ITT: Characters with Canonically large penises

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Why would you make such a thread

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Maybe he wants to discuss characters with large penises.

I want to discuss characters with large penises.

You now remember it.

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fuck you
smug loli penis was great but fuck that ending

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she/her please show some respect

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you mean a canonically large feminine penis

>His waifu gets killed
>Sunrise goes retard and ruins his chance to get another one
>he is going to die without getting kids
>Meanwhile Lelouch who did everything wrong gets away scott free with the girl
justice isnt real

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Serves him right for being a hypocritical retard

we (cute little girls) are interested in penises

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we don't know if her penis is large, only that its bigger than Okabe's

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probably, since he's a well-known womanizer

but it's kind of a waste on him since he was made for straight men and straight men don't bottom

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you know

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I can see this

>MC canonically has a massive cock
>too retarded to ever use it

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thought you were going to post ippo

He has a wife, you know.

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straight men don't fuck guys in general tho...

He can fuck his cat, ya know

I'm not gay but no joke I'd definitely suck Ruka's penis

To feel better about his homosexuality

Literally the only canon one in this thread.

Imagine if Okabe's small penis was the reason that there's been little to no romantic progress between him and Kurisu after Steins;Gate.

top kek

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Serizawa's is bigger

just imagine

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Canonically one of the biggest Chads in Europe.