Would you give her a demonstration?

Would you give her a demonstration?

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You should know this faggot chose Ayama over Anna

Attached: file.png (400x400, 229K)

nah id snatch her yaoi doujins away from her and hold it above her head.

Attached: GimmeGimme.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

Why would you choose a corpse?

Well she is Best Girl.

Of what?

>tired eyes
>long messy hair
>lab coat
How did they knock it out of the park with her and grandma-voiced loli but fuck up the other main girls?

Who cares about anything other than this perfection?

Attached: Fuwa.jpg (300x460, 33K)


Fix'd. NOW it's perfect.

Attached: fixed (2).jpg (675x658, 196K)

post best girl: binkan-chan

Its shit. all this time you wasted to "try" to fix her ironically made her worse.
You should feel bad

I fucking love this adorable pervert

Attached: Ayame.gif (580x326, 1.69M)

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rude, im telling my mom

Ranking list of Shimoneta girls from best to worst. If you disagree you have shit taste


>Above anyone who isn't dick loli

>t fuck up the other main girls?
Are you high? Anna was amazing

Shit taste

Can't the people in this show get put in jail if they so much as masturbate?
Isn't that fucked up?

Who did this type of humor better. Shimoneta or Seitokai?

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Seitokai_Yakuindomo_10_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[C2E40A19].mkv_snapshot_03.29_[2019.02.1 (1920x1080, 765K)

>fucking girl
lol no way fag

Are you talkin shit about my nigga Kajou?

Attached: Curses.jpg (500x281, 37K)

Why didn't this show ever get a S2?

Anna’s voice actress died.

RIP, she did crazy so well. She had such desperation in her voice, she deserved to experience the joy of being cummed inside.

Attached: [SallySubs] Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai - 09 [BD 720p AAC] [11B66D56]. (1280x720, 56K)

>ywn fuck Ayame
It’s not fucking fair

Attached: Give me back my porn (slilent).webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

Why does that phone even have a 4 minutes rule?
You could barely keep track of how long she said, yet it feels like she's broken the rules multiple times already

In reality,the next action after the first reach is to kick him in the balls, i don't play that shit, i'm 30 years old and fucking 4'9, you commit that crime your balls are mine.

>i'm 30 years old and fucking 4'9

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Screw you user

Congrats. She's like 16. Fuck off.

Except she's a fucking prude as soon as sex is actually presented to her, which sucks

Nobody likes vindictive bitches, probably why you're 30 and still alone.

How's live as a womanlet? I hope you're not a spic, too.

Here's a going away present,then. Later,chuds.

Attached: Fuckyou.jpg (1000x1000, 147K)

based stacey

The first pussy I've seen in a while and she's angry about her height, that's pretty amusing.

Stop talking about bullshit and discuss who’s best girl instead

I wanna show her what love is!