For all the incest romance out there, why don't any of them tackle the topic of incest babies?
For all the incest romance out there, why don't any of them tackle the topic of incest babies?
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Maybe if the story was taking place in the future where artificial insemination is widespread or enforced, yes (e.g. some scifi futuristic story). As of now, it would just cause a shitstorm for encouraging the birth of retarded babies. The chance is still only 25% after all.
>As of now, it would just cause a shitstorm for encouraging the birth of retarded babies.
including a subject doesn't mean promoting it
A manga about Charles II of Spain would be the best way.
25% is a pretty big fucking chance.
Imagine an incest romance about a brother and sister falling love only for the twist at the end to reveal the brother is actually NBR and was adopted but his parents were actually blood-related and he's an incest baby.
Impregnation in incest hentai is the best.
I wished it happened more in normal manga.
>The chance is still only 25% after all.
>only 25%
Did this nigga not take a statistics class
Its a 25% chance if both are carriers of a defect.
The real issue comes from several generations of inbreeding, where one of the original parents traits could have made many of the descendants carriers, and if they continue inbreeding you can get into that 25% scenario.
I honestly wish I could repeatedly impregnate my twin sister.
I know if we weren't related we would be lovers
It's not fair
what does taking a statistics class have to do with a person's subjetive standard of what is too high a chance?
How did they overcome the Westermarck effect?
Childhood friend fucked that part up.
Where is the upload of Kyoudai desuga Isekai de Kekkon shimashita.? I NEED to read the rest but have no money to buy it right now.
By not believing in unproven "scientific" remarks.
ITT: Americans
Pls go back to Alabama
Then what explains why 99.9% of brothers aren't impregnating their sisters?
Fuck off retard, 3D != 2D
I don't know. But it bothers me when people take that hypothesis as fact.
Imagine having to lie in a Chinese basketweaving forum
Reminder that Muslims are the people who tend to fuck their family.
Because anime is an opiate and when people have to wrangle with difficult topics they don't buy the figurines
Not really, we’re allowed to marry first cousins but people nowadays don’t do it.
Because babies are gross.
Manami basically permanently twisted their relationship, because it was developing normally until Manami sperged out on Kirino, which caused her to try to distance herself from Kyousuke as much as possible and remain very conscious and very wary of anything that might resemble affection. Her doing this caused Kyousuke to be conscious of all these things as well. The end result is that their abnormal relationship lead to a subversion of the effect. Basically, they were normal but close siblings and then Manami decided to try to play 4D-jealous-bitch and screwed herself over by getting them to screw.
Just passing by to say that Kirino is the greatest thing to have come up from Japan.
>imagine cucking yourself with the sister of your love interest
People take it as fact because it's the likeliest explanation for why the taboo persists across all cultures and why the same sexual repulsion is often observed between unrelated people who lived together in early childhood.
A lot of things we take as fact are merely hypotheses.
Bullshit. The NHS in Britain have reported that in heavily muslim areas 50% of you are having inbred kids. It's actually causing a noticeable burden on the health system.
25% of being born retarded
75% of being born partially retarded
Ye-yeah haha who could imagine that?
I wanted to marry my sister when I was little but my parents said I couldn’t
She didn't cuck herself though, she got mindbroken together with her husband.
True. Still she's such a good mother to her husband's inbred children.
Even calling it a hypothesis is giving it too much credit. It’s some European faggot postulating that his cultural value is an essential part of being human.
1 generation incest won't cause any damage.
It would generally just be a normal healthy baby.
Any further is where it goes into El Abominacion territory.
Typical inbreeding coefficient percentages are as follows, assuming no previous inbreeding between any parents:
Father/daughter, mother/son or brother/sister 25%
Grandfather/granddaughter or grandmother/grandson 12.5%
Half-brother/half-sister 12.5%
Uncle/niece or aunt/nephew 12.5%
Great-grandfather/great-granddaughter or great-grandmother/great-grandson 6.25%
Half-uncle/niece or half-aunt/nephew 6.25%
First cousins 6.25%
First cousins once removed or half-first cousins 3.125%
Second cousins or first cousins twice removed 1.5625%
Second cousins once removed or half-second cousins 0.78125%
Third cousins or second cousins twice removed 0.390625 %
Third cousins once removed or half-third cousins 0.195 %
The chance isn't 25%, coefficient is a different thing and the actual chances vart a lit between people. Genetic isn't just simple math
Mahouka tackled this issue.
If you haven't read it, the sister's gene is fully modified so that there's literally 0% chance her incest babies would be born with defect.
vary a lot*
But the chance is either 0% or 100% depending on what the author wants?
Because why would they? First generation incest has basically no effect, and most of those incest romance stories don't go past them getting together and having sex anyway (if they even go that far), you don't get to see them grow old together and have children.
because psychology isn't binary, sending a hundred people into the same situation doesn't mean you get the same outcome for every single one.
They both need to be carriers of a shitty gene tho.
Inbreeding is a good way to weed out those genes, if you kill all faulty children that is.
Several VNs have epilogue scenes where you can see them with a baby/kids, many just end before (or during) the baby making itself though.
What manga?
Only when it's bro/sis. There are far too few doujins of that though.
In the VN Zettai Aneki it was actually discussed in quite a detail, basically a lot of the same arguments were dealt with and responded in the same way as in these discussions on Yea Forums.
Eternal reminder that Kirino a shit.
Sounds interesting, too bad it's older sister. I can't get motivated to read through a VN unless there's an imouto.
my grandparents are related first cousins non of my family is retarded
Muslim can get jailed and lashed for incest you know. They treat them like a rapist.
>Obligatory joke about being on Yea Forums
Manami is clearly the main villain.
not retarded other then liking anime*
and kinda still haveing a crush on my little sister
quite possibly my favorite incest impregnation doujin
brother fucks sis
10 year time skip where they have a child
brother has threesome with sis and daughter
ends with them both pregnant
Tell that to all the middle easterners and north africans having inbred kids with their relatives. The statistics don't lie.
Oh yeah, because we know how much Muslims hate rape.
That because statistics also count cousins as relatives. While incest is haram, cousins don't count as incest. And Muslim is extremely prude society, so no dating allowed and arranged marriages is a big thing there. They also anal with family lineage so their family wouldn't allow marriage if your family lineage is unknown. So they often settled with their relatives, close or far. And this happens for generations.
user I have some bad news for you
Have ever seen how they treat rapist? They either lynch them or stone them to dead. Unlike westerncuck who will just let them live in free comfy hotel for 5 years.
If they killed rapists there'd be no filthy inbred muslims left.
Let me guess, it doesn't count when you rape non muslims, just like it doesn't count when you spawn mutant retards with your cousins.
I love my sister
>for all the cooking shows out there, why don't any of them tackle the topic of taking a shit?
I'm sure there's at least been a few instances of a meal being mentioned to be good for constipation or something.
Having babies is the goal of a relationship, taking a shit isn't the goal of cooking. Also
>food analogy
>having babies is the goal of a relationship
It bloody well ought to be.
your wrong the whole reason humans form relationships is to have kids? are you some kind of fag
>Have ever seen how they treat rapist? They either lynch them or stone them to dead.
Only if they get caught and sentenced, which is highly unlikely given the stone age legal-system of most Muslim countries.
what's she like, user?
Westermarck is a social construct. Just like how the bible told us to not fuck sisters because of incest babies, so too does society and we were conditioned to think that way.
Now, if it doesn't result into retarded babies, it'd probably be allowed.
>They either lynch them or stone them to dead.
Right after they stone the victim to "dead" for having sex outside of marriage.
The only people that deny the obvious reality of Westermarck are incest fetishists who feel insecure about nature undermining their fetish. A truly enlightened siscon however understands that it only brings more validity to his feelings, not less, as it's not just societal norms that he has to overcome for the sake of his love, but his very human nature.
we are 18 months apart in age
every-time she comes to my house now that I am a adult no matter how much I cleaned beforehand she brings over a bunch of cleaning supply's and makes sure the apartment is spotless I think its her way of showing she cares about me
as teens when she was between boyfriends she would come get me and we would watch romance movies together and sit close
we use to sleep in the same bed for the longest time because my parents were poor fucks and It was me on her bed or the floor of her room
we bathed together a lot for the same reason but I don't think of it lewdly more like I just really like how it feels to have someone else wash your hair in a non sexual way but still loving
we fought a lot physically,but she was not angry anymore by later in the day every time
she knew where to hit me to knock me on my ass too and I was a good wrestler and kcikboxer then, got gold & silver in the districts
I wish we saw each-other more often but she still lives with my mom where I went with my dad when they split up their spiting up really put a wall between us that has not recovered all the way even now
>a construct is reality
Not if you deconstruct it. Hence why New Jersey exist.
>she brings over a bunch of cleaning supply's and makes sure the apartment is spotless I think its her way of showing she cares about me
how sweet
so when you are together, even if little time, what kind of things do you do?
has there ever been any cuddling or na?
and why would you fight?
>Having children with close family.
Why are incest babies so frowned upon when the most powerful people on the planet were making them for thousands of years, and people encourage midges and downs syndrome retards to reproduce and make even more midges and retards?
That's sweet. Make sure to remind her that you love her even if you can't spend as much time with her anymore.
I take her to the mall in town and we window-shop
she will bring her flute and shows me how much better she is getting
she shows me videos she makes for online stuff
I'll show her some cool things I have done
its nice she is only on her phone some of the time
no cuddling since we have been preteens I'd say
you know just general sibling stuff like being too loud eating, breaking eachother things by accident and anger over things not even related to each other
I'm gonna text her right now good idea
never let her forget how special she is to you user
Other families have done it before. Why not ask her about how she feels?