This is the tale of an RP forum experience I had a few years back. I know should post this on a different board, but I thought anime lovers would appreciate this more.
>be me
>go on RP forum one day
>this forum in specific was a mixture of animes like JoJo Bizzare Adventure, Bleach, Naruto, and other shonen characters
>essentially the rules on characters was any anime based power was allowed as long as it's not overpowered or prevents players from doing something. EX:No indestructible force fields or telekinesis
>make my character a shield/unarmed type and his race as a evolved human(pretty much a human but capable of using arcane magically stuff and powers) I equal out his stat points then focus the rest in endurance and agility
>gave my character the back story of a medieval soldier brought to the future during a arcane magic accident and that my character do whatever suits his interests but is a relatively decent person
>now the powers were some pretty basic things fire, ice, basic basic shit. There were naruto powers and stands and stuff, but only one interested me, healing fist
>healing fist pretty makes any wounded cells to regenerate and makes new cells on any alloy or enemy, the only downside is it means you can only use healer fist at it's full potential without a weapon. Luckily shields count as armor but can be used as weapons
>with my character finished I gave him a name, Herald the Healer
Let me know if you guys want to hear the rest of the story
The Tale of Healer fist
Neck yourself, OP.
Hello user, I would like to hear the rest of the story.
This isn't Yea Forums
The Tale of Healer Fist 2
>finish my character and read the rules of the forum
>rules pretty much state no characters die but are KO'd unless if player requests to add grudge to another player but needs a valid example if a player doing something grudge worthy EX:stealing, attacking when not sparring, or murdering friend and any factions at war all battles between warring faction members will die if not given mercy
>any gold earned will have a 10% tax towards a fiction's bank
>basic turn based map measurement EX: to get to there from here is seven turns
>pretty basic stuff, but I was excited when I saw factions were a thing on this forum
>I spawn in at the town called mid town for being literally in the middle of the map of the main dimension
>walk around ask other players what to do, everybody is pretty much edgy sword users or gun users and call me stupid for not knowing same old same old
>one guy that isn't the edgiest man alive responded in a friendly tone, he tells me that I should ask the mayor NPC for something to do and start earning gold
>now the guy who gave me this info was a stand user(JJBA) and his stand was called platinum bear and it's power was simply so strong that it could punch the ground and make rocks raise from the ground but was extremely slow, let's call this guy bearserk
>bearserk escorts me to the mayor and does the first few starting quests with me, bounty hunting NPC's and collecting stuff for the mayor
>shit is cash
>after earning gold together bearserk asks me if I want to spar to level up
>I agree
>we start sparring
>the thing about stand users in this forum, is that their technically two players attacking so it can be frustrating to fight against if the stand has a long range
>platinum bear has a range of at least B and could manifest at a decent range
>I focus on berserk instead of platinum bear
>platinum bear can only land hits with rocks he raises from the ground but I block them with my shield
Thanks user.
Continue OP, I always enjoy this kind of reads
The Tale of Healer Fist
>after a few turns of blocking rocks and punches I land a few hits on bearserk, and with my power healer fist I show it's true potential
>I cause large tumor like cells from on bearserk to form and slow him down
>rumors don't do damage but causes extreme slow down depending on how large you can get them
>I deal the final blow after forming five tumors on him
>I throw my shield at his face and land a direct hit
>I lower his HP to 5
>I win my first fight, especially against a stand user
>we shake hands and I level upped while bearserk gained experience as well
>spend most of my stat points into learning new skills for healing fist
>players see the string of texts of the sparks and start asking why in the fuck I chose healing fist
>turns out healing fist is only useful for healing and defensive tactics and is absolute garbage at offense
>I not only won against a stand user with a powerful stand, but I just used a defensive power as an offensive power
>after learning of my bad/good decisions on character creation bearserk and I went to the town closest to mid town, this town was called crime city
>the nature of this town is obvious
>apparently earning gold is super fast in crime city, but there's so many random events where you can be KO'd and sent back to mid town or have everything stolen
>bearserk and I take the risk and head there
>as soon as we enter the city one of the guards try to mug us, bearserk uses platinum bear on him, sending the guard flying
>the guard lands on the ground and dies
>this make our reputation in the city go down and more random events will happen
>now this is the point of the story where it all goes to shit
>apparently a faction called masked mafia stays in this town and has it set up where guards make all outsiders pay a toll
>we've just angered a faction really early in the game
>my party is just barely level 6 and to be in a faction you have to be at least 25
>we've gotten into some deep shit
This could make for a great isekai anime.
Tale of Healer Fist 4
>we try to lay low while doing quests so we can get out of this shit hole as fast as we can
>eventually we are confronted by a scout of the masked mafia
>guy of course is wearing a mask described as one of those naruto masks that the black ops of the leasf village wear
>the masked mafia scout asks why we didn't pay the toll
>we explain that the guard tried to mug us and we just tried to defend ourselves
>scout isn't listening to our shit and pulls out a zanpakuto
>first soul reaper I've seen so far
>the guy hasn't leveled up enough to learn the name of his zanpakuto so we aren't in too much danger, but he swings it at me
>I roll to see if I can dodge the attack and punch his chest as I dodge
>succeed just barely and land the punch creating a tumor on his chest
>scout starts moving slower and keeps slicing at me, lands a swing on my shoulder and it takes out half my HP
>bearserk makes platinum bear manifest behind the scout as he prepares to finish KOing me
>platinum bear lands a hit taking a fourth of the scout's health
>I try a machine gun blow on the scout's legs while platinum bear punches the scout
>so many tumors on the scout that his movements slow down to a crawl
>I PM bearserk and tell him to run instead of finishing him off, telling him that if we KO one of the masked mafia members they'll come for us for sure
>he reluctantly agrees and we run away
>the scout tries to chase us but tumors aren't gone yet
>we run into an ally and set up a tent there so we can rest
>we have almost no supplies and very little gold
>we barely have enough gold to make it out of crime city, but we'll struggle badly in the next town
>after resting we make our way to the border of the city leading to the next town called heiwa
>when we make it to the border the scout from last night is there
>he knew what we were planning
>he isn't fucking done with us at all, this dude wants us our stuff and us out of here
>he immediately strikes bearserk
Tale of Healer Fist 5
>scout strikes bearserk before platinum bear can manifest
>I throw my shield at the scout then follow it up with a punch
>scout tanks the shield but the tumor starts slowing his attacks
>he keeps attacking bearserk but platinum bear manifests and starts a stand rush on the scout
>since bearserk is such a low level he has to roll a high number to land the stand rush
>he lands a 20
>the stand rush takes the scout to a third of his HP
>I start adding more tumors to the scout dealing a small amount of damage while bearserk's stand rush ends
>the scout strikes bearserk one more time and his health is now at 14
>I decide to use my power as intended
>I throw my shield at the scout as a distraction and heal bearserk
>bearserk's health is at about a fourth
>shield is blocked by scout's zanpakuto and it lands too far for me to retrieve it with leaving myself open for an attack
>in a last hail Mary I do another machine gun blow on the scout and bearserk rolls for another stand rush
>we both succeed and we do the ultimate punch attack, the double gun punch
>We got the scout's health to 20 and he retreats
>we basically won a fight against a level 25 soul reaper
>we both level up
>I learn a new skill for healing fist, tumor toss
>I can pretty much throw balls of tumor flesh that are as hard as rocks, they don't slow down though just work as projectiles
>bearserk spends his points in endurance an attack
>we make our way to heiwa, proud of our accomplishment
>we make it there with no complications, but are broke as hell now
Tale of Healer Fist 6
>we've made it to heiwa, a town of peace (name roughly translates to peace in Japanese)
>to our knowledge there is no faction in heiwa and the town itself has peaceful NPCs
>we do some quests about monsters in the forests nearby
>we head out to the forest, little to our knowledge we've started a quest meant for level 15 players and we're level 7 or 8
>we're not too under leveled, but it will not be easy
>we're in the forest and immediately get jumped by small imps
>their health is so low that they aren't a challenge but there's so many of them
>we hold of the imps, bearserk using the rock raise as crowd control making it easier to deal with the imps
>we survived the waves of imps but our health was lowered considerably
>we head deeper into the forest and see flesh was covering the trees and forest floor
>in the middle of the forest there was a flesh demon, essentially a creature made of collected flesh from animals and people
>flesh demons aren't too bad and are weak to fire
>neither of us have fire powers and my tumors would only make it stronger
>this battle relies solely on bearserk
>bearserk decides to use his rock raise as a means of ranged attack since flesh demon would destroy us if we got too close
>I throw my shield doing very little to the demon
>rocks start getting lodged into the demon and we manage to get it's health down low enough to get rid of the flesh around it's core
>the flesh slowly dissolves and we smash the core, clearing the flesh around the forest
>we head back to heiwa and get paid 40 gold each
>we continue doing quests earning more gold
>we earn enough gold to enter a dojo
>dojos are another unique thing to this forum, instead of sparring you can pay for a dojo and you gain the same amount of experience as you would if winning a fight
>we level up to 12 and bearserk learns a skill called rock launch where he can raise a spire of stone that launches enemies farther than rock raise
>I spend them on SPD&ATK
Tale of Healer Fist 7
>now it's time to talk about death rules of this forum
>all death(not KO) is permanent unless you can find a golden fruit, and one of the only ways to get golden fruit is to go to the Ether which you can only go to on the first day of spring when the gate opens at the town of Goddofūdo which is the furthest town away from mid town
>the only other ways to get golden fruit is to trade with a player or steal one from the Goddofūdo museum
>essentially reviving the dead is damn near impossible at low levels since Goddofūdo is full of level 200 NPCs and players, now that's out of the way let's get back to the story
>bearserk and I made it to level 12 and we're ready to start challenging other players since our rather lack luster powers have better skills now
>we challenge a pair of players to a 2v2 sparring match
>one of the players were a cyborg huam using only energy based weapon and had a weakness to water, and the other player was a ninja focused on wind based jutsu had a weakness to stone based attacks stronger than level 9
>the fight starts off with platinum bear manifesting behind the cyborg shoots at me, I block the shots with my shield while the Ninja knocks me onto my ass with a blast of wind
>platinum bear strikes the cyborg in the leg and breaks the circuits inside it, crippling the cyborg(apparently bearserk spends most of his points into strength so enemies need an endurance or armor higher than his strength to endure his attacks) the ninja starts throwing wind shurikens at me and they all curve behind me and all land in my back dealing massive damage
>bearserk takes a few shots from the cyborg but manages to KO him
>after throwing my shield at the ninja a few times I PM bearserk
>I tell bearserk to use rock launch on me so I can land an unblockable punch on the ninja
>we roll to see and succeed, I use my shield to block the blunt of the damage from rock launch breaking it
The Tale of Healer Fist 8
>after my shield breaks I form a rock tumor around my hand and land a direct punch onto the ninja's head
>after landing bearserk uses rock raise on the ninja and finishes him off
>we just won a duel against real players(to be fair we were whoring stats kinda but we still won) and now we are making a name for ourselves
>we got gold from the sparring match and I bought a new shield with blades all over the end of it so it deals more damage when thrown but can get stuck in a enemy or object, bearserk bought food a potions
>we continue doing quests and dueling a few players in 2v2 and 1v1 fights
>after gaining enough gold we make out way to a portal the the portal of the arcane realm
>the arcane realm is pretty much a single platform where a large crystal that in the story of the forum generates all magic
>taking a small chunk of this crystal gives you another power of your choice(you can only use this crystal once) that doesn't contradict any power you already have(EX:No fire powers with water) and it will reduce both power's effectiveness by 20%
>I chose the power of blood control which makes it where I can draw the blood from any wound as a weapon or shield(does not restore HP and won't spread tumors)
>bearserk chooses fire his stand punches the air so hard and fast that it generates fire(can't be used like red bind and only as projectile)
>with this new power we make our way to the next town called Jurassic town, pretty much a town with dinosaurs
>we head there and the mods start throwing more and more random events at us bandits, monsters etc
>I don't want to say the mods hated us, but we surely annoyed them when we stayed up pretty late
>we make it to Jurassic town and heal up
>this is the part of the story where it really starts going to shit
>turns out a very violent faction called rising dragons stays in Jurassic town
>this faction attacks pretty much any player or forces them to pay them 60 gold each day they're there
The Tale of Healer Fist 9
>as soon as we're out of the hospital a level 29 grunt of the rising dragons is there to collect our money or to take us out
>we're now around level 18 or 19 so we can hold our own but this guy is almost 30
>we can't spare cash since we're barely scrapping by because of the tolls of the towns, so we engage the grunt
>the grunt uses a fire axe(turns out all of rising dragons use fire based stuff) and swings at me taking out a large chunk of my HP while bearserk uses rock launch on the grunt
>rock launch lands and manages to cut the arm of the grunge
>I use the cut to draw blood and make spinning blades around bearserk and I(blood blades dissapear when you attack or someone is hit by them)
>I throw my shield along with the blood blades and land the shield and almost all blood blades
>bearsek activates a stand rush and fails the role
>the grunt attacks me again almost KOing me
>bearserk tries another stand rush and succeeds
>I form rock tumors around my fists and roll for a machine gun blow
>I succeeded and bearserk and I use the double gun punch V2
>we manage to KO the grunt just barely
>we both level up and spend the stat points on the usual stuff
>surely we are wanted by the rising dragons so we head back to the last town
>to spare you the details the rising dragons are really angry and use grudge against my party which means they can kill our characters and they send a bounty squad of 5 members to end us and take our bounty
>the bounty squad pushes us back to crime city
>the bounty squad is hesitant to enter crime city and I assume they PM'd the head of their faction
>two violent factions that hate us are about to completely ignore us
>the bounty squad enters the city and completely ignore the toll guards already a no no for the masked mafia
>bearserk and I hide in the sewers of crime city(pretty much black market place to find stuff cities don't like EX:body augments stat boosting chemicals, everything is much more expensive though)
The Tale of Healer Fist 10
>as we hide we read the public posts and see that the masked mafia attacked the bounty squad for not paying the toll, the masked mafia out numbering but weaker than the bounty squad
>this just started a faction war
>faction wars are one of the most stressful things for the mods since there's so much to monitor ontop of the already large chores that is managing this forum
>since faction wars are so stressful on the mods the wars are only allowed to last 7 days 8 if the warring factions have no rule breakers at any moment of the war
>the rising dragons send a squad of level 40 soldiers, about 15 soldiers in total, to crime city
>the battle was long, since the rising dragon squad had brought many potions and some of the strongest armors the rising dragons own
>since the battlefield was home for the masked mafia their army could get there faster but had worse armors(which can't be helped since soul reapers can only wear their kimonos) most of the masked mafia learned the name of their zanpakutos they had much much more powerful melee power than the rising dragons(which had flamethrowers and flame covered axes)
>what was left of the rising dragon party retreated to meet up with a reinforcement squad 7 turns away from crime city
>throughout this time we spar with some players in the sewers and spar eachother leveling up twice
>we eventually were met by some masked mafia scouts and were asked why we came back
>we tell them about the rising dragons bounty hunters and that they pushed us back to crime city
>after waiting a few turns the scouts told us that the leader of the masked mafia was willing to call a truce with us if we were to temporarily help them
>we agreed since it was that or losing all the gold we had earned
>we met the masked mafia leader a day later and discussed the plan of attack
>pretty much the masked mafia was going to send squads to intercept reinforcement squads and then cut off all supplies to the rising dragons in the city
The Tale of Healer Fist 11
>with masked mafia squads blocking off supplies and reinforcements the attacking rising dragons suffered from attrition, and eventually died out from lack of healing
>during the first part bearserk and I kinda just did nothing and acted like cowards but this is the part of the story where we really shine and put ourselves to the absolute limit
>the leader of the masked mafia, let's call him hanzai, wanted us to help an assault squad heading towards Jurassic town
>we bought some supplies like potions and better armor and headed out
>there were bandits during the journey to Jurassic town, but it was relatively uneventful
>when we got there we saw a guard squad lined along all the borders of Jurassic town, and we had no where near enough soldiers to take the all down
>I PM'd our party and informed them that we'll try something risky because the guards see us and aren't going to let us go freely
>I told the players with ranged zanpakutos to attack as many as they can and bearserk to use rock launch on a few
>the plan starts and I collect the blood fron the cuts into a ball above me
>when I feel I have enough I make them into blades and rain them down onto, I KO a bunch of them, enough for my party to break through
>we were PM'd about friendly reinforcements heading our way
>we fight our way through the remaining guards and hold point until reinforcements arrive
>I send a grudge request for the leader of the rising dragons so that I can end him and so that other players may freely pass through this town peacefully
>the grudge request was eventually accepted and our now large party of 27 soldiers was heading towards the rising dragon's base
>we fought of the hoard of soldiers until we were down to 5 men bearserk and I and 3 masked mafia members
>I told the mafia members to try and fend off the remaining guards and that bearserk and I will end the rising dragons boss
The Tale of Healer Fist 12
>it was just me, bearserk, and the leader of the rising dragons
>the dragon started off with a speech
"So, you come to my town, KO one of my me and now you lead a pitiful militia to my home? Do you plan to kill me? A worthless creature like you kill me! I'm going to enjoy ending you and your friend's existence!!!"
>"We just wanted to live life peacefully, we came to this town with no intention of it ending like this... You attacked us for your own gain, just to get some extra money. Your greed will be your end, tyrant!!!!"
>after the cheesey dialogue the dragon pulls out a sword the size of two men and swipes it at us
>bearserk stops it with rock raise and I throw my bladed shield
>I land the hit but didn't cut the dragon
>bearserk uses platinum bear to do a punch on the dragon
>it does decent damage and knocks the dragon back a bit, also knocking my shield off
>bearserk cut the dragon and I start drawing blood, but saving it for a later attack
>I grab my shield and go in for a punch
>I manage to get a tumor growing on the dragon's face and I fall back
>the dragon swings his sword and bearserk uses a fiery punch on the sword, breaking straight through it
>the dragon enraged charges bearserk and grabs ahold of him by the neck
>bearserk manifests platinum bear but it's weak due to the lack of air to bearserk
>platinum bear can't defend bearserk and fades away slowly
>I throw my shield and machine gun punch the dragon but he kills my ally that has been through everything with me on this forum
>he ended bearserk using one of his only weaknesses
>with the death of my ally I draw the last bit of blood I can and form rock tumors around my legs and arms and create large blades of blood on my arms
>I charge the half health tumor infested dragon, slicing him
>he kicks me and my blood blades dissolve
>I throw my shield at his head and charge once again
>the shield lands and I go for the strongest uppercut my character can do
The Tale of Healer Fist 13
>I land the uppercut sending the dragon flying onto his ass
>I widdle his health to 16
>as I stand over his body he speaks
"It comes to this... Months of grind to create the strongest faction I can, and it's going to be ended by an inexperienced pawn of soul reapers... Do it, get it over with!
>"I may be inexperienced, a pawn, and overall useless, but you killed my friend. You deserve no mercy for your sins, and I am your judge!!!!"
>I grab my shield and use it like an axe, chopping the dragon's head, avenging my fallen comrade
The Tale of Healer Fist 14(finale)
>after ending the rising dragons for good I head back to crime city
>I tell hanzai that the rising dragons are no more, but we took large casualties
>he is pleased and gives me a katana sword crafted by one of his smiths, it was described to look like his zanpakuto
>I take the reward and request one thing of him
>I request that he builds a statue of bearserk and platinum bear in the middle of crime city, and that he has it defended from graffiti artists and criminals
>he agrees and it is raised
>I go to the statue and leave my bladed shield at the statue giving a moment of silence for bearserk
I know this story will likely not be seen, but I just wanted for someone to hear the story of my adventures. Thank you for reading, and I hope you can have adventures like this of your own. R.I.P bearserk, the best stand user I know from that RP forum.
The one with the guy breaking the forum by abusing the weakest and shittiest ability and defeating the most OP edgy samurai on the forum with it was better. Does anybody have it saved?
I think it was called the tale of edgegardo or something like that. You can listen to the story on YouTube, it's pretty much the only reason why I posted this. Didn't know anybody actually gave a damn about RP forum stuff.
Dialogue was cheesy but the story was overall entertaining. thanks for sharing OP
I liked this.