How was this week's episode?
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
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Good enough.
The ending saved it
>Kevin Penkin
That explains why the tracks sounded familiar.
It was good.
The blood sacrifice was very toned down, low quality, and really missed the mark.
The casting was spot on, but the fucking bear trap on a chain was silly and completely ruined the mood.
I was 100% sure they were going to censor the blood sacrifice after what they did in episode 15 but i was wrong.
I liked it despite the ugly cgi.
I'm still worried about how they'll handle next episode.
I didn't know the queen was into JoJo
god i wish she was my queen
Literally the only good thing about this series
It was shit look here Great casting, but the jaws themselves were cartoony and disneyland tier.
Here I made an image.
That tummy gave birth to two daughters. Think a second about it.
That fact that she isn't actually a part of the harem annoys me to no end.
Look at that fucking body.
You could get AT LEAST 5 more children out of it no effort required.
Mother of all fuck anime needs more active milfs.
I would put at least 5 daughters more on it
Shield demon and his brainwashed monster thralls literally murdered Jesus this episode. These creatures stop at nothing. They hate our freedom.
Luckly our Bro spear hero wont be fooled by his devilish tricks! Even the queen under his influence!
Let's not forget how he mind controlled other heroes in this battle to make them believe the pope was evil and attacking them, in reality pope was trying to defend the civilians that were on their pilgrimage.
>next episode will be her last
it's not fair.
I would plant 7 more seeds inside her.
I don't remember the pope shit taking this long in the manga cause goddamn did the last 3 episodes feel wasteful.
Also the "Other heroes besides shield bad and none of shield heroes friends like them" is getting annoying since they did it 3 ep in a row and it doesn't effect them at all.
Why does she react like that to the metal plate being pushed on her chest?
Sensitive nipples
Oh, I see. Pretty hot.
Tentacle lining.
Problem is all the consistent problems like retarded heroes never go away. In fact, manga's solution is to just throw even more overpowered characters at Shield Hero while the other three fuck off somewhere.
>manga's solution is to just throw even more overpowered characters at Shield Hero while the other three fuck off somewhere.
Well, is called SHIELD HERO user, not THE FOUR HEROES.
Shit. Everytime this show gets interesting it falls back into generic boring shit
No worries, it won't get interesting anymore.
the queen looked like THAT?
i would make her my queen and matepress her
>ftw that shit king fucker her at least twice
was this scene really necessary?
>queen shows up, great fitting music
>blood sacrifice jaws music is meh, while at least iron maiden music was spot on
what is happening, did they run out of budget?
VERY necessary
literally malty with lila hairs
But why the fuck did he use it?
Why did he seem surprised that he transformed into a fountain?
The queen was there
The pope was trapped
They could've finished him with "normal" attacks from all party members.
Didn't he read the skill-description?
Did he just decide to try out this new cool skill?
by normal attacks you mean the other 3 shitter heroes?
They have proven to be incompetent and he has to clean it up even though his main niche is defense.
I like the manga version of the fight better but I won't lie the casting of Cathedral and illusion was pretty dope. Although I wish they still had the doppleganger scene from the manga, I feel like they're trying to rush to the next wave and end the season on that since the sea Temple hour Glass and scythe vassal is in the op
In the LN
>The pope was charging Brioniac
>Naofumi knows he can't tank it
>Queen uses that ice prision on the pope
>Iron maiden is a slow as fuck chained skill and he had no time
>Blood sacrifice is a more quick, direct skill but he never used it so he tries it without knowing what was the cost.
>by normal attacks you mean the other 3 shitter heroes?
>They have proven to be incompetent and he has to clean it up even though his main niche is defense.
But they already did work together to some success during the battle. There was no reason to go solo.
Even if the battle would've not ended right then.
The queen could've cut him off from his mana supply and thus enable them to easily defeat him.
And why the fuck did he have to die anyway?
maybe the queen would've liked to put him on the stand and prosecute him.
He probably would've gotten the death penalty anyway. But at least it would've let her demonstrate the power of the queen, deterring others from trying the same.
By killing him he just became a martyr, which could spawn copy-cats.
I'm probably reading too much into it. But it just seems retarded from every angle.
shit as always
>Wrath Shield III
>not being able to tank brionac
>when he was barely able to with Shield of Rage II
idk user, it probably was some other skill
Ah, thanks.
So it's basically a combination of him being retarded and the studio failing to visualize a sense of urgency.
Cathedral wasn't a thing and the illusion skill only made it so people around the pope would look like him.
Do you just come here to shitpost or genuinely subjected yourself to 20 episodes of something you don't enjoy
Why can't it be both?
It was okay I guess, but holy shit did they really need to drag out this fight over 3 episodes, specifically since the way they dragged it out was by literal recaps.
>the illusion skill only made it so people around the pope would look like him.
Didn't the pope use the Illusion skill so the heroes couldn't target him with their skills?
While the effect was on, Naofumi couldn't target him. You can see his little target circle derping around his UI.
it was definitely better than we've been getting sure hope it gets even better
in the LN, not the anime. Didn't you read that cathedral was not a thing there?
My bad. sorry.
KC's adaptations of almost all the fights so far were disastrous
>Zombie dragon
>The fat slave owner
>Filo vs Fitoria
And now the pope with a 3 episodes battle with everyone just standing there talking 90% of the time.
>tries to overthrown the crown of a kingdom
>sacrifies his own followers to attain his goal
>gets brutalized
>"aaaaaaa why is this happening to me"
I don't know, you tell me.
To be honest the pope 'fight' was more about recaps and going 'it's been a long journey bro' which is why it took so damn long.
Is he ok
>'it's been a long journey bro'
They should have had Don't you (forget about me) play during the credits
Yes, he's just in a tight spot there.
My cute son (female)
next ep should be the best one
I've been waiting so much for next week's episode. They better not fuck it up.
90% chance they will fuck it up
The best kind of son, but he needs to quit being embarrassed and not worry about not wearing a shirt.
Reminder that there's a stream tomorrow with the seiyuu, they are going to talk about future plans
what's the next step of their master plan?
huge expectation, big disappointment
really like the show, and was hyped every fucking week, but now it's pure dog shit
why the fuck did he job so hard?
the 3 other jobbers could have been him easily when he was frozen
she'll lose her shame after enough dickings
Welp I said fuck it and pre-ordered her nendo
Now to wait until november
Forgot pic
>tfw I pre-ordered both 1/7 and nendo.
Send help please.
that was fucking brutal
Buyfaggotry is one hell of a drug
Still the best anime this season.
in the LN the pope was trying to escape, the heroes were out of MP and the queen soldiers got BTFO
Yes, Sonzai X sent him to another isekai.
>Vagina neck
Wait a minute, how many bageenas does she have?
crashing this thread. WITH NO SURVIVORS
Oh right there's the stream.
With the Incarnation,the pool of blood,the intensity and rage I was expecting an unread dragon or something worse than iron maiden. but we got a bear trap. Close enough
Well she actually loves her family(Bitch included) so she's still very loyal. It just cemented the king as a man of culture since he actually married her when she was a fucking loli.
The LN did say it was like a bear trap with multiple sets of teeth.
One of the few circumstances where NTR isn't just well applied, it should be mandated by law.
In a spear hero loop where this ends up instead in a civil war, the queen makes melty queen and marries her to naofumi, who now becomes the king of melromarc.
Why are all religious people insane and dangerous? The heroes really did their world a service by getting rid of that monster.
Do you think she has several boy toys that pleasure her since her husband is senile and probably can't even get hard anymore
Would be nice if Raphtalia weren't rotting on a cage
Pope did nothing wrong, he just realized that this new batch of heroes were a bunch of retards
i like how literally the entire Pope battle didn't matter and none of what the other 3 heroes did mattered at all
it was basically just 'welp this battle has gone on long enough let me whip out my deus ex machina and insta-kill the pope'
His stupid church caused a schism in the world's political state and turned the 4 heroes against each other.
muh dick
Just fart it out
I'm getting tired of the MC being OP. I was hoping that at some point, they'd all work together and each contribute something, but all it looked like was Naufomi's skill doing all of the work...again. And worse, in typical edgelord all black, rage shield, blood sacrifice, OP fashion. Why do we need the other 3 again?
this is anime, what kind of question is that?
I think they all end up unlocking their edge lord weapons at some point.
>I'm getting tired of the MC being OP. I was hoping that at some point, they'd all work together and each contribute something, but all it looked like was Naufomi's skill doing all of the work...again. And worse, in typical edgelord all black, rage shield, blood sacrifice, OP fashion. Why do we need the other 3 again?
Uh it's a bog standard generic isekai user. Holy shit you were actually expecting MC-kun to ever NOT dominate, while ALSO expanding his harem of smoking hot bitches at the same time yet STILL maintaining a humble demeanor and facing only CHALLENGES FROM WITHIN? You're in the wrong genre pal.
As punishment for your crimes I decree that you shall become an offering unto cock, foolish sinner!
By the shaft of the dick form my flesh and blood scream in pain as you are fucked into oblivion!
>mfw no queen gf
So Naofumi can't remove his shield at all, even when he sleeps. Does that mean Motoyasu has to sleep holding his spear? For some reason this has been bothering me.
I want the queen to kick me in the face with her stinky bare feet.
B-But I'm not a little girl
IIRC he can make his spear really small
Nooo, how can this be happening to me~
>tfw no tanuki gf
>he doesn't self insert as the overpowered edgelord who somehow has a harem of cute girls following him
I think you might be on the wrong website.
The only good thing about the anime so far has been the OST. It's pretty good. Aside from that though, it's an absolute shit adaptation
Well when you have Kevin Penkin doing it, of course the OST will be good.
Yeah they can change their weapons i to less cumbersome things
Poor background-kun
It still sounds annoying as fuck to literally never be able to cast your weapon aside
Naofumi was right, everyone in Melromarc are fucking pedos/lolicons
Truly a country of culture
reminder Naofumi bangs (is raped) by pic related
Their heros are neet gamers, what else did you expect?
is she another hero like King?
kind of
how can racoon ever compete?
Melty got some bright future ahead
>second recap episode in a row, in the middle of the same fight
>same exact problems the fight had in the last episode happen again
honestly, I'm over it, I may finish watching, I may not, I don't really care
so she is oneesan, got it, and here I was wondering how long it would take to become full haremshit, seems like not much
No, but she becomes one. Her little sister becomes a holy hero in glass's world.
God I wish she would rape me
Pretty bad desu. Generic le epic final battle with OP music playing.
She got to suck on those tits after all
Cucktalia can't do anything against that
Three weeks for them to fight the Pope, and barely anything even happened fight wise, it was all flashbacks and chitchat, they literally did the "You guys took too long and now my attack is charged" twice. TWICE. This show stalls so fucking hard. The parts that were more interested were even shown in the most uninteresting way, like its implied that Naofumi while having his mental fit was fighting his team, but we didn't even get to see that happen.
This fucking show, Yea Forums.
>Those perfect oppai fed two daughters.
I don't speak japs
Please anyone sub it
why is this royal family so fucking hot. Clearly her offspring take after her. Poor thing, that old fool is too infirm to satisfy her, she needs some good rough dicking, preferably by me.
5 hours and 35 minutes to go now.
where is stream's like
link? here
I completely agree, the pacing is just so goddamn awful. I had to skip the flashback scenes because it's always the same shit
>collaboration only aviable in japan
Fuck this gatcha shit i want my money back
which game?
Crash fever
>Episode 21 PV
Wtf Is she gonna be executed for real?
its just a wet dream he is having, the camera will pan down to his crotch and youl see him full mast wet
Two recap episodes in a row. Wow. Can we go for three?
I wish
next episode will be "remember all the shit you did"
There ya go
>he doesn't watch miru tights
Did they really just waste three fucking episodes on battling this no name unmemorable pope character?
queen mommy is my heroine
Livestream in t -30 minutes
Bisca T. Balmus is the Pope of the Three Heroes' Church, and the Apostle of God himself, but I see you would not care, Tate no Akuma.
Why am I still watching this garbage?
the manga and light novel are actually a lot better. for some reason they don't make me cringe when i read through the same scenes as the anime.
the manga is on mangadex.
light novel is on the translated english literature section of "nyaa si" torrent site.
Stream is starting
It's on
This one and the last one had way too much talking and standing around.
Give me the link tripfag
I can't understand shit
Announce season 2 already bitches
i concur.
Kek your stalker is not in the live stream, tripfag
Well, that was a whole load of nothing. Not that we ever expected something out of the news that would come, right guys?
>no season 2
I guess it didnt do that well in china and us
I don't think they would announce an S2 this early, parhaps at the end of the anime.
Expecting a slime here is unrealistic, considering that one is super popular.
god, she's ugly
It was the second most watched anime in china on winter only behind kaguya.
So another collaboration with some game, huh?
said game isn't in the western world, unlike crash fever.
Didn't watch, there was no dub these past two weeks
>watching dubs
Well seems like we are actually getting the name change
oh man I just found this gif I saved here when I didn't even know what Shield Hero was
Who cares? After the Raphtalia hug, the story is boring trash.
that sucks
It did well in the first half but kinda fall off in the second half
Bilibili rating shows Shield hero is the worst rating when compare to other popular shows in winter
After Raphtalia hug this happened.
And this.
>he is seduced by the darkside
>saved by the power of friendship
I mean, since episode 3 I watch this shit for laughs and because I have nothing better to do, but I can't even laugh anymore. It's straight up boring now.
How the fuck did this shit becamse so popular.
We'll never know.
I only have total number of views so idk how it went through time. And the score was an 8.2 wich yeah, is lower than the 9+ shows in the top 10 but is a good score nonetheless.
*saves your season*
Great potential from the first 3 episodes. From there is a dying whimper.
It was not that popular before the anime
Slime is still the king of isekai trash followed by Overlord, Konosuba and Re:Zero
Kadokawa animated this because of Crunchy's advice and to test new markets.
While the LN sales increased, the BD/Dvd sales were mediocre.
I guess the experiment is by now a failure.
Well, I like Overlord LN and Konosuba anime tbqh.
For me Shiet Hero is like not even comparable to those in terms of creativity, characters, plot, etc.
Shield Hero is pretty edgy story (even more in the WN) and the anime took most of that away because of reasons.
The direction was fine in the first episodes but shit the bed in the second cour.
>8.2 wich yeah, is lower than the 9+ shows in the top 10 but is a good score nonetheless
You have no idea how the Chinese rate things. Even the worst rated movies on Maoyan (Chinese movie rating website) are 4+/5. If you think the memes of "9/10 it's okay" is skewered, you should look at Chinese ratings. They rate absolute garbage they hate high, no matter what the medium is.
>Take away the edge tat makes this anime good.
>hurr why isn't it doing as good, as the source material
Are the big shots really this stupid?
>show old guy getting crushed to death but don't show Raphtalia stabbing the fat bastard like in the manga
"Raphtalia, if you stab someone but don't kill them you'll just be as bad as his torturing and killing dozen of child slave. Oh by the way, I'll just go ahead and kill this guy right here and I'm not evil or bad at all."
>no season 2
>No Sadeena animated
>ratings and sales are not that great
Welp, i guess the ride is over.
Well Naofumi HAD to kill the pope, otherwise the pope would kill everyone, including Naofumi's wife and daughter.
Killing the fatguy wasn't really necessary.
there's always the manga and light novels, the anime isn't a good adaptation anyways aside from the ost and the endings
Mostly because the adaptation is forced to be toned down because of TV stations/Kadokawa itself to adapt to the international market
>let fat lord go
>he is unrepentant and continues to torture and kill demis
At least the queen will have enough power to have the pope locked up.
Great, now all you have to do is read the Manga, LN and WN.
A father and his racoon child.
I'm reading the manga already, but I'm already reading another couple of light novels so I'd rather wait until I finish with those
>season 2
that would be in a third season.
That happens later on in the LN though.
So chinks are the same as Yea Forums.
That's anime only trash, LN/WN/manga Naofumi would never do that as he understands that revenge is the way for Raphtalia to heal.
Fatguy dies by his own hand later on though.
All Raphtalia need to heal is Naofumi to Kiss her.
Yes and no. Gaming websites/journalists rate games 9/10 but Yea Forums would say they're shit 1/10 games. The Chinese rate things themselves and always give things a high score even if they're garbage. I think it's culturally rude for them to rate things low or something. 4/5 or 8/10 is the lowest they'll rate things even if they hate it.
So next episode is the Bitch and Trash punishment episode, I want to see if they go by the LN punishment or by the very light manga punishment.
I'm so glad Naofumi managed to learn the "Absorb the Pope's Phoenix Bird Attack and then Fling it Back at Him" Shield at the last moment. Such a greatly written series.
That's not what he did, he deflected it.
Bitch will be forgiven because no season 2
Screencap this
doesn't seem to be the case according to the pv
I think subbed might look a little bit better.
I know, the music for the queen entereing was great and fitting, the casting animation and music was good.(anybody got a longer version?)
But then the disney tier shit dragon bear trap with a chain comes out and the music is meh and everything just falls apart.
>bd/dvd sales are a failure
Comsidering you can only get them in japan. The metric for success in international waters is streaming.
Speaking of music, it's really hard to enjoy the music when the episode is paced so weird. The fight was stretched 3 episodes, so you hear the music cut out quite a bit. The music was made with the intention of lasting through a battle, so you hear the music hit a high note, and then all of a sudden it pauses and the characters start talking again. Then the fight restarts and the music starts back up, just to end with the characters talking again. If the entire fight was 1 episode, the music would've been so much better. The constant breaks in the action was pretty jarring.
Honestly looking at the series, you can see first episodes being high quality, great pacing, everything is great. Then as time goes on, quality goes down, pacing goes out the window.
Really feels like they started off with enough money and are now trying to finish off the season on fumes.
I think it has to do with the anime not having a great place to end at. And it's rare for anime to end on a non-conventional number of episodes. It's 12/13 or 24/25, making it really hard to pace things right. If the anime was 22 episodes the pacing would be good. Or if they added an episode or two of filler content so things get paced properly. The animation is good, the music is great, but together it's not very good due to the pacing. The have all the right pieces, it's a shame the pace isn't.
I remember months ago i said the pope fight would end by episode 16.
oh boy how wrong i was.
Am I the only one who laughed really hard on this scene? Fucking unironic comedy.
>Naofumi nearly dies
>The queen tells him everything and apologies to him
>The queen orders the execution of myne and the king
>Naofumi's heart wavers
He's going to stop the execution.
this is why japanese age standards suck ass.
this 40-year old sexmonster probably works out and practices battlemage techniques when we aren't seeing her brood or talk to her shadows.
explains the fully formed figure. she could probably outfuck every single one of us.
>in Stocks.
it wold be cool if any man in the kingdom could pay 3 silvers to walk up behind her and rail their choice of ass or cunt.
this is unbearably painful to watch, I only keep up at this point to see Malty get what she deserves
watching Shield Hero was a mistake and I can't forgive myself or that e-celeb Gigguk for convincing me
imo ending it at the name change would have been the best place
>naofumi gets his revenge
>king and bitch their punishment
>even if there isn't a season 2 you still get a semi open end
Instead they are going to rush the hell out of the island arc while already wasting 3 eps on the pope
>not rewriting it so Nao and Raph go back to actual Japan.
>and Raph
No. Original WN ending is the only true ending that fits with the themes the author had been building up to that point.
Then make spin off shorts of Naofumi and Raphtalia living in Japan
>>not rewriting it so Motoyasu and Filo go back to actual Japan.
How can anyone watch this raped adaptation?
Now only is it raped, it's constantly mutilated.
No, but that QUALITY face he had while casting the Sacrifice actually made me laugh.
Because I enjoy it.
Just watching Raphtalia is enough for me.
I take it as a compliment to the novel as I enjoy some aspects of it like the ost and Raphtalia being cute
I meant complement
>hurr the church bad!
because of lazy writing
>muh ebul church cliche
Christ-cuck seething
you're no different from those sheep that were giving the pope mana
baah baah the sheep cried in unison
"church baaahd, church baaahd"
keep seething
>listening to e-celebs
>Pope declares you evil
>prove him wrong by splattering your blood everywhere and consuming his soul with a giant demonic venus flytrap thing
the devil of the shield really showed them
what happens in the manga
>trash and bitch get dragged before the queen
>naofumi demands the death penalty
>queen talks him out of it
>renaming happens
what we'll get in the anime
>queen orders death penalty on her own
>naofumi goes along at first, happy
>goes "if i kill them ill be just like them" and saves them in the last second
>he holds a speech about morality, like a perfect, stainless hero should
>forgive and forget xD
i swear, this is all just teaser, we'll get meme'd again. screencap this
>Naofumi's heart wavers
>He's going to stop the execution
pls no
>Malty joins the party
>second season is her redemption arc
>t-thanks crunchy
No, No NOOOO thats fucking terrible and cringy, at the very least HE should order the execution.
god god, I think I am going to be sick.
They tried to make it the climax of the series but it was pretty average.
Should have kept loli Raphtalia, fuck character development. Filo at least became interesting character after meeting Filo queen.
Whole part after Glass fight was weak in comparison to before. Melty looked like a third wheel in the part the entire time.
Melty is kind of a third wheel, and she's leaving now anyway
Again with the male sacrificial role model?
I bet he was protecting some important shit and epic music played and everyone sasugaed him and in the end he was gravely injured from all the protecting but not really.
He's the shield demon after all
So looks like Fitoria already knows about the curse shield.
Does that means the past Shield Hero used to use the Curse shield too and died because it?
Does the church of the shield try to kill the 3 heroes ever?
As far as LN goes that shield hero is not the previous one, there were several other shield heroes after him.
And we don't know if he unlocked a curse series or how he died, but he should have unlocked it after what he went through.
>Character's trait is that he has no offense so he gets a companion to do that for him
>He gets abilities that can be used offensively and are strong as fuck
>Also can just O MY CURSED SHIELD and trash his enemies
>I'm not even talking about him using counters either
I am disgusted just reading this already.
Thanks for nothing you nigger.
Rapthalia has been kinda useless since the Nue fight too i think, most of the spotlight falls on Firo, and ironically Raccoon girl that was supposed to be a sword of the dude, is actually getting the brunt of the damage all the time, and mostly because her master goes all O MY ATTACKING SHIELD SKILLS.
manga is not the source you shitstain
dropped months ago but is thumbnail just knockoff berserker armour?
She has her training arc with granny later
no problem, but your thanks should go to KC for mutilating this adaptation. i'm just helping to keep the expectations low based on what we were presented by them.
whats up with the bull posting in isekai threads anyway? never really got it
Does she learn kung fu
>whats up with the bull posting in isekai threads anyway? never really got it
Me neither, i just find it funny
Man, if only they could write a story where character gets stronger in more organic way, and not some gay training arc that make them super strong until something stronger shows up anyway.
I mean, she does get stronger level-wise with the rest of the team when they're at the island, but her techniques pretty much stagnate, necessitating granny training
I guess its just kind of a tradition at this point, like the "by me" in gochiusa threads
She does learn a bit of CULTIVATION!
>shield hero
pick one
That's cool, she should call it coon-fu though
Can you honestly name a series that does what you're describing? Most of the time characters start out at their peak.
sorry but there's nothing else good this season.
Carole and Tuesday is actually good. And if you want action series you are better of watching Kimetsu no Yaiba anyway.
imagine being this braindead
>Carole and Tuesday is actually good.
if you're a 12 year old girl.
>And if you want action series you are better of watching Kimetsu no Yaiba anyway.
I like it but all that 3D is off-putting.
>Carole and Tuesday is actually good
Its still pretty weak as far as Watanabe series go, still better than Zankyou no Terror but its not like that's a high bar to clear.
>unironically saying carol and tuesday is good.
Dog Days i guess. Sure, main character comes in as already plenty strong, but something is always at stake there as there are other plenty strong people also. And i don't remember any dumb training arcs that weren't comedic in purpose, as matter of fact i can only remember dummy trio getting one. Albeit it was a long time ago that i watched it.
I'm watching Carole and Tuesday but its pretty meh so far, I did like some stuff like the amateur music video though.
Shield Hero, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Dororo and Saranzanmai (imo the best anime from this season) are all I'm enjoying, although I still have to check the fox one
Sarazanmai is also my favorite, even if only because of its strong stimulating visual direction, it's just fun to watch even if story makes little to no sense so far.
Senko san is prime pandering show in the same vein as any other shows that makes you think
>wish i had that
Frankly i find it quite boring, it's not comfy enough like Yuru Camp, and has little no comedy.
>Senko san is prime pandering show
Yeah it seems to be clearly directed at the depressed salaryman demographic which is kind of what put me off from watching but the cute fox kinds of tempts me
It's way too cliche. How about having a serious world with actual lore and nuance and not just overly simple mental control grids?
Seems like neither the Nips nor the Whiteys can do it these days.
If you are not tired of those types of shows, the fox is plenty worth it i guess, she is really cute. I wouldn't really call it bad either, the fact that dude has literal god taking care of him allows me to suspense my disbelief enough to be able to watch it without many problems aside from occasional yawns.
It doesn't make me fucking angry like Wotakoi did, fuck that show.
I'll probably end up watching it tomorrow
Why did it piss you off? I remember finding it enjoyable
I found it cynical in wanting me to yearn for something unattainable while people who made it sat above me and laughed at me, dandling this unreasonable bait in front of my face, while chanting the dreaded
>wish you had that, huh
The problem i had is that shows like senko and especially Yuru camp are relaxing to watch and i mostly come out refreshed after watching them, and Wotakoi makes me miserable.
It made me angry, because setting is generally realistic unlike the one in senko, but you know fully well it's trying to sell you a dream that is actually no more realistic than a 800 yo demigod loli fox coming to nurse you. And i can't stress enough that it feels as if authour is trying to put a leash on you and train to do funny tricks. Hell, this shit might be like this because i am kinda fucked up in the head, who knows.
But enough of this blogging shit, it's time for yuropoors to tuck in to bed.
I wish I could be in an isekai. Then I could be a cute loli wanting mcs dick too
Oh yeah I get it
Good night user
user, that's not how it works.
b-but shield hero has awful cgi in every episode
El Holmes Lechoso.
based myne wins again
What's worse is that she'll just flaunt that she "got off easy" while the paries of the heores are waiting for the heroes to come from their conference.
So, she could have easily been shield heros companion. Why did she fuck him over again?
Because then the series couldn't be called "the rising of the shield hero
>naofumi purges his curses and wicked desires by ravaging Bitch's mouth and blowing his load all over her scowling face
>she becomes his facefuck companion while coon hiss and growl because naofumi-sama not fucking her
>dumb birb just happy to have cart to pull
Based bird always wins
>creampies coon
>forces bitch to eat it
>not having a giant furry orgy
El hermano del escudo
Seriously. With the queen, the pope and mutant chickens being this powerful the heroes are pointless.
All they have to do is grind.
there are stronger people outside of Melromarc and in the other worlds
so... is Melromarc like a starting town with low level zones to grind?
Melromarc is retard town.
Monsters give you EXP and increase your power but instead of grind the people spend their time being racists fucks and daydreaming about their old war glories while a retard leads the country towards its own destruction rising death flags against other powerful nations.
This is not fair bros, how I am supposed to buy them all if they're being released one after the other.
No way, I want to see pigbro matepressing skills (wait, is it too early for that?).
You can still preorder naofumi and raphtalia nendo for a few more days.
Disappointing. As always.
people like you don't read the WN, that's why you don't know.
That's not happening in the LN. Everyone knows that much.
She's a Cult of the Three Heroes fanatic and wanted to ruin the Devil of the Shield. She would never work with Naofumi for any reason other than self-preservation.
I think it's less fanatic and more, someone with chronic backstabbing disorder.
Reminds me of a certain someone who really really likes revolvers...
Oh yeah he was murdered by some yandere, I guess that would scar you for your afterlife.
He half right, the first image after “the source” was from the LN illustration, should have separate it with the rest to a separate group for the manga
The chinese started flooding with 1 star reviews after episode 15, and has been like this since then, there's a nice fandom shitshow there. And still every day it airs is still at the top 3, and pulling the same views the day it airs as carole and tuesday wich is the most favorite/viewed show this season there.
>The chinese started flooding with 1 star reviews after episode 15
Was it because of Raphtalia not killing the noble?
Nah, they probably saw the fat guy and thought he was whinnie the pooh or something.
kek, gotta earn those social score credits
The reviews i see there are complaining about the predictability of the plot, that Naofumi is "not cool enough" but mainly that everyone is an idiot. Almost the same as here lol
>complain about the show
>but they also literally can't stop watching it
Yep, basically the same as here
>Asking people to read the WN
Don't send them down that rabbit hole user that's torture or do and tell them only version 1 of the ending exists
>I'm getting tired of the MC being OP.
He is not OP, he is just not as dumb as the other three heroes, compared to several characters even a retard like you should remember he is far weaker.
>Why do we need the other 3 again?
Because you are too dumb to actually pay attention to what happened.
Finally, an onee-san birb
When does Raphtalia finally get cucked it's all I'm here for
Thank Christ
All the thighs and breasts you could want.
Am I chuu2 if I really like the Curse shields chants?
The stuff for Iron maiden and Blood sacrifice was absolutely my kind of thing, I love some nice chants in my media.
Yup sadly I can see this happening. Why the fuck do they keep shoehorning this in?
The cliffhanger is kinda meh.
There no way he's going to die with four more episodes to go.
raphtalia wins 3 times over, it gets multi universal
>He's going to stop the execution.
Nah. The moment bitch wanted to sweet-talk her way to him, he automatically yelled to execute her. The queen however gave him a better proposition to that, so he went with calling Bitch a Bitch and Trash King Trash on top of the two loosing any power and influence they had.
Yeah, in the LN.
The anime can fuck it up like they did before.
Unlike Myne, Beretta Jaguar is actually entertaining.
wasnt two yanderes who killed him?
>literally three episodes in one setting
>she sees your dick
Please step on me
Queen doujins when?
El demonio del semen.
I watch shit adaptations so i can decide if i enjoy the story enough to buy a badly written light novel series.
If a story is good enough to entertain me despite the adaptation then i am certain that i'll enjoy the books.
Next comiket hopefully
This basically redeemed the episode for me
Also does somebody have an extended version of the song that plays when queen steps in with her ice magic?
The fag who made the ost
pic related
Based guy.
He even owns a Nanashi plush.
What a man of culture
Shield is just as retarded, her just lucks out because when he does something stupid it gets considered a good thing even if he's doing the exact same thing the other heroes are or will do.
That's a cute plushie
It is, and it's very soft and the quality is pretty good too.
It was also cheap too.
I wish they could make one of Raphtalia too.
I saw pictures of some Filo ones but not of Raphtalia strangely enough
The haremshit already started.
Not gonna happen. MC is too much of an edgy asshole hypocrite to do so and they will be at fault for not believing something he said while being a dick but not realizing That they weren't bullshitting about just restarting the game if they fuck up too badly.
I suppose technically you get your wish granted of them eventually working together but it's not really satisfying if you realize that they're roughly doing the same stuff as before only NOW it's a good thing because Naofumi says to do it. And that's after an arc or two of them doing what he was doing except it's bad if they do it while it's legit if he does it.
What did she mean by this
>"Don't do that Raphtalia, if you kiss him you'll get pregnant"
>She didn't kiss him
But who would take responsibility then
Back of the knee maybe
Seven vagainas
>I'm glad it's over.jpg
This pope shit lasted too much.
>1 neck
>1 mouth
>2 armpits
>2 elbowpits
>2 kneepits
>1 main vagina
>1 poop hole
At least 10 vaginas
>"it's not like your generic isekai"
>watch, thinking I'm finally getting a good fantasy anime
>it's fucking exactly like your generic isekai
Fuck you guys
>"it's not like your generic isekai"
Said no one ever aside from some e-celebs
That's literally the standout comment on almost every review
Then complain to them, not here
That's a lot of vaginas
Nigga, even the faggots who read the source material know it doesnt bring anything new to the isekai formula
I swear to god the renaming was made for Naofumi to look more like a rat than if he had chosen the actual death penalty
So it turns out that playing the OP to get you hype for a battle doesn't work when the OP fucking sucks.
Just fart it out user
So how was the first kiss of Raphtalia?
Does in WN she get to have a kiss? if yes, then how did it occur? I would want to know the details, like where, context and when?
Does the blood sacrifice scene make anyone else fucking burst out laughing?
I know it's supposed to be shocking or whatever but it's hilarious
Just how sexually frustrated is this coon
logically speaking isn't it easier to apply the slave branding curse on their back
The optimal place is the crotch, trust me I'm a doctor
Oh no he'll need a new pair of glasses
>raising another man's child
Cuck Hero?
And There Was Much Rejoicing!
I dunno, I've met people that have basically destroyed themselves and don't understand how any of it happened.
It's less religion and more organized religion. Japan doesn't really get the Catholic Church's efforts at stamping out heresy as they observe buddhist, shinto, and christian religious practiced in more or less harmony. The idea of following one faith to the exclusion of the others is just weird.
independent priest, on the other hand, tend to be rather heroic.
I was talking about the WN, I saw some spoilers about her becoming Naofumi's wife or sth like that, so I would one to know how was her first kiss because obviously before marriage, people that begin a relationship first start dating and in dates, they kiss.
So I wanna know how was Naofumi and Raphtalia's first ROMANTIC kiss in WN...
The bigger problem is everyone in that world is incompetent.
The pope is piggybacking off of old hero weapons.
Mutant Chicken is the result of a hero being around so she only gets partial credit while bringing up the problem of not forming a massive party consisting of most of the planet to exp grind. Or even just any semi immortal race.
Raph is literally a super soldier that would have become powerful under any of the heroes while her dead friend makes lv 100 heroes look like garbage at level 2.
It's an entire planet that's too retarded to live.
Queens don't poop.
For all that world is fucked it isn't half as fucked as glass's.
She strikes me as the kind of woman who would stay loyal regardless of the circumstances with her husband. She absolutely wouldn't go out looking for fresh man meat to satisfy her urges.
That doesn't mean that she couldn't be convinced, though.
That's rather impressive considering that I barely consider the final villain to be in the wrong for wanting to feast on that planet. If she wasn't evil she could have claimed to be going deus vult and be completely justified in killing them all.
>final villain to be in the wrong for wanting to feast on that planet
No longer a thing in the LN. The masterminds in the LN are a whole world of technologically advanced assholes calling themselves gods in comparison to the "primitive" planets they clash together for shits n giggles because they're THAT bored. This was mentioned in the WN before, so it was changed to it in the LN.
I'd be down for a doujin with that artist.
That sounds like a complete waste of time when they could be using those worlds as playgrounds instead.
>Sakura actually grows while Firo stays a dumb loli.
Sakura is the best Firolial, just send her to the main universe already.
In the far past they had heroes clashing directly while they were watching as if it were a tv show.
Not bad, but would have been even better if it had been Glass.
Naofumi literally loses to everything
>Jobbed to the tRex
>Jobbed to Filo Queen
>would've jobbed to pope if queen didn't step in
>lost to fan-knife lady
Why is Sakura all grown up??
because crunchyroll has their hand in this garbage. while I didn't think it was anything but incel bait before, now it's just fucking retarded.
she has her own loli to take care of.
>He actually fell for it
I LMAO at your life user
>trash and bitch get dragged before the queen
>naofumi demands the death penalty
didn't the filolial queen say she'll literally have no choice but to kill him if he does that?
Forced blowjobs
must've gotten your facts mixed up man.
>banging Glass
ghost blowjob woo woo
Now I want to see them take on a supernatural gunslinger all of a sudden...
The first 2 episodes sure let dream about a good anime huh? I fell for it too.
the fuck
How come anime never have nigger villians? They're everyone's natural enemy irl and no one likes them.
Was that one woman from that series with orphans and demons a villain?
Sister Krone from The Promise Neverland
If she helped them in the end, was she really? Plus, she was just mentally fucked and defeated spiritually just like Isabella, doesn't count.
She still wanted to fuck over the kids, its just that going against mom was an objective they had it common
>muh religion is bad
holy fuck get off your high horse atheistcucks
I mean, let's be fair here, there's a lot of cases where religion is used as the driving force of corruption.
I had given up with the Spear hero web novel. It's fun but aside of lore it's feels pointless. Motoyasu never grows and it's sad af seeing him trying to make Firo fall for him in 30+ loops with no luck so far. It should have stopped after the Faubley arc.
Oh well, it was cute reading how Windia licks the placenta of newborn Gaelion.
If I want to start this series, does the manga leave anything important out compared to the LN?
annie are you ok
That top is some pretty modern clothing
>Firo fall for him in 30+ loops
but she doesn't even exist in most of theose loops.
Fashion advanced where it counted
Not really, but the light novel is more advanced
Its just a common trope in fantasy anime
Its a medieval sports bra
HOW THE FUCK did they heal the curse from the girls?
It took like 4 episodes to heal Raphtalia's using Naofumi's buff + high quality holy water.
Presumably the queen rescued them, she probably has enough holy water to spare
Manga does the turtle arc way better than the LN IMO.
Just like my fatapulse doujins
the three hero church isn't the only religion you can get holy water from y'know? The curse is perfectly curable (at that grade, the power of the cursed flames is something still curable conventionally), much more so if people use even as much as a (not small but not big either) fraction of the magic used to cast cathedral.
will we see fatalpulse making a small space for the shield hero girls in their next gareki?
I have read up to vol 13, is that all that are translated or do i have to wait till i am 50 to read them all because of moralfag translator groups?
Also fuck them for dragging this shit out. He should have started the Turtle arc by now.
>will we see fatalpulse making a small space for the shield hero girls
I hope not, I want that fucker far from Raphtalia
I understand, but I am not talking about where did they get the water but how it was healed so fast.
Even with Naofumi's buff it took a while to heal Raphtalia's
>moralfag translator groups
I don't think there are any currently translating the novel, so don't worry about that one. What you have to worry about though, is delays from the official translation. Vols 14 to 16 were delayed to the last three months of this year for some reason.
The tripfag probably knows the actual answer, but I'm guessing that if they are under the care of the queen she has enough resources (like skilled healers or something) to heal them fast
>I don't think there are any currently translating the novel
That was the point i was making. They all dropped it because it got "Licenced"
>Because they would get sued
Thats why you don't namefag.
Has Yea Forums slowed down as a board? How is this still up after three days?
slow threads and boards are comfy
Not anymore than usual i would say. Then again i have seen threads last week to week in the years i have been here. But that is a rareity.
We don't need to be as fast as Yea Forums.
When you said moralfag i thought you meant something else. There's chinese translations up to vol 20something, and russian tls doing 17, 14 to 16 already being done.
This board has slowed down considerably, although I'm surprised that this thread has managed to almost reach bump limit since the episode has already aired
Yea i can see why you would think i meant the other meaning of moralfag. Given the shows/books "controversal" content and the times we live in. But i was more talking about the idea of Yen Press doing what they do best. Get hold of a series that is 1/2 fan translated and take years to finish it. All the while the fan translator scene just bows down to them. And fucks off to start translating another series that they will have to drop half way in to.
We used the bump shield
but yen press isn't doing the TL?
Just checked it is not Yen Press but it is a company known for doing the same shit.
>her dead friend makes lv 100 heroes look like garbage at level 2.
Its One Peace Books. I have a couple of volumes and there are words that are outright misspelled and some sentences that hardly make sense. I didn't expect light novel translations to be high quality but they could at least check their shit before selling it.
I wonder if russian love for isekai was a result of Chernobyl
Yuki is the best. Sakura is just a reject.
>Yuki hatched from a premium egg.
>Sakura hatched from a cheap egg.
Deadpool user here
New manga chapter when?
Based deadpool poster
She's half dead from isekai AIDS and/or the slave beatings she gets but is STILL almost as powerful as final arc heroes. She never shows up in the main series but in the spinoff we see her and she is absolute OP bullshit.
So the filorial queen is an ultra cake that couldn't get laid after hundreds of years?
Firo and Sakura's growth depends on the environment they grow up in on. getting raised by motoyasu gets you sakura, raised by naofumi gives you firo. If bought by motoyasu and raised by naofumi, it's a sakura with firo's blue eyes. If motoyasu buys firo from naofumi somewhere before she becomes a queen you get a yandere firo, but the author says the naofumi from the shiltvelt arc can prevent this. And now to the onee-san sakura form, since there's no big sister figure around, she becomes one. In the 4th loop(Shiltvelt & Shildfreeden arc), it was eclaire fullfilling the role, same for loop 6(Fabuley arc). in loops 5(Melromarc arc) and 7 there was no such figure (in the 7th neither rifana or raphtalia grew quickly enough to fill the role) so sakura ended up like that.
Raised by a grumpy naofumi+ a sister figure like raphtalia or sadina gets you firo.
So Fitoria had an onee-san when she grew up and that's why she stays a loli for hundreds of years?
yeah, it's always appreciated if a show has awe-inspiring levels of world building. but from all of tate no shield passable ln world building cliches and worse shows, you pick
>hurr durr my christfags not the good guys!!
yeah like they are some total heroes in the real world
What a retarded, convoluted, meaningless mess. Why do people like this trash?
To spite you
Fitoria was one of three familiars of that one past shield hero so it works differently for her.
I can't understand why they went the "If I kill him I'll be just like him" route with Raphtalia. Just why?
I have some theories
>They want to make her a "virgin mary" character to sell more merch of her
>They don't give a shit since episode 4
Please tell me where the Mother loving god did you get the scans, I've been looking everywhere, and I can't get past chapter 21 of the manga
Please, I'm desperate
>religion is bad
Religious faggots are constantly so retarded that they don't realize that the three heroes church is a doomsday cult and the actual religion is not bad and not even portrayed as bad.
Pretty decent
don't think there's anything newer than ch 21 of the manga. and vols 2 and 3 of the LN haven't been ripped.
Probably to be a role model for little girls who are watching the show.
Doubt any would be watching since it's a late-night show.
I hate spear fag SO MUCH
Read his spin off and say that after
fuck you, he is an irredeemable piece of shit
Next you will tell me Isuki isn't so bad if you just literally give him a lobotomy.
going through all them loops no doubt he's fucking ripped. I've always wondered if the spear also changes his body's state alongside his levels and mind.
Once he recovers he becomes a nicer person.
Dont know about the WN but they're slowly getting there in the LN. About fucking time though.
Not only the spear, everyone should adapt their body accordingly to their stats.
Oh no, there's at least two loops where he recognizes his faults or ends up a decent hero without being lobotomized... that's after two other loops where he ultimately gets killed or brings the apocalypse in a purposefully accidental manner.
I meant it more as in, when he gains his memories and levels due to looping, does his body also change to reflect that at that moment?
Oh well, thread's hit bump limit, this was a nice thread all things considered.
>so after being literal hitler, a terrible person for SEVERAL lifetimes, getting killed in the process and getting other killed
>he finally after a LIFETIMES of evil, ignorant retarded shit finally decides he is BORED being an ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD CUNT and decided to be a bit less of a retarded cunt, a step closer to a normal human being
>hes okay
>he gets better
He needs to spend 10 times the time and effort to even be considered "normal" because of all the shit he has done.
I honestly, UNIRONICALLY think myne is less of a scummy person than spear fag.
At least she is evil and she admits it to herself, she manipulates and does it willingly, he takes the "responsibility" of her actions, even though she avoids punishment for a while.
Spear fag is the kind of person I detest, fucking DETEST.
The person who does evil, in the name of good. The kind of person who throws their power around without a single though about what the concequences are, how it effects or will effect people. Will it even do the "intended" good that he states he wants to do or at the very least "do no harm".
So in the end not only does he do evil and bad things, but he also, CHEATS his way out of admitting it to himself, unlike an evil person who at least doesn't claim moral high ground.
He is the tip top scum and I honestly hate him the most.
If I could sentence him to get mindrapped by eldric horrors for 100 000 years until he doesn't classify as a vegetable I WOULD.
Well I wouldn't but that's how much I hate his character.
yeah but, how did ppl get images like and did