ITT: Girls who deserved to win
ITT: Girls who deserved to win
I agree. I liked her.
Goddamit don't remind me.
Which reminds me I gotta start S3
Kek, seethe EMcucks
But Cocona won.
why do short haired girls always seem to get cucked?
She won from the start, and then she deliberately went after the inferior boy.
>ditching the 180cm sexy glasses man for some manlet self insert with fag hair
What was she thinking?
At least we have the harem dimension in Chrono Stone Thunderflash
Let's not forget that glasses man then went on to basically research new materials and agriculture on the planet while dahling died in the depths of space.
hey it's eremikahaven
He has great taste.
Good man.
>sticking shortest girl and tallest guy together
>perfect 1 foot difference
One of the only things DITF did right desu
Ichigo kinda did win. She got over that shithead Hero. What more can you ask for? (Other than her being in a better series altogether, of couse ...)
She did win, OP. She ended up married to canonically, undeniably best boy both physically and in terms of personality, and didn't fucking die in space. Is that not winning enough for you? Christ you have unrealistic standards for winning.
The absolute best girl, and pretty much the only reason to watch or read Akame ga Kill.
Didn't the one in Domesutikku na Kanojo win in the end?
Ichigo to rule
I'm still pissed off