What in the fuck was going on in the Showa era?! This is highly offensive!
What in the fuck was going on in the Showa era?! This is highly offensive!
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hahahahaha holy shit look at his hand
Nips can stand women that's why they are pissed that women want real jobs now and can't afford shit
Beautiful animation of a beautiful technique.
based slayer of thots
They didn't fuck around back in the 70's.
There was recently a Kitaro episode about this exact topic.
That was funny for some reason
You're already dead.
based attack numba 1
The little lighting effects remind me of Tekken.
The old tokusatsu series Kaiketsu Zubat has an episode where a couple of kids in a boat are blown the fuck up. 70s Japan was hardcore as fuck
So this is the origin of brightslap
Was slapping people really common in the 70s?
Women aren't people.
you should hear some of bill burr stand up about him growing up during the 70's
Bill Burr is from Southie.
Are you kidding? Gen X kids were beaten so badly by their Baby Boomer parents they still are having trouble telling them "no".
There was a time when men were actually allowed to keep women in line.
You know, that interview is exactly what popped into my head when I asked that question.
>sean so fucking alpha that the triggered interviewer even goes out of her way at the end to say his wife has never complained
Showa was hard fucking core.
Is this supposed to be not!Elvis? Because it's kinda uncanny.
Corporal punishment and parents spanking you was common in the 60s and 70s.
My dad used to get slapped across the face when he misbehaved in high school. And this was in liberal hellhole California.
My dad still whips me up with his belt. Get on my level
Get a job and pay your own rent faggot.
I'm trying dad.
Or just kick his ass and let him know you're the man now.
This is also why my mom is going to rot in a shitty nursing home
Attack no1 was such a good anime but it went slightly downhill after 50 episodes.
>And this was in liberal hellhole California.
I don't think this really says much, its only the well-off bay area whites who are huge pussies about shit. I went to public school in CA and every kid was exposed to redneck-style beatings and tryhard AzN GaNgStAZ at least several times in their lives
most of the state are mexicans (gee i wonder why) who don't fuck around
evel knievel knows how to put women in their place
what is it with japan and slapping?
Did misogynists really liked this kind of shit back in the day?
>Muh soginy
tough love is still love.
Did daddy beat up your mommy every night because he love her?
No, but he should have.
no, yours did?
We still like it
fcking rekt
user... why did you specify "every night"?
WW2 survivors dealing with their traumas while being unable to express it in a healthy way because they have to work to exhastuation and even dead for rebuilding the country while yakuzas associated with the government destroyed the unions took farmers's lands by force, hijacked democracy with the LDP becoming a dictatorship de-facto and the students movement was repressed with violence. Everyone was too depressed back then
t. zoomer
Forget that, why the fuck are the proportions and eyes so weird in so many 70's and early 80's anime?
If japan was socialist country they wouldnt of had low birth issues, suicide sky high depression and gay shit. Sadly this is what you get with capitalism in 20 years it will turn into shithole like brazil.
The family jewels have not been stolen.
>cut your dick off faggot
who was in the wrong?
based and breadpilled
nips are fucked desu I can see them dying out
This, in kolkhoze, everybody happy.
How can one man be so based?
Back then when japs still had balls to do shit like this.
What the fuck was his problem?
Why is Elvisu-San such a hidoi kisama?
What is the context of this? Why does he slap the wheelchair girl and child?
>in the Showa era?!
It still happens in this era.
That one bitch just straight up falls
Overreacting for sympathy
That impact. Is that really the best way to motivate your students
We need more stuff like this
That guy was a yakuza and far-right parties are pretty much yakuza parties. And all yakuza were sellouts for american administration and big business who wanted to keep their workers underpaid and overworked.
What actually would take balls is to purge the yakuza.
Tell me about Black Suit Man. Why does he adopt the shit-pose?
As a peruvian I can tell you guys this is pretty realistic, is supposed to be a secret but everyone knows here how the coach of the volleyball team used to hit the girls all the time, curiously speaking our greatest coach was Japanase...
They were being sluts in his presence.
the ancient Japanese art of the pimp hand
>that bitch overselling it 5 seconds after the fact
>Trap-loving futafags SEETHING
At least tell me what in the devil's name is going on here.
Attack No. 1 was running on TV when I was a kid. When I tuned in, they were playing with their hands bound and suffering greatly. Maybe they even used chains? I found that fucked up.
Around the same time, they aired jap Peter Pan. I found that show equally fucked up.
I didn't even know it was anime yet.
Well, he is not wrong.
I doubt she'd fall this badly just to pretend.
>Omae wa mou shindeiru
The original Peter Pan was all kinds of messed up. Peter Pan is so bad that I do not fault anyone for trying to kill him.
Good old days.
Why is it child abuse now?
>fall this badly
She just crouched down to her knees before tipping over. Clearly hamming it up for extra sympathy.
This, but unironically
t. Venezuela
I didn't notice she was paralyzed until she wheeled away.
Better animation than One Punch Man S2.
why are these getting so many replies? I am 22 and that's how I was educated. I thought everyone until my age got slapped each time they fucked up something as a child.
Fuck off commie.
Unironically this, japan low birthrate is due to their infernal work culture where everyone dedicates their lives to their company and as such, don't have the time to raise kids. Though that work culture is what made Japan one of the greatest economies of the 21st century.
>starts sweating after a single slap
she is an old woman you edgelord.
Notice the lack of wasted motion.
A lot of western society doesn't believe i using physical violence to reinforce a lesson. Certainly not for something trivial. Lawsuits would follow.
What happened and why is his face red like he is straight out of Fukushima?
When you pretend to fall you touch the ground with your hand before your knees do. Mainly because it hurts as fuck to fall on your knees on a hard surface. Then you also have to take into account that she is an old woman and no old people would want to fall even if it's pretending since their bones and joints are fragile as shit.
I have seen plenty of old people fall over a few seconds after receiving a shock (weither physical or psychological). Dunno what causes the delay, maybe something to do with their blood pressure.
It might be because I was always a sick fuck, or maybe got a taste for it from Gundam, but I definitely enjoy seeing brats being "corrected" when appropriate.
Except this is Russia
Drunk hobo punched them, just because he could
japs are so funny like that. the lower rungs of society bow to the higher one and the cycle repeats until you get to americans who conquered japan in WW2.
that behavior manifests in anime with japanese fascination of american culture.
What's elvis's problem ??
The man, the myth, the legend.
Because anime was unknown at the time. Japs didn't have to cesor it.
>homeless black guy
>english signs
>CTV in english too
russia sure changed a lot in the last 24 hours
I'd sex her if you know what I mean
>You are already dead
In Jap culture, it was acceptable for a superior to slap his underling. This includes fathers over everyone else in the family, older siblings over younger siblings, bosses over employees, officers over common soldiers etc. The Japs were fond of slapping POWs and civillians during WWII too.
low birth rates are caused by feminism
the west has lower birth rates than japan if you dont include blacks and muslims
In every culture it was acceptable to do so until somewhere in the 20th century when it was deemed socially unnaceptable.
>What about Onions Green?
I wrote Onions, what the hell?
What is wrong with typing the Word "Basedyyyyyylenttt" as in ....... Green ?
Why does it get censored?
Ok I give up, I Have no time for this shit. I'm leaving for a while
And they said Japan was supposed to be safe.
Have you ever seen an actual human being move? She went over to the wall for support, stumbled and fell. It isn't as deep as you want it to be.
Nah. Old women in my country can shrug a grenade attack. These are first world pansies.
Slapping makes a good punchline for drama no matter who's on the recieving end. The West seems to have forgotten that in it's attempts to politicise everything.
Poor guy, he just wanted to make a joke and had to leave
Russians and other slavs don't count.
Do these guys looks like Japs to you?