starting with vaping instead of switching to vaping from smoking.
Isn't that better than starting with smoking?
Kate will punish all smokers
That is an e-cigarette and does not classify as a tobacco product.
what the fuck is this thread
But otaku media is so enhanced on them, it can make you feel like you're waifu is real, i took Acid once and looked at pics on /c/ and /w/ and they looked like they were being animated in real time like Webm's + it's easy for any hikki can get clean drug using the 1337W3B these days
Just a reminder that most countries ban tobacco not because it's 'dangerous" or "unhealthy", but because tobacco industry is the closest competitor of oil industry and we all know that the oil industry is the biggest syndicate.
>it's easy for any hikki can get clean drug using the 1337W3B
i mean ive never had interest in drugs or anything of the like so i may be wrong but most hikkis dont even have any income and i assume drugs are expensive as hell, doesn't sound like a likely duo.
Not really, it's only like $25-40 for a good trip of shrooms/LSD, not much NEETbux desu, pretty cheap for weed depending on where you live too and xanax if you struggle with anxiety/muscle pain
It happens anytime smoking comes up as the thread theme.
Every time.
Yes people who take up vaping when they do not have a nicotine addiction are retarded but vapes are perfectly fine for people suffering from nicotine addiction as it's a far cheaper alternative that doesn't make you stink like shit and doesn't stain the fucking walls yellow. Possibly heathier as well or at worst just as bad for the user. Can't imagine second hand vapor is going be doing anyone any harm though.
Vaping is popular with the older generation where I'm from because a packet of cigarettes costs €13 fucking euro here. If you're a 20 a day smoker that's easily €90 a week whereas vape liquid would only run you about €15-20 a week
Or you will have to pay for somebody else's children's second hand smoking fallout. Via health care. That kind of shit.
why are there so many internet tough guys nowadays on Yea Forums
fucking 100lb cucks probably can only seethe and watch as someone smokes besides them
Touchy subject for many
is it bad that i want a late 20s woman to put her cigarette butts out on my chest while i'm tied down to her bed?
base asf
Cigarettes cannot be sold to minors, while vapes can. It's not like vaping and smoking are the only two possible outcomes; students in the few decades prior to the popularization of vaporizers neither smoked nor vaped as much as students today.
There is a fairly large problem with high school students using vapes today. Polls show that around 20% of high school students use vapes, specifically juul products.
I think you need to cool off, user
>Polls show that around 20% of high school students use vapes
I think that's lower than percentage of my school that smoked weed.
Quality bait
ur a gay underage basedchild
You're a dumbass, my entire family smoked around me from life day 1 and I started smoking myself at 16 which was a very, very long time ago and well I can run 5miles with no difficulty. You're just a bitch as cunt that skips legday, you no cardio having bitch.
Bullshit. I consume otaku stuff, but i'm a smoker and used to drink before starting to take meds.
It's freedom.
>smoking only makes you less fit btw
>what substances?
Imagine being this retarded.
smokers are the most oppressed race
uh what
>This is anti-social and causes anti-social incels. Who will eventually team up with said anti-social feminists and give free shit to incels.
I cannot even comprehend what you're trying to say. Learn2english next time pal
yo what is this thread?
>Second-hand smoking is a meme
I used to work in a factory once. All of my co-workers smoked cigarettes during their smoke breaks. I was disgusted by the smoke at first, but I didn't want to seem like a pussy, so I stayed in the break room with them.
After a few weeks, I noticed it.
I was actually beginning to LIKE the smoke. It smelled kinda.. sweet? Flavorful? Pleasant.
That's when I thought 'fuck this' and stopped hanging out with them in the break room.
I'm not ruining my lungs because of shit heads like you, just to fit in.
zoomers screeching about secondhand smoke even though they'll never have to breathe it in since they never leave their basements
Only children and idiots worry about other people smoking.
this thread fucking sucks and somehow nearly everyone in it is managing to be a dumbass.
Let me guess, you're from California. You leftist cuck.
Let me guess, you're from Alabama.
You inbreeding nazi.
You'd smoke all the time too if you had a grown up daughter still going through her gay phase.
no and that is a good thing
Smoker here. No it isn't. In fact it led to smoking being banned at bars here a few years ago and that's a good think. If you want a smoke, go outside.
Nazi's are pretty cool though. Easily one of the most badass uniforms ever.
It's "Nazis", not "Nazi's"
I would also like to bring to your attention, that acronyms don't always use 's for their plural form either.
The plural of DVD would be DVDs, not DVD's.
There are exceptions though.
wow didnt know the dvd one, sugee~~ oniichan
this is 4channel buddy, an advertiser friendly site