You know what anime was the best in 2018? Well, let me tell you this: Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
Ackshually, it was Pop Team Epic
Are you upset?
No because YuriMoe was better
It was gay and boring
Get some taste
Maybe if it had been a three episode OVA. The second arc was decent as well, but after that, it became increasingly clear how shallow the show and its characters were. The last episode was also shit and terribly paced.
AOTY of 2018 was Lupin
Fuck your gay ass moe trash
Based. It feels so good to be a bunnychad.
Stop spamming these threads.
This. Fuck yorimoi. It's overrated normalfag shit.
The correct answer.
>1 min appart
sad samefagging yorispammer
Only first arc was good, after it became clear it will just be the same shit with different girls it became boring.
>no veg
>no franxx
>overlord #3
Same seething VEGetable still can't accept the true AOTYAY.
Those sereis are for memes only
why do yorifags always spam AOTY AOTY AOTY and also lists like these?
are they really that insecure?
>implying kusokawa shit has any legitimacy
How is Bunnyshit not even more normalfag?
>implying he's not a triggershit obsessively defending actual garbage just to spite violetfags
Because every single normalfag faggot e celeb didn't tout it as anime of the year. Yorimoi is most disgustingly overrated mediocrity I've ever seen.
case in point and rent free
Shows worth watching in 2018:
Hinamatsuri (AOTS)
Happy Sugar Life (AOTY 2018)
Last Period
Akanesasu Shoujo
Katrielle Layton
Kishuku Gakkou Juliet
Sword Art Online Alternative: GGO
High Score Girl
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san
Ace Attorney S2
>ESLs arguing with each other
Comedy gold.