Traps are gay and there's nothing you can say to change that fact.
Traps are gay and there's nothing you can say to change that fact
What about reverse traps?
They seem more bisexual to me. I mean, it seems like both straights and gays would be getting a downgrade, straight guys could just get an actual girl and gays could just get a guy that actually looks like a guy.
If by that you mean that people who fuck traps are gay, then you're wrong. Homosexuality is sexual attraction towards the same gender. However, this is about the perceived gender and not the factual gender of the person (otherwise, if you ever saw a cute girl who turned out to be a trap you are, by that definition, gay).
So, if a trap has enough feminine features (and they do, otherwise they wouldn't be a trap), fucking them is not gay.
Except that male genitalia are factual gender traits.
Learn to read, faggot.
True true.
>Homosexuality is sexual attraction towards the same gender.
>homosexual: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex:GAY
gid ouda heah
>Homosexuality is sexual attraction towards the same gender.
>However, this is about the perceived gender and not the factual gender of the person
What the hell is a "perceived gender" you're male or female. nothing to perceive. A drag queen is still a dude, a trap is still a dude, no matter how much they pretty themselves up, a man is still a man, therefore its gay.
I agree.
sitting on a table doesn't make it a chair
While I don't necessarily share his views on gender identity, this dude is still right.
>perceived gender and not the factual gender of the person
i don't really see the problem, i'm only gay for traps
Astolfo is optimal girlfriend material
Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same sex. If you’re fucking anything with a dick instead if someone equally as cute with a pussy, you’re at least half gay.
I know and I don’t care.
it is double gay
>A drag queen is still a dude, a trap is still a dude, no matter how much they pretty themselves up, a man is still a man, therefore its gay.
Read, nigga, read. "Perceived" means that it depends on what the POV sees, what their brain is processing, not on whether or not the thing in front of them. What they are seeing can be, in reality, male, female, a dog, a drawing, a picture, a loosely connection of glowing dots. All that it matters in the end, for the sake of knowing if they are gay or not, is what their brain is processing.
Making an easy example: if a guy gets drunk and fucks a drag thinking it was a girl, he saw a penis, for sure, but his drunk brain certainly did not connect the dots on "penis = not girl". Is that guy gay? Or, if you see cute girl on the street, you get a hard on from that ass, she turns around and the chin make it obvious: she is a dude. Would you be gay?
No. In both cases. Why? Because your brain was perceiving a female, not a male. This has nothing to do with identity politics or the like.
This is why you can be attracted to a drawing of a female, and still be straight and not be a 3rd sexuality - simply put, we don't see reality as it is, we see what our brain processes.
So, again, is fucking a trap gay? It depends. Are you attracted by male features and your brain, therefore ,is understanding that as a male, or are you attracted to female features and your brain is processing that as a female?
Other faggots who I think didn't understood that:
traps belong to straight men
Imagine coping so hard that you literally cant just say you're gay/bi that you write paragraphs grasping at straws to protect your sexuality that no one but yourself believes you have.
>i'm only gay for traps
>fucks a drag... is he gay?
He might not be, but he did something gay by fucking a man.
Fucking a trap is, by definition, a homosexual act, fuck off with the mental gymnastics and kill yourself.
Become the 40%
Just because I have an opinion on a matter I must be subject to that matter?
Surely you won't believe, or care, because you're just a shitposter, but if you do want to know, no, I don't like traps. Every crossdresser or similar faggot I've seen is horrendous, and when it comes to anime they are just female character with a Schrodinger's cock - not to mention, they are usually the worst of the bunch, since their characterization stops at "I look cute by I have the dicks teehee".
Read the definition again. Homosexuality is the sexual attraction towards someone of the same sex. Simply fucking is not a defining factor of sexuality (just because a whore will do anyone who pays her, even a girl, she isn't necessarily bisexual, for example), although for the average person it is a good index.
Now, can acts be homosexual? No, people can. This isn't a quality you give to verbs, its a quality for nouns. There is no gay run, there is gay people.
What you're calling "homosexual act" is a lot closer to do with masculinity x femininity - men compete to be the most masculine possible and move away from feminine traits. Homosexuality, due to what it entails, is considered to make a man more feminine and, due to banter, ended up becoming a kind of synonym for "girly". It's like saying a guy who does his nails is gay: doing nails doesn't necessarily makes him attracted to the same gender as his, but it does make him less masculine. Thus, this use of the term has nothing to do with the discussion.
>just female character with a Schrodinger's cock
I think traps are gay, but God damn if that isn't one of the most persuasive phrases I've ever seen.
>they are just female character with a Schrodinger's cock
100% straight and usually best girl
Even more gay
Yes it does