Post your tier list of the best and worst characters from JoJo here:
JoJo Parts 1-6 Character Tier List
>someone spent the time making this bait-tier list
Is this in terms of characterization of likeability?
As much as I love JJBA, most of the characters before part 6 are dogshit.
why even include all the literally who stand users from parts 3 and 6? or the animals?
>dios shitty hawk not Best-tier
trash list kys
>Before part 6
>Implying part 6 characters aren't dogshit.
Part 6 has really bad characters, too. Maybe the worst in all of JoJo.
Abbachio and Jonathan are better than everyone in their tier.
Fuck you OP look at all the shit at the bottom two tiers. Instead you could've added part 7 characters I can add to the top 3 rows.
B-but it wasn't mine to make.
P.S. Jobber henchmen in A tier is a no-no.
Jolyne "McSaggyTits" Kujo in Best is literal cancer tier.
It's a fucking bird with no development. What the hell did you expect?
>Forever in worst tier
>Alessi in worst tier
How can somebody have an opinion this fucking wrong.
> Foo Fighters in C
> Kakyoin and Nero only in B
clearly a bait tier list
At least Kakyoin and Nero were helpful to the plot. Foo Fighters was literally a human dressed in plankton.
They're both pedophiles that stalk on kids. Who even likes them? Plus, they have arguably some of the worst fights in Part 3 (well, save for Forever).
> Dio, Speedwagon and Jotaro in "best"
Nice bait
Fuck off
Stroheim is also a best tier but i couldn't find him
Fuck off with your inane faggotry
He should be in worst tier
This is just how I like them
r8 and h8 m8s
>using "8" for the "ate" sound in 2019
>renaming "best" tier to "le based and redpilled"
>fucking Coco Jumbo is in there along with Stroheim, meme man Joseph and Speedwagon of all people
>hating on my boys Giorno and Hayato
>Abbacchio and Doppio that low.
Underage memelord with shit taste. Fuck yourself
>speedwagon lol XD
i've only read up to the end of part 4 and i've probably forgotten a few, but sure
>Underage with shit taste. Fuck yourself
no u
>>hating on my boys Giorno and Hayato
The worst characters of their respective parts, especially Hayato, he ruined everything related to Kira and the end of DiU
Hayato saved fucking Part 4 from the boredom that was Josuke
What's so bad about Speedwagon
only real choice
you missed one in worst that goes above
based and furrypilled
Don't really care for the rest to be honest
He's a shit so you fuck off. Ungalo was the only noteworthy son of DIO, besides Giorno (who never gets mentioned again because Araki didn't care/forgot).
Diavolo is actually really good villain.
"Worst" is just bad. I don't think any jojo character is really terrible at least compared with other animes.
But he looks gay
The only objectively wrong opinion in this thread
It's interesting to see this thread pop up on the same day I randomly decided to do ALL THE FUCKING PARTS. It took me FUCKING 4 HOURS to finish this.
The horizontal sorting is 99% chronological (part 1 goes first) and then alphabetical within the same characters in the same tier list.
t. anime-only fag who just realized he doesn't really like jojo very much
whats your reasoning with trish?
How does Yea Forums have such terrible taste in Jojo simultaneously
My taste is good
I only did some but
>kakyoin in B
Are you fucking braindead
That's a pretty good placing though
I agree that it has bad characters, but I never really saw character development until this part (especially with Jotaro and Jolyne)
Any list that has Bruno anywhere high goes immediately in the trash
This but with speedwagon and part 2 joseph.
High means the character's good
Rest of the characters go somewhere between A and Worst
>hating based Josuke
Worst JoJo
This chart is one of the saddest and most cynical things I've seen - if the person who made it is capable of having a single original or charming thought or opinion, it certainly didn't come across here. Note how highly rated the meme characters are - 'Perfect waifu xD' Speedwagon in Best, 'Milf Hunter Kakyoin xD' in B. If you tried to have a conversation with this person, it would not be fun or interesting in any way.
These are all weird and interesting - you can tell that people read and enjoy the manga instead of listing 'Prominent characters from early parts > All other characters'.
Based Squadrachad
Fun fact: In Argentina we have our very own secco soda