Funny Valentine literally did nothing wrong. Prove me wrong, although you literally cannot.
Just finished SBR
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I guess it was Funny Valentine. Is this a meme like "HOW DOES KING CRIMSON WORK?"
He did nothing at all.
johnny is a better character
It kinda was, back in the ongoing days.
Because his ultimate plan was to fuck over the entire world besides America.
If you agree with the sentiment of "fuck everyone but myself" then sure he did nothing wrong, but otherwise it's pretty clear that he was a bad guy willing to do terrible things to better his own country at the cost of others.
>Because his ultimate plan was to fuck over the entire world besides America.
Literally what? You're fucking retarded. We literally never learned what Valentine wanted to do with the corpse.
What the hell, his entire plan was to use the corpse to get rid of all the misfortune in America. What kind of backwards ass speedreading did you do to not even comprehend that?
i really hope you're just pretending to be retarded
I hope you low IQ retards aren't getting caught up with deaths. Because the death total between Johnny and the President is equal.
I don't like him.
Morality is subjective.
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that he's an awful human being.
Plus fuck nationalism and the united states
Alright nice bait. Nobody gives a shit about the death total Johnny laid out. The question is if Funny Valentine did anything wrong and it's obvious he did plenty wrong. Try harder next time faggot
this but unironically
Reminder that Funny Valentine literally had no other motivation other than the motherfucking Stars and Stripes. Reminder that anyone who thought he was wrong was a fucking commie.
Explain what Funny did wrong. The impetus is on you.
i wasn't being ironic either
go back to Yea Forums you crossboarding newfag
This is a scared jew.
He was a nationalist, which is a good thing.
He wanted to divert literally all misfortune from the US to other countries, which is a bad thing.
No, these aren't contradictory ideals.
>No, these aren't contradictory ideals.
Reminder that Funny Valentine has literally no reason for you to believe he's evil. You literally fell for the antagonist folly, you unimaginably stupid faggot.
Because it's possible to want the best for your country while not wanting the worst for every other country. That is utilitarianism. But it's perfectly logical to think that a like-minded country excelling would be more beneficial to our own national power than them failing. It's better to have a collective of powers than to have a singular power. You don't have to forgo nationalism to achieve that. But Valentine never would have gotten there with his "first or last"mentality.
Except the idea that Valentine had was never put forward. So what's your fucking point?
Extrapolation. He literally says that he wants all misfortune diverted from the US into other countries. That's a nationalist goal, but not a moral or even tenable one.
All leaders want misfortune to not come across their nation. What's your point?
That he was trying to redirect it, which I said in every post, you illiterate faggot. There's a difference between wanting the best for your country and wanting the worst for every other country.
Are you so stupid to think that happiness for one people doesn't exist on the suffering of another? I'm just checking.
Did you even read sbr?
Why do you think I didn't?
Happiness is not a zero-sum game. It's like saying that light can't exist without darkness. Of course it can. It's the other way around. Misery only exists as a privation of happiness, just as darkness exists as a privation of light. Come on, man.
And wanting the best for your country does not require wanting the worst for every other country. Valentine was utilitarian, and thus shortsighted, in his goals. He was trying to create the best nation by deferring all misfortune into other nations. But national health relies on global well-being. Being a nationalist wasn't wrong, but he fell into a utilitarian mindset, which was wrong.
What do I do when my family sucks jewish dick and I literally want to die?
>comparing person to country
Lol teen opinion at it again. You can't produce everything yourself, and even if you almost have, dead ecology of another country is going to fuck yours up eventually, corpsed or not. That's not even beginning to touch all the import culture impossible to have in your country anymore. No more animoos, for example, elevens are too unhappy now to do shit.
That's not what the argument was about
He already did
Literally what?
I guess you either get good at art or you become Hitler.
And this is what you wanted.
Literally too underage to think.
That's a fucking lie. I don't want anyone to be good at art.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Diego Brando was a far better antagonist to the story than Valentine, this whole "evil president" scale of danger really didn't fit with Johnny's arc and I'm glad the part ended with Dio as the antagonist
He tried to shoot Johnny. He could have had the Corpse and Johnny would have gotten a version of his dead friend if Valentine hadn't broken his promise.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
But none of them were artists. Just watch Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man if you don't believe me.
But they still impelled the destruction of the white man. You're going to fucking die, jew.
>what happens when Araki realizes his antagonist isn't a villain
Not only did he do nothing wrong, But Johhny did literally everything wrong.
Man, I don't have a problem with Jews, but I'm Catholic. Calling me a jew is like calling an astronomer an astrologist.
He got fit with Jesus NO BULLY
>Calling me a jew is like calling an astronomer an astrologist.
What did you mean by this?
Erik Andre is a jew, and I hope you fucking die.
Why the fuck did Valentine leave the corpse to Dio after his death, did he actually believe Dio would carry out his plan?
That Judaism relies on fantastic stories and Catholicism relies on rationalism. It's not to say that the former had no place in the world, but we have a superior model to base all contemporary thought on now. Geocentrism vs. Heliocentrism would be a other good analogy.
Every country would take the opportunity that Valentine had if given the chance. So people saying"b-but much world! " are seething utilitarians.
Delete this
Maybe the whole world should just become America and get on the Love Train to Jesus Utopia and we can send all the badness to some fags in space or whatever.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty and bombed the Twin Towers.
Damn, thats pretty cool
The whole point was that nobody is perfect and thus nobody can be trusted with ultimate power, because they WILL fuck up and create more suffering than they fix. Valentine genuinely believes he’s doing the right thing but his actions show that he’s an asshole and ultimately self serving, whether he does it intentionally or not. He can’t be trusted with Love Train. When he uses it, it starts sending the American farmers nearby away from him, which shows he was perfectly comfortable with his new America only being the rich and powerful and fucking over the common men who built the nation in the first place.
Johnny finally realised that no one, not even himself, can be allowed to possess Love Train so he tries to lick the corpse away. He accepts his weakness and dark side but instead of being a self righteous asshole about it like Valentine, he uses that realisation to grow and do the right thing by stopping Valentine from dividing the world further with Love Train.
The only main antagonist who (so far) has done absolutely nothing wrong is Joubin. He’s injured a few people but so far has killed only once in self defense and his end goal is just ensuring his son’s prosperity for the next generation.
You think that's funny, but you have made a large portion of the populace give up. What will you do when all the non-retards have learned that you want them fucking dead?
It was spite. He knew Dio would accept the mayorship of Manhattan but he’d also be a shit mayor, but he’d rather that then to let Johnny win and hurt his pride.
oh sorry im not the guy you were replying to. im just making fun of you lmao
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
*lock not lick
Right, you're making fun of the goyim. What happens after that?
I never said they didn’t?
Literally ok, you stupid faggot.
I don’t know what the fuck you’re saying.
Imagine liking Valentine let alone unironically thinking he did nothing wrong
Shhhh it's cool to like valentine let him be
I think that was his main problem.
He was not the person he tried to present himself as, and the message of the scene is. If he truly was a selfless patriot worthy of the corpse - he would have gotten it, by putting his faith in his own character and just cause, and using it to move people's hearts - he would have gotten it. We see that even the person (Johnny) that is currently experiencing sorrow and hatred towards Valentine because of the loss of his friend was moved by his ideas, and was ready to accept his proposition.
But in the end he was a backstabbing liar, and that is why he failed.
This. They even mention that if an election was held immediately after the race that Valentine would have gotten 92% of votes. The people genuinely loved him and believed in him, but it was his own pride and hubris that screwed him over and proved that he wasn’t worthy of the corpse.
I'm admitting that Valentine was a retard, but you commies can't even meet me halfway. So the takeaway is that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
He was a decent villain imo. I don’t know why everyone just instantly forgets all his characterisation before his speech to Johnny though, he called poor people peasants, raped 14 year old girls and in general treated his staff and people like shit. Just saying ‘but I done it for Merica’ at the end doesn’t absolve him of all his misdeeds, even if he does genuinely believe he’s doing the right thing.
Kira just wanted a quite life
So he could kill women and jerk off in peace. Not exactly a just action even if the women were all bitches.
Exactly. He moved by the principle "the end justifies the means" which is a very morally grey area. If he had won and gotten the corpse everyone would have treated him as a hero and he would have probably unified the world and made peace on this earth and shit. But he didn't. He lost and the winner is the one who decides what's right
Get the joke user
If he wanted to jerk off his life was gonna be anything but quiet.
He only did right if you're a utilitarian, which makes you retarded in the first. And even then all he did was put all the happiness in once place, so he didn't even increase utility. It was net zero. It was nationalism, but not even the good kind of nationalism. It was just empty and pointless.
No. "The ends justify the means" is utilitarianism, which is wrong, and is why Valentine is the villain. If he got the corpse, the US would have excelled, and the rest of the world would have gone to pot. That ultimately would have destroyed the US, too. Valentine was shortsighted. He had his nation in mind, but he neglected to consider all variables. Being better than everyone else does not mean the same thing as being as good as possible.
I dunno if he would have unified the whole world since Love Train has a range roughly the size of Manhattan and it was shown to be sending random farmers away from him, implying that even American citizens that aren’t super rich aren’t part of Valentine’s new America, but otherwise that’s pretty spot on with how the series works. Even when Justice and Good are actual inherent things to the universe they aren’t for humanity to know, so all the characters can do is approximate that truth.
The ‘America’ Valentine would have created would only be comprised of like, the top 1% of the most powerful people, considering that when Love Train was moving through the countryside collecting good fortune it expelled all the people working the land outside it’s range while keeping all the nice land and quality crops inside it’s range. If you unironically think Valentine was right then you’re either a cuck or super lucky enough to be born into a mega rich family.
Yeah that was my point. Sorry my choice of words may have been wrong but his "ideal world" would disregard all what it took to birth and would just be a perfect utopia for those who made it
I think we're in agreement, then.
Except you literally never learned what he had in store for America, you mouthbreather.
He was lying to Johnny and saying a nice speech to trick him. He actually doesn't give a shit about America, he put fucking Diego Brando of all people in charge of his ""'dream""" just to spite on Johnny.
>prove me wrong
>ok then Valentine did many things wrong because-
Kill yourself OP. What a worthless thread.
OP just likes the attention probably