Just how pathetic do you have to be to enjoy this?
Just how pathetic do you have to be to enjoy this?
mondo pathetic like me
Ashubee dubah
Manga was good, anime is shit.
You actually have to be a turbo chad to enjoy it. Basement dwellers and wageslaves hate it because it too vividly reminds them that they will never have this sort of meaningful female affection.
Where do you think you are?
please don't say rude things about my wife, OP.
I love you Senko-sama
enable to post on Yea Forums
Visiting Yea Forums tier.
as pathetic as i need to
Watching the show itself isn't what makes you pathetic. Watching the POV shit after the credits is what makes you pathetic.
How pathetic do you have to be to get your jollies from trying to bait people on Yea Forums
But that's the best part
How insecure are you to make a thread shitposting on something people enjoy?
don't talk shit about loli waifus, you uncultured bread-eating plebian.
Pathetic enough to post here on the first place
>skipping the best part
I'm too pathetic to enjoy this.
There are after-credits scenes? Oh shit.
imagine missing this
its fine if you enjoy this but at least be self-aware
You can't tell me how to enjoy media you faglord
Don't worry user, people who enjoy this show have been at your stage of depression like 3 or 4 years ago. Feeling the need to put people below you for things that you can't enjoy is still a sign that you're in your edgy phase, but you're already on a path that can't be changed.
Pathetic losers detected.
The duality of man
seething hag lol
I think you have to have life pretty good to enjoy it, because when I watch it all I think is:
> That guy looks just as tired and overworked as me. Now I gotta watch this asshole enjoy being pampered, while I'm sitting here fox-loli-less?
I know I'm supposed to self-insert, but it just makes me bitter about life instead. If anything, I need to be less pathetically wage-cucked to enjoy this show.
>enjoy the manga
>can't watch the anime without cringing
get a better job lol
Unironically get a better job.
I watched the first episode and retrospectively cringed because it reminded me of a job that i got a few years ago.
Not as pathetic as the kind of person who makes a thread like this.
You're a faggot who skimmed through the manga without paying attention to it just so you could say you read it before watching the anime.
I like it. I can relate to the MC since I work my ass off just like him at work.
If I could come home and be pampered, I would. Unfortunately housewives are a thing of the past thanks to liberal policies which are skyrocketing prices where a two income family is required, and the feminist movement radicalizing women to have toxic personalities.
Oh well, I still have my chinese cartoons.
Go visit your mom faggot.
I'm watching it, so pretty damn pathetic, why?
the guys delivery is kind of cringy
Go back to Retarddit.
Why wouldn't I watch it faggot? I don't care. I like it.
I've started taking care of my hygiene over the past 8 months, quit smoking/chewing 6 months ago, got a very well paying job, am getting /fitlit/ (lost lbs, only 25 more to go), and have more than enough money to live comfortably and am more happy than I have been in years. I still have no reason NOT to watch this show.
Ahh so this is how pathetic then.
>responding to obvious hagposters
Less pathetic than being mad enough to start this thread.
It's just bait
Use the better version, nanojya.
>writing this much to justify yourself
never going to make it
Thank you for noticing my autism, user. Have this mofumofu variant as well.
i can't tell the difference
Read the text.
Don't listen to that fox! Listen to Gridman and go outside!
The second one just fixed the border.
But the outside isn't healthy either.
>stop liking what i dont like!
>Escapism is my only way of enjoying life/coping with the bad shit happening in my life
So it's now becoming normal for adults to regress in order to enjoy life? Fuck that, doing that gives me extreme depression and anxiety because by focusing on fantasy I lose sight of reality, which only sets me up for disappointment.
If your life is this sad, consider getting help and digging yourself out of the hole you're in. Though if you're a nigger just keep doing what you're doing lol you're fucked.
I can always appreciate a good border redrawing.
But also the most depressing.
>implying posting in an anonymous board isnt more pathetic
Only hardworking people can truly appreciate this show. Neets dont understand it.