reminder Yea Forums
Reminder Yea Forums
Anyone else go for being a virgin so long that you actually considered fucking a passable tranny? I had went through multiple phases in my life but couldn't get past the gay part.
How will trannies ever recover
It's because we treat trans people like shit for no reason. If we just accepted them as we should then they wouldn't want to kill themselves
>no reason
we will if they stop being a huge faggot
by killing themselves?
accepting a a mental illness would do more harm then good.
I also get all the epic images from
I think the only thing correct in that entire post is that we treat them like shit
(The number of minutes mods take to remove this thread)/(130)=amount of mods/hour
we need more shitposter in Yea Forums. FUCK DA MODS
It does less harm than telling them to kill their self. I agree it's a mental illness but I don't understand how bullying helps.
Why do we not treat them the same way we do people with schizophrenia or dementia?
what do you mean with "no reason"? i do it for fun
Kill yourself, crossboarder.
Not wanting to fuck disgusting abomintations =/= treating you like shit.
You have a legitimate mental illness and nobody finds it attractive or tolerable.
You are not white, you will never be white.
Define 'accept'. Does it include playing along with their delusions?
It's not bullying if it's true.
Cutting off your dick isn't normal user.
What's wrong with liking vidya and anime?
>nobody finds it attractive or tolerable.
only incels don't, normal people don't care.
Since when did Yea Forums become Yea Forums?
when i came here
>normal people don't care
They do, specially women
Normal people seek women that have the ability to procreate user, you're not winning this one, only mentaly ill or degenerates would want a tranny.
People come and go. The elitist Yea Forums before is getting outnumbered by newfags that most likely come from Yea Forums or leddit.
>only incels find trannies unattractive