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I love this show so much. First time watching it I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so much when pic related happened.

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Just found out about it a week ago. Kinda sad it ended to be honest. It was fucking great. My only thing is I wish they focused on some of the side characters too.

truly the Goblin Slayer of the metal genre

>My only thing is I wish they focused on some of the side characters too.
Yeah, but what we did get of them was great. The drummer is a fucking beast.

Attached: [Delicio.us] Detroit Metal City - 06 (1920x1080 H.264 AAC) [616c34bf] (1) (1) (1) (1).webm (854x480, 2.91M)

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Holy shit, did that guy just rape the Tokyo Tower?

Rape? That bitch fucking loved it.

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Is the manga worth it?


This anime gave me tourettes and now I scream the word RAPE sometimes at family dinners, at the voting booth, and taking a walk at the public park

I just can't stop. After watching Detroit Metal City, the word rape keeps coming out of my mouth. So often it might as well be shouted 10 times a second

As someone who read the manga but hasn't seen the anime I'd say yes.
It's almost as good as the cromartie manga.

That filename

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It's refreshing to see a manga that treats weed usage lightly instead of as a great social ill

Yeah Japan is pretty hard on that just because of social stigmas, even though teenagers smoke weed all the time.

he looks like a generic bad guy from hokuto no ken

You look like a generic bad guy from hokuto no Ken.

It's a bit too wordy in my opinion, but I liked it. I still wish the author did some chapters on any of the side characters rather than focusing on MC, his GF, and his cuck.


because rapists deserve disrespect

You looks hungry...
Here, eat this corn from your back mouth

Attached: corn.jpg (400x300, 20K)