Jiren is the worst antagonist in DB history.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Jobren wasn't an antagonist, his whole existence is to look up to Broly
Why is Moro so cute? He's supposed to be a menacing demon
His whole existence was to job lmao
His whole existence was to be UI's cumbucket
>gets his own movie, which is universally beloved
>considered the worst part of his overlong arc
It's good to be a Brolyfag.
Enter CHADyotaro
> Even this was traced
What arc do you fags want after Moro?
Ore wa Supa Saiya-jin 3 da
CHADhan focused arc
Vegeta finally goes to Sadala to take on whatever villain is threatening the peace there.
The harbinger of death
The ancient evil
The enemy of the gods
The destroyer of the Iragi system
The planet eater
didn't he already have an arc where he cheated on his wife with ariana grande and then beat the shit out of terminator general blue?
Yep. It, like all of DBS' filler except the baseball episode, was really lame. Barry Kahn is a genuinely hateful villain, though.
baseball episode was the lamest of them all, muh yamcha in a hole, fuck that shit
Sadala arc
Next villain is Jiren tier strong + magic user
After Moro Goku & Vegeta finally decide to learn magic
There's probably a sect of saiyan mages on Sadala
Vegeta's great grandfather Vegeta the first is a mage who escaped to u6 after u7 sadala was destroyed in the civil war, u7 Sadala lore from there.
All I got
Oh, that was fun. It's not like there's a way to redeem the Yamcha character, and Vegeta shooting ki blasts at Goku's bat was a nice spoof of the beam-o-war shit.
>that's a nice GOOD END you got there...
>be a shame if something happened to it
>redeem yamcha
>character that became a joke redeems himself by being the joke of a filler episode
I dont get it
I mean there's no way to make Yamcha not a joke anymore. He's not even relevant enough to be worth bothering to give an arc where he powers up or some shit.
Even Krillin, after all the buildup he got, was knocked out easily in the ToP, as was Tien, and Yamcha is less interesting than either of them.
CHADstar Media does it again!
Literally never happening again
Post the Japanese version
Unironically better than supershit
Why is he the Toyo of America?
our hero
The harbinger of boredom
The ancient plot device
The enemy of good writing
The destroyer of plot
The shiteater
>the rest of the cast ever again letting jobhan take care of things, assuming he could in the first place
Even tardku realized jobhan can only make things 10x worse, in both the cell and buu arcs. This is why he ignored him and the kids and just killed buu with the spirit bomb and in Super his son becomes a literal who, even Mr Buu was considered ahead of him for both tournaments
I really wonder how much time is spent working on this shit
It feels Nazo Unleashed-tier but somehow less interesting in an autistic level
Kefla was the the only good thing from that arc
Name a stronger character
>ties with Jobhan of all people
That's when things went south for her, until then she had seemed like a legit threat.
You know it to be true
gohanfags are salty that he only jobs, how to rub it in even harder, raughs
no it wasn't
X is the worst Y in the history of Z. Eat shit, Xfags.
Cope cope cope
I'm not risking it until geekdog posts his official tier list so I can know if my opinion is right or wrong based on his
The harbinger of strength
The ancient warrior
The enemy of injustice
The destroyer of weakness
The monkey eater
>3 minutes of an old episode
I know nappa and vegeta killed our friends, but their power makes me very excited so I wanna fight alone, gtfo krilin and gohan before I get angry
But you did not post STRONGren
kek, based tardku
I wish I was in a wholesome loving relationship with Kefla
Goku was the antagonist in DBS.
How will Xfags ever recover?
>goblina slayer
Pffft ohnononono
is it tardkou or tardkuh in japanese?
Wrong, she belongs to me
I only saved it for fgsfds. I assumed it was SAO or some other isekai shit. I wasn't far off.
I'd like to seize this opportunity to congratulate all my fellow Jirenbrothers. We have successfully become the strongest and most predominant characterfags this entire site has ever seen.
By congregating our collective above-average IQs into one line of posting, we have successfully dwarfed every other characterfagging prior to us.
Oh but that is not even the best part. Our "competition" if you can even call it that, has been thwarted and stomped into submission in ways never even thought possible. With the most clever and eloquent pastas I've personally ever seen, we slowly but surely drove the anti-jiren jihadists and pedros MAD with anger and frustration.
Since our constant streak of victories ensuing in every thread for months on end, they have tried: Crying to the mods, posting autistic ISIS edits, editing Jiren's pictures to make him shorter, making petty threads only to get archived or deleted to get away from Chadren threads, spamming literal faggot porn, Yea Forums spam, /toy/ spam, cardposting, blatantly lying and posting nonsense, out of context baiting, RTHing, textless waifushit spam to image limit more than once, and the list goes on. Needless to say, nothing worked.
It surely doesn't help their cause either that official media constantly treats and announces Jiren as the strongest mortal in DB universe.
To put it plainly, thank you, my fellow Jirenbros. Our outstanding genious work will not be soon forgotten, nor will Jiren himself.
>I'd like to seize this opportunity to congratulate all my fellow Jirenbrothers. We have successfully become the strongest and most predominant characterfags this entire site has ever seen.
By congregating our collective above-average IQs into one line of posting, we have successfully dwarfed every other characterfagging prior to us.
Oh but that is not even the best part. Our "competition" if you can even call it that, has been thwarted and stomped into submission in ways never even thought possible. With the most clever and eloquent pastas I've personally ever seen, we slowly but surely drove the anti-jiren jihadists and pedros MAD with anger and frustration.
Since our constant streak of victories ensuing in every thread for months on end, they have tried: Crying to the mods, posting autistic ISIS edits, editing Jiren's pictures to make him shorter, making petty threads only to get archived or deleted to get away from Chadren threads, spamming literal faggot porn, Yea Forums spam, /toy/ spam, cardposting, blatantly lying and posting nonsense, out of context baiting, RTHing, textless waifushit spam to image limit more than once, and the list goes on. Needless to say, nothing worked.
It surely doesn't help their cause either that official media constantly treats and announces Jiren as the strongest mortal in DB universe.
To put it plainly, thank you, my fellow Jirenbros. Our outstanding genious work will not be soon forgotten, nor will Jiren himself.
lol no
But you guys couldn't even beat the Joshposter
That's a surprise gift in the cheeks
What the fuck are you doing you retard
pls no
gohan is boring and mystic will never be expanded on being just instant SS3 Gohan
Wrath of Nazo is looking great at least
>watching anything but Dragon Ball Absalon
>Black and red color pallette
That's the most lazy and edgiest colour pallette. How the fuck this bald motherfucker doesn't realize he's pure radioactive cringe
Or Sonic
Which one?
Wtf Buu doing shit again is awesome
What do you think they're like when they're alone?
Today I shall remind them.
The effort put into tracing scenes constantly for this fanfic shit is both somehow impressive and extremely autistic.
Chadren the pedophile
About the same as they are in public, honestly. Neither of them is very good at hiding their emotions.
He'd look a lot better without the mullet
>one of the most muscular characters on the franchise
>dumb jihadists go for his physique
What do you think of the Moro arc right now? How about Moro as a villain?
>desperately Googled "Chadren" to find some weak, pathetic "ammunition" to use against Jirintellectuals
>look at those clown saiyans, do they really think they look good?
>pff, yeah look at that hair, pathetic.
LOL pedo
I'm really glad he's not another bald purple alien jobber like The arc seems like it's just getting started, so it's hard to say how good it is just yet. Moro is pretty cool, but he needs more character than just "RRARRGH I AM EVIL AND EAT ENERGY".
>the weak and pitiful whimpers of a beaten opponent
They both care about their appearances and reputation a whole lot though, so when they're alone there's nobody around to keep an image up for, it might be different.
>I'm really glad he's not another bald
Are you fucking blind?
Not an argument
Keep telling yourself that Cluckrenfag maybe one day your shitposting will have merit.
He's a goat you stupid fucking fat ugly virgin unwanted NEET autist.
>this is the new low of the anti-CHADrendogs
He is an anthropomorphic BALD goat
S-Shitlyspics...w-what is...what is THIS?! Oh fuck...Doglybros...I think we're done... It looks CHADren might really be...?!
That's true. Perhaps Vegeta's a little more submissive in private. He seems rather quiet whenever he's around Bulma.
Pick one. And lose some weight you fucking lardass fatfuck.
Get out of the internet kaioshin
>People of all races and nationalities know QUEERen is a terrible character
Truly pathetic. They take a preliminary napkin sketch as a desperate attempt to discredit QUADSren. Funny is in the show he has some huge thunder quads
>literally one country doing all the shitposting
Doglyfags are blind I see.
enter Chadren Heston
>all races
>literally 1 spamming sandnigger
Why don't you spam faggot porn again while you're at it?
shut the fuck up you ugly fatshit
>implying anyone here isn’t Mexican
>human form
>NO hair where it ought to be
Definition of BALD.
Cope Baldrofag
Nice projection btw
>literal proof that the anti-Jirenfag is a sandcrawler
>b-b-but Mexicans
I'm european on the inside
>b-b-but muh human form
He is a fucking GOAT, you cocksucking overweight morbidly obese NEET.
>mfw I'm an Americlap
>mfw QUEERenfags think only one person could possibly hate their husbando
o i am laffin
A mix between human and goat*
And a BALD one at that
>n-no I'm an AmeriCHAD I p-promise
Quiet, goatfucker.
Nice headcanon, fatty.
These shitlyspics love ignoring the rules don't they
Muy perro caca
Yeah there is, just make his hair turn yellow. Boom, hes relevant again
Isn't it fucking pathetic? They do it all the time, then they get banned, presumably curl up under their SHITly-themed blanket with their TURDly body pillow depicting a naked FAGly blushing over his absurdly small penis, cry until their ban ends, and then repeat the cycle.
>QUEERenfags have to obey board rules like the little bitches they are
Mow my lawn, Pedro.
>SHITlyfag blatantly admitting he breaks the rules
When you get banned, try not to commit suicide. It's fun watching you get BTFO time and again.
>Not even 1 hair on sight
Wring, she is for human cock
I think you are baing too based right now
>Manga Jiren is resolved, a hero, and solemn
>Anime Jiren spergs out, is basically a villain, and is completely unlikeable
>I-I'll report that CHADlybro so h-he can't hurt me anymore...oh man, I'm gonna start wetting the bed again...
The absolute state of WEAKrenfags.
>still wanting to try after getting BTFO last thread.
Sad. Jiren is very much the same in both versions. C0pe
>BTFO last thread
Nigger, you got reduced to bragging about how you knew boxing and Jiu-jitsu and could beat the other guy in a street fight.
>he thinks I need to report him for him to be banned
Oh, you silly LITTLE man.
Remember when flying was an advanced technique that Goku learned from god, and not some super power?
Pan is just that talented
>get BTFO by making a retarded analogy
>exposed manga Jiren's logic for being utterly retarded
>proven that they have the same traits in both mediums (i.e shooting the stands)
*mary sue
Remember when Kami was a God and not a slug?
Yeah, me neither. Dragon Ball ain't coming back, mang.
>tfw you realize that if the no killing rule didn't exist POWERFULren could've ended the ToP in a few seconds
Remember when OG was overrated tripe only touted as good by nostalgiaqueers?
This is now a KINOgeta thread
Based Jiren making Toeilards seethe
She isn't perfect. Just close to it.
>calling someone a nostalgiafag for pointed Toriyama's inconsistency
>using the anime to call OG dragon ball garbage
Get out
He still a god, just a a shitty and irrelevant one
>samefagging spic
Vegeta isn't that short
>>get BTFO by making a retarded analogy
The point stands that it's normal to feel conflicted about working to save yourself at the expense of others.
>>proven that they have the same traits in both mediums (i.e shooting the stands)
He does it on accident in the manga, he was aiming for Goku, not Goku's friends.
Thank you.
OG Dragon Ball was a boring-as-shit gag manga with only a few standout moments (notably King Piccolo vs Goku, Roshi vs Goku, Krillin vs Goku, and Goku vs Tenshitcuck). Z was always superior and anyone who says otherwise is either baiting or deliberately lying to themselves because they want to be accepted, even though every other retard won't accept them for not putting OG on a pedestal because they feel the same way. Cope.
Pic related is the only character that can save this franchise, change my mind
I loved Vegeta's killstreak on Namek.
It’s a shame that after all these years Z still hasn’t gotten a good sequel
Humans are irrelevant always
Maybe, if the show will ever get to him
Both of your statements are 100% truth.
Warned you I was smart at this.
No wants to see the DB series get blacked.
>no response
Toeimongrelspics in shambles over their shitty Jiren
Brb going grocery
>literally destroyed by his intellectual superior
>"I-I'm s-s-smart"
OG DB was a comfy and goofy adventure, if you think Z is better then you are a braindead spic who jerks off to fights
Gotcha senpai
Buy me some tortillas pls
>m-muh comfy
>muh adventure
Nice buzzwords you fucking nostalgia-blinded retard. Z was better in every way. Better characters, better story, higher stakes. Cope and concede.
>wanting store-bought tortillas
Imagine seething this hard.
Based Chadhan.
Enter chadren Heston
Who likes Pan?
>snickering and dismissing the juvenile shitposting of anti-CHADrendogs is "seething"
goodnight, sweet prince
C-C-Chadrenfags, please let us Brolyfags post once...you're always bullying us out of these threads...
I do miss the fantasy aspects and magical tone of DB. That may be why I'm enjoying more magical villains like Moro and Zamasu.
Uub will change that
Hopefully soon
This indian boy is the last hope of this franchise
Child molesters seething in this thread
>QUEERenfags vanish the instant CHADlygods look at them
>think they can bully anyone out of a thread
Fuck off, dog.
Now post them making out.
stupid nostalgia faggot spics
Why would you want to jump right into it like that? Enjoy the moments building up to it
I want to eat pan's pan
Goddamn it keep posting
Not even Toriyama likes what Dragon ball has become, you are the spic here
>n-n-no u
kneel you dog cuck.
what the fuck is this
I didn't say DB was better in every way, numbnuts. I just said I liked the fantasy aspects.
More damn it
Please don't bring real children into this.
uh huh mhmm, i accept your concession.
Reminder that ME, a high ranking Jirenbro, found that
>when all I said from the beginning was that I just missed the more magical aspects of DB
Quit pulling shit out of your ass.
Strongest bird in the multiverse
>s-s-stop BTFO'ing me p-please you're embarrassing me
think before you open your fucking dick deposit box of a mouth next time then.
A threesome would be nice
>Remember when Bejita bitched and cried for half an arc after this?
>hurr durr look at me I’m so le funni
could literally fuck her into the ground with one arm in base form, COPE
No thanks.
>what happens in the ToP stays there
CP posting Jobhanfags.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, dog.
Not enough physical contact
I'm bored. Debate me
As long as they make a time-skip once and for all, I don't really give a fuck.
Bloated jellylardass nigger chodechoker I’ll stick a knife right up your fucking cocksocket
Uub is a good boy
go back.
shut the fuck up you fat turboautist
Except he got rocked by her when he was a Super Sayian
I don't have a lot
The resemblance is truly uncanny.
Cumber is the best part of Dragon Ball Heroes, and should be a canon character.
I accept your concession.
>b-b-but 6 arcs ago
He is barely that.
Bitchnigger I’ll end your life you greasy mongoloid shiteating vermin
>edgy oc
shut up and kneel at my feet where you belong, dog.
What was that about his aura affecting people?
I take my concession back
go BACK, redditpup. your master commands you.
Not how it works, dog. Your master calls the shots. COPE AND KNEEL.
You could ask nicely.
C'mon, he could be good.
>Crazy aura energy claws are a fairly new power
>Would fit in as an evil counterpart to SSG
>Could be the villain for the Sadala arc
>Enjoyably savage personality, like the Kurgan from Highlander
Find more delicious PanxBraxMarron or I will END you
Dogs cant physically kneel
BOOM. My anatomy skills are through the roof
That was weird. His aura turns Goku evil when Goku attacks him, but he grabs Trunks by the throat and Trunks is just fine.
Foolish wretch. You are a dog in human form, a being beneath either canid or homo sapien.
Be careful user if you keep seething that hard you might go super Saiyan.
>all these anons slinging shit
This reminds me of the AOL days. Pretty soon you guys will start emote fights
>::::throws one thousand punches at you::::
You foul pedophile
Couldn't it be explained as it only corrupts pure Saiyans, and Halflings just don't have enough blood to be corrupted by his presence.
God, please don't give them any ideas.
Someone asked if I finished the pages a bunch threads ago but I don't know if he meant just the base color or the shading and I don't know which page he meant but here's this page
:::::::raises an eyebrow threateningly:::::::: you talking shit doglyfag?
when gohan will be cool again, come on
Oh, that could be it. Full-breed Saiyans likely have more bloodlust than half-breed ones.
And what are you? A book-worm cuck with no authority over his pets?
What is that Raditz is holding, looks like a jobber he should whip it into shape.
O-oh man...I j-just peed my pants...i-it's over Jirenbros...
A sagacious and illustrious master with a MOST perspicacious and effervescent knowledge of philosophy and esotericism. A superior being. A divine GOD to canid filth like you. BEGONE, pet. To your kennel at ONCE. Your master commands you.
Are you fucking 12?
Cope, my pet. Concede, my dog. KNEEL, my hound.
The seeth is palpable.
>Jobrentard spams pastas and edits
no one cares
>BasedCHADS post factual information based on canon and also how well the franchise is doing
Jobrenchode starts sperging
>beats the crap out of Goku, Piccolo, and Krillin
>blasts off Piccolo's arm
>Goku has to kill himself to stop Raditz
>beats Cell
>loses every other fight in the series
Holy shit, RADITZ is less of a jobber than Gohan.
And who the fuck is that?
Seems to me that all you do is spend your time yelling at dogs.
Who else?
>And who the fuck is that?
Everyone who isn't a chode, Jobhan is on thin ice for now.
Yeah, don't doubt the power of root vegetables, Raditz was fucking cool for what he was created for, I wish he got more time to shine though.
>Zamasu arc tier
Goku would still lose to Superman.
In base
>base Goku > Zamasu
Why do people listen to this cuck again?
He was a menacing villain, with a great design. It's kinda surprising that the hero's evil brother got rekt so quickly, though.
You'd think he'd wind up in the rival role, but I guess the high-class Prince Vegeta makes for a better foil to the country bumpkin Goku.
Remember, this is the dogposter's true identity
Because muh Goku stronger than comicz.
Everyone Goku fights is stronger than Stuporman!
He does look sagacious with the glasses though
Based RadCHADS
The dog biting the hand that feeds him...
>implying SeththeSpicGrammar feeds anyone but poor Mexicans
Yeah, even though I love Goku and Vegeta's rivalry and friendship it really feels like Raditz had potential to be more then just a one off villain, especially considering he's the MC's fucking brother, but what can you do, we'll have to settle for what we got from his short time in the foreground.
remind what base goku black's color palette was
>anti-Jiren spics are now resorting to literal CP
Fucking christ
He still has morals, he didnt even killed that giant monster thing in his universe.
If Jiren was bloodlusted, then yes, he would end everyone in seconds
Cooler in the movies, Cell in the anime/manga.
Get a 12 cents Jiren figure for free, find him on a dumpster close to you!
Not sure where Raditz would fit in the whole scheme of things, though.With Vegeta and Piccolo, there's no room for another rival, so could he be a recurring villain, the way Frieza has become?
Or would he fuck off for a few arcs, return stronger than ever, and take on our heroes? Like maybe after the Cell arc, Raditz has abused his Zenkai boosts to reach SS or even SS2, and decides to return for revenge? It's hard to say.
Yes, it will happen.
>even in toys he is TALL as fuck
>said Pedro Esposito, nervously straightening his Goodwill-bought tie and crunching a handful of Tic-Tacs to hide the taco scent on his breath as he strolled all five-foot-five inches of his glistening off-brown form into the local landscaping company for his job interview, hoping to secure wages that would allow him to pay for the one-room shack he shared with Guadalupe, Eduardo, Carlos, Manuel, Father Santiago, and Mama Tia
Yeah i don't like Goku black and Cumber. Any character that that has red and black clothes is an insta nope for me, they try to hard to be cool
>that cheap plastic piece of shit next to that masterfully-sculpted MUI GODku
I thought Goku Black's clothing went well with the Super Saiyan Rose form's pink hair, but I didn't like the look of his base form.
Are you sure you clicked on the right post to reply? Because none of those things apply to me.
Cope /toy/ retarded manchild
Unironically Time Breakers
>samefagging spic sobbing upon being called out
What did I miss
>post times
Come on, stop seeing spics everywere.
>b-b-but I phoneposted so it's not s-samefagging
Cope and drool at this sight
What a nice Paint edit, Spicdro.
fuck broly movie, it didn't have the most important character
CHADhan is too good to be part of this shitty series any longer.
Your paranoia is a beautifull sight to behold, please, do accuse me more of being a spic and supposed samefagging.
Frieza's crotch got more screen time than gohan
Neither post had a phone-based filename
>custom SHITren
Shitrentards can't post anything official or canon to save their miserable lives
>being this new
Paragus' taint got more screentime than Gohan.
Some retard posted cp and a Jiren falseflag and got nuked
>ASTUTErengeniuses possess the finesses, know-how, and intelligence to masterfully craft their own unique and personable figures
HOLY SHIT, I wish I was as talented as the Jirenchads
I found SS Rose to be a stupid at the beginning but then it grew on me, was surprisingly aesthetic, but I'm still not a huge fan of edgy Goku
>fanmade spicnimation
Chadren Hestonbros rise up!
CHADchad chad CHAD.
>Vegito SSBE KKx20
>barely a nosebleed
S T R O N Gren
this thread brehs...dbs cant go on like this
>sobbing TURDlyspic
>blood coming from his mouth
Hey UCB, how's it hangin'? Still whining like a little cunt? Yeah, of course you are.
>361 dogs
>51 kennels
Why is he pouting?
>QUEERencucks BTFO so hard they can't even form coherent sentences anymore
>spam CHAD in a desperate, futile attempt to reach CHADhood
Poor darlings.
>can't comprehend the superior diction and vast lexicon of the CHADrengeniuses
Truly, SHITlyspics are the lowest-IQ posters here.
I miss when the series was still airing
>jiren fights the newest power up
>overpowers it
>JOBly fights the newest power up
>gets RAPED without being able to land a single hit
>i-it's a CHAD language only we can understand
Jirencucks are so desperate.
>WEAKESTlymongrels have no argument
As usual. You cannot HOPE to mount an argument against such an intelligent and genius CHAD as myself and my fellow JirenGODS.
>QUEERenfags on the verge of resorting to dogposting
Facecuck cringe. Kys
>ZERO arguments
>not-dogposting is an argument
PREVIOUSly on Dragon Ball Z!
You better chill the fuck out
Did you just dare to give your master an order, you FUCKING contumacious dog?
Ancient saiyans arc
Timeskip where vegeta and goku are far away in one of the deleted universes and the other z fighters have to pick up the slack in their universes
Bra and Pan at goten/trunks current age and going on adventures/fighting.
>Really Triumphant HEROICren
You said it
No arcs, super is fucking trash and should end as soon as possible
I like you... a lot
Was there a mass deletion?
B-But...A-user-kun...we h-hardly know each other...
Still crying, UCB? Does it soothe your autism?
Yes, panspic got BTFO again
Chadren is too powerful to be killed by that
Hell. he could arguably survive Jobno's hakai, he was just out of stamina when U11 got erased
Was his month ban even up yet? Kek he probably just got hit with a permaban for ban-evading when his original ban was for ban-evading
Spic-canon the spic-post
We've been shitposting about Chadren the chad for months now. I know you more than my family
>Was his month ban even up yet?
How new are you
Beerus in Boruto?
But the Pan pictures are still up
A Brolyfag posted actual CP
>An evil Kai and the results of their tampering with Goku's body
Remember, GT was bad but its okay to recycle villains from AF lol
t. Zenocuck
Wasn't Hidan a servant of this god?
Black and Zamasu look better
I still don't get this scene, was Goku saying he knows Jiren still has fight in him?
rent free
FUCK ningen.
Black made pink look cool somehow
Would it be a bad idea if the wives taught Bulma how to fight? Not to be a main fighter or anything just enough to defend herself. I want a filler arc with the db girls
>filler for thots
Anything involving or based on CHADly is literally the hypest thing ever!
How does he do it?
Don't be so mean user.
Bulma is unique in that her technical skills are what made her useful to the story. It wouldn't help to make her a fighter as we already have several female fighters.
Literally kill yourself you ugly fat virgin.
Enter GoCHADta.
t. delusional Fagrenpedo
>some effeminate weak faggot jobber that belongs to a species that is supposed super strong yet has no feats
It goes with his effete Zamasu personality, which is really eerie when you combine it with the voice and body of a hick like Goku.
SSR is the most aesthetic Saiyan transformation in the series bar none
Quiet, little newfag
Said the overweight NEET that's been on Yea Forums for two whole months.
Black was too good for Super. We didn't even get a cool death scene for him, just Zamasu turning into Two Face from Batman Forever.
>d-d-did his ban expire yet guise? h-haha
Fucking summer I swear
>literally doesn't know how to check current bans
Holy fucking newspic.
Imagine the millions of abstract complex thoughts going through his head at that moment
kek how is this tiny jobbing FUCK even a member of the Gay Pride Toopers
A caveman would have more complex thoughts than DUMBren
Dont meddle in other people's convos you fucking ape
Based Sonybro
Keep quiet, dog.
He is their little cock whore
I did the math, super saiyan goku in super is about twice as strong as super saiyan 4 goku in gt
>I made up a bunch of headcanon numbers
Why don't you just call him Jiren?
>GAYlyqueers are obsessed with homosexuality
>CONSTANTLY sexualizing and thinking about Chadren
Obsessed, sad and disgusting faggots
Agreed. Looks better than SS, SS2, SSB, or any of them. Zamasu was stylin'.
I felt like Zamasu using the Potara Earrings was pretty in-character, though. He'd do anything to win, whether it was abusing Zenkais or stealing Goku's body or whatever.
If you're saying that the Spirit Bomb Sword was an asspull, I completely agree. Just have Goku use the spirit bomb, then he gives that energy to Trunks (plus his own), then Vegeta gives Trunks his energy, and then Trunks cleaves Zamasu in half with a beam-sword projected from his hand, like the one Zamasu used. Kill him with his own attack.
There's no system to the numbers anyway
>I did the math
>implying Pedro the Spic can do even basic addition and subtraction
>QUEERenfags get called gay
>n-no u
Poor little QUEERenfags.
>inb4 get BTFO and starts spouting "p-phoneposting"
>n-n-no u!
nope its all based on the following
super saiyan gt goku is roughly around super saiyan 3 goku from z from the fact that he compated General Rildo to majin buu
Freeza in his first form took out super saiyan gohan in super and we know the difference between his first form and his max 4th form in the namek arc is from 500k to 120m which is a 30x difference. That means freeza's 4th form in super is 30 times stronger than a super saiyan who fought evenly with goku in base.
So goku's base form is 30 times stronger than a super saiyan from z while goku from GT is roughly majin buu tier at super saiyan which is about only 8 times stronger than a super saiyan.
>zero evidence to the contrary
And, as usual, I claim victory over the sniveling dog.
As I said, headcanon.
none of that is head canon and is based on events that actually happened in the series
>p-please posts the picture proving you are not samefagging s-so I can call it fake and repeat the same process again h-haha
>arguments: ZERO
>QUEERen's power level: ZERO
>t-the difference between Freeza's forms is the exact same in RoF as it was in the Namek arc
Retard. Also his first form was 530k in the Namek arc, not 500k. And none of the shit from Super's anime is canon, i.e. the filler episode where Great Saiyacuck fights Goku nor the filler episode where Faghan boasts about a new ultimate transformation that literally doesn't exist and never happens.
literally refuses to post proof because it doesn't exist because he was caught samefagging and doesn't even have the basic MS Paint skills to pretend he isn't samefagging
Holy fucking DONE.
Yeah, the earrings were foreshadowed well in advance and worked within the story, I just feel that the overall execution of the ending was lacking like you said. Because of that, and with how they focused on Zamasu after the fusion, I feel that Black felt incomplete as a character, which is a shame as he was the best part of Super by far.
Concession accepted.
Go fuck a camel, sand crawler
to sum that up to make it more clear for everyone
it takes gt goku to go super saiyan just to be 8 times stronger than a z era super saiyan
while super goku is already 30 times stronger than a z era super saiyan at base
Blue Boy Scout > WakuWaku Man
>arguments: STILL ZERO
>KEKren's power level: STILL ZERO
Now call it fake, little bitch. Come one, do the old generic shitposting chain again. You predictable little cucko
>more broken ESL Spicglish and headcanon
>literally can't even crop
El Grande Padre Arc
Followed by El Hermano
>using words he doesn't understand
KNEEL before me.
Based and redpilled
Looks like CHADrenbros win again
Why do anti-Chadrenfags still fight back? We've literally never lost once.
Anyone that disagrees with anything I ever post is using headcanon and logical fallacies and shall be IMMEDIATELY discarded and have their concession taken
hold up the math was wrong the difference between 500k and 120m is 240 not 30, lol so goku in base in super is 240 times stronger than a super saiyan from z era haha which means super saiyan goku is 16 times stronger than ss4 goku
you could assume it doesn't scale up but to assume it would be weaker or stronger is the assumption as there is no proof either way. The only logical thing to assume is that it is the same as that is the only reference.
>made by a SHITren Hestonspic
Do I need to say anything?
Well I never thought of Black as a really seperate character from Zamasu after the reveal, so I guess Merged Zamasu's death felt like the end of Black for me as well. It's just that Merged Zamasu's death came about from several asspulls.
But Black and Zamasu were definitely the best parts of Super. They're the most serious villains it's had so far, and Zamasu having an actual motive and character arc really helped his character to shine. That's why I hope Moro develops a bit beyond "EVIL MOUSTACHE-TWIRLING WIZARD".
>there is no proof either way
Exactly, so stop acting like your retarded Mexicanon is fact, you fucking spic.
>literally fucked up the math the first time
>b-b-but my headcanon is right
Shut the fuck up and mow my lawn.
Your concession
Another concession on the way
Either way as in there is no proof that he scaled higher or lower than in namek. so why would you assume the scaling would not be the same? there is no proof.
>literally fucked up the math the first time
>b-b-but my headcanon is right
what head canon? Goku from gt stated quite clearly where he and Rildo measured up and freeza's first form did take out a super saiyan in super. That is really all you need to make an assessment of their powers.
Yo!! Akira Cuckiyama & Friendsvfinally kick the bucket!!
W-we're done for, Jirenbros....w-we should just kill ourselves...
To me, it felt like they were hinting at differences between Black and Zamasu, the most important being that Black didn't want to be immortal.
That sort of went with Zamasu's whole character arc though. For all his hatred of mortals and proclamations of divinity, he's becoming more and more vulgar and human himself, turning on his fellow gods, enjoying fighting, and wanting power for its own sake. By the end he's just a shrieking, mutant maniac.
Huh? Does my lexicon intimidate you? You brainlet
That arc really was great. I agree with you on the whole, especially with how Moro develops. We can hope for the best.
It's been fun actually discussing DB with someone.
Thanks, mang. Seeya next thread.
You have no proof and you must scream.
Thanks Pan user.
It was added to by many anons.
ok so currently, he got absolutely devastated by jiren, and even more currently he got absolutely devastated by moro
i haven't seen broly, but i'm pretty sure he got absolutely devastated by broly in that